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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study cases of energy, microclimate and aeraulic simulations at district scale:  engineering and management frameworks for smarter urban development

Pinol, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
With population growth and climate change issues, cities will face social, economic and environmental challenges. They are accountable for most of the energy consumption and GHG emissions, and the building sector represents roughly 40% of the final energy consumption worldwide. Still, cities transform by renewing or creating districts, which design comes with specific engineering and management methods. Simulations tools at district scale might lead to more sustainable urban development by considering phenomena at such scale. Energy, microclimate and aeraulic simulations are performed on two study cases from real estate projects in France. This thesis investigates whether the tools allow to unlock new development strategies, and which engineering and management frameworks they require. The benefits for urban planners and architects are discussed, and the replicability of the tools is assessed. The studies also provide academic knowledge, beneficial to the actors for qualitative analyses. The energy needs and potential of energy sharing are assessed. Sensitivity analyses on design characteristics such as windows or insulation provide insight on their respective impacts on energy needs and sharing. The microclimate and heat island effects in the district are investigated, thanks to the evolution of air temperature and comfort index PET, bringing knowledge on the effects of trees and buildings. The winds within several urban plans are also simulated, providing insight on comfort in the district as well as academic experience on the relations between architecture and winds. Those studies therefore provide assessment and recommendations for the district, as well as knowledge for future qualitative and quantitative analyses. Plus, modeling and management issues and their resolutions help to construct a framework to improve the efficiency of such studies in terms of time, and therefore cost. Eventually, a simplified aeraulic study tests the engineering and management frameworks. Finally, conclusions present the design strategies and the management requirements to replicate such studies. / Med befolkningstillväxt och klimatfrågor kommer städerna att möta sociala, ekonomiska och miljömässiga utmaningar. De är ansvariga för de flesta av energiförbrukningen och växthusgasutsläppen, och byggsektorn utgör ungefär 40% av den slutliga energiförbrukningen. Ändå, transformerar städerna genom att förnya eller skapa distrikt, vilken design kommer med specifika ingenjörsmetoder och hanteringsmetoder. Simuleringsverktyg i distriktskalan kan leda till en mer hållbar stadsutveckling genom att överväga fenomen i sådan skala. Energi, mikroklimat och aerauliska simuleringar utförs på två studiefall från fastighetsprojekt i Frankrike. Denna maggisteruppsats undersöker om verktygen tillåter att låsa upp nya utvecklingsstrategier, och vilka tekniska och ledande ramar de behöver. Fördelarna för stadsplanerare och arkitekter diskuteras, och verktygets replikerbarhet bedöms. Studierna ger också akademisk kunskap som är till nytta för aktörerna för kvalitativa analyser. Energianvändningen och potentialen för energidelning utvärderas. Känslighetsanalyser på designegenskaper som fönster eller isolering ger insikt om deras respektive inverkan på energibehov och delning. Mikroklimat och ”värme ö effekter” i distriktet undersöks tack vare utvecklingen av lufttemperaturen och komfortindex PET, vilket ger kunskap om effekterna av träd och byggnader. Vindarna inom flera stadsplaner simuleras också, vilket ger insikt om komfort i distriktet samt akademisk erfarenhet av relationerna mellan arkitektur och vindar. Dessa studier ger därför bedömning och rekommendationer för distriktet, samt kunskaper om framtida kvalitativa och kvantitativa analyser. Dessutom, modellerings- och hanteringsfrågor och deras resolutioner bidrar till att konstruera en ram för att förbättra effektiviteten av sådana studier i form av tid och därmed kosta. Så småningom tester en förenklad aeraulisk studie av konstruktions- och förvaltningsramarna. Slutligen presenterar slutsatserna designstrategierna och förvaltningskraven för att replikera sådana studier.

Bostäderna som aldrig byggdes - hur parkeringskrav påverkar nybyggnation i Stockholm / The homes that were never built - how parking requirements affect new construction in Stockholm

Söderqvist, Alice January 2023 (has links)
Bostadsbristen är ett växande problem i Sveriges storstadsregioner, och har pekats ut som en av Stockholms största utmaningar. Befolkningsmängden ökar snabbt i huvudstaden och den nybyggnation som sker motsvarar inte efterfrågan, vilket orsakat en utveckling med bostadsbrist, höga boendekostnader, längre bostadsköer och ökad trångboddhet som följd. När vi nu går in i en ekonomisk lågkonjunktur som befaras förvärra denna situation är det än mer betydelsefullt att undersöka vilka faktorer som potentiellt hindrar nybyggnation av bostäder för att förstå hur dessa hinder kan överbryggas.Detta arbete syftar till att utforska en av dessa försvårande faktorer: relationen mellan parkeringskrav och nybyggnation av bostäder. Detta utreds i en intervjustudie med byggaktörer och nyckelpersoner från Stockholms tekniska förvaltningar, samt via studier av tre projekt där parkeringsfrågan varit av central betydelse för projektets genomförbarhet. Resultatet kompareras och kontrasteras gentemot tidigare forskning och Stockholms stads egna målsättningar om att öka byggtakten och bygga för alla stadens demografiska grupper, samt stadens vision av vad en hållbar stadsutveckling innebär. Studien föreslår slutligen möjliga förändringar av Stockholms parkeringsreglering som ökar möjligheterna för nybyggnation av bostäder och förtätning i enlighet med den utveckling som efterlyses i Stockholms översiktsplan.Studien indikerar att det finns regelverk och arbetssätt gällande parkeringsfrågan som försvårar den bostadsutveckling som staden efterfrågar. Parkeringskravet är en knäckfråga för bostadsprojekt i Stockholm, vilket grundar sig i att de parkeringslösningar som förespråkas av staden medför stora kostnader för byggaktören, kostnader som inte motsvarar köpviljan hos de boende. Detta är speciellt betydelsefullt då hyresrätter uppförs. Det finns också målkonflikter mellan Stockholms parkeringsreglering och flera av stadens visioner och mål. Stadens tjänstemän uppger att de inte får tillräckligt stöd att hantera dessa konflikter. Studien föreslår att parkeringsregleringen revideras för att bättre hantera dessa konflikter, och för att fylla de kunskapsluckor som finns idag. Ett hinder är att parkeringsfrågan är politiskt känslig, vilket försvårar flera av de förändringar som behöver ske för att lösa dessa målkonflikter. / The housing shortage is a growing problem in Sweden's metropolitan regions, and has been identified as one of Stockholm's biggest challenges. The population is increasing rapidly in the capital, and the rate of which new construction is taking place does not correspond to the existing demand. This has caused a development with housing shortages, high living costs, longer housing queues and increased overcrowding as a result. Now, we are entering an economic recession which is feared to exacerbate this situation. Thus, it is even more important to examine the factors that potentially hinder the construction of new housing in order to understand how these obstacles can be overcome.This work aims to explore one of these aggravating factors: the relationship between parking requirements and residential construction. This is explored in an interview study with the city's technical administrations and building operators and via a case study. The results are contrasted with previous research and the City of Stockholm's own objectives in regard to increase the rate of construction for all demographic groups, as well as the Stockholm’s vision of what a sustainable urban development implies. Lastly, possible changes to the parking requirement are proposed that increase the opportunities for new construction of housing and densification in accordance with the development called for in the Stockholm Comprehensive Plan.The study indicates that there are regulations and working methods regarding the parking issue that impede the housing development that the city requires. The parking requirement is a key issue for housing projects in Stockholm, which is based on the fact that the parking solutions advocated by the city entail large costs for the developer: costs that do not correspond to the willingness of the residents to buy. This is particularly important when rental apartments are built. Furthermore, there are goal conflicts between Stockholm's parking regulations and several of the city's visions and goals. City officials state that they do not receive sufficient support to manage these conflicts. The study suggests that parking regulations should be revised to better manage these conflicts, and to fill the knowledge gaps that exist today. One obstacle is that the parking issue is politically sensitive, which complicates many of the changes that need to be made to resolve these conflicting objectives.

A Foucauldian–Fairclaughian Discursive Analysis of the Social Construction of ICT for Environmentally Sustainable Urban Development – the Case of European Society

Bibri, Simon Elias January 2013 (has links)
ICT has become so deeply embedded into the fabric of European society – in economic, political, and socio-cultural narratives, practices, and structures – that it has been constructed as holding tremendous untapped and inestimable potential for instigating and unleashing far-reaching societal transformation, addressing key societal challenges, and solving all societal problems. It has recently been seen, given its ubiquity, as a critical driver and powerful catalyst for sustainable urban development due to its potential to enable substantial energy savings and GHG emissions reductions in most urban sectors, especially buildings. However, related to this ubiquity, there are also a lot of visions (of limited modern applicability), hopes, myths, fallacies, and oxymora, which applies for the environmental subsystem of information society where debates focus on whether ICT can advance environmental urban sustainability. There are intricate relationships and tradeoffs among the multidimensional effects of ICT for the environment that flow mostly from the use and application of ICT – e.g. energy efficiency technology - throughout the urban sphere. Regardless, the technological orientation and framing of the sustainable city and the green economy has gained dominance in European society and become prevalent in what has come to be identified or known as the discourse of ICT for sustainable urban development (ICT4SUD). The aim of this study is to carry out a critical reading of the social construction of ICT4SUD, the underlying ideology about the ICT potential in advancing environmental urban sustainability. To achieve this aim, a Foucauldian-Faircloughian discursive approach is employed to examine the selected empirical material. This approach consists of nine stages: (1) surface descriptors and contextual elements; (2) historical-diachronic dimension; (3) epistemic and cultural frames; (4) discursive constructions and discourses; (5) social actors and framing power; (6) discursive strategies; (7) discursive mechanisms; (8) political practice, knowledge, and power; and (9) ideological standpoints.As a scholarly discourse, ICT4SUD is inherently part of and influenced by economic, societal, and political structures, and produced in social interaction. ICT4SUD is thus neither paradigmatic nor value-free, but rather socio-politically situated. It is shaped by cultural frames that are conventionalized by European society and attuned to its values, and it is a matter of a pre-intellectual space where ICT and sustainability constitute salient defining factors of the dominant configuration of knowledge, institutions, and material forces of European society. Indeed, ICT4SUD is impacted by earlier representations of reality and how they were reproduced in relation to the significance of discursive constructions of ICT and sustainability issues in the broader context of European culture. Moreover, the ICT4SUD discourse plays a major role in (re)constructing the image of the ICT industry as a social actor and in defining its identity and relation with other constituents of society, in that it is relocated new roles and attributed new societal missions. The dominant framing of the reports is clearly the one advanced by the ICT industry: it is constituted into the main definer of the represented reality. Further, positioning the ICT industry as the driver of the low-carbon city/economy aids the construction of an image of leadership in creating a low carbon society. The reports’ construction of energy efficiency technology is a powerful legitimation of the ICT industry’s views and actions. In addition, the ICT4SUD discourse is exclusionary, namely a number of facts and issues pertaining to structural, indirect, and systemic effects of ICT and the associated rebound effects are left out, concealed, or neglected. Also, the discourse is inclined to be deterministic, i.e. it postulates that ICT, supported by policy, will achieve SUD while it falls short in considering social behaviour and socio-economic relationships. It moreover tends to be rhetorical – that is, it promises environmentally SUD without really having a holistic strategy to achieve that goal. Furthermore, given the scientific discourse and the legitimation capacity of computing, climatology, and sustainability indicators, one can subsume a range of social and political effects under the category of discourse mechanisms through which ICT4SUD operates, which both show the power of discourse and potentially empower the ICT industry and its cohorts. There are different justifications for the development of energy efficiency technology in relation to decision-making processes. Plus, politics, as a consequence of its interaction with ICT4SUD, forces, though different mechanisms, the emergence and development of the ICT4SUD discourse, which is, simultaneously, influenced by the power/knowledge relations established in European society that bounds or expands its success. Finally, as to ideological reproduction, the ICT4SUD discourse reconstructs cultural claims, conveys ideological messages, and reproduces and legitimizes power structures.

Förortstorgens roll för en hållbar stadsutveckling i den postindustriella staden – Hermodsdalstorget, Malmö

Viscarra Hansson, Braulio Johan, Perez Sosa, Fania Verona January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på förortstorgens potentiella bidrag till en hållbar stadsutveckling i den postindustriella staden. I uppsatsen problematiseras ett särskilt torg, Hermodsdalstorget i stadsdelen Fosie i sydöstra Malmö.I Malmö Stads senaste översiktsplan betonas att den sociala utvecklingen av Malmö, inte varit positiv på senare år och att en viktig utmaning ligger i att integrera de marginaliserade områden med innerstaden.Av dessa anledningar satsas det bland annat på länkande gång- och cykelstråk som binder samman stadsdelar och utgörs av väldefinierade gaturum och attraktiva mötesplatser. Hermodsdalstorget väntas utgöra en sådan mötesplats i ett framtida Fosiestråksom kommer att länka Malmös sydöstra förorter med innerstaden.Torget är idag en bortglömd plats som varken erbjuder egenskaper för att upplevas som attraktivt eller innehar förutsättningar för social interaktion och integration. Tillståndet är så dåligt att torget, i en tidningsartikel från 2002, till och med kommit att kallas för ”Malmös tristaste torg”. På grund av torgets dåliga skick har det funnits mer än tio år gamla omvandlingsplaner för utvecklingen av platsen. Trots detta har en omvandling uteblivit, framförallt på grund av bristen på samverkan och en delad vision mellan privata fastighetsägare kring torget och kommunen.Avslutningsvis, i denna uppsats, presenteras ett praktiskt genomförbart projektförslag, som fokuserar på ett första steg, i ett större omvandlingsprojekt av Hermodsdalstorget, och som har som syfte att göra ett nytt försök till samverkan och dialog mellan de aktörer som i dagsläget har mandat över torget.Förhoppningen är att projektförslaget banar väg för en omvandling av detta torg och att torget i framtiden fungerar som en attraktiv mötesplats längst med Fosiestråket; i ett mindre segregerat Malmö. / This thesis focuses on the potential of suburban squares to contribute to sustainable urban development in post-industrial cities. In the thesis a particular square is in focus: Hermodsdal’s square in the Fosie-district in southeastern Malmoe(Malmö).In the last general development plan for Malmoe it is emphasized that the social development of Malmoe has not been positive in recent years, and that an important challenge lies in integrating the marginalized suburban areas with the inner city. One solution, for integrating the city, is the creation of linking pedestrian and bicycle paths that connect neighborhoods; paths that consist of well-defined street-areas and attractive meeting places. Hermodsdal’s Square is expected to form such a meeting place in a future Fosie Path, which will link Malmoe’s southeastern suburbs with the inner city. Hermodsdal’s square is today a forgotten place that does not offer features to be perceived as attractive nor meets the conditions needed for social interaction and integration. The actual condition of the square is so bad that Hermodsdal’s Square has, in a newspaper article from 2002, even been called ”Malmoe’s dullest Square”. Because of the square’s poor condition, there have been more than ten years old conversion plans for the development of the site. Despite this, the conversion has not become reality, mainly because of lack of synergy and a shared vision between private property owners around the square and the municipality. Finally, a central purpose of this thesis is presenting a practical project proposal, which focus on the first step in a major transformation project of Hermodsdal’s Square; a project which aims to make another attempt to collaboration and dialogue between the private actors around the square and the municipality. The expectation is that the project proposal paves the way for a transformation of this square; a square which in the future will act as an attractive meeting lace along the Fosie Path, in a less segregated Malmoe.

Stakeholder engagement of municipalities’ efforts to achieve net zero by 2030 : A qualitative exploration of a major city in Sweden

Schnellmann, Jasmin, Sunkari, Swathi January 2024 (has links)
To strengthen support for climate action initiatives, this study analyzes how municipalities manage their stakeholders as part of the NetZeroCities mission, which is an initiative targeting selected European cities aiming to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. This research utilizes the method of a case study, focussing on the process of a major city in Sweden, transitioning to net zero by 2030. Through the lens of Stakeholder and Network Theory it discovers how collaboration and networks within the city are established and maintained. The study uses a qualitative approach and utilizes three types of data collection methods: semi-structured Interviews with members of the municipality as well as stakeholders; Document Analysis of the NetZeroCities Contract of the municipality; a group Interview with local politicians. To analyze the empirical data we used the process of coding and a further categorization, which built the base for data analysis. The research highlights the importance of inclusive engagement, education, and awareness in promoting collaborative sustainability efforts. It underscores the value of sufficient communication channels, broad participation, strong networks and creative problem-solving. It also reveals gaps in the municipality's performance: a lack of communication strategies targeting the general public, limited networking opportunities for businesses, and a lack of unified management across departments and organizations, highlighting the need for unified leadership to integrate climate goals into daily practice. The study advocates for a closer, more structured collaboration between municipalities and stakeholders and stresses the need for strong interdisciplinary networks. It also emphasizes the necessity for education and communication efforts aimed at the general public in order to increase awareness and a sense of ownership of climate actions.

Poverty and environment : a case study of stone crushing as a sustainable livelihood in Lusaka

Nyumbu, Mutande Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Poverty and the environment are closely linked, as people use environmental resources to support livelihoods. Illegal stone quarrying evident in Lusaka, Zambia is symbolic of the use of environmental resources by the poor. Stone crushing provides income yet it is characterized by land degradation, large-scale excavation and dumping of waste materials. This study provides an analytical account of stone crushing as a livelihood in Lusaka and makes recommendations for improving the livelihoods of stone crushers to become sustainable. Using a livelihoods approach, a qualitative study collected data from various role players in Lusaka. Assets (physical, natural, human, social and political capital) for stone crushers were assessed, revealing that stone crushers lack livelihood assets, key options and are exposed to various shocks due to seasonal shifts. Increasing access to key livelihood assets, reducing vulnerability, improving infrastructure, access to justice and tackling social exclusion and gender inequality will enhance their livelihoods. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Gestão social no planejamento urbano?: o caso da cidade do Rio de Janeiro

Vincenzi, Leonardo Braga de January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Rafaela Moraes (rafaela.moraes@fgv.br) on 2016-09-02T19:15:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo_Braga_De_Vincenzi_Dissertacao_Final_Mestrado_Adm_Publica_FGV_Ebape.pdf: 799777 bytes, checksum: d003e163ee8789cf0175e8a4b5b12065 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafaela Moraes (rafaela.moraes@fgv.br) on 2016-09-02T19:16:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo_Braga_De_Vincenzi_Dissertacao_Final_Mestrado_Adm_Publica_FGV_Ebape.pdf: 799777 bytes, checksum: d003e163ee8789cf0175e8a4b5b12065 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafaela Moraes (rafaela.moraes@fgv.br) on 2016-09-02T19:17:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo_Braga_De_Vincenzi_Dissertacao_Final_Mestrado_Adm_Publica_FGV_Ebape.pdf: 799777 bytes, checksum: d003e163ee8789cf0175e8a4b5b12065 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-02T19:18:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo_Braga_De_Vincenzi_Dissertacao_Final_Mestrado_Adm_Publica_FGV_Ebape.pdf: 799777 bytes, checksum: d003e163ee8789cf0175e8a4b5b12065 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Paralelamente ao surgimento da gestão estratégica, emerge no cenário nacional um novo enfoque administrativo: a gestão social. E o planejamento urbano é uma das áreas da administração pública que mais pode beneficiar-se desse modelo de tomada de decisão. A Lei do Estatuto da Cidade estabelece um conjunto de regras para a ordenação do uso do solo urbano, e obriga os municípios com mais de 20 mil habitantes a apresentar um Plano Diretor. Ela traz, entre outras novidades legislativas, a gestão social e a função social da propriedade, repercutindo sob aspectos como, dentre outros, o econômico, o político, o social e o ambiental. O Brasil – até há poucas décadas basicamente um país agrário – passou por um acelerado processo de urbanização, com a migração de trabalhadores oriundos do campo. Até então, o planejamento urbano era feito por uma estrutura burocrática centralizada, autoritária, e com interesses sobretudo especulativos e econômicos. Em decorrência, ocorreram um crescimento desordenado da população de baixa renda na área urbana, bem como uma acentuada proliferação de atividades urbanas informais. O presente trabalho analisa, brevemente e de forma geral, como a implementação da gestão social pelo Estatuto da Cidade e o Plano Diretor alteram essa realidade, e como ela pode influenciar o desenvolvimento e o planejamento urbano carioca. / In parallel to strategic management, a new administrative approach emerges in the national scene: the social management. Urban planning is one of the areas of the public administration that can best be benefited from this model of decision-making. The City Statute Law establishes a set of rules aiming at urban land utilization. It makes compulsory the presentation of a Director Plan by all municipalities with more than twenty thousand inhabitants. This brings, among other legislative innovations, social management and the social function of property, with repercussions in several aspects such as, among others, economic, political, social and environmental conditions. Brazil – basically an agrarian country up to a few decades ago – went through a fast urbanization process due to workers migration from rural areas. The urban planning used to be carried out by a bureaucratic, centralized, authoritative structure, mainly with speculative and economic interests. As a result, a disorderedly low income population growth came up to urban areas with striking proliferation of informal urban activities. This paper analyses briefly and in a general view how implementation of social management through the City Statute Law and the Director Plan is changing this situation and how it may influence urban development and planning in Rio de Janeiro City.

Poverty and environment : a case study of stone crushing as a sustainable livelihood in Lusaka

Nyumbu, Mutande Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Poverty and the environment are closely linked, as people use environmental resources to support livelihoods. Illegal stone quarrying evident in Lusaka, Zambia is symbolic of the use of environmental resources by the poor. Stone crushing provides income yet it is characterized by land degradation, large-scale excavation and dumping of waste materials. This study provides an analytical account of stone crushing as a livelihood in Lusaka and makes recommendations for improving the livelihoods of stone crushers to become sustainable. Using a livelihoods approach, a qualitative study collected data from various role players in Lusaka. Assets (physical, natural, human, social and political capital) for stone crushers were assessed, revealing that stone crushers lack livelihood assets, key options and are exposed to various shocks due to seasonal shifts. Increasing access to key livelihood assets, reducing vulnerability, improving infrastructure, access to justice and tackling social exclusion and gender inequality will enhance their livelihoods. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Curitiba-Viewport: contribuição ao desenvolvimento de uma plataforma computacional para cidades virtuais / Curitiba-Viewport: contribution to the development of a computational platform for virtual cities

Miranda, Frederico Severo 01 December 2017 (has links)
CAPES / As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC’s) estão presentes diariamente na vida da sociedade e provocam mudanças no seu modo de viver. As TIC’s possibilitam a criação de novos produtos e serviços para melhorar a vida das pessoas. Elas têm sido utilizadas no trabalho, nos relacionamentos, serviços públicos, entretenimento e lazer com o objetivo de mitigar a exclusão social, melhorar o desempenho econômico, criar oportunidades de emprego, melhorar a qualidade de vida e promover a participação social. Neste contexto de desenvolvimentos tecnológicos e hiperconectividade combinado com as preocupações referentes a um crescimento urbano sustentável, governabilidade eficaz e melhores formas de analisar e explorar dados, diversas pesquisas emergem levando em consideração os conceitos sobre cidades inteligentes, cidades digitais e cidades virtuais. Observando-se os benefícios proporcionados pelas cidades inteligentes, digitais e virtuais (na perspectiva de um jogo digital) e pelo fato de que não há atualmente conhecimentos consolidados, tampouco uma plataforma computacional com os recursos necessários para integrar aplicações associadas ao ambiente físico de vivência dos cidadãos que envolvem aspectos de caráter social, governamental, comercial, educacional, científico e de entretenimento, este trabalho busca responder a seguinte pergunta: é possível desenvolver uma cidade virtual na perspectiva de um jogo digital com o propósito de ser uma plataforma para execução de aplicações que trazem benefícios para a vida dos cidadãos de uma região? A partir desta pergunta, surgiu a presente dissertação organizada em quatro camadas de interesses: tecnológica, ética, sociocultural e ações públicas, originando desta forma a Curitiba-ViewPort (C-VP). Em relação ao desenvolvimento da camada tecnológica (foco desta dissertação), o projeto foi dividido em quatro atividades principais: modelagem gráfica, criação da base de dados, desenvolvimento de um servidor Web Services e finalmente, o desenvolvimento do jogo propriamente dito. Levando em consideração o protótipo desenvolvido e os resultados obtidos, a C-VP mostrou-se capaz de ser uma cidade virtual na perspectiva de um jogo digital com o propósito de ser uma plataforma para execução de aplicações, respondendo desta forma, a pergunta que originou esta dissertação. / Information and communication technologies (ICT’s) are present daily in the life of society and cause changes in the way they live. ICT’s enable the creation of new products and services to improve people’s lives. It has been used in work, relationships, public services, entertainment and leisure with the aim of mitigate social exclusion, improving economic performance, creating employment opportunities, improving quality of life and promoting social participation. In this context of technological developments and hyperconnectivity combined with concerns about sustainable urban growth, effective governance and better ways of analyzing and exploring data, a variety of research emerges taking into account the concepts of smart cities, digital cities and virtual cities. Noting the benefits provided by smart, digital and virtual cities (from the perspective of a digital game) and the fact that there is currently no consolidated knowledge, nor a computational platform with the necessary resources to integrate applications associated with the physical environment of citizens that involve social, governmental, commercial, educational, scientific and entertainment aspects, this work seeks to answer the following question: is it possible to develop a virtual city in the perspective of a digital game with the purpose of being a platform for execution of applications that bring benefits to the lives of citizens of a region? From this question, the present dissertation was organized in four layers of interests: technological, ethical, sociocultural and public actions. In relation to the development of the technological layer (focus of this dissertation), the project was divided into four main activities: graphic modeling, database creation, web server development and finally the development of the game itself . Taking into account the developed prototype and the results obtained, the C-VP proved to be a virtual city in the perspective of a digital game with the purpose of being a platform for application execution, thus answering the question that originated this dissertation.

Programa ciclovida como política de mobilidade urbana sustentável: estudo empírico na Universidade Federal do Paraná / Ciclovida program as sustainable urban mobility policy: empirical study at the Federal University of Parana

Nakamori, Silvana 01 September 2015 (has links)
A mobilidade urbana tem na bicicleta o seu símbolo de meio de transporte ecologicamente mais sustentável do planeta, título conferido pelas Organizações das Nações Unidas (ONU). No entanto, as cidades sofrem com congestionamentos decorrentes do crescimento da frota automobilística, que ocasiona um tempo maior de deslocamento, prejuízos para o meio ambiente, financeiros e de qualidade de vida. A fim de moldar de forma sustentável a mobilidade urbana, fazem-se necessárias políticas públicas que incentivem a sociedade a utilizar, preferencialmente, o transporte coletivo ou o não motorizado. No intuito de colaborar com o poder público e com a sociedade civil, intenta-se neste estudo, por meio de análise sobre o Programa de Extensão Universitária da UFPR – Ciclovida, propor a elaboração de uma política pública de mobilidade urbana sustentável, com ênfase no uso da bicicleta. Referencialmente, discutem-se os conceitos de Sociedade, Estado e Governo, bem como as políticas públicas, que vão das responsabilidades do Estado e Governo aos ciclos, e apresentam-se as Políticas Públicas de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável (PPMUS) no Brasil. Aborda-se também o transporte cicloviário como opção de mobilidade sustentável. Metodologicamente, o estudo é de cunho empírico-social, com emprego do método qualitativo e observacional, caracterizando-se, ainda, quanto ao nível de pesquisa como exploratório, tendo o envolvimento da pesquisadora na forma participante, haja vista sua atuação no Programa objeto. Quanto ao delineamento da pesquisa, deu-se de forma bibliográfica, documental e estudo de caso, utilizando-se da amostragem não paramétrica por acessibilidade ou conveniência. Quanto à técnica de coleta de dados, fez-se uso de entrevistas estruturadas com questionário autoaplicado e observação participante natural. Consoante ao objetivo e à questão de pesquisa, o resultado confirmou que o Programa Ciclovida da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) pode contribuir efetivamente na formulação de uma proposta de PPMUS com ênfase no uso da bicicleta. Assim, construiu-se uma proposta de política com redação de forma livre, a fim de subsidiar políticas tanto institucionais quanto públicas de MUS por meio do uso da bicicleta e assim auxiliar na mobilidade, contribuindo, também, com a sustentabilidade e com o planejamento de desenvolvimento público. / The urban mobility has in the bicycle its symbol of the most environmentally sustainable modal of transportation of the planet, title conferred by the United Nations Organization (ONU). Nevertheless, the cities suffer with the traffic jam caused by the automobile fleet growth, what implies in a larger displacement time, injuries to the environment, to financials and to the quality of life. In order to build in a sustainable way the urban mobility, public policies are necessary to encourage the preferential usage, by the society, of the mass transit or the non-motorized type of transportation. Objecting cooperate with the public power and the civil society, this study intents to, through an analysis about the UFPR Extension Program - CICLOVIDA, propose a sustainable urban mobility public policy development, with emphasis in the bicycle´s usage. eferentially, it is discussed concepts such as Society, State and Government as well as public policies, which go in cycles to the State´s and Government´s responsibilities; and are presented the Sustainable Urban Mobility Public Policies (PPMUS) in Brazil. Also, it is debated about the transport by bicycle as an option to the sustainable mobility. Methodologically, the study is of an empiric-social nature, with the application of both qualitative and observational methods, what characterizes as an exploratory level of research, with the researcher´s involvement in the participant form, due to her acting on the Program. Regarding the research lineation, it was used the bibliographic and documental form as well as case study, by means of the nonparametric sampling by accessibility or convenience. Related to the data collection technique, it was used structured interviews with self-applied questionnaires and natural participant observation. Aligned with the research´s objective and matter, the outcome confirmed that the Extension Program CICLOVIDA of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) may effectively contribute in the development of a PPMUS proposal with emphasis in the bicycle usage. Thus, it was built a political proposal with a free form writing, objecting subsidize policies both institutional as public MUS through the bicycle usage and therefore, support the mobility, also contributing to the sustainability and to the public development planning.

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