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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gränser : En studie av den estetisk-praktiska miljöns pedagogisk-terapeutiska grundegenskaper utgående från två verksamheter: Hagastiftelsens verkstäder och Kristofferskolans bokbinderi

Tyson, Ruhi January 2011 (has links)
Borderlands. A study of the aesthetic-practical environment, its pedagogical and therapeutical properties based on the outline of two practices/institutions: the workshops at Hagastiftelsen and the bookbindery at the Kristofferschool. The perspective on education, pedagogy and therapy taken is an existential one where the main aims of an educational-therapeutic intervention is to support biographical development and integrity. In the process action research in my own bookbinding workshop as well as hermeneutic research at the workshops at Hagastiftelsen where adults with autism and other neuropsychological disorders work have been the sources of primary empirical data. Secondary sources are patient-histories written by Oliver Sacks as well as autobiographical narratives of some adults with autism. The phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, aesthetic philosophy of Schiller, narrative studies and Antonovskys concept of sense of coherence (SOC) have been used as interpretive theories to understand the research data. After outlining the two practices/institutions the paper is concerned with analysing a number of basic properties concerning the pedagogically and therapeutically oriented workshop as a space for aesthetic-practical activity: instrument/tool, beauty, rhythm and work. By incorporating the standpoint epistemology of autism the issues of identity-formation and biography have also been given a more inclusive treatment. A discussion regarding aesthetic-practical environments, their development, comparisons between them and their evaluation follows. In the final part of the study an outline for further research and development is presented.

Open Innovation: Grundlagen, Akteure, Werkzeuge und Wirkungsweisen

Möslein, Kathrin M. 20 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Open Innovation bezeichnet Innovationsprozesse, die nicht an den Grenzen von Unternehmen oder deren Innovationsabteilungen enden, sondern Akteure unabhängig von deren institutioneller Zugehörigkeit als Ideengeber, Konzeptentwickler oder auch Innovationsumsetzer in die Gestaltung von Innovationen einbinden. Dieser Beitrag skizziert Grundlagen der Open Innovation, stellt die einzubindenden Akteure und ihre Rollen im Innovationsgeschehen vor und führt ein in die fünf zentralen Werkzeugklassen, auf die Unternehmen zur Implementierung von Open Innovation heute zurückgreifen können. Herausforderungen und Spannungsfelder, die sich bei der Nutzung von Open Innovation zeigen, werden abschließend aufgezeigt.

Einsatz von Empfehlungssystemen bei „Business on Demand“

Schwartz, Eva-Maria 20 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Sociala och emotionella interventioner i skolans värld. : Vad händer med karaktären hos eleverna?

Samuelsson, Helen, Drugge, Anders, Storm, Ulrika January 2015 (has links)
The purpose was to investigate whether using two type of interventions (i.e., Four rooms of change in school and EQ- workshop) in addition to curriculum guidelines can affect character development in children 10-12 years of age. The data was collected using the test Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (J-TCI; Cloninger, CR, 1994) in three elementary schools among students in fifth grade who had been involved in any of the two interventions for the past two years or no intervention at all. The J-TCI scales were used to, besides the seven personality dimension it measures, create a self-constructed empathy scale. A total of 55 participants were included in the study (girls n = 26 and boys n = 29). Statistical testing with MANOVA showed no significant main effect on empathy or any personality trait. There was however an interaction effect between intervention and gender on the character traits. Girls in the Four Rooms of change in school, compared to boys, reported higher Self-directedness and Cooperativeness and girls in the EQ-workshop reported higher Self-transcendence. The interventions Four Rooms at school and EQ workshop seems to have different impact on boys and girls. / Syftet var att undersöka om användandet av två typer av interventioner (dvs, Fyrarummaren i skolan och EQ verkstan) utöver Läroplanens riktlinjer kan påverka karaktärsutveckling hos barn 10-12 år. Data samlades in med hjälp av testet Junior Temperament och Character Inventory (J-TCI, Cloninger, CR, 1994) i tre grundskolor bland elever i femte klass som hade varit inblandade i någon av de två insatserna under de senaste två åren alternativt ingen intervention alls. J-TCI skalorna användes för att, förutom de sju personlighetsdimensioner den mäter, skapa en egentillverkad empatiskala. Totalt 55 deltagare ingick i studien (flickor n = 26 och pojkar n = 29). Statistisk testning med MANOVA visade ingen signifikant huvudeffekt på empati eller något personlighetsdrag. Det fanns dock en interaktionseffekt mellan intervention och kön på karaktärsdrag. Flickor i  Fyrarummaren i skolan, jämfört med pojkar, rapporterade högre Self-directedness och Cooperativeness och flickor i EQ-verkstan  rapporterade högre Self-transcendence. Interventionerna Fyrarummaren i skolan och EQ-verkstan verkar ha olika påverkan på pojkar och flickor.

EdTech i Skolan: En undersökning om det sociala

Elmér, Jack Oliver, Sandberg, Dick Jörgen Tobias January 2018 (has links)
Med det här kandidatarbetet vill vi se EdTechs möjligheter att påverka barns sociala förmåga på ett positivt sätt, för att förebygga situationer där mobbning uppstår. Genom Future Workshops och Participatory Design utvecklar vi, tillsammans med elever på en lokal högstadieskola, ett koncept för en applikation med en potential för ökat kamratskap.Vi analyserar elevernas åsikter angående funktioner och visuell design för applikationen samt presenterar en konceptprototyp för ämnesexperter. Deras validering av vår prototyp ses som ett direkt resultat av frågeställningens utgångspunkt, och därav en möjlig lösning av grundproblemet. / With this Bachelor Thesis we consider EdTechs possibilities in influencing children’s social abilities in a positive way, to prevent repetitive bullying behavior. By the methods of Future Workshop and Participatory Design we develop, together with students on a local secondary school, a concept for an application with the potential of increased friendships.We analyze the student’s opinions about functionalities and visual design, and then present a prototype of the concept to experts in the field of Educational Technology. Their validation of our prototype is seen as a direct result of the research question, and a possible solution to the issue at hand.

Skolådeproblemet: Att designa en app för att underlätta ett företags kvittohantering / The shoe box issue: Designing an application to solve a company’s receipt conundrum

Hampusson, Kerstin, Ljungberg, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie har utgått från ett specifikt fall som slutligen resulterat i en prototyp av en app som löser det så kallade skolådeproblemet. Skolådeproblemet definieras som den flaskhals som uppstår när en redovisningsbyrås kunder sparar sina kvitton på ett ostrukturerat sätt och sedan överlämnar dessa klumpvis till redovisningsbyrån. Ofta saknas tillhörande information vilket resulterar i en hanteringsprocess som kan vara tidskrävande och kostsam för både redovisningsbyrån och deras kunder. I appen kan användaren istället fota sitt kvitto, välja kvittotyp och slutligen skicka iväg kvittot direkt till sin redovisningsbyrås bokföringsprogram. På så sätt undviks flaskhalsen och processen blir smidigare för samtliga parter.

Da perda implicada no registro : foto-grafando numa oficina terapêutica

Mosena, Thoya Lindner January 2008 (has links)
A experiência que sustenta as reflexões contidas nesta dissertação se desenrolou em uma oficina de fotografia que aconteceu num centro de atenção diária de uma instituição psiquiátrica da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Partindo da definição etimológica da foto-grafia como uma escrita com a luz, nos perguntamos sobre as relações possíveis entre o fotografar e o escrever. As oficinas terapêuticas – um território híbrido onde está em jogo o encontro entre vários saberes (Rickes) – configuram-se como o campo para a nossa experiência. Participaram da Oficina de Fotografia pacientes adultos usuários deste serviço e a proposta consistiu em convidá-los a fotografar a partir de três eixos temáticos: o escrever, a instituição que abriga a oficina e a cidade. Este trabalho está estruturado a partir de três principais seções. No primeiro capítulo, apresentamos a instituição, o desenrolar da proposição da Oficina neste espaço de tratamento, e nos perguntamos se esta intervenção teve o efeito de produzir uma desacomodação nas práticas já instituídas. Para articular esta hipótese, utilizamos os conceitos de studium e punctum segundo os formulou Barthes. Na segunda seção, procuramos delinear uma definição possível para a imagem como uma superfície que não é apenas plana (Didi- Huberman), mas que pode se apresentar como porosa. Tomamos para isso a noção proposta por Rivera de que o imaginário pode se desdobrar em imagem-muro e imagem-furo. A possibilidade de manter uma pulsação entre estas duas formas de imagem nos remete de volta ao oficinar e aos impasses que este fazer engendra, seja no sentido de se manter fechado, quanto de se abrir a novas experimentações. A partir da interrogação sobre como ler as imagens e os textos produzidos ao longo da Oficina, buscamos a referência freudiana como base para a nossa postura ética frente a este material. Neste sentido, não fizemos uma análise do conteúdo das fotografias e escritos, nem nos debruçamos sobre a biografia dos pacientes. Construímos pequenos ensaios que contam a trajetória de cada um com o fotografar nesta Oficina. Finalmente, na terceira seção desenvolvemos, a partir das contribuições de Freud e Lacan, o tema que parece costurar as experiências singulares, a saber, a pergunta sobre o que é um registro. O registrar implica a perda, e é esta assertiva que insiste de várias formas diferentes ao longo deste relato. / The experiment that supports the reflections contained in this dissertation occurred during a photography workshop that was held at a day-care center in a psychiatric institution in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the etymological definition of photography as a form of writing with light, we question ourselves as to the relationships that are possible between photographing and writing. The therapeutic workshops – a hybrid territory in which the meeting of various areas of knowledge is at play (Rickes) – are structured as the field for our experiment. Adult patients that are users of this service participated in the photography workshop. The objective was to invite them to take photos based on three central themes: the act of writing, the institution that houses the workshop, and the city. This study is structured into three main sections. In the first section, we present the institution and the development of the workshop’s scheme within this treatment site. We asked ourselves whether this intervention disrupted previously established practices. In order to articulate this hypothesis, we used the concepts of studium and punctum as formulated by Barthes. In the second section, we seek to define an image as a surface that is not only plane (Didi-Huberman), but also porous. In order to do this, we employ the notion proposed by Rivera that imagined reality could be broken down into an image-wall and an image-hole. The possibility of maintaining a kind of pulsation between these two forms of images brings us back to workshopping and to the impasses that such an undertaking engenders in the sense of keeping oneself either closed or open to new experimentation. Starting with the question of how to interpret the images and texts produced during the workshop, we sought to employ the Freudian concept as the basis of our ethical stance concerning this material. In this sense, we neither analyzed the content of the photos and compositions, nor concerned ourselves with the patients’ biographies. We composed brief essays on each patient’s experience with photography in the workshop. Finally, based on the contributions of Freud and Lacan, in the third section we develop the issue that seems to connect the individual experiences: What is a register? The act of registering implies a loss; and this is a statement that appears in various manners throughout this essay.

Approche psychodynamique de la création de chanson(s) : au carrefour de la création artistique et de la création art-thérapeutique / Psychodynamic approach of songwriting : at the crossroads of artistic songwriting and therapeutic songwriting

Zimoch, Amélia 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse, référée à une approche psychodynamique, se propose d’explorer etd’interroger les processus psychiques impliqués dans la création de chanson(s), parl’association de deux volets différents et complémentaires : d’une part, par le biais de rencontres avec des auteur(e)s-compositeur(rice)s-interprètes s’exprimant à propos de leur travail de création artistique de chanson(s) (étude théorico-clinique) ; et, d’autre part, à travers l’initiation d’un atelier thérapeutique hebdomadaire de création de chanson(s), l’atelier « créachan(t)son(s) », avec des personnes âgées valides vivant en institution (recherche-action). Elle s’inscrit ainsi dans une démarche oeuvrant pour une application pratique des recherches dansles domaines de la psychologie clinique et des psychothérapies à médiation(s) artistique(s). En référence aux écrits de Grimbert (1996, 2002) et à l’aune du modèle théorico-clinique du Moi-Peau développé par Anzieu (1985), cette recherche met en lumière la mobilisation des différentes fonctions du Moi-Peau à travers la création artistique comme la création artthérapeutique de chanson(s). Tout en soulignant la multidimensionnalité intrinsèque et singulière du médiateur qu’est la chanson. Il en résulte de multiples perspectives d’avenir : autant dans le domaine de la recherche, par les nécessaires enrichissements d’un corpus théorique afférent à la création artistique de chanson(s) qui reste à découvrir et à construire ; que dans le champ de la pratique clinique, par l’initiation de propositions alternatives originales et pertinentes quant à l’accompagnement psychothérapeutique des sujets âgés résidant en EHPAD, la création artthérapeutique de chanson(s) en constituant résolument une.Des considérations donc d’importance, pour le présent comme pour l’avenir. / This thesis, based on a psychodynamic approach, will explore and ask the psychicprocesses involved in songwriting, through two different but complementary sections. On the one hand, through the exploration of the very act of creating by means of meeting singerssongwriters while trying to explain the creative process (theoretical-clinical research) ; on the other hand through the practice of weekly songwriting music therapy sessions with elderly people living in nursing home (practice research). This thesis is part of a global approach which works for a practical application of the researches in clinical psychology and art-psychotherapy domains. In reference to Grimbert (1996, 2002) and to the Skin-Ego theoretical-clinical model developed by Anzieu (1985), this research highlights the different uses of the Skin-Ego functions through artistic creation and art-therapeutic creation, and emphases the singular and intrinsic multidimensionality aspects of the song media. It brings also future prospects. In the research domain, it shows the needs to complement the dedicated songwriting theoretical corpus and in the clinical practical domain, it opens original and alternative possibilities of therapeutic way to care for the elderly people living in nursing home ; therapeutic songwriting being definitively one of them.

Gestion des connaissances lors d’un processus collaboratif de créativité / Knowledge management during a collaborative creative process

Gabriel, Alex 07 December 2016 (has links)
Le travail de cette thèse vise à proposer un système support à la créativité selon une architecture multi-agents afin de gérer les connaissances nécessaires et produites durant un atelier de créativité. Ce travail contribue à la recherche scientifique à différents égards. Au préalable de concevoir un quelconque système, une revue des systèmes actuels supportant la créativité est réalisée pour déterminer leurs limites en termes de processus de créativité et de modes de collaboration. Pour répondre à ces limites, l’approche d’ingénierie des connaissances est adoptée. Autrement dit, la créativité est considérée comme un processus collaboratif et organisationnel afin d’en déduire les activités à supporter ainsi que les connaissances et les compétences à apporter aux individus pour les assister à réaliser ces activités. A partir de la modélisation organisationnelle d’un atelier de créativité, l’organisation des agents informatiques qui vont contribuer à la gestion des connaissances en est déduite. Par la suite, une ontologie de l’atelier de créativité est formalisée à partir de la modélisation de l’organisation afin d’apporter une représentation des connaissances et de l’environnement aux agents. Ainsi, l’architecture multi-agents proposée pour concevoir un système support à la créativité permet d’explorer de nouveaux modes de traitement des connaissances notamment concernant l’évaluation des idées. Une méthodologie d’évaluation des idées selon des méthodes d’analyse multicritère est proposée. En complément de cette méthodologie, le traitement automatique des idées a été expérimenté afin d’aider les évaluateurs dans leur tâche / This research work aims to propose a creative support system according to a multi-agent architecture in order to manage the knowledge needed and produced during a creative workshop. This work contributes to the scientific research with regard to various aspects. Beforehand designing any system, a review of the current creative supports systems is carried out in order to determine their limits concerning the creative process and collaboration mode. To fix these limits, a knowledge engineering approach is adopted. It implies that creativity is considered as a collaborative and organizational process in order to infere its activities, but also competences and knowledge required to realize these activities. This information permits to better assist individuals in their activities. Based on this organizational modeling of a creative workshop, the organization of computational agents that would contribute to manage knowledge is deduced. Based on the same modeling, creative workshop ontology is created in order to provide a representation of the environment and shared knowledge to agents. Multi-agent architecture for creative support system permits to explore new knowledge processing approach notably for idea evaluation. An idea evaluation methodology based on multi-criteria analysis methods is suggested. In addition to this methodology, automatic idea processing based on naturel language processing is experimented in order to assist evaluators. The meaning of this research work is in the generalization of emergent creative practices as open innovation and creative workshops in organizations and companies

Marketingová strategie chráněných dílen nestátních neziskových organizací v Jihočeském kraji / Marketing Strategy of Protected Workshops Non-Governmental Organizations in the South Bohemian Region

DUŠKOVÁ, Miluše January 2013 (has links)
The theme of the completed diploma thesis is A Marketing Strategy for Protected Work Places of NGOs in South Bohemia. In the theoretical part I focus on the definition and meaning of marketing, stategic management, the marketing process, the marketing environment, the buying behavior of consumers, marketing research. In the next section I describe the legislative basis for protected work places and I name protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia. Then I describe the employment of people with disabilities, and I attempt to define the concept of a non-profit organization. For completion purposes, I briefly define the term South Bohemia. In the practical part I deal with the results of the research and draft a proposal for marketing strategies for the sale of products from protected work places. The practical part relates to the main goals of the diploma thesis. The first goal of the work was to map out a marketing strategy for protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia. The second goal was to map out the opinions of the wider public in relation to the purchase of products from protected work places. The first stated hypothesis was: Protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia do not optimally use the tools of the marketing mix to sell their products. The second stated hypothesis was: A marketing strategy has an effect on the sale of products in protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia. I chose quantitative research with subsequent statistical data processing. The data was collected through standardized interview techniques and surveys. In both cases, the improbability of sampling techniques was used. The basic collection in terms of quantitative research was the management of protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia and the wider public. Through standardized telephone interviews, the chosen collection of required data for the research was acquired. Due to the chosen technology. The survey, which in its form came close to being a questionnaire, was used in this thesis as an additional source of information, and was also used to acquire the primary data from the chosen sample. The sample was chosen at random. There were 94 total respondents. Through the research results which are related to the first goal, we can say that the explanatory function of the first hypothesis was not confirmed. In fact, protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia use optimal tools of the marketing mix for the sale of their products. From the research results which are related to the second goal, we can say that the explanatory function of the second hypothesis was confirmed. With certainty we can say that a marketing strategy has an effect on the sale of products of protected work places of NGOs in South Bohemia.From the research results of controlled interviews with management of protected work places, it is evident that in addition to the long-term interests of the organization, protected work places are beginning to be interested in the desires and needs of their customers. They prefer segmented marketing, they monitor their competitors and concern themselves with competitive advantage. On the other hand, they do not engage in comprehensive marketing research and they do not create strategic marketing plans. In terms of the marketing mix, it was discovered that the quality of the products is important to those surveyed. In the communication mix, organizations mainly work with tools which can be used with lower costs.The research results of the wider public showed that the majority of respondents are aware of protected work places, but they consider their products to be unavailable. The main reason for the purchase of products from protected work places is to provide financial assistance. While respondents expect quality and attractively designed products for which they are willing to pay a higher price, the decisive incentive for the purchase may be lower-price products.

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