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Ämnesspråket – en del av undervisningen : En kvantitativ studie om hur valet av arbetssätt påverkar inlärningen av ämnesrelaterade ord i årskurs 3. / Subject-Specific Language - An Integral Part of Instruction : A Quantitative Study on How Instructional Approaches Impact the Learning of Subject-Related Vocabulary in Grade 3.Klinac, Lejla January 2023 (has links)
Svenskämnets huvudsakliga fokus är inriktat på språket men det kan ifrågasattas om även de övriga skolämnena bör ha samma fokus. Elever lär sig nya ord och begrepp inom alla ämnen i skolan men det är inte självklart att eleverna får tillräcklig förberedelse för detta. Syftet med denna studie är att bida med kunskap om hur ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt kan påverka inlärningen av ämnesrelaterade ord. Genom att låta eleverna genomföra ett ordtest utan ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt och ett ordtest med ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt tydliggörs det om och på vilket satt ett sådant arbetssätt kan påverka inlärningen. Resultatet från studien visar att ett språkutvecklande arbetssätt gynnar elevernas inlärning av nya ord och begrepp. / The main focus of the Swedish subject is language-oriented, but it can be questioned whether the same focus should be applied to other subjects in school as well, Students learn new words and concepts in all subjects, but they may not receive adequate preparation for this. This study aims to explore how a language-focused approach can affect the learning of subject-related vocabulary. By conducting vocabulary tests with and without a language-focused approach, we can determine if and how such an approach influences learning. The results show that a language-focused approach benefits most students in learning new words and concepts.
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Fitting Statistical Models with Multiphase Mean Structures for Longitudinal DataBishop, Brenden 13 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Towards Musicking in a Public Sphere : 1-3 year olds and music pedagogues negotiating a music didactic identity in a Swedish preschoolWassrin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores alternative ways of staging music in preschool. The ‘preschool subject of music’ is approached as a social and cultural construct that is embedded in discursive negotiations. Participants in the study are 1-3 year-old children and their music pedagogues, working in the preschool on a daily basis. In three studies, the negotiation of a local music ‘didactic identity’ is examined by answering research questions related to three different discursive levels: (i) the micro-level of face-to-face interaction; (ii) the level of pedagogue’s conceptions; and (iii) the political/societal level. Study I examines the participants’ use of semiotic resources in their co-construction of musicking events. By means of micro-analyses of video-recordings it is shown that mobility in the room is essential for the children’s access to instruments and other artefacts, and for their possibility to influence music activities. Other crucial conditions concern the pedagogues’ responsive uptake and improvisatory approach, and that the activities are open to other forms of expression. Study II explores conceptions of the ‘child’ and conceptions of ‘music’ in four music pedagogues’ talk in a group interview. Different conceptions of the ‘child’ are seen to interrelate with certain ontological and functional conceptions of ‘music’ that involve diverse opportunities for children’s (bodily) agency. This analysis is made by means of discursive psychology. Study III examines the music practices from a political and philosophical perspective, using Hannah Arendt’s concept of the ‘public sphere’. This third perspective shows how this preschool’s music practices create a public sphere by seriously putting into practice equality and plurality as values and principles that increase the equality between children and adults. Age power structures are thereby challenged, and the children can be seen as citizens in the ‘here and now’, and not in some distant future when they are grown-ups. Also, the ‘preschool subject of music’ itself becomes a negotiated issue. Implications for preschool practice and preschool teacher education are discussed, and further research is suggested within other educational areas regarding how pedagogues’ interpretations of the concept of ‘children’s participation’ and ‘influence’ impact on specific preschool subjects, such as music. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press.</p>
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Study of dementia and cognitive decline accounting for selection by death / Prise en compte de la sélection par le décès dans l'étude de la démence et du déclin cognitifRouanet, Anais 14 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de développer des outils statistiques pour l'étude du déclin cognitif général ou précédant le diagnostic de démence, à partir de données de cohorte en tenant compte du risque compétitif de décès et de la censure par intervalle. Le temps de démence est censuré par intervalle dans les études de cohortes car le diagnostic de démence ne peut être établi qu'à l'occasion des visites qui peuvent être espacées de plusieurs années. Ceci induit une sous-estimation du risque de démence à cause du risque compétitif de décès : les sujets déments sont à fort risque de mourir, et peuvent donc décéder avant la visite de diagnostic. Dans la première partie, nous proposons un modèle conjoint à classes latentes pour données longitudinales corrélées à un événement censuré par intervalle, en compétition avec le décès. Appliqué à la cohorte Paquid, ce modèle permet d'identifier des profils de déclin cognitif associés à des risques différents de démence et de décès. En utilisant cette méthodologie, nous comparons ensuite des modèles pronostiques dynamiques pour la démence, traitant la censure par intervalle, basés sur des mesures répétées de marqueurs cognitifs. Dans la seconde partie, nous conduisons une étude comparative afin de clarifier l'interprétation des estimateurs du maximum de vraisemblance des modèles mixtes et conjoints et estimateurs par équations d'estimation généralisées (GEE), couramment utilisés dans le contexte de données longitudinales incomplètes et tronquées par le décès. Les estimateurs de maximum de vraisemblance ciblent le changement individuel chez les individus vivants. Les estimateurs GEE avec matrice de corrélation de travail indépendante, pondérés par l'inverse de la probabilité d'être observé sachant que le sujet est vivant, ciblent la trajectoire moyennée sur la population des survivants à chaque âge. Ces résultats justifient l'utilisation des modèles conjoints dans l'étude de la démence, qui sont des outils prometteurs pour mieux comprendre l'histoire naturelle de la maladie / The purpose of this work is to develop statistical tools to study the general or the prediagnosis cognitive decline, while accounting for the selection by death and interval censoring. In cohort studies, the time-to-dementia-onset is interval-censored as the dementia status is assessed intermittently. This issue can lead to an under-estimation of the risk of dementia, due to the competing risk of death: subjects with dementia are at high risk to die and can thus die prior to the diagnosis visit. First, we propose a joint latent class illness-death model for longitudinal data correlated to an interval-censored time-to-event, competing with the time-to-death. This model is applied on the Paquid cohort to identify profiles of pre-dementia cognitive declines associated with different risks of dementia and death. Using this methodology, we compare dynamic prognostic models for dementia based on repeated measures of cognitive markers, accounting for interval censoring. Secondly, we conduct a simulation study to clarify the interpretation of maximum likelihood estimators of joint and mixed models as well as GEE estimators, frequently used to handle incomplete longitudinal data truncated by death. Maximum likelihood estimators target the individual change among the subjects currently alive. GEE estimators with independent working correlation matrix, weighted by the inverse probability to be observed given that the subject is alive, target the population-averaged change among the dynamic population of survivors. These results justify the use of joint models in dementia studies, which are promising statistical tools to better understand the natural history of dementia
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Att arbeta med faktatexter i en flerspråkig klassrumskontext / To work with factual texts in a multilingual classroom contextLarsson, Sofie, Karlsson, Agnes January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med ökad kunskap om lärares arbete med faktatexter i flerspråkiga klassrumskontexter. I studien undersöks därför hur två lärare strukturerar textarbetet i momentet ekonomi i samhällskunskap, vilka olika sätt att förhålla sig till en text som möjliggörs för eleverna genom de två lärarnas sätt att ställa frågor och tala om texten i undervisningen, samt hur lärarna i undervisningen stöttar elevers användning och förståelse av ämnesspecifika ord och begrepp. I studien antas ett receptionsteoretiskt perspektiv på läsande, där det i interaktionen mellan läsare och text anses ske meningsskapande möten. Vidare antas i studien ett sociosemiotiskt perspektiv, som ger språkvetenskapliga verktyg för att beskriva hur lärarna skapar struktur och använder texters ämnesbegrepp i undervisningen. I diskussionen av hur lärare rör sig diskursivt mellan ett ämnesspecifikt språk och ett vardagsspråk är Vygotskijs (2001) teorier om elevers begreppsutveckling relevanta i studien. Materialet i studien består av videofilmade lektioner från två olika klasser i år 5, när klasserna arbetade med temat familjens ekonomi inom ämnet samhällskunskap. I videofilmerna fokuseras läraren i respektive klass. Materialet har transkriberats och analyserats med utgångspunkt i makrogenrer operationaliserat som läsförlopp, textrörlighetsmodellen samt idéerna om diskursiv rörlighet. Resultatet visar att lärarna, som arbetade med samma tema, hade olika sätt att strukturera sina arbeten med texten. Trots olika arbetssätt framträder dock en varierad textrörlighet i båda lärarnas undervisning. Resultatet visar också att de filmade lärarna bygger broar mellan en ämnesspecifik språkdiskurs och en vardaglig språkdiskurs genom att använda sig av olika språkliga sambandsmarkörer. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att i den lektion som består av flertalet av läsförloppets sekvenser visas variation i fler typer och dimensioner av textrörlighet och dessutom används fler sambandsmarkörer, jämfört med i den lektion som består av ett färre antal av läsförloppets sekvenser.
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Att tänka geografiskt i en digital undervisningsmiljö : En studie av högstadielärares kunskapsbas och användning av digitala verktyg i geografiundervisningen / Geographical thinking in a digital teaching and learning environment : A study of secondary teachers' knowledge base and use of digital tools in geography educationNilsson, Sofie January 2021 (has links)
This compilation licentiate thesis focuses on geography teaching in a digital teaching and learning environment in the Swedish secondary school. Departing from a subject-didactic perspective, the aim was to explore the relation between teachers’ knowledge base, choices and usage of digital tools and geography teaching. The preconditions to develop students geographical thinking has been of specific interest. The thesis consists of two joint studies: a regional survey (n=47) and a case study based on workshops. The results from the first study formed a basis for the design of the second study. The study draws on theories on teachers’ knowledge base, pedagogical content knowledge and TPACK. The first study focused on teachers’ view of what secondary geography education implies in a digital teaching and learning environment. The second study explored secondary social science teachers’ curriculum thinking when constructing lesson plans containing geographical analyses with subject-specific digital tools (SSDT). The results reveal that handling geographical analysis in geography education stand out as a complex content that challenges teachers’ professional management competence. The usage of digital tools and SSDTs, such as GIS, varies. Subject specific games are commonly used in geography teaching. However, SSDTs that provide great amount of geographical data, for instance GIS, are not as commonly used. Moreover, results from the second study indicate that most participating teachers engaged in geographical thinking when planning their lessons, but there is an imbedded difficulty regarding transforming such thinking into student instructions. Also, integrating the SSDTs in the lesson plans proved to be challenging for some of the teachers. This implies developing each knowledge aspect is crucial alongside developing an integration of the knowledge aspects. / Den här studien utgår från ett ämnesdidaktiskt perspektiv och undersöker relationen mellan högstadielärares kunskapsbas, val och användning av digitala verktyg och geografiundervisning. Två delstudier ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Den första delstudien består av en regional enkätstudie med SO-lärare i årskurserna 7-9, vilken undersöker lärarnas val och användning av digitala verktyg i geografiundervisningen. Resultaten från den första delstudien gav underlag och uppslag för hur nästa delstudie skulle designas. Den andra delstudien är utformad som en fallstudie, och baseras på workshops med en grupp högstadielärare. Den fokuserar på lärares planering av undervisningen där elever får göra geografiska analyser med hjälp av ämnesspecifika digitala verktyg (ÄSDV) i syfte att utveckla det geografiska tänkandet. Studien vilar på teorier om lärares kunskapsbas, TPACK och ett geografididaktiskt forskningstema, geografiskt tänkande. Resultaten visar att geografiska analyser är ett komplext ämnesinnehåll och därmed även ett utmanande inslag i geografiundervisningen. Överlag används digitala verktyg i undervisningen men ÄSDV som innehåller stor mängd geografiska data (t. ex. geografiska informationssystem), används i markant lägre utsträckning. Studien visar även att integrationen mellan olika aspekter i lärarens kunskapsbas är central för att genomföra en undervisning som utvecklar geografiskt tänkande med hjälp av digitala verktyg.
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Hållbarhetsredovisning inom industribranschen : En komparativ kvantitativ studie av innehållet i hållbarhetsupplysning inom industribranschen mellan Sverige och USAWilliams, Marcus, Yacoub, Ghandi January 2022 (has links)
Background: Disclosure of sustainability within companies is voluntary and previous research shows that there are differences in disclosure within CSR reports that can be affected by various factors. GRI is the most used framework in the preparation of CSR reports. Although some countries use the same GRI framework, previous studies have shown that different countries' enlightenment levels as well as enlightenment information differ in sustainability. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the information in sustainability reporting within the “Industrial Industry” in Sweden and the USA. Moreover, the purpose is to make a comparison of how companies choose to report information and based on which aspects. Furthermore, the study will examine and compare the difference between the companies after their sustainability reports were prepared according to the latest GRI framework in both countries for the years 2018 and 2020. Method: The study performs a quantitative content analysis with a deductive approach to compare disclosure of sustainability information from Sweden and the USA for the years 2018 and 2020. The study examines 6 companies from each country and this resulted in 24 observations. The study's conclusions and results are presented using a t-test as well as descriptive statistics. Conclusion: The study could not determine if there are significant differences in the disclosure of sustainability reporting between the United States and Sweden for the years 2018 and 2020. The reason for this may be due to contradictions between results obtained by the study based on t-tests and descriptive statistics.
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Språkutvecklande stödstrukturer : En observations- och intervjustudie om lärares arbete med läsning i SO i åk 4–5 / Language development methods in social studies.Karlsson, Lina January 2020 (has links)
The curriculum for social studies is designed in a way where knowledge is assessed through the students’ expressive language skills. Much of the knowledge is also expected to be gained through reading. The purpose of this study is to examine what types of scaffolding teachers can create for students reading social studies nonfiction texts in grades 4–5. The study is based on observations and interviews with three teachers. The material was subsequently analysed based on characteristics in language development methods, showing that teachers do not emphasise the importance of language for learning when teaching. The results also show that students, to a small extent, are used as supporting resources for one another and that teachers themselves take up much of the talking space in the classroom. During structured oral text instruction teachers request short answers, that are evaluable rather than allowing time for interrogative and reflective discussions. The effect of the teacher centered teaching is that the students are passivate instead of challenged with cognitively demanding tasks where scaffolding can enable a potentially higher learning level.
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"Jag tyckte i alla fall att eleverna var duktiga" : Teoribildning i lärarstudenters didaktiska reflektioner i ämnet svenska / “At least I thought the pupils were good”: : Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching SwedishJohansson, Annelie January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Det här är en kvalitativ studie i syfte att undersöka hur vetenskapliga teorier synliggörs i lärarstudenters reflektioner över sin undervisning i ämnet svenska på lågstadiet. Materialet är insamlat i samband med lärarstudenters verksamhetsförlagda utbildning och består av intervjuer, observationer av undervisning och texter i form av pedagogiska planeringar. Resultatet visar att lärarkandidaters reflektioner håller en låg nivå när det gäller skoldidaktisk reflektion och att grunda sina resonemang i teorier om lärande och i professionella ämneskunskaper i svenska, även om deras undervisning håller god kvalitet. Sammantaget är min slutsats att olika metoder eller förklaringsmodeller som används inom forskning skulle kunna synliggöras i större utsträckning inom ramen för svenskkurser i lärarutbildningen. De kan dessutom användas som redskap för dokumentation av elevers kunskaper samt studenters egna skoldidaktiska reflektioner men även för det systematiska arbetet med att dokumentera elevers lärande som en förutsättning och utgångspunkt för planering av kommande undervisning, det vill säga formativ undervisning. Det skulle kunna vara ett sätt att överbrygga teori-praktikproblemet i lärarutbildningen såväl som att höja nivån av hur studenter relaterar till vetenskapliga modeller som stöd för skoldidaktisk reflektion. / Title: “At least I thought the pupils were good”: Theorisation in education students’ didactic reflections on teaching Swedish This qualitative study aimed to investigate the role of theory in education students’ reflections on their teaching of Swedish in lower primary school. The material was collected in connection with the students’ practical placements and comprises of interviews and observations. Although these prospective teachers performed well in the classroom, the study shows that the students’ didactic reflections were generally below par and inadequately founded in theories of learning or Swedish subject knowledge. The overall conclusion is that different methods or models used in research can be highlighted to a greater extent in the Swedish subject courses on the primary education program. Students may not only use such theoretical tools to document pupils’ knowledge and formulate their own didactic reflections, but these tools could also prove useful in formative teaching, that is, in systematically documenting pupils’ learning in order to plan future teaching. This could therefore be a way to bridge the theory-practice gap in teacher training as well as improve education students’ use of theoretical models in their didactic reflections.
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Une nouvelle approche pour l’identification des états dynamiques de la parcellisation fonctionnelle cérébrale individuelleBoukhdhir, Amal 07 1900 (has links)
Les parcellations cérébrales sont appliquées en neuroimagerie pour aider les chercheurs à ré-
duire la haute dimensionnalité des données d’IRM fonctionnelle. L’objectif principal est une
meilleure compréhension de l’organisation fonctionnelle du cerveau tant chez les sujets sains
que chez les sujets souffrant de troubles neurologiques, dont la maladie d’Alzheimer. Malgré
la vague d’approches de parcellations précédentes, les mesures de performance doivent en-
core être améliorées pour générer des parcellations fiables, même avec de longues acquisitions.
Autrement dit, une reproductibilité plus élevée qui permet aux chercheurs de reproduire des
parcellations et de comparer leurs études. Il est également important de minimiser la perte
d’informations entre les données compressées et les données brutes pour représenter avec
précision l’organisation d’un cerveau individuel. Dans cette thèse, j’ai développé une nou-
velle approche pour parcellaire le cerveau en reconfigurations spatiales distinctes appelées
«états dynamiques de parcellations». J’ai utilisé une méthode d’agrégation de cluster simple
DYPAC1.0 de parcelles basées sur des semences sur plusieurs fenêtres de temps. J’ai émis
l’hypothèse que cette nouvelle façon de formaliser le problème de parcellisation améliorera
les mesures de performance par rapport aux parcellations statiques. Le premier chapitre
de ce document est une introduction générale au contexte des réseaux à grande échelle du
cerveau humain. Je montre également l’importance des parcellations pour une meilleure
compréhension du cerveau humain à l’aide de connectomes fonctionnels afin de prédire les
schémas de progression de la maladie. Ensuite, j’explique pourquoi le problème de parcelli-
sation cérébrale est difficile et les différentes questions de recherche ouvertes associées à ce
domaine. Mes contributions à la recherche sont subdivisées en deux articles. Les deuxième
et troisième chapitres sont consacrés au premier article principal et à son supplément publié
dans Network Neuroscience Journal. Le quatrième chapitre représente le deuxième document
en préparation. Le cinquième chapitre conclut mes contributions et ses implications dans le
domaine de la neuroimagerie, ainsi que des orientations de recherche ouvertes. En un mot,
la principale conclusion de ce travail est l’existence de reconfigurations spatiales distinctes
dans tout le cerveau avec des scores de reproductibilité presque parfaits sur les données de
test-retest (jusqu’à 0,9 coefficient de corrélation de Pearson). Un algorithme d’agrégation
de cluster simple et évolutif appelé DYPAC 1.0 est expliqué pour identifier ces reconfigu-
rations ou «états dynamiques de parcellations» pour des sous-réseaux de départ spécifiques
(deuxième chapitre). L’analyse de ces états a montré l’existence d’un répertoire plus riche
«d’états dynamiques» dans le cas des cortex hétéromodaux (ex: cortex cingulaire posté-
rieur et cortex cingulaire antérieur dorsal) par rapport aux cortex unimodaux (ex: cortex
visuel). En outre, les résultats de l’analyse de reproductibilité ont montré que DYPAC 1.0 a
de meilleurs résultats de reproductibilité (en termes de corrélation de Pearson) par rapport
aux parcelles statiques (deuxième chapitre). Plusieurs analyses démontrent que DYPAC 1.0
est robuste au choix de ses paramètres (troisième chapitre). Ces résultats et l’évolutivité
de DYPAC 1.0 ont motivé une analyse complète du niveau cérébral. Je présente DYPAC
2.0 comme une approche au niveau cérébral complet pour fragmenter le cerveau en «états
dynamiques de parcellations». Des reconfigurations spatiales distinctes et se chevauchant ou
«états dynamiques» sont identifiées pour différentes régions du cerveau (quatrième chapitre).
Ces états ont des scores de compression prometteurs qui montrent une faible perte d’infor-
mations entre les cartes de stabilité d’état réduit et les données d’origine dans les cortex
cérébraux, c’est-à-dire jusqu’à seulement 20% de perte de la variance expliquée. Cette thèse
présente ainsi de nouvelles contributions dans le domaine de la parcellisation fonctionnelle
qui pourraient avoir un impact sur la manière dont les chercheurs modélisent les interactions
riches et dynamiques entre les réseaux cérébraux dans la santé et la maladie. / Brain parcellations are applied in neuroimaging to help researchers reduce the high dimen-
sionality of the functional MRI data. The main objective is a better understanding of the
brain functional organization in both healthy subjects and subjects having neurological dis-
orders, including Alzheimer disease. Despite the flurry of previous parcellation approaches,
the performance measures still need improvement to generate reliable parcellations even with
long acquisitions. That is, a higher reproducibility that allows researchers to replicate par-
cellations and compare their studies. It is also important to minimize the information loss
between the compressed data and the raw data to accurately represent the organization of
an individual brain. In this thesis, I developed a new approach to parcellate the brain into
distinct spatial reconfigurations called “dynamic states of parcellations”. I used a simple
cluster aggregation method DYPAC1.0 of seed based parcels over multiple time windows. I
hypothesized this new way to formalize the parcellation problem will improve performance
measures over static parcellations. The first chapter of this document is a general context
introduction to the human brain large scale networks. I also show the importance of par-
cellations for a better understanding of the human brain using functional connectomes in
order to predict patterns of disease progression. Then, I explain why the brain parcellation
problem is hard and the different open research questions associated with this field. My
research contributions are subdivided into two papers. The second and the third chapters
are dedicated to the first main paper and its supplementary published in Network Neuro-
science Journal. The fourth chapter represents the second paper under preparation. The
fifth chapter concludes my contributions and its implications in the neuroimaging field, along
with open research directions. In a nutshell, the main finding of this work is the existence of
distinct spatial reconfigurations throughout the brain with near perfect reproducibility scores
across test-retest data (up to .9 Pearson correlation coefficient). A simple and scalable clus-
ter aggregation algorithm called DYPAC 1.0 is explained to identify these reconfigurations
or “dynamic states of parcellations” for specific seed subnetworks (second chapter). The
analysis of these states showed the existence of a richer repertoire of “dynamic states” in the
case of heteromodal cortices (e.g., posterior cingulate cortex and the dorsal anterior cingulate
cortex) compared to unimodal cortices (e.g., visual cortex). Also, the reproducibility analysis
results showed that DYPAC 1.0 has better reproducibility results (in terms of Pearson corre-
lation) compared to static parcels (second chapter). Several analyses demonstrate DYPAC
1.0 is robust to the choice of its parameters (third chapter). These findings and the scalabil-
ity of DYPAC 1.0 motivated a full brain level analysis. I present DYPAC 2.0 as the full brain
level approach to parcellate the brain into “dynamic states of parcellations”. Distinct and
overlapping spatial reconfigurations or “dynamic states” are identified for different regions
throughout the brain (fourth chapter). These states have promising compression scores that
show low information loss between the reduced state stability maps and the original data
throughout the cerebral cortices, i.e. up to only 20% loss in explained variance. This thesis
thus presents new contributions in the functional parcellation field that may impact how
researchers model the rich and dynamic interactions between brain networks in health and
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