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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnor. Nyckeln till framgång! : En kvantitativ studie om kvinnliga styrelseledamöter och bolagets finansiella prestation / Women. The key to success! : A quantitative study of female board members and the company's financial performance

Bajoul, Louise, Mirrafati, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida det råder ett samband  mellan andelen kvinnor i styrelsen och bolagets finansiella prestation bland svenska och finska börsnoterade bolag.  Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte utförs en kvantitativ studie med paneldata under åren 2017-2021. Urvalet består av 102 bolag jämnt fördelat mellan Sverige och Finland. Dessa bolag hämtas från Nasdaq OMX Stockholm och Helsinki. Studien tillämpar hypoteser som besvaras med hjälp av multipla regressionsanalyser.  Teoretiskt perspektiv: Uppsatsens teoretiska referensram består av Agency Theory, Upper Echelon Theory och Critical Mass som tillsammans kompletterar varandra och skapar förståelse för könsdiversifierade styrelsegrupper.  Slutsats: Studien visar tendenser att styrelser med större andel kvinnor bidrar till bolagens finansiella prestation. Finland visar signifikanta positiva svar i båda regressionerna medan Sverige visar ett signifikant negativt resultat i regressionen utan Critical Mass. Dock visar regressionen med Critical Mass för Sverige ett positivt signifikant resultat. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a connection between women on the board and the company's financial performance among Swedish and Finnish listed companies. Methodology: To answer the purpose of the study, a quantitative study is performed with panel data during the years 2017-2021. The sample consists of 102 companies evenly distributed between Sweden and Finland. These companies are retrieved from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm and Helsinki. The study's hypotheses are answered using multiple regression analyzes. Theoretical Framework: The thesis' theoretical frame of reference consists of Agency Theory, Upper Echelon Theory and Critical Mass, which together complement each other contributes to an understanding of gender-diversified board groups. Conclusions: The study shows that boards with a larger proportion of women contribute to the companies' financial performance. Finland shows significant positive responses in both regressions while Sweden shows a significant negative result in the regression that does not include Critical Mass. However, the regression that includes Critical Mass for Sweden shows a positive significant result.

Rörelsekapitalets påverkan på svenska nyintroducerade företags finansiella prestation och värdeutveckling i tider av ekonomisk tillväxt / The effect of working capital management on performance and firm value for Swedish IPO companies during an economic boom

Andersson, Daniel, Wittenby, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund Rörelsekapitalet är ett företags livsnerv, det kan öppna upp för nya affärsmöjligheter; upprätthålla och förbättra kundrelationer samt föra nya produkter och teknologi till marknaden. Samtidigt kan dess hantering vara avgörande för om företaget riskerar att bli insolvent och gå i konkurs. Hur rörelsekapitalet hanteras är därmed av yttersta vikt för ett företag, då det påverkar företagets lönsamhet, likviditet och risk. Detta borde vara av intresse för investerare som vill maximera sin avkastning och för företagsledare som önskar maximera verksamhetens genererade vinst. Syfte Studiens ämnar analysera vikten av rörelsekapitalets hantering för nyintroducerade svenska företag och hur det påverkar deras finansiella prestation och värdeutveckling i en tid av ekonomisk tillväxt. Metod Detta är en kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats. Finansiella data kommer analyseras över en tidsperiod på fem, fyra eller tre år beroende på när företagen introduceras på börsen vilket gör det till en longitudinell studie. Vidare används korrelationsmatris och regressioner för att analysera variablernas samband och därmed besvara studiens syfte. Slutsats Resultatet pekar på ett negativt samband mellan rörelsekapitalshantering och lönsamhet, positivt samband mellan rörelsekapitalshantering och likviditet samt ett negativt samband mellan rörelsekapitalshantering och värdeutveckling. / Introduction Working capital is the life blood of a company. It is an enabler of business opportunities; a sustainer and improver of businessrelations and also an envoy of new products and technology. The management of working capital decides if a company might become insolvent or even file for bankrupcy. How the working capital is managed is therefore of utmost importancet to a company, since it detirmines the company's performance, liquidity and risk. Hence, it should be of import to prospect investors that want to maximize the return of the investment and also decision makers who wishes to maximize the operational profits. Purpose The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of efficient working capital management and its effect on financial performance and firm value for Swedish IPO companies during an economic boom. Methodology This is a quantiative study utilizing a deductive approach. Financial data is analysed over a period of five, four or three years depending on when the IPO occured, which classifies this as a longitudinal study. A correlation matrix and regressions will be used to establish the relationships between the variables and thereby fulfill the purpose of the study. Findings The resuslts indicate a negative correlation between CCC and profitability, a positive correlation between CCC and liquidity and a negative correlation between CCC and Tobin's Q.

Kvinnor i Bankstyrelser : Studie av kvinnors roll i europeiska bankstyrelser och dess påverkan på lönsamhet

Larsson, Tove, Landström, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Underrepresentation av kvinnor i styrelser är ett omtalat samhällsproblem. För att inkludera kvinnor och skapa ett styrelserum av mångfald har kvoteringar implementerats i EU. Trots kvoteringsdirektiv om en styrelse där 40 procent ska bestå av kvinnor, uppfyller bolagsstyrelser i Europa inte målen. Incitamenten för en mer jämställd styrelse är, förutom kvinnlig representation och rättigheter, finansiell lönsamhet. En god bolagsstyrning är viktigt för en effektiv ekonomisk hälsa och utveckling och lönsamhet. Könsdiversitet tenderar att öka ekonomisk tillväxt. Trots att fördelar för lönsamhet tillsammans med jämställdhet konstaterats återfinns ofta en ojämn könsfördelning bland bolagsstyrningen i börsnoterade bolag. Idag finns ett flertal studier om könsdiversitet i styrelser kopplat till lönsamhet med blandade resultat. Studierna analyserar ofta en mängd bolag där sektorn banker exkluderas. Banker har en betydande roll i samhället och är viktig för ett lands ekonomiska tillväxt. Studien syftar därför till att analysera om inkludering av kvinnor i bolagsstyrelser har en påverkan på europeiska bankers finansiella lönsamhet. Genom studien lyfts teorierna agentteorin, kritiska massanteorin och intresseteorin för att belysa olika perspektiv av ämnet. Där analyseras och diskuteras hur stor andel kvinnor styrelsen bör utgöra för att kunna göra skillnad samt mångfaldens påverkan på gruppen och resultatet. I studien genomförs analyser på de finansiella lönsamhetsmåtten ROA och Tobins Q. Studiens resultat påvisar genom analyserna att ett positivt samband finns mellan kvinnor i styrelser och finansiell lönsamhet. Analysen testar ett flertal variabler där bankernas storlek, styrelsens storlek och likviditet tas i beaktning. Analysen påvisar även att fler variabler har inverkan på lönsamheten. Studien kan genom resultatet påvisa att kvinnor i styrelsen har en påverkan, men framför allt att mångfald tenderar att öka lönsamhet. Jämställdhet är ett samhällsproblem och belyses genom studien där lika förutsättningar och kvinnors egen makt lyfts. I studien påvisas att inkludering av kvinnor i styrelser tenderar att öka lönsamheten hos europeiska banker. Detta lyfter att incitamentet finns att inkludera kvinnor för en finansiell lönsamhet, men även för jämställdhet. / Underrepresentation of women in boardrooms are societal issues. To include women and create a diverse boardroom, quotas have been implemented in the EU. Despite directives requiring boards to consist of 40 percent women, European corporate boards fail to meet these goals. Incentives for a more gender-balanced boardroom include, in addition to female representation and rights, financial profitability. Good corporate governance is crucial for effective economic health, and development, and profitability. Gender diversity tend to increase economic growth. Despite benefits for profitability along with gender equality, an uneven gender distribution is often found among corporate boards in listed companies. Today, there are numerous studies on gender diversity in boards linked to profitability with mixed results. These studies often exclude the banking sector. Banks play a significant role in society and are important for a country's economic growth. Therefore, the study aims to analyze whether the inclusion of women in corporate boards affects the financial profitability of European banks. The study highlights the theories of agency theory, critical mass theory, and stakeholder theory to illuminate different perspectives on the subject. The study analyzes and discusses what proportion of women the board should consist of to make a difference, as well as the impact of diversity on the group and the outcome. In the study, analyses are conducted on the financial profitability measures ROA and Tobin's Q. The results of the study demonstrate a positive significant relationship between women on boards and financial profitability. The analysis tests several variables, including bank size, board size, and liquidity. The analysis also indicates that several variables affect profitability. The study's results can demonstrate that women on the board have an impact, but primarily that diversity tends to increase profitability. Gender equality is a societal issue highlighted in the study, where equal opportunities and women's empowerment are emphasized. The study shows that the inclusion of women on boards tends to increase the profitability of European banks. This highlights the incentive to include women for financial profitability, as well as for gender equality.

Relação entre mecanismos de governança corporativa e medidas de performance econômica das empresas brasileiras integrantes do índice Brasil da bolsa de valores de São Paulo / Relationship among corporte governance mechanisms and economic performance measures of Brazilian enterprise that comprise Brazil index IBX of the São Paulo stock exchange

Rozo, Jose Danubio 30 October 2003 (has links)
Até cerca de vinte anos, o termo Corporate Governance (Governança Corporativa) não existia na língua inglesa. Os códigos de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa começaram a surgir no início dos anos noventa na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, em resposta ao desempenho insatisfatório de companhias líderes, percebido como uma deficiência de efetividade dos conselhos de administração, e em resposta às pressões exercidas pelos investidores institucionais. No Brasil, o termo Governança Corporativa é ainda mais recente, mas já começa a ser preocupação e a merecer a atenção de pesquisadores, Bolsa de Valores e associações. Este estudo objetiva identificar possíveis relações entre variáveis independentes, representativas de mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, e medidas de performance econômica de empresas integrantes do Índice Brasil IBX da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BOVESPA, com dados do período de 1997 a 2001.Utilizando a técnica estatística de dados em painel, modelo de componentes de erros, trabalha-se 16 variáveis independentes representando os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa: concentração de propriedade (5 variáveis), características do conselho de administração (3 variáveis), capital votante (1 variável), remuneração da diretoria executiva (2 variáveis), política financeira (3 variáveis), controle interno (1 variável) e mais uma variável de controle representando o tamanho das empresas. Essas variáveis são regredidas contra cada uma das cinco variáveis de medidas de performance econômica estudadas. Tais variáveis mediram o Market Value Added, a razão preço de mercado e valor patrimonial da ação, TOBINS Q, rentabilidade sobre o ativo e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que a concentração de propriedade, o capital votante, a remuneração da diretoria executiva e a política financeira são relacionadas à performance econômica. Surpreendentemente, o capital votante e a remuneração da diretoria executiva são negativamente relacionados à performance. Observa-se, também, que a medida de performance econômica utilizada faz diferença no estudo dos mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, pois aquelas puramente contábeis não apresentaram qualquer relação com os mecanismos testados. Este estudo, com esta abrangência de mecanismos, variáveis e período tratado, está dentre os estudos empíricos de Governança Corporativa pioneiros no Brasil. Espera-se oferecer uma contribuição aos acadêmicos interessados no assunto, bem como a acionistas, gestores, analistas de mercado, consultores, administradores de Bolsa de Valores, órgãos reguladores e associações de classe. / Up until twenty years go, the term Corporate Governance didnt exist in the English language. The codes of good practices of Corporate Governance began to arise in the early nineties in England, in the United States and in Canada, as an answer to an unsatisfactory performance of leading companies - recognized as a deficiency of effectiveness in the board of directors and also as an answer to the pressures exerted by institutional investors. In Brazil, the term Corporate Governance is still more recent, but begins to be pondered and to deserve attention of researchers, of Stock Exchanges and associations. This study aims to identify possible relationship among independent variables, representative of Corporate Governance mechanisms, and measures of economic performance of enterprises of the Brazil Index IBX of the São Paulo Stock Exchange BOVESPA, with data referring to the period comprehended between 1997 and 2001. Using the statistic technique of panel data, model of error components, we work with 16 independent variables representing the Corporate Governance mechanisms: concentration of propriety (5 variables), characteristics of the board of directors (3 variables), voting capital (1 variable), remuneration of the executive directorate (2 variables), financial policy (3 variables), internal control (1 variable), and one more control variable, representing the size of the enterprises. These variables are regressed against each one of the five variables of the studied economic performance measures. Such variables have measured up the Market Value Added, the market to book value price ratio, TOBINS Q, profitability over the assets and profitability over the net equity. The results indicate that the property concentration, the voting capital, the remuneration of the executive directorate and the financial policy are related to the economic performance. Surprisingly, the voting capital and the remuneration of the executive directorate are negatively related to performance. We can also observe that the economic performance measure utilized makes difference in the study of the Corporate Governance mechanisms, because that ones purely accountants doesnt have any relation with the mechanisms tested. This study, comprising such diverse mechanisms, variables and also the observed period, is among the leading empiric studies of Corporate Governance in Brazil. We hope to offer a contribution to the academics holding an interest in the matter, as well as to shareholders, managers, market analysts, consultants, Stock Exchange administrators, regulating bodies and class associations.

Relação entre mecanismos de governança corporativa e medidas de performance econômica das empresas brasileiras integrantes do índice Brasil da bolsa de valores de São Paulo / Relationship among corporte governance mechanisms and economic performance measures of Brazilian enterprise that comprise Brazil index IBX of the São Paulo stock exchange

Jose Danubio Rozo 30 October 2003 (has links)
Até cerca de vinte anos, o termo Corporate Governance (Governança Corporativa) não existia na língua inglesa. Os códigos de boas práticas de Governança Corporativa começaram a surgir no início dos anos noventa na Inglaterra, nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá, em resposta ao desempenho insatisfatório de companhias líderes, percebido como uma deficiência de efetividade dos conselhos de administração, e em resposta às pressões exercidas pelos investidores institucionais. No Brasil, o termo Governança Corporativa é ainda mais recente, mas já começa a ser preocupação e a merecer a atenção de pesquisadores, Bolsa de Valores e associações. Este estudo objetiva identificar possíveis relações entre variáveis independentes, representativas de mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, e medidas de performance econômica de empresas integrantes do Índice Brasil IBX da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo BOVESPA, com dados do período de 1997 a 2001.Utilizando a técnica estatística de dados em painel, modelo de componentes de erros, trabalha-se 16 variáveis independentes representando os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa: concentração de propriedade (5 variáveis), características do conselho de administração (3 variáveis), capital votante (1 variável), remuneração da diretoria executiva (2 variáveis), política financeira (3 variáveis), controle interno (1 variável) e mais uma variável de controle representando o tamanho das empresas. Essas variáveis são regredidas contra cada uma das cinco variáveis de medidas de performance econômica estudadas. Tais variáveis mediram o Market Value Added, a razão preço de mercado e valor patrimonial da ação, TOBINS Q, rentabilidade sobre o ativo e rentabilidade sobre o patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que a concentração de propriedade, o capital votante, a remuneração da diretoria executiva e a política financeira são relacionadas à performance econômica. Surpreendentemente, o capital votante e a remuneração da diretoria executiva são negativamente relacionados à performance. Observa-se, também, que a medida de performance econômica utilizada faz diferença no estudo dos mecanismos de Governança Corporativa, pois aquelas puramente contábeis não apresentaram qualquer relação com os mecanismos testados. Este estudo, com esta abrangência de mecanismos, variáveis e período tratado, está dentre os estudos empíricos de Governança Corporativa pioneiros no Brasil. Espera-se oferecer uma contribuição aos acadêmicos interessados no assunto, bem como a acionistas, gestores, analistas de mercado, consultores, administradores de Bolsa de Valores, órgãos reguladores e associações de classe. / Up until twenty years go, the term Corporate Governance didnt exist in the English language. The codes of good practices of Corporate Governance began to arise in the early nineties in England, in the United States and in Canada, as an answer to an unsatisfactory performance of leading companies - recognized as a deficiency of effectiveness in the board of directors and also as an answer to the pressures exerted by institutional investors. In Brazil, the term Corporate Governance is still more recent, but begins to be pondered and to deserve attention of researchers, of Stock Exchanges and associations. This study aims to identify possible relationship among independent variables, representative of Corporate Governance mechanisms, and measures of economic performance of enterprises of the Brazil Index IBX of the São Paulo Stock Exchange BOVESPA, with data referring to the period comprehended between 1997 and 2001. Using the statistic technique of panel data, model of error components, we work with 16 independent variables representing the Corporate Governance mechanisms: concentration of propriety (5 variables), characteristics of the board of directors (3 variables), voting capital (1 variable), remuneration of the executive directorate (2 variables), financial policy (3 variables), internal control (1 variable), and one more control variable, representing the size of the enterprises. These variables are regressed against each one of the five variables of the studied economic performance measures. Such variables have measured up the Market Value Added, the market to book value price ratio, TOBINS Q, profitability over the assets and profitability over the net equity. The results indicate that the property concentration, the voting capital, the remuneration of the executive directorate and the financial policy are related to the economic performance. Surprisingly, the voting capital and the remuneration of the executive directorate are negatively related to performance. We can also observe that the economic performance measure utilized makes difference in the study of the Corporate Governance mechanisms, because that ones purely accountants doesnt have any relation with the mechanisms tested. This study, comprising such diverse mechanisms, variables and also the observed period, is among the leading empiric studies of Corporate Governance in Brazil. We hope to offer a contribution to the academics holding an interest in the matter, as well as to shareholders, managers, market analysts, consultants, Stock Exchange administrators, regulating bodies and class associations.

Tak på marknaden ger tak över huvudet? : Sveriges hyreslag genom fyra decennier / A ceiling on the market brings roofs above our heads? : Swedish rent legislation through four decades

Melker Darab, Adam, Hultgren, Magnus January 2011 (has links)
Det har länge hävdats att bostadsbristen i Stockholm i stora delar beror på att Sveriges sedan 1968 rådande hyreslagstiftning har inneburit ett pristak på marknaden, vilket motverkat en tillfredsställande nybyggnation av hyreslägenheter. Syftet med denna uppsats är undersöka om så är fallet. Hyreslagens grundläggande intentioner och antaganden har utifrån grundläggande teori noggrant synats. Dessutom har den utveckling som skett på marknaden jämförts med de symptom som ett efterfrågeöverskott och ett pristak skulle innebära. Lagstiftningen har visat sig bestå av vad som i förlängningen kan argumenteras ha inneburit en icke-adekvat prisbildningsmekanism. Rimligtvis kan detta ha inneburit ett pristak vilket i sin tur det uppenbara efterfrågeöverskottet i teorin kan härledas till. De symptomatiska tillstånd som visat sig gällande i Stockholm kan därmed på många punkter förklaras av att lagen i praktiken har inneburit ett pristak.

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