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Teisinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Rightful education in general schoolKreivėnienė, Roberta 25 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas teisinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, išanalizuotos bei palygintos mokytojų ir mokinių nuomonės apie teisinį ugdymą bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, pateiktos rekomendacijos kaip gerinti teisinio ugdymo teikimą bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu tiriama teisės samprata, jos socialinė paskirtis, funkcijos, žmogaus teisių integracija į ugdymo procesą, vaiko teisių ir pareigų raiška mokykloje. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjama teisinio ugdymo samprata, paskirtis, teisinio ugdymo prielaidos bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, teisinio ugdymo raiška bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Trečiojoje dalyje analizuojama bei palyginama mokinių ir mokytojų nuomonė apie teisinį ugdymą bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. / There is analyzed rightful education in general school in master ending work. Here is analyzed and compared opinion of teachers and children about right education in general school too. In this work is presented recommendations, how to improve teaching right education in general school. In the first part of work is researching conception of right in theoretical aspect, social purpose of right, functions, integration of human’s rights to education process, child rights and duties expression in school. In the second part of work is researching conception of right education, its purpose, presumptions of law education in general school, right education expression in general school. In the third part of master work is taken analysis and comparing an opinion of pupils and teachers about right education in general school.
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Sveikatos ugdymo įgyvendinimas pradinėse klasėse / Health education in the primary schoolPozlevič, Violeta 23 July 2014 (has links)
Pagrindinis darbo tikslas buvo atskleisti 3-4 klasių vaikų sveikos gyvensenos nuostatas ir įpročius bei jų ryšį su fizinio laisvalaikio aktyvumu. Tyrime dalyvavo 180 vaikų, iš kurių 51 proc. buvo berniukai, 49 proc. – mergaitės, besimokantys 3 – 4 klasėse.
Darbe buvo iškelti trys uždaviniai:
• pateikti sveikatos ir sveikatos ugdymo sampratą;
• išnagrinėti pradinių klasių mokinių sveikos gyvensenos nuostatas bei įpročius;
• ištirti kaip mokinių sveikos gyvensenos nuostatos ir įpročiai koreliuoja su jų laisvalaikio praleidimo formų aktyvumu.
Tyrimo metu naudojami metodai:
• anoniminė anketinė 3-4 klasių apklausa.
• anketinių duomenų analizė naudojant Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) programą.
Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados:
• Apibendrinus anketų duomenis galima teigti, kad laisvalaikis, fizinis aktyvumas, asmens higiena bei sveikas maitinimasis užima svarbią vietą vaikų gyvenime, suteikia galimybę bendrauti su bendraamžiais, skatina asmens aktyvumą, plėtoja kūrybiškumą, pasitikėjimą, skatina susimąstyti apie savo kūno priežiūrą, apie tai ką valgo ir, be abėjo suteikia galimybę išreikšti save bei tobulėti visuose srytise.
• Tyrimas atskleidė, kad tik 8 proc. vaikų nežinojo ar nenumanė ką reikia daryti, kad būti stipriam ir sveikam. Vaikai teigė, kad žino kodėl žmonės save prisižiūri, pvz. nes nori būti sveiki. Taip pat tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad daugiau nei pusė vaikų (61 proc.) renkasi aktyvų laisvalaikio praleidimo būdą. Remiantis pradinio ugdymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aim was to disclose 3-4 classes children's opposition proceedings healthy habits and provisions and their connection with physical leisure activity. The study was 180 children, of which 51 per cent were boys and 49 per cent - the girls, studying 3 - 4 classes.
The work was to raise three objectives:
• to submit concept of health and health education;
• to examine a healthy lifestyle pupils of the primary forms and habits;
• to investigate how pupils provisions and a healthy lifestyle habits correlates with their leisure forms of activity.
During the investigation methods are used:
• anonymous survey anketinė 3-4 classes.
• questionnaires and investigations performed at data analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) program.
The most important empirical findings of the investigation:
• Questionnaires aggregated data can be said that leisure, physical activity, and personal hygiene and healthy eating occupies an important place in children's life, and provides the opportunity to communicate with counterparts, encourages personal activity, develop creativity, confidence, encourage to think about your body care, about what they are eating and, without abėjo provides an opportunity to express themselves and to improve all srytise.
• The investigation revealed that only 8 percent of children did not know or did not know what to do that to be a strong and healthy. Children said that they know why people themselves prisižiūri, for example because it... [to full text]
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Educator morale in Gauteng public schools: an education management perspective.Dladla, Khosi Maureen 15 August 2008 (has links)
‘n Algemene inleiding en motivering vir die studie, asook die faktore wat onder¬wysermoraal belemmer word in Hoofstuk Een aangestip. ‘n Algemene agtergrond tot onderwysermoraal word gegee. ‘n Verslag oor die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel en die afname in onderwysermoraal in Suid-Afrika en oorsee word in hierdie hoofstuk gereflekteer. Die navorsingspro¬bleem en doel¬stellings word geformuleer en die navorsingsmetodologie bespreek. Die fokus van die navorsing is duidelik afgebaken. Hierdie hoofstuk word afgesluit deur konsep¬te wat met die navorsingsonderwerp verband hou, te verhelder en die hoofstuk indeling te bespreek. Hoofstuk Twee is ‘n literatuuroorsig waarin gepoog word om die essensie van onderwysermoraal vas te stel. Faktore wat ‘n bydrae tot onderwysermoraal maak, naamlik die samelewing, politiek, media en onderwysveranderings, en die rol wat deur onderwysbestuurders gespeel word in die aanspreek van onderwysermoraal word bespreek, asook die implikasie hiervan vir die praktyk. Hoofstuk Drie gee ‘n oorsig oor die navorsingsmetodologie waardeur data inge¬samel is. Daar is ‘n beskrywing van die aard en doel van kwantitatiewe navorsing, gevolg deur ‘n bespreking van die verhouding tussen die navorser en die onderwerp. Die gestruktureerde vraelys wat gebruik is om data in te samel, word bespreek. Die data is onderwerp aan die Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin-meting om te bepaal of die steekproef voldoende was. Verder is 37 items deur middel van twee opeen¬volgende faktor-analitiese prosedures gereduseer tot twee faktore. Hierdie twee fakatore is genoem “sosio-politieke aspekte wat onderwysermoraal belem¬mer” en “skoolgebaseerde aspekte wat onderwysermoraal belemmer”. Items wat met elkeen van die faktore verband hou, word getabelleer, in rangorde gerangskik en bespreek. Die empiriese ondersoek word ook bespreek. Dit sluit ‘n bespreking van die steekproef, biografiese besonderhede en die terugstuur van die vraelys in. Hoofstuk Vier voorsien ‘n ontleding en interpretasie van die empiriese data. Die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die gestruktureerde vraelys as navorsings¬instrument word kortliks bespreek. Hipoteses word geformuleer. ‘n Vergelyking van twee onafhanklike groepe en drie of meer onafhanklike groepe word gedoen. Die statistiese beduidenheid van verskille tussen alle onafhanklike groepe word in tabelvorm weergegee en daarna bespreek ten opsigte van die twee faktore by onderwysermoraal betrokke. Levene se toets vir die gelykheid van afwykings word gebruik om die gemiddelde tellings van die twee faktore ten opsigte van onderwysermoraal te vergelyk. Die faktor-gemiddelde tellings van die verskeie onaf¬hanklike groepe word in tabelle gegee en die ANOVA vir die ontleding van afwykings bereken en kortliks bespreek. Hoofstuk Vyf gee ‘n oorsig oor die navorsing. Belangrike bevindings uit die literatuuroorsig en die empiriese navorsing word bespreek. Aanbevelings word op grond van die literatuur- en empiriese bevindings gemaak vir die verbetering van onderwysermoraal. / Prof. B.R. Grobler
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Обучение чтению на основе сторителлинга в системе дополнительного образования : магистерская диссертация / Teaching reading based on storytelling in the system of complementary educationДанилова, Е. А., Danilova, E. A. January 2022 (has links)
Диссертационное исследование посвящено обучению изучающему виду чтения подростков на занятиях в лингвистическом центре при использовании технологии цифрового повествования. В данной работе рассматриваются теоретические основы и описан поэтапный процесс внедрения технологии “Digital Storytelling” на занятиях в лингвистическом центре. / The dissertation research is devoted to teaching the study reading to teenagers in the classroom at the linguistic school using Digital Storytelling. This study discusses the theoretical foundations and describes the step-by-step process of implementing the technology “Digital Storytelling” in the classroom at the linguistic school.
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Neformalusis fizinis ugdymas Kauno rajono mokyklose: kūno kultūros mokytojų požiūriu / Informal physical education Kaunas district schools: physical education teachersJuronaitė, Gerda 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Kūno kultūros mokytojų požiūris į neformalųjį fizinį ugdymą mokykloje. Tikslas: Nustatyti kūno kultūros mokytojų požiūrį į neformalųjį fizinį ugdymą Kauno rajono mokyklose. Tyrimo uždaviniai : 1. Nustatyti mokinių dalyvavimo sportinės krypties neformaliame ugdyme mastą ir pobūdį mokytojų požiūriu. 2. Išsiaiškinti mokinių dalyvavimo ir nedalyvavimo sportinės krypties neformaliame ugdyme priežastis mokytojų požiūriu. 3. Nustatyti sporto renginių organizavimo ypatumus mokytojų požiūriu. Tyrimo metodai: • Mokslinės literatūros analizė. • Anketinė apklausa. • Statistinių duomenų aprašomoji analizė Išvados: 1. Daugiausiai organizuojami 5-8 kl. krepšinio ir kvadrato neformalaus ugdymo būreliai, 9-12 kl. – krepšinio. Populiariausi sportinės krypties neformalaus ugdymo bureliai tarp vaikinų – krepšinis, o tarp merginų – aerobika. Daugiausiai mokinių lanko krepšinio neformalaus ugdymo būrelių. 2. Nustatėme, kad sportinės krypties neformalaus ugdymo būrelių nelankymo priežastys yra mokinių silpna motyvacija. Mokytojai skatina mokinių dalyvavimą sportinės krypties neformalaus ugdymo būrelyje įteikdami pagyrimo raštą. 3. Mokyklose dažniausiai organizuojamas sporto renginys – varžybos. Dažniausiai organizuojamos varžybos – krepšinio, konkursai – „Geriausi mokyklos sportininkai“, sporto šventės – Šokio sporto šventė, turnyrai – „Vasaris - mano sveikatos mėnuo“. Mokyklos sporto renginius dažniausiai organizuoja mokytojai, o dalyvauja mokytojai ir mokiniai. / Object: Physical education teachers' approach to non-formal school physical education.
Aim: Set of physical education teachers' attitudes towards non-formal physical education Kaunas district schools.
1. Set the direction of athletic participation of students in informal education scope and nature of the teachers' point of view.
2. Ascertain students 'participation and non-participation in sports cause the direction of non-formal education teachers' attitudes.
3. Set of sport events in terms of the specific organization of teachers.
• Scientific literature analysis.
• Questionnaire interview.
• Statistical data descriptive analysis.
1. Most organized Grades 5-8 . basketball and informal education squared circles , 9-12 grade . - The basketball . The most popular sports trend of informal education groups among boys basketball - and the girls - aerobics. Most students attending informal education basketball circles .
2. We found that the trend of sporting informal education circles reasons for non-attendance of pupils is weak motivation. Teachers encourage students' participation in sports circle direction of informal education by presenting to them a letter of commendation .
3. In schools usually organized sporting event - the race . Mostly organized race - basketball competitions - best school athletes , sports festival - a celebration of dance sports , tournaments – „ February - the month of my health“. Schools sporting events are usually... [to full text]
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La transmission du patrimoine par l’enseignement des arts / Transmission of heritage art educationMazière, Christelle 11 June 2015 (has links)
La recherche s’est intéressée à la place des arts à l’école primaire à travers un état des lieux des pratiques pédagogiques, suite à la mise en place de l’enseignement de l’histoire des arts en 2008, et a également considéré la question de la demande sociale. L’objectif de la recherche était, à la fois d’identifier les pratiques des enseignants dans le domaine de l’éducation artistique, et de comprendre en quoi cet enseignement participe à la transmission du patrimoine culturel en milieu scolaire. La recherche s’appuie à la fois sur une enquête réalisée sur une académie, auprès des enseignants et des parents d’élèves, et sur des observations de séances pédagogiques. Cette thèse propose, dans une première partie, d’observer la structuration de l’éducation artistique à travers l’évolution législative et les influences qui ont permis d’aboutir à sa définition aujourd’hui. Les textes officiels attestent d’une certaine volonté de démocratisation de l’art via l’institution scolaire par les pratiques des enseignants. À partir de la définition de l’éducation artistique qui repose aujourd’hui sur l’enseignement de l’histoire des arts, les pratiques culturelles de classe et les ateliers de pratique artistique, la recherche s’est également intéressée aux liens entre cet enseignement et la notion de patrimoine culturel. La seconde partie s’est focalisée sur les pratiques culturelles des familles, à partir d’un échantillon de parents, et sur la demande sociale, c'est-à-dire les attentes des parents d’élèves vis-à-vis de l’école et a tenté de répondre à la question du rôle de l’institution scolaire quant à la transmission du patrimoine culturel et à ses enjeux dans le cadre d’une société multiculturelle. Ainsi, la place de l’éducation artistique semble faire aujourd’hui l’unanimité auprès des acteurs mais le combat s’est déplacé sur le terrain de la question de l’égalité. C’est ce que l’analyse cartographique (ArcGIS) a permis de mettre en lumière. Enfin, nous avons rendu compte des pratiques pédagogiques observées dans le cadre des observations de terrain. Si cette recherche a permis d’une part d’identifier les pratiques des enseignants, les moyens et usages qu’ils mobilisent au sein de leur classe, les facteurs minorant ou majorant les pratiques ; elle a d’autre part favorisé l’identification des acteurs qui interagissent dans le cadre de l’objet observé et pour lequel nous avons développé, à des fins d’analyse et de lecture, le théorie des parties prenantes éducatives pour développer une approche globale de l’objet. / Research has focused on the role of the arts in an inventory of educational practices through primary school, following the introduction of the teaching of Art History in 2008, and also considered the issue of social demand. The objective of the research was in first to identify teachers' practices in the field of arts education, and also to understand how this course contributes to the transmission of cultural heritage in schools. The research builds on both a survey of an academy, with teachers and parents, and on observations of teaching. In a first part, we observe how arts education was structured through legislative changes and influences that have led to its definition today. The official texts attest to a willingness to democratize art through the school system by teachers' practices. From the definition of arts education which is now based on the teaching of art history, cultural practices of class and artistic workshops, research has also examined the relationship between the teaching and the notion of cultural heritage. The second part focused on the cultural practices of families from a sample of parents, and social demand, that is to say, the expectations of parents toward school and tried to answer the question of the role of the educational institution in the transmission of cultural heritage and its implications in the context of a multicultural society. Thus, instead of arts education today seems to be unanimous among players, but the fight has moved to the grounds of the issue of equality. That's what mapping analysis (ArcGIS) helped bring to light. Finally, we reported on the teaching practices observed in the field observations. If this research has allowed one hand to identify the practices of teachers, resources and practices that they mobilize in their class, the lower bound or upper bound factors practices, on the other hand it will help identify actors interacting in the context of the observed object and for which we have developed for the purpose of analysis and reading the theory of educational stakeholders to develop a comprehensive approach to the object.
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Market for education and student achievement / Marché de l’éducation et réussite scolaireLe Chapelain, Alexis 12 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à discuter de la pertinence de l'introduction de mécanismes de marché au sein du système éducatif. En particulier, elle s'interroge sur la capacité de ces mécanismes à améliorer la réussite des élèves. Elle montre dans une première partie que des mécanismes de marché n’ont que peu de chance de permettre un meilleur appariement des élèves aux écoles, des mécanismes centralisés étant préférables. Elle mesure ensuite l’ampleur des effets de pair dans le système scolaire français, et montre qu’ils sont non négligeables. Elle montre ensuite que le système éducatif public français est peu capable de rémunérer ses enseignants au mérite. Enfin, elle analyse l’impact d’une ouverture à la compétition du marché scolaire sur le niveau d’effort des écoles et montre qu’une telle ouverture est susceptible de réduire le niveau d’effort des écoles en augmentant la différentiation vertical entre école, et donc leur pouvoir de marché. En conclusion, les mécanismes de marché semblent peu capables d’améliorer la réussite scolaire. / This dissertation discusses the relevance of the implementation of market mechanisms in the educational system. It shows that such mechanisms are unlikely to improve the matching between schools and students, since centralized mechanisms perform better. Then, it measures peers effects in French public junior high school, and shows that they quite large. In a third part, it looks to the compensation of teachers in France, and show that it is not based on merit or performance. Last, it analyses the impact of the openness to competition of the education, and shows that it is unlikely to produce improvement. Indeed, such openness would lead to an increased vertical differentiation across, giving them more market power. As a result, market mechanisms seem unable to improve students’ achievement.
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'n Model vir die sorgsame toesighoudingsopdrag van die skoolwerkwinkelopvoeder / Nicholas KrugerKruger, Nicholas January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, 2003.
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An Exploration of Teacher Retention in Rural School Districts in Eastern KentuckyWatts, Jeremy 01 January 2016 (has links)
Teacher retention rates are staggeringly low across the United States. Nearly 20% of public school teachers leave their position from one year to the next, a majority of schools have a turnover rate of 50% every three years, and over 50% of teachers leave the education field within the first five years of employment. This retention problem impacts all type of public school systems—urban, suburban, and rural school districts.
This study examined teacher retention in elementary and secondary schools in three rural school districts in eastern Kentucky. Review of district and school documents about teacher retention informed the selection of participants. School districts and specific schools in rural eastern Kentucky with higher retention rates than the average teacher retention of public schools in Kentucky were study sites. Data were collected through individual interviews with superintendents and principals and through focus-group interviews with teachers to gain their perspectives about what influenced the higher teacher retention.
Analysis of data identified themes for high teacher retention. The findings suggest that a strong familial school culture among teachers and with school administrators positively impacts teacher retention. High teacher retention is also influenced by Appalachian culture and teachers' desires to contribute to the local community beyond the school building and have a positive impact on the future of the local community’s youth.
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The purpose of this study was to construct a holistic education school evaluation tool using Montessori Erdkinder principles, and begin the validation process of examining the proposed tool. This study addresses a vital need in the holistic education community for a school evaluation tool. The tool construction process included using Erdkinder literature to justify the development of each item through the use of an item matrix, ultimately leading to the development of the 23 item formative Montessori Erdkinder School Evaluation Survey. The validation process included a series of three Rasch Rating Scale Model analyses with data from a sample school. The validation process used item anchoring estimates from the earlier analyses in the later analyses and included determining the tool’s dimensionality, reliability, item fit, possible differential item functioning, and comparing the order of item difficulty levels to the holistic model of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Results of the study showed that six items had issues with fit and would need to be revised, and that the items in the cognitive and moral facet will need to be revised to better match Maslow’s model. This study provides the foundation for the development of a holistic education evaluation or accreditation system, and constructed a resource that could be directly implemented in schools.
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