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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Esthétique et théorie de l'errance : regard littéraire et perspective de lecture sur les oeuvres romanesques d'Edouard Glissant, de John Maxwell Coetzee et de Haruki Murakami / Esthetics and theory of the wandering : literary look and prospect of reading on the romantic works of Eduard Glissant, John Maxwell Coetzee and Haruki Murakami.

Beyeme Nze, Alexis 29 September 2014 (has links)
L’errance cet être phénomène qui s’émeut et parcours la diégèse d’une production littéraire transgressive. Cette révolution du langage textuel dont le but premier est de mettre à mort la tradition de la littérature. Ici encore le genre représentatif des lettres, le roman, est bousculé jusqu’à son dernier retranchement, tant la transformation est évidente et perceptible dans la pensée moderne, postmoderne et postcoloniale. L’hybridation se convoque si bien que, le lecteur est une fois de plus aliéné, médusé d’un maillage scriptural qui le pousse à la transcendance de l’analyse basique. L’auteur s’érige ainsi en tant que héraut qui tue l’ancien et subvertit le caché avec une totale liberté. Alors, genres littéraires, personnages, temporalité et espace se reconfigurent inlassablement par le motif de l’errance à l’intérieur du texte. Par conséquent, l’errance devient un actant singulier et central qui anime l’actualité de manière générale du monde de l’art et en particulier de la littérature. Cette thèse unie les voix de trois écrivains : Glissant, Coetzee et Murakami, ces derniers respectivement mettent en relief une identité recherchée, une anomie qui affecte le logos, le pathos et l’éthos et un personnage tant singulier qu’hybride. / The wandering this being phenomenon which is moved and travel (browse) the diégèse of a transgressive literary production. This revolution of the textual language, the first purpose of which is to put to death the tradition of literature. Here still the representative kind (genre) of letters, novel, is pushed aside (knocked down) up to its last cutting off, so much the transformation (processing) is obvious and perceptible in the modern, postmodern thought and postcolonial. The hybridization summons (convenes) so that, the reader is alienated, dumbfounded one more time by a scriptural meshing which pushes him (it) to the transcendence of the basic (basal) analysis. The author so sets up himself as herald who kills the former (old) and subverts the mask with a total freedom. Then, literary genres, characters, temporality and space re-configure indefatigably by the motive for the wandering becomes a singular and central agent which livens up (leads) the current events in a general way of the world of the art and in particular the literature. This united thesis the voice of three writers: Glissant, Coetzee and Murakami, the later respectively accentuate a sought identity, an anomie which affects (allocates) logos, the pathos and ethos and character so singular as hybrid.

Aporia in the work of D. H. Lawrence / L'aporie dans l'œuvre de D.H. Lawrence

Lebreton, Mélanie 28 November 2014 (has links)
Ces recherches doctorales démontrent comment l’aporie et ses voix/voies plurielles minent l’œuvre Lawrencienne: romans, essais, poèmes ou encore tableaux. Malgré le désir du lecteur de donner une voix/voie singulière – ou interprétation – à l’œuvre de D. H. Lawrence, seule une herméneutique et une vérité plurielle viennent à notre rencontre, nous laissant ainsi soumis à une impasse insurmontable. Tout au long de ce chemin doctoral, nul n’est à l’abri des culs de sacs et des trébuchements. Ainsi, une aporie génétique tisse le tissu textuel des premières ébauches de D. H. Lawrence, et la souveraineté logocentrique et herméneutique de l’homme est renversée. La rature s’impose et l’œuvre de D. H. Lawrence nous rappelle que le logos, et l’Être, résistent, pour mieux inscrire l’aporie dans son corpus. Les limites du langage, de la religion, du savoir, et de la représentation artistique de la réalité résonne désormais avec une question qui demeure sans réponse et en suspens. / This work of research aims at showing how aporia and its plural voices pervade D.H Lawrence’s work, be it through his novels, his essays, his poetry, or his paintings. Despite the reader’s desire to give one singular voice and meaning to D.H Lawrence’s work, plural meanings and multiples truths come our way, leaving us facing an uncrossable impasse. The road is paved with deadlocks and places to stumble upon. Indeed, genetic aporia weaves the very fabric of D.H. Lawrence’s first drafts and sketches, and the logocentric and hermeneutic sovereignty of man is put into question. In fact, we have to cross it out as Lawrence’s work reminds us that the logos, and Being, show some resistance, the result of which is to better inscribe aporia into his corpus. The limits of language, of religion, of knowledge, and of the artistic representation of reality resonate now with an everlasting and unanswered question.

Spolek Universalia a její časopis Logos jako nositel alternativní spirituality / The society of Universalia, review "Logos" and the alternative spirituality

Plass, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to present society of Universalia which first appears in era of the First republic and uses it's journal Logos in attempt to prove whether Universalia is society of alternative spirituality. Thesis is also interested in some authors of spiritual articles in this periodical and tries to describe impact of these authors on the community of Universalia. The introduction of this thesis describes society of Universalia and its purpose. Another chapter mentions many traditions which Universalia follows-up. Ensuing is the presentation of Logos journal, which serves as communication stream for its members and other societies. Focus point of the thesis lies in analysis of spiritual articles in Logos journal. Forty-two specific articles have been chosen to introduce its authors and try to derive from their contents, whether they aim to create comprehensive picture of spiritual live. The attachments bring some of to this day unpublished research instruments, such as complete bibliography of Logos journal or list of texts published by Universalia.

Debatten om avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Går den att förstå? / The debate on the abolition of the audit obligation : Can it be understood?

Roos, Lisa, Pettersson, Veronika January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Revisionsplikten var länge obligatorisk för alla aktiebolag i Sverige men avskaffades år 2010 för små aktiebolag som ett led i att förenkla för företagare. Avskaffandet skapade en debatt mellan olika aktörer. Debatten har till stor del handlat om den ekonomiska brottsligheten har ökat efter avskaffandet av revisionsplikten och om nyttan av revisionen, om den är värd vad den kostar. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra med en förståelse för debatten om avskaffandet av revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag i Sverige. Varför och hur har de olika aktörerna valt att agera för att nå ut med sina budskap samt vilka aktörerna vill påverka med budskapet. Studiens bidrag är att fånga de skillnader och likheter som finns i debatten i nuläget och hur debatten har utvecklats mellan åren 2008-2023. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och genomfördes med hjälp av metoder som dokumentanalys och av semistrukturerade intervjuer. De mest relevanta dokumenten valdes ut för att de ligger till grund för en stor del av debatten. Det kompletterades med en sammansatt intervjuguide som anpassades för att uppnå studiens syfte. Slutsats: Politik är en grund till varför debatten ser ut som den gör eftersom politikerna har makten att fatta beslut och förändra. Budskapen som aktörerna förmedlar i debatten har olika syften, som visar på skillnader och likheter mellan aktörerna. Debatten har två olika sidor där den ena sidan argumenterar för ett återinförande av revisionsplikten och därmed minska den ekonomiska brottsligheten. Den andra sidan fokuserar på att höja gränsvärdena för revisionsplikt för aktiebolag så att fler företag ska kunna välja bort revision. / Background: The audit duty was for a long time mandatory for all limited companies in Sweden, but was abolished in 2010 for small limited companies as part of simplification for entrepreneurs. The abolition created a debate between different actors. The debate has largely been about whether economic crime has increased after the abolition of the audit duty and about the benefit of the audit, whether it is worth the cost. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to an understanding of the debate about the abolition of the audit duty for small limited companies in Sweden. Why and how have the various actors chosen to act in order to reach out with their messages and who the actors want to influence with the message. The study's contribution is to capture the differences and similarities that exist in the current debate and how the debate has developed between the years 2008-2023. Method: The study has a qualitative approach and was carried out using methods such as document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The most relevant documents were selected because they form the basis of a large part of the debate. It was supplemented with a composite interview guide that was adapted to achieve the purpose of the study. Conclusions: The politics is a foundation for why the debate looks the way it does because the politicians have the power to make decisions and change. The messages that the actors convey in the debate have different purposes, which show differences and similarities between the actors. The debate has two different sides, with one side arguing for a reintroduction of the audit duty and thereby reducing financial crime. The other side focuses on raising the threshold for audit obligation for limited companies so that more companies can opt out of audit.

"Vi förstår att du är besviken och håller med om att en skadad fågel är en för mycket" : En analys om hur praxis inom kriskommunikation används av ett företag på deras Facebooksida / “We understand that you’re disappointed and agree that one injured bird is one to many” : An analysis of how crisis communication practices are used by a company on their Facebook page

Andersson, Maja, Tememi, Aous January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur en organisation försöker återuppbygga sitt rykte och förtroende när de kommunicerar direkt med sina konsumenter på deras Facebooksida. En kvalitativ textanalys har använts för att undersöka företaget Kronfågels kriskommunikation i deras kommentarsfält till två inlägg på deras Facebook. Inläggen publicerades i maj och september år 2021 i samband med att Aftonbladets program “200 sekunder” avslöjade och rapporterade om dålig djurhållning hos Kronfågel. Dessa två inlägg fick hundratals kommentarer från upprörda konsumenter och Kronfågel svarade på flera av dessa kommentarer.  För att genomföra studien valdes följande frågeställning ut: -Vilka kommunikationsstrategier använder sig Kronfågel av på Facebook för att återuppbygga sitt förtroende och rykte i samband med djurhållningsskandalerna som uppmärksammades i maj och september 2021?  Frågeställningen besvarades med ett teoretiskt ramverk som innefattar teorierna: Image repair theory, Apologia strategier och de retoriska medlen ethos, pathos och logos. I sökandet efter svaret på denna frågeställning studerade vi även konsumenters kommentarer och känsloyttringar på organisationens Facebooksida. För att ta reda på vilka strategier inom de olika teorierna Kronfågel använt sig av skapade vi förhandsdefinierade frågor utifrån de teoretiska ramverket som sedan applicerats på materialet. Materialet valdes ut genom att noggrant läsa igenom alla kommentarer Kronfågel svarat på för att sedan kunna välja ut kommentare som inte enbart bestod av Copy/paste-svar. Utöver det skapades även följande kriterier för studiens empiriska material:   -Kommentarerna måste beröra krisen -Varje kommentar bör innehålla bokstäver och får därmed inte endast bestå av smileys eller osammanhängande tecken. -Det första svaret av Kronfågel på varje konsuments kommentar Utifrån dessa kriterier landade studien i att analysera 56 kommentarer. Studiens resultat visade på att de Image repair strategier Kronfågel använde sig mest av var: Tillrättaläggande och Minimering. De strategier inom Apologia som Kronfågel använde sig mest av var: Uttryck för ånger och Ett försök till försoning med de drabbade intressenterna. De Image repair strategier vi fann som var mindre förekommande i Kronfågels kriskommunikation var: Bolstering, Differentiering och Defeasibillity och Good intentions. De strategier inom Apologia som vi fann mindre förekommande var: Ett tydligt erkännande att man gjort fel och Ett förbehållslöst ansvarstagande. I analysen fann vi även att Kronfågel använde sig av de retoriska medlen ethos, pathos och logos genomgående i sina kommentarer. Studien avslutas med en diskussionsdel där vi diskuterar studiens resultat och kopplar det till tidigare forskning kring ämnet kriskommunikation. Vi ger även förslag till vidare forskning och lyfter olika implikationer denna uppsats bidragit med för samhället och arbetslivet. / The purpose of this study is to examine how organizations are trying to rebuild their trust and reputation when they are communicating directly with their customers on their Facebook page in a crisis. To examine this the study used a qualitative text analysis. The posts on Facebook were posted after Aftonbladert came out with their investigation “200 Sekunder”, reporting and exposing bad animal husbandry at Kronfågel. The information was posted on their Facebook page in May and September 2021, they got hundreds of comments from upset customers and Kronfågel responded to many of the comments. To answer and examine the purpose, the following research question was formulated: -Which Communication strategies does Kronfågel use to rebuild their trust and reputation in conjunction with the animal husbandry exposing in May and September 2021? The research question was based on a theoretical framework including, Image Repair Theory, Apologia strategies, and the rhetorical framework Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Besides this research question, we also examine consumers' comments and expressions of emotion on the organization's Facebook page.  To get the answers for what strategies Kronfågel used based on the theoretical framework we used predefined questions when we analyzed the material. After reading the comment thoroughly we could choose our empirical material. We focused on comments that didn’t have a copy/paste answer and showed variation from Kronfågel, we also based it on the following criteria -The comment has to be about the crisis -Every comment should include letters, not only smileys or other characters -We only analyze the first comment by Kronfågel for every customer Based on these guidelines and criteria we landed in 56 comments in total. The result of this examination showed that it was a few strategies that were used more frequently than others. Minimization and  Corrective actions were used the most In Image Repair Theory. In Apologia, Seeks reconciliation with injured stakeholders and Expresses regret was used most frequently. The analysis also showed that Kronfågel used Ethos, Pathos, and logos throughout their communication. Besides the strategies that were used the most we also found that it was strategies that occurred only a few times, Bolstering, Differentiering och Defeasibillity och Good intentions in Image Repair Theory. In Apologia, Explicitly acknowledges wrongdoing and Fully accepts responsibility was only found a few times in the comments.


ANGELA FLEURY DA FONSECA 02 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação analisa as reflexões de Heráclito de Éfeso sobre o par de contrários vida-morte a partir da compreensão de Alexandre Costa dos conceitos heraclíticos de logos e thanatos, descrita em Thanatos: da Possibilidade de um Conceito de Morte a partir do Logos Heraclítico (Costa, 1999). Partindo de uma ótica singular de Costa, Heráclito é destacado como o precursor das indagações a respeito das virtudes e das coisas humanas. É ressaltado um Heráclito ético e político, que estaria tentando entender a dificuldade do humano em decifrar o mundo a sua volta e a si mesmo. Esta dificuldade se daria devido a uma surdez humana, que impediria os humanos de escutar a fala do logos, isto é, a fala do cosmo, o que os tornaria uma espécie de mortos-vivos. Sublinha-se a dimensão humana do pensamento do efésio e a lógica heraclítica da contradição, que abraça a ideia da inseparabilidade e interconectividade dos contrários na compreensão do cosmo como tudo-um. Na busca pela compreensão de qual seria o lugar do humano, Heráclito estaria escutando o logos comum/universal que estaria expressando um processo inescapável de relação e cooperação entre contrários. O humano estaria diante de um aparecimento processual de interconexão e interdependência entre tudo e todos. Este trabalho que se inicia com a análise das reflexões de Heráclito, um filósofo grego do século VI a.C., acaba por se desenrolar na direção das atuais circunstâncias, quando se torna inadiável que se perceba a existência de um humano morto-vivo contemporâneo. Heráclito estaria apontando a existência de uma morte exclusiva dos humanos, uma morte ética, um humano morto em vida que estaria buscando uma gratificação imediata para si, egoísta e autocentrado, sem compromisso com o outro, separando o inseparável, isto é, que não compreende a interdependência cosmológica do tudo-um. Nesta dissertação, será descrito o morto-vivo heraclítico, mas o mesmo será facilmente identificado contemporaneamente nestes tempos de pandemia e pandemônio. E daí? disse o presidente. / [en] This work aims to analyze the heraclitic reflections on the pair of opposites life-death, from the comprehension of Alexandre Costa about the concepts of logos and thanatos developed in the work Thanatos: of the Possibility of a Concept of Death from the Heraclitic Logos (Costa, 1999). Starting from Costa’s singular perspective, the work intends to highlight Heraclitus as a precursor of the inquiries about virtues and human things. It aims to illuminate an ethical-political Heraclitus who would be trying to understand the human difficulty in deciphering themselves and the world around them. This difficulty would be due to a deafness that would prevent us from hearing the speech of the logos, the speech of the cosmos that is expressing the inseparability and interconnectivity of all beings, the difficulty in the understanding the all-one, that the human is in an unstable place between opposites which are in constant movement. The ignorance about the idea that we belong to a cosmos that expresses cooperation and not isolation. This work, which begins with the analysis of the thought of Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher from the 6th century BC, inevitably unfolds in the direction of the 21st century when it becomes unavoidable to associate the heraclitic living dead to the contemporary living dead. The current politics of separating us and them has transformed us into true zombies, deaf beings for the speech of nature that screams to be all-one. Heraclitus would be pointing out the existence of a death, exclusive of humans, that would be an ethical death, a human who would be looking for an immediate gratification for himself, who has no commitment to the Other. I will be describing the heraclitic living dead but that will be easily identifiable in our pandemic and pandemonium times. So what? asked the president.

'Belief' and 'Logos' in the prologue of the Gospel of John : an analysis of complex parallelism

Go, Byung Chan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research aims to give an answer to the correlation between ‘Belief’ and the ‘Logos’, which are the fundamental themes of the Prologue, by using a ‘complex parallelism’ and to understand the literary style that is found in the Prologue and to combine previous literary methods thereby making them useful for the interpretation of the Prologue to the Gospel of John. Our hypothesis is that the Prologue should be read in line with the broader theological viewpoint of the Gospel of John, viz. the Prologue aims that all readers should believe in the ‘Logos’. Chapter 2 describes how various previous approaches presented and detected the theme and structure of the Prologue, viz. sequence reading (or a thematic approach) and literary reading (or a structural approach). The former reading presents the ‘Logos’ as the fundamental theme of the Prologue; the latter reading describes various literary figures, viz. parallelism, chiasm, and alternative/complementary literary models, and various pivotal themes of the Prologue. Their research illustrates the possibility of identifying varied and deep structures within the Prologue and suggests that the Prologue could be read from multiple angles. Chapter 3 discusses various types of parallelism and patterns of chiastic structure which constitute the basic elements of complex parallelism and the criteria for identifying the chiastic structure as an adequate methodology for the analysis of the Prologue. Among the various types of parallelism which were proposed and advanced by the previous scholars, synonymous parallelism, antithetic parallelism, synthetic parallelism, staircase parallelism, and inverted parallelism are employed and the chiastic structure, including various extended figures of chiasm, is classified into three patterns: the A-B-A' pattern, the A-B-B'-A' pattern and the A-B-C-B'-A' pattern. In addition, four criteria for identifying the chiastic structure are selected and modified for this research, among the criteria applied by the previous scholars. We discuss some textual-critical issues in Chapter 4, before embarking on analysis of the structure of the Prologue. Among them, we argue that only in the case of three verses textual variants raise debatable issues: e.g., the textual variants of punctuation of verse 3, the textual variants of the number of the relative pronoun and of the verb in verse 13, and the textual variants with regard to monogenh.j qeo,j in verse 18. Chapter 5 explores the structure of the Prologue with complex parallelism in order to reveal both ‘Belief’ and ‘Logos’ as the fundamental themes of the Prologue. In complex parallelism, complex chiastic structure and complex inverted parallelism combine structurally and semantically. Both complex structures have surface and deep structures: In complex chiastic structure, the surface structure is formulated with macro chiastic structure and each parallel section is described as various types of parallelism and chiastic patterns. This complex chiastic structure focuses on the theme of ‘Belief’. On the other hand, in complex inverted parallelism, the surface structure is formulated with macro inverted parallelism and each parallel section is illustrated as various chiastic patterns. All concepts and themes regarding the ‘Logos’ are described in the complex inverted parallelism. The final chapter sets out to reveal the correlation between ‘Belief’ and the ‘Logos’ in the concluding summary of our research. In complex parallelism, the complex chiastic structure reveals that ‘Belief’ is the pivotal theme of the Prologue, whereas, the complex inverted parallelism presents the ‘Logos’ as the only object of ‘Belief’. In other words, the former describes that the readers should believe; the latter describes what/whom they should believe in. Therefore, the Prologue focuses on both the theme of ‘Belief’ and the ‘Logos’. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om die verband te ondersoek tussen ‘Geloof’ en die ‘Logos’, as kernbegrippe in die Proloog van die Johannes Evangelie, deur gebruikmaking van ‘n ‘kompleks-parallellisme’, en om die literêre styl wat in die Proloog aangetref word te verstaan, en om deur literêre metodes wat voorheen in hierdie verband gebruik is te kombineer en so bruikbaar te maak vir die interpretasie van die Proloog. Die hipotese is dat die Proloog saam met die breër teologiese bedoeling van die Evangelie volgens Johannes gelees moet word, naamlik dat die Proloog lesers tot geloof in die ‘Logos’ wil oproep. Hoofstuk 2 beskryf hoe verskillende benaderings die tema en struktuur van die Proloog ontdek en voorgestel het, naamlik ‘n opeenvolgende lees (‘n tematiese benadering) en ‘n literêre lees (‘n strukturele benadering). Die eerste leesstrategie stel die ‘Logos’ voor as die kerntema van die Proloog, terwyl die tweede leesstrategie verskillende literêre stylfigure soos parallellismes, chiasmes en alternatiewe komplementêre literêre modelle, asook sleuteltemas van die Proloog, beskryf. Sulke navorsing illustreer die moonltikheid om verskillende en diep strukture binne die Proloog te identifiseer, en suggereer dat die Proloog uit verskillende hoeke gelees kan word. Hoofstuk 3 bespreek die verskillende tipes parallellismes en patrone van chiastiese strukture wat die basiselemente uitmaak van kompleks-parallellisme en die kriteria vir die identifisering van chiastiese struktuur, as voldoende metodologie vir die analise van die Proloog. Die verskillende tipes parallellisme wat al geïdentifiseer is, sluit in sinonieme parallellisme, antitetiese parallellisme, sintetiese parallellisme, trap-parallellisme en omgekeerde parallellisme; chiastiese strukture word gewoonlik in drie vorme geklassifiseer: die A-B-A' patroon, die A-B-B'-A' patroon, en die A-B-C-B'-A' patroon. Verder word vier kriteria vir die identifisering van chiastiese strukture geselekteer uit die kriteria wat in die verlede aangewend is, en aangepas vir hierdie navorsingsondersoek. In Hoofstuk 4 word ‘n aantal teks-kritiese sake in die Proloog bespreek, voordat ‘n analise van die struktuur gedoen word. Van al die verskillende teks-kritiese sake, word daar aangevoer dat slegs drie daarvan debat ontlok: bv. die teks-kritiese variante vir die punktuasie in vers 3; die tekstuele variante vir die getal van die betreklike voornaamwoord en die werkwoord in vers 13; en, die tekstuele variante met betrekking tot monogenh.j qeo,j in vers 18. Hoofstuk 5 ondersoek die struktuur van die Proloog met behulp van kompleks-parallellisme om sodoende beide ‘Geloof’ en ‘Logos’ as kernbegrippe in die Proloog aan te toon. In kompleks-parallellisme word kompleks-chiastiese struktuur en kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme struktureel en semanties gekombineer. Beide kompleks-strukture het oppervlaken dieptestrukture: in kompleks-chiastiese struktuur word die oppervlakstruktuur met makrochiastiese struktuur geformuleer en elke parallelle afdeling word beskryf as verskillende tipes parallellisme en chiastiese patrone. Hierdie kompleks-chiastiese struktuur fokus op die tema ‘Geloof’. Aan die ander kant, in kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme, word die oppervlakstruktuur geformuleer met makro omgekeerde parallellisme en elke parallelle afdeling word as verskillende chiastiese patrone geïllustreer. Al die konsepte en temas met betrekking tot die ‘Logos’ word beskryf in die kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme. Die finale hoofstuk het ten doel om die verband tussen ‘Geloof’ en die ‘Logos’ in ‘n slotbeskouing bloot te lê. In kompleks-parallellisme, lê kompleks-chiastiese struktuur ‘Geloof’ as sleutelbegrip in die Proloog bloot, terwyl kompleks-omgekeerde parallellisme die ‘Logos’ as die enigste voorwerp van ‘Geloof’ oorhou. Met ander woorde, die eersgenoemde beklemtoon dat die lesers moet glo; die laasgenoemde beklemtoon in wie of wat hulle moet glo. Die Proloog fokus dus op beide die temas ‘Geloof’ en die ‘Logos’.

Die logos-leer van Filo van Aleksandrie : 'n kultuur-historiese ondersoek

Van Schalkwyk, C. H. J., 1971- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Philo is a writer who lived in Alexandria in 30 BC – 50 AD. Traditionally scholars classified Philo as philosopher, exegete and apologist. With these classifications in mind, Philo’s works is read and interpreted. In this study a methodology of postmodernism (which is inherently a cultural historical understanding of reality) will be used, and it will become clear that this classification of the scholars is not satisfactory. The question that arises, is: How must Philo be read and understood in the context of a postmodern methodology? By means of a study of the logos-concept it is suggested that Philo must be understood as a threshold person, who stands on the cutting edges of the cultures in Alexandria; he therefore creates a new universe of symbols. In this new universe of symbols it is possible for the different cultures to communicate effectively, because they now have a joint vocabulary. Philo is not a postmodernist, but he makes use of techniques which occurs in post modern philosophy to create this new universe of symbols. Through the use of these techniques it becomes possible for the reader to take into account the different philosophical dimensions that are part of Philo’s thoughts. This helps the reader to understand the contradiction in Philo’s thought in connection with the logos-concept. It also helps the reader to place the logos-concept of Philo in its proper cultural historical background. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Filo is ’n skrywer wat in Aleksandrië gewoon het in die tydperk 30 vC – 50 nC. Tradisioneel het geleerdes Filo getipeer as filosoof, eksegeet en apologeet. Aan die hand van hierdie tiperings is Filo se werke dan gelees en geïnterpreteer. In hierdie studie word daar met ’n postmoderne metodologiese vertrekpunt gewerk (wat ten diepste gebaseer word op ’n kultuur historiese verstaan van die werklikheid) en word dit duidelik dat hierdie tiperings nie bevredigend is nie. Die vraag wat nou ontstaan, is: Hoe moet Filo dan gelees en verstaan word binne die raamwerk van ’n postmoderne metodologie? Aan die hand van ’n studie van die logos-begrip word daar voorgestel dat Filo gelees en verstaan moet word as ’n deurdrumpel-persoon, wat op die snypunt van al die verskillende kulture in Aleksandrië staan en daarom ’n nuwe simbole universum skep. Binne hierdie nuwe simbole universum kan verskillende kulture effektief met mekaar kommunikeer, aangesien hulle nou oor ’n gedeelde woordeskat beskik. Filo self was nie ’n postmodernis nie, maar hy maak wel van tegnieke gebruik wat ook voorkom in die postmoderne filosofie om hierdie nuwe simbole universum te skep. Deur middel van hierdie tegnieke is dit vir die leser moontlik om die verskillende filosofiese nuanses wat op Filo se denke ten opsigte van die logos ingewerk het, te verreken en om hierdie oënskynlike teenstrydighede in sy denke rakende die logos-begrip te verstaan teen die kultuur-historiese agtergrond waarbinne hy hom in Aleksandrië bevind.

Logos v Aristotelově eitce / Logos in Aristotle's ethics

Adamec, Jaromír January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the diploma theses "Logos in Aristotle Ethics" is to interpret meaning of the term "logos" in Aristotle's work "Nicomachean Ethics". The basic methodical guideline is the structuralist assumption, that a meaning of a term is determined by its relations to other terms contained within the text, and the related assumption of unity of the meaning of the term "logos". The interpretation itself first analyzes structure of several crucial terms, most importantly the relation of a human individual to the society, the concepts of the good, the reality and the possibility, the true and the illusory, and the concept of the natural. The structure of use of the term "logos" is then analyzed in relation to these concepts. These investigations are completed by analysis of the terms of virtue and action. By the means of the structural analysis of these terms, the existence of a distinctive level of reality is established, which is captured by the term "humanity". The existence of humanity is the central point of interest in Aristotle's ethics. In the horizontal regard, there are two poles of humanity - the individual human and the society. In the vertical regard, the humanity is situated between divinity, to which it is related, and bestiality, to which it threatens to fall. Logos is then a kind of...

Do encontro ao desencontro : fatores relacionados ? procura de cursos de EAD em psicologia e ? posterior evas?o

Ramminger, Simone 31 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:22:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 348273.pdf: 1275109 bytes, checksum: 19c9754ac7a7e815758b2d17fe1af5db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-31 / Com o desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias, a educa??o a dist?ncia vem ganhando espa?o a cada dia e constata-se que a evas?o ? um de seus maiores problemas, como apontam Kramer (1999), Pallof e Pratt (2004), Coelho (2002), entre outros. O presente estudo, que se caracteriza como uma pesquisa emp?rica, problematizou fatores relacionados ? evas?o de alunos matriculados nos cursos de Especializa??o em Psicologia oferecidos pela PUCRS Virtual. Os objetivos foram: examinar os motivos que levaram os alunos a se matricularem nesses cursos; examinar as expectativas dos alunos antes de efetivarem a matr?cula no curso; investigar os fatores relacionados ? evas?o, apontados pelos alunos. O m?todo empregado foi o estudo de caso e os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas por messenger e chat com onze ex-alunos e alunas, que se matricularam nos cursos na edi??o 2004 e se evadiram no mesmo ano, bem como mediante a an?lise de documentos. Os resultados indicaram que os alunos se matricularam nos cursos a dist?ncia principalmente por interesse pelas ?reas de conhecimento dos cursos oferecidos e em fun??o do mercado de trabalho. A expectativa dos alunos que mais se destacou foi a possibilidade de intera??o com colegas distantes. Os alunos se evadiram devido ? falta de disciplina para estudar e autonomia; ? falta de tempo para se dedicar aos estudos; ? desmotiva??o; a dificuldades com os conte?dos, materiais e trabalhos das disciplinas; a dificuldades t?cnicas e de comunica??o com o grupo. Tais resultados apontam a necessidade de melhorar o atendimento individualizado ao aluno e de criar condi??es para que ele se sinta inserido no grupo virtual.

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