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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnlitteraturen och vär(l)den : Demokratiska värderingar som synliggörs i barnböcker / Children’s literature and values in the world : Democratic values demonstrated in children’s books

Hermes-Smith, Candice, Andersson, Therés January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how norms and values are described in children´s literature and compare these descriptions with the democratic norms and values in the curriculum.  The theory is inspired by Dewey’s theory about the democratic society. We use, concepts that we have identified in the preschool curriculum that define democratic values. The selection of books that we studied have been chosen from a digital multilingual picture book service called polyglutt which is used in preschools all over Sweden.  The method we used to obtain the result was visual text analysis with a qualitative method approach. Previous research shows a collective view of which values are important in preschool and society. The common theme that we saw in the analysis result was the value of care which was shown in many ways in both text and illustrations in all the books.  The result has shown different ways the characters can represent democratic values through their actions. The books allow children the opportunity to understand and relate to different values. In the discussion the importance of the opportunities that children’s books can contribute to their knowledge of democracy. We have discussed the importance of the preschool teacher’s purpose and knowledge surrounding the literature that is present in the preschool. / Syftet med detta arbete är att beskriva hur värdegrundsfrågor behandlas i barnlitteratur och jämföra dessa beskrivningar med den värdegrund som presenteras i läroplanen. Teorin är inspirerad av Deweys teori om det demokratiska samhället. Vi använder de begrepp om värderingar som finns i förskolans läroplan. Urvalet av böckerna som vi analyserat har valts från en inläsningstjänst som heter polyglutt och som används på förskolor i hela Sverige. Metoden som tillämpades för att få fram resultatet var visuell textanalys med en kvalitativ ansats. Tidigare forskning visar en gemensam syn på vilka värderingar som är viktiga i förskolan samt samhället. Det som var ett övergripande tema i resultatet var värderingen omsorg där vi kunde se omsorg i både bild och text i samtliga böcker på många olika sätt.    Resultatet visar olika sätt som karaktärerna kan förmedla demokratiska värderingar på genom sina handlingar. Böckerna ger barnen möjlighet till att relatera till och förstå de olika värderingarna.    I diskussionsdelen lyfts vikten av barnlitteraturens möjligheter för barns kunskap om demokrati och vikten av förskollärarens syfte med och kunskap kring den barnlitteratur som ska finnas på förskolan.

Řešení konfliktů v mezinárodních vztazích. Případová studie konfliktu v Severním Irsku / Solving of Conflicts in the International Relations. The Case Study of the Conflict in the Northern Ireland

Novotná, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis Conflict Resolution in International Relations: The Case Study of Northern Ireland Conflict examines development of the conflict and peace process between the years of 1980 and 2007. A complex concept of conflict analysis by Peter Wallensteen is applied to the case of Northern Ireland. Using the method of process tracing allows for a detailed understanding of the transformation of conflict dynamics from negative to positive. Such a transformation results from behavior and attitudes of individual actors who act positively and in a constructive way. The following actors were identified as the main parties to the conflict: IRA, Northern Ireland political parties - mostly the UUP, DUP, SDLP, and SF - governments of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Development of their attitudes and interests is examined with respect to five distinct categories: involvement of independent authorities and/or third parties; ideology and understanding of the main goals; economic conditions; cultural aspects; and the matter of decommissioning. The Northern Ireland case illustrates that the change of behavior eventually led to the transformation of the conflict and its resolution. However, it also illustrates how painfully slow process it was.

Hur skildras bondgårdar i bilderböcker? : Hur bilderböcker med bondgården som tema kan användas i syfte att nå förskolans läromål utbildning för hållbar utveckling / How are farms depicted in picturebooks? : How picturebooks with the farm as a theme can be used in order to achieve the learning objective education for sustainable development in preschool

Persson, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Förskolans verksamhet ska arbeta med att ge barnen kunskap om naturvetenskap och hållbar utveckling. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka hur bilderböcker med bondgårdsmiljöer kan bidra till att uppnå lärandemålet utbildning för hållbar utveckling genom exemplet hållbar livsmedelsproduktion. Genom ett tillfällighetsurval har sex bilderböcker som skildrar bondgårdsmiljöer valts ut. En konventionell innehållsanalys användes för att analysera bilderböckernas text och bild. Resultatet visar att bilderboken kan användas i undervisning med barnen som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för att bidra till att uppnå lärandemålet utbildning för hållbar utveckling. Samtidigt ställer det krav på förskollärarens kunskaper om hållbar utveckling och förmåga att synliggöra och fläta samman de sociala-, ekonomiska- och miljömässiga dimensionerna. Som stöd rekommenderas att förskollärare använder undersökande boksamtal. / The preschool's activities should include giving the children knowledge about science and sustainable development. The purpose of the study has been to investigate whether picturebooks with a farm context can contribute to achieving the learning goal for sustainable development through the example sustainable food production. Through a random selection, six picturebooks depicting farm context was selected. A conventional content analysis was used to analyze the texts and images of the picturebooks. The results show that picturebooks with a farm context can be used as a pedagogical tool to help achieve the learning goal education for sustainable development. At the same time, it puts demands on the educator's knowledge of sustainable development and their ability to make visible the social-, economic- and environmental dimensions. As support, it is recommended that preschool teachers use investigative book conversations.

The Effects of 'Number Talks' on Number Sense in a Second Grade Math Class

Mellott, Mallory January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Att utveckla läsförståelsen genom samtal om texter : En intervjustudie om fyra lärares beskrivning av hur samtal om texter bidrar till läsförståelseutveckling i årskurs 4-6 / Developing reading comprehension through text talks : An interview study about four teachers’ descriptions of how text talks can contribute to reading comprehension development in the grades 4-6

Dahlqvist, My January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur lärare i årskurs 4-6 beskriver att elevers läsförståelse kan utvecklas med hjälp av samtal om texter inom svenskämnet. Syftet uppfylls genom att följande frågeställningar besvaras: Hur använder sig lärare av samtal om texter i läsförståelseundervisningen? Hur beskriver lärare att samtal om texter kan påverka elevers läsförståelse? Intervjustudien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i den sociokulturella teorin om hur lärande sker i en social kontext samt i Vygotskijs teori om den proximala utvecklingszonen. Intervjustudien har en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer använts som metod för datainsamling. Fyra lärare som undervisar i svenska i årskurs 4-6 har intervjuats. Resultatet visade att lärarna beskriver att de använder sig av samtal om texter för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. Det framkom att eleverna får samtala om olika typer av texter i skilda sammanhang men att läsförståelseutveckling förutsätter att eleven får möta texter på rätt nivå och som engagerar. Slutsatsen i intervjustudien är att de intervjuade lärarna uppfattar att samtal om texter har betydelse för elevernas utveckling av läsförståelsen och att lärarna använder sig av det i undervisningen. Eleverna behöver med stigande ålder bli mer självständiga i arbetet med läsförståelse och i samtal om texter, för att det ska bli möjligt behöver lärarna modellera olika strategier för både läsförståelse och textsamtal. Lärarna beskriver dock inte hur de konkret gör för att med tiden överlämna ansvaret för samtal om texter till eleverna. / The aim of this study is to contribute with knowledge about how teachers in the grades 4-6 describes that pupils can develop their reading comprehension by using text talks within the Swedish subject. The aim is to be fulfilled through answering the following questions: How do teachers use text talks in the reading comprehension education? How do teachers describe that text talks can affect pupils reading comprehension? The interview study has its theoretical starting point in the socio-cultural theory and how learning takes place through a social context and in Vygotskijs theory of the Zone of Proximal Development. The interview study has a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews have been used as a method for collecting data. Four teachers who teach Swedish in grades 4-6 were interviewed. The results of the study shows that teachers describes that they use text talks to develop pupils reading comprehension. The result also showed that the pupils get to talk about several types of texts in different contexts, but that reading comprehension development requires students to be exposed to engaging texts at the right level. The conclusion of the interview study is that the teachers who were interviewed perceives that text talks are important for students’ development of reading comprehension and that the teachers use text talks in their teaching. With increasing age, the students need to become more independent in the work with reading comprehension and in text talks, for this to be possible the teachers need to model different strategies for both reading comprehension and text talks. However, the teachers do not describe exactly how they hand over the responsibility for text talks to the students over time.

Barnets bästa i skuggan av vårdnadstvister : Socialsekreterares arbetssätt för att säkerställa barnets bästa i vårdnadsutredningar / The best interest of the child in the shadow of custody disputes : How social workers work to ensure that the best interest of the child is achieved in custody disputes

Armblad, Emelie, Seibold, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to create an understanding of how social workers work to ensure that the best interest of the child is achieved in custody disputes. The essay is based on seven semi-structured interviews with practicing social workers working with family law. The gathered material was analyzed using a thematic analysis method. The results of the study show that working with the best interest of the child in mind, using a child´s perspective, is complex and difficult. One of the reasons why it is difficult is that there is no exact definition of what “the best interest of the child” is and how it should be realised by the social worker since the concept should be assessed and applied individually every single time. All of the respondents states that the investigation is imbued by the wellbeing of them say that ultimately the child´s best interest is not what is valued the most in the investigation. The material shows that all the respondents are aware that the children’s perspective should be prominent during the entirety of the investigation. It is a common goal amongst the respondents to always work with the children’s perspective in mind, to ensure the best interest of the child.

Ett plåster på såret - om sår och läkningsprocessen : Från omsorgssituation till planerad undervisning / A patch on the wound - about wounds and the healing process : From care situation to planned teaching

Eliasson, Marion, Wingren, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie grundar sig i en tanke om att lyfta kunskap om sår i undervisningen och låta barnen bilda sig ny kunskap genom att dela erfarenheter och samtala med varandra. Syftet med studien är att ta fram, och låta förskollärare utpröva ett undervisningsmaterial i form av en bok, som möter äldre förskolebarns erfarenhet och intresse för sår. Två frågeställningar följer med längs denna process. Den ena riktar sig till hur förskollärarna upplever förskolebarns respons på boken vid en undervisningssituation och den andra till på vilket sätt förskollärare upplever bokens relevans för att möta förskolebarns erfarenhet och intresse om sår. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer med två förskollärare, där de har fått besvara olika frågor som kan kopplas till undervisningssituationen. Utifrån denna data har man använt sig av tematisk innehållsanalys för att bilda sig en uppfattning och få studiens frågeställningar besvarade. Resultat och sammanfattning av studien visade på att utifrån intervjusvar samt analysarbete var barnens upplevelse med boken en gynnsam process, där erfarenhetsutbyte och gemensamma samtal bidrog till ny kunskap och förståelse. / This study is based on the idea of raising the knowledge of wounds in teaching and allowing children to form new knowledge by sharing experiences and conversations with each other. The purpose of the study is to develop, and let preschool teachers test a teaching material in form of a book, which meets older preschoolers experience and interest in wounds. Two issues follow along this process. One focuses on how preschool teachers experience preschool children´s response to the book in a teaching situation and the other on how preschool teachers experience the book´s relevance to meeting preschool children´s experience and interest in wounds. Data have been collected through interviews with two preschool teachers, where they have answered various questions that can be linked to the teaching situation. Based on this data, thematic content analysis has been used to form an opinion and get the study´s questions answered. The results and summary of the study showed that based on interview answers and analysis work, the children´s experience with the book was a favorable process, where exchange of experiences and joint conversations contributed to new knowledge and understanding.

"Eleverna vill vara med i diskussionerna" : Tre perspektiv på upplevelsen av läsläxa som behandlas med hjälp av bokklubbar / ”The students want to be part of the discussions” : Three perspectives about the experience of book clubs connected to reading homework

Dynesius, Vanja January 2024 (has links)
För att kunna vidareutbilda sig, tillgodose sig samhällsnyttig information och delta i samhället fullt ut behövs en välutvecklad läsförmåga. Redan från tidig ålder är det viktigt att bygga denna grund. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur läsläxan i årskurserna F-3 kan utformas för att stärka samverkan mellan lärare och vårdnadshavare i arbetet med elevers läsutveckling. Vidare avser studien att synliggöra arbetssätt som kan stimulera elevernas läsintresse. En fallstudie genomfördes i en årskurs tre där eleverna läste ett kapitel ur utvalda skönlitterära böcker hemma varje vecka och därefter samtalade de på skolan om det lästa, i så kallade bokklubbar. För att få ett så omfattande resultat som möjligt undersöktes både lärarens, elevernas och vårdnadshavarnas uppfattning om bokklubbarna. Data insamlades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med klassläraren samt nio elever. För att ta del av vårdnadshavarnas upplevelser distribuerades en digital enkät med öppna frågor till de vårdnadshavare som anmält intresse. Utöver detta genomfördes även en semistrukturerad observation av samtalen i bokklubbarna. Det sociokulturella perspektivet tillsammans med partnerskapsprincipen och isärhållandeprincipen var de teorier som låg till grunden för den tematiska analysen av det insamlade materialet. Resultatet visar att bokklubbarna som läsläxa bidrog till elevernas läsutveckling genom att de utvecklande sin språkliga förståelse i interaktion med varandra, läraren och vårdnadshavarna. Vidare uppskattade både elever och vårdnadshavare att diskussionsfrågor medföljde läsläxan. Resultatet pekar även på att elevernas läsintresse stimulerats av att de fått vara delaktiga i valet av böcker, medverkat i ett meningsfullt sammanhang och samtalat om det de läst. Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie att bokklubbarna som arbetssätt engagerar både läraren, eleverna och vårdnadshavarna. Vidare gynnar den sociala kontexten elevernas språkliga förståelse och samtalen som förekommer har potential att bidra till utökat läsintresse. / To be able to get further education, understand the information provided, and fully participate in society, you need a well-developed reading ability. It is import to build this foundation already from young age. The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about how reading homework in grades F-3 can be designed to strengthen collaboration between teachers and guardians in the work with students' reading development. Furthermore, the study intends to present working methods that can stimulate students' interest in reading. A case study was carried out in a third grade, where the students read a chapter from selected fiction books at home every week and then talked at school about what they had read, in so-called book clubs. To get as extensive results as possible, both the teacher's, the students', and the guardians' perceptions of the book clubs were investigated. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the class teacher and nine students. To take part in guardians' experiences, a digital survey with open questions was distributed to guardians who expressed interest. In addition to this, a semi-structured observation of the conversations in the book clubs was also carried out. The socio-cultural perspective together with the partnership principle and the separation principle were the theories that formed the basis for the thematic analysis of the collected material. The result shows that book clubs as reading homework contributed to the students' reading development by developing their language awarness in interaction with each other, the teacher, and the guardians. Furthermore, both students and guardians appreciated that discussion questions accompanied the reading homework. The results also indicate that the students' interest in reading was stimulated by the fact that they were allowed to participate in the selection of books, in a meaningful context and that they talked about what they read. In summary, this study shows that book clubs as a way of working involve both the teacher, the students, and the guardians.  Furthermore, the social context favours the students' linguistic understanding, and the conversations that occur have the potential to contribute to increased interest in reading.

Att osynliggöra det synliga : En studie om normer, könsidentitet och språk

Andersson, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how well prepared educators at pre-schools are to receive children with another gender identity than their biological gender. The focus for the study lies on the discourses that exist in the pre-school regarding gender norms and how they become visible through the language educators use in the equal treatment plans, that are a part of the pre-schools value works, and in talks between educators. My research questions are: ·         How does pre-schools describe their work with children with another gender identity than their biological gender? ·         Which discourses regarding gender norms does the pre-schools equal treatment plans and group talks with educators show? To answer these questions, I have used the analyses of five equal treatment plans and two group talks. By analysing the equal treatment plans and the group talks with the four strategies for anti discrimatory education from Kumashiro, by letting the strategies make the discourses visible, I have come to the result that gender identity is made invisible in the pre-schools by the educators. The equal treatment plans contain descriptions of the discrimination grounds but not how the educators work with these in the daily workings with the children, and the educators describe gender instead of gender identity in the group talks. In my discussion and conclusion I reason about the causes for this in relation to previous research about norms around gender and gender identity in pre-schools.

The International Criminal Court's intervention in the Lord's Resistance Army war : impacts and implications

Higgs, Bryn January 2016 (has links)
This thesis argues that the International Criminal Court (ICC) brings a new more deontological paradigm to international interventions, founded upon the universal application of legal principle, and displacing consequentialist notions of justice linked to human rights. Based upon the Court’s Statute and mode of operations, it is argued that this is associated with assumptions concerning the ICC’s primacy, military enforcement, and theory of change. The consequences of this development in volatile contexts are demonstrated. The case study, founded upon analysis from the war-affected community, examines the impact of the International Criminal Court in the Lord’s Resistance Army war, and reveals the relationship between criminal justice enforcement, and community priorities for peace and human rights. On the basis of evidence, and contrary to narratives repeated but unsubstantiated in the literature, it demonstrates that in this case these two imperatives were in opposition to one another. The Court’s pursuit of retributive legal principle was detrimental to the community’s interests in peace and human rights. The subsequent failure of the ICC’s review process to interrogate this important issue is also established. The research establishes that statutory and operational assumptions upon which Court interventions are based do not hold in volatile contexts. For the case study community and elsewhere, this has had adverse impacts, with significant implications for the ICC. The findings indicate that if these issues are not fundamentally addressed, principled international criminal justice enforcement in volatile environments will continue to have profoundly negative human rights consequences.

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