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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Začlenění tématu ctností do výuky žáků primární školy / Incorporating the theme of virtues into teaching pupils in primary school

Pojerová, Denisa January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with virtues of first grade primary school pupils. The theoretical part is focused on explanation of the term "virtues" and on description of individual areas in which the virtues can appear within education in first grade of primary school. The attention is paid to how the topic "virtues" is related to the goals and contents formulated in "RVP ZP" (General education programme for primary school education). In this part I also focus on introduction of context of ethics, where I concentrate on theories of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg, and ethics education. Furthermore, there are programmes, projects and aids mentioned in this thesis, which deal with development of virtues, with education to values and with ethics education. The practical part of this thesis consists of active research. In the research are stated four lessons which deal with the way, this topic can be realised as a content of education and the way the pupils understand this topic. I also deal with virtues of respect and empathy in detail. These education units which develop the topics of virtues are suggested, verified and reflected. Keywords Virtues, ethics education, social and personal competence, personal-social education lessons, first grade of primary school, educational content

Pour un modèle d’éducation à la citoyenneté émancipatrice : les six vertus démocratiques du citoyen de liberté sociale

Bachand, Charles-Antoine 03 1900 (has links)
La recherche théorique et spéculative qui fait l’objet de cette thèse permet de propo-ser un modèle d’éducation à la citoyenneté qui aurait des visées émancipatrices. S’inscrivant dans la tradition des sciences critiques et de la pédagogie critique de Freire (1968), elle défend d’abord l’idée que malgré la charge idéologique ou politique qui y est associée, l’éducation à la citoyenneté, comme toute forme d’éducation formelle ou informelle, devrait poursuivre la liberté et l’autonomie comme finalités. C’est en prenant appui sur les thèses récentes du philosophe Axel Honneth (2015 et 2017), attaché à l’École de Francfort, portant sur le concept de liberté sociale et en exploitant les outils de l’herméneutique défendue par Ricœur notamment, qu’il a été possible dans un premier temps de proposer un modèle de citoyenneté de liberté sociale et, dans un deuxième temps, de définir certaines des caractéristiques des citoyen·ne·s de liberté sociale. Enfin, ce travail a permis de faire émerger des habiletés et des aptitudes que l’éducation à la citoyenneté qui aurait la liberté et l’émancipation comme finalités devrait contribuer à développer ou à entre-tenir. En raison de leur portée, nous nommons ces habiletés des vertus démocratiques. Les six vertus démocratiques que notre travail permet de faire émerger et qui devraient faire l’objet d’un enseignement ou d’un apprentissage sont 1) l’autonomie critique ; 2) la capacité à délibé-rer et à décider collectivement ; 3) la reconnaissance ; 4) la solidarité ; 5) la créativité ; et 6) la capacité d’action. / The theoretical and speculative research that is the subject of this thesis proposes a model of citizenship education that would have emancipatory aims. Following the tradition of critical sciences and Freire's critical pedagogy (1968), it first defends the idea that despite the ideological or political charge associated with it, citizenship education, like any form of formal or informal education, should pursue freedom and autonomy as its goals. By taking as a basis the recent theses of the philosopher Axel Honneth (2015 and 2017), attached to the Frankfurt School, on the concept of social freedom and by exploiting the tools of the hermeneutics defended by Ricœur in particular, it was possible, firstly, to pro-pose a model of citizenship of social freedom and, secondly, to define some of the characteristics of citizens of social freedom. Finally, this work allowed us to identify skills and aptitudes that citizenship education, which would have freedom and emancipation as its goals, should help to develop or maintain. Because of their scope, we call these skills democratic virtues. The six democratic virtues that should be the object of teaching or learning and that our work pro-poses are 1) critical autonomy; 2) the capacity to deliberate and decide collectively; 3) recog-nition; 4) solidarity; 5) creativity; and 6) the capacity for action.

La réception de la figure d’Achille en Italie et à Rome du IVème siècle avant JC au Ier siècle de notre ère / The reception of Achille’s figure in Italy and Rome in IVth century BC to Ist century AD

Perez, Isabelle 15 December 2015 (has links)
De la céramique italiote du IVe siècle av. J.-C., qui reprend et adapte certains épisodes du cycle d’Achille particulièrement liés à l’univers funéraire (Néréides apportant les armes d’Achille, mort de Troïlos, mort de Penthésilée etc…), en insérant dans les scènes figurées des éléments de la culture locale, au mobilier funéraire étrusque (Tombe François, urnes, sarcophages peints et sculptés), en passant par les miroirs et les cistes prénestines des périodes classiques et hellénistiques, l’existence d’une codification et d’une transmission des schémas iconographiques est clairement visible entre les différentes cultures. Au Ier siècle av. J.-C. et au Ier siècle ap. J.-C., certains épisodes du cycle d’Achille continuent à peupler le répertoire figuré, d’autres disparaissent ne correspondant plus aux nouvelles aspirations des commanditaires et d’autres apparaissent, incarnant des valeurs propres à la culture romaine. A Rome, les sources écrites nous informent sur la présence d’Achille dans la sphère publique (temple de Neptune et Saepta Julia). L’usage de la copie et de la diffusion d’un chef-d’œuvre tel le groupe d’Achille et Chiron, s’insèrent dans une volonté d’imiter l’Urbs, centre du monde méditerranéen. Les peintres renouvellent le répertoire iconographique du cycle d’Achille en créant deux épisodes : la Découverte d’Achille à Skyros et Thétis dans les forges d’Héphaïstos. Ces deux épisodes trouvent un grand succès à Rome (Domus Aurea) et sur les parois des demeures pompéiennes et permettent à la figure d’Achille de se détacher du cycle troyen. Ainsi, le héros grec devient grâce aux adaptations stylistiques et techniques des peintres romains le symbole de la paideia tout en conservant son caractère héroïque / The italiote ceramic the fourth century B. C., which incorporates and adapts some episodes cycle Achilles particularly related to posthumous glorification (Nereids bringing the arms of Achilles, Troïlus death, death of Penthesilea, etc…) by inserting the figurative scenes elements of the local culture, in Etruscan funerary (François Tomb, urns, sarcophagi carved and painted) through mirrors an prenestines cysts, Classical and Hellenistic periods, the existence of a consolidation and a transmission of iconographic patterns with clearly visible between different cultures. The first century B. C., and the first century A. D., some episodes of Achilles cycle continue to populate the figurative repertory, others dissapear no longer corresponded to the new aspirations sleeping partners while others appear embodying specific Roman culture values. In Rome, written sources inform us about the presence of Achilles in the public sphere (Temple of Neptune and Saepta Julia). The use of copy and distribution of a masterpiece such as Achilles and Chiron group, are part of a desire to imitate the Urbs, the center Mediterranean world. Painters renew the iconography of Achilles cycle by creating two episodes: The Discovery of Achilles in Skyros and Thetis in the forges of Hephaestus. These two episodes are a big success in Rome (The Golden House) and on the walls of Pompeian houses and allow the figure of Achilles to detach from the Trojan cyle. Thus the Greek hero becomes through stylistic and technical adaptations of Roman painters symbol paideia while maintaining his heroic character.

En manlig övertygelse? : En retorisk undersökning av tankeriktningar, ideal och maskuliniteter i den svenska mansgruppen The Raw Man / A manly persuasion? : A rhetorical study of ideas, values, ideals, and masculinities within the Swedish men's group The Raw Man

Hedling, Tor January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis explores ideas, values, virtues, and masculinities within The Raw Man, a Swedish men’s group active since 2012, in the context of Swedish gender equality politics. The material used for this study is the The Raw Man’s website (with an array of persuasive texts and pictures), YouTube-videos, a podcast, and the group’s participation in a Swedish television program. The theoretical framework draws from tools and theories from the fields of rhetoric, philosophy and gender studies. First, I analyse the movement’s argumentation and sort their arguments within different rhetorical topoi. Then, with a similar method, I explore which virtues constitute an ideal man within the movement’s discourse. This analysis builds on Aristotle’s understanding of topoi and virtues and takes further help through texts of the modern rhetorical scholar Janne Lindqvist. To further investigate the movement and what kind of masculinities it reproduces, I take inspiration from Edwin Black’s theory of The Second Persona. The most commonly used topoi and virtues are used to form a second persona, the implicit reader of The Raw Man’s arguments and therefore, the embodiment of the movement’s ideas, values, and ideals. This second persona is then gazed through perspectives from men’s studies. The results show that The Raw Man is greatly inspired by the so called Mythopoetic Men’s Movement, and employs ideas from Robert Bly, Carl G. Jung, and adheres to traditional notions including essentialism, polarity between the sexes, men’s destiny as leaders and women’s as nurturers. It also shows that The Raw Man in fact considers Swedish gender equality politics as somewhat of a threat, and feminists as enemies. The type of masculinity that is being reproduced within the movement can best be described as sticky, a term used in men’s studies for describing conservative and misogynistic values that stick to men’s bodies and are difficult to shake off. The results also indicate that the movement’s discourse is rather contradictory, for example it shows ideals of being vulnerable and grounded while at the same time being a strong leader with traditional manly qualities. This implies some difficulties in fully defining their ideology and ideals, hence the second persona lacks some ideological consistency. Finally, the study shows that the use of rhetorical theories and perspectives can be useful tools when exploring men’s groups, and social movements as a whole.

The Need for Virtue in an Age of Climate Change

Allison, Zachary R. 26 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Glorified Daughters: The Glorification of Daughters on Roman Epitaphs

Kelley, Amanda 22 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.


LEANDRO MELO CUNHA 14 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] O monaquismo antigo é um fenômeno de complexidade notável. Os Padres do Deserto foram homens e mulheres que viveram a vocação à perfeição deixada por Jesus de maneira bastante peculiar. O abandono dos centros urbanos para ir ao encontro do deserto marca a passagem de um cristianismo público, próprio dos mártires, ao cristianismo particular, próprio dos monges. No deserto, este espaço de solidão, silêncio e abnegação, homens e mulheres viveram em busca de seu aprimoramento, seja na busca de virtudes, seja no abandono dos vícios. Para os Padres do Deserto, as paixões são campo do combate em busca da perfeição, ideal herdado desde o testemunho dos mártires. A teologia dos Padres do Deserto trata com muita profundidade de temas relativos à vida interior. A recuperação da teologia destes autores é justificada pela relevância de suas análises das paixões humanas, para as quais a ascese e a oração serviram de remédio. / [en] Ancient monasticism is a phenomenon of remarkable complexity. The Desert Fathers were men and women who lived out the call to perfection left by Jesus in a very peculiar way. The abandonment of urban centers to go into the desert marks the transition from a public Christianity, characteristic of martyrs, to a private Christianity, characteristic of monks. In the desert, this space of solitude, silence, and self-denial, men and women lived in pursuit of their own improvement, whether in the pursuit of virtues or the abandonment of vices. For the Desert Fathers, passions are the field of combat in the pursuit of perfection, an ideal inherited from the witness of the martyrs. The theology of the Desert Fathers deals very deeply with themes related to the inner life. The recovery of the theology of these authors is justified by the relevance of their analysis of human passions, for which asceticism and prayer served as a remedy.

Le discours des vices et des vertus aux époques carolingiennes et ottonienne. De l'écrit à l'image (IXe - XIe siècle) / The discourse of vices and virtues in the Carolingian and Ottonian periods. From writing to image (9th-11th century)

Rodrigues, Perrine 17 October 2018 (has links)
Le discours des vices et des vertus est une étude qui porte sur la définition des notions de bien et de mal, de droit et d’interdit dans le cadre de la renouatio carolingienne, débutée sous le règne de Charlemagne et poursuivit sous ses successeurs, puis redynamisée sous le règne des Ottoniens. Les genres littéraires et artistiques où apparaissent les allégories des vices et des vertus constituent un corpus très varié de sources (judiciaire, morale, iconographique…). La diversité des sources permet de faire émerger la définition d’un idéal permettant de conduire l’homme à son salut, tout en mettant en place des codes moraux et une norme qui permettent d’encadrer la société dans tous les domaines. / The discourse of vices and virtues is a study which deals with the definition of the notions of good and evil, law and prohibition in the context of Carolingian renouatio, begun under the reign of Charlemagne and continued under his successors, then revitalized under the reign of Ottonians. The literary and artistic genres in which allegories of vices and virtues appear, constitute a very varied corpus of sources (judicial, moral, iconographic, etc.). The diversity of sources makes it possible to emerge the definition of an ideal allowing to lead the man to his salvation, while setting up moral codes and a norm which make it possible to regulate the society in all areas.

Exploring positive psychological strengths in employees attending EAP in the public service: a qualitative study

Ndhlovu, Mojalefa James 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and highlight positive psychological strengths that are required and, to a lesser extent, negative psychological factors that are to be eliminated in employees attending EAP in the public service in order to make the EAP beneficial and successful. EAPs in the public service have not been as successful as expected because employees drop-out prematurely and/or benefit minimally from attending their sessions. Through the use of a qualitative research approach, this study explored positive psychological strengths that played a significant role in assisting employees attending EAP to achieve their health goals. Research data was collected through the narratives and in-depth interviews from eight participants, who shared their EAP experiences with the researcher. The collected data was analysed through the use of content analysis and positive psychological strengths in the form of themes emerged. The themes were compared with the framework of positive psychology, which is known as the VIA classification system of strengths and virtues framework, in order to determine alignment or compatibility with it. In addition, a few negative emotions were also reported as having been experienced by the participants while attending EAP. The results of this study indicate that certain positive psychological strengths possessed by employees while attending EAP contributed significantly in making them benefit from their EAP consultations. Although a few negative emotions were also reported as having being present during the EAP consultation, they did not affect the progression and success of the EAP. An EAP intervention model is recommended herein for future use, in order to facilitate the success of EAP sessions. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Os pressupostos filosóficos do estado ético-jurídico na obra A cidade de Deus de Santo Agostinho

Campos Filho, José Carlos Pires de 24 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Carlos Pires de Campos Filho.pdf: 1230163 bytes, checksum: 7aecdf4937e6fc88ebc0a96eb18906df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-24 / The objective of this dissertation is to expose the philosophical assumptions of the theory of the philosopher St. Augustine on the nature of the ethical and legal State The thought here is understood as a defense of the just State and of the conception of natural law against accusations that Christianity causes injury to the political community. The Augustinian conception of a just and happy society allows, instead, enhancing the civic virtues as a means to achieve the common good and peace. The Augustinian ontology allows the truth to be the reference of virtues and vices, as precepts of action capable of forming the unity of a civilization. The "City of God" is the allegory of a just society that is present in this world through the ages in coexistence with the earthly state / O objetivo desta dissertação é expor os pressupostos filosóficos centrais da teoria do filósofo Santo Agostinho sobre a natureza do Estado ético-jurídico. O pensamento é aqui compreendido como uma defesa do Estado justo e da concepção de lei natural contra as acusações de que o Cristianismo causa prejuízo à comunidade política. A concepção agostiniana de sociedade justa e feliz permite, ao contrário, aprimorar as virtudes cívicas como meio para alcançar o bem comum e a paz. A ontologia agostiniana permite que a verdade seja a referência das virtudes e dos vícios, como preceitos do agir capazes de formar a unidade de uma civilização. A Cidade de Deus é a alegoria de sociedade justa presente no mundo através dos tempos em convivência com o Estado terreno

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