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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Long-term unemployment scarring and the role of labour market policies : The case of Sweden in the 1990s

Nordlund, Madelene January 2010 (has links)
The experience of unemployment puts individuals at risk of long-term negative scarring and the longer the unemployment spell, the greater the risk of negative scarring. In Sweden, labour market policies aim at reducing such risks in the form of unemployment benefits, active matching and active labour market policy programmes (ALMPs). However, there is frequent discussion regarding the extent to which these kinds of policies actually reduce the risk of negative scarring. It is often argued that the programmes are of poor quality, particularly during economic downturns, and participants are often not motivated for the task. Likewise, it is claimed that unemployment insurance tends to counteract a quick return to the regular labour market. One problem related to labour market policies is that it has been difficult to examine the impact of such policies. Studies often present results that appear scattered due to differences in what is actually being measured and methodological problems. The uniqueness of this thesis is that it is based on a large-scale longitudinal register of data that has provided important empirical information regarding the long-term effects of labour market policy investments. The quality of data has also enabled the use of evaluation techniques which largely can help to reduce the uncertainty of the findings. More precisely, the research questions examine (1) in what way the level of unemployment benefit functions as protection against unemployment scarring, (2) in what way the ALMPs protect long-term unemployed people from long-term unemployment scarring, (3) at what point in a business cycle the ALMPs are efficient and finally, (4) for whom do the ALMPs function to reduce the risk of negative scarring. In this thesis, scarring effects are measured as the risk of labour market exit, the risk of labour market instability and the risk of future negative wage trajectories. The methods used in most studies are Cox regressions in combination with instrumental variable analysis (the Heckman two-step procedure). The empirical findings indicate that ALMPs worked well to reduce such negative effects both in times of booms (1999) and recessions (1993) and particularly among the youngest and oldest actors on the labour market. They also function particularly well for people with a low level of education. However, it is important not to exclude unemployed people who have a high level of education, in the belief that ALMPs have nothing to offer them, since such people are particularly helped by ALMPs as regards reducing the risk of future labour market instability. It was also found that generous unemployment benefit helped to reduce the risk of future negative wage scarring. In addition to these findings, some mechanisms were identified which proved to be important tools for transforming policies into valuable resources for the unemployed. In this thesis, the value of the findings of these mechanisms is discussed from the perspective of the capability approach. Even if the same investments were made in all unemployed persons, the participants would respond differently to the investment. Some reasons for the inequality in outcomes were found within the programmes and were due to heterogeneity in the unemployment group but some reasons can actually be explained by the converters (mechanisms) that were identified in the studies. Thus, the results emphasise the importance of investing in labour market policies, particularly during economic downturns. This is the time when cuts in unemployment benefit do not help the unemployed back to the labour market since there are very few available jobs to apply for. It is also the time when the long-term unemployed should participate in ALMP-training in order to be prepared for new challenges when the labour market improves again. As a matter of fact, the results show that skills from ALMP-training have a bridging effect which indicates that these skills will be valuable on the labour market for at least another five years after the year of investment. The findings in this thesis are controversial since they differ from most research findings from the beginning of the 1990s which point to poor micro level outcomes. However, the long-term approach of this thesis is the main explanation for these new and different results.  It is argued here that a long-term approach is needed to find out the long-term effects because ALMP participation, particularly ALMP-training, is meant to be a long-term investment in human capital. A long period of time needs to pass between ALMP-investment and evaluation before the effects can show. Reported effects from ALMP investments at the beginning of the 1990s have often been measured on a short-term basis. It is not suggested that short-term effects should be ignored but it is argued that a short-term analysis provides only a fragmental description of reality, and long-term effects should be given greater priority than is usually the case since they affect the labour market prospects of the individuals over a long period of time. This thesis dispels the “myth” about the negative effects generated from ALMPs during the 1990s.

An analysis of socio-economic factors on poverty in Nyakallong (Matjhabeng Municipality) / Sefako Samuel Ramphoma

Ramphoma, Sefako Samuel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was to analyse the effect of socio-economic factors on poverty in Nyakallong. Nyakallong is a former Black township in the Free State Province of South Africa. The effect of the socio economic factors on poverty was analysed using an econometric model. The analysis was based on data collected by the researcher and three fieldworkers who conducted a survey of 412 households in Nyakallong in 2009. To calculate poverty rates and the effect of socio-economic factors, data relating to the area was used. Poverty was defined and then measured for the township, and the profile of both the whole and the poor population was determined. The following poverty lines are used in South Africa – PDL, MSL, MLL, SLL, HSL and HEL. The HSL, which is defined as an estimate of the theoretical income needed by an individual household to maintain a defined minimum level of health and decency in the short term, was used as a measure of poverty in the area. The headcount index, poverty gap ratio and the dependency ratio were also used to measure poverty. The headcount index was found to be 0.472 for Nyakallong, meaning that 47.2% of all household’s income is below their respective poverty line. Poverty rate in Nyakallong was found to be 48.5% which is almost similar to the poverty rate of 49.1% for the Free State province, while poverty rate in Kwakwatsi was found to be 62.1%. The analysis of the sources of income of the poor showed that government grants constitute 64% of household income, with the old state pension grant alone contributing 16% to household income for a poor family. In Kwakwatsi, government grants contributed 38.4% of poor household’s income, with the old state pension grant having contributed 40.6%. On average, the whole population has a monthly income of R2 938, 35 compared to R1 140 which is received by the poor population; while in Kwakwatsi, the poor population received a monthly income of R688 and the whole population received an average of R1401.01. The expenditure patterns for the whole sampled population show that 39.7% of household income goes to buying food, compared to 44.3% for the poor sampled population of Nyakallong. In Kwakwatsi, poor population spent 49.2% of income on food and the whole population spent 33.4%. In Nyakallong, 50% of the whole population and 53% of the poor population was found to be economically inactive. In Kwakwatsi, 44% of the whole population and 56% of the poor population was found to be economically inactive. The unemployment rate of the poor in Nyakallong is 95.6% compared to 69.9% of the whole population. In Kwakwatsi 86.9% of the poor population and 79% of the whole population were unemployed. The dependency ratio was found to be 6 among the poor population and 2 for the whole population of Nyakallong, while in Kwakwatsi it was found to be 7 among the poor population and 4 among the whole population. The study analysed the socio-economic determinants of poverty in the area. The data was evaluated using hypothesis testing for statistical significance of the parameters. It was established that there is a positive relationship between education and the poverty gap ratio although it is statistically insignificant. It was also found that there is an inverse relationship between employment and poverty ratio. This complies with theory. The results also showed a positive relationship between household expenditure and the poverty gap – this is what was expected, because expenditure is the reduction of resources. On gender, the results confirm the generally held hypothesis that female headed households are poorer compared to their male counterparts. The results show that poverty is high among female headed households compared to male headed households. Household size was measured by the number of people staying in a given house. The household size was found to range from one to eleven members per household. The average household size was found to be 4.2 in Nyakallong, 3.9% in Kwakwatsi and 3.4% in the Free State. Household size is an important variable in determining poverty – increasing the household size by 10% is likely to increase the poverty gap of the household by about 1%. This might seem not significant, but this is a result that must be noted and handled with caution. More people in households also mean more expenditure on food items, medical expenses, clothing and education. In order to reduce the level of poverty in Nyakallong, job creation and employment opportunities should be targeted. The nearby university of technology and FET College should inform learners at secondary schools about funds (NFSAS) available to help them in furthering their studies. Educators should also engage learners to realise the disadvantages of large household size. Large organisations such as ESCOM and Harmony Gold could help by means of skills development, especially among youth and females, in order to make them employable. Unemployment can also be reduced by putting back into operation the closed mine shaft and Allanridge Sanatorium hospital. A food garden community programme should be established in order to reduce the level of poverty. People who are involved should be trained on how to manage and develop the programme. / MCom, Economics, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2012

Critical assessment of the extent to which the Provincial Government's development programmes are succeeding in reducing regional unemployment : a case of the North West Province's Central Region / Olibile Patience Mokolobate

Mokolobate, Olibile Patience January 2006 (has links)
The research aimed at assessing the extent to which the provincial Government's development programmes are succeeding in reducing regional unemployment. The research focused on the North West Province Central District, which is the second largest of the four districts. It comprises of 5 Municipalities of Mafikeng, Ditsobotla, Setlakgobi, Tswaing and Zeerust. The objectives of the research were to determine: Assess the extent of unemployment. poverty and development status of each of the municipal areas falling within the central region. To assess the prevalence of unemployment in the study area with a specific focus on providing analysis of socio-economic development trends. To development programmes aimed at eradicating poverty in the province especially in the Central District. To evaluate the extent to which government development policies programmes and projects are succeeding in curbing the increasing of unemployment and underdevelopment in the region. From the information gathered, the following results or findings were discovered: The challenges of poverty and unemployment cannot be dealt with by the current approach from the provincial government's planning processes, which tend to focus more on smaller projects than large- scales projects. The current level of migration of people from rural to urban areas seems to be a viable option for most people caught in poverty and under-development in the rural areas. Most people have moved out of the central district to look for jobs outside the region. The majority of the funded projects are too small to make any noticeable impact on the major challenges facing the province. The majority of the proposed projects directly initiated by the provincial government have not taken off the ground. / (MBA) North-West University, Mafikeng campus, 2006


林苑婷, Lin ,Yuan-ting Unknown Date (has links)
失業為工業社會不可避免之問題,失業不僅影響勞工個人,亦衝擊其全家生活。為了保障勞工及其撫養家屬於失業期間之基本生活,大多數國家都設有失業補償制度,如失業保險、失業救助、離職公積金、資遣費等,其中以失業保險制度為最多國家所採行。 近年來,國內失業率攀升,日益嚴重的失業問題使得各方要求建立失業保險制度之聲浪再度高漲,政府終於在民國88年開辦「勞工保險失業給付實施辦法」,將延宕多年的失業給付諸施行。而為了整合失業給付、職業訓練與就業服務體系,勞委會邀集相關單位研擬就業保險法草案,於91年立法院三讀通過,並於92年元旦實施。 本文即以我國就業保險法為研究對象,並以ILO第168號公約為基準檢視我國就業保險法、以美國及加拿大之就業保險制度做為借鏡,試圖歸納出我國就業保險法制未來改革應遵循的方向即可避免的錯誤。本文研究結果,對我國就業保險法提出以下幾點建議: 一、參照公約及美加制度,逐步擴大適用範圍。 二、請領條件方面:擴大「非自願離職」之內涵,將非因經濟、技術、結構或類似性質等特定因素之離職情況納入考量;參照公約規定,增加評估推介就業是否合理的考量因素;考量就業服務機構推介就業的效率及勞工所能承受經濟壓力的期限,訂定較符合公約要求的等待期;加強失業再認定的查核作業。 三、保險給付改採彈性給付級距制,對於低所得者給予較高之給付替代率,以確保其能維持基本生活,並達所得重分配之效果。 四、刪除提早就業獎助津貼。 五、改善職訓與就服體系,推廣單一窗口服務制度。 六、加強投保薪資之查核作業,讓給付更能符合失業勞工生活所需。 七、參照公約及美加兩國制度,採取失業給付與資遣費相互抵償之作法,讓失業給付照顧真正需要者,減少資源浪費。

A genealogy of unemployment : press representations in South Australia 1890's and 1930's / Ivan A. Krisjansen.

Krisjansen, Ivan A. January 1997 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 247-256. / x, 256 leaves ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Investigates, through the conceptual apparatus of Foucauldian analysis, poverty and unemployment in South Australia during the economic downturns of the 1890's and 1930's. That there is a direct parallel with the pattern of events in England is investigated through press representations in periods of severe economic contraction. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Education, 1997

The construction of unemployment as a social problem powerlessness, stigmatization and the unemployed /

Dresser, Karyn Lynn. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, Santa Cruz, 1988. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 283-301).

An exploration into the social support systems of unemployed graduates

Magagula, Busisiwe 08 1900 (has links)
Young people are often expected to find employment after completing their tertiary qualifications but they often face various challenges in finding employment. These challenges may be due to a variety of factors such as the type of qualification that they hold, structural changes in the economy, lack of skills and experience and the lack of relevant social networks. Furthermore, the current economic climate is characterised by low absorption rates of labour in the economy, poverty and inequalities. As such young graduates may experience various negative effects as a result of their unemployment, such as isolation, depression, decreased self-esteem, dependency, discontentment, loneliness, loss of social status and poverty. Social support has been found to have a buffering effect on people experiencing adverse life events such as unemployment. The focus of this current study was therefore to explore the social support experiences of graduates in the township of Mamelodi. This research study was a qualitative, interpretative phenomenological study. Snowballing sampling and purposive sampling were used to obtain research participants who attained tertiary qualifications. Smaller samples of between 6 and10 participants are commonly used in interpretative phenomenological studies. As such, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 participants. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. Thematic analysis was then used to extract themes from the participant interviews. The participant interviews indicated that the participants experienced a lack of finance as the most significant challenge during their unemployment, as they could not support themselves and their families. The participants experienced social support in the form of encouragement and information about possible employment opportunities from their family, friends, intimate partners and their community. Moreover, the analysis of the participants’ interviews demonstrated that social support, especially from the family, was essential for the unemployed graduates to cope with the negative effects of unemployment, even though they did not want to burden their families with the responsibility of providing them with social support. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Effek van vaderlike werkloosheid op die leefwêreld van die adolessent / Father's unemployment : its effect on adolescent development

Bouwer, Magdalena Alida 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel hoe vaderlike werkloosheid die leefwereld van die adolessent beinvloed. In 'n poging om die adolessent se leefwereld te verstaan, was dit nodig om die adolessent-in-totaliteit aan te spreek. Daar is aangedui hoe emosionele trauma soos die skielike werkloosheid van die vader nie net die adolessent se fisieke-, kognitiewe-, affektiewe-, sosiale- en normatiewe wording rem nie, maar dat dit ook 'n negatiewe invloed op skolastiese prestasie het. Vaderlike werkloosheid het 'n besondere invloed op die relasies binne die gesin. Die adolessent se leefwereld, wat die Gestalt is van al die relasies wat hy/sy gevorm het, word beduidend deur die vader se werkloosheid geraak. Die empiriese studie toon dat die adolessent wie se vader werkloos geraak het, se betekenisgewing, belewing en betrokkenheid negatief is en derhalwe word sy selfaktualisering gerem en is hy uiteindelik op terapeutiese ingryping aangewese. / The aim of this study was to determine the effect of fathers unemployment on the adolescent's life world. In an attempt to understand the adolescent's life world, it was necessary to address the adolescent in totality. It has been shown how emotional trauma, such as the unexpected unemployment of the father, not only impairs the adolescent's physical-, cognitive-, affective-, social- and normative development but also has a negative influence on scholastic performance. The unemployment of a father has a particular influence on the relations within the family. The adolescent's life world, which is the Gestalt of all the relations that he or she formed, is also particularly influenced by the father's unemployment. The empirical research reveals that the adolescent who's father is unemployed is much more inclined to negative meaning, involvement and experience. Thus this adolescent is restraint on his way to self - actualisation and becomes receptive to therapeutic intervention. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Impak van werksverlies op die huweliksverhouding

Stoop, Therese Jeanette 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hoë werkloosheid het 'n permanente kenmerk van die moderne samelweing geword en daarom word daar huidiglik baie aandag geskenk aan die psigologiese impak van werkloosheid op die werklose persoon en sy gesin. Die teoretiese benadering van hierdie studie is dat werksverlies 'n stresvolle lewensgebeurtenis is waarvan die impak binne 'n sistemiese benadering bestudeer is. Die kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode is gevolg. Die navorsingsresultate is verkry deur in-diepte onderhoude te voer met agt blanke getroude pare. Die resultate van die onderhoude is vergelyk met bestaande navorsing oor die impak van onwillekeurige werksverlies op die individu en sy gesin. Resultate dui daarop dat werksverlies 'n verpletterende ervaring is vir sommige pare terwyl dit in ander huwelikke lei tot groter intimiteit en persoonlike groei. Veranderlikes wat vir hierdie verskille verantwoordelik is, word geidentifiseer. Implikasies vir toekomstige navorsing word bespreek. / High unemployment has become a permanent feature of modern-day society. As a result there has been an increased interest in the psychological impact of involuntary job loss on the individual and his family. The theoretical appraoch of this study is that job loss is a stressful life event which is studies within the subsystem of the family. The research design is the qualitative method that was executed by conducting depth interviews with eight white couples. The results of the interviews were compared with those of previous research relating to the impact of involuntary job loss on the individual and his family. Results show that job loss is a devastating experience for some couples while other couples experience it as a opportunity for personal growth and increased intimacy in the relationship. Factors that account for these differences are identified. Implications for future research are discussed. / Psychology / M.A. (Sielkundige Navorsing)

台灣失業青年之疤痕成因與效應 / The Scarring Cause and Effect of Youth Unemployment in Taiwan

鄒博全, Tsou, Po-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
疤痕效應(Scarring Effect)所指的當一個人的就業歷程出現失業,失業將會對往後的就業歷程產生長期性的影響,且影響的範圍相當廣,包含收入、就業狀況、身心健康等等。然而,在所有年齡層中,青年是最容易失業且待在勞動市場中時間最長的群體。   本研究將在疤痕效應的理論基礎上探討:台灣青年在失業後是否會影響終生的就業歷程、造成長期性工作貧窮的現象。本研究試著從青年找不到適得其所的工作時,其實際工作狀況和生活來理解失業的成因及長期性影響。   本研究採取多元方法的研究設計,透過「人力運用擬-追蹤調查資料庫」以及「華人家庭動態資料庫」比較15-29歲有失業經驗的青年及無失業經驗青年,往後薪資及就業狀況,觀察失業的短期性及長期性的影響。並以深度訪談的方式,訪談七位不同背景且在15-29歲期間有3個月以上失業經驗的受訪者,透過訪談青年失業理解連續性脈絡,藉此理解疤痕效應的成因及疤痕效應造成影響的詳細情形。   實證結果發現不論觀察期長短,有失業經驗的青年的收入漲幅普遍會低於沒有失業經驗的青年,失業確實會對收入水準造成長期影響。就業情形的差異上,有失業經驗青年陷入再度失業的機率普偏高於無失業經驗青年陷入失業的機率。   訪談結果發現疤痕效應的原因有(一)工作經驗不足,無法進入職場;(二)雇主對過短工作經驗的負面評價;(三)人力資本難以積累;(四)社會關係封閉,難以向外得到援助;(五)工作經驗的中斷。   本研究透過疤痕效應的理論,指出失業對青年所造成的長期性影響。藉由實證數據及訪談結果,深入理解青年失業所造成的長期性影響及成因,作為解決青年失業問題及工作貧窮上的政策參考。 / The “Scarring Effect” means the unemployment of a person's career path, which will have a long-term impact on the future career path, and have the influence of a wide range, including income, employment status, physical and mental health and so on. However, youth have the highest unemployment rate in all ages and have the longest time in the labor market.   This study will explore the theory of scarring effect: whether unemployment will affect Taiwanese youth’s lifetime career path after unemployment, resulting in long-term poverty. This study tries to understand the causes and long-term effects of unemployment from the time when youth find jobs that are not suitable for them.   This study is based on a multimethod research approach to compare youth from 15 to 29 years old with unemployed experience and young people with no unemployment experience. Through "Manpower Utilization Quasi-longitudinal Survey" and the “Panel Study of Family Dynamics" in subsequent earnings and employment status, we observe the short-term and long-term effects of unemployment. And through deep-interviews with seven different backgrounds and those who had more than three months of unemployment experience during the 15-29 year old period, we understand the continuity of unemployment, the causes of scar effects and the details of the impact.   The empirical results show that regardless of the length of the observation period, the income growth of youth with unemployed experience is generally lower than which of those without unemployed experience. Unemployment will indeed have a long-term impact on income levels. The difference in employment status, the re-unemployment rate of the youth with unemployment experience is higher than which of youth without unemployment experience.   The results of interviews finds that the cause of scarring effects are contributed to (1)Lack of working experiences to get work. (2)Employer have negative impression on short working experience.(3)The difficulty of accumulating human capital.(4) Closed social relationships, which is difficult to get assistance from others. (5)Interruption of work experience.   This study, through the theory of scarring, points out the long-term effects of unemployment on youth. Through empirical data and interviews, we will understand the long-term impact and causes of youth unemployment as a policy reference to solve the problem of youth unemployment and working poverty.

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