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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moeder se belewenis van die aapassingsprobleme van die kleuter na die geboorte van 'n baba

Joubert, Hester Mensina 11 1900 (has links)
In die konteks van hierdie studie word daar deurlopend van die manlike vorm gebruik gemaak om na die kleuter te verwys, ten einde 'n lomp stelwyse te voorkom. Die vroulike vorm sou ook daarmee veronderstel en ingesluit kon word. Die vroulike vorm word gebruik wanneer daar na die moeder verwys word. / Merkbare verandering word soms in die kleuter se gedrag, emosies en verhoudings na die geboorte van `n baba waargeneem. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie was om die moeder se persepsie, belewenis en hantering van hierdie aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter te verken. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met nege moeders gevoer. Uit die studie het dit duidelik geword dat onkunde ten opsigte van die ontwikkelingsfase van die kleuter, asook die aanpassingsprobleme aanleiding tot foutiewe persepsies by die moeder gegee het. Hierdie foutiewe persepsies het `n negatiewe invloed op die moeder se belewenis en hantering van die aanpassingsprobleme gehad. Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat moeders betrek moet word vir ouerleiding wanneer aanpassingsprobleme by die kleuter aangemeld word. Verskeie aanbevelings wat van waarde kan wees tydens ouerleiding aan moeders van kleuters is deur die navorser gemaak. / The birth of a sibling often results in a toddler displaying changes in behaviour, emotions and relationships. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the mother's perception, experiences, as well as coping strategies of the toddler's adaptation problems, following the birth of a sibling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine mothers. The study revealed that the mother's lack of knowledge and understanding of the developmental phase of the toddler, as well as the adaptation problems, manifested in misconceptions. These misconceptions affected her experiences of the adaptation problems, as well as how she managed it. The researcher concluded that mothers should be referred for parental guidance when adaptation problems are reported. Various recommendations to be used within parental guidance have been made. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie-Rigting)

Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters / Exploring the risk and protective factors that contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers

Roux, Marike 02 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die studie is om buffer- en risikofaktore te verken wat ‟n rol in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters kan speel. Gehoorgestremde kleuters presenteer met ‟n gehoorverlies, wat hul van normaalhorende kleuters onderskei. Tog beskik alle kleuters oor primêre behoeftes. Lewenskwaliteit word verbeter deur behoeftevervulling, wat die ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Hierdie behoeftes word vervul deur die kleuter, asook faktore vanuit die omgewing. ‟n Literatuurstudie is onderneem as teoretiese raamwerk, wat teorieë omtrent die omgewing en behoeftes, buffer- en risikofaktore en kleuterontwikkeling insluit. Data is vanuit ‟n kwalitatiewe benadering ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ekokaarte saamgestel deur ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters. Kontrolering en integrering van data het deur triangulering geskied. Buffer- en risikofaktore binne kleuters self, die gesin en die breër gemeenskap is verken. Die studie is verkennend en beskrywend, en toegepaste navorsing is gebruik. So is gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings gemaak om toepaslike ondersteuning aan ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters te bewerkstellig. / The aim of the study is to explore the protective and risk factors that may contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers. Hearing impaired toddlers present with a hearing loss, which distinguish them from toddlers with normal hearing. However, all toddlers have primary needs. Quality of life is improved by the fulfilment of needs, which influences the developmental process. These needs are fulfilled by the toddler, as well as by factors from the environment. A literature study was conducted as theoretical framework. This included theories regarding the environment and needs, protective and risk factors, and toddler development. In this qualitative study, data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and the compilation of ecomaps by parents of hearing impaired toddlers. Triangulation was used to verify and integrate data. Protective and risk factors were explored within the toddler, the family and the wider community. This study is exploratory and descriptive and applied research was used. In this way conclusions and recommendations were made to provide appropriate support to parents of hearing impaired toddlers. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Volná hra 2-4letých dětí v cizojazyčné mateřské škole / Free play of 2-4year old children in a foreign-language kindergarten

Masnerová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis in its theoretical and practical parts focuses on free play of children in pre-school facilities. Kindergarten is the place of early secondary socialization of the child and that's why one part of the diploma thesis is centred on this theme. The theoretical part helps for a deeper understanding of play, especially with 2-4 year old children and builds a foundation for the research. The practical part, based on one year's observation, monitors development of free play of a homogeneous group of children and finds how the quality of play changes with individuals as well as the group. Another focus lies on comparing two separate groups of children in their free play - one group having long term experience with free play and one without such regular experience. The main method of the research is observation. The results of the research points to the importance of free play for a pre-school age child and confirms the influence of free play in the process of early secondary socialization.

Edition et création : les collections d'albums pour la jeunesse depuis les années 1960 / Edition and creation : the picturebooks series since the 1960s

Vergez-Sans, Cécile 15 December 2017 (has links)
La thèse, construite sur des fonds d’archives inédits et de nombreux entretiens, porte sur les collections éditoriales d’albums pour enfants depuis les années 1960. Elle montre comment s'articulent et s’affrontent création et édition afin de proposer une réflexion sur la création éditoriale. Après un rappel des formes historiques, une cartographie des modèles de collections d’albums depuis les années 1960 est mise au jour. Loin d’être des lieux neutres, les collections font l’objet de contestations au tournant des années 1960-1970. La thèse analyse comment, dans de nouveaux contextes, les positions des différents acteurs des collections, auteurs, illustrateurs, directeurs de collection, éditeurs, se déplacent, et étudie les tensions de leurs interactions. Le dépouillement des archives de la Charte créée par les auteurs et illustrateurs, permet de mettre au jour leurs aspirations et combats. L’analyse du parcours éditorial de F. Ruy-Vidal montre les difficultés à introduire l’innovation éditoriale. La recherche sur les conditions de possibilité de la créativité éditoriale se poursuit au travers de trois modèles de fonctionnements innovants : le studio Delpire (ou : comment l’œil éditorial se forme-t-il et quelles sont les fonctions de l’équipe éditoriale ?) ; les collections du Rouergue dirigées par O. Douzou (quels sont les apports pour la créativité éditoriale d’un directeur de collection également auteur et illustrateur ?) ; et les éditions contemporaines Magnani (ou : peut-on sortir de la séparation collections pour enfants/collections pour adultes ?). En conclusion, une synthèse cherche à construire des outils d’analyse théorique de la créativité éditoriale. / This thesis deals with French children’s picture book series since the 1960s. It highlights the difficulties to bridge creation and edition while providing an analysis of editorial creativity. After mentionning historical models of children’s series, we describe the evolution of series models (chapter 1 and 2). We show that this evolution was not without challenges. In the 60s and 70s, some authors and illustrators were craving for more legitimacy (chapter 3). At the same period, Ruy Vidal’s editorial career as publisher and editor allows us to discover the difficulties to introduce editorial innovations (chapter 4). It is then necessary to study the editorial conditions for creativity (chapter 5, 6, 7) through the examples of « Studio Delpire » (we wonder about his editorial « eye » and about the creative function of the editorial team), O. Douzou (Rouergue) (the question here is : what does an author-illustrator-editor provide ?), J. Magnani, a contemporary publisher (who tries to go beyond the frontier between children’s and adult’s books). All in all, these elements will help us discover ways to think of and analyze editorial creativity. The thesis is based on unexplored archives and numerous interviews with actors of the children’s picture books field.

Hur toddlare använder det icke-verbala språket vid konfliktsituationer i Sverige och Schweiz : En jämförelse / How toddlers use nonverbal communication concerning conflict situations in Sweden and Switzerland A comparison : A comparison

Bisso, Fabio January 2018 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore similarities and differences between preschools in Sweden and Switzerland by focussing on how infants use nonverbal expressions in conflict situations. The target group of 1-2 year old children does not yet have an adequate verbal language and therefore has to communicate nonverbally. Watzlawick's communication theory states that a person cannot not communicate; in my study I have mainly employed the five axioms of his theory and observed the so called mirror neurons, which play a key role when humans interact. Conflict theories and conflict resolution strategies are also considered.   The methodological approach employed in this study combines a qualitative fieldwork with a quantitative systematization of data in order to construct a full representation of the differences and similarities that the observations have revealed.   The study shows that there are significant differences in the way children get into conflict situations and how they try to overcome them. In order to clarify why these differences appear, the discussion of the study includes the Swedish pre-school system with its relatively large nursery schools, and also the Swiss education system, where the reference to discipline is more pronounced than in the Swedish education system. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur barn använder det icke-verbala språket vid konfliktsituationer samt att göra en jämförelse mellan förskolor i Sverige och Schweiz. Detta för att utforska skillnader och likheter mellan dessa två länder. I centrum för min observation står barn i åldern 1-2 år, då denna grupp ännu inte har utvecklat ett adekvat verbalt språk och därmed behöver kommunicera på ett icke-verbalt sätt. Watzlawicks kommunikationsteori fastslår att en människa inte inte kan kommunicera och denna grundsats har störst utrymme i min studie där fokus ligger på hans fem axiom inom kommunikation. Ytterligare tas hänsyn till spegelneuroner vilka spelar en nyckelroll när människor interagerar med varandra, likaså teorier inom konflikthantering.   Den metodologiska ansatsen är en kombination av en kvalitativ fältforskning och kvantitativ systematisering av data.     Studien visar att det föreligger signifikanta skillnader mellan hur barn hamnar i och hanterar konfliktsituationer i dessa två länderna. För att förklara dessa skillnader riktas blicken mot den svenska förskoleverksamheten med relativt stora barngrupper och mot den schweiziska pedagogiken som kan konstateras vara hårdare när det gäller disciplin.

Verkenning van buffer- en risikofaktore wat ’n rol speel in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters / Exploring the risk and protective factors that contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers

Roux, Marike 02 1900 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die doel van die studie is om buffer- en risikofaktore te verken wat ‟n rol in die ontwikkeling van gehoorgestremde kleuters kan speel. Gehoorgestremde kleuters presenteer met ‟n gehoorverlies, wat hul van normaalhorende kleuters onderskei. Tog beskik alle kleuters oor primêre behoeftes. Lewenskwaliteit word verbeter deur behoeftevervulling, wat die ontwikkelingsproses beïnvloed. Hierdie behoeftes word vervul deur die kleuter, asook faktore vanuit die omgewing. ‟n Literatuurstudie is onderneem as teoretiese raamwerk, wat teorieë omtrent die omgewing en behoeftes, buffer- en risikofaktore en kleuterontwikkeling insluit. Data is vanuit ‟n kwalitatiewe benadering ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en ekokaarte saamgestel deur ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters. Kontrolering en integrering van data het deur triangulering geskied. Buffer- en risikofaktore binne kleuters self, die gesin en die breër gemeenskap is verken. Die studie is verkennend en beskrywend, en toegepaste navorsing is gebruik. So is gevolgtrekkinge en aanbevelings gemaak om toepaslike ondersteuning aan ouers van gehoorgestremde kleuters te bewerkstellig. / The aim of the study is to explore the protective and risk factors that may contribute to the development of hearing-impaired toddlers. Hearing impaired toddlers present with a hearing loss, which distinguish them from toddlers with normal hearing. However, all toddlers have primary needs. Quality of life is improved by the fulfilment of needs, which influences the developmental process. These needs are fulfilled by the toddler, as well as by factors from the environment. A literature study was conducted as theoretical framework. This included theories regarding the environment and needs, protective and risk factors, and toddler development. In this qualitative study, data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and the compilation of ecomaps by parents of hearing impaired toddlers. Triangulation was used to verify and integrate data. Protective and risk factors were explored within the toddler, the family and the wider community. This study is exploratory and descriptive and applied research was used. In this way conclusions and recommendations were made to provide appropriate support to parents of hearing impaired toddlers. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)

Moeder se belewenis van die aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter na die geboorte van 'n baba / Moeder se belewenis van die aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter na die geboorte van 'n baba

Joubert, Hester Mensina 11 1900 (has links)
In die konteks van hierdie studie word daar deurlopend van die manlike vorm gebruik gemaak om na die kleuter te verwys, ten einde 'n lomp stelwyse te voorkom. Die vroulike vorm sou ook daarmee veronderstel en ingesluit kon word. Die vroulike vorm word gebruik wanneer daar na die moeder verwys word. / Merkbare verandering word soms in die kleuter se gedrag, emosies en verhoudings na die geboorte van `n baba waargeneem. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie was om die moeder se persepsie, belewenis en hantering van hierdie aanpassingsprobleme van die kleuter te verken. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met nege moeders gevoer. Uit die studie het dit duidelik geword dat onkunde ten opsigte van die ontwikkelingsfase van die kleuter, asook die aanpassingsprobleme aanleiding tot foutiewe persepsies by die moeder gegee het. Hierdie foutiewe persepsies het `n negatiewe invloed op die moeder se belewenis en hantering van die aanpassingsprobleme gehad. Die navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat moeders betrek moet word vir ouerleiding wanneer aanpassingsprobleme by die kleuter aangemeld word. Verskeie aanbevelings wat van waarde kan wees tydens ouerleiding aan moeders van kleuters is deur die navorser gemaak. / The birth of a sibling often results in a toddler displaying changes in behaviour, emotions and relationships. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the mother's perception, experiences, as well as coping strategies of the toddler's adaptation problems, following the birth of a sibling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine mothers. The study revealed that the mother's lack of knowledge and understanding of the developmental phase of the toddler, as well as the adaptation problems, manifested in misconceptions. These misconceptions affected her experiences of the adaptation problems, as well as how she managed it. The researcher concluded that mothers should be referred for parental guidance when adaptation problems are reported. Various recommendations to be used within parental guidance have been made. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie-Rigting)

La différence de tempérament entre les catégories d’attachement et les sous-catégories d’attachement mère-enfant et père-enfant à partir de la situation étrangère chez les trottineurs

Giguère, Valérie 05 1900 (has links)
L’attachement parent-enfant et le tempérament sont deux concepts fondamentaux dans le développement de l’enfant, car ils sont impliqués dans le développement de ses capacités de socialisation et de régulation émotionnelle. Cependant, le lien entre l’attachement et le tempérament est encore mal compris. La présente recherche évalue s’il y a un lien entre les catégorie d’attachement (A, B, C, D) ainsi que les sous-catégories d’attachement mère-enfant (A, B1, B2, B3, B4, C et D) et père-enfant (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1 et D) et le tempérament (affect négatif, extraversion et autocontrôle) chez les trottineurs (12-30 mois). Les données proviennent du premier temps de mesure du projet de recherche Complémentarité des relations d’attachement père-enfant et mère-enfant : une approche systémique de la famille pour mieux comprendre le développement des enfants d’âge préscolaire (CRA). L’échantillon comprend des familles composées de la mère (n=174), du père (n=173) et de leur enfant. L’attachement mère-enfant et père-enfant a été mesuré à un mois d’intervalle à l’aide de la Situation étrangère de Ainsworth à 12-18 mois. Le tempérament a été mesuré par le questionnaire de Rothbart «Early Child Beavior Questionnaire - Short Form» rempli par la mère et le père à 24-30 mois. Aucun des tests de différence de moyenne ne sont significatifs. Cela indique que les enfants des différentes catégories et sous-catégories d’attachement mère-enfant et père-enfant ne diffèrent pas quant à leur niveau d’affect négatif, l’extraversion et d’autocontrôle. / Parent-child attachment and temperament are two fundamental concepts in child development, because they are involved in the development of both socialization and emotional regulation capacity. However, the connection between those two concepts is still misunderstood. The foregoing research assesses whether there is a connection between mother-child and fatherchild attachment (A, B, C, D), mother-child sub-categories (A, B1, B2, B3, B4, C and D) and father-child sub-categories (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, C and D) with the temperament (negative affect, surgency and effortful control) of 12-18 month-old toddlers. Data come from the first measurement time in the Complémentarité des relations d’attachement père-enfant et mèreenfant : une approche systémique de la famille pour mieux comprendre le développement des enfants d’âge préscolaire (CRA) research project. The sample is made of families with the mother (n=174) the father (n=173) and their child. The attachment was measured with the Ainsworth Strange Situation at 12-18 month and the temperament was measured by the mothers’ and the fathers’ answers to the Rothbart questionnaire « Early Child Behavior Questionnaire - Short Form » when the child was 24-30 month old. The two MANCOVAS models are not significant. Results indicate that there is no difference between children of either attachment category and sub-category as to toddlers’ negative affect, surgency and effortful control.

The influence of early life contexts on child self-regulation: A key to life course wellness

Bates, Randi Ann 27 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Voorwiskundige vaardighede as grondslag vir die bemeestering van wiskunde : 'n opvoedkundige sielkunde perspektief

Fourie, Maria Elizabeth 02 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om vas te stel of leerders in Graad R die nodige wiskundige vaardighede deur gestruktureerde spel bemeester het wat as grondslag vir verdere wiskunde-onderrig kan dien. In die literatuurstudie is die verskillende wiskunde konsepte in diepte ondersoek. Daar is ook gefokus op die oordra van wiskunde konsepte aan jong leerders. Verder is daar in die literatuurstudie ondersoek ingestel na die doel, waardes, tipes, ontwikkeling van spel asook spel in die moderne era. Vir die empiriese ondersoek is 103 Graad R-leerders van ses verskillende skole betrek. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ʼn ewekansige steekproef by die skole wat bereid was om aan die studie deel te neem. Die ondersoek het plaasgevind deur die gebruik van die positivistiese kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode. Daar is gebruik gemaak van vraelyste om te bepaal wat die bemeestering van wiskundige vaardighede by Graad R-leerders is. Gestruktureerde spel is as hulpmiddel gebruik vir die insameling van die navorsingsmateriaal. Die resultate is bekom deur die vraelyste statisties te verwerk. Daar is ook vraelyste aan die onderwysers gegee om meer agtergrond oor hulle onderrigmetodes asook die onderwysers se eie gevoel teenoor en kennis van wiskunde te bekom. Die navorsingsresultate bevestig dat die meerderheid van die Graad R-leerders oor ʼn goeie wiskundige grondslag beskik. Dus is daar deur die studie gevind dat dit belangrik is dat jong kinders baie moet speel om nuwe vaardighede aan te leer, maar ook die geleentheid moet hê om die vaardighede te beoefen. / The purpose of this research was to determine whether learners in Grade R mastered the necessary math skills through structured play that could serve as a basis for further mathematics training. In the literature various math concepts were studied in depth. The main focus was on the transfer of math concepts to young learners. The literature study further focussed on the purpose, values, and types of play, development of play and play in the modern era. An empirical study using random sampling was done using 103 Grade R learners from six different schools who were willing to participate in the study. The study was done using the positivism quantitative research methodology. Questionnaires were used to determine the mastery of mathematical skills by Grade R learners. Structured play was used as a tool to collect the research material. The results were obtained by processing the questionnaires statistically. Questionnaires were also completed by the teachers to confirm their background knowledge, teaching methods as well as to determine the teachers‟ own feelings towards and their knowledge of mathematics. The research results confirm that the majority of Grade R learners have obtained a good math foundation. The study also confirmed that it is important that young children need to play to learn new skills and must have the opportunity to practise the new skills. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

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