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"Det ser inte bra ut" : en studie om uppfattningen av gatutiggeri i Kristianstad / "It doesn't look good" : a study about perception of street begging in KristianstadGradner, Wictor, Mahfoudh, Tara January 2013 (has links)
Begging as a phenomenon has again become a hot topic of debate both in the public and the media. Actions have been discussed and motions have been given to social authorities in the country. During the last two years people from other parts of Europe who engage in street begging have been seen on the streets of Kristianstad. The purpose of this paper is to find out the individuals, certain authorities and other participants experiences of people begging in public places in Kristianstad. We have used a combination of qualitative, quantitative and literature review method and we have a social constructionist perspective as a basis. The participants and authorities we have included in the study are the police, the social services, security guards, a shop owner and two other assistance agencies. Interviews have been carried out with participants and authorities, and a survey has been done by individuals. A series of articles and history books have been reviewed since the begging is a historical phenomenon as well as a contemporary. The results show a clear division into two camps regarding experiences and opinions about street beggars and begging as a phenomenon. The majority expresses dissatisfaction and many propose measures and actions. Our final discussion is marked by our own thoughts and values that emerged during the work, which we tried to moderate through the rest of the essay. / Tiggeri som fenomen har på nytt blivit ett hett ämne för debatt både för allmänhet och i media. Åtgärder har diskuterats och motioner om förbud lämnas till socialnämnder i landet. I Kristianstad har det under de senaste två åren kommit personer hit från andra delar av Europa som ägnar sig åt gatutiggeri. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på privatpersoners, vissa myndigheters och andra aktörers uppfattning av personer som tigger på offentlig plats i Kristianstad. Vi har använt oss av en kombination av kvalitativ, kvantitativ och litteraturstudie som metod och vi har ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv som grund. De aktörer och myndigheter vi tagit med i undersökningen är polis, socialtjänst, vakter, butiksägare och två andra biståndsverksamheter. Intervjuer har gjorts med aktörerna och myndigheterna och en enkätundersökning har gjorts med privatpersoner. En rad artiklar och historieböcker har gåtts igenom då tiggeri ju är ett historiskt fenomen såväl som ett nutida. Resultatet visar på en klar uppdelning i två läger gällande uppfattningar och åsikter om gatutiggare och tiggeri som fenomen. Majoriteten uttrycker ett missnöje och många föreslår åtgärder och insatser. Vår slutdiskussion präglas av våra egna tankar och värderingar som framkommit under arbetets gång, vilka vi försökt tona ner i resten av uppsatsen.
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Spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teori i gymnasieskolan : En studie om hur Vygotskijs socio-kulturella teoribildning återspeglas i gymnasielärares syn på lärande / Tracks of basic thoughts in Vygotsky’s theory in the high school : A study about how Vygotskijs socio-cultural theory of education is reflected in high school teachers’ sight on learningAndersson, Svetlana, Elmefeldt, Iréne January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att genom gymnasielärares utsagor söka spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teoribildning i deras syn på lärande. Detta för att ta reda på vilka kriterier lärare utgår ifrån när de gör sina didaktiska val i undervisningen och på vilket sätt Vygotskijs grundtankar återspeglas i lärares syn på lärande. Vår studie grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer. I undersökningen deltog fyra lärare på två gymnasieskolor. Efter att materialet var transkriberat, gjordes en analys utifrån de fyra aspekterna som kännetecknar ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv enligt Vygotskij: de sociala, de medierande, de situerade och de kreativa med betoning på lärarroll och lärande. Vi använde oss av en hermeneutisk ansats för att analysera resultatet där vi använde relevant forskning för att förstärka vår tolkning av respondenternas utsagor. I studien framkom att lärare gav uttryck för att samspel och dialog är viktiga inslag i undervisningen. Vi har även funnit spår av de medierande aspekterna där lärare som mediator har en aktiv roll, men att de samtidigt förespråkar en traditionell katederundervisning. Vår slutsats är att lärare inte stödjer sig på någon specifik vetenskaplig teori i sin syn på lärande. Vi har emellertid tolkat det som att lärare vid sina didaktiska val i undervisningen väljer att reflektera över hur elever tillägnar sig kunskap framför vad elever ska lära och utveckla. Den syn på lärande som vi kan skönja utifrån lärares utsagor är en blandning av olika teorier som färgats av Vygotskijs teoribildning. / Aim with the study was that through high teachers’ statements apply for tracks of basic thoughts of Vygotsky’s theory education in their sights on learning. This is to ascertain what criteria teachers assume when they do their didactic choices in the education and how Vygotsky’s basic thoughts are reflected in teachers’ sights on learning. Our study bases itself on qualitative interviews where four teachers from two high schools were participated. After the transcription, the analysis was done on the basis of the four aspects that characterize the socio-cultural perspective according to Vygotsky’s theory of education: the social, the mediated, the situated and the creative aspects. We chose to use the hermeneutic method for analyze of our result where we used relevant research in order to strengthen our interpretation of teachers’ statements. In the study the teachers expressed that interaction and dialogue are important elements in the education. We also have found tracks from the mediated aspects there teachers as a mediator has an active role, but that they at the same time recommend a traditional education. Our conclusion is that teachers are not based their learning on some specific scientific theory. We however have interpreted that the teachers when they choose a method, prefer to reflect over how students are getting knowledge instead of what students shall learn and develop. That sight on learning as we possibly can discern on the basis of teachers’ statements is a mixture of different theories that has been influenced by Vygotsky’s theory of education.
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Spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teori i gymnasieskolan : En studie om hur Vygotskijs socio-kulturella teoribildning återspeglas i gymnasielärares syn på lärande / Tracks of basic thoughts in Vygotsky’s theory in the high school : A study about how Vygotskijs socio-cultural theory of education is reflected in high school teachers’ sight on learningAndersson, Svetlana, Elmefeldt, Iréne January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att genom gymnasielärares utsagor söka spår av grundtankar i Vygotskijs teoribildning i deras syn på lärande. Detta för att ta reda på vilka kriterier lärare utgår ifrån när de gör sina didaktiska val i undervisningen och på vilket sätt Vygotskijs grundtankar återspeglas i lärares syn på lärande.</p><p>Vår studie grundar sig på kvalitativa intervjuer. I undersökningen deltog fyra lärare på två gymnasieskolor. Efter att materialet var transkriberat, gjordes en analys utifrån de fyra aspekterna som kännetecknar ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv enligt Vygotskij: de sociala, de medierande, de situerade och de kreativa med betoning på lärarroll och lärande. Vi använde oss av en hermeneutisk ansats för att analysera resultatet där vi använde relevant forskning för att förstärka vår tolkning av respondenternas utsagor.</p><p>I studien framkom att lärare gav uttryck för att samspel och dialog är viktiga inslag i undervisningen. Vi har även funnit spår av de medierande aspekterna där lärare som mediator har en aktiv roll, men att de samtidigt förespråkar en traditionell katederundervisning.</p><p>Vår slutsats är att lärare inte stödjer sig på någon specifik vetenskaplig teori i sin syn på lärande. Vi har emellertid tolkat det som att lärare vid sina didaktiska val i undervisningen väljer att reflektera över hur elever tillägnar sig kunskap framför vad elever ska lära och utveckla. Den syn på lärande som vi kan skönja utifrån lärares utsagor är en blandning av olika teorier som färgats av Vygotskijs teoribildning.</p> / <p>Aim with the study was that through high teachers’ statements apply for tracks of basic thoughts of Vygotsky’s theory education in their sights on learning. This is to ascertain what criteria teachers assume when they do their didactic choices in the education and how Vygotsky’s basic thoughts are reflected in teachers’ sights on learning.</p><p>Our study bases itself on qualitative interviews where four teachers from two high schools were participated. After the transcription, the analysis was done on the basis of the four aspects that characterize the socio-cultural perspective according to Vygotsky’s theory of education: the social, the mediated, the situated and the creative aspects. We chose to use the hermeneutic method for analyze of our result where we used relevant research in order to strengthen our interpretation of teachers’ statements.</p><p>In the study the teachers expressed that interaction and dialogue are important elements in the education. We also have found tracks from the mediated aspects there teachers as a mediator has an active role, but that they at the same time recommend a traditional education.</p><p>Our conclusion is that teachers are not based their learning on some specific scientific theory. We however have interpreted that the teachers when they choose a method, prefer to reflect over how students are getting knowledge instead of what students shall learn and develop. That sight on learning as we possibly can discern on the basis of teachers’ statements is a mixture of different theories that has been influenced by Vygotsky’s theory of education.</p>
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Data-driven syntactic analysisMegyesi, Beata January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Importance of dimerization in aggregation and neurotoxicity of Prion and [alpha]-Synuclein in prion and Parkinson's diseasesRoostaee, Alireza January 2012 (has links)
Abstract: Neurodegenerative diseases are associated with progressive loss of structure or function of neurons which results in cell death. Recent evidence indicate that all neurodegenerative disorders, sporadic or transmissible, may have a common pathological mechanism at the molecular level. This common feature consists of protein aggregation and accumulation of harmful aggregates in neuronal cells resulting in cellular apoptosis and neurotoxicity. Neurodegenerative diseases can affect abstract thinking, skilled movements, emotional feelings, cognition, memory and other abilities. This diverse group of diseases includes Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease (HD), prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In my project I worked on the molecular mechanism of protein aggregation, propagation and neurotoxicity in Parkinson's disease and prion disease. Prion disease and PD are associated with misfolding and aggregation of PrPc and a-Synuclein (a-Syn), respectively. Despite being two important neurodegenerative disorders, molecular mechanisms of a-Syn or PrPC aggregation and amyloidogenesis are still unclear in PD and prion disease. Furthermore, the toxic protein species in PD have not been characterized yet. In this study we characterize the mechanism of a-Syn and PrPc misfolding in a physiological-like cell free condition in the absence of a-Syn aggregates, PrPc ggregated isoform (Pre's), denaturants or acidic environment. A number of studies indicate that dimerization of PrPc or a-Syn may be a key step in the aggregation process. To test this hypothesis we verified if enforced dimerization of PrPc or a-Syn may induce a conformational change reminiscent of the conversion of PrPc or a-Syn to PrPR' or a-Syn aggregates, respectively. We used a well-described inducible dimerization strategy where a dimerizing domain called FK506-binding protein (Fv) was fused to PrPc or a-Syn in order to produce chimeric proteins Fv-PrP and a-SynF'''. A divalent ligand AP20187 was used to induce protein dimerization. Addition of AP20187 to recombinant Fv-PrP in physiological-like conditions resulted in a rapid conformational change characterized by an increase in beta-sheet (13-Sheet) structure and simultaneous aggregation of the proteins. However, non-dimerized PrP formed 13-Sheet conformation in very slower rates. In the presence of AP20187, we also report a rapid random coil into 13-sheet conformational transformation of a-SynF" within 24 h, whereas wild type a-Syn showed 24 h delay to achieve P-sheet structure after 48 h. Electron microscopy experiments demonstrated that dimerization induced amyloid fibril formation after 48 h for both Fv-PrP and a-Syr?", whereas in the absence of dimerizing ligand AP20187, PrP or a-Syn converted into amyloid fibrils after 3 days or even later. Dimerization-induced Fv-PrP aggregates were partially resistant to PK digestion which is a characteristics of the naturally occurring PrPR'. The rates of amyloidogenesis in the presence of dimerization was also characterized by Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence probing. Whereas the stable structure of Fv-PrP showed no ThT binding for over 60 h of incubation at 37°C, the addition of AP20187 to Fv-PrP resulted in a time-dependent increase in ThT binding. As for a-SynR, dimerization accelerated the rate of ThT binding and amyloid formation comparing to the slower amyloidogenesis rate of wild type a-Syn in the absence of dimerizer AP20187. The impact of dimerization on a-Syn aggregation was further determined by Fluorescence ANS probing, indicating a higher affinity of dimerization-induced a-SynF" aggregates for binding to ANS comparing to wild type a-Syn aggregates. These results indicate that dimerization increases the aggregation and amyloidogenesis processes for Fv-PrP and a-SynF". Both Fv-PrP and a-SynF" amyloids were successfully propagated in vitro by protein misfolding amplification (PMCA) cycle. These results ar in agreement with the theory that all protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases propagate with the same molecular mechanism. Neurotoxicity of recombinant Fv-PrP and a-SynF" aggregates was determined in cellulo and in vivo, respectively. Aggregates of Fv-PrP were toxic to cultured cells whilst soluble Fv-PrP and amyloid fibres were harmless to the cells. When injected to the mice brain, both a-Syni" and a-Syn pre-fibrillar aggregates internalized cells and induced neurotoxicity in the hippocampus of wild-type mice. These recombinant toxic aggregates further converted into non-toxic amyloids which were successfully amplified by PMCA method, providing the first evidence for the in vitro propagation of synthetic a-Syn aggregates. These results suggest an important role for protein dimerization in aggregation and amyloidogenesis, and therefore, in the pathology of PD and prion disease. The similarities between aggregation, amyloidogenesis and toxicity of PrPC and ct-Syn provide further evidence on the existance of a prion-like mechanism in all neurodegenerative disorders. // Résumé: Les maladies neurodégénératives sont associées à la perte progressive des propriétés structurales ou fonctionnelles des neurones, ce qui engendre la mort des cellules. De récentes études indiquent que tous les désordres neurodégénératifs, sporadiques ou transmissibles, peuvent avoir un mécanisme pathologique commun au niveau moléculaire. Ce dispositif commun se compose de l'agrégation de protéines, de la propagation des agrégats, et de l'accumulation d’agrégats toxiques dans les cellules neuronales, menant à l'apoptose et à la neurotoxicité cellulaire. Les maladies neurodégénératives peuvent affecter la pensée abstraite, les mouvements habiles, les sentiments émotifs, la connaissance, la Mémoire et d'autres capacités cognitives. Ce groupe divers de maladies inclut la maladie d'Alzheimer (AD), de Parkinson (PD), de Huntington (HD), les maladies à prions ou encéphalopathies spongiformes transmissibles (TSEs) et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (ALS). [symboles non conformes]
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Petrologia, caracterização geológica, geoquímica e geocronológica do magmatismo pré, sin e pós-colisional presente no Complexo Metamórfico Brusque nas regiões de Itapema e Botuverá, Santa Catarina, BrasilCampos, Roberto Sacks de January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização petrológica, geoquímica, geocronológica e metamórfica das rochas ortoderivadas pertencentes ao Complexo Metamórfico Brusque em duas regiões: Itapema e Botuverá, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Dos litotipos, destacam-se as exposições de rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas, ocorrentes em ambas regiões. Em Itapema também foram investigados corpos de leucogranitos peraluminosos e na região da cidade de Botuverá foram investigados diques de diabásio e lamprófiro espessartítico. A análise das condições de geração e das fontes dos eventos magmáticos responsáveis pela geração destas rochas foi fundamental para a caracterização e avaliação do significado tectônico destas unidades no CMB, que foram posicionadas durante os períodos pré, sin e pós colisionais de evolução deste. A foliação regional do complexo é representada por uma S2 de baixo ângulo na região de Itapema e por uma superfície de mais alto ângulo na região de Botuverá, basculada por atuação da fase D3. Dados de geotermometria Hb-Pl indicam que a foliação principal dos xistos máficos foi gerada em condições da transição entre as fácies xistos verdes e anfibolito inferior. O magmatismo pré-orogênico do Complexo Metamórfico Brusque é constituído por lentes de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, produtos do metamorfismo de basaltos, gabros, rochas cumuláticas relacionadas e sedimentos vulcanogênicos. Estas rochas possuem afinidade toleítica e um elevado teor de ETR leves e elementos LILE. A análise de razões de elementos incompatíveis, a disposição dos corpos ígneos intercalados aos metassedimentos e a ausência de crosta oceânica sugerem que foram posicionados em ambiente tipo intra-placa continental, síncronos a sedimentação da bacia. Os valores iniciais de εNd entre -2.96 e 5.05 das rochas metavulcânicas de Itapema e entre -0.14 e -6.97 das rochas de Botuverá indicam a participação de crosta paleoproterozóica na gênese destes magmas. Os valores em geral elevados de 87Sr/86Sr justificam o envolvimento da crosta continental, e os valores mais altos encontrados em Botuverá, destacam o maior envolvimento deste componente na região. O magmatismo sin tectônico está representado por corpos de leucogranitos peraluminosos que mostram posicionamento concordante com a foliação S2. Os parâmetros composicionais destas rochas caracterizados pelas baixas razões K2O/Na2O, CaO/Na2O e LaN/YbN, os baixos teores de Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Yb e Lu, são consistentes com uma evolução associada com magmas gerados a partir da fusão parcial de rochas crustais de composição pelíticas ricas em quartzo, com participação restrita de processos de diferenciação. Na região de Botuverá a ocorrência de diques de lamprófiros e diabásios que cortam as unidades metamórficas indica que seu posicionamento é pós-colisional. Geoquimicamente possuem afinidade entre as séries toleítica e shonshonítica. O padrão de distribuição dos elementos traços e as razões Th/Yb e Ta/Yb indicam que a extração dos diabásios ocorreu a partir de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida, com presença de rutilo e granada no resíduo e fortemente contaminada por crosta. Estas características são semelhantes às encontradas em rochas vulcânicas básicas pós-colisionais no sul do Brasil. Os dispersos valores de єNd(618) para os termos básicos, variando entre -13.74 e +5.52 destacam a heterogeneidade da fonte e reforçam a importância do componente crustal na geração destas rochas. Foi obtida uma idade concordante de 618 ±8.7 Ma (LA-ICP-MS) pelo método U-Pb em zircão, balizando a idade dos primeiros processos magmáticos pós-colisionais da orogênese brasiliana para a região de Botuverá. / This work objective the characterization of the petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and metamorphism of ortoderivate rocks that belong to Brusque Metamorphic Complex BMC) in two regions: Itapema and Botuverá, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Within these, good expositions of mafic and metaultramafic rocks occur in both regions. In Itapema, bodies of peraluminous leucogranites were also investigated. Around Botuverá were investigated diabase dikes and lamprophyres. The analysis of the conditions of generation and sources of magmatic events responsible for the development of these rocks was essential for the characterization and assessment of the significance of these tectonic units in the BMC, and it were placed during the pre-, syn-and post-collisional period of it’s evolution. The regional foliation of the complex is represented by a low angle S2 surface in Itapema region and a higher angle foliation in the region of Botuverá, folded by actuation of the D3 event. Petrography and Hb-Pl geothermometry data indicate that the main foliation of the mafic schists was generated in conditions between the transition of greenschist and lower amphibolite facies. The pre-orogenic magmatism of the Brusque Metamorphic Complex consists of lenses of mafic-ultramafic, products from the metamorphism of basalts, gabbros, related cumulate rocks and volcanogenic sediments. These rocks have a tholeiitic affinity and high contents of LREE and LILE elements. The analysis of incompatible elements ratios, the position of igneous bodies intercalated with the metasediments and the absence of oceanic crust suggest that the basalts were placed in an intra-continental plate environment, synchronous with sedimentation of the basin. The initial εNd values between -2.96 and 5.05 for the metavolcanics of Itapema and between -0.14 and -6.97 for the rocks of Botuverá indicate the involvement of Paleoproterozoic crust on the genesis of these magmas. The generally high 87Sr/86Sr values justify the involvement of crust, and the highest values found in Botuverá, highlight the greater involvement of this component in the region. Syn tectonic magmatism is represented by bodies of peraluminous leucogranite showing emplacement concordant to S2 foliation. Compositional parameters of these rocks characterized by low ratios K2O/Na2O, CaO/Na2O and LaN / YbN, low levels of Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Yb and Lu, are consistent with magmas generated from partial melting of pelitic rocks, with limited participation of differentiation processes. In the region of Botuverá the occurrence of diabase dykes and lamprophyres cutting the regional metamorphic units indicates that its position is post-collisional. Geochemically show affinity between the tholeiitic and shonshonitic series. The distribution pattern of trace elements and the Th/Yb for Ta/Yb ratios indicate that extraction of diabase occur from an enriched mantle source, with the presence of rutile and garnet in the residue and heavily contaminated by crust. These characteristics are similar to those found in rocks post-collisional basaltic volcanic in south Brazil. The scattered values of єNd (618) in basic terms, ranging between -13.74 and +5.52 highlight the heterogeneity of mantle supply and reinforce the importance of crustal component in the generation of these rocks. A concordant age of 618 ± 8.7 Ma by U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) zircon method were obtained, marking a early magmatic processes of post-collisional Brasiliano orogeny in the region of Botuverá.
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Teorie mluvních aktů v teologii se zvláštním ohledem na prosebnou modlitbu a vyznání Ježíše Krista jako Syna Božího v Markově evangeliu / Speech act theory in the field of theology in Mark´s gospel speaking about Jesus as the Son of GodFAJMON, Blahoslav January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to inquire into the application of the Speech act theory in the field of theology. First, philosophical part introduces distinctive topics of language-philosophy found in Wittgenstein, Austin and Searle. The main focus of this summary lies on Searle`s categorization of speech acts. If we approach Searle`s categorization from the perspective of Wittgenstein`s philosophy, we could understand his categorization in functional and not ontological terms and therefore we find a certain liberty to modify Searle`s categorization with regard to analysed phenomenon. In the beginning of the theological part we analyse the limits of the application of the speech act theory in the case of the confession of faith. Consequently we construct categorization of the speech acts of faith discourse based on its communicative and transformative dimensions. Afterwards we focus on one of the main types of faith discourse, namely the petitionary prayer. During analysis of the petitionary prayer in the Old and New Testament we gradually introduce considerable insights of theologians who applied Austin`s and Searle`s concepts in their work. These are followed up by our own observations. Second section of the theological part of the dissertation is concerned with the application of speech act theory in exegesis of particular texts, namely those passages in Mark`s gospel which speak about Jesus as the Son of God. Speech act theory evidently could not serve to settle exegetical disagreements by always locating the precise illocutionary point of every speech act, however it proves itself as a good tool for conceptual orientation and its application brings valuable insights.
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Petrologia, caracterização geológica, geoquímica e geocronológica do magmatismo pré, sin e pós-colisional presente no Complexo Metamórfico Brusque nas regiões de Itapema e Botuverá, Santa Catarina, BrasilCampos, Roberto Sacks de January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização petrológica, geoquímica, geocronológica e metamórfica das rochas ortoderivadas pertencentes ao Complexo Metamórfico Brusque em duas regiões: Itapema e Botuverá, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Dos litotipos, destacam-se as exposições de rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas, ocorrentes em ambas regiões. Em Itapema também foram investigados corpos de leucogranitos peraluminosos e na região da cidade de Botuverá foram investigados diques de diabásio e lamprófiro espessartítico. A análise das condições de geração e das fontes dos eventos magmáticos responsáveis pela geração destas rochas foi fundamental para a caracterização e avaliação do significado tectônico destas unidades no CMB, que foram posicionadas durante os períodos pré, sin e pós colisionais de evolução deste. A foliação regional do complexo é representada por uma S2 de baixo ângulo na região de Itapema e por uma superfície de mais alto ângulo na região de Botuverá, basculada por atuação da fase D3. Dados de geotermometria Hb-Pl indicam que a foliação principal dos xistos máficos foi gerada em condições da transição entre as fácies xistos verdes e anfibolito inferior. O magmatismo pré-orogênico do Complexo Metamórfico Brusque é constituído por lentes de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, produtos do metamorfismo de basaltos, gabros, rochas cumuláticas relacionadas e sedimentos vulcanogênicos. Estas rochas possuem afinidade toleítica e um elevado teor de ETR leves e elementos LILE. A análise de razões de elementos incompatíveis, a disposição dos corpos ígneos intercalados aos metassedimentos e a ausência de crosta oceânica sugerem que foram posicionados em ambiente tipo intra-placa continental, síncronos a sedimentação da bacia. Os valores iniciais de εNd entre -2.96 e 5.05 das rochas metavulcânicas de Itapema e entre -0.14 e -6.97 das rochas de Botuverá indicam a participação de crosta paleoproterozóica na gênese destes magmas. Os valores em geral elevados de 87Sr/86Sr justificam o envolvimento da crosta continental, e os valores mais altos encontrados em Botuverá, destacam o maior envolvimento deste componente na região. O magmatismo sin tectônico está representado por corpos de leucogranitos peraluminosos que mostram posicionamento concordante com a foliação S2. Os parâmetros composicionais destas rochas caracterizados pelas baixas razões K2O/Na2O, CaO/Na2O e LaN/YbN, os baixos teores de Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Yb e Lu, são consistentes com uma evolução associada com magmas gerados a partir da fusão parcial de rochas crustais de composição pelíticas ricas em quartzo, com participação restrita de processos de diferenciação. Na região de Botuverá a ocorrência de diques de lamprófiros e diabásios que cortam as unidades metamórficas indica que seu posicionamento é pós-colisional. Geoquimicamente possuem afinidade entre as séries toleítica e shonshonítica. O padrão de distribuição dos elementos traços e as razões Th/Yb e Ta/Yb indicam que a extração dos diabásios ocorreu a partir de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida, com presença de rutilo e granada no resíduo e fortemente contaminada por crosta. Estas características são semelhantes às encontradas em rochas vulcânicas básicas pós-colisionais no sul do Brasil. Os dispersos valores de єNd(618) para os termos básicos, variando entre -13.74 e +5.52 destacam a heterogeneidade da fonte e reforçam a importância do componente crustal na geração destas rochas. Foi obtida uma idade concordante de 618 ±8.7 Ma (LA-ICP-MS) pelo método U-Pb em zircão, balizando a idade dos primeiros processos magmáticos pós-colisionais da orogênese brasiliana para a região de Botuverá. / This work objective the characterization of the petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and metamorphism of ortoderivate rocks that belong to Brusque Metamorphic Complex BMC) in two regions: Itapema and Botuverá, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Within these, good expositions of mafic and metaultramafic rocks occur in both regions. In Itapema, bodies of peraluminous leucogranites were also investigated. Around Botuverá were investigated diabase dikes and lamprophyres. The analysis of the conditions of generation and sources of magmatic events responsible for the development of these rocks was essential for the characterization and assessment of the significance of these tectonic units in the BMC, and it were placed during the pre-, syn-and post-collisional period of it’s evolution. The regional foliation of the complex is represented by a low angle S2 surface in Itapema region and a higher angle foliation in the region of Botuverá, folded by actuation of the D3 event. Petrography and Hb-Pl geothermometry data indicate that the main foliation of the mafic schists was generated in conditions between the transition of greenschist and lower amphibolite facies. The pre-orogenic magmatism of the Brusque Metamorphic Complex consists of lenses of mafic-ultramafic, products from the metamorphism of basalts, gabbros, related cumulate rocks and volcanogenic sediments. These rocks have a tholeiitic affinity and high contents of LREE and LILE elements. The analysis of incompatible elements ratios, the position of igneous bodies intercalated with the metasediments and the absence of oceanic crust suggest that the basalts were placed in an intra-continental plate environment, synchronous with sedimentation of the basin. The initial εNd values between -2.96 and 5.05 for the metavolcanics of Itapema and between -0.14 and -6.97 for the rocks of Botuverá indicate the involvement of Paleoproterozoic crust on the genesis of these magmas. The generally high 87Sr/86Sr values justify the involvement of crust, and the highest values found in Botuverá, highlight the greater involvement of this component in the region. Syn tectonic magmatism is represented by bodies of peraluminous leucogranite showing emplacement concordant to S2 foliation. Compositional parameters of these rocks characterized by low ratios K2O/Na2O, CaO/Na2O and LaN / YbN, low levels of Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Yb and Lu, are consistent with magmas generated from partial melting of pelitic rocks, with limited participation of differentiation processes. In the region of Botuverá the occurrence of diabase dykes and lamprophyres cutting the regional metamorphic units indicates that its position is post-collisional. Geochemically show affinity between the tholeiitic and shonshonitic series. The distribution pattern of trace elements and the Th/Yb for Ta/Yb ratios indicate that extraction of diabase occur from an enriched mantle source, with the presence of rutile and garnet in the residue and heavily contaminated by crust. These characteristics are similar to those found in rocks post-collisional basaltic volcanic in south Brazil. The scattered values of єNd (618) in basic terms, ranging between -13.74 and +5.52 highlight the heterogeneity of mantle supply and reinforce the importance of crustal component in the generation of these rocks. A concordant age of 618 ± 8.7 Ma by U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) zircon method were obtained, marking a early magmatic processes of post-collisional Brasiliano orogeny in the region of Botuverá.
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Playtime! : en studie av lärares syn på film som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel i historieämnet på gymnasietHultkrantz, Catharina January 2014 (has links)
Showing movies to pupils is hardly a new, innovative teaching method. However, knowledge about how film is used and why, as well as what kind of film is used is scarce. In the present licentiate thesis, eight active teachers have been interviewed on their experiences with and approached to using film as a pedagogic tool in high school history lessons. The purpose of the study is to analyze the respective teachers´ use and understanding of history, based on their opinion of film as a didactic alternative. Why do teachers to use film in class? How do they describe the way in which they work with it in concrete teaching situations? What films do they use and what makes them suitable for classroom viewing? The teachers emphasize five primary ways in which they use movies as teaching tools and the advantages in doing so: to present facts; as an example of multiperspectivism; to promote ethics and empathy; to discuss source criticism; and to arouse interest. The teachers see documentary film as an accurate, reliable form of presenting facts while considering drama more complicated and important to address in class. The study shows that the teachers feel they are left to their own devices to discover film´s potential as creators of meaning but that they rarely have the educational background or time to engage colleagues in didactic reasoning on the subject. The type of films they consider as having the most favorable effect in the classroom generally deal with war and other conflicts from a Western perspective. Most see film as an effective secondary source but a few also see it as a useful primary source. Analyzing their statements as a whole, the informants articulate that while film is widely used in high school history classes, it is done so for very different reasons.
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Petrologia, caracterização geológica, geoquímica e geocronológica do magmatismo pré, sin e pós-colisional presente no Complexo Metamórfico Brusque nas regiões de Itapema e Botuverá, Santa Catarina, BrasilCampos, Roberto Sacks de January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva a caracterização petrológica, geoquímica, geocronológica e metamórfica das rochas ortoderivadas pertencentes ao Complexo Metamórfico Brusque em duas regiões: Itapema e Botuverá, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Dos litotipos, destacam-se as exposições de rochas metamáficas e metaultramáficas, ocorrentes em ambas regiões. Em Itapema também foram investigados corpos de leucogranitos peraluminosos e na região da cidade de Botuverá foram investigados diques de diabásio e lamprófiro espessartítico. A análise das condições de geração e das fontes dos eventos magmáticos responsáveis pela geração destas rochas foi fundamental para a caracterização e avaliação do significado tectônico destas unidades no CMB, que foram posicionadas durante os períodos pré, sin e pós colisionais de evolução deste. A foliação regional do complexo é representada por uma S2 de baixo ângulo na região de Itapema e por uma superfície de mais alto ângulo na região de Botuverá, basculada por atuação da fase D3. Dados de geotermometria Hb-Pl indicam que a foliação principal dos xistos máficos foi gerada em condições da transição entre as fácies xistos verdes e anfibolito inferior. O magmatismo pré-orogênico do Complexo Metamórfico Brusque é constituído por lentes de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, produtos do metamorfismo de basaltos, gabros, rochas cumuláticas relacionadas e sedimentos vulcanogênicos. Estas rochas possuem afinidade toleítica e um elevado teor de ETR leves e elementos LILE. A análise de razões de elementos incompatíveis, a disposição dos corpos ígneos intercalados aos metassedimentos e a ausência de crosta oceânica sugerem que foram posicionados em ambiente tipo intra-placa continental, síncronos a sedimentação da bacia. Os valores iniciais de εNd entre -2.96 e 5.05 das rochas metavulcânicas de Itapema e entre -0.14 e -6.97 das rochas de Botuverá indicam a participação de crosta paleoproterozóica na gênese destes magmas. Os valores em geral elevados de 87Sr/86Sr justificam o envolvimento da crosta continental, e os valores mais altos encontrados em Botuverá, destacam o maior envolvimento deste componente na região. O magmatismo sin tectônico está representado por corpos de leucogranitos peraluminosos que mostram posicionamento concordante com a foliação S2. Os parâmetros composicionais destas rochas caracterizados pelas baixas razões K2O/Na2O, CaO/Na2O e LaN/YbN, os baixos teores de Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Yb e Lu, são consistentes com uma evolução associada com magmas gerados a partir da fusão parcial de rochas crustais de composição pelíticas ricas em quartzo, com participação restrita de processos de diferenciação. Na região de Botuverá a ocorrência de diques de lamprófiros e diabásios que cortam as unidades metamórficas indica que seu posicionamento é pós-colisional. Geoquimicamente possuem afinidade entre as séries toleítica e shonshonítica. O padrão de distribuição dos elementos traços e as razões Th/Yb e Ta/Yb indicam que a extração dos diabásios ocorreu a partir de uma fonte mantélica enriquecida, com presença de rutilo e granada no resíduo e fortemente contaminada por crosta. Estas características são semelhantes às encontradas em rochas vulcânicas básicas pós-colisionais no sul do Brasil. Os dispersos valores de єNd(618) para os termos básicos, variando entre -13.74 e +5.52 destacam a heterogeneidade da fonte e reforçam a importância do componente crustal na geração destas rochas. Foi obtida uma idade concordante de 618 ±8.7 Ma (LA-ICP-MS) pelo método U-Pb em zircão, balizando a idade dos primeiros processos magmáticos pós-colisionais da orogênese brasiliana para a região de Botuverá. / This work objective the characterization of the petrology, geochemistry, geochronology and metamorphism of ortoderivate rocks that belong to Brusque Metamorphic Complex BMC) in two regions: Itapema and Botuverá, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Within these, good expositions of mafic and metaultramafic rocks occur in both regions. In Itapema, bodies of peraluminous leucogranites were also investigated. Around Botuverá were investigated diabase dikes and lamprophyres. The analysis of the conditions of generation and sources of magmatic events responsible for the development of these rocks was essential for the characterization and assessment of the significance of these tectonic units in the BMC, and it were placed during the pre-, syn-and post-collisional period of it’s evolution. The regional foliation of the complex is represented by a low angle S2 surface in Itapema region and a higher angle foliation in the region of Botuverá, folded by actuation of the D3 event. Petrography and Hb-Pl geothermometry data indicate that the main foliation of the mafic schists was generated in conditions between the transition of greenschist and lower amphibolite facies. The pre-orogenic magmatism of the Brusque Metamorphic Complex consists of lenses of mafic-ultramafic, products from the metamorphism of basalts, gabbros, related cumulate rocks and volcanogenic sediments. These rocks have a tholeiitic affinity and high contents of LREE and LILE elements. The analysis of incompatible elements ratios, the position of igneous bodies intercalated with the metasediments and the absence of oceanic crust suggest that the basalts were placed in an intra-continental plate environment, synchronous with sedimentation of the basin. The initial εNd values between -2.96 and 5.05 for the metavolcanics of Itapema and between -0.14 and -6.97 for the rocks of Botuverá indicate the involvement of Paleoproterozoic crust on the genesis of these magmas. The generally high 87Sr/86Sr values justify the involvement of crust, and the highest values found in Botuverá, highlight the greater involvement of this component in the region. Syn tectonic magmatism is represented by bodies of peraluminous leucogranite showing emplacement concordant to S2 foliation. Compositional parameters of these rocks characterized by low ratios K2O/Na2O, CaO/Na2O and LaN / YbN, low levels of Rb, Sr, Zr, Y, Yb and Lu, are consistent with magmas generated from partial melting of pelitic rocks, with limited participation of differentiation processes. In the region of Botuverá the occurrence of diabase dykes and lamprophyres cutting the regional metamorphic units indicates that its position is post-collisional. Geochemically show affinity between the tholeiitic and shonshonitic series. The distribution pattern of trace elements and the Th/Yb for Ta/Yb ratios indicate that extraction of diabase occur from an enriched mantle source, with the presence of rutile and garnet in the residue and heavily contaminated by crust. These characteristics are similar to those found in rocks post-collisional basaltic volcanic in south Brazil. The scattered values of єNd (618) in basic terms, ranging between -13.74 and +5.52 highlight the heterogeneity of mantle supply and reinforce the importance of crustal component in the generation of these rocks. A concordant age of 618 ± 8.7 Ma by U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) zircon method were obtained, marking a early magmatic processes of post-collisional Brasiliano orogeny in the region of Botuverá.
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