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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Combining Big Visions with Specific Demands : Exploring how product innovation can be managed  in order to support customization / Att Kombinera Stora Visioner med Specifika Krav : En utforskande studie om hur produktinnovation kan hanteras för att möjliggöra kundanpassning

MOBERG, AGNES, TOFT, JOSEFINE January 2021 (has links)
In complex and fast-paced times, management of innovation is suggested to explain the success of an organization, making managing innovation an important topic in strategy, organization and innovation literature. At the same time, the demand for customized solutions is increasing and the customers are becoming more important. A current example of an industry under transformational pressure experiencing this is the materials manufacturing and packaging industry, which this study addresses.  The combined need of increased research within the areas of innovation capabilities, innovation in a low-to-medium technology context and customization makes it difficult to know what innovation strategy to use in order to support customization. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the process of product innovation in a fast-changing market can be managed in order to support customization. Data were collected through a qualitative single case study approach, where semi-structured interviews were conducted within the meal kit and online grocery industry, as well as from different areas within the packaging solutions division within a large incumbent materials and packaging manufacturing company.  The findings indicate that the more a manufacturing provider is able to integrate and coexist an innovation with individual customer's values and needs, the greater is the prospect for adoption. Involving customers also works to better handle fast changing markets and react to changing customer needs. There are possibilities for a manufacturing firm to charge premium prices for customized solutions if the perceived relative advantage is strong enough. Furthermore, the findings in this study indicate the importance of involving the production in an early stage of the product innovation process to ensure that the product is producible and diminish the risk that a new product will be unprofitable. Also, increasing the dialogue between the different functions could enable the organization to work proactively with complementing the current product portfolio with profitable products and counteract the negative consequences of customization. / I komplexa tider med snabba förändringar föreslås innovationsledning kunna förklara framgång för en organisation. Detta gör innovation till ett viktigt ämne inom strategi- , organisations- och innovationslitteratur. Samtidigt ökar efterfrågan på kundanpassade lösningar och kunderna blir allt viktigare. Ett aktuellt exempel på en industri under transformationstryck som upplever detta är materialtillverknings- och förpackningsindustrin, vilken denna studie behandlar.  Det kombinerade behovet av ökad forskning inom områdena innovationsförmåga, innovation för låg-till medelteknologiska företag samt kundanpassning gör det svårt att veta vilken innovationsstrategi som ska användas för att stödja kundanpassade lösningar. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att undersöka hur processen för produktinnovation i en snabbt föränderlig marknad kan hanteras för att stödja erbjudandet av kundanpassning. Data samlades in genom en kvalitativ fallstudie, där intervjuer genomfördes inom matkasse och den digitala livsmedelsindustrin samt från olika områden inom förpackningslösningsdivisionen inom ett stort tillverkningsföretag för material och förpackningar.  Resultaten visar att ju mer en tillverkare kan integrera och samexistera en innovation med enskilda kunders värderingar och behov, desto större är möjligheterna för användning av dessa lösningar. Att involvera kunder fungerar också för att bättre hantera föränderliga marknader och reagera på förändrade kundbehov. Det finns möjligheter för ett tillverkningsföretag att ta ut premiumpriser för skräddarsydda lösningar, om den upplevda relativa fördelen är tillräckligt stark. Vidare visar resultaten i denna studie vikten av att involvera produktionen i ett tidigt skede av produktinnovationsprocessen för att säkerställa att produkten är producerad och minska risken för att en ny produkt blir olönsam. Att öka dialogen mellan de olika funktionerna kan också göra det möjligt för organisationen att arbeta proaktivt med att komplettera den nuvarande produktportföljen med lönsamma produkter och motverka de negativa effekterna av kundanpassade lösningar.

Corporate accelerators: Studies on their mechanism and development

Kramer, Alexander 30 May 2024 (has links)
Since their emergence almost two decades ago, accelerators have evolved towards a global phenomenon that has the potential to shape global economies and societies. The rapid evolvement of the accelerator phenomenon increasingly caught scholars’ interest to examine what makes this specific form of startup support unique and popular in practice. Despite the growing amount of valuable contributions in accelerator research, several key aspects of the accelerator phenomenon remain unsolved or misunderstood, which leaves scholars as well as practitioners with a discordant understanding of how and why accelerators evolved and how they function to date. Hence, ambiguities are still large with regard to thoroughly understanding the accelerator mechanism and its recent developments. However, this understanding is crucial to develop theory in accelerator research and provide assistance for practitioners on how to increase value creation of accelerator programs. By means of five research studies this cumulative dissertation contributes to the lack of common conceptual foundations, an adequate consideration of theoretical underpinnings, a contemporary presentation of defining accelerator characteristics and their evolvement, and reliable insights on accelerator efficacy. In addition, this dissertation contributes numerous lessons learned and guidance to various stakeholders affected by accelerators.

電腦病毒特性與病毒/防毒廠商互動研究 / The Computer Virus Pattern and Interaction of Virus & Anti-Virus Companies

吳宣諭 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統商學院論文所探討的競爭態勢多半聚焦於廠商間的競爭,著重組織對組織、集團對集團的互動過程,本研究提出競爭的另一種型態,描述由個體所組成的非正規群體(駭客)與組織集團(廠商)的競爭,以病毒與防毒軟體廠商的互動過程為例,透過歷史的描述呈現電腦病毒、防毒廠商、戰爭三個構面。 本研究以病毒為描述主體作為邪惡的反方角色,並且深入探討其背後的核心操控者:駭客們的動機與行為,之後將相對應的正方角色:防毒公司拉進來,詮釋病毒與防毒軟體的互動過程。最後,整理出在歷史的演進之下,病毒/防毒戰爭過程中的脈絡與攻防特性,並演譯歸納出病毒的五大創新特點:技術Deeper、影響範圍Bigger、傳播速度Faster、病毒行為Smarter、產業結構Robuster。 綜觀國內外商學院論文,尚無類似論述,其突破性貢獻有三:其一,本研究提出以病毒負效用的特性作為創新的論述,至今無人提出,雖可議卻也空前;其二,本研究突破過去討論病毒相關議題僅考量單項變數的限制,以全面性的系統觀點探討其特性;其三,此類議題的相關論文處理方式多半以量化、實作亦或次級資料整理為主,本研究則進行深入訪談的田野調查。 基於創新來自於邊陲的概念,本論文希望排除道德的限制,單純從特性上加以考量其創新,並非鼓勵或褒揚之意。希望提供企業以另一個層次的角度思考本文所提出之創新觀點,應用於研發管理、創新管理、行銷管理、策略管理等領域,興許能有不同的創新解決方案。 / Most papers from the traditional business school discuss the competitions among manufacturers, and focus on the interactions between organizations and between groups. However, in this paper, we propose another type of competition - the competition between the hacker (composed by the individuals or non-regular organization) and the manufacturer (organizations or groups). Here, we take the interaction between virus and anti-virus software manufacturers as example to describe the 3 dimensions among computer virus, anti-virus software manufactures and their contests. In this thesis, we take virus as the evil side and expect to dig out the motivation and behavior of the hackers, and then we take the anti-virus software manufactures as the counter side to discuss the interaction between virus and anti-virus software. Finally, we sum up the 5 innovative characteristics of the virus: the skill is deeper, the incidence is bigger, the spreading speed is faster, the virus behavior is smarter and the industrial structure is more robust. In this thesis, there are 3 unprecedented distributions: first, we propose the innovative concept by using the disutility characteristic of virus; second, we breakthrough the restriction that only taking the single parameter into consideration, and we take the total system viewpoints into consideration to discuss its characteristics; third, instead of quantification, experimentation, and sub-data collection, we do the research through the interview and the field work. In this thesis, we wish to eliminate morals constraints, just consider its innovative concept, and not mean to encourage or commend it. Furthermore, we expect to provide the enterprises another way to think about this new concept, and apply it in research and development management, innovation management, marketing management, strategy management, and so on. We believe that there will be some other different innovative solutions.

從國家創新系統的觀點探討大學智慧資本與成果擴散效益之關聯 / The Relations between Intellectual Capital and the Innovation-derived Benefit in View of National Innovation System

江雪嬌, Chiang, Hsueh Chiao Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國在高等教育的學校與人數上均有大幅的成長。而這些豐富的研究人力,需要充沛的研究經費予以支援學術研究工作。實務上,我國於開放高等教育機構的設立後,各界所提供的研發經費並未相對應的增加,各校為因應整體環境趨勢的改變,乃積極研議如何強化學術研究成果的擴散,以提升學術聲望並獲得更多的實質效益。本研究在此情境下,試圖從國內大學之知識創新的實務發展,建構一套研究成果擴散效益的運作模式。 大學知識產業化是知識經濟發展的趨勢,尤其基礎研究是技術發展與應用研究的主要來源。大學知識創新過程是科學知識在創新系統內的生產、運用與擴散的過程。而建立有效的成果管理機制,減少外在環境的不確定性並改善知識流動的效率,是創新系統成功的關鍵。 鑑於大學係國家創新系統的重要成員之一,而創新的效率取決於系統內各成員之財務、知識、人力與法規的交流,即所謂的「三螺旋(Triple Helix)」的觀念。因此,為尋求最佳的創新系統,亟須建立有效的衡量項目,並促使創新成果在市場機制的導引下,獲得知識創新與擴散的經濟效益。如美國為因應創新系統失靈,於1980年以後,研訂一連串的相關法令,透過研發經費的補助、智財權下放與鼓勵設置專責技轉單位等措施,刺激大學將豐富的研究產出移轉到產業界,政府的研究資源分配亦更加重視目標導向與產業導向的發展計畫,結果所獲得的回收遠超過預期,其作法吸引世界各國競相仿效。我國亦於近年來透過相關法令的制定以及經費補助等措施,期望將大學的研究產出從知識的創造轉變為知識的加值與運用,以帶動產業知識化,並促進知識產業化之效益。 因此,欲探討大學的成果擴散效益時,不只是依循過去大多數學者從產學合作的觀點,更應考量政府在創新過程中所扮演的角色與功能,以及將衡量國家創新系統績效之方法運用到大學的成果擴散效益的呈現上,以建立適合我國大學創新成效的衡量模式。 本研究架構從教師的「研究人力」、「研究經費」以及「產學關係」等三構念探究對於「研究產出」以及成果推廣所產生的「擴散效益」之關聯,另外,再從學校的研究成果「管理機制」以及「政府措施」等二構念探究對於其他構念所帶來的影響,以瞭解彼此之關聯,並建立適合我國大學研究投入、產出以及擴散的運作模式。 因此,除了收集國內外的文獻以歸納整理美日等國在大學研究成果擴散效益的探討內容與衡量項目外,並透過問卷調查與實地訪問國內大學教師與研究成果推廣中心(或技轉中心)主管,以瞭解國內大學研究成果的實務運作,以獲得本研究的初步架構,繼而從美日以及我國大學的個案研究,探討國家創新系統的角色所帶來的影響,以強化研究架構之各構念的關聯性。 其次,採取初級資料的收集方法,以國內大學校院教師為問卷調查對象,進行敘述統計以計算樣本的各項指標分布狀況,以信效度指標確認問卷的可靠性與有效性,並運用探索性因素分析來萃取出本研究重要之變數,再以線性結構關係模型分析本研究變數之間的關係,以驗證各構念彼此之間的關聯性。 本研究獲得以下的結論: 一、「研究人力」與其他構念之關聯 「研究人力」對「產學關係」有直接的正向影響,對「研究經費」、「研究產出」與「擴散效益」則有間接的正向影響效果,而且整體的影響效果是顯著的。所以,研究人力是成果散效益的基本要素,配合其他構念的運作可以對研發成果之擴散效益產生正向的影響。 二、「研究經費」與其他構念之關聯 「研究經費」對於「研究產出」與「擴散效益」均沒有顯著的正向影響。顯示一味強調大學研究經費投入的作法無法帶來實質的成效,反而浪費有限的資源,因此,研究經費投入前,宜先制定一套評估機制,充分考量學校的研究人力、以往的研究產出與擴散效益之表現,以有效地配置研究經費。 三、「研究產出」與其他構念之關聯 「研究產出」對於「擴散效益」有直接的正向影響,表示大學教師所創造出來的成果越多,則相對地促使成果擴散的效益越大。此外,研究產出的增加亦可影響其他構念對「擴散效益」的關聯性。因此,為提高擴散效益,學校宜積極鼓勵教師增加研究成果的產出。 四、「產學關係」與其他構念之關聯 「產學關係」除了對「研究產出」與「研究經費」產生直接的正向影響外,亦間接影響「研究經費」與「研究產出」分別對「擴散效益」的關聯性。顯示產學關係可彌補大學與企業的技術落差,提高產業對學校研究成果之需求,促使教師研究產出的擴散效益更佳。 五、「管理機制」與其他構念之關聯 「管理機制」對「產學關係」與「擴散效益」均有直接的正向影響,顯示學校在成果管理與運用的積極作為(如技轉單位的設置、技轉人員的規模與培訓、獎勵措施的制定等)以及促進產學之間的關係可提高研究成果推廣所帶來的效益。 六、政府措施與其他構念之關聯 「政府措施」不但對「擴散效益」有直接的正向影響,亦對「產學關係」有直接的正向影響,此外,對「研究經費」與「研究產出」亦有間接的正向影響。因此,未來應加強我國政府的角色,充分發揮驅動與強化的功能,解決大學研究成果擴散的管制與障礙、營造產學研發資源共享環境以提高大學研究產出的擴散效益。 / After the government lifted the restriction on the number of higher education institutes, in the past two decades the number of university in Taiwan has increased dramatically (16 in 1986, and 102 in 2008). The government apparently could not match up this increase, with its slow pace of education budget increase. The shortage of development funds from governmental agency in charge is no doubt obvious for all universities. Therefore, to receive an ample share of governmental education budget has become competitive and even difficult. As the global economy weighs more on the generation and dissemination of knowledge nowadays, universities seems to see themselves clearer in the business picture for their role on the economic market. University officials and the government both also understand that a productive conversion of university intellectual assets, referring to knowledge-based creation or innovation, to innovation-derived benefit can be crucial for future university development. Thus, not only the university finance will be improved, its academic performance shall also be expected to enhance when this conversion is being well performed productively. An innovation management system here refers to a university system to manage its intellectual capital, such as support and process infrastructures, in facilitating the conversion process that enable the university to convert its intellectual assets into commercially viable properties. An important aspect of this study is to analyze national and international innovation management systems currently practiced in universities for greatest innovation-derived benefit. In the current of knowledge–based economic development, the knowledge-based innovations owned by universities is inevitably weighed more than ever in value. Many Universities may fall in a dilemma about how to weigh market–oriented research in comparison with fundamental scientific knowledge, since the latter never the less could lead to market–oriented innovation in the future. Furthermore, to maximize the value of innovation, it is commonly accepted that a proper management for conversion is almost as important as the producing of it. When it comes to determine the value or the benefit the innovations could bring, other than university’s innovation capability, which tends to have the potential to incubate more research outcomes, the performance of innovation management system is one of the most decisive factors. To achieve a good performance, three conditions are proposed to maintain an efficient innovation management system: an effective management mechanism, reduce adverse influences on incubating innovation assets, and increase knowledge sharing. The maintenance of such a system is then further categorized as seven conceptual indices (CIs) for later evaluation: research manpower, research grant, innovation outcomes, management mechanism, university-industry relations, government policy, and innovation-derived benefit. The first four are regarded as part of intellectual capital, while the other three are considered as strongly linked to the performance of the innovation management system currently being operated in Taiwan’s universities. They will be discussed in connection the first five CIs for their inter-relations. Since universities is under the scheme of National Innovation Systems (NIS), which covers primarily a finance and service system, a technological innovation system, and a knowledge-based innovation system, any management taking place in a university on each of any sub-system under the NIS will affect the NIS to some extent. By the same token, considering those mentioned above several conceptual indices are proposed to elucidate the results of the evaluation model applied in this study to examine similar management systems in different universities for comparison. This evaluation model is expected to help optimize the current managerial models to best meet the knowledge-based economic development needs and enlarge the innovation-derived benefit from university innovation assets. Prior to 1980s, the promotion on innovation in the U.S. was generally considered failed. To save the failing systems, the U.S. government announced a series of new regulations to promote the capitalization of academic innovations by universities. Those policy measures mainly included governmental subsidy to research grants, less constraints on intellectual property (IP) licensing, and start-ups for IP transfer. Furthermore, the government diverted more its research support into market-oriented development projects. Since such moves later resulted in a positive outcome beyond expectation, Taiwan as well as some other countries began to replicate those measures in their own countries. As the sources of future development increasingly depend on the derived benefit from innovation, the success of NSI originated by the U.S. government has indicated a new approach different from previously predominated models of solely university-industry cooperation. The involvement of government role in the NSI has been proved essential for its success. Similarly, the innovation management system being operated with the university intellectual capital to enhance the conversion to innovation-derived benefit is defined as the innovation assets management system (IAMS). It can be considered as a sub-system of the NSI, and the use of the evaluation model to examine the IAMSs can properly shows the difference among all the IAMSs by university. Furthermore, the evaluation model proposed takes account of surveys including interviews with IP transfer professionals and research professors. Cases of universities practicing the IAMS along with others published in literature are also studied to help access the relations among index items in the model. The model is constructed with several measures, including Structural Equation Model (SEM), Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), to evaluate the performance of the IAMS on successful conversion from intellectual assets into benefit. The model results are depicted with CIs as the conclusions. A qualitative survey is carried out on the evaluation of inter-relations among the seven CIs described above with Taiwan’s university educators as respondents. Confidence interval is applied to assure data reliability and validity. Significant model variables are identified using the explorative factor analysis. Finally the linear regression is applied to examine the relations among those CIs. The results of this study can be concluded as the following: 1.Research manpower It has positive influence directly towards university-industry cooperation when affecting positively towards research grant, innovation outcomes and innovation-derived benefit. The result suggests that it be the fundamental CI responsible to innovation-derived benefit. And along with other CIs, this CI could result in a comprehensive enhancement on the innovation-derived benefit. 2.Research grant It shows less significant effect over innovation outcomes and innovation-derived benefit. This conclusion indicates that the scale of innovation outcomes will not necessarily in proportion to the financial investment on research. It is suggested that a comprehensive evaluation on research manpower, innovation capability, and research capacity, etc. should be conducted prior to market-oriented investment on research. 3.Innovation outcomes This term shows a positive relation with the innovation-derived benefit. It is easy to understand that university educators with more innovation outcomes tend to receive more innovation-derived benefit. Furthermore, increase in innovation outcomes will also help induce stronger links among the other CIs towards the innovation-derived benefit. Thus, encouraging educators for more innovation outcomes is no doubt a good measure for universities. 4.University-industry relations University-industry relations bear positive influence to innovation outcomes and research grant. It also shows its positive effect on the relations between research grant to innovation-derived benefit and between innovation outcomes to innovation-derived benefit. The role of university-industry relations can be depicted as to lessen the technological gap between university and industry, facilitate the industry need for university innovation outcomes, and multiply innovation-derived benefit. 5.Management mechanism The management mechanism shows positive influence on university-industry relations and innovation-derived benefit. An effective management mechanism on innovation outcomes would directly lead to excellent benefit derived from innovation outcomes. 6.Government policy Government policy shows straight links to university-industry relations and innovation-derived benefit. It also indicates an indirect effect on enhancing both research grant and innovation outcomes. In the future, the government should play a key role in promoting universities to practice such a system and help resolve difficulties arisen.

從技術知識特性的觀點探討太陽能技術領域之知識創新管理 / Innovation management of knowledge in solar industry--From the view of characteristics of technology knowledge

龔明德, Kung, Ming De Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所選取的研究對象是太陽能技術領域中的相關研究單位,之所以選擇太陽能產業主要有幾點原因:1. 全球可利用能源有限,各界紛紛發展相關再生能源技術,而太陽能技術領域為目前最被看好的方向,所以太陽能技術之議題研究實為刻不容緩。2. 以往探討太陽能相關文獻,大都從太陽能的產業面及發展商機等做一探討,而鮮以從專案層次的技術管理層面切入,本研究認為欲探求太陽能領域之技術發展,必須從技術知識的基本特性著眼,並深入研討其技術管理過程為何,另外,技術也是知識的一種,故而技術管理自然會牽涉到知識管理。3. 一般技術在發展歷程中,會依循特定軌跡來累積成長,這個特性在太陽能產業尤其明顯,而國內卻一直沒有專門研究太陽能技術的系所,所以,有關太陽能產業中其技術來源及發展軌跡,實為一有趣而值得探究的議題。 目前國內的太陽能產業鏈,從上游端到下游端分別包括晶片、電池、模組以及系統應用等,本研究主要針對上述領域之技術研究單位來探討主要兩個研究問題: 1. 太陽能技術領域中,關鍵的技術知識特性為何? 2. 太陽能研究單位在技術發展過程中,其知識創新的管理活動為何?這些活動又如何受到技術知識特性的影響? 本研究從技術知識特性及知識的創新管理活動兩構面,藉由個案訪談的方式,深入探討技術單位在技術發展過程,兩構面之相互影響及造成的結果為何。最後,本研究經過個案訪談整理以及其他次級資料分析,以及經過相關學者文獻的學理驗證結果,得到以下幾點的研究發現:   1、 技術知識的創新程度會影響知識創造活動的團隊型態 2、 技術知識的變動程度會影響知識創造活動的外部網路關係 3、 技術知識的複雜度會影響團隊成員的多元化程度 4、 技術知識的專質性會影響知識創造活動的新工具/程序之產生方式 5、 不同的技術生命週期會影響知識創造活動的實驗或原型試製的方式 另外,經過研究個案之歸納分析後,除了五項主要的研究發現外,還有兩個其它的重要發現,分別如下 1、 太陽能領域的技術研究單位會依循特定路徑累積其動態能耐 2、 依技術研究單位願景與定位的不同,其技術策略發展也有所不同 / This thesis focuses on the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, especially for the research unit of solar tech. The reasons are several aspects listed. 1. The energy in the world is limited, and more and more firms start to find the way to new kind of energy. Among lots of renewable energy technologies, solar tech. is most emphasized. To find more details about the solar tech. is important. 2. Most of formal thesis focused on the opportunities about the solar market, but few discussed about the technology characteristics and management of solar tech. But as we know, technology is one kind of knowledge, and tech. management is certainly related to knowledge management. 3. The technologies in many fields always follow the special trajectory, and the solar tech. is no exception. So it’s interesting to find the sources of solar tech. and to find how the solar technologies make further progress. The solar industry in Taiwan mainly includes technologies of wafer, cell, module, and system application. The main goal of this thesis focuses on the research units that deal in solar technology, and the thesis has two principal questions for discussion as followed: 1. What are the key characteristics of technology in solar field? 2. What are the activities of knowledge management in solar field? And the thesis has structural frame consists of two elements: the characteristics of tech. knowledge and the knowledge management. By interviewing the related research units in solar field and other data for assists, the research has discovered some interesting results: 1. The degree of tech. innovation would affect the team type. 2. The degree of tech. variation would affect the connection to external units. 3. The degree of tech. complexities would affect the diversification of team numbers. 4. The degree of tech. exclusion would affect whether the research units make new tools/procedures by oneself or directly buy in. 5. Different stage of tech. life cycle would affect the experiment ways or different prototype. Besides, by the analyses of the cases, the thesis also finds other two results about the characteristics of solar industry. They are listed as followed: 1. The research units of solar field would follow specialized trajectories to build their core competence. 2. Depending on different vision in the solar field, the research units have different development strategies.

Product innovation in small established enterprises : Managing processes and resource scarcity

Löfqvist, Lars January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines product innovation processes in small established enterprises. The research questions are: (1) what motivates small established enterprises to innovate, (2) how do small established enterprises perform product innovation, and (3) how do small established enterprises manage resource scarcity in their product innovation processes? To answer the research questions, a multiple case study approach was chosen with three small established enterprises as cases and different product innovation processes as embedded units of study. The data collection method used was observation during a period of five months, complemented by interviews and secondary data. Product innovation in small established enterprises seems to be motivated by solving existing customers’ problems and the need for a sustained steady cash flow. A steady cash flow is also found to be a prerequisite during the product innovation processes. Product innovation seems to occur when there is a risk of decreased cash flow and/or when existing customers can be satisfied with new products that increase their loyalty so as to secure future sales, cash flow, and the enterprise’s survival in the long run. Promising innovation ideas alone do not result in product innovation. An innovation idea must also have supportive existing customers for product innovation to occur. Product innovation processes in the studied small established enterprises are found highly context dependent, intertwined in operational processes and made possible by a small organic organization and closeness to existing customers. The product innovation processes are further found to follow a flexible and informal overall scheme optimized for decreasing market and technology uncertainty and risk, dealing with resource scarcity, and facilitating fast and easy commercialization to avoid or moderate dips in cash flow. The design processes within the innovation processes can be linearly structured or cyclical and experimental, depending on the experienced novelty. To manage resource scarcity during the product innovation processes, the studied small enterprises used many different bootstrapping methods in combination. These methods can be divided into three categories according to their overall functions: for using existing resources more efficiently, for increasing resources and to secure a fast payback on resources invested in NPD. The studied small enterprises were due to their resource scarcity further found to favor an innovation strategy, only involving new products done with known technology and targeting existing markets. This way to innovate, which creates new products in a resource-efficient way that are accepted by the enterprises’ existing markets, seems to prevent unsuccessful product innovation, while at the same time excluding technologically radical innovation and innovation targeting new markets.

Proposta de intervenção fonoaudiológica em grupo de pais de crianças com risco para alteração de linguagem / Speech-language pathology intervention in parents of children at risk for language disorder or delay

Costa, Caroline Hermogenes 17 June 2019 (has links)
A linguagem é um dos processos mais importantes do desenvolvimento humano. Na infância, é fundamental que se manifeste da forma verbal. Quando a criança não a apresenta da forma ou no período esperado pode-se suspeitar de uma alteração de linguagem. Vários fatores podem ser considerados como risco para alteração de linguagem. Objetivo: elaborar, propor e aplicar um programa inovador, com suporte tecnológico, de orientação fonoaudiológica a pais de crianças com risco de alteração de linguagem. Material e Método: Participaram do estudo 34 famílias com crianças de 1 a 4 anos organizadas em 4 grupos: G1 crianças com risco e sem atendimento fonoaudiológico, G2 crianças sem risco, G3 crianças com risco e com atendimento e G4 crianças com risco, sem atendimento e que não participaram do programa (grupo controle). As famílias tiveram acesso a uma plataforma online (espacobrincar.com) onde receberam conteúdo teórico sobre desenvolvimento e atividades diárias a serem realizadas durante um mês. Além disso, participaram de um grupo virtual de adesão. Resultados: Após seis meses da aplicação do programa as crianças do grupo pesquisa apresentaram escores maiores em protocolo pós-intervenção que seus pares do grupo controle. Conclusão: A proposta de intervenção fonoaudiológica em grupo de pais é efetiva em crianças com risco de alteração de linguagem / Language is one of the most important processes of human development. During childhood, it is fundamental that language expresses in verbal form. If the child does not present language on the expected way or time, we can suspect speech-language pathology. Many factors can be considered as risk for speech-language pathology. Purpose: to elaborate, propose and apply an innovative program of speech-language guidance, with technological support, for parents of children at risk for language disorder or delay. Material and Method: 34 families with children from 1 to 4 years old participated in the study. They were organized into 4 groups: G1 children at risk without speech-language treatment, G2 children without risk, G3 children at risk with treatment and G4 children at risk, without treatment and that did not participate in the program (control group). The families had access to an online platform (espacobrincar.com) where they received theoretical content about child development and daily activities to be completed during one month. Moreover, they joined a virtual support group. Results: After six months of the intervention, the children at the program presented higher scores in post intervention protocols in comparison to their control group pairs. Conclusion: The speech language intervention proposal in parents groups is effective in children at risk for language disorder or delay

Reciprocidades nas relações de interdependência: cooperação internacional em saúde / Reciprocities in interdependence: international cooperation in health

Holanda, Isabelle Nathacha de Oliveira Machado de 08 April 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo visa analisar o contexto internacional na produção estratégica de insumos nucleares para a área da saúde e como o processo de crescente interação política entre os países influencia na tomada de decisão dos gestores dos sistemas nacionais de saúde, tendo em vista a importância de alcançarem maiores graus de autonomia frente aos oligopólios mundiais que dominam a produção de equipamentos para a saúde. Neste contexto, utilizou-se a abordagem teórica fornecida pelo estudo do Complexo Industrial em Saúde (GADELHA, 2003), que fornece elementos para discutir a interação entre o sistema de saúde e o sistema econômico-industrial, mostrando a dicotomia existente na relação entre ambos, que se exprime na deterioração do potencial de inovação do país e na vulnerabilidade externa da política de saúde. Para tanto, a escolha pela investigação do caso empírico de criação do Reator Multipropósito Brasileiro se deu pelo envolvimento de diferentes setores institucionais no processo e que influenciam diretamente na estruturação de um parque de alta densidade tecnológica e científica ligado à área da saúde que poderiam elevar o país a um patamar diferenciado em termos de cooperação internacional e estratégia geopolítica. Os métodos utilizados incluíram pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema e análise de dados secundários que circundam o processo de incorporação da tecnologia estudada / This study aims to analyze the international context in the production of strategic nuclear supplies to the health sector and how the process of increasing political interaction between countries influence in decision-making of managers of the national health systems, in view of the importance of achieving greater degrees of autonomy against the oligopolies that dominate the world production of equipment for health. In this context, the theoretical approach was provided by the study of the health Industrial complex (GADELHA, 2003), which provides elements to discuss the interaction between the health system and the economicindustrial system, showing the dichotomy that exists in the relationship between the two, which is expressed in the deterioration of the innovation potential of the country and in the external vulnerability of health policy. For both, the choice by the empirical case investigation of Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor took place by the involvement of different institutional sectors in the process and that influence directly in the structuring of a high scientific and technological density linked to healthcare that could elevate the country to a plateau in terms of international cooperation and geopolitical strategy. The methods used included bibliographical research and secondary data analysis that surround the process of incorporation of technology

Inovação e interação: as redes de ensaios clínicos e o Brasil / Innovation & interaction: clinical trials networks and Brazil

Oliveira, Robson Rocha de 25 May 2018 (has links)
A inovação em saúde é caracterizada por uma forte interação com o setor de ciência e tecnologia. O crescente interesse pela internacionalização das atividades de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) conduz ao questionamento sobre as oportunidades em função das interações com outros países, como mecanismo para a construção de capacidades nacionais de inovação. Conforme os ensaios clínicos atravessaram as fronteiras nacionais, alcançando uma expressão global, as redes de relações entre os atores envolvidos torna-ram-se cada vez mais complexas e apresentam-se como uma possibilidade para a carac-terização da interação dos sistemas nacionais de inovação no plano global, particular-mente a partir do ponto de vista da produção de atividades de ciência, tecnologia e inovação em saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a expansão global de ensaios clíni-cos a fim de se mapear os possíveis padrões de conexão entre os países participantes, especificamente identificando a inserção do Brasil. Os métodos empregados incluíram pesquisa bibliográfica, análise de dados secundários, análise de redes sociais e entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores relacionados com a condução de ensaios clínicos no Brasil. Constata-se uma crescente interdependência dos sistemas nacionais de inovação, reque-rendo novas estruturas internacionais de inovação. Surgem novas oportunidades para a produção e a difusão internacional do conhecimento. Os ensaios clínicos promovem e requerem a interação entre empresas, universidades e instâncias governamentais, revelando-se como um elemento estratégico para a estruturação dos sistemas nacionais de inovação em saúde / Health innovation has been characterized by strong interaction with the science and technology sector. The growing interest in the internationalization of Research and Develop-ment (R&D) activities leads to a reflection on opportunities, in relation to connections among countries, as a mechanism for building national innovation capacities. Clinical trials have crossed national boundaries. As a result, the networks between the actors in-volved have become increasingly complex. That could be a possibility for characterizing the interaction of national innovation systems at the global level, particularly from the production of Science, Technology and Innovations activities in the health sector. The aim of this study was to assess the global expansion of clinical trials in order to map possible patterns of interaction among participating countries. The methods used included bibliographic research, secondary data analysis, social network analysis and semi-structured interviews with actors related to the conduction of clinical trials in Brazil. A growing interdependence of national innovation systems is based on new international inno-vation structures. New opportunities for the international diffusion of knowledge and production has been created. Clinical trials promote and require connections among firms, universities and government. Therefore, they represent a strategic element for national health innovation systems structuration

Gestão de desempenho em clusters e redes regionais de cooperação: estudos de casos brasileiros e alemães e proposta de um modelo de análise / Performance management in clusters and cooperation networks of small and medium-sized enterprises: brazilian and german case studies and proposal of an analysis model

Gerolamo, Mateus Cecílio 04 June 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho originou-se de pesquisas anteriores na área de gestão da melhoria, inovação e mudança empresarial. O desafio do projeto de doutorado seria o de desenvolver estratégias de implementação de ferramentas de melhoria para pequenas e médias empresas. Dessa forma, percebeu-se que o fenômeno de aglomeração regional entre empresas, clusters e redes de cooperação seria uma forma de potencializar o uso de tais métodos em pequenas e médias empresas e, com isso, possibilitar às pequenas e médias empresas acesso mais rápido à melhoria, inovação e competitividade. O objetivo do trabalho foi então definido como uma proposta de um modelo para gerenciar o desempenho em clusters e redes de cooperação de pequenas e médias empresas. Foi feita uma revisão do estado da arte sobre os temas gestão de desempenho organizacional e clusters e redes de cooperação. Estudos em nível mundial e europeu de gestão de clusters foram analisados e estudos de casos de clusters e redes de cooperação foram realizados no Brasil e na Alemanha. A Alemanha destaca-se atualmente no cenário europeu em função de seu programa de incentivo à inovação e competitividade para pequenas e médias empresas promovendo seus clusters e redes de cooperação, principalmente em campos de inovação e alta tecnologia. As análises da revisão de literatura, dos estudos de clusters e dos estudos de casos permitiram o desenvolvimento de um modelo de análise para gestão de desempenho em clusters e redes de cooperação que apresenta como principais elementos: a identificação de stakeholders-chave, a orientação estratégica e a definição de objetivos estratégicos, a implementação de ações e projetos conjuntos, a avaliação e medição de desempenho do cluster, e o estabelecimento de uma infra-estrutura de suporte ao processo de desenvolvimento da rede de cooperação e do cluster. Conclui-se, portanto que, embora seja difícil desenvolver um modelo totalmente adaptado às necessidades de diferentes clusters, esta proposta representa um modelo de análise que pode ser usado pelas iniciativas brasileiras de promoção de clusters e redes como o SEBRAE e a FIESP, por exemplo, no processo de promoção aos arranjos produtivos locais. Clusters de base tecnológica no Brasil também poderiam usar esse modelo de análise como auxílio para o desenvolvimento regional. / This work originated from previous works of research in the area of improvement, innovation and change management. The challenge of this doctorate project was the development of implementation strategies of improvement and innovation methods for small and medium-sized enterprises. The regional agglomeration phenomena between enterprises, i.e. clusters and regional cooperation networks are an expanding alternative to the use of such methods in small and medium-sized enterprises, giving them easier access to improvements, innovations and competitiveness. The objective of this work was defined, therefore, as a proposal of an analysis model to manage the performance in clusters and cooperation networks of small and medium-sized enterprises. Studies in worldwide and european level of cluster performance models were analyzed and case studies of clusters and cooperation networks were carried out in Brazil and Germany. Germany stands out in the european context because of its politics that stimulate innovation and competitiveness for small and medium-sized enterprises promoting its clusters and cooperation networks, mainly in fields of innovation and high technology. The analysis of the literature review, studies on cluster and case studies allowed the development of a model for performance management in clusters and cooperation networks. Such a model presents as main elements: key-stakeholders identification, definition of strategic view and key-objectives, implementation of joint actions and projects, evaluation and measurement of performance, and the establishment of a support infra-structure to the development process of a cluster or a cooperation network. As one of the main conclusions, it can be said that, although it is difficult to develop a model totally adapted to the needs of different clusters, this proposal represents an analysis model that can be used by the brazilian initiatives for promoting clusters and cooperation networks as carried out, for instance, by SEBRAE and FIESP in the cases of local productive systems. Technological based-clusters in Brazil could also use this analysis model as a framework for their regional development process.

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