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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

KVINNLIGHETENS KONSEKVENS : En diskursanalytisk studie om sjuksköterskors tal om anorexi / A CONSEQUENSE OF BEING FEMALE : A discourse analytic study on nurse’s talk of anorexia

Leijon, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie som genom applicerandet av ett genusperspektiv och ett diskursanalytiskt analyssätt ämnat belysa olika diskurser som finns i sjuksköterskors tal om anorexi. Bakgrund: Anorexia Nervosa utgör en av de vanligaste formerna av ätstörningar. Bakomliggande orsaksförklaringar saknas dock fortfarande och inga säkra svar finns heller på varför kvinnor är så överrepresenterade bland de som drabbas. Teoretiserandet ur ett genusperspektiv erbjuder nya förståelsemodeller men är eftersatt inom omvårdnadsforskningen. Syfte: Att belysa och identifiera hur anorexi konstrueras med hjälp av olika diskurser i sjuksköterskors tal om anorexi. Metod: En diskursanalys genomfördes på materialet som bestod av intervjuer med fyra legitimerade sjuksköterskor arbetande i primärvården. Resultat: Tre olika diskurser identifierades och kallades för Individualitetsdiskursen, Samhällsdiskursen och Genusdiskursen. I den första identifierade diskursen diskuterades anorexi som ett problem vars orsaksförklaring står att finna hos den enskilda individen, i den andra som ett tillstånd konstruerad i relation till samhällelig påverkan och i den tredje som ett uttryck för ett ojämställt samhälle. Diskurserna visade hur förståelsen av anorexi kan både skilja sig åt och förstås på olika sätt samtidigt beroende på tolkningen. Slutsats: Anorexi kan förstås som såväl en individuell sjukdom såväl som ett tillstånd orsakat av samhälleliga och mediala krav på kvinnor samt även som en strukturell problematik där den egentliga sjukdomsbilden står att finna hos samhället. / This is a qualitative study, which through the application of a gender perspective as well a discursive approach has aimed to highlight different discourses in nurses’ talk of anorexia. Background: Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most common forms of eating disorders. Despite this, explanations regarding underlying causes are still lacking and no definite answers exist concerning the overrepresentation of women carrying the disease. Theorizing from a gender perspective offers new models of understanding but is neglected within nursing science. Purpose: This study aims to highlight and identify how anorexia is constructed within different discourses in nurses’ talk of anorexia. Method: A discourse analytic approach was applied to the material, which consisted of interviews with four registered nurses working in primary health care. Results: Three different discourses were identified and labeled The Individuality Discourse, The Societal Discourse and The Gender Discourse. This showed how the understanding of anorexia can both differ and be understood in different ways simultaneously depending on one’s reading. The first identified discourse discussed anorexia as an individual disease with individual underlying causes, the second as a condition constructed in relation to societal influence and the third as an expression of an unequal society. Conclusion: Anorexia can be understood as an individual disease as well as a condition caused by society and media pressure and also as a problem on a structural level where the real sickness is to be found within society itself.

Foucault, Fairclough och järnrörets diskursordning : En kritisk diskursanalys av maktförhållandet mellan representanter ur riksdagspartiet Sverigedemokraterna och kvällstidningen Expressen under den så kallade "Järnrörsskandalen" / Foucault, Fairclough and the discursive order of the iron pipe : A critical discourse analysis regarding the power relationship between intermediaries from the swedish parliament party Sverigedemokraterna and the swedish evening newspaper Expressen during what has come to be known as the "Iron pipe Scandal"

Storm, Isak January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie är en kritisk diskursanalys av tidningen Expressens artikelserie kring "Järnrörsskandalen" med särskilt fokus riktat kring hur Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell kan användas för att undersöka olika diskursordningar. Foucaults teori kring utestängningsmekanismer utgör även en betydande del av analysunderlaget och påvisar det komplexa förhållandet kring att försöka påvisa diskursens konstanta föränderlighet. Resultaten visar på en betyande svårighet kring att fastställa en obestridlig sanning. Trots denna problematik bedöms tidningen Expressen hantera diskursordningens följdriktghet ur ett utomordentligt effektivt sätt med hänsyn till källmaterialets svåra hantering. / This study is a critical discourse analysis regarding the swedish newspaper "Expressen" series of articles on the "Iron pipe scandal" with a focus on how Fairclough's three-dimensional analysis model can be used to investigate different order of discourse arrangements. Foucault's theory of exclusionary mechanisms also forms a significant part of the analytical data and demonstrates the complex relationship around trying to demonstrate the constant variability of discourse. The results show a significant difficulty in establishing an undeniable truth. Despite this problem, the newspaper Expressen is refereed to handle the consistency of the discourse order in an extraordinary effective way regarding the difficult management of the source material.

Ordet sexualitet som ett dilemma : En kvalitativ studie om förskolepersonals resonemang i ett samtal

Svensson, Jessika, Tufvesson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete baseras på förskolepersonals resonemang kring sexuella läggningar och vilka språkliga mönster samt förhållningssätt som är utmärkande i diskurserna. Utifrån forskning finns en osäkerhet kring begreppet sexuella läggningar bland förskolepersonal. Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med fördjupad kunskap om vilka resonemang som uppstår i ett samtal om sexuella läggningar med förskolepersonal. Föreliggande studies forskningsfrågor är följande: Vilka språkliga mönster uppträder när förskolepersonal samtalar om sexuella läggningar? Vilka diskurser skapas utifrån förskolepersonals förhållningssätt gentemot begreppet sexuella läggningar? Examensarbetet har utgått ifrån socialkonstruktionism då förskolepersonalens resonemang genom språket analyserades. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes på två olika förskolor, där sammanlagt sju förskolepersonal, från båda förskolor, medverkade i form av fokusgruppssamtal. Resultatet visar på flera diskurser som förskolepersonal konstruerade under ett samtal kring olika sexualiteter. En diskurs som tillåtande, en diskurs om att inte överdriva diskursen, en diskurs som ett problematiserande förhållningssätt samt en diskurs som ett dilemma. Den sammantagna slutsatsen som föreliggande studie därför har kommit fram till blir att oavsett vilka verktyg förskolepersonalen använder för att skapa en tillåtande diskurs eller på vilket sätt deras förhållningssätt synliggörs utifrån deras resonemang, finns ändå ordet sexualitet som ett dilemma inom verksamheten.

`The Troubles´ och dess musik : Identitet genom musik i Nordirland mellan 1968–1998

William, Granath January 2021 (has links)
During the late 1960s pandemonium and chaos spread throughout the northeast part of the Irish island in the area known as Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom. The conflict was the culmination of many factors such as the British colonization of the island during the 12th century, the semi-liberation and divide of the Island during the 1920s, local religious persecution and the advancing civil rights movement. At the heart of the conflict were organizations that gained most of their infamy through the terror and violent conflict, like the IRA and their related factions. These fought for the “liberation” of the entire Irish island as the northern part had been left under British control after the easter rising revolution which established the current Irish Republic, or Ireland.The inhabitants of Northern Ireland had to endure 30 years of conflict during 1968-1998 between the IRA, local police, British military and other loyalist terror organizations. At the end of the conflict, it was evidently clear that the majority of the victims of violence had not been tied to the perpetrators of it. These were civilians whose deaths can be seen as a result of terrorist attacks, sectarian violence and a situation far beyond any official authority's control.This thesis explores one of the many facets of expression during the conflict, music. Specifically, it's an attempt to categorize and contextualize what is known as Irish rebel music. The rebel music can be seen as an outlet for republican individuals and groups to express their reasoning and legitimization for their own actions, thus creating a form of propaganda through discourse. During the paper nine different songs, mostly gathered from republican publications, will be analyzed to see how the so-called rebels choose to portray themselves, their enemies and their reasoning. What becomes apparent is the ever-present violence and how it's used as a tool to create a discourse where the struggles and brutality of the IRA are justified. Furthermore, it looks at the constructs of the other within the British and official government forces which can also be tied to the sectarian violence that’s been a large part of the population's history.

"Att vara en incel är som att vara en fet ponny" : En inramningsanalys av incels i svenska tidningsartiklar från hösten 2021

Larsson, Matilda, Roth, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Involuntary celibates, or “incels”, have receieved increased attention in the public discourse in the recent years. This is partly due to the news media reporting on cases where the incel culture has been linked to acts of mass violence. Here, incels are often framed as misogynic and as a new terrorist threat. In this study we wanted to take a deeper look at this due to the power that media has in influencing how society views incels. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify how incels were framed in the Swedish news media discourse during autumn 2021. This study answers: 1. Which frames of incels existed in Swedish news articles autumn 2021? and 2. How can these frames be analyzed using theory of media discourse? To answer these questions the thesis uses framing theory and news discourse as a theoretical framework. A framing analysis was performed of 15 Swedish newspaper articles from the selected time frame. The results reveal that incels are framed as both dangerous perpetrators and as an outcast group of society. The first frame was more prominent and was often accompanied with varied negative and hostile comments directed toward the group. We argue that these frames reveal a one-sided image of incels and that the comments reproduce traditional norms of masculinity. Moreover, we briefly discuss the development of the journalistic profession in how it hinders the consideration of specific ethical ideals, which could have a negative effect on incels.

Att prata om ras : En diskursanalys av rasbegreppet i nutida svensk dagspress

Dufberg, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Race is a concept that is often avoided in Sweden, and many try to detach present day racism from the antiquated racial biology by not discussing race. To Talk About Race: A Discourse Analysis of the concept of race in present day Swedish daily press aims to investigate how ”race” (in Swedish: ”ras”) is articulated in Swedish daily press within the debate about whether the word “race” should be used or not. The study focuses on looking into which arguments are presented in articles that are in favour of using the word “race” in Sweden as well as which power relations are made visible or invisible through the language that is used within the debate. The empirical material is discursively analysed with guidance from theoretical framework consisting of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory as well as postcolonial theory. The results of the study show that the writers of the articles distinctively disagree with earlier discourses of race as racial biology, and instead articulate a discourse of race as a social construct. The use of the word “race” in Swedish daily press is often argued for with reference to the existence of biological racism in Sweden and how discussing the concept of race and using the word “race” can enable to talk about and counteract those problems. In the articles power relations such as those between white and non-white people can be see, as well as between Swedish people and non-white non-Westerners.

"Det är inte vi som är måltavla" : En studie av hur IT-attacken som drabbade Coop framställs i den svenska debatten

Galyas, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
Sweden is one of the world's most digitized countries but falls behind when it comes to ITand cybersecurity. When we are so dependent on digital solutions and security is far behind, it leaves us with a vulnerable society. This thesis studies Coop, a grocery store, in Sweden that was affected by an IT-attack in the summer of 2021. The purpose is to understand how IT- and cybersecurity is described in the debate surrounding the incident. The theoretical framework used in this study is the securitization theory by Buzan et. al. To answer the research question of what type of security problem the IT-attack is described as in the Swedish debate, a discourse analysis is made. The material for this study is both news articles from the four largest nationwide newspapers and press releases from Coop and the Swedish government. The analysis shows that the IT-attack is described as two different kinds of security problems. In the beginning of the crisis, it is described as a problem for companies, but as the discorus evolves it starts to shift to be described as more of a problem for society as a whole. This thesis contribution is to show how the IT-attack that affected Coop is described and formed in the discourse. Henceforth it also shows the complexity of responsibility of ITand cybersecurity issues.

Knarket och hegemonin : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av narkotika i Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters nyhetsrapportering

Thorné, Oliver, Thyrberg, Victor January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates the news media coverage in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, the two major newspapers in Sweden, surrounding narcotics. We investigate the relationship between the hegemony in Swedish drug-policy and news reporting, to examine whether a larger cultural hegemony can be said to exist. The existence of a larger cultural hegemony depends upon social institutions, such as news media, reproducing the values of a political hegemony. We have chosen a discourse-theoretical framework, where hegemony, ideology and discourse are central concepts. Our theoretical framework also includes broader concepts and theories from the field of journalism studies, such as agenda setting and news values. The study contains both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis, to examine different aspects of news coverage of narcotics. Our methodological approach is based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis (CDA) and is largely operationalized using Carvalho’s (2008) methodological template, with analytical tools borrowed form Boréus (2005), Cohen (2002) and Christie & Bruun (1985). Our analysis shows that news coverage of narcotics in the second half of 2020 in Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter is heavily dominated by crime-reporting, where law enforcement agents and narratives are given great amounts of framing power, which in turn reproduces the hegemonic values of Swedish drug policy, which promotes a juridical discourse in relation to drug-related problems. Previous research has found that Swedish drug policy is largely influenced by moral values rather than scientific research, which reflects our study’s findings of a higher prevalence of a moral discourse over a medical discourse. Lastly, there is an almost total absence of a recreational discourse in our material. These findings demonstrate how the hegemonic values of Swedish drug policy are reflected in the news media, which could point to the existence of a larger cultural hegemony in relation to narcotics in Sweden. However, the qualitative analysis also highlights examples where a high degree of interdiscursivity can be distinguished, which could point to a challenging of hegemonic values in Swedish drug policies.

Lärares professionalism ur ett OECD-perspektiv : En kritisk diskursanalys om lärares professionalism / Teacher Professionalism Through the Lens of the OECD : A Critical Discourse Analysis on Teacher Professionalism

Lidström, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva, analysera samt problematisera diskursen, med tillhörande kunskap, om lärares professionalism. Studien genomfördes med utgångspunkt i dokument från organisationen OECD. Med inspiration från Norman Faircloughs modell för kritisk diskursanalys studerades ett OECD-dokument och analyserades i relation till Faircloughs och Michel Foucaults teorier samt tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visade att en konceptualisering av lärares professionalism framträder inom OECD-diskursen samt att kvalitet, professionalism som kollektiv angelägenhet och i synnerhet effektivitet är centrala teman. I detta uttrycks kvalitet och kollektiv professionalism vara medel för att uppnå målet effektivitet. Studiens resultat visade vidare att de diskurstyper som framträder är en konceptualiseringsdiskurs, en stöddiskurs, en kollektivitetsdiskurs, en kvalitetsdiskurs, en effektivitetsdiskurs samt en policydiskurs. I studien framgår även att lärares professionalism tillskrivs en särskild betydelse vilket medför skapandet av en viss kunskap inom OECD-diskursen. Denna kunskap förefaller ha sin utgångspunkt i ett särskilt sätt att se på lärares professionalism. Studien visade slutligen att insatser kring lärares professionalism uttrycks, av OECD, vara prioriterade för nationell policy. Inom ramen för detta skrivs lärares professionalism fram som ett fokus för policy i termer av att "lösningar" kring detta även uttrycks vara lösningar för ett utbildningssystem "i kris".

Debatten om sexualbrott : En kritisk diskursanalys av mediers skildring avsexualbrott / The debate about sexual offense : A critical discourse analysis of medias depiction of sexual offense

Gillberg, Julia, Josefsson, Essie January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze how the media constructs sexual offenses. This was concretized into two research questions focusing on examining representations of solutions to sexual offenses as well as representations of perpetrators and victims. The study has a scientifict heoretical starting point in social constructivism and furthermore the used method was critical discourse analysis. A choice was made to review debate articles from two of Sweden’s major evening newspapers; Aftonbladet and Expressen. The articles were analyzed with both a qualitative text analysis and a critical discourse analysis. The data was analyzed with the concepts of transitivity and modality. The results showed that several different solutions were presented in the articles, these formed discourses. The dominating discourses were: “More police officers”, “Stricter legislation”, “Valuation- and normchange”, “Deport foreigners”and “Society’s responsibility to change”. The result showed that sexual offenses sometimes are given less priority compared to homicide and gang-related crimes. The authors pointed out that this could lead to a greater need of police-officers. In some of the articles the authors thought that the legislation regarding sexual offenses was too vague, they wanted a more straight forwarddeportation and harsher punishments. Other articles focused on how sexual offenses are handled and how they become apparent is controlled by society’s norms and values. The authors arguedthat, for example, a patriarchal structure and bad male norms influence this, but also that the school has a responsibility to operate sex education. The result also showed that victims and perpetrators were portrayed differently in the discourses, with for example the use of “men’s violence against women” but also with a gender-neutral approach. In some of the articles neither the object nor the subject of the problem emerged.

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