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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and Validation of a Fall Questionnaire for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

Frank, Anika, Bendig, Jonas, Finkbeiner, Sophia, Hähnel, Tom, Schnalke, Nils, Feige, Tim, Reichmann, Heinz, Falkenburger, Björn H. 04 April 2024 (has links)
Abstract: Background: In Parkinson’s disease, postural instability and falls are of particular socioeconomic relevance. Although effective fall prevention and the prophylaxis of fall-related injuries depend on low-threshold symptom monitoring, validated instruments are lacking. Objectives: To develop a self-report questionnaire for the assessment of falls, near falls, fear of falling, fallrelated injuries, and causes of falls for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD). - Methods: A pool of potential items was generated from a literature review and by discussion in an expert panel. The first version of the Dresden Fall Questionnaire (DREFAQ) was tested in a group of German-speaking movement disorder specialists as well as PwPD. The resulting 5-item questionnaire was assessed in a validation cohort of 36 PwPD who documented fall events and near-fall events in a calendar for 3 months and completed the DREFAQ at the end of the study. The questionnaire was subsequently used in a separate cohort of 46 PwPD to determine test–retest reliability and confirm the factor structure. - Results: The DREFAQ showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.84) and good test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.76; 95% confidence interval, 0.60–0.86). The total DREFAQ score showed good concurrent validity with fall events (Spearman’s ρ = 0.82) and near-fall events (Spearman’s ρ = 0.78) as determined by fall and near-fall diaries. Factor analysis revealed a 2-factor structure composed of near falls with fear of falling and severe falls with injuries. - Conclusions: The DREFAQ is a reliable and valid 5-item questionnaire for determining the incidence of falls, near falls, fear of falling, fall-related injuries, and causes of falls in PwPD.

Hyperacusis and Misophonia Discrimination Scale (HMDS): a Validation Study

van Tussenbroek, Fay, Morales Gutiérrez, Silvia Estela January 2024 (has links)
Misophonia and hyperacusis are relatively unknown and misunderstood auditory sensitivityconditions. Misophonia is characterised by strong negative emotional reactions to sounds andsound patterns, depending on the meaning or context of the sound. Hyperacusis is characterizedby negative reactions to sounds, depending on the physical characteristics of the sounds (e.g.,frequency and intensity). Research often fails to distinguish misophonia from hyperacusis, andresearch on both conditions is scare. Moreover, there are insufficient tools available to assessand study misophonia and hyperacusis. The purpose of the current study was topsychometrically validate the Hyperacusis and Misophonia Discrimination Scale (HMDS).The goal of this self-report measure was to discriminate people with hyperacusis from peoplewith misophonia. Various analyses were used to assess the reliability and validity of thequestionnaire. A total of 249 participants completed the online questionnaire. Results indicatedan excellent reliability using Cronbach’s alpha and group and item comparisons showed thediscriminatory effectiveness of the HMDS. However, the results of a factor analysis indicateda complex underlying factor structure which did not provide a sufficient fit to the data,suggesting that the dimensions of the questionnaire require further refinement to effectivelydifferentiate between misophonia and hyperacusis. Based on the results, a revision to theHMDS is presented and future research should explore the psychometric properties of thisrevised scale as well as validate the HMDS with participants who have undergone a clinicalscreening in order to confirm their status. / Misofoni och hyperakusis är relativt okända och missförstådda tillstånd av auditiv känslighet.Misofoni kännetecknas av starka negativa känslomässiga reaktioner på ljud och ljudmönster,beroende på ljudets betydelse eller sammanhang. Hyperakusis kännetecknas av negativareaktioner på ljud, beroende på ljudets fysiska egenskaper (t.ex. frekvens och intensitet).Forskningen misslyckas ofta med att skilja misofoni från hyperakusis, och forskningen ombåda tillstånden är knapphändig. Dessutom finns det inte tillräckligt med verktyg för attbedöma och studera misofoni och hyperakusis. Syftet med den aktuella studien var attpsykometriskt validera Hyperacusis and Misophonia Discrimination Scale (HMDS). Måletmed detta självrapportmått var att skilja personer med hyperakusis från personer med misofoni.Olika analyser användes för att bedöma frågeformulärets tillförlitlighet och giltighet. Totalt249 deltagare fyllde i onlineformuläret. Resultaten visade på en utmärkt tillförlitlighet enligtCronbachs alfa och jämförelser mellan grupper och objekt visade på HMDS diskriminerandeeffektivitet. Resultaten av en faktoranalys indikerade emellertid en komplex underliggandefaktorstruktur som inte gav en tillräcklig passning till data, vilket tyder på att frågeformuläretsdimensioner kräver ytterligare förfining för att effektivt skilja mellan misofoni ochhyperakusis. Baserat på resultaten presenteras en revidering av HMDS och framtida forskningbör utforska de psykometriska egenskaperna hos denna reviderade skala samt validera HMDSmed deltagare som har genomgått en klinisk screening för att bekräfta sin status.

Eignung von objektiven und subjektiven Daten im Fahrsimulator am Beispiel der Aktiven Gefahrenbremsung - eine vergleichende Untersuchung

Jentsch, Martin 09 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS), wie zum Beispiel die „Aktive Gefahrenbremsung“, sollen dazu beitragen, das Fahren sicherer zu machen und die Anzahl an Unfällen und Verunglückten im Straßenverkehr weiter zu senken. Bei der Entwicklung von FAS muss neben der funktionalen Zuverlässigkeit des FAS sichergestellt werden, dass der Fahrer die Assistenzfunktion versteht und fehlerfrei benutzen kann. Zur Bestimmung geeigneter Systemauslegungen kommen in der Entwicklung Probandenversuche zum Einsatz, bei denen die zukünftigen Nutzer das FAS erleben und anschließend beurteilen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Eignung eines statischen Fahrsimulators für die Durchführung von Probandenversuchen zur Bewertung aktiv eingreifender FAS untersucht. Hierzu wurde ein Fahrversuch auf der Teststrecke und im statischen Fahrsimulator konzipiert, mit jeweils ca. 80 Probanden durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse bezüglich der Auswirkung des FAS „Aktive Gefahrenbremsung“ auf ausgewählte objektive und subjektive Kennwerte in der jeweiligen Versuchsumgebung vergleichend gegenübergestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass der statische Fahrsimulator prinzipiell für die Durchführung von Studien zur Bewertung aktiv eingreifender FAS geeignet ist. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit werden Erkenntnisse zur Aussagekraft der betrachteten Kennwerte sowie Empfehlungen zur Versuchsdurchführung im statischen Fahrsimulator gegeben.

Measurement of fish consumption in population-based studies of cancer

Mina, Kym Deanne January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The role of fish consumption and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the prevention of disease has been the subject of much investigation in recent years. A clue that these factors might be of importance was the observation that populations consuming high levels of marine omega-3 PUFAs had lower rates of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. From there, research in this area has expanded to include a range of chronic diseases and their prevention. An area of particular interest is the role of fish consumption in the prevention of various cancers. In Australia, one in three men and one in four women are expected to be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 75. Identifying preventive factors that can be translated into constructive health promotional messages is of great importance in addressing this group of diseases that has such a large impact on the health and wellbeing of the population. ... Results and conclusions Analysis of the data from the population-based case-control study suggests a protective effect of preserved fish consumption, possibly due to the high oil content of these fish. The developed questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool for measuring fish and seafood consumption as determined by regression analysis with an independent biomarker and reliability analysis using intra-class correlation. Importantly, reliability can be maintained despite asking a high level of detail from participants. For ranking according to overall fish consumption, detailed questioning is probably not necessary, however inclusion of variables representing multiple categories of fish and seafood consumption in a regression model enables us to better account for variation in blood omega-3 PUFA levels than a single variable representing overall consumption. For the purpose of questionnaire validation, plasma phospholipid and erythrocyte membrane levels of EPA and DHA are equivalent biomarkers of fish and seafood consumption. The choice between them by future investigators will be based on more practical aspects such as convenience and the fasting state of subjects. The tangible product of this thesis is additional evidence to support a protective association between fish consumption and prostate and breast cancers, and a valid and reliable questionnaire v for measuring habitual consumption of fish and seafood in a West Australian population, that could also be applied to other populations after minor adjustment for local fish and seafood consumption patterns.

Terapia comportamental para controle de incontinência urinária de esforço em mulheres idosas: construção e validação de protocolo de intervenções de enfermagem

Santos, Kamyla Félix Oliveira dos 29 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-12-09T14:00:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2927512 bytes, checksum: 3b3d23f79a7a54fa4a14cbfb71803ed7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-09T14:00:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2927512 bytes, checksum: 3b3d23f79a7a54fa4a14cbfb71803ed7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-29 / In recent decades has arisen interest in options of less invasive treatments, low cost and proven efficiency for stress urinary incontinence, such as behavioral therapy. There is currently a variety of care that does not follow a standardized and evidence-based practice. Thus, the need for the development of specific nursing care protocols is justified to improve the quality of care for incontinent elderly women. In order to support the care practice of nurses in the empowerment process of elderly women as behavioral therapy, the Urinary Control Theory was used as the theoretical framework of this study, derived from the Roy’s Adaptation Theory. Objective: To create a protocol of nursing interventions about behavioral therapy for the adaptation process of elderly women with stress urinary incontinence before the urinary control. Method: This is a methodological study. The World Health Organization guided the steps for the protocol creation. Data collection occurred from July 2015 to February 2016. Initially, there was an integrative literature review for selection of clinical guidelines, in addition to nursing interventions and activities proposed by the Nursing Interventions Classification for the control of urinary incontinence. Immediately, there was the synthesis of empirical material and critical and reflexive analysis for the selection of the best clinical evidence. These findings supported the elaboration of the data collection tool to the validation step by expert consensus. This study was appreciated by the Ethics Committee of the Science and Health Center of the Federal University of Paraíba and approved under protocol registration number 0561/15 and CAAE (Presentation Certificate for Ethical Appreciation): 50061015.1.0000.5188. Results: 14 interventions were selected among the best evidences about the behavioral therapy of three international clinical guidelines that were addressed in 11 nursing interventions of the Nursing Interventions Classification. Also, 138 activities were enumerated, proposed by the Nursing Interventions Classification, consensually validated by experts for implementation of nursing interventions. Interventions and eligible Nursing activities were related to four guiding principles of behavioral therapy that include Urinary Control Theory Adaptation modes. In the motivation axis for continence, the behavior and education modification was addressed: individual; in the lifestyle change, weight control and water monitoring; in control of micturition habits, control of urinary elimination, urinary incontinence care, self-care assistance: toilet use, perineum care, bladder retraining and control of medicines; while in the pelvic floor training, exercises for pelvic muscles. Conclusion: The protocol in question generates, in the target-population, a simultaneous adaptive answer between the adaptation modes supported by Urinary Control Theory, supporting important contributions to research, teaching and the Nursing practice, being applicable in Primary Care services, especially in the implementation of permanent education that incorporates technical and scientific material resources to guarantee and an effective nursing care with a view to the management of stress urinary incontinence. / En las últimas décadas ha surgido interés por opciones de tratamientos cada vez menos invasivos, de bajo costo y de eficacia comprobada para la incontinencia urinaria, tales como la terapia del comportamiento. Existen, en la actualidad, una variedad de cuidados que no siguen una estandarización y la práctica basada en evidencia. Por lo tanto, se justifica, la necesidad de elaboración de protocolos asistenciales específicos de enfermería para mejorar la calidad de la atención para las mujeres mayores con incontinencia. Con el fin de apoyar el cuidado de enfermeras en el proceso de potenciación de las mujeres mayores en la terapia del comportamiento, se utilizó como marco teórico de este estudio, la Teoría de Control urinaria, derivada de la Teoría de la Adaptación de Roy. Objetivo: Construir un protocolo de intervenciones de enfermería relativo a la terapia del comportamiento para el proceso de adaptación de las mujeres de edad avanzada con incontinencia antes del control urinario. Método: Se trata de un estudio metodológico. Los pasos para la organización del protocolo fueron guiados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Los datos fueron recolectados a partir de julio del año 2015 a febrero de 2016. Inicialmente, se realizó una revisión integradora para la selección de las guías clínicas, además de las intervenciones y actividades de enfermería propuesto por la Clasificación de Intervenciones de Enfermería para el control de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo. Enseguida se realizó la síntesis del material empírico y análisis crítico, reflexivo, para la selección de las mejoras en la evidencia clínica. Estos hallazgos subvencionaron la elaboración de la herramienta de recolección de datos para validar el paso por el consenso de expertos. Este estudio fue evaluado por el Comité de Ética del Centro de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Federal de Paraíba y aprobado en virtud del protocolo de registro nº 0561 / 15 y CAAE (Certificado de Presentación para Apreciación Ética): 50061015.1.0000.5188. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 14 intervenciones entre las mejores evidencias acerca de la terapia del comportamiento en las tres guías clínicas internacionales que fueron contempladas en 11 intervenciones de enfermería de la Clasificación de Intervenciones de Enfermería. Además, se listaron 138 actividades propuestas por la Clasificación de Intervenciones de Enfermería que fueron consensualmente validadas por expertos para la ejecución de las intervenciones de enfermería. Las intervenciones y actividades de Enfermería elegibles se relacionan con los cuatro principios rectores de la terapia de conducta que contemplan los modos Adaptación de la Teoría de Control Urinario. En la guía motivación de la continencia se abordó la modificación del comportamiento y la educación: individual; el cambio en el estilo de vida, el control del peso y el monitoreo hídrico; en el control de los hábitos de micción, el control de la eliminación urinaria, el cuidado de la incontinencia urinaria, la asistencia en el auto-cuidado: usar el W.C, cuidado con el perineo, re-educación de la vejiga y el control de los medicamentos; mientras que en el entrenamiento del suelo pélvico, ejercicios para los músculos pélvicos. Conclusión: El protocolo en cuestión genera en las personas de la población objetivo una respuesta de adaptación simultánea entre los modos de adaptación soportados por la Teoría de control urinario, apoyando importantes contribuciones a la investigación, a la enseñanza y a la práctica de enfermería, siendo aplicable en los servicios de Atención Primaria especialmente en la implementación de la educación continuada que incorpore recursos materiales técnicos y científicos para garantizar la atención eficaz de enfermería con miras a la gestión de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo continuo. / nas últimas décadas tem surgido o interesse por opções de tratamentos cada vez menos invasivos, de baixo custo e com eficácia comprovada para incontinência urinária de esforço, a exemplo da terapia comportamental. Verifica-se, atualmente, uma diversidade de cuidados que não seguem uma padronização e a prática baseada em evidências. Assim, justifica-se a necessidade da elaboração de protocolos assistenciais específicos de enfermagem para melhoria da qualidade da assistência às mulheres idosas incontinentes. Com o intuito de respaldar a prática assistencial do enfermeiro no processo de empoderamento de mulheres idosas quanto à terapia comportamental, utilizou-se como referencial teórico deste estudo a Teoria do Controle Urinário, derivada da Teoria de adaptação de Roy. Objetivo: construir um protocolo de intervenções de enfermagem relativa à terapia comportamental para o processo adaptativo de mulheres idosas com incontinência urinária de esforço perante o controle urinário. Método: trata-se de um estudo metodológico. Os passos para construção do protocolo foram norteados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. A coleta dos dados ocorreu no período de julho de 2015 a fevereiro de 2016. Inicialmente, realizou-se revisão integrativa da literatura para seleção das diretrizes clínicas, além das intervenções e atividades de enfermagem propostas pela Classificação de Intervenções de Enfermagem para o controle da incontinência urinária de esforço. Em seguida, realizou-se a síntese do material empírico e análise crítica e reflexiva para seleção das melhores evidências clínicas. Esses achados subsidiaram a elaboração do instrumento de coleta de dados para etapa de validação por consenso de especialistas. Este estudo foi apreciado pelo Comitê de Ética do Centro de Ciências e Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba e aprovado sob registro de Protocolo nº 0561/15 e CAAE: 50061015.1.0000.5188. Resultados: foram selecionadas 14 intervenções entre as melhores evidências acerca da terapia comportamental das três diretrizes clínicas internacionais que foram contempladas em 11 intervenções de enfermagem da Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem. Além disso, elencaram-se 138 atividades propostas pela Classificação das Intervenções de Enfermagem, que foram consensualmente validadas pelos especialistas, para operacionalização das intervenções de enfermagem. As intervenções e atividades de Enfermagem elegíveis foram relacionadas a quatro eixos norteadores da terapia comportamental que contemplam os modos de Adaptação da Teoria do Controle Urinário. No eixo motivação para continência, abordou-se a modificação do comportamento e ensino: indivíduo; na mudança no estilo de vida, o controle do peso e monitorização hídrica; no controle dos hábitos miccionais, o controle da eliminação urinária, cuidados na incontinência urinária, assistência no autocuidado: uso do vaso sanitário, cuidado com o períneo, reeducação vesical e controle de medicamentos; enquanto que no treinamento do assoalho pélvico, os exercícios para musculatura pélvica. Conclusão: o protocolo em questão gera na população-alvo uma resposta adaptativa simultânea entre os modos de adaptação sustentados pela Teoria do Controle Urinário, subsidiando importantes contribuições para a pesquisa, para o ensino e para a prática da Enfermagem, sendo aplicável nos serviços de Atenção Primária, especialmente na implementação de educação continuada que incorpore recursos materiais técnico-científicos para a garantia e um cuidado de enfermagem efetivo com vistas ao manejo da incontinência urinária de esforço.

Validação da nomenclatura de diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem para a clínica pediátrica do hospital universitário da UFPB

Dantas, Ana Márcia Nóbrega 14 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fernando Souza (fernandoafsou@gmail.com) on 2017-09-05T12:33:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3013442 bytes, checksum: 4d70fb0c1a311c9ae7173386d53c6ce3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T12:33:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3013442 bytes, checksum: 4d70fb0c1a311c9ae7173386d53c6ce3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Introduction: Common classification of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions were created in the Pediatric Clinic at the HULW/ UFPB. They are 126 nursing diagnoses and outcomes, and 576 nursing interventions. Objective: The aim of this study is to develop operational definitions for nursing diagnoses contained in the nomenclature of diagnoses, results, and nursing interventions for hospitalized children between zero and five years of age in the Pediatric Clinic at the HULW/ UFPB. Besides, clinical validation of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions for kids in this age range. Methodology: Methodological research was used in two phases: operational definitions of statements of nursing diagnoses and clinical validation of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions. The study was submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of HULW / UFPB and received the CAAE 43249415.0.0000.5183 before it begins data collection. Results: In the first phase, we have been prepared 126 nursing diagnoses, which were submitted to validation by consensus to confirm nursing diagnoses for children between zero and five years of age, and notice if the definition has empirical indicators for its identification. Seventy nursing diagnoses were validated, and 56 of them were considered not applicable. In the second phase, nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions have been clinically validated through 6 clinical case studies. The study used the nursing process based on the Horta’s Basic Human Needs Theory. We identified that 24,3% of the validated nursing diagnoses and 54,5% of the nursing interventions were in the nomenclature. Conclusion: This study showed the effectiveness of the nomenclature in the Pediatric Clinic of HULW / UFPB through content and clinical validation of nursing diagnoses, improving and allowing a high quality of nursing care. / Introducción: En la Clínica Pediátrica de HULW / UFPB se construyó una nomenclatura común de diagnósticos, resultados e intervenciones de enfermería. Que consiste, 126 diagnósticos y resultados de enfermería y 576 intervenciones de enfermería. Objetivo: Elaborar definiciones operativas para los diagnósticos de enfermería contenidas en la nomenclatura de los diagnósticos, resultados e intervenciones de enfermería para los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los cinco años hospitalizados en la Clínica Pediátrica de HULW / UFPB y clínicamente validar los diagnósticos, resultados e intervenciones de enfermería para los niños este grupo de edad. Método: Metodológicos de investigación, desarrollada en dos etapas: definiciones operacionales de las declaraciones de los diagnósticos de enfermería y la validación clínica de los diagnósticos, resultados e intervenciones de enfermería. Antes de su ejecución, el proyecto fue presentado a la Comisión de Ética de Investigación de HULW / UFPB y recibió el CAAE 43249415.0.0000.5183. Resultados: En la primera etapa, las definiciones se han preparado para 126 diagnósticos de enfermería, los cuales fueron sometidos a validación por consenso para confirmar la presencia de los diagnósticos en niños de cero a cinco años y la definición presentada indicadores empíricos para su identificación. 70 diagnósticos fueron validados, y 56 fueron considerados no aplicable. En la segunda etapa, los diagnósticos, resultados e intervenciones de enfermería han sido clínicamente validados a través de seis estudios de casos clínicos, el uso de las fases del proceso de enfermería, con la base teórica de las necesidades humanas básicas de Horta. 24.3% fueron identificados de diagnóstico validado y utilizado el 54,5% de las intervenciones de enfermería constante Nomenclatura. Conclusión: El estudio demostró la eficacia de la nomenclatura en la Clínica Pediátrica de HULW / UFPB a través de la validación de contenido y la validación clínica de los diagnósticos de enfermería constantes, mejorar la atención, lo que permite la realización de una atención de calidad. / Introdução: Na Clínica Pediátrica do HULW/UFPB foi construída uma Nomenclatura de diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem. Constando, 126 diagnósticos e resultados de enfermagem e 576 intervenções de enfermagem. Objetivo: Desenvolver definições operacionais para os diagnósticos de enfermagem contidos na Nomenclatura de diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem para crianças de zero a cinco anos hospitalizadas na Clínica Pediátrica do HULW/UFPB e validar clinicamente os diagnósticos, os resultados e as intervenções de enfermagem para as crianças dessa faixa etária. Método: Pesquisa metodológica, desenvolvida em duas etapas:Definições operacionais dos enunciados de diagnósticos de enfermagem e Validação clínica dos diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções de enfermagem. Antes de sua execução, o projeto foi submetido à apreciação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do HULW/UFPB e recebeu o CAAE 43249415.0.0000.5183. Resultados: Na primeira etapa, foram elaboradas definições para os 126 diagnósticos de enfermagem, que foram submetidos à validação por consenso para confirmar a presença dos diagnósticos nas crianças de zero a cinco anos e se a definição apresentava os indicadores empíricos para sua identificação. Foram validados 70 diagnósticos, e 56 foram considerados não aplicáveis. Na segunda etapa, os diagnósticos, resultados e as intervenções de enfermagem foram validados clinicamente, por meio de seis de estudos de casos clínicos, utilizando as fases do processo de enfermagem, tendo como fundamentação teórica as Necessidades Humanas Básicas de Horta. Foram identificados 24,3% dos diagnósticos validados, e utilizadas 54,5% das intervenções de enfermagem constantes na Nomenclatura. Conclusão: O estudo mostrou a eficácia da Nomenclatura na Clínica Pediátrica do HULW/UFPB, por meio da validação de conteúdo e da validação clínica dos diagnósticos de enfermagem constantes, aprimorando o cuidar, permitindo a realização de uma assistência de qualidade.

Développement de mesures rapportées par les patients atteints de maladies neuromusculaires génétiques / Developement of patient-reported outcome measures in genetic neuromuscular diseases

Dany, Antoine 11 October 2016 (has links)
Les maladies neuromusculaires génétiques (MNMs) sont des maladies rares et à ce titre elles ont été longtemps négligées. À l’heure actuelle, il existe peu de traitements pour les MNMs et ceux-ci sont encore symptomatiques. La prise en charge est donc principalement axée sur l'accompagnement et la prévention des atteintes fonctionnelles. Les mesures rapportées par les patients permettent d'évaluer le bénéfice perçu par les malades concernant leur prise en charge par les services de soins. Les mesures rapportées par les patients sont des indicateurs importants pour juger de l'efficacité des programmes de soins ou de réadaptation fonctionnelle. Pour mesurer la qualité de vie liée à la santé des patients adultes français atteints d'une MNM il n'existait que des outils génériques. Ce travail de doctorat a été réalisé sur les données recueillies dans huit centres de référence sur les MNMs français (Angers, Créteil, Garches, Lille, Nancy, Nice, Paris myologie, Reims) depuis 2006. Il a été réalisé en trois phases successives. Phase I: une analyse principalement qualitative des interactions verbales entre les participants de cinq groupes de discussion de patients atteints d'une MNM a permis de construire une banque d'items. Phase II: une analyse exploratoire principalement quantitative a permis de sélectionner les items de la banque afin de créer un nouveau questionnaire: le QoL-NMD. Phase III: une analyse de confirmation purement quantitative sur un échantillon distinct a permis de vérifier la validité des propriétés psychométriques du questionnaire QoL-NMD. / Due to their rarity genetic neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) have been neglected for a long time. Currently, there are few treatments available for NMDs and they are still symptomatic. The care is thus focus on the support and the prevention of health-related functional limitations. Patient reported outcome measures enable assessing patients' perceived benefit in medical care units. Patient-reported outcome measures are important indicators to assess the efficiency of medical care or rehabilitation programs. Only generic tools were available to measure quality of life for french adult patients with a NMD. This PhD work was carried out using data gathered from eight French NMD reference centers (Angers, Créteil, Garches, Lille, Nancy, Nice, Paris myologie, Reims) since 2006. It was realised into three successive phases. Phase I: a mainly qualitative analysis of verbal interactions between participants of five focus groups composed of patients with a NMD enabled the construction of an item bank. Phase II: a mainly quantitative exploratory analysis enabled to select the items from the bank in order to construct a new questionnaire: the QoL-NMD. Phase III: a purely quantitative confirmatory analysis on an independant sample enabled to verrify the Qol-NMD psychometric properties validity.

Getting ready for transition to adult care : tool validation and multi-informant strategy using the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ) in pediatrics

Chapados, Pascale 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La transition des soins pédiatriques aux soins pour adultes peut être difficile. Si elle est réalisée de façon sous-optimale, cela peut entraîner de graves conséquences. Afin de mesurer la préparation à la transition de patients adolescents et jeunes adultes (AJA), le Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ) a été développé. Les objectifs de l’étude sont de 1) documenter les propriétés psychométriques de la version française du TRAQ (TRAQ-FR), 2) évaluer le degré d’accord sur le TRAQ-FR entre les AJA et leurs aidants naturels et 3) identifier les prédicteurs de la préparation à la transition. Méthodologie : Des AJA francophones (n=175) et leurs aidants naturels (n=168) ont été recrutés dans cinq cliniques d’un hôpital tertiaire canadien et ont complété le TRAQ-FR, le Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Version 4.0 (PedsQLTM 4.0) et un questionnaire sociodémographique. La validité du TRAQ-FR a été déterminée en réalisant des analyses factorielles confirmatoires. Les accords et différences ont été mesurés en calculant des corrélations intra-classe et des tests-t pour échantillons appariés. Des prédicteurs de la préparation à la transition ont été identifiés par des régressions multivariées. Résultats : Le modèle à cinq facteurs du TRAQ est soutenu par les données et l’échelle globale du TRAQ-FR montre une bonne cohérence interne pour les scores des AJA et des aidants naturels (a=.85-.87). Le degré d’accord absolu sur l’échelle globale du TRAQ-FR est bon entre les informants (ICC=.80; d=.25), les AJA rapportant un score plus élevé que leurs aidants naturels. L’âge et le sexe des AJA sont des prédicteurs de la préparation à la transition. Conclusion : Le TRAQ-FR a de bonnes propriétés psychométriques lorsqu’il est complété par les AJA et leurs aidants naturels. Des études futures devraient explorer la validité prédictive et l’utilisation clinique du TRAQ-FR. / Background: Transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare can be challenging and lead to severe consequences if done suboptimally. The Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ) was developed to assess adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients’ transition readiness. In this study, we aimed to 1) document the psychometric properties of the French-language version of the TRAQ (TRAQ-FR), 2) assess agreements and discrepancies between AYA patients’ and their primary caregivers’ TRAQ-FR scores, and 3) identify transition readiness contributors. Methods: French-speaking AYA patients (n=175) and primary caregivers (n=168) were recruited from five clinics in a tertiary Canadian hospital and asked to complete the TRAQ-FR, the Pediatric Quality of Life InventoryTM 4.0 (PedsQLTM 4.0), and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The validity of the TRAQ-FR was assessed using confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Agreements and discrepancies were evaluated using intra-class correlation coefficients and paired-sample t-tests. Contributors of transition readiness were identified using regression analyses. Results: The five-factor model of the TRAQ was supported, with the TRAQ-FR global scale showing good internal consistency for both AYA patients’ and primary caregivers’ scores (a=.85- .87). AYA patients and primary caregivers showed good absolute agreement on the TRAQ-FR global scale with AYA patients scoring higher than primary caregivers (ICC=.80; d=.25). AYA patients’ age and sex were found to be contributors of transition readiness. Conclusions: The TRAQ-FR was found to have good psychometric properties when completed by both AYA patients and primary caregivers. Additional research is needed to explore the predictive validity and clinical use of the TRAQ-FR.

Validité de construit d’une traduction française du Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cheklist For DSM-5 auprès d’une population clinique au prise avec un trouble de stress post-traumatique

Savard-Kelly, Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte théorique : Au Canada, la prévalence du trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT) serait de 9,2%. Plusieurs questionnaires ont été développés pour mesurer les symptômes du TSPT dont le PTSD Checklist For DSM-5 (PCL-5). Ce questionnaire autorapporté a été validé à plusieurs reprises avec des échantillons non-cliniques ou militaires. Toutefois, le PCL-5 n’a jamais été validé avec un échantillon clinique et civil. Aussi, le nombre idéal de facteur du PCL-5 reste toujours à être démontré. Objectif : Cette étude vise à établir la validité de construit du PCL-5 d’un échantillon clinique et civil de 132 participants aux prises avec un TSPT. Les 3 principales structures factorielles seront analysées de façon à retenir celle qui présente les meilleurs résultats. Méthodologie : Les structures factorielles ont été mesurées avec des analyses factorielles confirmatoires et des analyses bifactorielles. La consistance interne a été mesurée à partir du coefficient Oméga de McDonald. La validité convergente et divergente a été mesurée par des corrélations de Pearson avec d’autres construits. Résultats : Au niveau des indices d’ajustement, le modèle à 7 facteurs a obtenu les meilleurs résultats. Sur le plan de la fidélité et sur celui de la validité convergente et divergente, le modèle à 4 facteurs possède les résultats les plus optimaux. Discussion : Globalement, le modèle à 4 facteurs est le plus approprié pour le PCL-5. De plus, les modèles à 6 et 7 facteurs présentent quelques lacunes sur le plan méthodologique et statistique. Finalement, le PCL-5 est un questionnaire valide et fidèle pour une population clinique et civile. / Background: In Canada, the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is estimated to be 9.2%. Several questionnaires have been developed to measure the symptoms of PTSD including the PTSD Checklist For DSM-5 (PCL-5). This questionnaire has been validated several times with non-clinical or military samples. However, PCL-5 has never been validated with a clinical and civilian sample. Also, the ideal factor number of PCL-5 has yet to be demonstrated. Objective: This study aims to establish the construct validity of PCL-5 in a clinical and civilian sample of 132 participants with PTSD. The 3 main factor structures will be analyzed in order to retain the one that presents the best results. Methodology: Factor structures were measured with confirmatory factor analyzes and bifactor analyzes. Internal consistency was measured from McDonald's Omega coefficient. Convergent and discriminant validity was measured by Pearson correlations with other constructs. Results: In terms of fit statistics, the 7-factor model obtained the best results. In terms of reliability and convergent and divergent validity, the 4-factor model has the most optimal results. Discussion: Overall, the 4-factor model is the most appropriate for the PCL-5. In addition, the 6 and 7 factor models have some methodological and statistical limitations. Finally, the PCL-5 is a valid and reliable questionnaire for a clinical and civilian population.

Eignung von objektiven und subjektiven Daten im Fahrsimulator am Beispiel der Aktiven Gefahrenbremsung - eine vergleichende Untersuchung: Eignung von objektiven und subjektiven Daten im Fahrsimulatoram Beispiel der Aktiven Gefahrenbremsung - eine vergleichende Untersuchung

Jentsch, Martin 04 April 2014 (has links)
Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS), wie zum Beispiel die „Aktive Gefahrenbremsung“, sollen dazu beitragen, das Fahren sicherer zu machen und die Anzahl an Unfällen und Verunglückten im Straßenverkehr weiter zu senken. Bei der Entwicklung von FAS muss neben der funktionalen Zuverlässigkeit des FAS sichergestellt werden, dass der Fahrer die Assistenzfunktion versteht und fehlerfrei benutzen kann. Zur Bestimmung geeigneter Systemauslegungen kommen in der Entwicklung Probandenversuche zum Einsatz, bei denen die zukünftigen Nutzer das FAS erleben und anschließend beurteilen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Eignung eines statischen Fahrsimulators für die Durchführung von Probandenversuchen zur Bewertung aktiv eingreifender FAS untersucht. Hierzu wurde ein Fahrversuch auf der Teststrecke und im statischen Fahrsimulator konzipiert, mit jeweils ca. 80 Probanden durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse bezüglich der Auswirkung des FAS „Aktive Gefahrenbremsung“ auf ausgewählte objektive und subjektive Kennwerte in der jeweiligen Versuchsumgebung vergleichend gegenübergestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass der statische Fahrsimulator prinzipiell für die Durchführung von Studien zur Bewertung aktiv eingreifender FAS geeignet ist. Als Ergebnis der Arbeit werden Erkenntnisse zur Aussagekraft der betrachteten Kennwerte sowie Empfehlungen zur Versuchsdurchführung im statischen Fahrsimulator gegeben.

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