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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Man kan inte bara ha val och sedan ska invånarna vara tysta i fyra år" : En jämförande studie om hur demokrati presenteras i samhällskunskapsböcker för högstadiet och grundläggande vuxenutbildning / “You can’t just have an election, and then the citizens will be quiet for four years” : A comparative study of how democracy is presented in textbooks for Civics education used in secondary school and basic adult education

Schmitz, Madelene January 2020 (has links)
This is a comparative study of how the concept of democracy is presented in textbooks for Civics education used in basic adult education and secondary school. The method used in the study is a qualitative text analysis and the theoretical framework is based on the democratic ideal models electoral, participatory, and deliberative democracy. The analysed material consists of four textbooks: two books used in adult education and two used in secondary school. The study shows that electoral aspects of democracy are clearly dominant in the textbooks used in adult education, while both electoral and participatory aspects are more salient in textbooks used in secondary school. Deliberative aspects are the least common in all textbooks.

Problematika vyjmenovaných slov ve výuce českého jazyka / Problems of Listed Words in Czech Language Teaching

Tesařová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on problems of listed words in czech language teaching. The main aim of the thesis was to found the most effective method of listed words teaching in a third year of primary school. Theoretical part describes the position of listed words in Czech language and it search a pitfalls during the listed words teaching. The component of a teoretical part is also an analysis of Czech language textbooks for the third year of primary school. In the end of a theoretical part I was founding the other methods of listed words teaching which can be used in teaching. In practical part i was creating a materials for listed words teaching by selected teaching method (the method of word formation groups) and than i was verifying this method in a practical using. For the research investigation i selected qualitated method an action teaching research. With a group of six students i studyied by the method of word formation groups and than i compare them with rest of a class, which was teaching by traditional method of teaching. In conclusion of a diploma thesis i tested the both groups. In a final test i founded out, that the method of word formation groups is more effective than the tradiotional method. Keywords Listed words, teaching method, spelling, third year of primary school,...

Edith eller Södergran? : En undersökning hur kvinnliga samt manliga författarskap presenteras utifrån anaforiska uttryck i två läromedel / Edith or Södergran? : A study of how female and male authorship is presented based on anaphoric expressions in two teaching materials

Sandberg, Ronja Sandberg January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how two teaching materials in Swedish and Swedish as a second language, from the same publishing company, presented and referred to male and female authorship based on anaphoric expressions. The method used in this study was grounded on an article by Per Ledin which analyzes how social actors is being portrayed in two Swedish papers based on anaphoric expression. Besides this method, the study also chooses to include social actors as well as whether the authors were portraited based on background or accomplishment. By choosing these criteria, the aim was to be able to investigate how Hirdmans two logics: men as a norm and the distinction between the sexes, are implemented in the teaching material that are examined. The research questions used in this study were: How is female and male authorship referred to in the materials based on anaphoric expressions? In which way is male and female authorship being presented in the various textbooks? Is there a difference between how female and male authorship is presented and referenced to, based on if the textbook is in Swedish or Swedish as a second language? The results of this study show that there is a difference between the teaching materials even though they are published by the same company. The different textbooks show how the teaching materials maintain the man as the norm, as in previous research, but in varying degrees. The textbook in Swedish shows a clear masculine norm through the anaphoric pattern that female writing becomes more individualized. The female writers are also presented mainly by background, while male authors are presented based on achievements. When comparing Swedish course literature for second language one can see how the male norm is prevalent, notably female authorship are represented through their accomplishments and the textbook problematizes male authorship.

Teknikundervisningens bild av internet som system : Tematisk analys av läromedel för gymnasiekursen Teknik 1 / Portraying Internet in Technology Education : Thematic textbook analysis of course literature for Teknik 1

Hagström, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
Teknik är nära sammanflätad med människan och internet med sin kraftfulla infrastruktur påverkar oss dagligen. Trots detta reflekterar vi sällan över det och beskriver systemet vagt och med grova förenklingar. Dagens elever ser delar av sin omvärld och kommunicerar med omgivningen via internet och behöver idag kunna hantera det som ett verktyg i undervisningen. Gymnasiekursen Teknik 1 ska enligt Skolverkets styrdokument lära ut hur internet utvecklats i samspel med samhället både ur ett tekniskt och etiskt perspektiv. Eleverna ska utifrån undervisningen kunna använda internet för informationsinhämtning och till exempel förstå vad som styr uppfattningar om kvinnligt och manligt inom systemet internet. Utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning konstaterar att både lärare och elever har svårigheter i undervisningen av komplicerade tekniska system såsom internet. Många elever visar på svårigheter att förstå de abstrakta delarna kring internet vilka är viktiga att förhålla sig till eftersom dessa påverkar oss omedvetet. De har till exempel svårt att se vilka aktörer och tjänster som finns bakom det gränssnitt som de möter i sin mobil. Tekniklärare uttrycker en osäkerhet och behöver fördjupa sina kunskaper om internet. De har en tendens att undvika det abstrakta till fördel för förenklade beskrivningar. Läromedel behöver hjälpa till att förklara dessa delar och skapa ett professionellt begreppsspråk. I detta examensarbete analyseras läromedel för gymnasiekursen Teknik 1 för att undersöka hur det tekniska systemet internet gestaltas, samt hur väl detta stämmer överens med Skolverkets styrdokument. Med hjälp av Claes Klasanders modell för tekniska system kan läromedlen kategoriseras och graderas för att få en uppfattning om hur kunskaper kring internet lärs ut. I analysen har även tydligt förekommande sätt att undervisa formats till det som valts att kallas följemeningstema. Dessa teman som grundar sig på Claes Klasanders modell (2010) beskrivervad undervisningen fokuserar på, vad målet med undervisningen är samt på vilket sätt man talar om ämnet i undervisningen. Tre olika läromedel jämförs sinsemellan, samt även med kursplanenför Teknik 1. Analysen visar att läromedlen på olika sätt svarar mot de utmaningar som nämns i teknikdidaktisk forskning och krav från Skolverket. Libers läromedel Teknik 1 från 2021 har tyngdpunkten av sin beskrivning av internet i det tema som i analysen benämns som medborgaren, tekniken och miljön (se kap. 6.3.2). Temats idé om att utbilda medvetna medborgare med god kunskap om tekniken och dess roll i samhället, stämmer till stor del med kursplanen för Teknik 1 och tillfredsställer behovet från skolan att förklara de osynliga delarna av det tekniska systemet internet. Libers äldre läromedel Teknik från 2011 och Gleerups Teknik 1 från 2022 är relativt lika och beskriver båda internet genom det tema som här kallas de tekniska systemens historia. Här saknas delar av kraven från kursplanen för Teknik 1, framförallt kring internets samverkan med samhället och naturen och systemets mer abstrakta delar. Istället ligger tyngdpunkten på den konkreta tekniska utvecklingen och vidareutveckling av systemen genom historien. / Technology and mankind are closely intertwined and the internet, with its powerful infrastructure, affects us on a daily basis. Still most of us fail to give a clear description on how it works or does it in a simplified manner. Today students view their world and communicate with their surroundings much through the internet and they need to master it as a tool for their learning. The course Teknik 1, given to Swedish tenth grade students, has a responsibility in educating about the development of the internet and its influence on our society, both from a technological standpoint as well as from an ethical point of view. Students should be taught to gather information in an educated way using the internet and for example learn to understand why there exist ideas on the internet about gender and technology. Technology didactics researchers have shown that teachers as well as students are having difficulties within the education of such complex technological systems as the internet. Students are struggling to understand the more abstract parts of the internet, which is vital, since the influence from such parts is acting subconsciously. Technology teachers feel somewhat uncertain about these complex technology systems and tend to avoid the abstract parts of the system infavor of simpler parts more easily explained. Textbooks need to help explain this complexity, so that the ”invisible” parts, such as flow of information, anonymous actors and power control, become visible. Within this master thesis a textbook analysis is carried out on course literature for Teknik 1. It investigates in which way the internet is portrayed and to what extent it aligns to the curriculum from Skolverket. With help of a theoretical model developed by Dr. Claes Klasander (2010) the textbook material has been categorized and graded to be able to measure how they educate on the subject of the internet. The analysis has also identified various themes within the education on the subject. They are based on Klasander’s companion meaning and called companion meaning theme as they describe what the education is focused on, what its goals are and with what language the subject internet is described. Three textbooks were compared with each other and against the course curriculum given by the Swedish School authority. The analysis shows that the textbooks take on the challenge of describing the internet in various ways. Liber’s textbook Teknik 1 from 2021 draws its portrait of the internet using the theme that has been named the citizen, technology and the environment (see chapter 6.3.2). Its idea is to educate conscious citizens with good knowledge in technology and its part in society corresponds a lot to the course curriculum for Teknik 1 and answers well to the schools need of explaining the invisible parts of the internet. Liber’s older textbook version Teknik from 2011 and Gleerups’ Teknik 1 from 2022 are quite similar as they both use the theme named the history of technology systems to describe and educate on the subject. This theme misses out on parts of the course curriculum, mostly regarding the internet's interaction with our society and the surrounding nature, as well as its more abstract parts. Instead focus is on the technical aspects of the development of the internet today and throughout history.

Le concept de série dans les manuels au niveau collégial : registres de représentation et activités cognitives

Seffah, Rachid 01 1900 (has links)
Au niveau postsecondaire, les concepts mathématiques avancés seraient des concepts difficiles à appréhender pour beaucoup d’étudiants. Le concept de série fait partie de ces concepts avancés que les étudiants rencontrent pour la première fois de façon formelle dans leurs études postsecondaires (au niveau collégial, Cégep, dans le contexte québécois). Ce concept a un très grand nombre d’applications et ce, aussi bien en mathématiques que dans le domaine scientifique. Cependant, sa complexité propre et sa nature contre-intuitive font qu’il est très difficile à appréhender par certains étudiants. Parmi les difficultés d’appréhension, dans un grand nombre de cas, on peut trouver la conception que la somme d’une infinitude de termes donnera une quantité qui ne peut être qu’infiniment grande. Étant donné l’importance et la complexité de ce concept, on pourrait s’attendre à ce qu’il soit pris en compte avec une grande attention par la recherche. Cependant, notre recension d’écrits montre qu’il y a très peu d’études centrées sur le concept de somme infinie. Dans ce mémoire, nous allons présenter des résultats d’une analyse effectuée sur dix-sept manuels utilisés dans les Cégeps du Québec. Les résultats de cette analyse nous ont permis de prendre conscience que les manuels utilisés par l’enseignement actuel font rarement usage du registre graphique et que le registre algébrique est souvent privilégié. Ainsi, la plupart des manuels utilisés dans les Cégeps utilisent rarement les représentations visuelles qui pourraient être un outil important pouvant contribuer dans une appréhension complète du concept de série et les graphiques sont pratiquement absents dans tous les exercices et problèmes que ces manuels proposent. Par ailleurs, les résultats de notre recherche montre que les applications mathématiques et extramathématiques sont rares, et ce, bien que les sommes infinies soient un concept essentiel dans l’introduction d’autres concepts mathématiques et qu’elles permettent de modéliser plusieurs phénomènes. De plus, parmi le peu d’applications extramathématiques qui apparaissent dans les dix-sept manuels, beaucoup sont peu utiles à l’appréhension du concept en question étant donné que celles-ci sont artificielles (applications difficiles à réaliser dans la vie quotidienne). Enfin, nos résultats de recherche nous révèlent que le contenu des manuels en lien avec le concept de série mériterait d’être réajusté afin de permettre aux étudiants une meilleure appréhension de ce concept. / At the post high school level, advanced mathematical concepts are difficult to grasp for many students. The series concept is one such advanced concept that students meet for the first time formally in their postsecondary studies (Cégep in the Québec context). This concept has a very large number of applications both in mathematics and in science. However, its own complexity and nature against-intuitive make it very difficult to understand by some students. Among the difficulties to apprehend it, in many cases, we can find the idea that the sum of an infinite number of terms will give a quantity which will necessarily be infinitely large. Given the importance and complexity of this concept, one might expect it to be considered with great attention by the research. However, our literature review shows that there are very few studies focusing on the concept of infinite sum. In this Masters thesis, we will present the results of an analysis carried out on seventeen textbooks used in Cégeps in Quebec. The results of this analysis have allowed us to realize that the textbooks used by the current education rarely make use of the graphic register and that the algebraic register is often favored. Thus, most of the textbooks used in Cégeps rarely use visual representations that could be an important tool that can contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the concept of series and graphics are virtually absent in all the exercises and problems that these books offer. Furthermore, the results of our research show that mathematical and extramathematical applications are scarce, although infinite sums are a key concept in the introduction of other mathematical concepts and they allow modeling several phenomena. Moreover, among the few extramathematical applications that appear in the seventeen textbooks, many are of little use to the understanding of the concept in question since they are artificial (difficult applications to perform in daily life). Finally, our research results reveal that the content of textbooks in connection with the concept of series deserves to be readjusted to allow students a better understanding of this concept.

Jonbindning i svenska läromedel : Hur begreppet presenteras i läromedel och hur de kan påverka alternativa föreställningar

Ragagnin, Gianna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med det här arbetet är att få en ökad insikt om hur begreppet jonbindning presenteras isvenska läromedel för gymnasieskolan. Läromedel som analyserats är läroböcker och didaktiskavideoklipp. Studien omfattar en undersökning om vilka element i läromedel förhåller sig till envetenskaplig representation och vilket innehåll som istället är känt i ämnesdidaktisk litteratur för attskapa alternativ förstärka missuppfattningar kring jonbindning. I studien analyseras dessutomskillnaderna mellan innehållet i böcker och videoklipp. Detta genomfördes genom en komparativinnehållsanalys.De flesta läromedel visar att den centrala idén är elektronövergången mellan en metall och enickemetall, ofta kopplat till visuella representationer av jonpar. Den här representationen kan bidratill missuppfattningen att jonföreningars består av diskreta molekylära enheter. I hälften avläromedel beskrivs otydligt att den elektrostatiska interaktionen är den drivande kraften ijonbindning. Läroböckerna har en mer homogen utformning och bättre grafiska lösningar, medanvideoklipps kvalitet och innehåll är mer varierad.Vissa videoklipp visar att det är möjligt att förklara jonbindningen utan att användaelektronövergången och bildning av jonpar. Man kan spekulera om lärarna som producerade demest didaktiska videoklippen har då varit medvetna om den vanligaste problematiken som orsakarmissuppfattningar om jonbindningen.

Elevers möjligheter att utveckla statistisk litteracitet genom tolkning av tabeller och diagram : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av läromedelsserier i matematik för årskurs 4–6 / Students' opportunities to develop statistical literacy through interpretation of charts and graphs : A quantitative content analysis of textbook series in mathematics for grades 4-6

Tegnelund, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka möjligheter till lärande genom lärtillfällen (”opportunities to learn” [OTL]) elever ges i mellanstadiet i att utveckla statistisk litteracitet. Statistisk litteracitet beskrivs av forskare som en viktig förmåga för individen som demokratisk rättighet för att, i den allt mer digitala värld vi lever i, kunna föra och följa statistiska argument och kunna fatta välgrundade beslut utifrån statistisk information. I tidigare forskning framkommer det att undervisning i matematik inte sällan baseras på läromedel. Därav görs i denna studie en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tabeller och diagram i fyra olika läromedelsserier genom årskurs 4–6. Frågeställningarna som avser ge resultat är (1) I vilken omfattning får eleverna möta uppgifter inom de olika nivåerna av statistisk litteracitet i läromedelsserier? samt (2) Hur ser fördelningen och progressionen av nivåerna ut genom årskurs 4–6? Läromedlen analyseras genom Curcios fyra nivåer för kategorisering av statistisk litteracitet. Nivå 1 (N1) “reading the data”, nivå 2 (N2) “reading between the data”, nivå 3 (N3) “reading beyond the data” och nivå 4 (N4) “reading behind the data”. N1 och N2 är de grundläggande nivåerna som innebär att frågorna leder till direkt avläsning, beräkningar eller jämförelser som explicit är uttryckt i datan. Nivåerna N3 och N4 innebär frågor som leder till att dra slutsatser som inte explicit uttrycks i data genom kritisk granskning, förutspå eller generalisera utifrån statistisk information. Kategoriseringen visar att fördelningen av uppgifterna är inom N1 och N2 samt att en tydlig progression saknas i läromedelsserierna. För att utvecklas att bli statistiskt litterat behöver man ges tillräckligt med OTL inom alla dessa nivåer. Studien fann däremot att 99,7% av uppgifterna totalt kategoriserades inom de lägre nivåerna, N1 och N2. Detta kan tolkas som att läromedlen inte ger elever tillräckliga OTL i att utveckla statistisk litteracitet vilket kan påverka elevernas förutsättningar att fatta välgrundade beslut i sin vardag.

Mluvnická kategorie času v učebnicích češtiny pro neslyšící žáky a pro cizince / Grammatical Category of Time in Czech Language Textbooks for Deaf Pupils and for Foreigners

Levorová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the way the grammatical category of time is presented in chosen textbooks of the Czech language for deaf and for foreigners. A small questionnaire survey, establishing which textbooks the teachers actually use in teaching Czech for deaf, whether they work also with textbooks for foreigners and what other materials they possibly use, is included. All the textbooks mentioned in the questionnaires are later analysed from the view of their presentation of the grammatical category of time, separately those for deaf and those for foreigners. In the second ones, inspiration for teaching deaf is being traced. At the end of the work there is an author's draft chapter of a textbook for deaf dealing with a part of the issue of verbs and times. The draft text contains an explanation and few exercises and concentrates on problematic phenomena.

Les compétences lexicales en arabe langue étrangère/seconde : analyse d'un corpus télévisuel syrien / Lexical skills in Arabic as a second or foreign language analysis of a Syrian television corpus : analysis of a Syrian television corpus

Al-Nassan, Abidrabbo 02 July 2016 (has links)
L’enseignement du lexique arabe à l’Institut supérieur des langues de Damas n’est pas encore à la hauteur des attentes de l’apprenant pour lui fournir une bonne connaissance lexicale. Les outils pour développer ce travail n’ont pas évolué dans les méthodes utilisées. Dans ces méthodes, on applique toujours l’approche classique du lexique. Cette approche n’est plus valable au moment où le critère de fonctionnalité lié à la notion de fréquence a commencé à avoir sa place dans la nouvelle conception du lexique. Ce projet de thèse vise donc à contribuer à l’enseignement de l’arabe langue étrangère à l'Institut supérieur des langues en profitant des recherches faites pour l'enseignement d’autres langues vivantes, et spécialement celles qui s’inscrivent dans le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). / Standard Arabic is actually the language of writing. The speeches made in the media and in some TV series are, in most cases, a literal restatement of visual coding of the language (text written in standard Arabic) in auditory coding (reading aloud the written text). Similarly, everyday Arabic does not have the same coding as Arabic that exists in the media, in books and in Arabic language courses. This gives the impression that the current teaching content is not suitable for a usage outside the language classroom.This thesis deals with the problem of the composition of the lexical content of textbooks of teaching Arabic L2 of Higher Language Institute of Damascus (Syria). A content that does not withdraw from standard norms (focus on the adaptation of a classic or moderne standard Arabic), but seeks to be as close as possible to the daily practice of language that is very rich in dialect. The current content represents the traditional approach of the lexicon, which focuses on the semantics of words and phrases while the communicative features of these language elements are little treated. The proposed analysisshows the weak points in the structure of textbooks now in use. It is based on the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the skill references of Niveaux pour le français that offer an approach batter adapted to the preparation of the lexicon in recent textbooks of teaching moderne languages. This analysis focuses on finding the crossing points in standard and spoken Arabic in Syria to build a route map that allows the learner an easy passage from what he learns in the Arabic language classroom to Arabic that is really practiced in everyday communications. It provides some solutions to reduce the gap between these two usages of Arabic.

¿Reflejan las metas o no? : Un análisis de tres libros de texto de ELE del instituto sueco y el reflejo en ellos del plan de curso para lenguas extranjeras de GY11 y del Marco Común Europeo de Referencias para lenguas / Do they reflect the goals or not? : An analysis of three textbooks in Spanish as foreign language for the Swedish school and their reflection of the course plan for moderns languages of GY11 and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Hollertz, Julia January 2016 (has links)
When it comes to the foreign language teaching in Sweden, there are, amongst others,  two recommendation direction documents that serve as help and support to achieve an appropriate acquisition and teaching of the foreign language. These documents are the courseplan for foreign languages by GY11 that is established by the Swedish department of education and the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, that’s been written by the European Council. In this essay, we have chosen to analyse wheather or not three Spanish textbooks, Caminando 3, Alegría 3 and Vistas 3, reflect the goals that are established in these two documents. When we analyse the textbooks we are only taking two aspects of language learning into account, these are the cultural aspect and the aspect of oral interaction. In order to complement the investigation we have handed out questionnaires to eight Spanish teachers, that work in a commune in the south of Sweden, where we ask them if they try to implement the goals established by these two documents in their teaching, if they have any knowledge about these documents, and whether they find that these three textbooks reflect these goals or not. The textbook analysis shows that all of the three books accomplish the goals set by the two direction documents when it comes to both aspects. According to our investigation the book that presents the best reflection is Vistas 3, which also is the only book published after the actualisation of the courseplan of GY11.                                                                        However, the majority of the teachers believe that they know the means of both direction documents. Even so, it is clear that the course plan is the document that is best known and that the mayority of the teachers have been educated about its goals, which is the opposite of the results of the same questions concerning the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. In addition, the majority of the teachers say that they do not try to implement the goals of this document in their teaching. Then again the results of the courseplan are different as it says that the majority of the teachers actually try to implement and take notice of this document, and its goals, in their teaching.           When it comes to the questionnaire results of the textbooks, Alegría 3 has the best results. It is considered to accomplish the established goals by both documents and to serve as a functionable tool in the teaching of the two aspects. The majority results of Vistas 3 and Caminando 3 is that they are only considerd to partly accomplish the goals of the documents of directions, and to partually serve as good tools in teaching of the two aspects. To sum up, the questionnaire results of Vistas 3 and the results of the analysis don’t correspond. This might be because of the lack of knowlede that one of the teachers, who wasusing this book, had concerning the documents of direction. In conclusion, it is important to remember that the textbooks shouldn’t be used as the only teaching material to follow the guidelines of the direction documents.

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