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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Varför gick du inte vid första slaget?" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om medias rapportering om mäns våld mot kvinnor under 2020 och 2021. / “Why did you not go at the first stroke?” : A qualitative content analysis about medias reporting about men’s violence against women.

Johansson, Elin, Edström, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
The study “Why did you not go at the first stroke?” aims to examine how the media today illustrate men’s violence against women in modern day Sweden. The study is limited to two established Swedish news media and newspapers; Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Six articles were chosen based on a qualitative content analysis and analyzed using two different schedules in order to reach a result. The two schedules were produced with the theoretical framework in mind, framing theory, media logic and gender representation. The articles are chosen from 2020 to 2021, to reach up to present time and the fact that men’s violence against women as an issue has been more noticed during the corona pandemic that started in the spring of 2020. The articles are presented separately in the analysis and each connects to media logic storytelling techniques that are used; stereotyping, personation, intensification and polarization. The illustrations of men’s violence against women show that women often get portrayed as victims in this type of crime journalism. These victims always occur with name and age whereas the perpetrators who almost always stay anonymous. In the articles in this study the violence is rarely blamed on external factors. However, several articles involve people who had a previous relationship. Due to the limited material of the study, the discussion and result shows that no difference between the newspapers can be established. Some minor differences are found but not in the amount for any conclusions to be drawn.

Styrs svenska migrationsmyndigheter av heteronormativa och stereotypa föreställningar? : En queerteoretisk studie av svenska migrationsmyndigheters trovärdighetsbedömningar / Are Swedish migration authorities governed by heteronormative and stereotypical beliefs? : A queer theoretical study of Swedish migration authorities' credibility assessments

Bergvall, Vivian January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar undersöka vilka faktorer som de svenska migrationsmyndigheterna bedömer vara trovärdiga i asylberättelser hos dem som åberopat sexuell läggning som asylskäl. Utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, ett tematiskt tillvägagångssätt och med ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv ämnar studien även att hitta potentiella underliggande mönster som kan indikera på heteronormativa eller stereotypa föreställningar hos migrationsmyndigheterna. Detta analyseras utifrån sex stycken rättsfall där asylsökande åberopat sexuell läggning som asylskäl. Studiens resultat visar att de svenska migrationsmyndigheterna bedömer trovärdigheten och tillförlitligheten i den asylsökandes berättelse baserat på berättelsens detaljrikedom och personens djupa reflektioner. Vidare konstateras det att migrationsmyndigheterna gärna ser att dessa reflektioner baseras på negativa känslor såsom rädsla, skam och stigma kring sin sexuella läggning. Med en queerteoretisk applicering på resultatet konstaterar studien att det finns tendenser på heteronormativa och stereotypa föreställningar vid migrationsmyndigheternas trovärdighetsbedömningar. / The aim of this study is to investigate which factors the Swedish migration authorities consider to be credible in the asylum narratives of those who have invoked sexual orientation as ground for asylum. Based on a qualitative content analysis, a thematic approach and with a queer theoretical perspective, the study also aims to find potential underlying patterns that may indicate heteronormative or stereotypical beliefs in the migration authorities. This is analyzed based on six court cases where asylum seekers invoked sexual orientation as ground for asylum. The results of the study show that the Swedish migration authorities assess the credibility and reliability of the asylum seeker's story based on the detail of the story and the person's deep reflections. Furthermore, it is noted that the migration authorities would like to see that these reflections are based on negative emotions such as fear, shame and stigma about one's sexual orientation. With a queer theoretical application to the results, the study concludes that there are tendencies of heteronormative and stereotypical notions in the migration authority's credibility assessments.

Religionskunskapens samer : Hur och var framställs samerna och vilken plats får de?

Odell, Jon January 2017 (has links)
The purpose with this thesis is to study three theology teaching materials to analyze the Sami people involvements in these. A comparison has been made with Old Scandinavian religion since the textbooks I have studied are all placed in the same category. In the thesis, I will also investigate how the Sami and their religion is represented. I will research this from a qualitative and quantitative approach due the fact that reviews of today's learning material are limited and that teachers now have the responsibility to review this. Studies show, however, that eight out of ten teachers lack the proper time for these reviews. The theoretical approach I have used is Ninian Smarts seven dimensions of religion combined with post-colonialism. The Post-colonial theory is broad and has not been applied as a whole in this thesis, just its main concepts. These concepts are; essentialism, exoticism, stereotyping and ethnocentrism. The result from this thesis shows that you cannot for certain determine if the Sami religion has a larger or smaller presence compared to Old Scandinavian religions due to the fact that all three textbooks analyzed differ in this matter. One can also note that hints of a negative picture towards the Sami is still present judging by interpretations of certain concepts.

Uppfattningen om den naturliga integrationsprocessen : En studie om verksamhetschefers mångfaldsarbete inom privat äldreomsorg / The perception of the natural integration process : A study of unit manager’s diversity work within private elderly care

Eriksson, Sofia, Larsson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige upplever demografiska förändringar i samband med en högre invandring och en majoritet av utlandsfödda personer i Sverige arbetar inom vård och omsorg. Statistiska Centralbyrån prognostiserar för en personalbrist om 160 000 utbildade år 2035 i vård- och omsorgssektorn, vilken under de senaste åren har mottagit ett ökat antal anmälningar till DO som upprättats med etnisk tillhörighet som diskrimineringsgrund. Ökningen indikerar att chefer inom äldreomsorgen utmanas att skapa en inkluderande verksamhet, varav studien har undersökt hur chefer diskuterar kring mångfald och hur de arbetar för att inkludera detta i verksamheten. Syfte: Genom intervjuer med sex verksamhetschefer inom privat äldreomsorg ämnar studien att bidra till forskning gällande mångfaldsarbete inom äldreomsorgen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur verksamhetscheferna uttrycker sig kring mångfald och hur de arbetar med etnisk mångfald bland personalen. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod från ett realistiskt perspektiv. Den huvudsakliga empiriska insamlingen har skett genom intervjuer med verksamhetschefer på äldreboenden tillhörande två stora svenska vårdorganisationer inom privat äldreomsorg. Studien har följt en iterativ ansats vilket innebär att teori och empiri insamlats växelvis. Slutsats: Ur studien kan urskiljas att verksamhetscheferna anser sig sakna incitament för att arbeta med mångfald, vilket kan förklaras med att mångfald och integration enligt cheferna sker naturligt utan behov av deras inblandning. Ytterligare slutsats i studien är att stereotypiseringar av svenskfödd och utlandsfödd personal förekommer, där de sistnämnda tillskrivs särskilda egenskaper som anses lämpliga för vårdyrket. Vi konstaterar även en avsaknad av tydliga mångfaldsmål, en osäkerhet kring målsättning samt att existerande regelverk kan utesluta vissa personer i arbetsstyrkan. / Background: Sweden is experiencing demographic changes due to higher levels of immigration and a majority of foreign-borns in Sweden work within health and social care. Statistics Sweden predicts a personnel shortage of 160 000 qualified in 2035 in the health and social care sector, which during recent years has received an increased number of reports to the Swedish discrimination bureau due to ethnic discrimination. The increase indicates that unit managers within elderly care are challenged to create an inclusive business, whereas the study has investigated how managers discuss diversity and how they implement this in their operations. Purpose: By interviewing six unit managers from private retirement homes, the study intends to contribute to research regarding diversity work within elderly care. The purpose of the study is to investigate how unit managers discuss diversity and how they work with ethnic diversity among the personnel. Methodology: The study has been conducted with a qualitative method from a realistic perspective. The empirical data has primarily been collected through interviews with unit managers from two of the biggest actors in Swedish elderly care. An iterative approach has been applied where theory and empirical data were alternately collected. Conclusion: The study distinguishes that unit managers lack incentives for working actively with diversity. According to the managers this can be explained with the fact that diversity and integration is a natural process, without any need of top management. Another conclusion is that stereotyping of both Swedish and foreign-borns occurs, whereas the latter is perceived to have specific characteristics considered suitable for the care profession. We also discovered a lack of distinctive diversity goals, an uncertainty regarding goal setting and that existing regulations may act excluding for some individuals in the work force.

”Vad vill du ha för kaffe? Jag tar svart som mina kvinnor” : En intervjustudie om svarta kvinnors upplevelser av objektifiering / ”How would you like your coffee? Black, like my women” : An interview study about black women's experiences of objectification

Revend, Kajin January 2020 (has links)
Objektifiering är en av de vanligaste formerna av diskriminering mot kvinnor. Befintlig forskning inom ämnet är övervägande kvantitativ och har i huvudsak genomförts på vita kvinnor i en nordamerikansk kontext. Syftet med föreliggande studie var därför att undersöka svarta kvinnors upplevelser av objektifiering i Sverige. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet utmynnade i tre teman: Objektifierad – hur, var, av vem?, Att vara ett objekt och Motståndskraft. Studiens resultat visade att deltagarnas erfarenheter har skett mot bakgrund av patriarkala samhälleliga strukturer i kombination med stereotypa föreställningar och fördomar om svarta kvinnor. Den vanligast förekommande formen av objektifiering var att få utseendet granskat och utvärderat genom blickar, kommentarer eller fysisk beröring utifrån fysiska attribut som är stereotypt kännetecknande för svarta kvinnor. Deltagarna beskrev att deras erfarenheter bland annat har resulterat i en ökad vaksamhet, kroppsupptagenhet samt påverkade och förändrade relationer. Slutligen nämndes strategier för hur deltagarna hanterade de påfrestningar som objektifiering innebar. Studien understryker vikten av ökad kunskap i samhället avseende vilka faktorer som möjliggör objektifiering av svarta kvinnor. / Objectification is one of the most common forms of discrimination towards women. Contemporary research in the subject is predominantly quantitative and has mostly been done on white women in a North American context. The aim of this study was therefore to examine black women’s experiences of objectification in Sweden. Seven semi-structured interviews were performed and analyzed through thematic analysis. The result ensued in three themes: Objectification – how, where, by whom?, To be an object and Resistance. The study’s result showed that the participants’ experiences have occurred as a consequence of patriarchal societal structures, combined with stereotypical conceptions and prejudice about black women. The most common form of objectification was having one’s appearance scrutinized and valuated through looks, comments or physical touches of those physical attributes which are stereotypical features of black women. Participants expressed that their experiences have, among other things, resulted in increased watchfulness, bodily consciousness and affected and changed relations. Lastly, the participants described strategies applied to handle the strain caused by objectification. The study emphasizes the importance of increased societal knowledge in regards of which factors enable the objectification of black women.

Rekryterares upplevelse av stereotypisering inom kompetensbaserad rekrytering

Knapp Löfgren, Tilde Maria January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur rekryterare upplever positiv och negativ stereotypisering gentemot kandidater inom kompetensbaserad rekrytering. Studienbaserades på kvalitativa intervjuer med rekryterare som arbetar, eller har arbetat, inom kompetensbaserad rekrytering. Data analyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att rekryterare upplevde att chefer och kollegor haft betydelse när det kom till stereotypisering, men att även rekryterarens egna tankar spelat in. Det framkom även ett antal olika faktorer kring stereotypisering gentemot kandidater, som rekryterare upplevde. Dessa faktorer var främst konfirmeringsbias, extraversion, ålder, kön och etnicitet. För att undvika stereotypisering ansåg respondenterna i denna studie att ett tydliggjort rekryteringsramverk samt kunskap om kompetensbaserad rekrytering var viktigt. Respondenterna ansåg också att digitala hjälpmedel samt personlighets- och problemlösningstester var bra metoder för att minska risken för stereotypisering.Praktiska aspekter och förslag till fortsatt forskning diskuteras även i denna studie. / The aim of this study was to investigate how recruiters experience positive and negative stereotyping towards candidates within competency-based recruitment. The study was based on qualitative interviews with recruiters who work, or have worked, withincompetency-based recruitment. Data was analysed by an inductive thematic analysis. The result indicated that recruiters experienced that leaders and colleagues wereimportant when it came to stereotyping, but that the recruiter's own thoughts also wereimportant. A number of different factors regarding stereotyping towards candidates, that recruiters experienced, also emerged. These factors were mainly confirmation bias, extraversion, age, gender and ethnicity. In order to avoid stereotyping, the participants in this study believed that a clarified recruitment framework as well as knowledge, education and experience in competency-based recruitment was important. The participants also considered that digital aids and personality and problem-solving tests were good methods to reduce the risk of stereotyping. Practical aspects and suggestions for further research are also discussed in this study.

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