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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på den gravida kvinnans psykiska hälsa : En litteraturstudie / The Covid-19 pandemics impact on pregnant women´s mental health : – A Literature study

Vallentin, Felicia, Berggren, Edden January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk hälsa är grundläggande för människors förmåga att tänka, interagera med varandra, fungera i samhället samt uppleva en meningsfull vardag. Covid-19 var en bekräftad pandemi den 11 mars 2020. En pandemi innebär att ett virus sprids över världen under samma tidsperiod. Graviditet kan beskriva som en process, ett ansvarstagande, ett mirakel, bildande av familj eller som det mest värdefulla i livet. Under en graviditet ändras kropp och hormoner vilket leder till att gravida kvinnor ofta känner sig mer känslosamma. Roys adaptionsmodell handlar om att anpassa sig till en miljö som ständigt förändrar sig. Psykisk ohälsa hos den gravida kvinnan kan ge allvarliga konsekvenser hos mamman. Syfte: var att beskriva hur covid-19 påverkat gravida kvinnors psykiska hälsa. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie och identifierades genom tio artiklar från två olika databaser till resultatet. Resultat: Resultaten från artiklarna kategoriserades i en tabell med teman som inkluderade; oro, stress nedstämdhet och psykisk hälsa. Covid-19 pandemin påverkade de gravida kvinnorna negativt under pandemin. Konklusion: Denna studie kan ge en inblick över hur sårbara grupper prioriterades bort under en tid av ovisshet och bör beaktas i liknande situationer i framtiden. / Background: Mental health is fundamental for people's ability to think, interact witheach other, function in society and experience a meaningful everyday life. Covid-19was a confirmed pandemic on March 11, 2020. A pandemic means that a virusspreads across the world during the same timeperiod. Pregnancy can be described as aprocess, a responsibility, a miracle, family formation or as the most valuable thing inlife. During a pregnancy, the body and hormones change, which leads to pregnantwomen often feeling more emotional. Roy's adaptation model is about adapting to anenvironment that is constantly changing. Pregnant woman with mental illness canlead to serious consequences for the woman. Aim: Describe how covid-19 affectedthe mental health of pregnant women. Method: The study was conducted as a generalliterature study and a total of ten studies from two different databases were used forthe results. Results: The results were categorized in a table, the themes were anxiety,stress, depression and mental health. Conclusion: The Covid-19 pandemic negativelyaffected the mental health of pregnant women. This study can provide an insight intohow vulnerable groups were unpriotized during a time of uncertainty and should beconsidered in similar situations in the future.

An overview of the challenges faced by vulnerable children and their families during COVID-19 : A scoping review

Coci, Anamaria Ioana January 2020 (has links)
The pandemic is not only a crisis itself but has created multiple crises for the vulnerable population as well. Worldwide, they encountered multiple challenges to assistance and protection, but due to the pandemic, their needs might have increased. As the number of refugees, migrants, and asylum-seeker is rising, all the health risks and the challenges that this group is exposed to, demonstrates the need for increased support, protection, and assistance. This scoping review aims to investigate if the arisen challenges faced by vulnerable children and their families have exacerbated in the context of COVID-19, in the published research literature. In this scoping review, information was collected on multiple databases between January and February 2021. Seven empirical studies were analysed in order to examine which are the new challenges that have arisen due to COVID-19 and explore if they worsened in this context. Seven areas emerged due to the pandemic: hygiene measures, food insecurity, child labour, child marriage, freedom of movement, access to education, access to services and sources of information, while five areas have worsened: economic, psychological, violence, discrimination and overcrowding. The findings are showing that COVID-19’s disease burden is higher in vulnerable contexts, due to the living conditions, high risks jobs, and poor access to services. The outcomes of these challenges are likely to be long-standing, as they breached into the processes and structures of the family system Although efforts to control the virus’s spread remain critical, the negative effects on vulnerables, must be addressed and identified to avoid the risk of more challenges getting exacerbated, and reduce the parental stress that will lead to the well-being of the future generations. Limitations, practical implications and future research are discussed.

Moudrost v kontextu pandemie / Wisdom in the context of pandemic

Slížková, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the topic of wisdom and its effect on coping in sample of young adults in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. First, the theoretical part provides an overview of important theories of wisdom, which are dominant in the contemporary psychological research. Afterwards, it introduces theories of coping and coping strategies, it presents existing research concerning the relationship between wisdom and coping and finally, it describes the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak as a potential source of stress. The practical part includes an exploratory and confirmatory part. The exploratory part presents results of detailed mapping of subjective experiences and responses of xoung adults to situation of pandemic. Results show that young adults perceive negative influence of the pandemic on different spheres of their lifes - the most commonly on finances, job and their psychological state. The level of fear of COVID-19 seems to be lower in the Czech samble than in the Iranian or Italian sample. Results of the confirmatory part present relationship between ways of coping and particular wisdom dimensions. Regression analysis revealed that wisdom, coping and perceived control are significant predictors of perceived stress during the pandemic. KEYWORDS Wisdom, Three-Dimensional Wisdom...

Homiletical Squib: “A time to keep silence, and a time to speak” (Eccl 3:7b) Preaching and keeping silent in times of the COVID19-pandemic

Deeg, Alexander 01 October 2020 (has links)
“A time to keep silence, and a time to speak” (Eccl 3:7b) Preaching and keeping silent in times of the COVID19-pandemic

Det omedvetna behovet av fysisk kommunikation : En kvalitativ studie om kommunikativ förändring inom banksektorn

Kajerdt, Arvid, Liåker, Ida January 2020 (has links)
During the global covid-19 pandemic most organisations, in this case the banking industry, have had to adapt to the many government imposed restrictions to stop the spread of the virus. This means that there have been significant changes in how organisations conduct their communicative businesses and internal communication. Research has shown that a digitally based work environment is good for employees and managers to effectively execute tasks and communicate more smoothly, but a lack of physical presence in work has also had negative side-effects on communication in the workforce.This study aims to identify the changes in communication and the internal communicative consequences of the altered communication in one of Sweden’s major banks. Based on literature regarding pedagogy, communication and social distance consequences for organisations, several individuals who worked at the bank were interviewed by phone or by Zoom-meetings and were asked to respond to questions about how the communication at work was conducted and what the effects of the changed communications were. A thematic analysis of the answers from the participants demonstrated that over all work efficiency had been unchanged or changed for the better, but there were regularly gaps in the internal communication that was a result of the lack of physical presence when conducting tasks or meetings. A purely digitally based work environment has its positive aspects when increasing the effectiveness and flexibility of the workforce since most organisations conduct their businesses online, but when information about a task needs deeper explanation or concretization about accountability for tasks, information distributed online might be insufficient. / Under covid-19-pandemin har de flesta organisationer, i detta fall bankväsendet, varit tvungna att anpassa sig efter regeringens beslut om restriktioner i syfte att stoppa vidare spridning av viruset. Det innebär att det har skett märkbara förändringar i hur organisationer genomför sina uppgifter och hur den interna kommunikationen har påverkats. Tidigare forskning har visat att organisationer gynnas av digital kommunikation då medarbetarna blir utbildade inom att hantera teknologi och att effektivt kommunicera, men en minskad fysisk kommunikation har inneburit att den interna kommunikationen har fått särskilda negativa sidoeffekter. Denna studie har som syfte att identifiera de kommunikativa förändringarna och konsekvenserna hos den förändrade interna kommunikationen hos en bank i Sverige. Flera medarbetare blev intervjuade via telefon eller zoom-möten och fick besvara frågor som var relaterade till den förändrade kommunikationen och dess upplevda konsekvenser. Intervjuerna var baserade på litteratur inom pedagogik, kommunikation och konsekvenserna för organisationer under en pandemi. Genom en tematisk analys av resultatet visade det sig att deltagarna upplevde att den allmänna kommunikationen var mer begränsad till det digitala och arbetsprestationen var oförändrad eller förändrad till det bättre. Men det skedde ofta missar i kommunikationen som var konsekvenser av att ingen fysisk kommunikation hade genomförts. En digitalt baserad arbetsmiljö har sina positiva effekter när det kommer till att göra sina medarbetare mer effektiva och flexibla då de flesta organisationer genomför sina verksamheter online, men om en uppgift kräver mer extensiv information eller ansvarstagande av uppgifter behöver konkretiseras så är digitalt distribuerad information ibland otillräcklig.

Antivaccinationsrörelsens avtryck i sociala medier

Aspenfjäll, Petra January 2021 (has links)
World health organization (WHO) har listat tio hot mot världshälsan varav två av dessa är pandemier och vaccinskepticism. Enligt forskare kommer pandemier drabba mänskligheten samtidigt som vaccinskepticismen ökar. Individer som är kritiska till vaccin tillhör antivaccinationsrörelsen och de menar på att vaccin är ett sätt att skada befolkningen. Antivaccinationsrörelsen använder sociala medier för att sprida sitt budskap. Idag pågår covid-19 pandemin och på kort tid har vaccin tagits fram och befolkningen erbjuds möjligheten att vaccinera sig. Det finns personer som är kritiska till vaccinet och de restriktioner som regering och riksdag infört för att minska smittspridningen av SARS-CoV-2. Studiens syfte är att få en förståelse för hur antivaccinationsrörelsens arbete tar sig uttryck i sociala medier och hur antivaccinationsrörelsen agerar för att påverka människor. Den metod som ligger till grund för arbetet är netnografi och syftet med en sådan studie är att studera sociala och kulturella sammanhang på internet. För att samla in empiri har inlägg på Twitter studerats genom en icke-deltagande observation. För att analysera inläggen har Anthony Giddens begrepp tillit och expertsystem samt Ulrick Becks begrepp risksamhället använts. Studiens resultat visar på att individer som uttrycker sig negativt om vaccinet besitter ett lågt förtroende för de experter som uttalar sig gällande SARS-CoV-2 och vaccinet som utvecklats. De som är kritiska till vaccin menar på att vaccinet mot SARS-CoV-2 och de restriktioner som finns på grund av covid-19 pandemin är ytterligare ett sätt att begränsa människor fri- och rättigheter. De individer som är kritiska till vaccin menar vidare att covid-19 pandemin är skapad för att the big pharma ska tjäna pengar. Vaccinet mot covid-19 anses vara farligare än att genomgå sjukdomen och det är en anledning till att inte vaccinera sig. / The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed ten threats to the world health, two of which are pandemics and vaccine skepticism. Scientist agree that pandemics will affect humanity andat the same time people are being more skeptical about vaccine. Individuals who are critical of vaccine belongs to the anti-vaccination movement and believe that vaccines are a way of harming the population. The anti-vaccination movement use social media to spread their message. The ongoing pandemic is called covid-19 pandemic, vaccines have been developed in a short time and the population is offered the opportunity to be vaccinated. There are people who are critical of the vaccine and the restrictions that the government and the parliament hade decide about to reduce the spread of the SARS-CoV-2. The purpose of this study is to establish an understandig of how the work of the anti-vaccination movement is expressed on social media and how they act to influence people. The method for this study is netnography and it is used to study social and cultural contexts on the internet. To gather empirical data posts on Twitter have been studied through a non-participatory observation. Anthony Gidden’s concepts of trust and expert systems as well as Ulrich Beck’s concepts of the risk society have been used to analyze the posts. The results of this study show that individuals who express themselves negatively about vaccines have a low level of trust in the experts who are commenting about SARS-CoV-2 and they believe that vaccines are a way to control people. They believe that the restrictions that exist due to covid-19 pandemic are another way to restrict people’s freedom and that it was the big pharma that created the covid-19 pandemic. The anti-vaccination movement considered that the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 is more dangerous than the disease.

Motivation in Crisis? : An investigation of L2 English teacher perceptions of both learner and teacher motivation and teachers’ approaches for prompting student motivation during emergency remote teaching in Sweden / Motivation i Kris? : Engelsklärares uppfattning av elevmotivation,förhållningssätt till elevmotivation och lärares egen motivation medanledning av påtvingad fjärrundervisning i Sverige

Brooks, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench into the works of conventional classroom teaching. Efforts taken to limit the spread of the virus have consequently led to school closures, moving lessons from a physical environment to an online equivalent. The present study investigates how and to what extent three English teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school perceive the effect of emergency remote teaching (ERT) has had on their pupils, with the aim to gain insight as to which motivational factors may have been impacted as a result of teaching moving online. Further, the study also aims to explore how the teachers’ approaches to motivating students had changed with the introduction of a sudden online learning environment, as well as how the teachers’ own motivation was impacted by teaching ERT. The topic was explored through qualitative interviews with participants using the three central aspects of Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as the main analytical tool. The results demonstrated that teachers perceived that their learners’ motivation had been impacted during ERT due to lack of autonomy that had possibly been reinforced over time due to development and use of digital tools. In addition, competence may have been affected due to teachers implementing a high degree of structure in their lessons, and relatedness had been negatively impacted due to a lack of social interaction between students. Moreover, the approach for motivating students had changed for two of the three teachers, and that teachers’ own motivation has also been impacted in different ways by teaching remotely. In summary, this study concludes that schools and governing bodies alike need to review and implement new strategies for digital education in the future and must utilise previous experiences to evaluate and subsequently determine how to work with approaches that more productively considers student motivation and wellbeing. As such, this study could be useful to schools, teachers and educators when developing digital strategies in the future.

The future of Salesforce motivation in the B2B security-sector market : What we can learn from the Covid-19 pandemic

Lundbäck, Anton, Särkimukka, Mathias January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way of working for employees and companies around the world. An important part of an organization is the salesforce since they are building relations with customers and making sales. It is therefore important for the salesforce to be motivated in order to be productive and contribute to the organization's increased sales.  This thesis is a qualitative study regarding salesforce motivation and how to motivate salesforce further in the future based on the Covid-19 pandemic changed way of working. We have studied the Middle East regional office of a Swedish B2B company within the security sector called Gunnebo Group. The research was conducted through interviewing seven respondents whom comes from seven different nationalities and based in four different countries. All the respondents are working within the salesforce at the researched organization with the title of Sales Directors. Through the interviews we have gathered data about four different perspectives that can have an impact on the salesforce motivation. These aspects are motivation in general, culture, leadership, and the changed way of working due to Covid-19. In this study we have taken these perspectives in consideration when answering our research question and trying to fulfil the research purpose.  The purpose of this research is to create an understanding of what can motivate the salesforce at Gunnebo Middle East post-pandemic and/or going into 2022. Further, we want to contribute with new knowledge that will help organizations develop as well as prepare for a post-pandemic way of approaching motivation regarding salesforce.  The conclusion of this study is, in order to motivate salesforce further in the future, B2B companies within the security sector need to continue to work with the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has created and not go back to a pre-pandemic way of working. Further, companies need to maintain the changes and develop the changed way of working through educational programs regarding the use of technological tools as well as customer interaction to increase motivation and performance. It is crucial that the organization does not lose focus on the importance of face-to-face interaction.

Distansarbete som konsekvens av Covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelser av att leda en oplanerad förändringsprocess

Siikavaara, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19-pandemin har resulterat i en påskyndad och plötslig implementering av digitala verktyg och distansarbete, något som för många verksamheter inneburit stora förändringar. Uppsatsen utgår från en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts på sju gruppchefer inom en svensk myndighet. Syftet med denna studie var att få en fördjupad förståelse för chefers upplevelser av att leda en oplanerad förändringsprocess. För att uppfylla syftet formulerades forskningsfrågorna; ”hur beskriver intervjupersonerna omställningen till distansarbete?”, ”hur kan intervjupersonernas upplevelser förstås i enlighet med begreppen kommunikation, information och delaktighet?” och ”vilka möjligheter respektive utmaningar kan identifieras i den genomförda omställningen?”. Vidare analyserades det insamlade materialet med grund i tidigare forskning och teorier inom ämnena organisationsförändring, kommunikation, information och delaktighet.  Resultatet visar att den plötsliga omställningen till distansarbete som konsekvens av Covid-19-pandemin har inneburit stora förändringar för många av verksamhetens funktioner. Det påvisasatt kommunikation, information och delaktighet är faktorer som anses vara av stor vikt under tider som denna, präglade av kriser och förändring. Det implementerade distansarbetet tycks även ha resulterat i en närmare relation mellan chefer och medarbetare, då dessa fått mer sändningstid tillsammans. Slutligen framkommer det att distansarbetet uppskattas av intervjupersonerna och är något som kan komma att bli en fråga i huruvida verksamheten anses vara en attraktiv arbetsplats eller inte i framtiden.

Connecting from a distance : Enhancing social connectedness among young adults experiencing loneliness in the COVID-19 pandemic

Ljutovic, Melika January 2021 (has links)
This thesis understands loneliness as a challenge to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to foster remote social connectedness among young adults experiencing loneliness in the context of a pandemic. The exploration is approached through literature review on loneliness, belonging, social connectedness, including remote communication as a disconnect. The Double Diamond model guided the design process, and design research resulted in insights into loneliness, remote communication challenges for interpersonal settings, and which forms of affection are valued for connectedness. Research findings suggest that openness, attentiveness, and listening are deemed essential for interpersonal connections. Therefore, the concluding design idea targets the dimension of closeness, contact quality, and knowing each other’s experiences to enrich existing social connections. The thesis contributes with insights into what is desired and valued in social connections. Moreover, it proposes a communication tool that could foster social connectedness among young adults experiencing loneliness in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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