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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nekilnojamo turto rinkos ciklai ir juos įtakojantys veiksniai JAV ir Lietuvoje / Real Estate market cycles and their indicators in USA and Lithuania

Ruokytė, Monika 03 April 2009 (has links)
Nekilnojamo turto (NT) rinka yra visos ekonomikos svarbi sudedamoji dalis. NT kainos skirtingose pasaulio šalyse juda panašia kryptimi – iki 2007 metų jos augo abejose vandenyno pusėse. Tai specifinė rinka dėl investicinio prekės pobūdžio ir unikalumo. Šiame darbe apžvelgiama, kas yra turtas, kokia yra rinka, paklausa ir pasiūla, dalyviai bei ciklai, NT rinką įtakojantys veiksniai. Interpretuojama situacija susidariusi NT rinkoje JAV ir Lietuvoje. Ekonominės sąlygos lemia, kad NT rinka visame pasaulyje pasiekė bumą ir turi pergyventi nuosmukį. Bumas/burbulas – situacija, kai kainos rinkoje formuojamos pirmiausia dėl psichologinių veiksnių ir atitrūksta nuo jas aiškinančių fundamentalių faktorių. Burbulas sprogsta tada, kai investuotojai nebesitiki, kad kainos kils. Tada paklausa sumažėja ir NT rinka krenta žemyn. Nuosmukio pradžia ir viso ciklo trukmė sunkiai prognozuojama. Vidutiniškai NT rinka sugriūna 18 mėnesių iki bankų krizės. Infliacija, palūkanų norma, BVP, investicijų srautai, nuomos kainos, nedarbo lygis, migracija, progresas šalyje, lūkesčiai, poreikiai, informacijos srautas, globalizacija – tai veiksniai, kurie turi įtakos NT rinkos ciklui. NT rinka Lietuvoje atsilieka vidutiniškai 1,5-2 metų nuo JAV savo kainų pokyčiais. Šios dvi rinkos turi panašumų dėl augančios infliacijos, pirkimo-pardavimo sutarčių sumažėjo, BVP tendencijos augti, palūkanų normos pokyčio, nedarbo lygio mažėjimo, didėjančių tiesioginių investicijų. Nepaisant panašumų, lyginti šias dvi rinkas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Real estate market is important for country’s economics. In different countries real estate prices are moving in the same direction- till 2007 it has been increasing in USA and Europe. Real estate’s specific market because it has an investment format and it is unique. In this paper it is reviewed real estate, its market, supply and demand, participants and cycles, indicators. There is made interpretation of the Lithuanian and USA markets situation. Economics conditions course, that in all the world real estate market has to reach boom and face the recession. Burble- it is a situation when prices lose a touch with fundamental bias because of the philological factors. Boom collapse when investors think that prices will not increase any more and demand reduce. It is difficult to forecast the start of the collapse and the length of the cycle. In the average after the collapse of real estate market in 18 months there is crisis of banks. There are many factors which are important for real estate cycle like inflation, interest and mortgage rate, GDP, investment flows, rent and unemployment rate, migration, progress in the country, expectations, media, and globalization. Real Estate market in Lithuania is 1,5-2 years behind the USA market. These two markets have some similarities like growth of inflation, number of contract decrease, GDP and interest rate changes, decline of unemployment rate, direct investment. Despite these similarities, there are many differences which show... [to full text]

Tabako vartojimas tarp paauglių: situacija, problemos, tendencijos / Tobacco usage among adolescents: situation, problems, tendencies

Germanaitė, Raminta 29 June 2009 (has links)
Viena iš aktualiausių šių dienų Lietuvos sveikatos problemų – didėjantis paauglių psichoaktyvių medžiagų (tabako, alkoholio, narkotinių medžiagų) vartojimas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti ir paaiškinti tabako vartojimo situaciją ir tendencijas tarp 14-15 metų moksleivių. Tikslui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai – išsiaiškinti psichoaktyių medžiagų vartojimo paplitimą, išnagrinėti psichoaktyvių medžiagų vartojimo veiksnius ir palyginti tabako vartojimo tendencijas 14–15 metų moksleivių tarpe. Siekiant palyginti tabako vartojimo situaciją ir problemas buvo atliktas tyrimas. Jo metu apklausta 14-os metų 777 moksleiviai. Darbe vadovaujamasi dviem duomenų masyvais – ESPAD 07 tyrimo duomenimis (15 m. moksleiviai) ir magistrantės surinktais duomenimis (14 m. moksleiviai). Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad 15 metų moksleiviai daugiau rūko nei 14 metų moksleiviai, tačiau aiški jaunėjančio amžiaus pradedančių rūkyti tendencija. Pagrindinės problemos: tėvų griežtos ir pastovios kontrolės stoka, bei moksleivių tikslingo laisvalaikio užtikrinimo problema. / One of the most important health problems in today's Lithuania is the increasing usage of psychoactive substances (tobacco, alcohol, drugs). The aim of this paper is to evaluate and explain the situation and tendencies of tobacco usage among 14-15 year old schoolchildren. The main tasks in order to achieve this aim are to find out the prevalence of the usage of psychoactive substances, to explore the factors of the usage of psychoactive substances and to compare the tendencies of tobacco usage among 14-15 year old schoolchildren. The research was conducted in order to compare the situation of tobacco usage and problems. 777 schoolchildren of 14-15 year old were questioned during this research. Two sets of data were used in this paper: the data from ESPAD 07 research (15-year-old schoolchildren) and the data, which was collected by the postgraduate student (14-year-old schoolchildren). The results of this research show that 15-year-old schoolchildren smoke more than 14-year-old schoolchildren but there exists a clear tendency for first-timers to get younger. The main problems identified are: the lack of parents' strict and continuous control and unwarranted schoolchildren's purposeful free time.

Muzikos poveikio nuotaikai sąsajos su VIII-XII klasės paauglių depresiškumu ir suicidinėmis tendencijomis / Music effect on mood relation with VIII – XII class adolescent depression and suicidal tendencies

Kaušakytė, Jurgita 07 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išsiaiškinti kaip gotikinio metalo ir klasikinės muzikos klausymasis siejasi su depresiškumu ir suicidinėmis tendencijomis, patikrinti klasikinės muzikos poveikį nuotaikai bei palyginti kaip šis poveikis skiriasi depresiškiems, suicidiškiems ir šių problemų neturintiems paaugliams. Tyrime dalyvavo 134 Kauno „Vyturio“ katalikiškos vidurinės mokyklos 8-12 klasės moksleiviai, kurių amžius pasiskirstęs tarp 13-19 metų. Iš jų 69 (51, 49%) mergaitė ir 65 (48, 51%) berniukai. Tiriamieji užpildė anketas, kuriose buvo matuojamas depresiškumas (Zung‘o depresiškumo skalė, Zung, 1965), požiūris į savižudybę (Nuostatų savižudybių atžvilgiu klausimyno dvi skalės Skruibis, Gintilienė ir Labanauskaitė, 2008), suicidiškumas (Suicidiškumo skalė iš klausimyno depresijos pokyčiams matuoti, Pranckevičienė, Goštautas, 2007), nuotaika (PANAS-X, Watson ir Clark, 1994). Užpildžius papildomą dabartinės nuotaikos klausimyną, tiriamųjų buvo prašoma paklausyti klasikinės muzikos dainos. Po to užpildyti nuotaikos klausimyną. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad gotikinio metalo ir klasikinės muzikos klausymasis nesisieja su paauglių depresiškumu ir suicidinėmis tendencijomis, tačiau gotikinio metalo muzikos klausymasis siejasi su paauglių mergaičių pasitikėjimu savimi, o klasikinės muzikos klausymasis siejasi su didesniu paauglių, ypač, berniukų nuovargiu, o mergaičių linksma nuotaika. Taip pat, buvo nustatyta, kad klasikinė muzika daro teigiamą poveikį nuotaikai, tiek vyrams tiem moterims... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to assess gothic metal and classical music listening relation with depression and suicidal tendencies, assess classical music effect on mood and its relation with depression and suicidal tendencies on adolescent. The subjects of the study were 134 “Vyturio” catholic high school of Kaunas 8-12 class, 13-19 year old pupil. 69 (51, 49%) girls and 65 (48,51%) boys. The participant filed Zung depression questionnaire (Zung, 1965), Questionnaire on Attitudes Towards Suicide (ATTS) two subscales: acceptance and disapprobation (Skruibis, Gintilienė and Labanauskaitė, 2008). Suicide tendencies was measured by suicidal scale (Pranckevičienė, Goštautas, 2007) and mood was measured by PANAS-X (Watson and Clark, 1994). Also was filed second mood scale, created by author. Than participants were listening classical music. After that they filed mood questionnaire again. The results of the study showed that metal and classical music do not associate with adolescents depression and suicidal tendencies. Metal music associate with adolescent girls self-assurance, and classical music - with fatigue , specially for adolescent boys, and joviality of girls. Also, result showed that classical music effect on mood is positive, for bough genders, except, for depressive boys it is negative.

De la typicité des différentes mesures de tendance centrale dans la représentation mentale des catégories implicites

Dumesnil, Etienne 08 1900 (has links)
Quelle est la nature des représentations que se font les gens des catégories apprises? Il est généralement accepté que le type de tâche d’apprentissage a une influence sur la réponse à cette question. Ceci étant dit, la majorité des théories portant sur les processus de catégorisation élaborées durant les dernières décennies a porté presqu’exclusivement sur des tâches de classifications d’exemplaires. Le mémoire présenté ici avait quatre objectifs principaux. Le premier était de vérifier si une tâche d’apprentissage de catégories implicites par classifications mène davantage à l’intégration de dimensions diagnostiques qu’un apprentissage par inférences. Le deuxième était de vérifier si une tâche d’apprentissage de catégories implicites par inférences entraine davantage l’intégration de dimensions typiques qu’un apprentissage par classifications. Le troisième était d’évaluer si un effet de rehaussement du prototype (« prototype enhancement effect ») pouvait être observé dans le cadre d’un apprentissage par inférences. Le quatrième était de clarifier quelle est la mesure de tendance centrale qui présente réellement un effet de rehaussement du prototype : le mode, la médiane ou la moyenne. Suite aux résultats obtenus, les implications pour trois théories portant sur les processus de catégorisation sont discutées. Les trois théories sont celles des prototypes, des exemplaires et des frontières décisionnelles. / What is the nature of the representations people form of the categories they learn? It is generally accepted that the type of learning task has an influence on the answer to that question. That being said, most of the categorization theories elaborated during the last decades have focused almost exclusively on classification-learning tasks. The master thesis presented here had four objectives. First, to verify if a classification-learning task leads to the integration of more diagnostic dimensions than an inference-learning task in the context of implicit categories. Second, to verify if an inference-learning task leads to the integration of more typical dimensions than a classification-learning task, once again in the context of implicit categories. Third, to evaluate if a prototype enhancement effect can be observed in an inference-learning task. Fourth, to clarify which central tendency measure really presents a prototype enhancement effect: the mode, the median or the mean. Given the results obtained, implications for three categorization theories are discussed. The three theories are prototype theory, exemplar theory and decision-bound theory.

Spelar storleken någon roll? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av Jönköpings-Posten vid övergången till tabloid / Does size matter? : A quantitative content analysis of Jönköpings-Posten and their transition to tabloid

Björkholdt, Josephine, Dehgani, Shahab January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om Jönköpings-Postens övergång till tabloid haft någon inverkan på tidningens innehåll. Frågeställningen som arbetet bygger på är om Jönköpings-Posten uppvisar tendenser på tabloidisering i sitt innehåll i samband med formatförändringen den 7 november 2013. Material och metod: Materialet utgörs av sex tidningar, totalt 12 delar, i tryckt format från Jönköpings-Posten kring tiden för formatbytet. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys har använts som metod där begreppet tabloidisering operationaliserats. Resultat: Sammantaget går det inte att utläsa en entydig ökning av tabloidiseringstendenserna. Det är först vid en närmare granskning av resultatet som det går att upptäcka tendenser på tabloidisering i tidningens innehåll. Resultaten är många gånger tvetydiga och skulle utifrån tidigare forskning och teorier tala både för och emot en tabloidisering på samma gång. En slutsats som dras gällande Jönköpings-Posten är att tidningen endast i viss mån uppvisar tecken på tabloidisering i sitt innehåll i samband med övergången till tabloid. Studien stödjer endast delvis den tidigare forskningens uppfattning om att ett förändrat format också innebär ett förändrat innehåll. / Aim: The aim of this study is to examine if there´s been any affects in the content of the newspaper regarding the transition of Jönköpings-Posten going tabloid. The primary question that this study is based upon is if Jönköpings-Posten shows tendencies regarding tabloidization in the content due to the shift of the format 7th of November 2013. Material and method: The material contains of six newspapers from Jönköpings-Posten, totally 12 parts, in printed format around the time of the shift. A quantitative content analysis has been used as a method where the notion tabloidization has been operationalized. Conclusion: As a whole it is not possible to gather a straightforward increase of the tabloidization tendencies. It is not until a closer review of the result been made which tendencies of tabloidization in the content of the newspaper can be identified. The results are many times ambiguous and should regard to earlier research and theories speak for and against a tabloidization at the same time. One conclusion that is drawn concerning Jönköpings-Posten is that the newspaper only in a certain degree show signs of tabloidization in its content, in relation to the shift to tabloid. The study only partially supports the earlier opinion of previous research where a changed format also contributes to a changed content.


王培倫, Wang , Pei-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
從1988年起,星座在台灣即展開大規模流行,時至今日成為當紅的話題之一。無論是在報紙、雜誌或是電視媒體、網站等,開闢專欄提供星座運勢的資訊已經成為不可缺少的內容;同時,在行銷上之運用也越來越多。 雖然星座在台灣蔚為風潮,但國內關於星座的研究卻非常缺乏,並且尚無學術性之科學驗證。因此,本研究從現象觀察出發,初步分析不同星座對於人格特質和購物傾向之影響是否有所差異、星座和人格特質是否同時對購物傾向產生影響、以及探討星座自我歸因(self-attribution)之效果是否存在。 研究結果發現有三大部分:首先,星座對於人格特質以及購物傾向皆具有顯著的影響力;其次,人格特質與購物傾向不但有顯著的相關性,並且當星座和人格特質同時存在時對於購物傾向之影響是最大的;第三,星座對於人格特質和購物傾向之影響並不在於星座自我歸因的效果,而是星座本身就具有預測的效果。 由於本研究為初探性研究,所得之結果及經驗仍有不足,有待未來相關研究繼續探討。因此,建議實務界可以針對大台北地區,年輕、具上網習慣之學生族群使用星座作為行銷宣傳工具,其訊息及產品之吸引力會更大。同時,建議學術界對於星座不該再以完全迷信之態度對待,而是可以多進行相關之星座學術探討以及學理驗證,為這個世界上最古老的天文科學注入新的學術研究生命。

Examining the mediating effects of alcohol on the relationship between gender and eating disorder tendencies

Hogan, Kathryn Michelle. January 2009 (has links)
Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 29-34).

Regarding gender relations: Gender identity or gender interaction styles? / A propósito de las relaciones de género: ¿identidad genérica o estilos de interacción de géneros?

Bazán Ramírez, Aldo 25 September 2017 (has links)
This study discusses sorne assumptions from the social determinism in the construction of gender roles, gender-typed identities, and gender relarions inequities. Ir is proposed that gender sryles of interaction are relatively invariant forms or dispositions related ro specific contexts of social interaction. Iris not enough ro say that socialization factors such as the family, school, mass media, and rhe inirial social group relations generare a typed gender identity or gender seggregation, but it is also necessary ro make explicit how preferences, beliefs and interaction sryles are structured according ro rhose factors and how these interactive tendencies are built u pon social interaction situations as part of a developmental process. / En el presente trabajo se discuten algunos supuestos del determinismo social en la construcción de roles de género e identidades genéricas estereotipadas y de desigualdad en las relaciones intergéneros. Se propone que los estilos de interacción de los géneros se constituyen como formas o disposiciones relativamente invariantes en relación a contextos particulares de interacción social. No es suficiente afirmar que los factores de socialización y las primeras relaciones en grupo social, generan una identidad genérica estereotipada o de segregación de géneros, sino que es necesario también explicitar el cómo se estructuran preferencias, creencias y estilos de interacción de acuerdo a tales factores y, cómo estas tendencias interactivas se constituyen a partir de situaciones de interacción social y como proceso de desarrollo.

Hodnotová orientace adolescentů / Adolescents´ orientation of value

PAVLŮ, Blanka January 2009 (has links)
Annotation This graduation thesis discourse about value orientation of adolescentes at present time. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical sections. 1. Theoretical part appers from present-day knowledge of pubescence and adolescentes and it explains the terms such as pubescence, adolescence, social progress, emocionality, identity, value tendencies and selfconception. The thesis describes time of adolescente and sociable and psychological characteristics of these young people. You can find information about system of secondary school at present-day. The last part of theoretical sections aims on comparing determinantes of personal progress and on their influence on progress of value our teenagers. 2. The practical part interprets results of research, which was realized on two secondary school in last year-class. The purpose of the research was to find out value tendencies of adolescentes at present time and show personal values of these young people. The results of research are presented not only collectively but also like results for gender groups. This point of view is important for comparing tendencies of values among young girls and boys.

"Sistema de informação hospitalar: instrumento para tomada de decisão no exercício da gerência de unidades funcionais" / " Hospital Information System: Instrument for decision - making in management of the operational units."

Eliane Marina Palhares Guimarães 13 February 2004 (has links)
Este estudo é resultado de uma pesquisa de campo de caráter descritivo, realizada com os gerentes e coordenadores de unidades funcionais do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Teve como objetivo analisar a utilização de sistemas de informação enquanto instrumento para a tomada de decisão no exercício da gerência de unidades funcionais. A abordagem qualitativa utilizada na coleta e análise dos dados, com base na análise de conteúdo de Bardin, propiciou discussões fundamentadas na teoria e reflexões sobre a prática da gerência de unidades funcionais e a utilização de sistemas de informação como instrumento da gerência. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa considerou no primeiro momento, a caracterização da função de gerência de unidade funcional e as ações de tomada de decisão realizadas no exercício desta função. Posteriormente, foi descrito o ambiente informacional por meio do levantamento das informações produzidas pelos profissionais que exercem função de gerência, dos usuários dos sistemas, das necessidades de informação, das fontes de informação utilizadas, da avaliação das fontes disponíveis e da identificação de fontes potenciais. Os resultados do estudo constatam que a fase em que se encontra o processo de implementação do modelo gerencial de unidades funcionais é diferente em cada unidade estudada. Algumas já formalizaram a criação da unidade funcional, por meio do contrato de gestão e, outras ainda permanecem reproduzindo o modelo de gestão organizado em coordenações de enfermagem, médica e administrativa. Esta situação faz com que o uso de sistemas de informação para apoio à decisão seja incorporado de forma diferenciada pelos profissionais. Alguns reconhecem o sistema como um instrumento de apoio à decisão, desde que seja garantido o acesso às informações de forma segura e confiável. Para outros, a dificuldade em identificar os usuários, as necessidades e as fontes de informação demonstra o pouco conhecimento das possibilidades de sistematização das informações para uso no processo de trabalho. A incorporação de tecnologias computacionais na organização da informação foi identificada como condição para viabilização e integração do sistema, reconhecendo a necessidade de definir critérios de segurança para a alimentação e a recuperação das informações de forma seletiva. Finalmente, subsídios foram sugeridos para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação que respondam às demandas e necessidades dos usuários, bem como, para sua automação. / This study is the result of descriptive field research carried out with the managers and coordinators of the operational units of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The objective was to analyze the use of information systems as an instrument for decision-making in the management of operational units. The qualitative approach used in collecting and analyzing data based on Bardin’s content analysis, provided fundamental discussions on theory and reflection on the practice of management of operational units and the use of information systems as instruments for management. The research initially described the management job of the unit and the decision-making actions carried out in this position. Later there was a description of the computing environment through a survey of information produced by health workers who are in management positions, system users, information needs, the sources of information used, the evaluation of available sources and the identification of potential sources. The study found that the phase of implementation of the management model is different in each unit studied. Some have already formally created the unit through a management contract and others still use the management model organized around nursing, medical and administrative coordinators. This means that the information systems for decision-making are used in a different way by the health workers. Some recognize the system as an instrument to support decision, as long as they are assured of access to information in a safe and reliable way. For others, the difficulty in identifying the users, the needs and the sources of information show the lack of knowledge of the potential of the systematic organization of information at work. The incorporation of computer technology in organizing information was seen as a condition for the feasibility and integration of the system, recognizing the need to define safety criteria for feeding in and recovering information in a selective way. Finally, inputs were suggested for the development of information systems that will meet the demands and needs of users, as well as to permit its automation.

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