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The Effect of Coal Syn Gas Containing Hydrogen Sulfide on the Operation of a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel CellTrembly, Jason 21 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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"Se men inte röra" : En studie om sinnesmarknadsföring vid e-handel inom dagligvaruhandeln / "Look but do not touch" : A study of sensory marketing at e-commerce in the grocey tradeRydén, Erica, Holgersson, Hanna, Borglin, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: En marknadsföringsstrategi som används i de fysiska dagligvaruhandelsbutikerna är sinnesmarknadsföring, men det finns för nuvarande kunskapsluckor vad det gäller att använda strategin vid e-handel. Syftet med studien är därav att få en djupare förståelse av hur svenska dagligvaruhandelsföretag arbetar med sinnesmarknadsföring vid e-handel och hur denna marknadsföringsstrategi påverkar kundens helhetsupplevelse. Teori: Digitaliseringen har lett till att e-handeln fått stor betydelse. Det är därav avstor vikt att företagen genererar en positiv kundupplevelse, vilket förutsätter att förstå kundens beteende. Genom att använda sig av sinnesmarknadsföring stimuleras människans fem sinnen och det skapas möjligheter till att tillfredsställa samtliga kunder. Metod: För att samla in teoretiskt och empiriskt material till denna kvalitativa studie har flera olika metoder använts i kombination. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från ICA och Coop har exempelvis kombinerats med metoden “tänka högt” för att få med kundernas perspektiv. Empiri: Respondenterna från ICA och Coop vill att det ska vara enkelt att navigera på deras e-handel, men kunderna i studien uppfattar det inte lika enkelt. Vidare upplevdes sinnena på olika sätt. Analys: ICA och Coop arbetar mycket med synen. Både teorin och kunderna i studien bekräftar att synen blir det första som uppmärksammas. Företagen arbetar mer med smaken än känseln, medans kunderna stimuleras mer av känseln än smaken. Dock har de samma uppfattning om doften. Därefter kommer hörseln, vilket inte var en lika avgörande faktor vid ett köpbeslut. Slutsats: Företagen arbetar främst med synen genom noga utvalda bilder och recept, vilket påverkade kunderna på olika sätt. Mottagandet av leveransen var viktig för helhetsupplevelsen för kunden, dock påverkades kunden inte av svårigheterna med navigeringen på e- handeln. Det är sinnena i kombination som utgör upplevelsen för kunden. / Introduction: A marketing strategy in the physical grocery stores is sensory marketing, but for now there is a knowledge gap applicable to the strategy used online. The purpose of the study is to get a deeper understanding of how Swedish grocery companies are working with sensory marketing in e-commerce and how this marketing strategy affects the customers' whole experience. Theory: Digitalization has led to e-commerce becoming very important. It is therefore of great importance for companies to generate a positive customer experience, which assumes to understand the customers behavior. To use sensory marketing and stimulate the humans five senses creates possibilities to satisfy all customers. Method: To gather theoretical and empirical data to this qualitative study several different methods were used in combination. Semi- structured interviews with respondents from ICA and Coop have for example been combined with “think aloud” to be able to bring the customer's perspective. Empirical investigation: The respondents from ICA and Coop want their e-commerce investigation to be easy to navigate. However, customers do not perceive it as easily. Furthermore, the senses were experienced in different ways. Analysis: ICA and Coop work with the sight. Both the theory and the customers that participated in the study confirms that the sight sense is the first that is noticed. The companies work more with the taste than the touch, while the customers are stimulated more by the touch than the taste. They both had the same perception about the scent. The hearing is not a crucial factor in a purchase decision. Conclusion: The companies work mostly with the sight with carefully chosen pictures and recipes. The receiving of the delivery was important for the holistic experience, but the difficulties of navigation on the e-commerce did not affect them that much. It is finally the senses in combination with each other that formed the experience for the customer.
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Bevis och bevisförings olika roller i matematikundervisning på gymnasiet : En undersökning om lärares syn på bevis och bevisföring / The roles of proof and proving in mathematics teaching at upper-secondary school : A survey of teachers' views on proof and provingMurdock, Joanna, Triantafyllidis, Kyriakos January 2024 (has links)
Både elever och lärare på gymnasienivå har svårigheter med bevis och bevisföring. Dessutom har det visat sig att bevis och bevisföring spelar en begränsad roll i matematikundervisning. Hur lärare ser på bevisets roll i matematikundervisningen kan påverka tillvägagångssättet för bevisundervisning. Syftet med studien är att belysa hur lärare ser på bevis och bevisföring när det gäller matematikundervisning på gymnasienivå. I studien har nio matematiklärare intervjuats om deras syn på bevisets roll i undervisningen, och hur de arbetar i praktiken med bevis och bevisföring. Intervjudata har analyserats tematiskt, baserat på en teori inspirerad av Knuths (2002a; 2002b) forskning om lärarnas uppfattningar om bevis. Teorin listar sex funktioner som bevis kan ha i matematikundervisning. Det framgår av studien att de flesta lärarna prioriterar förklaring, kommunikation och utveckling av logiskt tänkande när det gäller bevisets roll i undervisning. Resultaten visar även att lärarna anser att bevisundervisning främjar utvecklingen av problemlösningsförmågan. Den strukturerade progressionen och användningen av logiska steg som präglar bevisföringsprocessen utgör grunden för problemlösning. Det kan därför ses som rimligt att införa fler bevisföringsmoment i matematikundervisning. / Both pupils and teachers at upper-secondary school level have difficulties with proof and proving. Furthermore, proof and proving have been shown to play a limited role in mathematics teaching. How teachers view the role of proof in mathematics teaching can affect their approach to teaching proof. The aim of the study was to examine how teachers view proof and proving in the context of mathematics teaching at upper-secondary school level. Nine teachers were interviewed about how they viewed the role of proof in teaching and how they worked in practice with proof and proving. The data was analysed thematically, based on a theory inspired by Knuth’s (2002a; 2002b) research into teachers’ conceptions of proof. The theory lists six functions that proof can have in mathematics teaching. The study shows that most of the teachers prioritise explanation, communication and development of logical thinking as the roles of proof in teaching. The results also show that teachers believe that the teaching of proof promotes the development of problem-solving skills. The proving process is characterized by structured progression and use of logical steps that form the basis for problem-solving. It is therefore reasonable to include more teaching of proof in mathematics education.
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Untersuchung der Neurogenese im Hippocampus in einem transgenen Mausmodell der Parkinson-KrankheitBender, Hannah 12 August 2024 (has links)
Parkinson ist eine neurodegenerative Erkrankung mit motorischen sowie nicht-motorischen Einschränkungen für die betroffenen Personen. Es wird von einer multifaktoriellen Ätiologie ausgegangen, bei der es zur Entstehung von Lewy-Körperchen kommt. Ein Hauptbestandteil dieser Körperchen ist das in Aggregaten vorliegende Protein Alpha-Synuclein (α-syn). Derartige neurodegenerative Erkrankungen wie Parkinson, Demenz mit Lewy-Körperchen sowie Multisystematrophie sind als Synucleinopathien zusammengefasst. Der durch die α-syn-Pathologie mögliche Einfluss auf die adulte Neurogenese wurde als mögliche Ursache oder zumindest als Beitrag zu den Gedächtnisstörungen genannt, die sowohl bei Patienten als auch in Tiermodellen der Parkinson-Krankheit und der Demenz mit Lewy-Körperchen (DLB) beobachtet werden. Im adulten Gehirn findet die Neurogenese einerseits in der subgranulären Zone (SGZ) des hippocampalen Gyrus dendatus (GD) und andererseits in der suventrikulären Zone des lateralen Ventrikels statt. Da Parkinson bei Tieren nicht hinreichend charakterisiert ist, ist die Verwendung eines geeigneten transgenen Mausmodells unerlässlich. Mäuse, die das Wildtyp-α-Syn unter dem Thy1-Promotor überexprimieren (Thy1-α-syn, Linie 61), zeigen frühe kognitive Defizite zusammen mit mehreren anderen charakteristischen motorischen und nicht-motorischen Symptomen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die neuralen Vorläuferzellen (NVZ), Neurone und Astrogliazellen im adulten Hippocampus in der Wildtyp-Maus und dem Mausmodell Thy1-α-syn, Linie 61 zu charakterisieren, quantifizieren und zwischen dem Wildtyp und dem Mausmodell zu vergleichen.
In dieser Studie wurde ein signifikanter Anstieg in der Anzahl der frühen Vorläuferzellen, d. h. der Pax6+/PCNA+ Zellen, im GD der Thy1-α-syn-Mäuse, sowohl im Alter von 6 und 16 Monaten, ermittelt. Die Anzahl der NVZ, d. h. der PCNA+ Zellen, ist in den 16, jedoch nicht in den 6, Monate alten Tieren im Vergleich zum WT signifikant erhöht. Während die Anzahl der späten Vorläuferzellen und Neurone, d. h. der Tbr2+/PCNA+ und NeuN+ Zellen, im GD der Thy1-α-syn-Mäuse im Vergleich zu den Kontrolltieren in beiden Altersgruppen nicht signifikant verändert war. Die stärkste Expression von phosphoryliertem α-syn konnte in den Regionen CA1 und CA3 gezeigt werden. Die Messung der GFAP-Pixelintensität ergab einen signifikanten Anstieg in den Hippocampusregionen CA1, SGZ, in der Molekularschicht und der polymorphzelligen Schicht in Thy1-α-syn-Mäusen im Vergleich zu den Kontrolltieren sowohl in den 6 und 16 Monate alten Tieren. Beim Vergleich der Verhältnisse von CA1 zur SGZ, Molekularschicht und polymorphzelligen Schicht zeigte sich jedoch kein Unterschied GFAP-Pixelintensität zwischen den Thy1-α-syn-Mäusen und den Kontrolltieren in beiden Altersgruppen, was auf eine Allgemeine, nicht ortsgebundene, Astrogliose in den Thy1-α-syn-Mäusen hinweist.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen eine Steigerung in der Anzahl der frühen neuralen Vorläuferzellen im adulten Hypocampus in einem Thy1-α-syn-überexprimierenden Mausmodell. Sie bilden die Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der PD im Tiermodell sowie zur Entdeckung wirksamer therapeutischer Maßnahmen gegen die kognitive Dysfunktion bei Morbus Parkinson und DLB.:1. Einleitung
2. Literaturübersicht
2.1 Alpha-Synuclein
2.1.1 Eigenschafften des Proteins
2.1.2 Synucleinopathien
2.2 Parkinson
2.2.1 Definition
2.2.2 Epidemiologie
2.2.3 Einteilung
2.2.4 Symptome
2.2.5 Pathogenese
2.2.6 Diagnostik
2.2.7 Therapie
2.3 Hippocampus
2.4 Neurogenese
2.4.1 Neurogenese im adulten Hippocampus
2.4.2 Neurogenese im Zusammenhang mit Synucleinopathien
2.5 Immunhistochemische Marker
2.5.1 PCNA und Ki67
2.5.2 Pax6
2.5.3 Nestin
2.5.4 Tbr2
2.5.5 NeuN und Tbr1
2.5.6 GFAP
2.6 Mausmodell
3. Publikation
3.1 Eigenanteil der Publikation
3.2 Publikation mit dem Titel: “Alpha-Synuclein Pathology Coincides With Increased Number of Early Stage Neural Progenitors in the Adult Hippocampus”
4. Diskussion
5. Zusammenfassung
6. Summary
7. Literaturverzeichnis
8. Danksagung
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Orientering som friluftsliv? : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur lärare i idrott och hälsa talar om relationen mellan orientering och friluftsliv / Orienteering as friluftsliv? : A qualitative study of physical education and health teachers´ talk about the relation between orienteering and friluftslivNowik, Daniel, Tellström, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i årskurs 7-9 talar om relationen mellan orientering och friluftsliv i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Frågeställningarna studien avser besvara är följande: Hur bedrivs undervisningen i friluftsliv och orientering? Vilka geografiska områden används för friluftslivsundervisning? Hur används de geografiska områdena i undervisningen? Metod Datainsamlingen till studien gjordes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån en intervjuguide. Sju idrottslärare från årskurs 7-9 intervjuades, fem från Stockholms län varav två verksamma i innerstaden, en från Södermanlands län samt en från Norrbottens län. Urvalet skedde genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades. Transkriberingen analyserades med hjälp av diskursanalys som teoretiskt ramverk. Resultat Diskursanalysen av hur idrottslärare talar om relationen mellan friluftsliv och orientering resulterade i en övergripande diskurs där själva undervisningen i friluftsliv framträder som bestående av aktiviteter. Orientering beskrevs vidare som ett kunskapsområde som kunde integreras i friluftsundervisningen. Friluftslivsundervisnings olika aktiviteter ses av flera lärare som förberedande delar inför vandringar och övernattningar. Närområdets ansågs ha stor betydelse då det just gav möjligheter till dessa förberedande aktiviteter. I talet om undervisning i friluftsliv och orientering framkom även behovet av mer resurser och mer av ämnesöverskridande planeringstid. Vid genomgången av det empiriska materialet framkom även att eleverna hade svårt att uppfatta syftet med de aktiviteter som genomfördes, vilket resulterade i att undervisningen i friluftsliv många gånger präglades av omotiverade elever. Slutsats I diskursanalysen av lärarnas tal framträder att lärarna har en mycket en öppen tolkning av kursplanen, där orientering utgör en aktivitet bland andra inom friluftsliv. Skolans närområde tilldelas stor betydelse och används för aktiviteter. Den öppna skrivningen i kursplanen ger idrottslärare möjligheter att bedriva aktiviteter utan att placera in dem i ett mer övergripande sammanhang. En möjlig lösning som gör att momentet friluftsliv och utevistelse kan inkluderas mer i undervisningen, är dels mer tid till undervisningen, dels en ämnesöverskridande planering. Detta skulle kunna skapa möjligheter till en rödare tråd än vad som återfinns idag. Friluftsliv och andra typer av ämnesinnehåll skulle kunna särskiljas tydligare. / Abstract Aim and research questions The purpose of this study is to examine how physical education (PE) teachers from grades 7-9 view the relationship between orienteering and friluftsliv within their teaching. The study aims to answer the following questions: How do PE teachers use orienteering and friluftsliv in their teaching? Which geographical areas are used during lessons focusing on friluftsliv? In what ways are these geographical areas being used by PE teachers? Method The data was collected through semi structured interviews which followed an interview guide. Seven PE teachers were interviewed, of which five teach came within the Stockholm area, one from Norrbotten and one from Södermanland. The teachers were selected through a convenient sample. The interviews were recorded, transcribed to text documents and thereafter analyzed by using a discourse analysis. Results The discourse analysis showed that the teachers view friluftsliv as a teaching area for physical activities. This was further explained by the teachers´ strive to organize the friluftsliv education using activities named by the curriculum. The teachers viewed these activities as preparations for other outdoor activities, such as longer hikes. The discourse around orienteering was that orienteering was an integrated part of friluftsliv. The open interpretation of the curriculum by the teachers led in some cases to activities being chosen without much reflection on their actual purpose. Furthermore, the empirical material showed that students did not know the purpose of certain activities, which affected their overall motivation for friluftsliv education. An important aspect for all teachers in this study is the geographical areas close to the school. Another aspect is the PE teachers´ desire for more cooperation with other school subjects. The PE teachers also expressed that they wanted a solution which could create more time for friluftsliv in their teaching, which would make it easier to organize meaningful activities. Conclusion The discourses connected to how the teachers talk about friluftsliv and orienteering shows that friluftsliv is mainly viewed as an area for physical activity. When discussing geographical areas close to the school, a discourse was created which highlighted the significance of this aspect, together with friluftsliv as a means of preparation for other outdoor activities. More cooperation with other subjects has potential to create more time for friluftsliv, making it easier to separate orienteering from this teaching area.
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Géodynamique du bassin de Sivas (Turquie) : de la fermeture d’un domaine océanique à la mise en place d’un avant-pays salifère / Geodynamics of the Sivas basin (Turkey) : from oceanic closure to a salt forelandLegeay, Étienne 13 October 2017 (has links)
L’Anatolie fait partie d’un vaste domaine orogénique qui s’étend des Alpes à l’Himalaya. Les sutures ophiolitiques rencontrées marquent les cicatrices de plusieurs domaines océaniques (branches de la Néotéthys Nord), interdigités entre plusieurs blocs crustaux au cours du Mésozoïque. La fermeture de ces domaines au Crétacé supérieur est accompagnée de la mise en place de bassins tertiaires syn-orogéniques dont fait partie le Bassin de Sivas, limité au nord par le bloc du Kırşehir et au Sud par les Taurides. Une étude structurale de terrain, complétée d’analyses géochimiques, biostratigraphiques et thermochronologiques ainsi que l’étude de 700 km de lignes sismiques 2D inédites, a été menée pour tenter de comprendre (i) le contexte géodynamique régional et (ii) l’architecture tectono-sédimentaire de ce bassin.L’étude des ophiolites présentes le long de la bordure sud du Bassin de Sivas met en évidence des péridotites intensément serpentinisées. La partie supérieure de l’ophiolite présente des brèches et ophicalcites caractéristiques de l’exhumation mantellique, alors que l’analyse géochimique des corps magmatiques révèle un environnement de supra-subduction, daté à circa 90 Ma (U-Pb sur zircon). Ces analyses démontrent la présence d’un domaine océanique embryonnaire entre le Kırşehir et les Taurides, dont la fermeture s’initie le long d’ancienne failles de détachement. L’obduction de la nappe de péridotite et de son mélange frontal sur la marge Nord des Taurides entre le Turonien et le Maastrichtien, permet de former le « socle ophiolitique » commun aux bassins est-anatoliens. L’analyse détaillée de la partie centrale du bassin, en carte et à l’aide de lignes sismiques 2D inédites et de thermochronologie basse température [AFTA et (U-Th)/sur apatite], a permis de proposer un modèle d’évolution cinématique sur la base de coupes équilibrées. La propagation de la déformation vers le Nord, initiée dès l’Eocène inférieur, permet l’isolation progressive du bassin et une forte accumulation d’évaporites à l’Eocène supérieur. Les dépôts de l’Oligo-miocène sont ensuite contrôlés par l’halocinèse, permettant la mise en place de deux générations de mini-bassins salifère, séparés d’une canopée. Les géométries dans le domaine halocinétique, et les variations latérales dans le bassin, montrent le contrôle exercé par (i) le bassin pré-évaporite affleurant le long de la moitié sud du bassin et (ii) l’épaisseur du niveau de sel initial.L’intégration de ces observations à l’échelle régionale met en évidence un contrôle du raccourcissement crustal, dans les Taurides et les bassins tertiaires, lié à la fermeture de la Néotéthys Sud, en générant l’émergence de structures de socles. La collision enregistrée à l’Oligocène supérieur - Miocène lors de l’indentation de la plaque Arabe le long des Taurides est contemporaine de la déformation du Bassin de Sivas et des bassins adjacents. / Anatolia is part of a vast orogenic domain that extends from the Alps to the Himalayas. Numerous ophiolitic sutures defined the remnants of several oceanic domains (Northern and southern Neotethys), between continental fragments formed during Mesozoic time. Oceanic closure during Late Cretaceous is recorded by the establishment of syn-orogenic tertiary basins, including the Sivas Basin bounded to the north by the Kırşehir block and to the south by the Taurides. An extended study based on field and completed by geochemistry, biostratigraphy and thermochronology analyzes and more than 700 km unpublished seismic data, was conducted to resolve (i) the regional geodynamic context and (ii) the tectono-sedimentary architecture of this basin.The ophiolites located along the southern edge of the Sivas Basin are made of serpentinized peridotites. The upper part of the ophiolite present breccias and ophicalcites commonly described as associated to mantle exhumation environment, while the geochemical analysis of the magmatic bodies reveals a supra-subduction environment dated at circa 90 Ma (U-Pb on zircon). These observations are in agreement with an embryonic ocean domain located between the Kırşehir and the Taurides, the closure which was initiated along fossil detachment faults. The obduction of the peridotite nappe and its frontal mélange on the northern margin of the Taurides between the Turonian and the Maastrichtian allows forming the “ophiolitic basement” of the east-anatolian basins.A detailed map and cross-section analysis, supported by 2D seismic lines and low-temperature thermochronology [AFTA and (U-Th) / on apatite], resulted in a kinematic evolution model and the realization of balanced cross-sections. The propagation of the deformation towards the north, initiated in the Lower Eocene, results in the progressive isolation of the basin and a strong accumulation of evaporites during the Upper Eocene. The Oligo-Miocene depocenters were controlled by halokinesis, forming two generations of mini-basins, separated by a salt canopy. The geometries in the halokinetic domain and the lateral variations in the basin show the control exerted by (i) the pre-evaporite basin outcropping along the southern half of the basin and (ii) the thickness of the initial salt level.Integration at the regional scale within the Taurides highlights the propagation of crustal shortening related to the Southern Neotethys closure, which formed linear tectonic basement exhumation. The collision recorded in the Upper Oligocene - Miocene during the indentation of the Arabic plate along the Taurides is contemporaneous to the deformation the Sivas Basin.
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Analyse des systèmes pétroliers de l'offshore algérien oriental : quantification, modélisation stratigraphique et thermique / Petroleum system analysis of the Eastern Algerian offshore : quantification, stratigraphic and thermal modelingArab, Mohamed 01 June 2016 (has links)
La marge algérienne est un domaine complexe, bordé au sud par les zones internes des Maghrébides (AlKaPeCa) qui chevauchent les zones externes telliennes vers le sud. La partie offshore de ce système constitue un bassin d‘arrière arc où s‘est déposée une série sédimentaire mio-pliocène reposant sur un substratum de nature et d‘origine variables spatialement. L'objectif de ce travail a consisté à analyser et modéliser le fonctionnement des systèmes pétroliers et à quantifier les volumes d‘hydrocarbures accumulés. Avant de procéder aux différentes modélisations numériques, stratigraphiques et thermiques, un modèle géologique conceptuel a été élaboré sur la base des données de géologie de terrain et de sismiques. La continuité terre- mer du socle kabyle a permis une extrapolation stratigraphique entre des formations oligo-miocènes en affleurement et les unités acoustiques définies dans le bassin offshore. L‘analyse tectonique dans les deux domaines a abouti à une évolution en trois phases : (1) syn-rift où le bassin a été ouvert en transtension à partir de l‘Oligocène supérieur-Aquitanien, (2) phase post-rift durant laquelle il y a eu le développement des bassins intra-arcs, la collision AlKaPeCa- Afrique et le magmatisme, (3) phase d‘inversion où la marge devient active essentiellement à partir du Quaternaire. En définissant l‘ensemble des éléments des systèmes pétroliers avec des incertitudes variables, la simulation du fonctionnement de ces derniers par modélisation de bassin 2D/3D a montré des possibilités d‘accumulation d‘huile et de gaz majoritairement près de la marge, entre 20 et 65 km de la côte avec un maximum de portée de 70 km dans le golfe de Bejaia. / The Algerian margin is a complex domain, limited to the south by the Maghrebian internal zones (AlKaPeCa) that overthrust the external Tellian zones southward. The offshore part of this system constitutes a back-arc basin, where a mio-pliocene sedimentary series were deposited over a substratum of laterally variable origin and nature. The goal of the present work consisted in analyzing and modelling the petroleum system at work and calculating hydrocarbon volumes. Before proceeding to different numerical basin, stratigraphic and thermal modelling, a conceptual geological model is required and was performed based on field geological studies and stratigraphic and structural interpretations of the seismic profiles. The extension of the continental crust beyond the foot of the margin, allows determining a chronostratigraphic model by extrapolation of the outcroping oligo-miocene formations onshore to the acoustic pre-messinian units defined in the offshore basin. Besides, a tectonic analysis in both onshore and offshore domains gave rise to three main steps of evolution: (1) syn-rift phase where the basin was opened by transtension since Late Oligocene- Aquitanian, (2) post-rift phase in which intra-arc basins were developed, AlKaPeCa and Africa docked and magmatism activity took place, (3) inversion phase where the margin became active mainly since Quaternary times. After defining the different petroleum system elements taking into account variable uncertainties, the 2D/3D petroleum system model depicts possibilities of oil and gas accumulations mainly close to the margin, between 20 to 65 km from the coastline to the north with a maximum range of 70 km in the Bejaia Gulf.
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[pt] O oitavo capítulo da Carta aos Romanos é, aparentemente, o seu centro: um tratado sobre o espírito sob vários aspectos – humano, divino e outros. A unidade literária Rm 8,14-17 é considerada o núcleo deste capítulo. A perícope desenvolve as causas e os efeitos da adoção filial divina com uma terminologia igual e distinta alhures (e.g., Gl 4,4-7); o texto contém expressões vinculadas à tradição judaica (vv. 14-15) e também uma segunda feição mais ecumênica/helênica (vv. 16-17), configurando uma estrutura retórica dual e, concomitantemente, convergente, devido aos elementos da semântica de uma e de outra cultura: yiothesίas (v. 15) e herdeiro (v. 17). Isto, de certa maneira, elucida e confirma a formação cultural e intelectual do Apóstolo: judaica e helênica à luz do cristianismo. Na primeira dimensão do texto destaca-se a fórmula aramaico-grega, tida como litúrgica; na segunda, o texto atrai por sua quantidade e qualidade de co-construtos: symmartyrei, herdeiros, compaixão syndoxasthomen (neologismos paulinos ou de uso ímpar). A singularidade da combinação destoa do convencional sugerindo um Sitz im Leben e/ou contexto específico: estratos de paternidade idolátrica (Zeύs-patnr) e reminiscências de sincretismo salvífico das religiões de mistério em virtude dos compostos co-, comuns nas fórmulas destes ritos greco-romanos. O presente trabalho entende que o acumulo de dados e a análise componencial dos mesmos em Rm 8,14-17 proporcionou aos seus sintagmas uma compreensão semântica colidente à idolatria e ao sincretismo. / [en] The eighth chapter of Romans is apparently its center: a treaty about spirit on various aspects – human, divine and others. The literary unit Romans 8:14-17 is considered the core of this chapter. The pericope develops the causes and effects of the divine filial adoption [yiothesίas, children of God / god tékna] with an equal and distinct terminology elsewhere (eg, Gal 4:4-7); the text contains linked expressions to the Jewish tradition (vv. 14-15) and also a second more ecumenical/Hellenic feature (vv. 16-17), setting up a dual rhetorical structure and, concomitantly, convergent, due to the semantic elements of one and another culture:yiothesίas (v. 15) and hereditary (v. 17) . This, in a way, elucidates and confirms the cultural and intellectual formation of the Apostle: Jewish and Hellenistic in the light of Christianity. The first dimension of the text highlights the formula Aramaic-Greek ABBA patnr, regarded as liturgical; in the second, the text draws on its quantity and quality of co-constructs: symmartyrei, heirs, compassion, syndoxasthomen(Pauline neologisms or a singular use). The uniqueness of the combination deviates from its conventional, suggesting Sitz im Leben and/or a specific context: strata of an idolatrous paternity (Zeύs-patnr) and reminiscences of salvific syncretism of mystery religions because of co-compounds, common in these Greco-Roman rites formulas. This work considers both the accumulation of data and the componential analysis of these in Romans 8:14-17 provided its syntagmas a semantic understanding colliding over idolatry and syncretism.
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Cornelia, Hortensia och Sulpicia : Tre kvinnliga författare i RomSvedlund, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
The woman has always been an invisible individual behind the act of ’Great men’ in the Roman society. The woman’s gender role has forever been specified where the woman is a submissive, quiet and an unintelligent individual who wants to do everything for her man. Even though this gender role is created by authors that are men and is about how they consider a woman should behave, what about the women’s view on this matter? By means of getting an answer to this question, we can get a fuller perspective and an understanding about the Roman woman and as a woman writer in a patriarchal society. The purpose with this essay will therefore be to give a fuller perspective about the Roman society and its woman writers. In order to fulfill this purpose, I have asked the following questions: How did men react when women published their literary work and is it possible to investigate how the women thought about themselves through analyzing their work. And how was it possible for a woman to publish her texts in a society where women had no rights and a small chance to publish her work for the public? In order to have been able for doing this examination I have delimit myself and investigate three women, Cornelia, Hortensia and Sulpicia. Cornelia wrote letters, Hortensia wrote and delivered a speech and Sulpicia wrote poems. I have used the ancient sources Appian, Nepos, Tibullus to get the quotes of the women’s texts. I have also used other ancient sources like Aelian, Cicero, Ovid, Plutarch, Pliny, Quintilian and Valerius Maximus for other valuable information about the three women and their literature. They contribute with comments about the women and about women’s possibilities to get an education. I have a gender role and feminist view through the entire essay as the main focus is the three roman women writers. I have done this by analyzing the women’s texts and investigated what men thought about them and high educated women generally. And how the society encounters this texts. Through all this we have got a better understanding about how the attitude was towards the Roman woman and how she looked upon herself – and with that a fuller perspective on the Roman woman in general instead of the androcentric view we had before. There are a lot of variables that contribute to whether the woman can publish her work which is status, wealth, her loyalty to Rome and contacts with important people. Through all these men were relative positive about the three women’s texts and the women themselves were relative positive to themselves.
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Digital service erbjuden till användare med funktionsnedsättning på Armeniens national bibliotek : utmaningar och åtgärder. / Digital services to patrons with disabilities offered at the National Library of Armenia : challenges and measures taken.Khachatryan, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the present qualitative study is to create knowledge about librarydigital services and their marketing to patrons with disabilities in Armenia, on theexample of the National Library of Armenia, as well as, to discover opinions of theNLA librarians and patrons with disabilities about the importance of library digitalservices to people with disabilities. Literature review and qualitative interviewing has been employed as methods to collect the empirical data. The results have been analyzed and discussed based on the library-marketing model of marketing research, marketing segmentation, marketing mix strategy and marketing evaluation suggested by Koontz & Gubbin (2010). It has been concluded, that 1) e-accessibility issomething new at the NLA and the NLA does not provide equally available knowledge, resources, services, facilities to patrons with disabilities, because of the following main challenges: lack of continuous funding and support from the state, lack of appropriate facilities and technologies, lack of qualified staff, and historicallyinherited library infrastructure impediments; 2) no library service marketing is conducted to patrons with disabilities at the NLA; 3) the opinions are that provisionwith such services is very important to people with disabilities, since they allow those people to gain access and use information in formats adopted to their various needs, and, of course, they become integrated into the modern society. The important role of a library as a non-discriminator and copyright protector in a developing country when delivering digital library services to patrons with disabilities has also been discovered. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster
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