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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trygghetsarbetets hälsopåverkan hos elever ur ett personalperspektiv på en grundskola i en skånsk kommun / Health effects of safety work in students from a staff perspective at an elementary school in a municipality in Skane

Borg, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Psykisk ohälsa hos elever är ett växande problem. Svenska skolan ska arbeta med elevers trygghet och att bedriva ett systematiskt kvalitetsarbete mot diskriminering och kränkande behandling. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka om pedagoger och elevhälsopersonal på en grundskola i en skånsk kommun upplever att trygghetsinsatserna har en positiv effekt på elevernas hälsa. Metod: En tvärsnittsstudie med kvalitativa inslag genomfördes av pedagoger (n=65) på en grundskola i Skåne. Datainsamlingen skedde genom digital enkät som skickades ut via e-post. Insamlad data analyserades i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Kvalitativa svar redovisades i textform. Resultat: Svarsfrekvensen var 34%, en för låg svarsfrekvens för att kunna generalisera resultatet.  Av respondenterna kände 73% sig delaktiga i trygghetsarbetet, 91% upplever att trygghet har effekt på elevernas hälsa och 67% uppfattar inga hälsoskillnader mellan kön. Däremot ses några skillnader i vilka insatser som fungerar bäst och sämst i relation till kön. Elevinsatser som involverar socialt utbyte upplevs mest positivt och bestraffningar mest negativt. Det efterfrågas systematik i trygghetsarbetet. Slutsats: Resultatet kopplas till tidigare forskning som både bekräftar och visar på förbättringsområden. Trygghetsplanens förekomst är grundläggande. Efterlyst tydlighet och uppföljning kan vara ett uttryck för områdets storlek och svårigheten att få en helhetsbild av trygghetsarbetet. Olika former av socialt utbyte är det som anses ha effekt på elevernas hälsa och bör därmed prioriteras. Trygghetsarbetet kan gagnas av kollegialt lärande och trygghetsplanens innehåll behövs eventuellt kompletteras. Framgångsfaktorer och förbättringsförslag kan bidra till en tydligare förankring. Den låga svarsfrekvensen ska dock tas i beaktande och eventuella genomföranden av förslag bör stämmas av med personal. / Introduction: Mental illness in students a growing problem. The Swedish school has the task of working with students' safety and to conduct systematic quality work against discrimination and offensive treatment. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate whether pedagogues and student health personnel at a primary school in a municipality in Skane felt that the safety efforts have a positive effect on the students' health. Method: A cross-sectional study with qualitative elements was conducted by educators (n = 65) at an elementary school in Skåne. The data collection was done through a digital survey that was sent out via e-mail. The collected data was analyzed in the statistics program SPSS. Qualitative answers were presented in text form. Result: The response rate was 34%, a too low response rate to be able to generalize the result. Of the respondents, 73% felt that they were participant in the safety work, 91% felt that safety had an effect on the students' health and 67% did not experience any health differences between the sexes. However, there are some differences in which efforts work best and worst in relation to gender. Student initiatives that involve social exchange are perceived to be most positive and punishment most negative. There is a demand for systematic security work. Conclusion: The result links to previous research that both confirms and demonstrates areas for improvement. The existence of the security plan is fundamental. Requested clarity and follow-up can be an expression of the area's size and the difficulty of obtaining a comprehensive picture of the safety work. Different forms of social exchange are what are considered to have an effect on the students' health and should therefore be given priority. Security work can benefit from collegial learning and the content of the safety plan may need to be supplemented. Success factors and improvement proposals can contribute to a clearer anchoring. However, the low response rate should be taken into account and any implementation of proposals should be reconciled with staff.

Termo de ajuste de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho / The commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel)

Ferreira, Cristiane Aneolito 06 May 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho. Importante salientar que os conflitos de massa trouxeram nova roupagem ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de forma a consagrar e a insculpir o preceito da tutela coletiva. Neste sentido, a efetividade dos direitos metaindividuais ganhou corpo por intermédio das formas extrajudiciais e judiciais de solução de conflitos coletivos, tudo em prol da garantia dos direitos sociais, da paz social e do pleno emprego. A coletivização dos interesses implicou redução dos conflitos trabalhistas individuais, abrangência de interesses de grupo, categoria ou classe, maior observância dos valores sociais do trabalho, conciliando, portanto, os princípios fundamentais e basilares da República Federativa do Brasil. O alicerce dos direitos metaindividuais trabalhistas estrutura-se nos direitos humanos fundamentais e, neste contexto, devem pautar-se as cláusulas mínimas a serem estipuladas no ajuste de conduta como forma de tutela contra as lesões a interesses difusos e coletivos na esfera da relação de trabalho. A defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis foi conferida ao Parquet Trabalhista na qualidade de órgão agente e consagrada pela Constituição de 1988, dissociando-se, efetivamente, da função eminentemente parecerista (órgão interveniente) até então prevalecente. A estrutura do termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta, bem como sua forma de celebração, natureza jurídica, objeto, limite das cláusulas, dano moral coletivo, hipóteses de flexibilização da multa estipulada, competência territorial para assinatura, descumprimento do ajuste, além de outros aspectos polêmicos alusivos ao tema constituem objeto da presente dissertação. Não menos importante é a abordagem do procedimento investigatório e do inquérito civil, instrumentos comumente utilizados no exercício do poder de investigação consagrado pelo artigo 127 da Constituição Federal brasileira à Instituição do Parquet em defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis. / The present study focuses on the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel). It is important to stress that the mass conflicts brought new drapery to the Brazilian legal system in order to establish and inscribe the precept of the collective protection/injunction. So, the effectiveness of the metaindividual rights got stronger through the mediation of the extrajudicial and judicial forms of solution of the collective conflicts, everything in favor of the social rights guaranty, social peace and full employment. The collectivization of the interests implied reduction of the individual labor conflicts, coverage of the interests of group, category or class, better compliance of the social values of work, reconciling, therefore, the fundamental and basic principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The basis of the labor metaindividual rights structures itself in the fundamental human rights and, in this context, there should be the minimum clauses to be stipulated in the conduct settlement as a form of tutelage against the damages to diffuse and collective interests in the sphere of the working relationship. The defense of the legal system/order, the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights was given to the Labor Parquet as an agent organ and consecrated by the 1988 Constitution, dissociating, effectively, from the eminently function of giving an option (intervening Organ) prevailing until then. The structure of the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement, as well as its form of celebration, legal nature, object, limit of the clauses, collective wounded feelings, hypotheses of relaxation of the stipulated fine, territorial jurisdiction for signature, noncompliance of the settlement/adjustment, besides other polemic aspects allusive to the theme are object of the present essay. Not less important is the approach of the investigative proceeding and of the civil investigation, instruments commonly used in the performance of the investigation Power consecrated by the section 127 of the Federal Brazilian Constitution to the Institution of the Parquet in defense of the legal system/order, of the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights.

Termo de ajuste de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho / The commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel)

Cristiane Aneolito Ferreira 06 May 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho. Importante salientar que os conflitos de massa trouxeram nova roupagem ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de forma a consagrar e a insculpir o preceito da tutela coletiva. Neste sentido, a efetividade dos direitos metaindividuais ganhou corpo por intermédio das formas extrajudiciais e judiciais de solução de conflitos coletivos, tudo em prol da garantia dos direitos sociais, da paz social e do pleno emprego. A coletivização dos interesses implicou redução dos conflitos trabalhistas individuais, abrangência de interesses de grupo, categoria ou classe, maior observância dos valores sociais do trabalho, conciliando, portanto, os princípios fundamentais e basilares da República Federativa do Brasil. O alicerce dos direitos metaindividuais trabalhistas estrutura-se nos direitos humanos fundamentais e, neste contexto, devem pautar-se as cláusulas mínimas a serem estipuladas no ajuste de conduta como forma de tutela contra as lesões a interesses difusos e coletivos na esfera da relação de trabalho. A defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis foi conferida ao Parquet Trabalhista na qualidade de órgão agente e consagrada pela Constituição de 1988, dissociando-se, efetivamente, da função eminentemente parecerista (órgão interveniente) até então prevalecente. A estrutura do termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta, bem como sua forma de celebração, natureza jurídica, objeto, limite das cláusulas, dano moral coletivo, hipóteses de flexibilização da multa estipulada, competência territorial para assinatura, descumprimento do ajuste, além de outros aspectos polêmicos alusivos ao tema constituem objeto da presente dissertação. Não menos importante é a abordagem do procedimento investigatório e do inquérito civil, instrumentos comumente utilizados no exercício do poder de investigação consagrado pelo artigo 127 da Constituição Federal brasileira à Instituição do Parquet em defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis. / The present study focuses on the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel). It is important to stress that the mass conflicts brought new drapery to the Brazilian legal system in order to establish and inscribe the precept of the collective protection/injunction. So, the effectiveness of the metaindividual rights got stronger through the mediation of the extrajudicial and judicial forms of solution of the collective conflicts, everything in favor of the social rights guaranty, social peace and full employment. The collectivization of the interests implied reduction of the individual labor conflicts, coverage of the interests of group, category or class, better compliance of the social values of work, reconciling, therefore, the fundamental and basic principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The basis of the labor metaindividual rights structures itself in the fundamental human rights and, in this context, there should be the minimum clauses to be stipulated in the conduct settlement as a form of tutelage against the damages to diffuse and collective interests in the sphere of the working relationship. The defense of the legal system/order, the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights was given to the Labor Parquet as an agent organ and consecrated by the 1988 Constitution, dissociating, effectively, from the eminently function of giving an option (intervening Organ) prevailing until then. The structure of the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement, as well as its form of celebration, legal nature, object, limit of the clauses, collective wounded feelings, hypotheses of relaxation of the stipulated fine, territorial jurisdiction for signature, noncompliance of the settlement/adjustment, besides other polemic aspects allusive to the theme are object of the present essay. Not less important is the approach of the investigative proceeding and of the civil investigation, instruments commonly used in the performance of the investigation Power consecrated by the section 127 of the Federal Brazilian Constitution to the Institution of the Parquet in defense of the legal system/order, of the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights.

Ta litteraturen på allvar! : En undersökning om den didaktiska potentialen i populär litteratur med mångkulturellt tema / Take the literature seriously! : A study of the didactic potential of popular literature with a multicultural theme

Franzén, Karl, Tält, Nicklas, Westerlund, Morgan January 2020 (has links)
I den föreliggande studien undersöker vi tre litterära verk med mångkulturellt tema och dess potential till arbete med värdegrundsfrågor i grundskolans årskurs 4–6. Syftet är att analysera hur karaktärer med annan etnicitet än den vita västerländska normen framställs. I studien analyseras tre populära litterära verk som vi har stött på under utbildningen, under vår praktik i verksamheten och som visat sig vara frekvent utlånade på Kalmar Stadsbibliotek. Till stöd använder vi teorier om kritisk litteracitet och främst Hilary Janks modell för att undersöka kategorier som makt, mångfald och design. Av de litterära verken visar det sig att etnisk mångfald uttrycks och kategoriseras på olika sätt, att individens möjligheter i samhället påverkas av namn och utseende med annan etnicitet samt att huvudkaraktärernas hemmiljö beskrivs på ett stereotypt sätt. Därefter undersöks resultatets didaktiska potential utifrån värdegrundsfrågor och hur dessa kan integreras med den valda litteraturen. Resultatet visar hur valda delar i verken kan vara fruktbara i arbete med den typ av värdegrundsfrågor som skrivs fram i styrdokumenten.

Kliv ner från din höga häst! : En skönlitterär analys av Jean-Claude Mourlevats roman Jefferson (2021) i relation till skolans värdegrundsarbete med fokus på dess miljöperspektiv.

Lindahl Magro, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
Given the global climate crisis and the ubiquitous use of literature in Swedish upper secondary schools to raise various values-based issues, this essay examines the didactic potential of Jefferson and how to utilize the novel's aforementioned potential in relation to value-based work in a classroom context. Special emphasis has been invested on the environmental aspect of the value-based work, more precisely: how the relationship between humans and animals affects the environment and how this relationship can be problematized by using Jefferson in the Swedish subject classroom. Malin Alkestrand’s concept of didactic potential has been used in combination with a critical anthropocentric perspective to investigate the didactic potential of Jefferson in relation to the value-based work, and how this potential can be converted into didactic gains for students. Moreover, in addition to the concept of didactic potential, Alkestrand’s theory of alienation and Martha Nussbaum’s theory of narrative imagination have been applied to sections, themes, and literary devices in the book; furthermore, the results of the analysis indicate how Jefferson possesses the didactic potential to address numerous aspects included in the value-based work. The results also show that Jefferson, because of its content and literary devices, provides an especially favorable springboard to address the relationship between humans and animals from an environmental perspective.

Harry Potter och värdegrundsarbetet i engelskundervisningen för årskurs 4–6 : En analys av Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. / Harry Potter and value-based work in the English language classroom for year 4-6 : An analysis of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Thelin, Erika January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to highlight the possibilities that Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone can contribute to in the value-based work in teaching, as well as how the content can be used as a tool in teaching. This is with the hope that it will lead to an increased understanding and interest among teachers in how children’s and youth literature and value-based work can be combined. The study is a qualitative literature analysis based on Nikolajeva’s (2017) narratological literature analysis model. In the selection of literature, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2014) was chosen, which was the Harry Potter novel that was easiest for the author to access. The study’s analysis highlights three different subcategories: social responsibility, inclusion and exclusion, and laws and regulations. The result of the analysis shows that the book contains several events that can be related to the basic values ​​in the value base. Among other things, various scenarios emerge that students can relate to such things as exclusion, social community, and dilemmas. The study also shows that some rule violations can be related to what is morally right. The content of the book can contribute to the value-based work in teaching through the various events, which can be linked to students’ identifying with the story and which similarities and differences exist between the world in the novel and the real one. The content of the book can also be sued as a pedagogical tool, in that its content can capture students’ interest, which can lead to an increase in motivation. Important conclusions from this study are that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone can be useful for value-based work, and also children’s and youth literature in general can be useful in teaching. / Studiens syfte är att belysa vilka möjligheter Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone kan bidra till i värdegrundsarbetet i undervisningen, samt hur innehållet kan användas som pedagogiskt redskap. Detta med förhoppningen om att det ska leda till en ökad förståelse och intresse bland lärare om hur barn- och ungdomslitteratur och värdegrundsarbetet kan kombineras. Studien är en kvalitativ litteraturanalys som utgår från Nikolajevas (2017) narratologiska litteraturanalysmodell. I urvalet rörande litteratur valdes Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone (2014) som var den enklaste romanen i serien för författaren att få tillgång till. Studiens analys belyser tre olika subkategorier: socialt ansvar, inkludering och exkludering och lagar och regler. Resultatet av analysen visar att boken innehåller flera händelser som kan relateras till de grundläggande värdena i värdegrunden. Det framkommer bland annat olika scenarion som elever kan relatera till som utanförskap, social gemenskap och dilemman. Studien visar även på att vissa regelbrott kan vara relaterade till vad som är moraliskt rätt. Bokens innehåll kan bidra till värdegrundsarbetet i undervisningen genom de olika händelserna, som kan kopplas till elevernas igenkänning och vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan Harry Potter världen och den riktiga. Innehållet i boken kan också bidra som ett pedagogiskt redskap, genom att dess innehåll kan fånga elevers intresse som kan leda till att motivationen ökar. Viktiga slutsatser med denna studie är att Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone kan vara användbar för värdegrundsarbetet, och även barn- och ungdomslitteratur överlag kan vara användbart i undervisningen.

The Value of Work for Information Workers in Turkey

Okutan, Merve Nur January 2023 (has links)
This research aims to understand the value assigned to work by information workers in Turkey. Benefiting from the global literature on the meaning of work (Graeber, 2019), how work affects one’s character (Sennett, 1998), and how postmodern jobs are pushing individuals to a state of pretense (Alvesson & Spicer, 2016), I am trying to understand how the information workers in Turkey are experiencing global trends, what kind of value they assign to work, and what are some of the influences on their understanding of work. There is a growing information sector in Turkey, but very limited resources on their experiences. By utilizing the lens of the Marxist theory of alienation (Marx, 1992), this study explains the experiences of research participants in four categories: Alienation from self, from others, from productive activity, and finally the product. Research findings show that the alienation from self was heavily experienced by the research participants and the situation got severe when there was increased bureaucracy and workplace politics. Due to the increased division of labor and the nature of the information work, increased levels of alienation from productive activity and the product were also shared by participants of the research. The study concludes with my suggestions on potential future research to be conducted in the field to better understand the trends and conditions in Turkey.

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