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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generation, evaluation, and optimisation of procedural 2D tile-based maps in turn-based tactical video games

Griffith, Ioseff January 2016 (has links)
In modern times, procedural content generation sees frequent use in video games, producing anything from graphics to maps and quests. This study focuses on how these techniques can be used to produce forest maps for tactical role-playing games, and how this is applied in particular to Starshard, one such game. The main points addressed are how well the forestry growth simulation algorithm previously implemented in Starshard compares to algorithms based on other popular techniques, how to utilise evaluation and optimisation to produce correct and strategically interesting maps without human interference, and whether or not players can easily perceive a difference between procedural maps and maps designed by humans. With high demand for new algorithms to automate content generation in order to help smaller teams of developers and maintain interest in content post release, there is much value in delving further into less frequently explored aspects such as tile-based maps or player perception of procedural content. In order to answer the research problems, a controlled experiment comparing four forestry generation algorithms was performed, in addition to a study of literature to implement evaluation and optimisation algorithms, and a survey to gauge player reactions to the produced maps. Ultimately, the growth simulation proves to be more successful than alternative algorithms in reducing number of errors in maps. In addition, the results of the survey showed that while players are capable of reliably picking out human created maps, their ratings for procedurally generated maps were not much lower than these and they could frequently mistake procedural maps as being produced by humans.

Moderna språk som tillval på gymnasiet : Vilka faktorer påverkar valet? / Foreign Language as an Optional Subject in Upper Secondary School : Which factors influence the choice?

Näs, Sandra January 2007 (has links)
Med anledning av att allt färre elever väljer språk som tillval på gymnasiet så är syftet med detta examensarbete att ta reda på vad som påverkar gymnasieelever att välja, respektive välja bort, språk som tillval. Det jag främst vill undersöka är ifall det finns skillnader i motivation, attityder och nöjdhet/missnöje med undervisningen mellan de som har valt språk och de som har valt bort språk som tillval. Vidare syftar undersökningen till att ta reda på vilka förbättringar både elever och lärare tycker vore nödvändiga. Metoden som användes var både kvalitativ och kvantitativ i form av intervjuer och två olika enkäter. Fyra elever och två lärare intervjuades och enkäterna besvarades av 34 elever med språk som tillval och av 40 elever med andra tillval. Resultatet visar inte på några specifika skillnader förutom motivation mellan grupperna, däremot fann jag flera möjliga orsaker till bortval; bland annat ointresse, taktikval och tråkig undervisning. De förbättringar som efterfrågades var till viss del organisatoriska, men till största delen handlade de om själva undervisningen. Det jag kom fram till är att undervisningen på högstadiet troligen påverkar bortvalen i hög grad och att det är förbättringar där, samt ett nytt skolsystem som premierar språk, som är de viktigaste faktorerna för att få fler elever att välja språk som tillval. / The purpose with this degree thesis is to find out why pupils choose, or do not choose, language as an optional subject. Mainly I want to see if there are any differences in motivation, attitudes and satisfaction/dissatisfaction with language teaching between the pupils who have chosen language and the pupils who have chosen another optional subject. Furthermore the investigation aims at finding out what improvements teachers and pupils find necessary. The method being used was both qualitative and quantitative in the form of interviews and two different questionnaires. Four pupils and two teachers were interviewed and the questionnaires were answered by 34 pupils with a language choice and 40 pupils with other choices. The result shows no specific differences except motivation between the two groups, however I found several possible reasons to why pupils tend to choose some other subject than language: lack of interest, tactical choices and an unsatisfying language teaching. The suggestions of improvements concerned to an extent organizational aspects, but mainly the actual teaching. The teaching in the upper level of compulsory school probably affects the fewer choices of language and we need to improve this teaching and introduce a new school system that rewards language choices to make more pupils choose language as an optional subject.

Fältövning som undervisningsmetod ur ett krigsvetenskapligt perspektiv

Perkola, Jarmo January 2017 (has links)
This essay analyses how students translate theoretical warfare into practical action during a staff ride. Through case studies, at the actual location, in a real or fictitious scenario, students can apply theoretical knowledge about principles of warfare to practical situations. Discussion of the outcomes of different examples on the actual terrain allows a comparison of contemporary tactics and contemporary technology. The terrain is still there, albeit perhaps altered and, although the military geography’s character shifts, it is consistent. Therefore, one can compare the contemporary tactical and technical conditions with the practical conditions of the present, and draw conclusions that are relevant to modern tactics. Thus, one can learn from the historical context through staff rides as a teaching method. The essay is about the teaching situation and the method that students are exposed to during a staff ride, and how theories of warfare relate to and are used in the practical implementation of a staff ride.

Bridging the sport psychology gap in golf

Bezuidenhout, Theo 30 September 2008 (has links)
The focus for this research project was on the use of technology in bridging a perceived gap in sport psychology. This gap is present between the three main contexts in which sport psychology is practised, namely the individual consultancy, the lecture hall and the sports field. These contexts are removed from one another due to cost implications, time constraints and distance challenges. I propose that by using technology, in the form of video-taping athletes, these challenges can be overcome. Thus leading to better service delivery by sport psychologists on the one hand and more fulfilled and informed clients on the other. An example of this, in a practical situation, is this research project done with the golfers of the Tshwane University of Technology Golf Academy (TUTGA). Six of these golfers were video-taped while playing a round of golf. Then they were interviewed individually, using narrative practice interviewing techniques, about their experiences on the course. Lastly they were interviewed in a group session so as to ascertain how they experienced being video-taped on the course and how they experienced the use of video technology in the sport psychology process. Copyright 2007, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Bezuidenhout, T 2007, Bridging the sport psychology gap in golf, MA dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-09302008-132016 / > E1115/ag / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted

Digitala krigsspel i taktikutbildning

Skaret, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Försvarsmaktens budget blir allt mindre, detta innebär att man inte kan öva i samma omfattning med riktig ammunition och fordon. Intresset för digitala krigsspel och simulationer har därmed ökat. Men för att använda sig av spel i utbildning måste man veta hur man skall använda dem. Syftet med uppsatsen har således varit att undersöka om man kan använda sig av digitala krigsspel i sig självt som en bärare för lärande. Kan deltagarna lära sig taktik genom att bara spela ett spel? Det finns flera olika synsätt som stöder alternativt motbevisar om hur lärande sker då man använder sig av spel för lärande. Uppsatsen kommer att fokusera på två av dessa teorier, Ett experiment genomfördes för att undersöka om spelet i sig kunde öka kvalitén på de taktiska planerna som togs fram. Experimentet gick ut på att två grupper fick ta fram en taktisk plan på plutons nivå, en av grupperna fick även genomföra ett digitalt krigsspel på ett liknande scenario innan. Resultatet av bedömningen av planerna resulterade inte i någon signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna. Vad man däremot kunde se var att spelet hade en annan inverkan på deltagarna. / The Swedish Armed Forces’ budget is getting smaller, that means a lot less practice with real ammunitions and vehicles. Because of this, the interest for digital war games and simulations has increased.  But to use games in education you need to know how you are going to implement them. The purpose with this paper has been to examine the possibility of only using a digital war game for learning. Will the participants learn tactics by just playing a game? The impact this could have is that learners could bring the game home and train whenever they wanted to. There are several views that support and reject the idea of using gamebased learning. This paper will focus on describing two of these theories.  An experiment was done to examine if the digital game itself could increase the quality of the tactical plans that the participants had made. The experiment had two groups which had an assignment to make a tactical plan on a platoon level, one of the groups also got to play a digital war game before they made the tactical plan. The assessment of the plans was made by a tactical teacher at the Defense Collage and the results of the assessment did not give any results that showed any significant difference from the groups. The game itself did not have any impact on the quality of the plan. But there were indications that the game might have had other impact on its participants.

Le travail de mobilisation d'un groupe activiste. Le répertoire tactique, les médias et l'implication de ses membres. / The mobilization work of an activist group. Tactical repertoire, media and members implication.

Hildwein, Fabien 11 October 2016 (has links)
Notre travail explore les groupes activistes en tant qu’organisations de mouvements sociaux. Pour cela, nous étudions comment les activistes expriment leur message en mobilisant des symboles (discours, position du corps, objets…) pour construire un ensemble de performances spécifiques appelé le répertoire tactique. Pour ce faire, ils s’inspirent de leurs prédécesseurs et de leurs cadres théoriques. Dans un deuxième temps, nous décrivons comment les activistes mobilisent les médias à l’aide d’une stratégie médiatique, reposant à la fois sur le répertoire tactique et sur une certaine intégration des activistes en son sein. Enfin, nous analysons les moyens par lesquels le groupe activiste mobilise ses membres (c’est-à-dire les recrute et les retient) ; cela passe en particulier par l’acquisition de compétences émancipatrices pour les activistes. En conclusion, nous montrons que le répertoire tactique constitue la colonne vertébrale d’un groupe activiste et participe à toutes les tâches que nous avons décrites (mobilisation de symboles, des médias et des activistes). Cette spécificité définit le groupe activiste en tant qu’organisation. Nous nous appuyons sur un travail ethnographique d’un an auprès du groupe activiste féministe La Barbe qui dénonce l’absence de femmes en haut des organisations. Notre travail s’accompagne d’une réflexion méthodologique sur l’observation d’un groupe féministe par un ethnographe homme. / This work analyses activist groups as organizations of social movements. Firstly, I study how activists express their message by mobilizing symbols (discourses, demeanor, objects…) in order to build a set of performances called the “tactical repertoire”. To do so, they draw inspiration from their predecessors and their theoretical frames. Secondly, I describe how activists mobilize media. Their media strategy relies both on the tactical repertoire and the integration of activists into the group. Finally, I enquire how the activist group mobilize its members (how it recruits and retains them); the acquisition of emancipatory skills is a particularly strong motivation for activists. In the conclusion, I show that the tactical repertoire is the backbone of an activist group as it participates in all the tasks described (mobilization of symbols, of media and of activists). This specific characteristic defines the activist group as an organization. I rely on a one-year-long ethnography among the French feminist activist group La Barbe, which denounces the absence of women at the head of organizations. I also reflect on the methodological implications of observing a feminist activist group as a male ethnographer.

Optimeringsverktyg för att effektivisera huvudprogrammet på Saab Aeronautics / Optimization Tool to Increase Efficiency on the Master Production Schedule at Saab Aeronautics

Mellqvist, Hanna, Lord, Elise January 2020 (has links)
Saab är ett ledande företag på marknaden inom försvar- och säkerhetslösningar. De levererar produkter, tjänster och lösningar inom både militärt försvar och civil säkerhet. Saab Aeronautics tillverkar och utvecklar stridsflygplanet JAS 39 Gripen. Saab har en pågående affär med det brasilianska flygvapnet som inkluderar produktion och utveckling av totalt 36 stycken stridsflygplan av modellerna Gripen E och Gripen F. Planering kan ske på strategisk, taktisk eller operativ nivå. Om leveranstiden till kunden är lång är det vanligt att den strategiska och taktiska nivån slås samman, vilket också är fallet på Saab där nivåerna slagits samman och benämns som huvudplanering. Huvudplaneringen har som uppgift att ta fram ett huvudprogram för produktion av Gripen med en planeringshorisont på tio år. För att produktionen ska vara effektiv är det viktigt att huvudprogrammet är så bra utformat som möjligt, samt att det inkluderar alla avtalade teknikutbyten. I dagsläget har huvudplaneringen inget optimeringsverktyg som på ett systematiskt vis inkluderar de faktorer som bör tas hänsyn till vid framtagandet av ett huvudprogram. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utreda vad som krävs för att huvudplaneringen ska kunna ta hänsyn till fler faktorer vid framtagande av huvudprogram. En matematisk modell för Saab togs fram och därefter var planen att implementera den i Excel, eftersom huvudplaneringen använder denna programvara i dagsläget. Under arbetets gång upptäcktes det att Excel har begränsningar som gjorde att det inte var möjligt att implementera den matematiska modellen enligt den matematiska notationen. En avvägning om att endera fokusera på implementerbarhet eller teknisk noggrannhet gjordes och implementerbarhet valdes. Ett verktyg som inkluderar de krav som anges i den matematiska modellen skapades i Excel. För att verifiera den matematiska modellen implementerades den i optimeringsverktyget AMPL. Därefter gjordes en jämförelse mellan de olika verktygen för att visa på eventuella skillnader i resultatet som de genererade. Arbetet resulterade i en matematisk modell för Saab och ett verktyg i Excel. Modellen tar hänsyn till olika typer av teknikutbyte, att ledtiden är inom tillåtet tidsspann för varje aktivitet och att glapptider minimeras. Verktyg i Excel tar hänsyn till faktorerna som inkluderades i den matematiska modellen. För att målet ska uppnås krävs djupare utredning kring befintliga programvaror eller att investera i en ny programvara. / Saab is a global company within defense and security, and they deliver products, services and solutions within military defense and civil security. The business area Aeronautics develop and produce the aircraft system JAS 39 Gripen. Saab has a contract with the Brazilian air force which includes development and production of 36 aircraft systems. There are three different levels of planning, strategical, tactical and operational. It is common to merge the strategical and tactical level if the delivery time is long. The strategical and tactical level at Saab is one unit and they are called Master Planning. The main task for Master Planning is to create a master production schedule with a planning horizon of ten years. It is important that the master production schedule includes all technological transfers and that the schedule is as efficient as possible. They do not use any technological tool that systematically includes all factors that needs to be taken into account when creating a schedule. The aim with this master thesis is to investigate how more factors can be integrated when developing the master production schedule. A mathematical model for Saab was created. Then the plan was to implement the mathematical model in Excel, since the Master Planning use this tool currently. During the implementation it was discovered that Excel has limitations that makes it impossible to implement the mathematical model according to the mathematical notation. A tradeoff was made, to either focus on implementability or technological accuracy, and implementability was chosen. Then a tool was created in Excel, which includes the requirements from the mathematical model. To verify the mathematical model, it was implemented in the optimization tool AMPL. Then a comparison between Excel and AMPL was made, to be able to show possible differences. The result of the master thesis is a mathematical model for Saab and a tool in Excel. The mathematical model includes different types of technological transfer, lead time requirements and minimization of gap time. The tool in Excel includes the requirements which is specified in the mathematical model. To be able to achieve the goal, an investigation must be done to find out if Saab can use any existing software at the company or if they need to invest in a new type of software.

Analýza účinnosti postavení podávajících a přijímajících hráčů v tenisové čtyřhře / Analysis of serving and reciveng formations in tennis doubles

Čábela, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
Analýza účinnosti postavení podávajících a přijímajících hráčů v tenisové čtyřhře Cílem práce je zjistit četnost a účinnost užívaných formacích při čtyřhře jmenovitě: "I" formace, "australská formace" a "základní postavení" při podání dvojice. A při příjmu mezi "základním postavením" a "postavením u základní čáry". Metodami v této práci jsou nepřímé pozorování a notační analýza. Sledovali jsme soubor hráčů čtyřher v jednotlivých utkáních pomocí videozáznamů. V těchto utkání notační analýzou zaznamenávali četnost a účinnost jednotlivých taktických variant. Účinnost "I" formace pří prvním podání činí 80,92%, u druhého podání 56,25% a jeho celková četnost v rozehrách je 43,65%. Při formaci v základním postavení u sítě při prvním podání je účinnost 79,9%, při druhém podání 57% a četnost činí 56,35% všech rozeher. příjmu prvního podání v postavení byla účinnost 28%, u druhého 50,35% a četnost formace je 64,35%. Poslední měřenou formací je postavení u základní čáry při riternu a ta při příjmu prvního podání měla účinnost 31,28%, při druhém podání 45,16% a její celková četnost Klíčová slova: strategie, taktické varianty, "I" formace, notační analýza, dospělí

Lessons learned : taktikanpassning och kollektivt lärande genom utvärdering

Söderström Noory, Markus January 2021 (has links)
The art of tactical adjustment or military adaption are key abilities for an army to be effective on the battlefield. The knowledge of how a unit adapts during different scenarios is good to know for other units, therefore should reports of how they adapted and what they learned be passed on through the organisation. The problem whitin the Swedish armed forces is the lack of reports of lessons learned from day to day activities to the land combat centre. The main purpose of this studie is to examine organizational learning whitin military organisations.  This studie conducts interviews with six platoon comanders from different branches of the army. The comanders were asked how they conduct training with tactical adaption and lessons learned, what they do with the information they recovered from training.  The results from the studie proves that tactical adjustment and lessons learned is something that happens in the Swedish armed forces at an almost day to day basis and is a desirable ability for every unit to master. Although the comanders that were interviewed are lower down in the hierarchy of the Swedish armed forces and may not have the full picture of what happens to their reports after they been sent, they know that the reports and lessons learned were sent higher up in the hierarchy.  The main conclusion of this studie is that something needs to be done about the lessons learned system. Units training with tactical adaption provides reports with lessons learned, however the landwarfarecenter aren’t receiving any reports

Evaluating Urban Downtown One-Way to Two-Way Street Conversion Using Microscopic Traffic Simulation

Liu, Bernice 01 December 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Downtown San Jose is attracting new residents, visitors, and businesses. Clearly, the mobility of these residents, visitors, and businesses cannot be accommodated by streets that focus on the single-occupancy automobile mode. To increase the potential for individuals to use non-single-occupancy modes of travel, the downtown area must have a cohesive plan to integrate multimodal use and public life. Complete streets are an integral component of the multi-modal transport system and more livable communities. Complete streets refer to roads designed to accommodate multiple modes, users, and activities including walking, cycling, transit, automobile, and nearby businesses and residents. A one-way to two-way street conversion is an example of a complete streets project. Similarly, tactical urbanism can provide cost-effective modifications (e.g., through temporary road closures for events like the farmers’ market) that enrich the public life in an urban environment. The ability to serve current and future transportation needs of residents, businesses and visitors through the creation of pleasant, efficient, and safe multimodal corridors is a guiding principle of a smart city. This research project addressed questions that guide the implementation of this overarching principle. These questions relate to travel patterns and potential network impacts of the conversion of the corridor(s) into complete streets. Towards that end, core network in downtown San Jose is simulated via a validated VISSIM model for 2015 traffic conditions (i.e., the base case or Scenario 0). Three scenarios are then modeled as variations to this model. The relevant model outputs from the base and scenario models provide easily digestible information the City can convey various impacts and trade-offs to partners and stakeholders prior to implementation of these plans. The scenarios modeled are based on stakeholder input. Microsimulation allows for detailed modeling and visualization of the transportation networks including movements of individual vehicles and pedestrians. The results based on 2040 traffic volumes provided by the city based on their long-range travel demand model clearly demonstrate that the existing network cannot support the projected level of travel demand. It indicates that the city needs an aggressive travel demand management program to curb the growth of automobile traffic. The output also includes 3-D animations of the traffic flow that can be used in public forums for community outreach. A discussion for such a campaign based on best practices around using these visualizations for public outreach is also provided. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Downtown San Jose is attracting new residents, visitors, and businesses. Clearly, the mobility of these residents, visitors, and businesses cannot be accommodated by streets that focus on the single-occupancy automobile mode. To increase the potential for individuals to use non-single-occupancy modes of travel, the downtown area must have a cohesive plan to integrate multimodal use and public life. Complete streets are an integral component of the multi-modal transport system and more livable communities. Complete streets refer to roads designed to accommodate multiple modes, users, and activities including walking, cycling, transit, automobile, and nearby businesses and residents. A one-way to two-way street conversion is an example of a complete streets project. Similarly, tactical urbanism can provide cost-effective modifications (e.g., through temporary road closures for events like the farmers’ market) that enrich the public life in an urban environment. The ability to serve current and future transportation needs of residents, businesses and visitors through the creation of pleasant, efficient, and safe multimodal corridors is a guiding principle of a smart city. This research project addressed questions that guide the implementation of this overarching principle. These questions relate to travel patterns and potential network impacts of the conversion of the corridor(s) into complete streets. Towards that end, core network in downtown San Jose is simulated via a validated VISSIM model for 2015 traffic conditions (i.e., the base case or Scenario 0). A number o Threef scenarios are then modeled as variations to this model. The relevant model outputs from the base and scenario models provide easily digestible information the City can convey various impacts and trade-offs to partners and stakeholders prior to implementation of these plans. The scenarios modeled are based on stakeholder input. Microsimulation allows for detailed modeling and visualization of the transportation networks including movements of individual vehicles and pedestrians. The results based on 2040 traffic volumes provided by the city based on their long-range travel demand model clearly demonstrate that the existing network cannot support the projected level of travel demand. It indicates that the city needs an aggressive travel demand management program to curb the growth of automobile traffic. The output also includes 3-D animations of the traffic flow that can be used in public forums for community outreach. A discussion for such a campaign based on best practices around using these visualizations for public outreach is also provided.

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