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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Happens on Earth is Felt in Heaven : A Queer-Theological Study on the Anthropological Aspects of the Sinner in the Lutheran Concept of Justification in Relation to Indecency, Liberation, and Trauma

Stroeven, Katja January 2022 (has links)
This textual analysis aims to identify and explore liberating, indecent, and anthropological un­derstandings of the sinner in Lutheran interpretations of the doctrine of justification. The un­derlying assumptions and the themes discernible within the works of Martin Luther are exam­ined along with “traditional,” and contemporary radical, queer interpretations of Lutheran jus­tification. The ways in which points of intersection between these interpretations and queer theological critique may contribute toward a more liberating and inclusive understanding of Lutheran justification are discussed. Several perspectives presented by queer theology, are ap­plied to the material under examination. The results of the analysis confirm the existence of queer openings with liberating potential within established, “traditional” Lutheran theology. These openings are further explored by fusing different queer concepts presented in the radical and queer parts of the material. Also, support for the queer emphasis on corporeality, without making essentialist assumptions, can be found in established Lutheran holistic anthropology. The concept of subject positions is in­troduced as a relational, queer, and inclusive alternative, favouring an understanding of the effects of sin and God’s justification respectively as an altering of positions in relation to other beings. To be liberating, theology must consider the whole, holistic body, and include the in­decent “Other.” In relation to justification, this “Other” is understood as the ignored human experience of sin as something which causes the holistic body harm and suffering. This results in a relational understanding of sin where being a sinner means both affecting and being af­fected. The potential of Lutheran theology is thus found in its ability to challenge the normative hegemony, to include the experiences otherwise exiled to the theological periphery, and to make the centre uncomfortable. The effects of physical, mental, and spiritual trauma caused to the body by violence are the same as the Lutheran understanding of sin, as primarily expressed through human unbelief. It is therefore argued that it ought to be included in the definitions of sin and the sinner, and taken into consideration when doctrines of justification and salvation are formulated. This conclusion is supported by the co-alignment of the queer acknowledgement of multiplicity and simulta­neity, with the Lutheran characteristic of bi-duality that is most clearly expressed in the concept of simul iustus et peccator. Thus, the conclusion must be that excluding the effects caused to bodies by sin cannot only be construed as being consciously limiting and oppressive but that it is, in fact, in conflict with the holistic Lutheran anthropology and the historical emphasis within Lutheran theology on simultaneity.

Vad det innebär att vara en rysk HBTQemigranti tider av död och förstörelse : - En fenomenologisk studie av ryska HBTQ-emigranters levdaerfarenheter i ljuset av Rysslands invasionen av Ukraina 2022

Andersson, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
This study examines what it means to be a Russian LGBTQ emigrant in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The study follows a phenomenological research approach that differs from the commonly used scientific approach that strives for objective knowledge. Through a qualitative study consisting of 5 participants who identify themselves as Russian LGBTQ emigrants, this research examines findings via affect theory, queer theory, and theories of social and cultural trauma to ask what it means to be a Russian LGBTQ emigrant, how the LGBTQ emigrant is constructed, and how the construct of being a Russian LGBTQ emigrant affects the subject. The study shows how the meaning of being a Russian LGBTQ emigrant is constructed through the effects of affect and how these effects create a collective, social, and cultural trauma that manifests in their everyday lived experiences while shaping their prospects for the future. / <p>2023-09-14</p>

Queerizar la protección internacional: la obligación estatal de adoptar medidas específicas para prevenir violaciones de derechos contra personas LGBTQIA+ en el procedimiento de determinación de la condición de refugiade

Solari Diaz, Kerli Raquel 28 April 2023 (has links)
Esta tesis busca dar respuesta a la pregunta sobre cómo el Estado peruano debe articular el Derecho Internacional de les Refugiades (DIR) y el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (DIDH) en el ámbito interno para prevenir violaciones de los derechos humanos de les solicitantes LGBTQIA+ en el transcurso del procedimiento de refugio. Nuestra hipótesis partió reconociendo que el DIDH exige al Estado regular y conducir el procedimiento de manera tal que el mismo constituya una vía efectiva para otorgar protección internacional frente a severas violaciones de derechos sobre la base de OSIG; así como garantizar que el mismo no se convierta en un nuevo escenario de vulneración de derechos en razón de esas categorías. No obstante, durante el desarrollo de la investigación, descubrimos que una mirada exclusivamente jurídica no era suficiente para abordar este tema, sino que es necesario complementarla críticamente a través de perspectivas queer. A partir de ello, nos trazamos como objetivo explicar cómo el Estado debe aterrizar esa complementariedad crítica entre el DIDH, el DIR y las teorías queer en el procedimiento de refugio. Para alcanzar ese fin general, nos planteamos los siguientes objetivos específicos, abordados cada uno en un capítulo: (i)explicar de qué maneras el DIR y el DIDH se complementan entre sí; (ii), analizar críticamente las principales vulneraciones de derechos humanos que las personas LGBTQIA+ enfrentan en el procedimiento; (iii) argumentar sobre las medidas específicas que debe adoptar el Estado para prevenir estas violaciones. La metodología seguida es de tipo documental y explicativa, complementada con una solicitud de acceso a la información pública sobre el estándar de calificación y tratamiento dado a les refugiades LGBTQIA+ en el sistema de refugio peruano. Concluimos que, queerizar la protección internacional requiere la adopción de tres enfoques –de derechos humanos, de diversidad sexual y de género, y de interseccionalidad– transversalizados en tres medidas específicas: (i) aprobar un protocolo específico; (ii) implementar capacitaciones especializadas; (iii) y establecer un sistema de revisión periódica de prácticas institucionales.

Reapropiar y revalorizar el “error” a través del glitch. Cuestionando la hegemonía del binario de género: una perspectiva feminista queer

Angulo Flórez, Isabel Sofía 19 September 2023 (has links)
Existen cuerpas e identidades que han sido históricamente percibidas como “errores” por no encajar en un estándar binario y heteronormativo. La “naturaleza” como concepto social ha sido utilizada para catalogar a las personas. Ella es empleada como excusa para segregar, rechazar y castigar a aquelles que no encajan en un estándar hegemónico que sacraliza los roles reproductivos y el binarismo de género. Esta tesis se basa en una exploración teórica y artística que utiliza el glitch como herramienta de creación y elemento de reflexión para cuestionar el concepto de la “naturaleza”. El objetivo de este proyecto es la reapropiación y la reinterpretar del concepto del “error” y reflexionar sobre las implicancias detrás de esta categorización cuando es empleada para calificar a une individuo. Este proyecto busca visibilizar a la comunidad queer y condenar la opresión sistemática a la que ella se ve sujeta / There are bodies and gender identities that have historically been perceived as "errors" because they do not comply with a binary and heteronormative system of categorization. The sociocultural interpretation of the concept of “nature” has been used to classify people. It is used as an excuse to segregate, reject, and punish those who do not fit into a hegemonic standard that sacralizes reproductive roles and gender binaryism. This thesis is a theoretical and artistic investigation that uses the concept of “glitch” as a tool for creation and as a starting point for critical reflection. The objective of this project is to propose the reappropriation and reinterpretation of the concept of "error" and to reflect on the implications of categorizing an individual using this term. This project seeks to make the queer community visible and to condemn the systematic oppression to which it is subjected

Daniel Craig - Starring as himself? : En sociosemiotisk analys av woke washing då en filmstjärna används i en ny stereotypisk roll förklätt i humor / Daniel Craig - Starring as himself?

Eklund, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
Följande studie undersöker ifall woke-washing förekommer eller inte i Belvedere Vodkas reklamfilm Belvedere Present Daniel Craig, Directed by Taika Waititi: Director’s Cut där Daniel Craig spelar rollen som ‘sig själv’ men samtidigt förklaras ha blivit humoristiskt koreograferad. Detta görs genom frågeställningarna: “Hur representeras maskulinitet genom framförande och kostym av Daniel Craig i rollen som ‘sig själv’?” samt “Hur tolkas gestaltningen av mansrollerna när Belvedere Vodka beskriver Craig som humoristiskt koreograferad?”. Genom en kvalitativ sociosemiotisk analys studeras ett urval där det genom resultatet tolkas som att det sker en stereotypisering av både hypermaskulinitet och queer maskulinitet i syfte att ifrågasätta genus som social konstruktion. Analysen kommer dock fram till slutsatsen att Belvedere Vodka är mer engagerade i att bevara en stereotypisk relation mellan man och sprit snarare än hur mansrollerna representeras. Konsekvensen av detta blir att repliken “Finally” misstolkas (i jämförelse med produktionsteamets uttalade syfte), vilket leder till att den flamboyanta gestaltningen upplevs som förminskande och avskräckande i jämförelse med den heteronormativa mansrollen. Diskussionen kommer slutligen fram till att en marginaliserad grupp ännu en gång inte får möjligheten att representera sig själv, samtidigt som behovet av att kategorisera sexuell orientering för att kunna avgöra ifall appropriering sker eller inte blir fortsatt problematisk.  Medieproduktionen som framförs i designdokumentationen baseras på en studie i sexuell hälsa och hur visuell kommunikation gällande detta ämne riktar sig till ungdomar. Medieproduktionen är utförd av Jennie Eklund, Amanda Lindh och Helena Ljunggren.

De vägar som finns att gå : Att hitta sin väg som aromantisk person i ett kärlekscentrerat samhälle

Ekstedt, Alva January 2022 (has links)
Aromantik är en romantisk läggning som innebär att man känner lite eller ingen romantisk attraktion. För den här studien intervjuades sex aromantiska personer om hur deras läggning påverkar deras vardagsliv samt hur de ser på framtiden i relation till sin läggning. Studiens övergripande ramverk hämtas från Sara Ahmeds queera fenomenologi med fokus på de teoretiska begreppen orientering och linjer. Även Elizabeth Brakes begrepp amatonormativitet används i studien för att analysera informanternas utsagor. Den främsta slutsatsen som dras är att de genom aromantiken blir orienterade vilket öppnar upp för nya möjliga sätt att se på framtiden där den inte måste följa en amatonormativ, rak linje och innehålla exempelvis en romantisk partner. Istället kommer queera linjer inom räckhåll och en framtid där man till exempel bor ensam, med en queerplatonisk partner eller bildar familj med sina vänner blir en möjlighet. / Aromanticism is a romantic orientation meaning someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. In this study, six aromantic people were interviewed about the ways that their romantic orientation affects their every day lives and how they view the future in relation to their orientation. The main framework used in the analysis is Sara Ahmed’s queer phenomenology and her theoretical concepts of orientation and lines. Another concept used to analyze the informants’ statements is amatonormativity, coined by Elizabeth Brake. The study mainly concludes that it is through aromanticism that the informants can become orientated which offers new possible ways of looking at the future, rather than following an amatonormative line that includes a romantic partner. Instead, queer lines come into reach and a future where one, for example, lives alone, with a queerplatonic partner or sees one’s friends as one’s family becomes seen as a possibility.

Critical Race Theory och Queer Legal Studies i en svensk kontext : Regeringsformen 2 kap. 12 § – Ras och Sexuell läggning / Critical Race Theory and Queer Legal Studies in a Swedish context

Gustafsson, Agnes January 2024 (has links)
This essay examines the theories of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Queer Legal Studies (QLS). CRT scholars argue that racism is not simply the product of individual prejudice but is also embedded in the legal system and other institutions. QLS scholars argue that LGBTQ+ people are subject to discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity, and that the law must be reformed to protect their rights. The first part provides a theoretical and historical background to the theories. The second part presents an empirical study of the theories' impact on Swedish law. The third part analyzes the Swedish constitutional provision on discrimination RF 2:12, with a focus on race and sexual orientation. The fourth part provides a practical analysis of Swedish court cases using the theories' methods. The fifth and final part discusses the theories' potential for the future of Swedish law. The Swedish development of anti-discrimination legislation can be understood through Hübinette and Lundström's periodization of Swedish race relations and proposes a future period of "White Understanding" and argues that the Swedish self-image is still influenced by the politics of the 20th century. The essay finds that the shame of the racist policies of the past has influenced the language of Swedish legislation. More importantly, the essay finds that the interests of the state have been prioritized over the interests of minorities. The empirical study found that the theories have had little impact on Swedish legal sources. However, the theories had a brief period of increased influence between 2004 and 2008. It also found that the theories have had some influence on the Swedish Supreme Court, as evidenced by the cases of Skattefjällsdomen and Girjasdomen.

Drag Slang in RuPaul’s Drag Race : Strategies and Success of the Japanese Translation

Väätäinen, Ossi Artturi January 2024 (has links)
This paper presents a study on the translation of slang used by drag queens. The study aims to examine how the slang used by drag queens in RuPaul’s Drag Race season 12 is translated into Japanese. The translation strategies used are revealed and the faithfulness of the translation is discussed. Both the original and translated expressions, jargon and words used by drag queens in RuPaul’s Drag Race season 12 were gathered from the first three episodes. The data was then grouped based on the translation strategy and discussed further regarding the effectiveness of the translation strategy and faithfulness of the translation itself with the help of Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence. The results show that translation by loan, excluding the omission, was the most used translation strategy, but its success hinges on the familiarity of the target audience. Together with substitution, they were the most successful strategies regarding the faithfulness of the translation and the preservation of the slang. Softening, employed to adapt informal and vulgar expressions, risked losing the original slang, and modulation also less successful in preserving it. Paraphrase and explicitation were less successful in retaining the slang nuances but aligned with Nida’s dynamic equivalence which emphasizes the meaning.

Quiero Bailar : En fallstudie om hur Ivy Queen utmanar normativa könsroller i Latinamerika och genrekonventioner i reggaetón med låten ”Quiero Bailar”

Casal, Elizeth January 2024 (has links)
In the music genre reggaetón there has been an ideal premiering hypermasculine behaviour and narratives. The female reggaetón artist Ivy Queen has been active within the genre since the early beginnings. She has spoken about the impact it had on her, working against so many men i a masculine culture. Ivy Queen has expressed that her masculine energy has served her well in situations where people have tried to put her down for being a woman. Ivy Queen is known for challenging gender norms with different artistic expressions. She has without a doubt paved the way for today's female reggaetón artists who are using classic women's rights-messages in their songs and images.  This study starts of with the theories used which are queer- and intersectional feminist-theories. Then working its way in to giving context with an introduction to history of gender in Latin America in relation to colonialism and Catholicism. Here, marianismo and machismo are important themes to introduce when the study moves toward characteristics of reggaetón and giving background in Ivy Queen.  This study will use an audiovisual model to analyze Ivy Queens song and music video "Quiero Bailar" in relation to machismo and marianismo in Latin America, and genre conventions in reggaetón.  The result of this study shows us that not only does Ivy Queen choose some parts of what critics see as problematic in reggaetón and machismo and uses it to her advantage. She also breaks down hegemonic structures through usage of queer modes in voice, image, and lyrics - while keeping the music traditionally formed.

Sex Education or Self Education? LGBT+ Experiences with Exclusionary Curricula

Reeves, Karli 01 January 2019 (has links)
Though much research exists on LGBT+ exclusion from school-based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education, the strategies used by LGBT+ individuals during their search for knowledge regarding the subject are not as widely documented. Using the ethnographic research method of semi-structured interviews, this research explores the experiences of young LGBT+ adults with formal sexual and reproductive health education and examines the self-education methods employed by this population in the context of exclusionary and cisheteronormative curricula. This project also functions to contribute to existing literature in the field of anthropology and other social sciences regarding the subject of SRH education, particularly LGBT+ SRH education. Furthermore, this study supports the need for additional research through the use of applied anthropology concerning interactions between institutions, policy and individual experiences of health.

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