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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lifting the mask on tuberculosis : distribution of notified cases in Stockholm County 1989 to 1996

Ohlsén, Tina January 1999 (has links)
In order to investigate the distribution and burden of tuberculosis (TB) in Stockholm County during the period 1989 to 1996, a descriptive study was conducted. The TB cases registered in the central TB register during that period were studied.  Demographic profiles, geographic distribution, disease presentation and diagnosis of registered TB cases were described. During 1989 to 1996, 1022 TB cases were registered in Stockholm County accounting for 23% (1022/4487) of all TB cases in Sweden during that period.  The crude annual incidence was stable, oscillating between 7,1 and 8,1 per 100 000 population. Stratification by national origin showed a decrease of the annual incidence from 4,3 to 3,3 cases per 100 000 in the Swedish born population and an increase from 149,4 to 238,9 among the Africa borns. The overall age distribution of 1022 cases showed a bimodal pattern, peaking among young adults aged 25 to 44 years and among the elderly above 64 years. Stratification by age showed a declining trend in the age group above 64 years. In this age group the proportion of Swedish born was 85%. An increasing trend was observed in the age group 18 to 24 years. In this age group 91% were foreign born. The median age declined from 61 years during 1989 to 37 during 1996. The average annual incidence varied in the different municipalities between 1,3 (Ekerö) and 10,7 (Sundbyberg)per 100 000 population. The highest average annual incidence was found in Spånga parish. Due to an increased number of Africa born TB cases, the annual incidence in Spånga increased three-fold from 18,1 to 48,0 per 100 000 population. Nearly two-thirds (63) of the cases had pulmonary TB, 16% had lymphatic TB and 21 % had other extra –pulmonary lesions. The site of disease showed gender and ethnic differences. Lymphatic TB was more common in females, while pulmonary and other extra- pulmonary TB were more common in males. The highest proportion (42%) of lymphatic TB was found among Asian female cases compared to 4% in the Swedish male cases. Crude county incidence does not reveal geographic and ethnic clustering of TB cases. Clinical manifestations of TB vary depending on sex and ethnic differences. As being a low-incidence county, Sweden could be well suitable for TB eradication. To achieve such goal, the national TB control program need to be restructured in order to facilitate cluster oriented interventions.

Evaluating resilience in the governing process of the food strategy for StockholmCounty : Resilience from theory to practice in a qualitativestudy / En resiliensutvärdering av styrningen i processen att ta fram Stockholms länslivsmedelsstrategi

Lundgren, Elin January 2019 (has links)
To meet global challenges in food provision and to counteract environmental issues derivingfrom the food system, improved governance is necessary. Resilience is presented as a tool formanaging ecosystem services and for understanding what is required to achieve food security.In Sweden there is a national food strategy describing the continued development needed formeeting challenges in the food system. Several regional food strategies have been producedand an additional food strategy for Stockholm County is in the process of being developed byStockholm County Administrative Board. This food strategy could be of especial interest toevaluate due to Stockholm County being highly populated while having a low degree ofprimary food production. Assessing the governance system for the food strategy was ofinterests due to the large groups of stakeholders to consider in the process. The aim of thestudy was to add further knowledge on how resilience can be applied in practice by exploringthe extent of which the governance system for developing the food strategy promotesresilience. The research questions were formulated to investigate the governance system bymapping what stakeholders were involved in the process, what their responsibilities were andwhat relations existed between them. An additional research question was to test how thegovernance system promoted resilience by applying a set of principles for doing so. For collecting data, several stakeholders involved in developing the food strategy at the timeof the data collection were interviewed. Complementary data was also collected from journalarticles, books, documents provided by Stockholm County Administrative Board, websites,governmental publications and different kinds of reports. Quotes were selected to explain thefindings from the interviews, and a social network analysis was constructed to illustrate thestructure of the governance system. Another tool in the data analysis, which was also thepoint of the departure for constructing the research questions, was the resilience frameworkconsisting of a set of principles. Among these principles, five where applied for evaluating thegovernance system of the food strategy. The results were divided in two parts. The first section presents the results from performinginterviews by describing the governance system; identified stakeholders, their functions aswell as their relations. Two other themes identified from the interviews that were concludedto be important for the resulting governance system and also for the resilience evaluation were“collaboration” and “context”. Several stakeholders were identified, a few were concluded tobe more key than others as they belong to either the management group or the draftingcommittee. The stakeholders had national, regional and local responsibilities and were bothgovernmental and non-governmental organizations. The functions of the stakeholders werefor example to represent a certain part of the food system or contributing with national,regional or local knowledge about the food system. The relations among stakeholders in thegovernance system occurred between stakeholders working within the same geographicalscales and also between national, regional and local scales. In the center of the governancestructure were the management group that are to jointly decide on goals for the final strategydocument. The second part of the results constitutes the resilience evaluation, which was accomplishedby testing the results regarding the governance system (from part I) against the framework forresilience using the selected principles. These principles included maintain diversity andredundancy, manage connectivity, encourage learning, broaden participation and promotepolycentric governance. It was concluded that the governance system did follow all of theseprinciples in several aspects, but critical points were also identified. Among the positive  aspect were the positive attitude for learning among stakeholders in the governance system,the involvement of heterogenous groups interacting with one another and also themanagement group as a strong centre for decision-making. One of the main critical pointsidentified from performing the resilience evaluation suggests a few stakeholders to be lackingin the present governance system. The governance system for the food strategy had a large group of stakeholders, representingdifferent parts of the food system, including national/regional/local and governmental/nongovernmentalorganizations, interacting both within and across geographical scales. Theseaspects are important for promoting resilience according to the principles selected in thisstudy. By adding the suggested stakeholders, for example a few representatives from differentparts of the food system that was not involved in the process at the time of data collection, thegovernance system could promote resilience even more. / För att bemöta de globala problemen inom matförsörjning och miljöförstörelse som vi idagstår inför behövs styrningssystem som lämpar sig för detta. Resiliens är ett koncept som ärnära besläktat med hantering av ekosystemtjänster och som även kan bidra till ökad förståelseför vad som krävs för att uppnå en säker matförsörjning. I Sverige finns en nationelllivsmedelsstrategi som pekar ut en generell riktning för att hantera problemen inomlivsmedelssystemet. Det har även tagits fram flera regionala strategier i Sverige, ytterligare enstrategi tas nu fram av Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm. Denna strategi kommer att omfattaStockholms län och kan vara av särskild betydelse att granska då detta tätbefolkade län har enlåg försörjningsgrad av livsmedel. Styrningssystemet för strategin är relevant att granska i ochmed den stora gruppen aktörer som berörs av livsmedelsstrategin. Syftet med studien var attbidra med ytterligare kunskap om hur resiliensbegreppet kan användas i praktiken genom atttillämpa detta i livsmedelsstrategin för Stockholms län för att undersöka hur välstyrningssystemet bidrar till resiliens. Frågeställningen formulerades således för att undersökastrukturen av styrningssystemet genom att besvara vilka aktörer som ingick i styrningen, vilkaderas ansvarsområden var och vilka relationer som fanns emellan dem. Den sista delfrågan ifrågeställning handlade om att testa livsmedelsstrategins styrningssystem mot olika principersom föreslås gynna resiliens. För att samla in data genomfördes flera intervjuer med aktörer som var inblandade iframtagandet av livsmedelsstrategin under den tid då datainsamlingen ägde rum. Denna datahar även kompletterats med annat material så som vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker, dokumentsom Länsstyrelsen Stockholm bistått med, hemsidor, publiceringar från myndigheter ocholika slags rapporter. Citat användes för att understödja resultaten och en nätverksanalysgjordes för att illustrera styrningssystemets struktur. En ytterligare metod som användes föratt analysera data var ett ramverk för resiliens bestående av flera principer som bistår iutformningen av styrningssystem som gynnar resiliens. Resultaten i denna rapport har delats upp i två avsnitt. Det första avsnittet presenterarresultaten från intervjuerna och visar uppbyggnaden av styrningssystemet förlivsmedelsstrategin: vilka aktörer som var inblandade, vilka ansvarsområden de hade ochvilka relationer som fanns emellan dem. Ytterligare två teman framkom från intervjuerna,dessa ansågs relevanta för att beskriva styrningssystemet och även för resiliensanalysen.Dessa teman kategoriserades som ”samarbetet” och ”kontexten”. Flera aktörer ingick istyrningssystemet, av dessa ansågs några ha mer påverkan på styrningen genom sinmedverkan antingen i styrningsgruppen eller beredningsgruppen. I styrningssystemet fannsbåde nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer, från myndigheter såväl som från andraorganisationstyper. Aktörernas ansvarområdens grundade sig huvudsakligen i vilken del avlivsmedelssystemet de representerade och om de bistod med nationella, regionala eller lokalakompetenser. Relationerna mellan de olika aktörerna skedde både mellan aktörer som verkadeinom samma geografiska skala, men även mellan nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer. Icentrum av styrningssystemet fanns styrningsgruppen som tillsammans ska besluta om måleni strategidokumentet. Den andra delen av resultaten består av en resiliensutvärdering som testar det resulterandestyrningssystemet (del I) mot ett ramverk för resiliens genom att tillämpa några utvaldaprinciper. Dessa principer var ”bibehåll diversitet och överskott”, ”hanterasammankopplingar”, ”uppmuntra lärande”, ”bredda deltagande” och ”uppmuntrapolycentriska styrningssystem”. Styrningssystemet följde dessa principer i flera avseenden,  men det fanns också utrymme för förbättring. Bland aktörerna som ingick i styrningssystemetfanns en inställning som uppmuntrade lärande i enlighet med principerna. Gruppen aktörerbestod av olika slags organisationer som interagerade med varandra, vilket också uppmuntrasav resiliensprinciperna. Utöver detta var också kärnan av styrningssystemet, bestående avstyrningsgruppen med beslutanderätt, en annan egenskap hos styrningssystemet som gynnarresiliens. Det framgick också av resiliens-utvärderingen att ytterligare inblandning av ett antalaktörer kan vara önskvärt. Detta är en av de viktigare slutsatserna om vad som kan ändras föratt förbättra resiliensen i den nuvarande styrningen. Styrningssystemet av livsmedelsstrategin består av en stor grupp aktörer som representerarolika delar av livsmedelssystemet. Dessa är nationella, regionala och lokala aktörer, bådemyndigheter och andra slags organisationer. Relationer finns också mellan aktörer som verkarbåde inom samma geografiska område likväl som över sådana gränser. Dessa egenskaper ärviktiga för ett styrningssystem som gynnar resiliens enligt de principer som har använts i denhär studien. Genom att involvera ytterligare några aktörer, exempelvis från några delar avlivsmedelssystemet som inte fanns representerade i strategin vid datainsamlingen, kanstyrningssystemet till en ännu högre grad bidra till att stödja resiliens.

Reservvattenförsörjning i Stockholms län : en hållbarhetsanalys

Andersson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Befolkningen i Stockholms län väntas öka med omkring 445 000 personer från år 2010 till år 2030. Det ställer krav på många samhällsfunktioner, däribland dricksvattenförsörjningen. Idag försörjs mer än 90 % av länets invånare med vatten från Mälaren. Vattenförsörjningen kommer behöva anpassas efter befolkningsutvecklingen, både för att producera tillräckliga dricksvattenvolymer och för en driftsäker leverans. Vid problem med den reguljära dricksvattenförsörjningen kan vattenleveranserna säkerställas genom tillgång till reservvatten-täkter. Redan idag (2014) är reservvattenförsörjningen i länet bristfällig och behöver utvecklas för att möta även det framtida vattenbehovet. Hur stora volymer reservvatten som behöver säkerställas, och till vilka områden, beror på vilka scenarier för driftsavbrott som ska kunna hanteras. Länets vattenresurser är geografiskt ojämnt fördelade och reservvatten-behovet är större i vissa delar av länet än i andra. Det innebär att för ett effektivt utnyttjande av de tillgängliga vattenresurserna krävs samordning mellan länets dricksvattenaktörer. Därför bör alternativ till hur reservvattenförsörjningen kan förbättras tas fram och utvärderas på regional nivå.   Syftet med examensarbetet var att studera scenarier och alternativ för reservvattenförsörjning i Stockholms län, framför allt genom en hållbarhetsanalys. Alternativen togs fram baserat på resultaten av tidigare studier av länets vattentillgångar. Fyra scenarier för avbrott i den reguljära vattenförsörjningen valdes ut. Med hänsyn till dessa och utifrån en uppskattning av vattenbehovet år 2030 identifierades två alternativ för reservvattenförsörjning, A och B, som kunde klara att ersätta hela vattenbehovet. Alternativen studerades med en hållbarhetsanalys, där de jämfördes med avseende på hållbarhetskriterier inom sex huvudkategorier: Hälsa och hygien, Miljö, Ekonomi, Sociokultur, Teknisk funktionalitet samt Grad av oberoende. Alternativen skiljde sig principiellt åt genom att systemalternativ A utnyttjade andra vattenresurser än Mälaren, medan systemalternativ B var fullständigt beroende av Mälaren.   Resultatet av hållbarhetsanalysen var att systemalternativ B är mer hållbart än system-alternativ A. Det beror framför allt på att systemalternativ B presterade bättre med avseende på de ekonomiska och miljömässiga kriterierna. Dock förutsattes i hållbarhetsanalysen att reservvattenlösningarna inte behövde vara oberoende av den ordinarie dricksvattentäkten (Mälaren). Om krav hade funnits på att reservvattenförsörjningen ska vara fullständigt oberoende av den reguljära vattentäkten skulle systemalternativ B inte uppfylla kravet. Om hållbarhetskategorin Grad av oberoende inte skulle ingått i analysen hade systemalternativ B blivit överlägset mer hållbart än systemalternativ A. Utifrån analysen kan konstateras att eventuella krav på reservvattenförsörjningens oberoende av den reguljära täkten behöver diskuteras i länet. Det är också intressant att diskutera om fördelarna med avseende på övriga hållbarhetsaspekter (förutom Grad av oberoende) överväger tillräckligt mycket hos system-alternativ B för att bortse från beroendet av Mälaren, även om det är olika delar av Mälaren som utnyttjas. / The population of Stockholm County will increase by approximately 445 000 people from 2010 until 2030. This makes demands on many societal services, including drinking water supply. Today more than 90 % of the Stockholm County inhabitants receive drinking water from Lake Mälaren. An adaption of the water supply to the population growth is necessary in order to produce enough water and to ensure reliable water supply. In case of problems in the regular water sources, water supply can be ensured by the use of backup water resources. Even today (2014), the backup water supply in the county is insufficient, and needs development in order to meet also the future water demand. The volumes of backup water needed, and their spatial distribution, depend on the scenarios for disruption of the regular supply to be handled. The water resources in the county are unevenly distributed and the need for backup water is greater in some parts of the county than in others. This means that in order to ensure an efficient use of the available water resources, coordination between the county’s different drinking water actors is necessary. Therefore, alternatives for improvements of the backup water supply should be developed and evaluated on a regional level.   The aim of the master’s thesis was to study scenarios and alternatives for backup water supply in Stockholm County, mainly by the use of sustainability analysis. The alternatives were developed based on results from earlier studies of the water recourses in the county. Four scenarios for disruption of the regular water supply were chosen. In regards to these scenarios and based on an estimation of the water need 2030, two alternatives for backup water supply were identified, systems alternative A and B. The alternatives were assessed by a sustainability analysis, where they were compared based on six main categories: Health and hygiene, Environment, Economy, Socio-culture, Technical robustness and Magnitude of independence. The alternatives were principally different in that systems alternative A included exclusively other water resources than Lake Mälaren, while systems alternative B was fully dependent on Lake Mälaren.   The result of the sustainability analysis was that systems alternative B is more sustainable than systems alternative A. This is mainly due to the fact that systems alternative B had a better performance in terms of the economic and environmental criteria. However, in the sustainability analysis it was assumed that the backup water systems did not have to be independent of the regular water source (Lake Mälaren). If there would have been a requirement of the backup water supply to be fully independent of the regular water supply, then systems alternative B would not have been qualified. If the sustainability category Magnitude of independence would not have been included in the analysis, then systems alternative B would have been far superior to systems alternative A. From the analysis it is clear that possible requirements of independency of the backup water supply from the regular water supply, need to be discussed in the Stockholm County. It is also interesting to discuss whether the advantages in terms of the other sustainability aspects (besides Magnitude of independence) are large enough for systems alternative B to motivate a disregard of the dependency of Lake Mälaren, which however uses different parts of Lake Mälaren.

Miljöledningssytem : Som att få körkort på endast teoriprovet? / Environmental management system : Like receiving drivers licence on theory exam only?

Wickström, Joel, Ryberg, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
There is extensive research about environmental management system present today. Mainly focused on the private sector and research about how environmental management system within the public sector has not been conducted in the same extent. To contribute with increased knowledge in this area we have conducted a case study about Stockholm county and its work with environmental management system. The study shows amongst other things that environmental management system could lead to positive effect on the environmental work. Though it does not automatically lead to a well preformed environmental work, the content of the environmental management system is what seems to most important.

Increased Salinity of Drilled Wells in Stockholm County – analysis of natural factors.

Bleppony, Rueben Arnoldz January 2013 (has links)
Almost 50 % of drinking water in Sweden comes from aquifers. The sustainability of groundwater resources in Stockholm County is threatened by increased salinity although most of the drinking water comes from Lake Mälaren. For a region known to be located within the areas covered by seawater after the last glaciation, the health and socio-economic development of the county is in a balance as development plans are challenged by high risk of salt groundwater. It is therefore important to know the extent and spread of salinity within the areas and the factors that correlate well with the salinity in the first attempt to study the risk of the areas to high salt content of groundwater. This paper looks at the distribution of salinity within the county and analyses the correlation between salinity and several natural factors. Using well co-ordinates and chemical data (compiled by Stockholm County Administration), and digital topographical, geological and land use data (from SGU and Swedish Land Survey), it is possible to project and visualize wells and salinity over the area, spatially develop and extract natural factor values to respective wells based on their co-ordinates, and finally perform statistical analyses on a resultant well attributes table, with the aid of Surfer, ArcGIS and Statistica Software. Results showing the spatial distribution of wells’ salinity and graphs of variance between the salinity of wells and respective natural factors of topography, depth, predominant soil cover, land use and distance from the sea, are further discussed.

Planning Green Infrastructure and Nature-based Solutions in Stockholm County : An Analysis of Comprehensive Plans since 2010 of 26 Municipalities

Pu, Yuxin January 2022 (has links)
Bringing nature back to cities to counteract the negative impacts of rapid urbanization has resulted in a series of greening terms coined by multidisciplinary scholars to emphasize the importance of natural areas and green environment in developing cities. Green infrastructure and nature-based solutions are popular scientific terms that are used to describe planning interventions for naturalization cities, but most of their studies still focus on academic literature, lacking attention to municipal plans. This study aims to identify terms related to green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in planning, analyze how these terms are used and varied in the municipal comprehensive plans in Stockholm County, and explore if the socioeconomic factors and context of these municipalities correlate to any variation. The study used systematic mapping literature and personal communication with planners to identify the relevant terms of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, in order to carry out quantitative and qualitative analyses of the identified terms in the comprehensive plans of the municipalities in the county using NVivo and SPSS. The quantification analyses show that the integration of these terms varies significantly among municipalities even though the number of terms grows over time; however, this variation does not follow or correlate to any socioeconomic factors that characterize the municipalities. There are also differences between municipal plans in terms of definitions, functions, and other categories of content about the use of the terms. Regional plans are found to impact narrowing these differences significantly. Thus, regional authorities are suggested to publish the core principles on these terms to ensure the consistency of understanding among municipalities. Furthermore, a diagram of these terms showing how they are currently related to each other in most of the plans is concluded as a basis for future cross-municipal and intra-regional conversations. Future studies are recommended to focus on green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in detailed plans and green plans for implementation and a deeper understanding and to have more interviews with the planners for supporting planning practices of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in cities.

Is local climate change adaptation [CCA] inclusive for/adapted to everybody? : A qualitative study and intersectional analysis of local CCA within Stockholm County / Är klimatanpassning anpassad för alla? : En kvalitativ studie och intersektionell analys av klimatanpassning i Stockholms län

Mattsson, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Stockholm County is currently implementing climate change adaptation, making it essential to distinguish the priorities being made. Previous research has suggested that social dimensions of climate change adaptation in cities, especially in the Global North, are largely ignored. Therefore, this thesis aims to identify how social dimension issues of current local Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] in Stockholm County is perceived by CCA-practitioners and provide an overall understanding of how current local Climate Change Adaptation [CCA] materializes in Stockholm County. Five civil servants working as environmental planners/strategists were interviewed and part of a semi-structured interview study, which was analyzed through thematic analysis and an intersectional framework. The results suggest that current local CCA prioritizes specific climate hazards (Floods and different erosion- related hazards), certain buildings (new developments), and certain evaluations (technical). In addition, heatwaves, existing built environments, and social dimension assessments were shown to be of less focus in current local CCA. The results from the intersectional franmework showed that specific identity categories are considered in certain climate hazards, specifically in heatwaves that have clear health outcomes compared to the other hazards. It also shows that gender seems to be the least explored identity category of vulnerability in current local CCA-practice. / Stockholms län genomför för närvarande klimatanpassnings-åtgärder, vilket gör det viktigt att urskilja hur det tar sig i uttryck. Tidigare forskning har signalerat att sociala dimensioner klimatanpassning av städer, särskilt i det globala Nord, i stort sett har ignorerats. Därför syftar denna uppsats till att ge en övergripande förståelse för hur klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län tar sig i uttryck och vilka sociala perspektiv bedöms relevanta verksamma tjänstemän inom klimatanpassning. Uppsatsen hade två forskningsfrågor: 1) Enligt tjänstemän som arbetar med klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län, vad prioriteras och vad prioriteras inte inom nuvarande klimatanpassnings-praxis för en klimatrisk, och varför? 2)Enligt tjänstemän som arbetar med klimatanpassning inom Stockholms län, vem anses vara sårbar inom klimatanpassning, och var inom nuvarande klimatanpassnings-praxis tas det i åtanke? Uppsatsen har förlitats sig i stort på intersektionalitet som ett analytiskt verktyg och som vägledning i en litteraturstudie. Eftersom klimatanpassning utförs inom fysisk planering av kommunen, har fem tjänstemän som arbetar som miljöplanerare eller miljö-strateger intervjuats i en semistrukturerad intervjustudie. Materialet har analyserades genom tematisk analys. Den tematiska analysen gav tre typer av teman, där en viss prioritering kunde urskiljas. Resultaten tyder på att nuvarande klimatanpassning prioriterar specifika klimatrisker (översvämningar, ras och skred), vissa byggnader (ny bebyggelse) och vissa utvärderingar (tekniska). Dessutom visade resultatet på att värmeböljor, befintliga miljöer och bedömningar av sociala dimensioner är av mindre vikt och fokus inom klimatanpassning. Den tematiska analysen gav även ett fjärde tema kallat Sårbarheter. Under detta tema, presenterades hur sårbarheter inför klimatförändringar uppfattas av de intervjuade tjänstemännen och de angivna sårbarheterna analyserades med ett befintligt intersektionellt ramverk. Resultaten från den intersektionella analysen visar att specifika identitetskategorier beaktas mer i vissa klimatrisker, till exempel vid värmeböljor som har tydliga hälsokonsekvenser jämfört med andra extrema väderhändelser. Den visar också att kön är den minst utforskade i dagens klimatanpassnings- praxis i Stockholms Län.

Folkbibliotekets nya roll i det digitala bibliotekets epok: : om e-böcker, Internetbaserade ljud- och talböcker och förbättrad tillgänglighet till folkbiblioteken i Stockholms län / The New Role of the Public Library in the Digital Era: : on e-books, Internet-based audiobooks and changed accessibility at Public Libraries in Stockholm County

Negussie, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
The digital era has led to technical advances that have transformed the role of the public library from being a place that is used only through physical visits and material, into also being a virtual space that can be accessed by users from outside the library through Internet-based access to e-media such as e-books and streamed or downloadable audiobooks. The aim of this study is to examine how the role of public libraries in Stockholm County has changed in the process of developing into digital libraries: how this has affected their organisation, work methods and strate- gies, as well as their accessibility. The theoretical framework of the study draws on Michael K. Bucklands theory of information accessibility, which is based on six factors of access that are determined by different types of barriers. The methodology is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Primary data was gathered through an empirical survey, which consisted of a structured questionnaire distributed to most of the public libraries in Stockholm County and semi-structured interviews with selected librarians and experts for further in-depth understanding. Secondary data in the form of literature and documents were used to inform the study conceptually and theoretically. The results indicate that the digital library has led to increased accessibility of public libraries in Stockholm County supported by the existence of a broad range of e-media types for different types of user such as e-books and streamed or downloadable audiobooks. The use of digital resources has increased significantly amongst users in recent years, which has also resulted in new work methods concerning information- and knowledge mediation in order to make these available. While the digital library has resulted in improved accessibility, the research also confirmed various types of barriers, such as technical difficulties and varying levels of resources to respond changing demands. The research was undertaken for a two-year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Exploring Stockolm’s Spatial Capital in Relation to Sustainable Development : a quantitative study on the impact of geographical proximity on education and income

Karström, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine if the theoretical concept of spatial capital explains the distribution of the human capital and high incomes in an urban region using Stockholm county as an empirical example. The spatial capital theory suggests that geographical proximities can explain social and economic distributions in urban regions and is divided into two subcategories;position and situation capital where the former measures the geographical proximities to urban environments and cultural amenities and the latter measures to proximities to public transportation alternatives. The study was conducted using proximity analysis performed with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in QGIS, and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis performed in SPSS. Human capital and high incomes were chosen as dependent variables due to their relevance to sustainable development, especially in regards to urban economics becoming more knowledge-based. Spatial capital was operationalized into five variables of measuring geographical proximities; distance to central business district (CBD), distance to regional urban cores, distance to nearest amenity, distance to nearest railway, and distance to nearest bus stop. The human capital was operationalized as tertiary education and income was measured as taxable earned income. All results demonstrated statistically significant effects on the dependent variables. Proximity to central Stockholm was the strongest explanatory variable regarding the distribution of human capital and high incomes in Stockholm county. When excluding this variable, distance to railways was proven to have the strongest effect on the distributions. The conclusion was that the spatial capital theory explains that the distance to central Stockholm and distance railways are the strong predictors for how human capital and high incomes are distributed in the county. The robustness of analysis and the empirical findings’ meaning in the context of regional planning in Sweden wasthen presented and discussed.

Kommunala markanvisningar i Stockholms län : En jämförelse mellan elva kommuner mellan åren 2015-2017 / Municipal Land Allocations in Stockholm County : A Comparison Between Eleven Municipalities Between the Years 2015-2017

Axelsson, Birger January 2018 (has links)
En kommunal markanvisning kan liknas vid ett OPS-liknande förhållande mellan kommun och bostadsutvecklare, där den senare kan betraktas ha en option att få köpa kommunal mark. Arbetet undersöker och analyserar de olika processer som leder fram till att bostadsutvecklare får tillgång till mark via kommunala markanvisningar i Stockholms län. Studien undersöker dels ett kommunalt perspektiv, vilket behandlar själva tilldelningen av mark. Därutöver undersöks också bostadsutvecklarnas perspektiv, vilket behandlar olika företags tilldelningar. Studien innefattar en litteraturstudie, en innehållsanalys utifrån ett unikt dataset som baseras på sekundärdata från kommuner, samt hypotesprövning med hjälp av chi-två-test. Litteraturstudien undersöker markanvisningar i en historisk kontext, därefter hur markanvisningsprocessen betraktas idag både ur ett nationellt och ett internationellt perspektiv. Sekundärdata till innehållsanalysen består av information kring samtliga tilldelade markanvisningar i elva kommuner i Stockholms län mellan åren 2015-2017. Informationen är hämtad efter kontakt med kommunerna ifråga. Studien betraktar markanvisningar som direkt jämförbara observationer. Markanvisningarna är indelade i direkt- och anbudsanvisningar. Hypotesprövning med hjälp av chi-två-test har genomförts för att testa olika uppställda hypoteser om vilka typer av företag som tilldelats vilken typ av markanvisning. Studien visar att kommuner arbetar på olika sätt när de tilldelar markanvisningar. Kommuner har olika förutsättningar som utmynnar i olika arbetssätt. Anbudsanvisningar har högre markpris än direktanvisningar, vilket kan bero på olika saker. Spelregler i anbudsanvisningar är både otydliga och oförutsägbara. Otydligheten beror främst på att en stor mängd bedömningskriterier har använts i förhållande till antalet anvisningar. Oförutsägbarheten är främst ett resultat av att bedömningskriterierna har haft en tydlig viktning, med angiven poäng eller procent, i endast hälften av fallen. Pris bedöms generellt som det viktigaste bedömningskriteriet i anbudsanvisningar. Olika typer av företag är olika framgångsrika i olika typer av markanvisningar. Omsättning och börsnotering har statistisk signifikant påverkan på detta. Allmännyttiga företag tilldelas fler markanvisningar än andra, men i en historisk kontext tilldelas de som grupp färre lägenheter jämfört med tidigare decennium på sent 1900-tal. Stora företag agerar irrationellt vid anbudsanvisningar. Många bostadsutvecklare visar kortsiktigt intresse för markanvisningar, där två av tre aktörer aldrig fått någon mark. / A Swedish municipal land allocation can be regarded as an option for a developer to purchase municipal land. This study investigates and analyses the various processes that lead to the availability of land for housing developers via municipal land allocations in Stockholm County. The study examines partly a municipal perspective, which deals with the actual allocation of land. In addition, a housing developer’s perspective is investigated, which deals with different corporate allocations.  The study includes a literature study, a content analysis based on a unique dataset based on secondary data from municipalities, and hypothesis testing using chi-squared tests. The literature study investigates land allocations in a historical context, then how the process is considered today, both from a national and an international perspective. Secondary data for the content analysis consists of information about all land allocations in eleven municipalities in Stockholm County between the years 2015-2017. The information is obtained after contact with the municipalities in question. The study regards land allocations as directly comparable observations. The land allocations are divided into direct and tender allocations. Hypothesis testing using chi-squared tests has been conducted to test different hypotheses about which types of companies that get different types of land allocations.  The study shows that municipalities work differently with land allocations. Municipalities have different conditions that emerge in different ways of working. Tender allocations have higher land prices than direct allocations, which may mean different things. “Game rules” in tender allocations are both unclear and unpredictable. They are unclear because of a total use of a large amount of assessment criteria in relation to the number of land allocations. They are unpredictable because of the lack of weighted criteria, with specified points or percentages, in only half of the cases. Price is generally assessed as the most important criterion in tender allocations. Different types of companies are different successful in different types of allocations. Turnover and listing have statistically significant impact on this. Public utility companies are awarded more land allocations than others, but in a historical context, they are assigned fewer apartments compared to previous decades in the late 1900s. Large companies act irrationally with tender allocations. Many housing developers show short-term interest in land allocations, where two out of three have never been awarded any land.

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