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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento motor em contexto : contribuições do modelo bioecológico de desenvolvimento humano.

Nobre, Francisco Salviano Sales January 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo, apoiado no Modelo Bioecológico de Desenvolvimento Humano (BRONFENBRENNER, 2005), investigou em três diferentes subculturas do Nordeste do Brasil (semiárido, serra e litoral) (1) como desempenho motor e escolar de crianças é afetado pelos contextos em que vivem; (2) como essas características pessoais afetam a maneira como o contexto é vivenciado pelas crianças; e (3) o que muda nos recursos pessoais das crianças e no macrossistema com a criação de um novo microssistema promotor de desenvolvimento (Projeto de Intervenção Pedagógico-Motora). Este estudo de delineamento quantitativo e qualitativo. O Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition (ULRICH. 2000) e o Teste de Desempenho Escolar (STEIN, 1994) foram utilizados para avaliar o desempenho motor e escolar dos participantes. A parte qualitativa do estudo fez uso de observação assistemática não participante e participante (FLICK, 2009) e entrevistas utilizando o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (LEFEVRE; LEFEVRE, 2005) como metodologia. Os resultados revelam que mais de 90% dos participantes demostravam desempenho motor inferior ao percentil 5 (categorizado como muito pobre) e que 70,6 % desempenho escolar inferior. Tais atrasos estão possivelmente associados a (1) omissão do macrossistema (Legislação e Sistema de Crenças) que repercute em falta de oportunidades no microssistema escola; (2) ausência de uma proposta pedagógica para promover o desenvolvimento motor nas escolas e nos projetos sociais; e, (3) baixa capacitação docente são responsáveis pelos atrasos motores. Os atrasos motores afetam o estilo de vida das crianças e a forma como estas transitam em outros contextos, reduzindo sua possibilidade de intercâmbio social. Quanto ao impacto interventivo a General Linear Model com medidas repetidas no fator tempo revelou uma interação significativa entre o Grupo X Tempo nos três contextos: semiárido, serrano e litorâneo. As crianças participantes do programa de intervenção motora evidenciaram mudanças significativas no desempenho motor enquanto que para as crianças do grupo controle mudanças significativas não foram observadas. Em relação ao desempenho escolar, o teste de Wilcoxon revelou que mudanças positivas e significativas ao longo do tempo eram mais evidentes para crianças assistidas por ações das Secretarias de Educação e das Escolas do que as ações desenvolvidas nos Projetos Sociais Esportivos. Os resultados qualitativos observacionais e referente aos Discursos do Sujeito Coletivo suportam o entendimento que somente a implantação de microssistemas com apoio do poder público podem influenciar positivamente as características pessoais das crianças bem como o sistema de crença vigente na cultura em que estas crianças se desenvolvem. / The present study, supported by the Bioecological Model of Human Development (BRONFENBRENNER, 2005), investigated in three different subcultures (Semiarid, Serrano and Seacoast) (1) how children motor and school performance were influenced by the environment; (2) how individualperformance level influence the way that the environment is experienced by the children; and (3) the changes in children individual characteristics and in the macrosystem as consequence of the a new microsystem capable of promote development (Program of Intervention Motor- Pedagogical). The study design was quantitative and qualitative and employed qualiquantitative. The Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition (ULRICH. 2000) and the Test of School Performance (STEIN, 1994) was used. The qualitative analyses included the unsystematic non-participant-observation (FLICK, 2009) and interviews using as method the Individual Collective Discourse (LEFEVRE; LEFEVRE, 2005). The results reveled that more than 90% of the participants demonstrated motor development inferior percentile 5 (categorized as very poor) and that 70,6 % showed inferior school performance. Those delays were probably associated with (1) the macrosytem omission (legislation and belief system) as consequence a lack of opportunities in the school microsystem was observed; (2) lack of pedagogical planningto promote motor development in the school system and in the social projects; and, (3) poor teacher training. Regardless to the intervention impact the General Linear Model with repeated measures in the time factor reveled a significant interaction, Group X Time,in the three environments (Semiarid, Serrano and Seacoast). Children from the intervention program showed positive and significant changes in motor performance whereas for the children in the control group those changes were not observed. Concern with school performance, the Wilcoxon test showed that the positive and significant changes along the intervention time were more evident in the group of children assisted for the local educational board and social projects.The results qualitativeobservations and the analysis of the Individual Collective Discourse provided support to the understand that only the implementation of microsystem with governmental support will be to influence positively the children individual characteristics as well as the system of beliefs prevalent in the culture that those children are developing.
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Elitidrottares syn på framtiden : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasietjejer som elitsatsar / Elite athletes view on the future : A qualitative study about young female elite athletes

Vikström, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
Girls choose to drop out of sports in a higher rate than men. According to some researchers there are several factors that affects their decisions to drop out or continue with their sport. The purpose with this study is to increase knowledge about young female athletes and how they look at their future in elite sports, also how the girls experience their elite efforts, and what they find important in it. The study examines what is required for young female elite athletes to continue their elite efforts and what factors affect how the girls look at their future. In this study, a qualitative survey in the form of semi-structured interviews has been conducted. The selection consisted of six girls from the sports soccer, ice hockey and taekwondo. The result showed that the athletes consider having fun and to develop to be the most important in sport. Factors that made the athletes continue their elite efforts was right conditions and their sport clubs. The factors that determines how athletes look at their future were their goals and dreams, as well as motivation. The conclusion of this study was that the conditions can be different between team athletes and individual athletes. The individual athletes in this study seemed more satisfied with their situation than the team athletes.
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Motivationsklimat i fotbollens elitförberedande verksamhet

Nilsson, Michael, Andersson, Karl January 2015 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka motivationsklimat inom ungdomsakademier i elitfotbollen i Stockholm med hjä̈lp av följande frågeställningar: - Vad innebär ett prestations- och resultatorienterat motivationsklimat för chefer och tränare inom akademin? - Vilket motivationsklimat prioriteras i akademiverksamheten? - Upplever tränarna att motivationsklimatet ger effekter i termer av inre motivation och långsiktig idrottslig framgång? - Vilka metoder används i praktiken för att skapa önskvärt motivationsklimat? Metod Studien är en kvalitativ sådan. Arbetet har använt sig av en triangulering i två elitföreningar i fotboll, inkluderat två intervjuer med akademichefer, fyra intervjuer med akademitränare, samt en observation. För att besvara arbetets syfte och frågeställningar har en egen intervju- och observationsguide arbetats fram med achievement goal theory, och self-determination theory som grund. Intervjuerna har varit av semistrukturerad karaktär och behandlat fyra övergripande områden gällande motivationsklimat. Utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv har insamlad data transkriberats för vidare analys utifrån en deduktiv ansats vilket ligger till grund för arbetets resultat. Resultat En gemensam åsikt bland respondenterna är att ett resultatorienterat motivationsklimat innebär att lagets resultat är överordnat individens utveckling. Det innebär också att tränarna tillhandahåller sig rätten att matcha laget så som ansvarig ledare önskar. För spelaren innebär det att dennes speltid kan komma att påverkas. Respondenterna menar att ett prestationsorienterat motivationsklimat innebär att individens utveckling är överordnad lagets resultat. Tränaren kan i ett sådant klimat matcha spelare i en position där denne utvecklas mest. Det innebär att resultatet kan komma att påverkas negativt kortsiktigt men är till fördel ur ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Respondenterna är överens om att både resultat och prestation behöver finnas med, dock skiljer det sig när akademierna introducerar resultatet. Gemensamt är att spelarens individuella utveckling är av högsta prioritet. Resultatet visar att tränarna involverar spelarna med hjälp av frågor vilket författarna anser bidra till autonomi eftersom att spelarna involveras i deras utvecklingsprocess. Vidare utdelades positiv feedback som torde bidra till att öka spelarnas upplevda kompetens. Med hjälp av resultatet kan ansvariga ledare höja spelarnas arbetsinsats, det beskrivs dock som viktigt att fokusera på uppgiften för att enklare kunna utvärdera ens egen prestation. Slutsats Resultatet visar att akademiernas bild över vad ett resultat- och prestationsorienterat motivationsklimat innebär, överensstämmer med vad forskningen visar. Gemensamt för akademierna är att individens utveckling är av högsta prioritet och därmed överordnad lagets kortsiktiga resultat. Forskningen beskriver flera fördelar med ett prestationsorienterat motivationsklimat kontra ett resultatorienterat sådant. Det är dock ingen självklarhet att detta avspeglas bland Stockholms ungdomsakademier i fotboll.
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Scoring for Social Change: A Study of the Mathare Youth Sports Association in Kenya

Wamucii, Priscilla 09 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Network analysis of associations between anthropometry, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance in young canoe sprint athletes: The role of age and sex

Saal, Christian, Chaabene, Helmi, Helm, Norman, Warnke, Torsten, Prieske, Olaf 27 January 2025 (has links)
Anthropometric and physical fitness data can predict sport- specific performance (e.g., canoe sprint race time) in young athletes. Of note, inter-itemcorrelations (i.e.,multicollinearity)may exist between tests assessing similar physical qualities. However, multicollinearity among tests may change across age and/or sex due to age-/sex-specific non-linear development of test performances. Therefore, the present study aimed at analyzing inter- itemcorrelations between anthropometric, physical fitness, and sport-specific performance data as a function of age and sex in young canoe sprint athletes.

Idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie av politikers och tjänstemäns syn på idrottspolitik

ingefjord, Henrik, Vikström, Olle Unknown Date (has links)
This study was made in collaboration between Umeå University and Västerbotten sports federation. The study was aimed to find out how the municipalities are working with various issues in the sports field. A subject of interest for this study was to see if the municipalities were implementing strategies in the sports field on determined goals by using policy documents. Our study focused mostly on kids and youth that participate in organized sports in Västerbotten. Other aspects of interest in the study were economics in sports, how youth sports should be organized, and segregation in sports due to financial factors. The study was based on seven interviews in four different municipalities in Västerbotten. The result of the study showed a lack of working with determined goals in the sports field. Other clinical findings in the study were that in youth’s opportunities to participate in organized sport became a threat due to increasing costs; this may also increase segregation within the society. We also found that municipalities were interested in practicing a youth sports organization that would offer sports to a wide population. During our discussions with politicians and workers in the municipalities we saw a desire to start working in a more goal oriented way.
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Idrottsledares upplevelser av att arbeta för att skydda barn inom idrott / Coaches’ experiences of working to keep children safe in sports

Palmér, Amanda, Williams, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate coaches’ experiences of their own as well as their clubs’work with safeguarding children in Swedish sport. The study was carried out through qualitative interviews with five experienced coaches. The material was analyzed through a thematic analysis. The theoretical perspectives used to analyze the results were Systems theory and Learning theory. The results show some deficiencies in the proactive work and a certain lack of discussions about the subject in the clubs. The coaches showed individuals were prioritized higher than results, but identified flaws in sports in general. Results indicate that there has been a lack of coverage regarding abuse in the education coaches have received and they claimed that sexual abuse was particularly difficult to discover. Despite the lack of plans of action, the coaches were prepared to confront situations that might occur. The authors argue that Swedish sports is heading in the right direction, but that there is still a lot of work to be done. / Studiens syfte var att undersöka idrottsledares uppfattning om sitt samt sin förenings arbete med att skydda barn från att fara illa inom svensk idrott. Studien utfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem erfarna tränare. Materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys. De teoretiska perspektiv som användes för att analysera resultaten var systemteori och inlärningsteori. Resultaten visar på vissa brister i det förebyggande arbetet och viss brist på diskussioner kring ämnet inom föreningarna. Idrottsledarna visade att individer var prioriterade högre än resultat, men identifierade brister allmänt inom idrottsvärlden. Resultaten indikerar att det funnits vissa brister kring ämnet övergrepp i utbildningar idrottsledarna fått och de menar att sexuella övergrepp är särskilt svåra att upptäcka. Trots brist på handlingsplaner var idrottsledarna beredda att ta tag i situationer som kan uppstå. Författarna argumenterar för att svensk idrott går i rätt riktning, men att det fortfarande finns mycket arbete att göra.
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Využití kompenzačních cvičení u fotbalistů ve sportovním středisku mládeže / Use of compensatory exercises for footballers in the youth sports center

Florián, Richard January 2020 (has links)
Title: Use of compensatory exercises for footballers in the youth sports center Objectives: The aim of the work is to identify the most common muscle imbalances and to create a compensation program for football players in the category of younger students U12 and U13 in the youth sports center. Methods: The research was based on the diagnosis of players using test exercises, which focused on the occurrence of muscle imbalances and erroneous movement stereotypes according to Bursová (2005), Hošková & Matoušová (2007) and Bursová et al. (2003). Detection was provided by selected functional muscle tests, which were applied in the input and output measurements. Correct performance of the exercise was evaluated as number 1. Incorrect performance was evaluated as number 2. After the initial measurement and evaluation of the degree of muscle imbalances, a compensation program was designed, whose primary task was to eliminate or alleviate muscle imbalances of individual players. The final measurement was used to verify the effectiveness of the compiled compensation program. A one - sample nonparametric Wilcoxon test was used in the work, the task of which was to confirm the validity of the used tests. Results: Due to the fact that the results of selected probands improved in most of the test exercises...
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Tränarbeteenden, motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie på ungdomsfotbollsspelare

Fromell, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande tvärsnittsstudie är av kvantitativ design med syftet att undersöka hur olika typer av tränarbeteenden och olika typer av motivationsklimat påverkar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbollsspelare, samt hur väl de olika typerna av tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat predicerar ungdomsfotbollspelares psykologiska välbefinnande. Den aktuella studien hade 95 deltagare i åldrarna 16 till 19 år (M= 16.97, SD= 2.6). Deltagarna självskattade sina upplevelser av tränarbeteenden, motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande utifrån frågeformulären Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 och Ryff's Psychological Well-Being scales. Resultatet av en enkel regressionsanalys visade att tränarbeteendet tävling/-matchstrategi hade störst positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande. Vidare visade analysen att tränarbeteendet negativ personlig kontakt hade en negativ effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande. Den enkla regressionsanalysen visade även på en positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande av uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat, och en negativ effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande av resultatorienterat motivationsklimat. Studiens resultat anses kunna användas för att facilitera psykologiskt välbefinnande för ungdomsfotbollspelare genom lämpliga tränarbeteenden och uppgiftsorienterade motivationsklimat / This cross-sectional study is based on a quantitative method with the aim to investigate how different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates affect psychological well-being in young football players, and how well the different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates predict young football players’ psychological wellbeing. The current study had 95 participants aged 16 to 19 years (M=16.97, SD=2.6). The participants self-rated their experiences of coaching behaviors, motivational climate and psychological well-being based on the Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport, Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2 and Ryff's Psychological Well-Being scales. The results of a simple regression analysis showed that the coaching behavior competition/match strategy had the greatest positive effect on psychological well-being. Furthermore, the analysis showed that the coaching behavior negative personal contact had a negative effect on psychological well-being. The simple regression analysis also showed a positive effect on psychological well-being of task-oriented motivational climate, and a negative effect on psychological well-being of results-oriented motivational climate. The results of the study are considered to be used to facilitate psychological well-being of youth football players through appropriate coaching behaviors and task-oriented motivational climates.
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JULIANA MULLER 17 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese se propõe a refletir sobre o papel das mídias no acesso e no incentivo à prática de esportes competitivos por parte de jovens atletas no Brasil. Argumenta-se que, em períodos próximos à realização de cada edição dos Jogos Olímpicos, os meios de comunicação costumam exaltar a necessidade de obtenção de mais apoio ao esporte, desde os anos iniciais da prática, porém, não sustentam esta posição com ações efetivas durante os anos que os sucedem. A mídia (ou a visibilidade midiática) é observada no contexto da construção, da implementação e da manutenção de projetos políticos, culturais e sociais que, por sua vez, afetam projetos de indivíduos ou grupos específicos; ao fazer parte de ações coletivas junto a outros atores sociais, chama atenção o papel da visibilidade midiática na obtenção de resultados positivos em termos de reconhecimento institucional, financiamentos, incentivos e oportunidades em geral provenientes do poder público, da iniciativa privada e da sociedade como um todo. Representação midiática e representatividade social, portanto, são aqui considerados temas bastante interligados. O problema da pesquisa foi identificado a partir de um trabalho de campo preliminar, acompanhando o dia a dia de treinos e competições da natação de base do Rio de Janeiro, e, também, de uma análise realizada em mídias diversas, entre veículos de comunicação de massa, websites e redes sociais de instituições gestoras deste esporte, além de materiais de comunicação inerentes aos clubes esportivos locais – todos, explicitados ao longo do estudo, onde também se procura enfatizar: (a) sua fundamentação teórica em trabalhos sobre a construção social e midiática do conceito contemporâneo de juventude (Groppo, 2000; Pais, 2003; Rocha e Pereira, 2009), e no que é referenciado como a política cultural do esporte (Carrington, 2009), (b) sua possível contribuição no sentido de ampliar o campo das pesquisas brasileiras dedicadas às relações entre a comunicação e os esportes (Helal e Mostaro, 2020), e (c) seu potencial para colaborar, pelo viés dos estudos de mídia, com a construção de políticas públicas e privadas que incentivem e ampliem a prática de esportes competitivos - e da natação, em especial – por jovens atletas, no Rio de Janeiro e no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada se inspira nas propostas de (auto)etnografia analisadas por Carrington (2008) e Pereira (2019), e na construção de questões de pesquisa a partir da noção de artesanato intelectual descrita por Mills (1975). A ideia de realizar uma pesquisa complementar nos Estados Unidos surgiu a partir do trabalho de campo preliminar no Brasil, quando este país foi unanimemente citado, em entrevistas e conversas informais com integrantes do meio da natação competitiva, como referência na formação de atletas de base. Os achados deste estudo apontam para a contribuição da mídia em três esferas principais: 1) facilitar o acesso de jovens à prática esportiva; 2) estimular a continuidade do atleta no esporte competitivo; e 3) divulgar e incrementar o ambiente de suas competições. / [en] This research aims to reflect on the role of the media in facilitating access and encouraging the practice of youth sports in Brazil. When it comes the time for new editions of the Olympic Games, the Brazilian media tends to highlight the importance of supporting youth sports, however, it does not sustain this position with effective actions throughout the years that succeed them. I also argue that the media, or media visibility, has a very important role in major political, cultural and social projects that, consequently, affect specific projects of individuals or particular social groups; by taking part in collective actions that involve other social actors, media visibility is vital for building a favorable context for obtaining positive results in terms of institutional recognition, funding, incentives and opportunities in general coming from the public authorities, from the private sector, and from society as a whole; so, media representation and social representativeness are here considered as closely intertwined topics. The research problem was identified from a preliminary fieldwork carried out on daily basis in Rio de Janeiro s youth swim teams practices and meets, besides an analysis of different types of media, among mass communication, websites and social media of swimming federations, and communication materials inherent to such teams - all will be described throughout this text, which also aims to emphasize: (a) its theoretical approaches considering youth studies and the mediatization of the concept of youth (Groppo, 2000; Pais, 2003; Rocha e Pereira, 2009), and also on what I refer to as the cultural politics of sports (Carrington, 2009), (b) its possible contributions in the task of expanding the Brazilian field of academic studies dedicated to the relations between communication and sports (Helal e Mostaro, 2020), and (c) its potential to collaborate, through media studies, with public and private policies meant to encourage and expand the practice of competitive sports - and swimming, in particular - by young athletes, in Rio de Janeiro and in Brazil as a whole. The methodology is inspired by the ideas of (auto)ethnography proposed by Carrington (2008) and Pereira (2019) and based on the notion of intellectual craft described by Mills (1975). The idea of carrying out a complementary research in the United States arose from the aforementioned preliminary fieldwork, where the country was unanimously mentioned, in interviews and informal conversations with members of the Brazilian competitive swimming scene (coaches, athletes of all ages and their family members) as a reference when it comes to youth sports, and youth swimming in particular. The research findings point to the media s contribution in three main spheres: 1) to facilitate the access of young people to competitive sports practice; 2) to encourage young athletes to invest in the sport; and 3) to publicize and improve the environment of its meets and tournaments.
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