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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atelier culturel et hôpital psychiatrique : enjeux et retombées d’un dispositif de médiation culturelle au sein du programme « Culture à l’hôpital » / Cultural workshops and the psychiatric hospital : stakes and effects of this device of cultural mediation within the framework of the programme « Culture in Hospital »

Costes, Mylène 06 December 2010 (has links)
Notre travail interroge les relations entre l’action culturelle et l’hôpital psychiatrique au sein du programme « Culture à l’hôpital ». Ce dernier s’inscrit dans la politique culturelle menée en direction des « publics empêchés ». Porteur d’enjeux multiples, tant du côté des ministères, des directions hospitalières, du personnel que des artistes, ce programme interroge, bouscule l’institution hospitalière et peut parfois être source de conflits. Son étude permet de mettre en évidence l’originalité d’un dispositif particulier : l’atelier culturel. Prenant en compte la logique de projet dans laquelle l’atelier s’intègre, nous interrogeons les effets que ce dispositif peut avoir sur l’institution hospitalière et ses acteurs.Notre étude s’est déroulée sur trois terrains (hôpital du Vinatier, Fondation Bon Sauveur d’Alby et hôpital de Montfavet). Nous avons mobilisé différents corpus : des entretiens, des conventions ainsi que des documents internes aux établissements hospitaliers (projets d’établissement, projets de service, documents de travail d’artistes).Les principaux résultats de la recherche concernent deux axes, l’un relatif au champ hospitalier, l’autre à celui de la médiation culturelle. L’atelier culturel est un nouveau dispositif communicationnel au sein de l’hôpital, il est l’élément tiers dans l’acte de médiation. L’objet artistique y est moins finalité que support de la relation dans la triade patients-soignants-artistes. Le sens donné à l’intervention artistique est redéfinit, le partage d’une expérience esthétique importe plus que la réalisation de l’oeuvre.Pour les personnes hospitalisées, l’atelier culturel représente un en-dehors dans le temps d’hospitalisation, un nouvel espace d’expression bénéfique tant sur le plan social qu’identitaire. L’atelier culturel permet de contrebalancer la rigidité du cadre institutionnel. Les rapports entre participants (patients, soignants) se voient « redistribués » le temps de l’atelier. Une fois ce dernier terminé, les retombées de ce dispositif perdurent au travers d’une modification des représentations sociales sur la maladie mentale, l’institution psychiatrique et ses acteurs. On assiste également à une réappropriation de l’expérience vécue par le personnel. Pour ces professionnels du soin, ce qui s’est déroulé en atelier peut être repris au sein des services, dans la perspective d’améliorer la prise en charge globale des patients. Par la même, il s’agit d’une quête de légitimité tant sur le plan identitaire que professionnel / Our work questions the relationship between cultural action and the psychiatric hospital within the programme “Culture in Hospital”. This programme is part of the cultural policy aimed at the “prevented public”. It carries multiple challenges for the relevant ministries, the hospital administrators, the staff and the visiting artists. It questions, examines and perhaps disturbs the institution, sometimes even becoming a source of tension. This study has highlighted the originality of the specific and recurring device used : cultural workshops. Taking into account the logic of the project behind the workshops, we examine the effects that this device can have on the medical institution and its various actors.To answer these questions, our study took place in three different locations (The Vinatier Hospital, the Bon Sauveur Foundation of Alby and the Montfavet Hospital). We used different corpus : interviews, collective agreements as well as in-house documents related to medical establishments (institution projects, ward projects, work documents for the visiting artists).The main results concerned two separate axes: the one related to the medical field, the other to cultural mediation. The cultural workshop is a new device within the hospital world, it is the “third element” within the act of mediation. The artistic object is less a finality than a means to relate within the triangle of “patient-medical carer-artist”. The meaning given to the artistic action is redefined, the sharing of an aesthetic experience is more important than the finished work. For the patients, the cultural workshop represents “time-out” during their stay in hospital, a new space of expression that is beneficial on both a social level and a self-identity level. The cultural workshop allows a counterbalance to the strictness of the institutional framework. The relationships between the participants (patients and carers) changes during the time of the workshops. Once the workshop is over, the effects of this device continue through a modification in social representations of mental illness, the psychiatric hospital and its actors. We also see a re-appropriation of the experience by the staff who participated. For these professional health-carers, what took place in the workshops could perhaps be repeated within the wards so as to improve the overall care of the patients. Equally, it is a search for legitimacy on both an identity and professional level

Vzdělávání a příprava k povolání lidí s mentálním postižením na Teplicku / Education and training for imployment of people with mental disabilities in region Teplice

Herman, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA UNIVERZITY KARLOVY Abstract Education and preparation for the profession of people with mental disabilities in Teplice region 21.4.2011 Zdeněk Herman Abstrakt Despite all the problems in the Ranks of the cultural environment and the composition of the people after the unemployment I was led to believe it is not always the main factor in recruitment. Or maybe education is not the main determinant, though primarily affiliated, but the nature of personality, diligence and hard work are determinants, which are the quintessence of the employer's requirements. Sometimes such values in the family of people with mental disabilities are more problematic to implement, then the values would lead the school. The success of the equipment of the positive values depends on the quality of the school and its leadership. I knew that in Teplice there are that at least two schools are for high quality and fully prepare people with mental disabilities in practical life. However several shortcomings need to be improved. the largest work can be motivation of pupils with mental disabilities to individual decision-making, working and not being comfortable, aware of the need to work and not wanting to stay at home when they have rent. Motivation is the key factor for improving the quality of life of people.

"Jag förstår målet, men jag förstår inte vägen dit." : En kvalitativ studie om daglig verksamhet och vägen till arbetsmarknaden. / “I understand the goal, but I do not understand how to get there”. : A qualitative study about sheltered workshops and the way to the labor market.

Lindberg, Nathalie, Gränsmark, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine the possibilities and limits that the employees working in sheltered workshops perceive as they work with individual clients. Thus, in order to get a better understanding of which strategies are achieving the goal of insertion in the labor market. From a qualitative approach, the study was conducted through six interviews with representatives currently working in sheltered workshops in a community situated in the south of Sweden. The results of the study relates to the process known as ”role exit” theory of Ebaugh, new institutional theory of Johansson and Svensson, Johnsson and Laanemets. Further, accounts theory of Scott and Lyman and Knutagård were used to analyze our data. The study shows that the employees plays an important role in the process which individuals with disabilities go through in order to be established in the labor market. Additional, the study shows that there are limits related to both the capability of the individual and the lack of resources. In conclusion, the study shows that there are no explicit strategies to reach from the sheltered workshop to the labor market.

Contributions à la synthèse de commande des systèmes à évènements discrets : nouvelle modélisation des états interdits et application à un atelier flexible / A contribution to control synthesis of Discrete Event systems : New model of forbidden states (applied on a flexible workshop)

Atli, Maen 27 September 2012 (has links)
Un Système de production peut être représenté par les systèmes à événements discrets. En dehors de la planification (où les gens travaillent avec des ratios de produits fabriqués par semaine ou par jour), la modélisation pourrait être basée sur les concepts d'événement et d'activités. Un événement correspond à un changement d'état. Une activité est une boîte noire d'encapsulation de ce qui se passe entre deux événements. En utilisant les réseaux de Petri (RdP), les événements sont représentés par les transitions, et les activités par les lieux. Notre travail propose une synthèse de commande par supervision pour les systèmes d'événements discrets modélisés par une classe de réseaux de Petri appelé graphe d'événements. L'objective de cette thèse est de concevoir un superviseur capable d'aider à améliorer la performance de système et de protéger le système en respectant des spécifications données par le fabricant ou le client selon les besoins et les conditions de travail. Pour modéliser ces spécifications, nous avons proposé un nouveau modèle mathématique de contrainte, appelé Contrainte d'Exclusion de Marquage (CEM). La deuxième contribution principale de ma thèse est de synthétiser une technique efficace et simple pour construire un superviseur qui impose le système de respecter des contraintes en évitant l'ensemble des états interdits modélisé par CEM. Nous avons également développé cette synthèse pour résoudre le problème d'existence des événements incontrôlables et des événements inobservables. Parfois, afin d'étudier les aspects liés à la performance, nous devons prendre le temps en considération. Donc, nous avons résolu aussi le problème des événements temporisé en utilisant RdP temporisés soumis à CEM / A manufacturing system may be represented by Discrete Event System (DES). Apart from planning (where people work with ratios of products fabricated per week or per day), any modelling could be based on the concepts of event and activities. An event corresponds to a state change. An activity is a black-box summarizing what is occurring between two events. When using Petri Nets, events are associated with transitions, and activities with places. Our work proposes a supervisory synthesis for Discrete Event System modelled by a class of Petri Net called Marked Graph. The objective of this synthesis is to build a control law that enforces the system to respect a set of given specifications. To model these specifications, we propose new mathematical formulas called Marking Exclusion Constraint (MEC). This model is our first contribution. The Second main contribution of my thesis is to synthesize a computationally efficient technique to build a supervisor that enforces the system to respect the constraints by avoiding a set of forbidden states modelled by MEC specifications. We extend this synthesis technique to solve the problem in the presence of uncontrollable events and unobservable events. Sometimes in order to study the performance aspects, we must take in consideration the time data. Thus we address control synthesis for Timed Discrete Event Systems under MEC specifications by using Timed Petri Nets

Oficina virtual de redação: a produção de textos em ambiente não escolar / Virtual composition workshop: textual production non-scholar ambient

Gasparotto, Gisleine Silvana 14 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GISLEINE SILVANA GASPAROTTO.pdf: 3955952 bytes, checksum: 2526dc79f7eac282fb4b34a48f512d01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho insere-se no universo dos estudos de Língua Portuguesa e Ensino a Distância (EaD), e consiste na construção e estudo de uma Oficina Virtual de Redação. Nosso objetivo, a partir de um projeto pedagógico testado em circunstâncias reais, é oferecer espaço de reflexão e criação a fim de que os alunos consigam escrever, com competência e adequação, textos necessários às diversas situações concretas de comunicação, para bem desempenhar suas funções de cidadãos e de trabalhadores brasileiros. Mas em que medida uma Oficina Virtual de Redação pode contribuir para o aprimoramento da escrita de seus alunos? Fortalecer a relação do aluno com a Língua Portuguesa, sua capacidade de refletir, organizar e expressar opiniões? Interagir com ele de forma a envolvê-lo, motivá-lo e levá-lo ao aprendizado? Para realizar nosso intento, estudamos o conceito e as gerações de Ensino a Distância (Keegan e Rosa e Moreira); tecemos um painel atual sobre a exclusão digital, distribuição dos jovens pelo mundo e pelo país, acesso à informatização e ao mercado de trabalho (Pochmann); tratamos das novas demandas educacionais (Belloni, Trindade e Renner); investigamos abordagens por meio do computador (Valente), dinâmicas capazes de promover o aprendizado colaborativo (Palloff & Pratt), ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (Okada e Rocha), além de dois fatores indispensáveis à construção do conhecimento a distância, autonomia e interação (Belloni, Marquesi, Chrysos, Teixeira & Menezes e Leffa). Por fim, fizemos algumas reflexões sobre produção textual, estratégias e avaliação (Pécora, Osakabe, Siqueira, Fávero e Koch). Assim exposto, esperamos com nossa pesquisa contribuir para o aprimoramento da escrita dos alunos concluintes do ensino médio e pré-vestibulandos, e para os estudos de Língua Portuguesa e Ensino a Distância (EaD) / Este trabalho insere-se no universo dos estudos de Língua Portuguesa e Ensino a Distância (EaD), e consiste na construção e estudo de uma Oficina Virtual de Redação. Nosso objetivo, a partir de um projeto pedagógico testado em circunstâncias reais, é oferecer espaço de reflexão e criação a fim de que os alunos consigam escrever, com competência e adequação, textos necessários às diversas situações concretas de comunicação, para bem desempenhar suas funções de cidadãos e de trabalhadores brasileiros. Mas em que medida uma Oficina Virtual de Redação pode contribuir para o aprimoramento da escrita de seus alunos? Fortalecer a relação do aluno com a Língua Portuguesa, sua capacidade de refletir, organizar e expressar opiniões? Interagir com ele de forma a envolvê-lo, motivá-lo e levá-lo ao aprendizado? Para realizar nosso intento, estudamos o conceito e as gerações de Ensino a Distância (Keegan e Rosa e Moreira); tecemos um painel atual sobre a exclusão digital, distribuição dos jovens pelo mundo e pelo país, acesso à informatização e ao mercado de trabalho (Pochmann); tratamos das novas demandas educacionais (Belloni, Trindade e Renner); investigamos abordagens por meio do computador (Valente), dinâmicas capazes de promover o aprendizado colaborativo (Palloff & Pratt), ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (Okada e Rocha), além de dois fatores indispensáveis à construção do conhecimento a distância, autonomia e interação (Belloni, Marquesi, Chrysos, Teixeira & Menezes e Leffa). Por fim, fizemos algumas reflexões sobre produção textual, estratégias e avaliação (Pécora, Osakabe, Siqueira, Fávero e Koch). Assim exposto, esperamos com nossa pesquisa contribuir para o aprimoramento da escrita dos alunos concluintes do ensino médio e pré-vestibulandos, e para os estudos de Língua Portuguesa e Ensino a Distância (EaD)

Oficina de foguete: aspectos interdisciplinares entre astronomia, astron?utica e f?sica

Ferreira, Rodrigo Santa Cruz 30 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-10-30T21:10:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigo-impressao-final.pdf: 7579791 bytes, checksum: 452033974e205d8cc5aa54423e7c0756 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-30T21:10:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigo-impressao-final.pdf: 7579791 bytes, checksum: 452033974e205d8cc5aa54423e7c0756 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-30 / This work discusses aspects of Astronautics and Astronomy in the Science and Physics classes of Elementary and Middle School in public and private schools in Feira de Santana. Astronomy is an interdisciplinary and necessary science in the curriculum of Brazilian schools. As such, we have a workshop where students build and launch rockets made of low-cost materials such as PET pickups and PVC pipes. The meaningful learning (Ausubel, 1976) was the theoretical reference of this study. Therefore,, we started the work by collecting information from the students through questionnaires to create a profile about their knowledge about astronomy and, after that, we propose activities where students are able to develop skills for understanding the physical phenomena that can be observed during the launch of a rocket, such as Oblique Motion and Newton's Laws. The workshop was very positive, arousing students' interest in participating in the Brazilian Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiads and obtaining better grades in the disciplines of Science and Physics. The students also realized the importance of astronomy in the development of humanity. / Este trabalho discute aspectos do tema Astron?utica e Astronomia nas aulas de Ci?ncias e F?sica do Ensino Fundamental e M?dio em escolas p?blicas e privadas de Feira de Santana. A Astronomia ? uma ci?ncia interdisciplinar e necess?ria no curr?culo das escolas brasileiras. Sendo assim, realizamos uma oficina onde os estudantes construem e lan?am foguetes confeccionados com materiais de baixo custo, como garradas PET e tubos de PVC. A aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel (1976) foi o referencial te?rico deste estudo. Portanto, iniciamos os trabalhos coletando informa??es dos alunos atrav?s de question?rios para criar um perfil sobre o conhecimento dos mesmos sobre Astronomia e, ap?s isso, propomos atividades onde os alunos fossem capazes de desenvolver habilidades para a compreens?o dos fen?menos f?sicos que podem ser observados durante o lan?amento de um foguete, como Movimento Obl?quo e leis de Newton. A oficina mostrou-se muito positiva, despertando o interesse dos alunos a participarem das Olimp?adas Brasileira de Astronomia e Astron?utica e obtendo notas melhores nas disciplinas de Ci?ncias e F?sica. Os alunos tamb?m perceberam a import?ncia da Astronomia no desenvolvimento da humanidade.

Oficina de pintura: um estudo fenomenol?gico sobre uma pr?tica psicol?gica / Painting Workshop: a phenomenological study on a psychological practice

Bilbao, Giuliana Gnatos Lima 16 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giuliana Gnatos Lima Bilbao.pdf: 679853 bytes, checksum: 598f2d8624577284ea9d1789119a0568 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-16 / This intervention research aimed to comprehend the experience of a Painting Workshop, which is a psychological approach implemented in PUC Campinas Psychology Clinic during three months in the year of 2007. The theoretical referential is Edmund Husserl s Phenomenology, and the Humanist-existential Psychology. In a room of the Psychology Clinic fourteen workshop meetings were organized, with duration of two hours each. They were conducted by the researcher as a facilitator adopting Roger s proposition of three attitudes: empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruency. After each workshop, the researcher elaborated narratives about the recently experienced meeting, using Benjamin s definition of narrative (1936/1994), and Husserl s definition of consciousness (1935/1996) as a base. It was the intention of the researcher to capture the movement of consciousness in the meaning creation that configure the experience. Based on the elaborated narratives, the intention was to expose the elements experienced by the researcher, who understands that the emerging meanings were configured in the intersubjective net of the meetings. Through the experience of the Painting Workshop and based on the principle that the human being has whether autonomy and the resources for self-comprehension and change, it was verified that participants of the Painting Workshop directed themselves to psychological integration by sharing their experiences in a kind and supportive environment. According to the perspective of setting differentiated psychological attention, the Painting Workshop makes us think carefully about the benefits and viability of the implementation of new models of clinical intervention in public health institutions that are able to pririze clients autonomy and psychological growth. / Esta pesquisa-interven??o objetivou compreender a experi?ncia vivida em uma Oficina de Pintura ; modalidade de aten??o psicol?gica implementada no servi?o de psicologia da PUC-Campinas ; durante tr?s meses no ano de 2007. Os referenciais te?ricos adotados foram a Fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl e a Psicologia Existencial-Humanista. Foram realizados catorze encontros de oficina ; com dura??o de duas horas ; em uma sala do servi?o de psicologia. A pesquisadora conduziu os encontros como facilitadora ; adotando as atitudes preconizadas por Rogers(1961/1999) de empatia ; aceita??o positiva incondicional e congru?ncia. Ap?s cada encontro ; a pesquisadora elaborou narrativas sobre a experi?ncia vivida ; baseando-se tanto na concep??o de narra??o de Benjamin(1936/1994) como na concep??o de consci?ncia de Husserl(1935/1996) ; buscando capturar o movimento da consci?ncia na cria??o de significados que configuram a experi?ncia. A partir das narrativas constru?das pela pesquisadora ; buscouse explicitar os elementos vividos ; entendendo que os significados que emergiram formaram-se na teia intersubjetiva dos encontros. Atrav?s da experi?ncia vivida na Oficina de Pintura e partindo do princ?pio de que o homem ? dotado de autonomia e possui dentro de si recursos para a auto-compreens?o e mudan?a ; verificamos que as participantes da Oficina de Pintura caminharam no sentido da integra??o psicol?gica ; compartilhando suas experi?ncias ; num clima acolhedor e de apoio m?tuo. Assim ; numa perspectiva de enquadres diferenciados de aten??o psicol?gica ; a Oficina de Pintura leva a refletir sobre os benef?cios e a viabilidade de implementar novos modelos de interven??o cl?nica em institui??es de sa?de p?blica que privilegiem a autonomia e o crescimento psicol?gico dos clientes.

\"Dança para todos\": cartografias de experiências artísticas da oficina de dança e expressão corporal como lugar-ponte / \"Dance for All\" : cartographies of artistic experiences of the dance and body expression workshop as bridge-place

Bichara, Tatiana Alves Cordaro 29 May 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender o que a Oficina de Dança e Expressão Corporal produz em seu entorno, pelos territórios por onde passa e nos sujeitos que a vivenciam no espaço da cidade. Como objetivo específico, sistematiza a metodologia desenvolvida nos encontros da Oficina de Dança e Expressão Corporal como uma possibilidade de atuação que prioriza a arte da dança com finalidade artística, em grupo aberto e heterogêneo, de forma pública e gratuita. Como método, opta pelo uso de narrativas (Benjamin, 1994) de vivências da pesquisadora como coordenadora e dançarina da Oficina e da transcrição de depoimentos/testemunhos oferecidos pelos participantes do grupo. Deleuze e Guattari (2010) apresentam-se como importantes interlocutores para fundamentar a leitura cartográfica dessa história e o registro que subsidiou a postura indagativa e reflexiva sobre o que se cria, no processo em andamento da Oficina de Dança e Expressão Corporal, a qual foi tratada neste estudo como lugar-ponte para o sujeito/grupo transitar pelos polos institucionais e abrir passagens, em devir subjetivo e territorial, para além deles. A contribuição da filosofia de Espinosa (2009) mostra-se relevante à dimensão analítica deste trabalho, a qual permitiu a identificação de cinco eixos reflexivos acerca do que pode produzir a Oficina. São eles: singularidade, intensidade, expansão, dança para todos e trabalho para a subjetivação, os quais puderam ser compreendidos como caminhos para promoção de saúde no campo das práticas antimanicomiais / The objective of this work is to understand what the Dance and Body Expression Workshop produces in its surroundings, in the territories where it passes and in the people who experience it in the city space. As specific objective, systematize the methodology developed in the meetings of the Dance and Body Expression Workshop as a possibility of action that prioritizes the art of dance with artistic purpose, in an open and heterogeneous group, in a public way, free of charge. As method, chose the use of narratives (Benjamin, 1994) of experiences of the researcher as coordinator and dancer of the workshop and the transcription of statements/testimonies offered by the participants of the group. Deleuze and Guattari (2010) present themselves as important interlocutors to substantiate the cartographic reading of this story and the record that supported the questioning and reflective stance on what is created in the ongoing process of the Dance and Body Expression Workshop, which was treated in this study as a bridge place for the person/group to transit through the institutional centers and to open passages, in a subjective and territorial change, to go beyond them. The contribution of the philosophy of Espinosa (2009) shows to be relevant to the analytic dimension of this work, which allowed the identification of five reflective axes concerning what the Workshop can produce. They are: uniqueness, intensity, expansion, dance for all and work for the subjectification, which could be understood as pathways to the production of health in the field of the anti-asylum practices

Kartläggning av kostnadsreduktionsaktiviteter / Mapping of cost reduction activities

Subasic, Samra, Tran, Vivianne January 2008 (has links)
Syfte med denna rapport är att kartlägga befintlig kostnadsreduceringsaktiviteter avseende monteringseffektivitet av produkter inom Volvo PV. Samt att genomföra en informationssökning för identifiering av metoder i andra branscher. Rapporten är upplagd på så sätt att först beskrivs kort företaget och syftet med arbetet. Därefter beskrivs de begränsningar och de metoder som valts att användas vid informationsinhämtningen. Efter detta kommer en teoridel där det utförligt beskrivs ett antal kostnadsreducerings metoder/aktiviteter, hur de genomförs och deras fördelar, nackdelar, kostnader och förväntat resultat. De metoder/aktiviteter som här är beskrivna har valts ut i samråd med handledaren, en del används inom Volvo PV andra kommer från Lean-koncept. Därefter redovisas resultatet från ett antal interjuver av olika personer på Volvo PV och efter detta görs en sammanställning i matrisform som kortfattat visar informationen ifrån teoridelen för varje aktivitet och därefter en matris som visar hur mycket resurser de olika metoderna/aktiviteterna uppskattningsvis kräver. Merparten av de metoder/aktiviteter som beskrivits i denna rapport används i någon form inom Volvo PV, men det saknas en utförlig jämförelse av de olika metodernas användbarhet. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Les scarabées inscrits et autres amulettes de cœur de l’Égypte ancienne (présentation, corpus, critères de datation, caractéristiques, collections) / Inscribed Scarabs and other Heart Amulets in Ancient Egypt (Presentation, Corpus, Dating criteria, Characteristics, Collections)

Laroche, Claude 06 December 2014 (has links)
Le seul ouvrage dédié exclusivement à ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler « les scarabées de cœur » est signé du Professeur Michel Malaise et date de 1978. Ce livre est depuis cette date la référence en la matière mais, en l’absence d’un corpus, les critères de datation proposés n’y peuvent être ni exhaustifs ni très précis. L’objectif de cette étude était de remédier à ces lacunes.Les scarabées de cœur étaient des amulettes disposées dans la région du cœur de la momie d’un individu, juste après son décès, afin de le protéger contre la trahison possible de son propre cœur. En effet, le défunt devait subir l’épreuve de la pesée du cœur devant un tribunal de dieux présidé par Osiris, mais c’est son cœur qui était interrogé pour savoir quelle avait été la conduite de son propriétaire lors de son passage sur la terre. Les réponses à ces questions conditionnaient l’avenir du défunt dans l’au-delà : la vie éternelle ou l’anéantissement. Pour se concilier les bonnes grâces du cœur, d’autant plus que celui-ci pouvait mentir, les amulettes étaient inscrites d’une prière choisie dans un des chapitres 26 à 30 B du Livre des Morts, suppliant le cœur d’avoir des réponses favorables devant le tribunal.La présente étude a pris huit années pour rassembler un corpus de 1400 scarabées de cœur et autres amulettes ayant la même fonction rituelle, soit probablement plus de 85% de ceux qui sont conservés dans les musées, qui sont désignés ici sous le nom générique d’« amulettes de cœur ». Ce corpus a donné lieu à l’établissement d’une typologie permettant de déterminer des séries d’amulettes présentant des caractèristiques plastiques et épigraphiques semblables qui, croisées avec celles des amulettes de date connue, qui sont soit celles dont les propriétaires sont des personnages historiques soit celles provenant de fouilles bien datées, ont conduit à la détermination de critères de datation objectifs. L’étude présente aussi les clichés de plus de 1200 amulettes avec description, une traduction des textes inscrits et une proposition de datation. / The only book dealing specifically with the so-called “ Heart Scarabs” was written by Professor Michel Malaise and published in 1978. It has remained since the reference on the subject but, due to the unavailibility of a corpus, the datation criteria could not be exhaustive nor accurate. The target of this dissertation was to fill these gaps. The heart scarabs were amulets to be laid on (or in) the mummy of a person just after his death in the heart area, in order to protect him from the possible treachery of his own heart. In effect, the Dead was to be put to the test of the weighing of his heart, in front of a court of gods presided by Osiris, but it was his hesart which was interrrogated in order to know whether its owner had behaved well during his life. The answers to these questions would determine whether he would be granted an eternal life or the nothingness. In order fo gain the heart’s goodwill, especially when it might lie, the amulets were inscribed with a prayer chosen in one of the chapters 26 to 30B of The Book of the Dead. This prayer was begging his heart to make favorable answers to the court.It took eight years to gather a corpus of 1400 heart amulets and others amulets with the same ritual function, called “heart amulets” in this dissertation, a number representing likely more than 85% of the total in existence. The gathering of these amulets made possible an adapted typology to be built, which lead to the determination of series of amulets with similar shape or epigraphic characteristics to be compared with the characteristics of amulets with a known date, which are the ones the owners of which are historical persons or those originating from well dated excavations. This comparison allowed for the determination of objective datation criteria. This memoire finally presents photos of more than 1200 amulets with a description, a translation of the texts and an estimated datation.

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