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Urbana odlingsallmänningar i StockholmHeinonen, Ella January 2020 (has links)
Odlingsallmänningar som odlingsform används i städer runt om i världen. De kan bidra till städer bland annat genom att öka tillgängliga grönområden, skapa mötesplatser för social gemenskap, öka lokal matproduktion samt öka den biologiska mångfalden. Stockholm är en växande stad som blir allt tätare och stadens grönområden utgör en allt viktigare funktion. Rapporten ämnar till att undersöka odlingsallmänningar i Stockholm. Frågeställningarna som undersökts är hur odlare får tillgång till mark och vilka hälsoeffekter odlingarna kan ge upphov till. För att besvara dessa frågor har en litteraturstudie använts samt intervjuer med personer som odlar i odlingsallmänningar i Stockholm, eller som på annat sätt är relaterade till de odlingsinitiativ som undersökts. Totalt har fem olika odlingsinitiativ undersökts. Resultatet visar på att odlingsallmänningar kan ge hälsoeffekter i form av en ökad social gemenskap, tillgång till terapeutiska platser nära hemmet samt en ökad medvetenhet om kosthållning. Resultatet visade även på att odlingsallmänningarna kan utgöra en bra möjlighet till fysisk motion. Alla de studerade fallen hade genomgått olika processer för att få tillgång till mark vilket visar på variationen i både initiativ till odlingarna och hanteringen av markfrågor. De studerade odlingsallmänningarna var placerade både på offentlig och privat mark. Tillgång till mark utgjordes både av initiativtagare som tagit kontakt med markägare för att fråga om tillstånd att bruka marken och en gerillaodling som börjat odla utan tillstånd. Det var även en kommun som genom medborgardialog hittat engagemang för odling samt en mobil odling som flyttat runt på lediga platser i väntan på exploatering. Vilka personer som får tillgång till de identifierade hälsofördelarna skiljer sig något mellan de olika odlingsallmänningarna. Hälsofördelarna som en ökad biologisk mångfald möjliggör gagnar däremot alla i staden. / Community gardening, as a form of cultivation, is used in cities around the world. They can contribute to cities by, among other things, increasing available green areas, creating social community meeting places, increasing local food production, and increasing biodiversity. Stockholm is a growing city that is becoming increasingly denser, and the city's green areas serve an increasingly important function. The report aims to study community gardens in Stockholm. The research questions are how initiative takers gain access to land and what health effects the community gardens can give rise to. A literature study has been used as well as interviews to answer the questions. The interviews were carried out with people who cultivate in community gardens or who are otherwise related to the community gardens that were investigated. Five different community gardens have been studied in total. The results show that community gardens can produce many health effects. They can increase social inclusion, access to a therapeutic place near the home, and raise awareness of diets. The results also showed that the gardens could represent a good opportunity for physical exercise. All the cases studied had undergone different processes to gain access to land, which shows the variation in both initiatives for cultivation and land management. The studied community gardens were located on both public and private land. Access to the land was made up of both initiators who contacted landowners to ask for permission to use the land, a guerrilla garden that started cultivating without a permit, a municipality that found commitment to cultivation through citizen dialogue and a mobile garden that moved around in vacant places in waiting on exploitation. The persons who gain access to the identified health benefits differed slightly between the different community gardens. In contrast, the health benefits that increased biodiversity enables benefit everyone in the city.
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The Harmonic Garden - Symphonising Architecture with NatureShaker, Roxana January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between the natural and built environment, highlighting the significance of beauty in our surroundings to connect with the sacred. Architecture should not only be driven by practicality, but also by the need to lift our spirits and inspire us in our daily lives. Influenced by a Persian upbringing in music, poetry, and art, I developed a deep appreciation for the interplay between artistic expressions and the natural world. Through the exploration of Persian Gardens, known for their enchanting beauty and reverence for nature, a philosophical and architectural journey unfolded. Delving into the essence of Persian Gardens through extensive research, I uncovered the underlying elements that define their harmonious design language. Guided by this newfound understanding, the project aimed to apply the distinctive design approach to Sätradalsparken, a suburban park in Stockholm, Sweden. The goal was to transform the park into a sanctuary that nourishes the soul, integrating key elements of Persian Gardens and utilizing natural materials. The design creates a welcoming garden with a music school, inviting visitors to appreciate the beauty of nature and the arts. Through this exploration, the project illuminates the captivating relationship between nature, architecture, and the spiritual realm, offering insights into the transformative potential of Persian Gardens for contemporary landscapes.
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Fiskartorpet Sports - An adaptive reuse project – Transforming an existing building into a hub for outdoor sportsStrøm, Aurora January 2023 (has links)
The transformation of Fiskartorpet into an Outdoor Sports Hub is a project aimed at revitalizing the area, promoting active lifestyles, and engaging the community. The existing building, with its rich history and architectural character, is being optimized to cater to the needs of outdoor sports enthusiasts. The tower is being renovated to accommodate jumping platforms on each floor, while a diving pool is added adjacent to it, creating a seamless integration between water-based sports and jumping disciplines. The existing ski jump is transformed into a multi-purpose slope, allowing for up-hill running during summer months. Inside the building, amenities such as a mountain bike rental and repair shop, reception area, offices, changing rooms, and workout rooms are incorporated to enhance the visitor experience. The project takes an approach that respects the building's heritage while introducing elements that symbolize its evolution. By restoring architectural details and façade components and selecting materials that harmonize with the existing structure, a balance is struck between nostalgia and the needs of the modern era. Glazed tiles in dark green, blue, and burgundy are strategically used for their durability and water-resistant properties, adding both functionality and visual cohesion to the design. Overall, the project aims to create a vibrant and functional space that promotes physical activity, community engagement, and easy accessibility to outdoor sports in the heart of Stockholm. It represents an opportunity to revitalize the area, foster social interaction, and contribute to community revitalization through the transformation of a private building into a public space for outdoor enthusiasts.
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Farms and RecreationWeyde, Katharina January 2023 (has links)
My thesis FARMS AND RECREATION deals with urban agriculture in a broad sense and is more specifically investigating how and if growing could be implemented on larger scale in cities - in this case, Stockholm. Considering the limited available space in cities, a way was sought to integrate cultivation without challenging other urban typologies. It eventually led to the combination of the agricultural activity - the FARM - with the one of sports - the RECREATION. The project seeks to dissolve the division between those two functions, in a way that cultivation itself can become recreation. It was investigated to what degree the city if Stockholm could be self-sufficient - meaning how much land is needed to grow the consumed food and how much land is available for that matter. Based on this, a farm in the district of Spånga is proposed that could contribute significantly to its inhabitants needs and further educate about the important topic of agriculture and its effects on the environment.
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Flygfärdighet i företagsledningen? : En kvantitativ studie om ägarstrukturer i svenska börsnoterade bolagZuif, Maximilian, Svedberg, Theodor January 2024 (has links)
Titel: Flygfärdighet i företagsledningen? - En kvantitativ studie om ägarstrukturer i svenska börsnoterade bolag Författare: Maximilian Zuif & Theodor Svedberg Handledare: Urban Österlund Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle har fenomenet pilotskolan blivit ett allt hetare samtalsämne inom aktieanalys. Teorier på ämnet menar på att en VD som innehar en betydande andel aktier i det egna bolaget kommer att ha ett större intresse av att bolaget presterar så bra som möjligt. Samtidigt kan tidigare studier anses oense om huruvida ett stort insiderägande hos VD:n har en positiv eller negativ effekt på dess prestation. Ett vanligt nyckeltal som används av investerare för att bedöma hur verksamheten presterar är EBITDA, vilket mäter ett företags vinst före räntor, skatter, ned- och avskrivningar. Under kortare perioder kan det förekomma en stor diskrepans mellan ett bolags aktiepris och hur den underliggande verksamheten presterar. Däremot brukar aktiepriset vara tätt sammanlänkat med bolagets prestation sett över längre tidsperioder. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling, samt huruvida det finns något samband mellan EBITDA-utveckling och aktiekurs hos svenska börsnoterade bolag. Metod: I studien har en kvantitativ metod och en deduktiv forskningsansats använts för att samla in och bearbeta data om bolag listade på Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid och Large Cap. Den kvantitativa forskningsmetoden bygger på data kring bolagens ägarstruktur och finansiella prestation för åren 2017 till 2023. Utifrån data har multipla regressionsmodeller skapats för att kunna besvara studiens två forskningsfrågor. Resultat: Studiens resultat tyder på att det finns ett signifikant positivt samband mellan EBITDA-tillväxt och aktiekursutveckling. Vidare uppvisade den multipla regressionen ett signifikant negativt samband mellan omsättningstillväxt och aktiekursutveckling. Regressionsmodellen som utformades för att undersöka sambandet mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling klarade inte Ramsey’s RESET-test, varpå modellen inte kunde anses adekvat. Således hittades i studien inget statistiskt säkerställt samband mellan VD-ägande och EBITDA-utveckling. Nyckelord: Pilotskolan, VD-ägande, EBITDA, Avkastning, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap / Title: Flight skills in the business management? – A quantitative study on ownership structures in Swedish listed firms Authors: Maximilian Zuif & Theodor Svedberg Supervisor: Urban Österlund Background: In today’s society, the pilot school phenomenon has become an increasingly hot topic of conversation in stock analysis. Relevant theories suggests that a CEO who holds a significant part of the shares in his own company will have a greater interest in the company performing as well as possible. At the same time, previous studies can be considered divided on whether a large insider ownership of the CEO has a positive or negative effect on its performance. A common ratio used by investors to assess how the business is performing is EBITDA, which measures a company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. For shorter periods, there may be a large discrepancy between a company’s share price and how the underlying business is performing. In contrast, the share price is usually closely linked to the company’s performance when looking over longer periods of time. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine if a relationship exists between CEO stock ownership and growth in EBITDA, as well as whether any relationship exists between growth in EBITDA and development in stock price for Swedish listed firms. Method: In the study, a quantitative method and a deductive research approach have been used to collect and process data on companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid and Large Cap. The quantitative research method is based on data about the companies’ ownership structure and financial performance for the years 2017 to 2023. Based on the data, multiple regression models have been created to be able to answer the two research questions in the study. Results: The results of the study indicate that a significant positive relationship exists between growth in EBITDA and development in stock price. Furthermore, the multiple regression performed in the study showed a significant negative relationship between growth in revenue and stock price development. The regression model designed to examine the relationship between CEO stock ownership and development in EBITDA did not pass Ramsey’s RESET-test, whereupon the model could not be considered adequate. Thus, no statistically proven relationship was found between CEO stock ownership and development in EBITDA. Keywords: CEO stock ownership, EBITDA, return on investment, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Mid Cap, Nasdaq OMX Stockholm Large Cap
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Borta bra men hemma bäst? : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors flyttande mellan Norrbotten och Stockholm och städers attraktivitetBerg, Vilma January 2024 (has links)
We see a trend that more women than men are moving from rural areas to larger cities, while there is also a record high outmigration from Stockholm. This makes it relevant to investigate what attracts young women from Norrbotten to Stockholm and why many are leaving. Previous research shows that greater educational opportunities, more activities, and an attractive image of Stockholm on social media are compelling factors. Young adults between the ages of 18–24 are the most mobile group, followed by those aged 25–34, who often seek to settle down. Investigating why young women move from Norrbotten to Stockholm and why they want to return can provide insight into their migration patterns and help Norrbotten become more attractive to young women. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate why young women move from Norrbotten to Stockholm and why they want to return. A subsidiary aim is to illustrate what attracts young women to a municipality or place of residence. The research questions were answered using Ravenstein's push-pull theory (interpreted by Nyman-Kurkiala), previous research, and Jonas Stier's work on identity. The collected empirical data consisted of semi-structured interviews, which were processed through thematic analysis. The study showed that women moved to Stockholm either for career and educational opportunities or because it felt like the safest choice when they wanted to try something new in life. All interviewees want to return to Norrbotten. Some wish to return as soon as they complete their education in Stockholm, while others want to gain work experience first and are waiting for a satisfactory job. Finally, the thesis revealed that the women strongly identified with Norrbotten and were proud of their origins. / Vi ser en tendens att fler kvinnor än män flyttar från landsbygden till större städer, samtidigt som vi har en rekordstor utflyttning från Stockholm. Detta gör det relevant att undersöka vad som lockar unga kvinnor från Norrbotten till Stockholm och varför många flyttar därifrån. Tidigare forskning visar att större utbildningsmöjligheter, fler aktiviteter och en attraktiv bild av Stockholm på sociala medier är faktorer som lockar. Unga vuxna mellan 18–24 år är den mest mobila gruppen, följt av 25–34-åringar som ofta vill stadga sig. Att undersöka varför unga kvinnor flyttar från Norrbotten till Stockholm och varför de vill återvända kan ge insikt i deras flyttningsmönster och hjälpa Norrbotten att bli mer attraktiv för unga kvinnor. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka varför unga kvinnor flyttar från Norrbotten till Stockholm och varför de vill återvända. Ett delsyfte är att åskådliggöra vad som attraherar unga kvinnor till en kommun eller bostadsort. Forskningsfrågorna besvarades med hjälp av Ravensteins push-pullteori (tolkat av NymanKurkiala) tidigare forskning samt Jonas Stier, identitet. Den insamlade empirin har bestått av semistrukturerade intervjuer, som bearbetats genom en tematisk analys. Undersökningen visade att kvinnor flyttade till Stockholm antingen för karriär- och utbildningsmöjligheter eller för att det kändes som det tryggaste valet när de ville prova något nytt i livet. Alla intervjupersoner vill återvända till Norrbotten. Några vill återvända så fort de slutfört sin utbildning i Stockholm, medan andra vill skaffa arbetslivserfarenhet först och väntar på ett tillfredsställande jobb. Slutligen visade uppsatsen att kvinnorna identifierade sig starkt med Norrbotten och var stolta över sitt ursprung.
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Att värna Stockholms karaktär : En kvalitativ studie om agens, makt och estetik i StockholmGrinneby, Dagmar January 2024 (has links)
Vad är det egentligen som gör att individer vill påverka hur Stockholm ser ut? Hur förhåller sig olika aktörer inom byggsektorn till varandra? Med fokus på Skönhetsrådet, en av Stockholms stads remissinstanser, undersöker jag i denna studie dessa frågor. Då Skönhetsrådet som funktion är över 100 år gammalt är det nödvändigt att granska det. Med en utgångspunkt i semistrukturerade intervjuer har frågor om makt och estetik undersökts. Resultatet visar att Skönhetsrådet inte har särskilt stor påverkan på de andra aktörerna som intervjuats i uppsatsen, men att de överlag anser att Skönhetsrådet fyller en viktig funktion för Stockholms bevarande och utveckling. När det kommer till aktörers egna agens handlar det ofta om att lämna något vackert eller omhändertaget efter sig, snarare än att bidra med något som är karaktäristiskt för individen själv. På så sätt har studien bidrag till vidare kunskap om Skönhetsrådet i Stockholm, men även olika sätt att se på staden och hur olika aktörer i Stockholms byggsfär ser på varandra. På grund av den valda metoden och urvalet av deltagare är resultaten från intervjuerna inte generaliserbara, utan snarare exempel på olika perspektiv och åsikter som finns inom sektorn.
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Stadens sopor : Tillvaratagande, förbränning och tippning i Stockholm 1900-1975 / The garbage of the city : Resource recovery, incineration and dumping in Stockholm 1900-1975Sjöstrand, Ylva S. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with perceptions of refuse as an asset or as a liability and the questions of waste management practices. The aim has been to gain new insights into Stockholm’s waste management in the period 1900–1975 by studying change and continuity in municipal practices and the notions that governed the municipal actors’ actions. The central questions are what factors determined the city’s waste management, and how an urban and local (environmental) problem was formulated and addressed by local authorities and political bodies. In answering, I have applied a theory of inertia in large technical–administrative systems and an analytical framework based on the concept of waste management regimes. During the period a resource recovery regime was replaced by an incineration regime. At the turn of the last century, the quantity and type of refuse produced by Stockholm’s rising population was compounded by increasing consumption. In order to modernize the capital’s waste disposal the city invested in resource recovery by introducing source separation. The fall in demand for fertilizer and a changing composition of the waste in the 1920s made it more difficult to get rid of refuse and led to an end of waste separation. Incineration came to be seen as the modern option and in 1938 Sweden’s first modern incineration plant for municipal waste was built outside Stockholm. The amount of waste produced by Stockholm nearly tripled between 1922, when it was at its lowest levels, and the mid-1960s. The late 1960s saw an even more dramatic increase. In the 1960s waste was discussed as an important environmental issue and in the 1970s recycling was implemented in small scale. At the national level recycling was adopted as a waste management aim in 1975.
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Narkotikadiskursens konstruktion i Situation Stockholm : En kritisk diskursanalys / The Drug Discourse in Situation Stockohlm : A Critical Discourse AnalysisEliasson, Jonatan, Ledin, Åsa January 2017 (has links)
Using Faircloughs critical discourse analysis, this study examines how the drug discourse is constructed in the street newspaper Situation Stockholm and what role harm reduction has in the construction. Sweden has the second highest mortality rate amongst drug users in the EU. One reason for this, studies show, is the restrictive policy towards drug that’s dominating in Sweden. The study identifies four themes in the empirical material, consisting of articles in Situation Stockholm. These themes are “life with drugs”, “reasons for misuse”, “medical care” and “hopes”. The study concludes that the drug discourse in Situation Stockholm is similar to the main discourse in means of drug consumption being something abject and unwanted, but differs in the views of solutions for drug misuse, presenting harm reduction treatments as a solution. Situation Stockholm argues that harm reduction treatments should be more available for drug users. In the social practice that is the Street newspaper Situation Stockholm, the study concludes, the perspective of harm reduction instead of restriction as solution for drug misuse is articulated, but also that their user perspective articles play a small role in the order of discourse, partly due to the low status and stigmatization of drug users.
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Essays on Share Repurchases and Equity OwnershipRåsbrant, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprises five empirical essays using Swedish data. Three of the essays examine open market share repurchases, one essay investigates changes in investors’ shareholdings surrounding equity rights offerings (ROs), and the last essay investigates owner-managers’ equity portfolio choices. The first essay examines stock performance around initiation announcements of open market share repurchase programs, the price impact of repurchase trading and the long-run stock performance following the initiation announcements. The study uses a unique data set of initiation announcements and actual share repurchases conducted by firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE). The results show that initiation announcements of open market repurchase programs exhibit a 2 day abnormal return (AR) of 2% on average. The price impact on the actual repurchase days is positively correlated with the daily repurchase volume, and is both statistically and economically significant during the first 3 repurchase days in a repurchase program. The long-run abnormal stock performance is positively associated with the fraction of shares bought in the program and is on average 7% for the first year following the initiation announcement. The results indicate that repurchase trading provides price support and that the market participants detect and perceive the initiation announcement and the first repurchase days in a repurchase program as a signal of undervaluation. The second essay examines differences in the market performance of Swedish firms that initiate repurchase programs infrequently (1-2 programs), occasionally (3-4 programs) and frequently (5 or more programs) over the period 2000-2009. It is found that infrequent repurchase programs are greeted with a stronger positive reaction than occasional and frequent programs. However, over the long-term, infrequent repurchase programs show no AR while occasional and frequent repurchase programs show significant positive ARs. A positive relationship between AR and repurchase size is documented for all types of repurchase programs. The third essay examines the market liquidity impact of open market share repurchases in an electronic order-driven market. The study uses a detailed data set of daily repurchase transactions on the SSE together with intraday data on bid-ask spreads and order depths which enables an investigation of the liquidity effects on the actual repurchase days. It is found that repurchase trades inside the order-driven trading system contribute to market liquidity through narrower bid-ask spreads and deeper market depths. After controlling for trading volume, price and volatility, a significant decrease of the bid-ask spread on repurchase days relative to surrounding non-repurchase days is still found. However, repurchases executed as block trades outside the order-driven trading system have a detrimental effect on the bid-ask spread, consistent with a negative response to the presence of informed managerial trading. The fourth essay examines changes in equity ownership surrounding ROs by firms listed on the SSE. The results show that domestic individual investors on average reduce their shareholdings following rights issues, whereas domestic institutional investors and foreign investors increase their holdings. However, when ownership changes are adjusted with changes in ownership in matched non-issuing firms, it is documented that domestic institutions significantly increase their shareholdings in RO firms, whereas foreign investors decrease their holdings in these firms. A positive (negative) association between the 6 month benchmark adjusted return following the offering and the change in shareholdings by foreign investors (domestic institutional investors) is also documented. Finally, the fifth and last essay investigates how Swedish owner-managers (CEO or Chairman) invest in the Swedish stock market conditional on a major investment in their own firm. No evidence is found that owner-managers seek diversification benefits when they invest in other Swedish stocks. In general, they choose other stocks that show higher correlation among themselves than the average Swedish stocks. It is also found that owner-managers within high-tech industries invest significantly more of their total Swedish stock investments in IT stocks than owner-managers within other industries. / <p>QC 20130515</p>
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