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Inlärningsstilar - ett erkännande av olikheterWingårdh-Hallgard, Malin, Håkansson, Sara January 2006 (has links)
Ny kunskap söker människan ständigt genom hela livet. Kunskap är det vi individer tar till oss och lär oss. Sättet på vilket inlärningen sker hos elever kan variera. Alla kanske inte lär sig bäst genom dagens, än så länge vanligaste pedagogik, förmedlingspedagogik. I förmedlingspedagogiken står pedagogen för förmedling av information till eleverna och det blir ofta en envägskommunikation. Med vår uppsats vill vi hjälpa andra pedagoger och individer att få en inblick i vad inlärningsstilar innebär och vad det kan bidra med till undervisningen och till samhället. Därför har vi valt att undersöka inlärning och inlärningsstilar med fokus på de perceptuella styrkorna (sinnena). Det huvudsakliga problemområdet i denna avhandling är att ta reda på hur man kan använda inlärningsstilsanpassad undervisning i skolan och vilken inlärningsstil som föredras av eleverna i en 1:a klass. Syftet med denna uppsats är att vi vill bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen inom begreppet inlärning och hur man kan använda sig av inlärningsstilar i skolan för att uppmärksamma varje elevs individuella inlärning. Frågeställningarna vi har valt är:•Vilka skäl anger pedagogerna i undersökningsgruppen för sitt val att arbeta utifrån teorier om inlärningsstilar.•Hur arbetar elever och pedagoger i vår urvalsgrupp med inlärningsstilar i år 1? Hur kan en lektion i svenska ser ut med hjälp av inlärningsstilar i år 1?•Vilka inlärningsstilar föredrar eleverna i år 1 och varför föredrar de dem? Elever och pedagoger i den studerade klassen, kan på ett välfungerande och stimulerande sätt arbeta med inlärningsstilar. I relation till våra frågeställningar får vi utifrån våra intervjuer reda på att de visuella och auditiva sinnena är vanligast och att det är dessa arbetssätt eleverna föredrar. Vi frågade pedagogerna om man skulle kunna arbeta på samma vis inom alla ämnen? I denna fråga delar sig de intervjuade pedagogernas mening. En svarar att inlärningsstilar går att använda i alla ämnen medan en annan anser att det både kan användas i alla ämnen men kan också vara svårt att tillämpa i vissa. Om det fungerar så här bra inom svenskan, borde man väl alltid kunna använda inlärningsstilar! Påpekar Lisa. Men räcker då tiden till? Det är något som pedagogerna ser som ett stort hinder, tiden. Upplägget inför lektionen med inlärningsstilar tar tid och det gör även tillverkningen av material. Det kan också vara svårt att hitta övningar som passar varje elevs enskilda behov. / AbstractLearning styles - a recognition of differences by Sara Håkansson and Malin Wingårdh-Hallgard. This survey acts about students' learning through learning styles. The main problem area in this dissertation is to find oute how persons can used learning style tailored education in the school and which learning style are preferred of the students in a 1: a class. The aim with this essay is that we wants to contribute to the knowledge development within the concept learning and how one can use learning styles in the school in order to notice each pupil's individual learning. The issues we have choosen is:• Which reasons state the educationist in the survey group for its choice to work on the basis of theories about learning styles?• How works students and educationits in ouer selection group with learning styles in year 1? How can a lesson in Swede sees out with the aid of learning styles in year 1?• Which learning styles prefer the students in year 1 and why prefers the them? The survey's implementation builds on observations and qualitative interviews with 21 students, two educationists in a first class and a preschool teacher on the same school. We have also used different theorists and their theories, as Dunn & Dunn, Gardner and Piagets, and the theory Human Dynamics. The most important results are that the learning happens individually for each pupil and that educationists strives after letting the students find possibility to use their best perceptuel strength (minds) in order to faith through the the different learning styles. The shows itself that most off the students know himself most home with the visualy and auditory and seems to work on the basis of these strength.
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UN Transitional Administrations: enjoying immunity or impunity? : A legal study on UN Transitional Administrations and their post-colonial impact on victims’ access to justiceTomsson, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
United Nations peacekeeping forces and operations, have long had a history of crimes against civilians by its personnel, not least concerning crimes of sexual exploitation and abuse. While human rights violations are grave despite their origin, there is a specific element of impunity and distrust when the same people who comes to ‘protect’, are the same people who become perpetrators. In this sense, it is notably interesting and important to examine victims’ rights to access justice when crimes have been committed by UN Personnel. The primary aim is to explore to what extent the fore-mentioned victims have the possibility to access justice within the legal system of UN Transitional Administrations. These UN operations are chosen since it is particularly important to examine the extent to which victim’s may access justice when the UN exercises governmental powers and acts as a quasi-state. An underlying aim is to explore how the eventual inconsistencies within this system may be colored by postcolonial tendencies. In this sense, the study is conducted through a doctrinal method with a postcolonial perspective, examining the normative aspects of law in the light of a critical lens. The legal basis and the legal obligations of UN Transitional Administrations are compared to the International Standard on Victims’ rights and evidence on how victims’ rights to access justice is practiced within these administrations. Finally, the aim is to evaluate the result of this analysis from the standpoint of postcolonial theory.
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Användningsområden, styrkor och utmaningar med metoden livscykelanalys: en fallstudie på ett tilvlerkande stålföretagEngblom, Fredrik, Brodén, Julia January 2022 (has links)
There has been a rise in greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution. Today the steel industry is one of the industries with the highest emissions of greenhouse gas and impact on the climate. To identify and handle the environmental impact from products and processes, industries can adapt a life cycle perspective, which enables the use of the life cycle assessment method. The purpose of this study was to examine how the result of a life cycle assessment can be used, communicated, and affect future decisions in a steel company, furthermore, to identify challenges and strengths with the method life cycle assessment. This study was performed as a case study. The purpose of the study was answered by a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The study's scientific approach was abductive which enabled the writers to go back and forth between theoretical and empirical research. Sources for data collection consisted of primary and secondary data. The primary data collection consisted of mapping the processes for two bars and one hollow bar, identification of product recipe for all products, gathering of data from the computer program GaBi, interviews and observations. Secondary data was collected from scientific articles and other published literature, which was used in the theoretical framework to support discussions and analysis regarding the study's research questions. The results of the life cycle assessments showed that mining and processing of raw materials contributed with the greatest emissions of greenhouse gases. In the study's chapter for analysis and discussion the theory was set against the result, to examine which areas of uses, communication opportunities, challenges and strengths that were linked to the method life cycle assessment. The analysis of the theoretical framework and the result of the study showed that a life cycle assessment has many areas of use, the respondents, however, did not have knowledge of all of them. Regarding communication of a life cycle assessment, scientifical sources, other publications and the results from the interviews showed that life cycle assessments should be communicated, however, difficulties arose in finding sources that dealt with how the results should be communicated. It was evident from the study that the biggest challenge with the method life cycle assessment were the data collection phase and choice of demarcation. Strengths with the method were, among other, the opportunity to identify what measures to prioritize to lower greenhouse gas emissions and to strengthen the marketing credibility. The conclusion ends with a presentation of suggestions for improvements, the study’s restrictions and suggestions for future studies.
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Hierarchical Control of Simulated Aircraft / Hierarkisk kontroll av simulerade flygplanMannberg, Noah January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the effectiveness of employing pretraining and a discrete "control signal" bottleneck layer in a neural network trained in aircraft navigation through deep reinforcement learning. The study defines two distinct tasks to assess the efficacy of this approach. The first task is utilized for pretraining specific parts of the network, while the second task evaluates the potential benefits of this technique. The experimental findings indicate that the network successfully learned three main macro actions during pretraining. flying straight ahead, turning left, and turning right, and achieved high rewards on the task. However, utilizing the pretrained network on the transfer task yielded poor performance, possibly due to the limited effective action space or deficiencies in the training process. The study discusses several potential solutions, such as incorporating multiple pretraining tasks and alterations of the training process as avenues for future research. Overall, this study highlights the challanges and opportunities associated with combining pretraining with a discrete bottleneck layer in the context of simulated aircraft navigation using reinforcement learning. / Denna studie undersöker effektiviteten av att använda förträning och en diskret "styrsignal" som fungerar som flaskhals i ett neuralt nätverk tränat i flygnavigering med hjälp av djup förstärkande inlärning. Studien definierar två olika uppgifter för att bedöma effektiviteten hos denna metod. Den första uppgiften används för att förträna specifika delar at nätverket, medan den andra uppgiften utvärderar de potentiella fördelarna med denna teknik. De experimentella resultaten indikerar att nätverket framgångsrikt lärde sig tre huvudsakliga makrohandlingar under förträningen: att flyga rakt fram, att svänga vänster och att svänga höger, och uppnådde höga belöningar för uppgiften. Men att använda det förtränade nätverket för den uppföljande uppgiften gav dålig prestation, möjligen på grund av det begränsade effektiva handlingsutrymmet eller begränsningar i träningsprocessen. Studien diskuterar flera potentiella lösningar, såsom att inkorporera flera förträningsuppgifter och ändringar i träningsprocessen, som möjliga framtida forskningsvägar. Sammantaget belyser denna studie de utmaningar och möjligheter som är förknippade med att kombinera förträning med ett diskret flaskhalslager inom kontexten av simulerad flygnavigering och förstärkningsinlärning.
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En studie av skador hos stolar från renässansen 1560-tal till biedermeier 1850-tal. : Ett arbete om sambandet mellan konstruktion, material och skadebild.Brolin Nord, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Through the selection of six representative typical Swedish chairs from each era, I present manufacturing techniques and how the craftsmanship has affected the style of the chairs over time. My main source material is the objects themselves. I chose to analyze the constructions and what can distinguish them apart in techniques, material choices, aesthetics and design. The main part of my work has been to find out what are the most occurring damages and its causes. Most damages from renaissance to biedermeier can be linked to the mortise joint. Through interviews with experienced conservators and with my own experiences as a cabinet maker and conservator, I discuss the concept of the ultimate chair design in terms of stability. I have come to the conclusion that the most solid chair is the eight to twelve framed chairs from the Renaissance, but the chair must be adapted to the intended use.
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