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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad hade du förväntat dig : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelse att bli mamma / What did you expect : A qualitative study about women's experience of becoming a mother

Pettersson, Anna, Robertsson, Terese January 2018 (has links)
Becoming a mother is most often described as something natural and the qualities to be a mother is presupposed to exist in every woman. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study with the research question as to whether the image of ‘the good mother’ can be found in women's stories of becoming mothers. The data was collected through one group interview and two individual interviews and analyzed with Charmaz constructivist grounded theory as a method. In the analysis we found four theoretical codes that together answer our research questions. The result shows that there is still an ideal type of ‘the good mother’ after which women build their own identity as a mother. / Att bli mamma beskrivs ofta som något naturligt och egenskaperna att vara en god moder förutsätts existera i varje kvinna. Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida bilden av “den goda modern” kunde ses i kvinnors berättelser av att bli mödrar. Data samlades in genom en gruppintervju och två individuella intervjuer och analyserades med Charmaz konstruktivistiska grundade teori som metod. I analysen hittades fyra teoretiska koder som tillsammans svarar på forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visar att det fortfarande finns en idealtyp av "den goda modern", varefter kvinnor skapar sin egen identitet som mamma.

Galen eller levande begravd inompatriarkala strukturer? : – En komparativ studie av motivet den galna kvinnan i gotisk litteratur

Gustafsson, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur Victoria Mas roman De galna kvinnornas bal (2022) anspelar på traditionen female gothic och motivet den galna kvinnan i en kontext av 1800-talets patriarkala strukturer. Romanen studeras därför i relation till Charlotte Brontës Jane Eyre (1847), Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper (1892) och Selma Lagerlöfs Spökhanden (1898), för att urskilja hur motivet den galna kvinnan har använts i 1800-talets klassiska gotiska litteratur, och om några signifikanta skillnader förekommer i Mas (2022) moderna roman. Den komparativa och intertextuella studien utförs med en kvalitativ textanalys som inbegriper närläsningar och tolkningar av materialet i syfte att tolka och förstå den galna kvinnans framställning och funktion. Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystem och genuskontrakt tillämpas för att analysera hur den galna kvinnan underordnas en manlig auktoritetsfigur, och vilka oönskade egenskaper som hon fångar upp. Slutsatserna visar framför allt hur den galna kvinnan i De galna kvinnornas bal (Mas 2022) fyller en samhällskritisk funktion, eftersom romanen med en samtida röst slagkraftigt kritiserar den manliga auktoritetsfiguren till skillnad från jämförelsematerialet. Den galna kvinnans oönskade egenskaper framställs heller inte som orimliga eller farliga, vilket särskiljer sig från Jane Eyre (Brontë 1847) där den galna kvinnan framställs med aggressiva och farliga egenskaper. En annan signifikant skillnad i Mas (2022) roman är att den galna kvinnan framställs som ett intressant forskningsobjekt att experimentera på och visa upp för allmänheten, till skillnad från de galna kvinnorna i 1800-talstexterna.

De som kunde kommit före oss : En inblick i den historiska romanen genom en karaktärsanalys av Jan Guillous Brobyggarna och Vilhelm Mobergs emigrantepos. / The Ones Who Could Have Come Before Us : An insight into the historical novel through a character analysis of Jan Guillou´s Brobyggarna and Vilhelm Moberg´s emigrant epos.

Ahl, Alice January 2024 (has links)
I denna uppsats ämnar jag undersöka den historiska romanen som koncept genom en karaktärsanalys av fyra romaner av Vilhelm Moberg: Utvandrarna, Invandrarna, Nybyggarna och Sista brevet till Sverige, samt en av Jan Guillou: Brobyggarna. Dessa romaner är alla uppbyggda kring karaktärer som besitter mycket beslutsamhet och kampvilja, även om Jan Guillous karaktärer uppvisar kvaliteter som oftare associeras med superhjältar.  Som stöd i uppsatsen använder jag Georg Lukács The Historical Novel, i vilken han definierar hur en välskriven historisk är uppbyggd. Jag har även undersökt hur de båda författarna som är föremål för denna uppsats själva ser på sina verk, med extra fokus på deras sanningsanspråk. Detta eftersom Lukács särskilt poängterar att den historiska romanen måste vara, om inte sann, så trovärdig.  I analysen jämför jag ett urval av karaktärer från de olika verken med varandra för att se hur de passar in i Lukács definition av den historiska romanen. Jag poängterar att Guillous karaktärer är en aning för perfekta för att kunna betraktas som realistiska, medan Mobergs karaktärer framstår som mer levande och ärliga i sin strävan efter ett bättre liv. Guillou verkar skriva sin karaktärer som representanter för specifika historiska skeenden, snarare än som riktiga människor som påverkar av dessa skeenden. Därefter öppnar jag upp för en diskussion om de typiska egenskaperna hos karaktärerna i en historisk roman, och gör ett försök att förklara varför de måste skrivas på detta vis. / In this essay I aim to study the concept of the historical novel through a character analysis of four novels by Vilhelm Moberg: Utvandrarna, Invandrarna, Nybyggarna and Sista brevet till Sverige; and one by Jan Guillou: Brobyggarna. These novels all portray characters of great determination and grit, although the ones created by Jan Guillou tend to also have qualities moe commonly associated with superheroes.  To support my thesis, I use Georg Lukács´The Historical Novel, in which he defines what constitutes a well written historical novel. I have also researched how the two authors view their own works, with special emphasis on their claims to write truthfully, since one om Lukács main points is that the historical novel must be — not truthful — but realistic.  In the analysis I compare the characters from the different works with each other to see how they fit into Lukács´ definition of the historical novel. I make a point out of Guillou´s characters being a bit too perfect for them to be realaistic, while Moberg´s characters seem more alive and honest in their quest for a better life. Guillou seems to write his characters as representants of specific historical movements. I then open up for a discussion about the key characteristics of the characters in a historical, and attempt to explain why they have to be written in such a way.

Musik als Wahrnehmungskunst: Untersuchungen zu Kompositionsmethodik und Hörästhetik bei Helmut Lachenmann

Utz, Christian, Gadenstätter, Clemens 09 May 2023 (has links)
Im zweiten Band der musik.theorien der gegenwart wird mit Helmut Lachenmann einer der führenden Komponisten der heutigen Musik ins Zentrum gestellt, dessen eigene »Theorien« des Komponierens, des Hörens, der Wahrnehmung, des Verhältnisses zwischen Musik und Gesellschaft für die in dieser Schriftenreihe thematisierte Öffnung des Theoriebegriffs zentrale Impulse geliefert haben. Lachenmanns Denken über und in Musik versteht es in brillanter Weise eine eng an musikalischen Texten und Klängen orientierte Theoriebildung von vornherein durch vielfältige Ebenen zu weiten, ohne bezüglich der Kohärenz des theoretischen Ansatzes Kompromisse zu schließen. Dass einer solchen Form der musikalischen Theorie nicht zuletzt ein dialogisches Prinzip inhärent ist, zeigt das programmatisch am Anfang des Bandes stehende Podiumsgespräch. Es belegt insbesondere wie Lachenmanns Kunstbegriff, der Komponieren und Hören in eins denkt, sich permanent neuen, unbekannten Situationen auszusetzen vermag. Die weiteren im vorliegenden Band versammelten Texte finden zu Perspektiven, die im »Kanon« der Lachenmann-Literatur bislang allenfalls marginal gestreift wurden, u.a. indem sie Lachenmanns Musik in die so unterschiedlichen Kontexte der Kognitionswissenschaften, der Klangkunst und der japanischen Mundorgel shō stellen. Sie begreifen dabei die theoretischen Ideen des Komponisten keineswegs als sine qua non der eigenen analytischen Position, machen jedoch durchweg diese so hochgradig vernetzbaren und entwickelbaren Ideen in neuartiger Weise produktiv und vermitteln dabei zwischen Theorie, Hören und musikalischer Praxis.

Modeling of non-equilibrium scanning probe microscopy

Gustafsson, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
The work in this thesis is basically divided into two related but separate investigations. The first part treats simple chemical reactions of adsorbate molecules on metallic surfaces, induced by means of a scanning tunneling probe (STM). The investigation serves as a parameter free extension to existing theories. The theoretical framework is based on a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF). Tunneling electrons that pass the adsorbate molecule are assumed to heat up the molecule, and excite vibrations that directly correspond to the reaction coordinate. The theory is demonstrated for an OD molecule adsorbed on a bridge site on a Cu(110) surface, and critically compared to the corresponding experimental results. Both reaction rates and pathways are deduced, opening up the understanding of energy transfer between different configurational geometries, and suggests a deeper insight, and ultimately a higher control of the behaviour of adsorbate molecules on surfaces. The second part describes a method to calculate STM images in the low bias regime in order to overcome the limitations of localized orbital DFT in the weak coupling limit, i.e., for large vacuum gaps between a tip and the adsorbate molecule. The theory is based on Bardeen's approach to tunneling, where the orbitals computed by DFT are used together with the single-particle Green's function formalism, to accurately describe the orbitals far away from the surface/tip. In particular, the theory successfully reproduces the experimentally well-observed characteristic dip in the tunneling current for a carbon monoxide (CO) molecule adsorbed on a Cu(111) surface. Constant height/current STM images provide direct comparisons to experiments, and from the developed method further insights into elastic tunneling are gained.

Från häxa till sann kärlek : En narrativ analys av förändringen mellan klassiska och moderna Disney-skurkar

Gréen, Michaela, Hydén, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

"Ja, jag kan spela kriminell men jag vill inte spela kriminell i alla filmer som jag gör" : En studie om scenkonst och blicken på den andre

Welin, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
This study explores how the participants from Livet Bitch performing arts business experience how others view people from Södertälje with a focus on media representation. How do the participants respond to the media image within the framework of Livetbitch's performing arts activities? The consequences of the mediaimage for the participants performing arts practice are also problematized. In order to explore the study's initial questions, a postcolonial feminist perspective is applied. The study shows that the participants' experiences of how others view those who come from Södertälje are complex. Partly the participants oppose the media image and partly they also agree with the media image based on certain aspects. When it comes to the participants' performing arts, participants believe that people with a foreign background from the suburbs often have to act as deputies to break norms, which according to several of the participants means that they become unfree in art. Within the framework of Livetbitch, however, several different aspects of resistance can be found. These strategies are linked to Livetbitch's various film and performing arts productions as well as to the design of the business, i.e. to its similarities with the community theatre.

Quantum Simulation of Quantum Effects in Sub-10-nm Transistor Technologies

Winka, Anders January 2022 (has links)
In this master thesis, a 2D device simulator run on a hybrid classical-quantum computer was developed. The simulator was developed to treat statistical quantum effects such as quantum tunneling and quantum confinement in nanoscale transistors. The simulation scheme is based on a self-consistent solution of the coupled non-linear 2D SchrödingerPoisson equations. The Open Boundary Condition (OBC) of the Schrödinger equation, which allows for electrons to pass through the device between the leads (source and drain), are modeled with the QuantumTransmitting Boundary Method (QTBM). The differential equations are discretized with the finite-element method, using rectangular mesh elements. The self-consistent loop is a very time-consuming process, mainly due to the solution of the discretized OBC Schrödinger equation. To accelerate the solution time of the Schrödinger equation, a quantum assisted domain decomposition method is implemented. The domain decomposition method of choice is the Block Cyclic Reduction (BCR) method. The BCR method is at least 15 times faster (CPU time) than solving the whole linear system of equations with the Python solver numpy.linalg.solve, based on the LAPACK routine _gesv. In the project, we also propose an alternative approach of the BCR method called the "extra layer BCR" that shows an improved accuracy for certain types of solutions. In a quantum assisted version, the matrix inverse solver as a step in the BCR method was computed on the D-Wave quantum annealer chip ADVANTAGE_SYSTEM4.1 [4]. Two alternative methods to solve the matrix inverses on a quantum annealer were compared. One is called the "unit vector" approach, based on work by Rogers and Singleton [5], and the other is called the "whole matrix" approach which was developed in the thesis. Because of the limited amount of qubits available on the quantum annealer, the "unit vector" approach was more suitable for adaption in the BCR method. Comparing the quantum annealer to the Python inverse solver numpy.linalg.inv, also based on LAPACK, it was found that an accurate solution can be achieved, but the simulation time (CPU time) is at best 500 times slower than numpy.linalg.inv.

High-throughput ab-initio calculation of the elastic constants of alloys with vacancies - Ta0.5Al0.5N1-x and Nb0.5Al0.5N1-x with x = 0.03, 0.05 and 0.10

Hassani, Sadeq January 2023 (has links)
In today's data-driven society, data holds immense value and is sought after across various domains, including the realm of science. Materials science, in particular, relies heavily on data acquisition and analysis to further advancements in the field. In this study, data for an alloy database is generated through high-throughput calculations, serving as a valuable resource for investigating the effects of vacancy concentration on the structural and mechanical properties of (TM)0.5Al0.5N1-x random alloys. The alloys, comprised of Ta or Nb (TM), exhibit promising potential for diverse applications such as cutting tool, electrical and optical devices, etc. To accurately represent the average behavior of real random alloys, special quasirandom structures (SQS) are utilized, and the short-range order (SRO) parameters are analyzed using the ATAT code. A two-level computational approach with different convergence criteria is used to investigate the influence of vacancy concentration on alloys. This approach utilizes the high throughput toolkit (httk) software package in conjunction with VASP calculations. The calculations are performed on supercomputer resources provided by the National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden (NAISS). The elastic constants of the alloys are calculated using the httk software, providing insights into their mechanical properties. The findings highlight the substantial influence of vacancy concentration on the structural and mechanical behavior of (TM)0.5Al0.5N1-x random alloys.

O, quae mutatio rerum : Antikreception och antikbruk hos studentföreningar vid Stockholms universitet

Wibacke, Elis January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the meaning of instances of classical reception and uses of Antiquity within student clubs and societies at Stockholm University. The analysis is structured around a variety of factors, concerning the names and symbols of local student associations, as well as their social events and theatrical projects. There are notable differences to be found between societies targeting Classics students and those aimed at other student groups. Even though instances of classical reception are present in many different types of student associations, they take on a particular meaning for Classics students, who are more invested in the accuracy of the references than others. The theoretical framework of Swedish scholar Peter Aronsson is used to explain these differences. Furthermore, the study indicates that all student organisations are somewhat dependent on the classical tradition existent within academia.

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