Spelling suggestions: "subject:": deldiskurs"" "subject:": dendiskurs""
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Hur uppfattar pedagoger fenomenet barn i behov av stöd? : Sju förskolepedagogers uppfattningar.Ekebjörk, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Specialpedagogiken har oftast förknippats med de barn som har en diagnos eller fysiska funktionsvariationer. Det vill säga barn med downs syndrom, adhd eller är utåtagerande som är i behov av stöd. Men det finns även andra barn som är i behov av stöd som är socialt tillbakadragna och som inte har diagnostiserats med något specifikt. Studiens syfte är att studera pedagogers uppfattningar om barn som är i behov av stöd och deras erfarenheter av arbete med dem. Jag berättar först lite kort om hur historien har sett ut och vad tidigare forskning visar. Därefter går jag in på olika diskurser kring barn i behov av stöd, makt, och normalisering. Studien genomfördes med en semistrukturerad intervju med sju pedagoger från sju olika förskolor. Jag valde en bekvämlighets urval av pedagoger för att komma närmare deras profession och kunskap om det område jag ville studera. Efter intervjuerna har jag transkriberat datan för att sedan koda centrala citat. Det som framgick ur resultatet var att samtliga pedagoger arbetar för att skapa mindre barngrupper då det kan underlätta för barn som är i behov av stöd. Resultatet visar vilka uppfattningar pedagogerna har av barn i behov av stöd. I diskussionen ställer jag likheter och skillnader i det som visas i resultatet gentemot det som har stått i litteraturen. / <p>Betyg i Ladok.</p>
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Le Corbusierovy architektonické a urbanistické vize ze sémiologické perspektivy / Le Corbusier's Architectural and Urban Visions in perspective of SemiologyŠtěpánková, Anna January 2010 (has links)
of Diploma Thesis "Le Corbusier's architectural and urban visions in a semiological perspective The subject of this thesis is a semiological analysis of Le Corbusier's text Towards a New Architecture. It methodologically follows semiological conceptions of Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes. The main methodological source is a work of French theoretician of architecture and urbanism François Choay, The Rule and the Model (1997), in which she has stated three paradigms, which according to her, influenced forming of modern urbanism as an autonomous science: genre of architectural treatise, utopia and scientific discourse. For each of these discursive forms she has identified characteristic signs. Le Corbusier is considered as a symbol of modern movement of architecture and urbanism, who broke away from an old tradition and brought to realm of architecture and urbanism a new insight. The fundamental question of this thesis is, whether this innovative approach could be found also in his texts, in the manner how Le Corbusier wrote about architecture and urbanism, or whether Le Corbusier followed an old tradition. This question should be answered in the course of searching for the signs of mentioned paradigms postulated by F. Choay.
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Analýza mocenských vztahů a genderových stereotypů v dílech Gabriely Preissové - Gazdina roba a Její pastorkyňa / Analysis of power relations and gender stereotypes in writings of Gabriela Preissová - Gazdina roba and Její pastorkyňaKonopáčová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis discusses the conception of power relations and gender stereotypes in Gabriela Preissová's literary masterpiece - Gazdina roba and Její pastorkyňa. The analysis employs the concept of power as an analytical categoryand draws on Michel Foucault's theories. The thesis further examines the discourse in which the main characters find themselves. The analysis of male and female characters focuses on the position of the main character and also on the ways in which female protagonists become influenced by their male partners. Selected characters are also interpreted by using Foucault's concept of bio-power and a special attention is paid to the subject type of homo oeconomicus. The thesis attempts to answer the question, whether the discussed literary characters are "disciplined bodies", or whether they embody a subversion of the (gender) system. Part of the text is also dedicated to the comparison of male and female characters in both Preissová's works as to whether they do or do not comly with traditional images of "masculinity" and "femininity" (and related gender stereotypes), or how many of them represent resisting or (in the case of some female protagonists) collaborating entities. Possible interpretations of the characters' inner drive in this regard are also offered. Key words:...
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Multilateralismus v diskurzu: USA, EU a Japonsko / Discourse on multilateralism: USA, EU and JapanKolmaš, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation, titled "Multilateralism in discourse: USA, EU and Japan" is to pinpoint differences in perceptions of basic policy concepts across various intellectual traditions. The dissertation is based in the presumption that cultural,intellectual and language context are inseparable parts of our perception of reality and terms, through which we describe it. For the interpretation of these cultural differences, the thesis chose three actors with different cultural, historical and language traditions. In their respective discourses, the thesis interpreted the perception of a basic term of international relations - multilateralism. The discursive perception of multilateralism was connected to a theoretical typology of motivation for the priority for multilateralism over other forms of foreign policy behavior - instrumental, moral and social. This typology was tested against the interpretation of multilateralism on two case studies: the War on Terror and the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. By doing so, the thesis found out that although there is a single shared definition of multilateralism, individual perceptions on the concept's value and role are significantly differing. The United States prefer instrumental logic, the European Union prefers moral logic and Japan oscillates between...
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Srovnávací analýza konstrukcí ženské sexuality v české odborné literatuře v letech 1986 - 2014 / A comparative analysis of female sexuality constructions in Czech professional literature within the years 1986 - 2014Mikesková, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I focus on the comparison of the construction of female sexuality in Czech professional sexological literature within the years 1986 - 2014. My aim is to reveal, through the critical reading, stereotyped mechanisms which are behind the discourse and to conclude where there has been any shift within the construction of female sexuality and the related topics in the past years, and where, on the contrary, there are still publications with certain limits. In the analysis I work only with literature written by the specialists in sexology and I come to the conclusions only through critical discourse analysis. I observe the gender construction and deconstruct seemingly valid and unchangeable social structures. Key words: sexological literature, sexological discourse, construction of female sexuality
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Burden-Sharing v NATO: Diskursivní analýza / Burden-Sharing in NATO: A Discourse AnalysisŠamonil, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the phenomenon of NATO burden-sharing. Due to late security crises in Europe, such as Crimea crisis, the never-ending alliance issue has been encased in new dynamics. This new dynamics supposedly threatens the long preserved status quo and can even lead to the breakup of the alliance. The thesis uses methodological framework prescribed by Lene Hansen. This framework draws heavily on work from David Campbell and his Writing Security. For the successful analysis, we first designate our inter-textual governmental field in which we then try to observe the repeating ideational/argumentative norms of the respective discursive actors in the alliance. We also divide our research field into two time units: the 1990s era and events after 9/11. Interpretation of the behaviour of certain members shows establishment of a several interconnected centres of argumentation, which somehow coincides with the three largest European members of NATO. The thesis also shows, that these argumentative actors tend to transform their argumentative structures along with the changing environment and context. For better understanding, the work encompasses the short-term, intensive burden-sharing situations, like NATO interventions, but also debates on long-term institutional solutions, which are mostly seen...
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Vulnerabilitetsdiskurserna : En diskursanalys av biblioteksplaner gällande retoriken kring social exkludering, digitalt utanförskap och prioriterade grupper / The Vulnerability Discourses : A discourse analysis of library plans regarding the rhetoric surrounding social exclusion, digital exclusion and priority groups/prioritized groupsAkraka, Camilla Inga, Jogefält, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge of how the rhetoric surrounding social exclusion, digital exclusion and prioritized groups are expressed in the strategic documents, library plans, written by and for ten public libraries in Sweden. This since a necessity for the public library to think in social terms has been expressed. We call the concept that sums up these three parts Vulnerability and a deputy subject tied to this concept we call “Subject in vulnerability”. The aim of this study is furthermore to investigate the language in relation to our custom term Vulnerability. Our intention is in this way to map the rhetoric in the library plans concerning the role of the library in relation to the users and Vulnerability. The theoretical and methodological framework is mainly Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Theory of Discourse. As an additional theory a norm-critical approach is used. The questions asked are: - In what different ways are Users in vulnerability expressed in library plans? What social roles are assigned to these users in policy documents? How does the library’s role emerge through the library plans in relation to Users in vulnerability? Five discourses are found that are related to the following themes: Everybody, Digital exclusion, Social factors, Abilities of individuals, and Needs and the library’s challenges. From these were extracted six subjects positions of which one is depicted/described in order to make clear another one. The discussion presents the conflicts among the subject positions in the discourses, which reveals an unstabled “Subject in vulnerability” within the Vulnerability disourses. The public library clearly sees it as its mission to work for inclusion and to prevent exclusion, but exactly what role they need to play in the social mission is unclear, through the looking glass of the Vulnerability discourses.
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Kvalitet i fritidshem : En kvantitativ studie om hur utbildningsbakgrund och andra faktorer påverkar undervisningskvaliteten i fritidshem / Quality in after-school programs : A quantitative study about how educational background and other factors affects the quality of the education in after-school programsNilsson, Martin, Salah, Saida January 2022 (has links)
Academic education is often associated with better skills and higher quality. In this study we are looking into how educational background affects the quality of the education in after- school programs. In order to set our investigation of the connection between the educational background of the employees and the quality of the education at after-school in a broader context we also asked our informants about other factors which they believe affect the quality of the education in practice and in which ways. The majority of the data collection was gathered through a digital survey that was sent to five different schools in Stockholm and posted in two Facebook groups. The questions in the survey were based on the dictum from four interviews that were done at four of the schools as a way to prepare the survey. The result is analyzed with support of curriculum theory and discourse theory. The result of the study shows that there is a connection between the educational background and the quality of the education at after-school programs although the differences between the compared groups were not significant, and that there are other factors that have an equal or bigger impact on the quality of the education. The result also shows that there are many different perspectives on what quality in after-school programs might be.
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Vem ska jobba på skolbiblioteket? : En politisk diskursanalys av Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning (SOU 2021:3) / Who will work at the school library? : A Political Discourse Analysis of Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning (SOU 2021:3)Bruce, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning (SOU 2021:3) through a political discourse analysis from the perspective of Isabela and Norman Fairclough. The main focus of the study is to analyse the arguments political actors used when proposing claims for action in order to strengthen the school libraries in Sweden and how these might affect options for action and the subjects of school librarians. Since a main aim for this study is to focus on the portrayal of the school librarians in the discourse, the parts of the report dealing with questions regarding staffing is used as the main empirical material. The analysis’ first part is a reconstruction of the argumentation, placing the different parts into the different premises of practical reasoning in accordance with the framework proposed by Fairclough and Fairclough (2012). The results are later discussed on a macro level drawing upon the social context, including professional theory, and the power structures behind. The analysis reveals that the argumentation in favour of the actions to achieve expedient school libraries, proposed in the empirical material, is not sufficient enough to be reasonable acceptable, which in turn could affect the school libraries and school librarians’ position negatively. In a wider perspective the results show that the discourses and narratives used in the report consolidates the invisibility and the ambivalent subjects of the school librarians.
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"Conspicuous Fitness"Daudi, Aurélien January 2019 (has links)
Världen har genomgått stora förändringar de senare åren, liksom sättet på vilket vi interagerar och relaterar till den. Ankomsten av sociala medier har gett upphov till ett fenomen varigenom åberopandet av den spridande fitnesskulturen har möjliggjort för ett beteende bestående av publicerandet av allt mer sexuellt utmanande och explicit material att få fotfäste och normaliseras bland unga svenskar idag. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska meningsskapandet bakom och den bärande logiken för personligt uttryck och publikationen av personligt material i den moderna digitala världen av sociala medier. Jag ämnar göra detta genom att kombinera de teoretiska perspektiven framförda av Thorstein Veblen och Jean Baudrillard med Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Denna metodologiska ansats, en sammanvävning av teori och metodologiska riktlinjer, kommer att tillämpas på det moderna svenska fitnessfenomenets uttrycksformer och emanation på sociala media-plattformen Instagram. Genom att studera bilder och deras associerade bildtexter är målet att bena upp och försöka förklara de diskursiva relationer och villkor som bär och ger liv åt detta beteende, och tillåter det att normaliseras. Tolkningarna av resultatet indikerar förekomsten av ett slags diskursivt maskerande av en underliggande strävan efter social validering genom förvärvandet av socialt kapital. Genom att åberopa fitness som legitimerande faktor transformerar diskursen verkligheten som omger dessa publikationer från någonting som hade betraktats som opassande, till att utgöra en del av ett beteende mer i linje med existerande sociala normer. / The world has seen some rather significant changes in recent years, and with it the way we interact and relate to it. The advent of social media has given rise to a phenomenon in which the invoking of the spreading culture of fitness has allowed a behavior consisting of the publication of increasingly sexually explicit and provocative material to take hold and become normalized among Swedish youth. The purpose of this study is to explore the drive and reasoning governing the concept of personal expression and the publication of personal material in the modern digital age of social media. I aim to do this by combining the perspectives outlined in the works of Thorstein Veblen and Jean Baudrillard respectively, with the three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis as created by Norman Fairclough. This methodological approach, combining theory and methodological guidelines, will then be applied to the modern Swedish phenomena surrounding fitness and its emanation and expression on the popular social media platform Instagram. By studying the images and their related captions the aim was to decipher the discursive relations and conditions that maintain and sustain this behavior and allow it to be normalized. The resulting interpretations indicate the occurrence of a discursive masking of the underlying strive for social validation through the acquisition of social capital. By invoking fitness as a legitimizing factor the discourse transforms the reality of these publications from something which would otherwise be frowned upon, into a behavior more in line with existing social norms.
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