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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grafomotorika u pacientů po cévní mozkové příhodě / Handwriting in patient after stroke

Veselková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
The thesis deals with with handwriting in adult patients after stroke. The main aim is to design and evaluate a therapeutic program for stroke patients focused on hand function and handwriting. The secondary aims are to translate Handwirting Assessment Battery for Adults into the Czech language by the method of back translation and to determine patient satisfaction with the program. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly summarizes the issue of stroke. General knowledge about handwriting is followed by a summary of handwriting difficulties of stroke patients. The theoretical part is concluded by available handwriting examinations and different ways of occupational therapy intervention. The practical part of the thesis was a case study. Five patients participated in the four- week therapeutic program. The designed program includes task-specific training and Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) elements. The tools of the Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test, the Frenchay Arm Test and Score for Visual Evaluation of Functional Task of the Hand were used to assess the effect of the program on hand function. The practical part mentions the back translation of the handwriting tool Handwriting Assessment Battery for Adults, which was used to evaluate the effect of the program on handwriting...

Finmotorikens betydelse för skrivinlärningen ur ett lärarperspektiv / The importance of fine motor skills when learning to write from a teachers´ perspective

Fors, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Abstrakt Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om lärares uppfattning och förståelse om och för handskriftens betydelse för elevers finmotoriska utveckling i svenskundervisningen i årskurs 1 – 4.  Detta för att belysa vikten av att fortsätta använda handskriften i skrivinlärningen. I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod använts vid intervjuer av respondenterna. Studiens teori baseras på det sociokulturella perspektivet och pragmatismen. En fenomenografisk forskningsansats har använts i studiens bearbetning, tolkning och analys av den insamlade datan. Resultatet har diskuterats mot bakgrund och tidigare forskning samt utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet och pragmatismens syn på lärande. Resultatet visar att oavsett vilken metod lärare väljer att använda, handskrift eller tangentsinlärning, behöver eleverna olika övningar för att träna handen och finmotoriken, eftersom eleverna behöver kunna forma bokstäverna för att kunna skriva enkla texter med en läslig handstil. I resultatet framkommer det även att några lärare använder en form av ASL-metod i sin undervisning och är eniga om att handskriften behöver användas parallellt med tangentbordet. / Abstract The purpose of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about teachers´perception and understanding about the significance of the use of handwriting for the development of students' fine motor skills in the Swedish language classroom, in primary school during years 1 – 4. This is to highlight the importance of the continued use of handwriting when learning to write. In this study, a qualitative method was used in the interviews with the respondents. The study's theory is based on the sociocultural perspective and pragmatism. A phenomenographical research approach has been used in the processing, interpretation and analysis of the collected data. The results have been discussed in the context of previous research and based on socio-cultural and pragmatism's views on learning. The results show that regardless of which method teachers choose to use, handwriting or typing, students need complementary exercises to train the hand and the fine motor skills, as students need to be able to shape the letters to be able to write simple texts in a readable handwriting. The results also show that some teachers use some form of iWTR method in their teaching and they agree that handwriting needs to be used in parallel with a keyboard.

A Multitask Learning Encoder-N-Decoder Framework for Movie and Video Description

Nina, Oliver A., Nina 11 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Handskrift, att vara eller inte vara? : Lärares syn på handskrift i dagens digitaliserade samhälle / Handwriting, to be or not to be? : Teachers view on handwriting in today’s digitizing society

Abrahamsson, Alva January 2023 (has links)
Writing by hand is not that obvious in todays digitalized society, much of what we write and read is digitized. Today we communicate via SMS, email, and social media instead of sending letters and postcards. What do teachers think of handwriting still being a part of the curriculum? Will handwriting survive or is it on its way out?In this survey nine teachers in preschool to sixth grade have been interviewed to hear their opinions about the handwriting, if they think it is important to preserve it. How they motivate their children to write by hand even though the society is digitalized. If they feel that the educational material companies have adapted to the digital curriculum or if there still are good analogue materials available.The results show that the teachers think handwriting is important as there is a connection between brain and hand which is good for learning. The students also practice their fine motor skills when they are allowed to write by hand, which the teachers attach great importance to. / Att skriva för hand är inte lika självklart i dagens digitaliserade samhälle, mycket av det vi skriver och läser är digitalt. Vi kommunicerar idag via sms, mejl och sociala medier i stället för att skriva brev eller vykort. Vad tycker lärarna om att handskriften fortfarande är en del av skolans läroplan? Kommer handskriften att bestå eller är den på väg bort? I denna undersökning har nio lärare i årskurserna förskoleklass till sexan intervjuats för att höra deras åsikter om handskriften, om de tycker att det är viktigt att bevara den. Hur de gör för att motivera sina elever att skriva för hand när vi lever i ett digitalt samhälle. Samt om de känner att läromedelsföretagen anpassat sig efter den digitala läroplanen eller om det fortfarande finns bra analogt material att tillgå.Resultatet visar att lärarna tycker att handskriften är viktig då det finns en koppling mellan hjärna och hand som är bra vid inlärning. Eleverna tränar också på finmotoriken när de får skriva för hand vilket lärarna lägger stor vikt vid.

Deep Learning for Document Image Analysis

Tensmeyer, Christopher Alan 01 April 2019 (has links)
Automatic machine understanding of documents from image inputs enables many applications in modern document workflows, digital archives of historical documents, and general machine intelligence, among others. Together, the techniques for understanding document images comprise the field of Document Image Analysis (DIA). Within DIA, the research community has identified several sub-problems, such as page segmentation and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). As the field has matured, there has been a trend of moving away from heuristic-based methods, designed for particular tasks and domains of documents, and moving towards machine learning methods that learn to solve tasks from examples of input/output pairs. Within machine learning, a particular class of models, known as deep learning models, have established themselves as the state-of-the-art for many image-based applications, including DIA. While traditional machine learning models typically operate on features designed by researchers, deep learning models are able to learn task-specific features directly from raw pixel inputs.This dissertation is collection of papers that proposes several deep learning models to solve a variety of tasks within DIA. The first task is historical document binarization, where an input image of a degraded historical document is converted to a bi-tonal image to separate foreground text from background regions. The next part of the dissertation considers document segmentation problems, including identifying the boundary between the document page and its background, as well as segmenting an image of a data table into rows, columns, and cells. Finally, a variety of deep models are proposed to solve recognition tasks. These tasks include whole document image classification, identifying the font of a given piece of text, and transcribing handwritten text in low-resource languages.


ANDREA CAROLINA CAMARGO CASTRO 27 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente projeto trata sobre as letras manuscritas em muros e espaços públicos, com foco no grafite e a pichação como formas de expressão que interagem com os transeuntes, dentro do território urbano. Desde o campo do design e da arte, abordar uma manifestação urbana considerada marginal como objeto de pesquisa, é uma forma de aprofundar nesta pratica como plataforma comunicativa acessível e vigente nas ruas da cidade, que não deixa de existir apesar dos avanços tecnológicos. Propomos então uma classificação dos diversos estilos de letras em grafites e pichações encontrados em áreas determinadas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, assim como uma visão panorâmica sobre diversos pontos de vista como são o de quem executa (grafiteiros e pichadores), o de quem observa (transeuntes e passantes) e o de quem cuida do território (legislação e entes governamentais). Assim, destacamos o valor desta manifestação dentro da cultura popular, como parte da gráfica urbana brasileira, e a importância do seu registro como um aporte à história da comunicação escrita, no Brasil e na América Latina. Documentar as letras encontradas nos muros da cidade, de maneira efêmera e ao mesmo tempo persistente, é o caminho não só para fazer um levantamento de sua diversidade, mas também é uma forma de entender a maneira em que dialogam com a população, no momento atual em que grafites e pichações se encontram entre a luta pela conquista da rua, a defesa da livre expressão diante os órgãos públicos e a aceitação como parte do cenário de transformação e renovação de espaços públicos. / [en] This project deals with the handwritten letters in walls and public spaces, focusing on graffiti and pichação as forms of expression that interact with pedestrians within the urban territory. From the field of design and art, addressing an urban manifestation considered marginal as an object of investigation, is a way to deepen this practice as an accessible and effective communication platform in the streets of the city, which does not cease to exist in spite of the technological advances. Then, we propose the classification of styles letters in graffiti and pichação found on predetermined areas at Rio de Janeiro. As well, a panoramic view from different viewpoints, such as the one who executes (graffiti makers and pichadores), the one of who observes (passers-by and interns) and the one who takes care of the territory (legislation and government entities). Thus, we highlight the value of this as a manifestation within popular culture, also, as part of the Brazilian urban graphic, and the importance of its registration as a contribution to the history of written communication, in Brazil and in Latin America. Documenting the found letters on the city walls from an ephemeral and persistent way at the same time, created a path not only to uplifting its diversity, but also to understand how they dialogue with the population. In a present moment in which graffiti and pichação are between the fight for the conquest of the street, the defense of the free expression in front of the public organs and the acceptance like part of the scene of transformation and renovation of public spaces.


Hanif, Sidra, 0000-0001-6531-7656 05 1900 (has links)
For a long time, handwriting analysis, such as handwriting recognition and signature verification, has been an active research area. There are two categories of handwriting, online and offline. Online handwriting is captured in real-time on a digital device such as a tablet screen with a stylus pen. In contrast, the handwritten text scanned or captured by a camera from a physical medium such as paper is referred to as offline handwriting. For offline handwriting, the input is limited to handwritten images, making handwriting analysis much more difficult. In our work, we proposed a Stroke Trajectory Recover (STR) for offline and unconstrained handwritten documents. For this purpose, we introduce large-scale word-level annotations for the English handwriting sampled from the IAM-online dataset. The current STR architectures for English handwriting use lines of text or characters of the alphabet as input. However, a word-level STR method estimates loss for each word rather than averaging DTW loss over the entire line of text. Furthermore, to avoid the stray points/artifacts in predicted stroke points, we employ a marginal Chamfer distance that penalizes large, easily noticeable deviations and artifacts. For word detection, we propose the fusion of character region scores with bounding box estimation. Since the character level annotations are not available for handwritten text, we estimate the character region scores in a weakly supervised manner. Character region scores are estimated autonomously from the word’s bounding box estimation to learn the character level information in handwriting. We propose to fuse the character region scores and images to detect words in camera-captured handwriting images. We also propose an automated evaluation to check the quality of the predicted stroke trajectory. The existing handwriting datasets have limited availability of stroke coordinates information. Hence, although the proposed system can be applied to handwriting datasets without stroke coordinates information, it is impossible to evaluate the quality of its predicted strokes using the existing methods. Therefore, in our work, we propose two measures for evaluating the quality of recovered stroke trajectories when ground truth stroke information is not given. First, we formulated an automated evaluation measure based on image matching by finding the difference between original and rendered images. We also evaluated the preservation of readability of words for original and rendered images with a transformer-based word recognition network. Since our proposed STR system works with words, we demonstrate that our method is scalable to unconstrained handwritten documents, i.e., full-page text. Finally, we present a probabilistic diffusion model conditioned on handwriting style template for generating writing strokes. In our work, we propose to learn the localized patches for handwriting style features from multiscale attention network. The multiscale attention network captures fine details about local character style and global handwriting style. Moreover, we train our diffusion model with the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) loss function, along with the diffusion loss, which eliminates the need to train any auxiliary networks for text or writer style recognition and adversarial networks. / Computer and Information Science

Virtueller Zusammenschluss digitaler Papyrussammlungen : das „Papyrusportal"

Gerhardt, Marius 06 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Das Buch in Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit

11 May 2016 (has links)
Die Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig gehört zu den großen Altbestandsbibliotheken in Deutschland. Sie besitzt eine Vielzahl an bedeutenden Sonderbeständen, die den Rang eines nationalen Kulturerbes einnehmen. <i>Das Buch in Antike, Mittelalter und Neuzeit</i> gibt einen Einblick in die Arbeit mit diesen Sonderbeständen. Von Beiträgen zu Dokumenten aus antiker Zeit, Papyri und Ostraka über Aufsätze zu mittelalterlichen Handschriften bis hin zur neuzeitlichen Handschriftenüberlieferung (Buchhandschriften, aber auch Nachlässe, Autographensammlungen und Stammbücher) werden Erschließungsfragen diskutiert, für die in den letzten Jahren durch die Einbindung EDV-technischer Verfahren neue Lösungsvorschläge erarbeitet wurden. Aufsätze über druckgraphische Sammlungen, Gelehrtenbibliotheken und Schulschriftensammlungen tragen dem zentralen Bestandteil einer jeden Bibliothek, dem gedruckten Buch, und der Geschichte des europäischen Buchdrucks Rechnung. Zudem wird der Erschließung von Sammlungen nichteuropäischer Handschriften, von Texten in den Sprachen Arabisch, Persisch und Türkisch sowie in indischen Sprachen nachgegangen, die die Leipziger Bibliothek vor besondere Herausforderungen stellen. Die Konzentration auf die Dokumentation des Bucherbes hat es nicht verhindert, dass an der Universitätsbibliothek auch andere Medientypen gesammelt wurden. Dazu gehört an erster Stelle die größte universitäre Sammlung in Deutschland von 85.000 Münzen und Medaillen, die nun erstmals vorgestellt wird.

Bibliotheken zwischen Kultureller Memoria, Wissenschaft und Musealität

Fuchs, Thomas 05 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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