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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Confissão Queer: : Uma análise queer da Confissão de Lúcio de Mário de Sá-Carneiro

Bladh, Lucy January 2008 (has links)
Esta monografia consta de uma pesquisa, cujo objectivo, é averiguar se será possível integrar a obra de Mário de Sá-Carneiro, A confissão de Lúcio, dentro das linhas de pensamento queer. O significado fundamental, mais recentemente atribuído à ideia queer, é o questionamento da naturalidade e obrigatoriedade da heterossexualidade normativa e a contestação do conceito estático e fixo de identidades sexuais. O tema da novela, é a descrição de relações erótico-afectivas, entre dois homens e uma mulher, cujo universo afectivo apresenta uma multiplicidade de desejos eróticos que transgridem a fronteira das normas pelas quais, os relacionamentos heterossexuais se regem. Dentro deste contexto e com base nestas teorias, tenciono através da leitura dos diálogos das personagens analisar o relacionamento entre os sujeitos masculinos e destes com o sujeito feminino. Este triângulo afectivo é questionado, segundo a teoria do triângulo erótico de Sedgwick, que nos orienta no sentido de interpretações talvez controversiais pela sua nova visão. A análise, leva-nos a concluir que uma observação queer feita ao relacionamento das personagens, revela uma relação homo-erótica entre dois homens, dissimulada através do casamento contraído entre um deles e a mulher. O lugar do sujeito feminino quando apresentado pelos sujeitos masculinos, revela-se estereotipado, irreal, e limitado à função de álibi do relacionamento masculino proibido pela heteronormatividade. O sujeito feminino, mesmo não tendo voz própria, apresenta-se como sujeito queer, quando transvestido e internalizado pelos sujeitos masculinos, falando através deles.

The 'Swelling Wave of Oppression': An Intersectional Study of the Health Challenges of Black Heterosexual Women and Black Queer Women in the American South

Canty, Jayme N 15 December 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to utilize an intersectional approach to determine what external factors (social, political, and economic) contribute to the health challenges of black heterosexual women and black queer women in the American South. The dissertation made a comparison between black heterosexual women and black queer women to explore whether their health challenges result from their social, political, and economic experiences. The research further examined how the daily experiences of these black women impact their health. This dissertation found that the daily lives of black heterosexual and black queer women associated with their social, economic, and political experiences create vulnerability in the health challenges of these populations. The dissertation also found that black queer women appear to become a sub-population whose health is poorer than their black heterosexual female counterparts because they suffer additional challenges, in the form of isolation and stigmatization, resulting from their sexual orientation in the American South.

Out of Place : Resistance, Creativity and Play in Visual Studies Lessons / Olämplig placering : motstånd, kreativitet och lek i Bildlektioner

de Beer, Mostyn January 2018 (has links)
Both the Visual Studies classroom, and the subject of Visual Studies itself, may open possibilities for solving problems in creative, challenging ways, that in other contexts might be regarded as disruptive. My study deals with transgressive behaviour in Visual Studies lessons, and how such behaviour is understood and received by teachers. It grows out of my own experience of incomprehension and unease around surprising work produced by students in my own Visual Studies workshops, and my hypothesis that behaviour like this is a form of resistance to control. I carry out a focus group interview with children that I know from workshops that I have been holding every Saturday for two years, using visual elicitation to encourage them to talk about Visual Studies lessons in general. My intention with the interview is to develop insights into why children do things that are different from their teacher’s expectations, with the aim of increasing my understanding of the work that children do in Visual Studies lessons, benefitting my own teaching practice, and being useful to colleagues. Ideas from other studies that have to do with imaginative play and creativity help me to conceive of children’s unexpected behaviour less as of a reaction against rules and authority, and more as a response to the possibilities of a Visual Studies workshop. The visual component of my study, where I install a ping-pong table in Konstfack’s Vita Havet gallery, can be regarded as a correlative to the written part. Through placing signs on the table, and changing how it is arranged, I draw attention to the way that it seems to be regarded differently from other objects placed in public spaces around Konstfack. The work is implicitly concerned with decisions about which objects, behaviours and people are regarded as acceptable in which spaces. As in the written study, through focussing on elements that don’t seem to fit in, my intention is to better understand the system as a whole.

Pelo direito de torcer: das torcidas gays aos movimentos de torcedores contrários ao machismo e à homofobia no futebol / For the right to support: from gay fans to the movements of fans against machismo and homophobia in football

Mauricio Rodrigues Pinto 22 February 2018 (has links)
Em um contexto caracterizado pela exacerbação da masculinidade, no qual a homofobia e a misoginia são reiteradas e, muitas vezes, naturalizadas, com o propósito também de demarcar seres abjetos por não se adequarem a essa norma, o presente trabalho estuda a trajetória de grupos e de movimentos de torcedores cujos discursos e performance vão na contramão da ideia de que o futebol brasileiro é um jogo pra machos, reduto de homens cisgêneros e heterossexuais. Tal exercício tem como propósito analisar as ações de grupos, que por meio de sua ação política em diferentes períodos históricos, reivindicaram o direito de torcer pelas pessoas LGBT e mulheres, desestabilizando, assim, a norma regulatória baseada em um modelo de masculinidade hegemônica. Para isso, serão estudadas as torcidas gays do final da década de 1970, como a Coligay (torcida do Grêmio Foot Ball Porto Alegrense) e a Fla-Gay (torcida do Clube de Regatas Flamengo), que surgem em meio ao regime militar brasileiro, e os movimentos de torcedorxs contemporâneos contrários à homofobia e à misoginia no futebol brasileiro, que constroem a sua visibilidade principalmente por meio do site de rede social Facebook: Galo Queer (formada por torcedorxs do Clube Atlético Mineiro), Bambi Tricolor (que reúne torcedorxs do São Paulo Futebol Clube), Palmeiras Livre (coletivo de torcedorxs da Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras) e Movimento Toda Poderosa Corinthiana (coletivo de torcedoras do Sport Club Corinthians Paulista) / In a context characterized by the exacerbation of masculinity, in which homophobia and misogyny are reiterated and often naturalized, with the purpose of also demarcating abject beings for not conforming to this norm, the present work studies the trajectory of groups and of movements of fans whose discourse and performance go against the idea that Brazilian football is a game \"for machos,\" a stronghold of cisgender, heterosexual men. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the actions of groups that, through their political action in different historical periods, have claimed the right to support for LGBT people and women, thus destabilizing the regulatory norm based on a model of hegemonic masculinity. To this end, I will study the gay fans of the late 1970s, such as Coligay (supporters of Grêmio Foot Ball Porto Alegrense) and Fla-Gay (supporters of the Clube de Regatas do Flamengo), as well as the movements of contemporary fans against homophobia and misogyny in Brazilian football, who construct their visibility mainly through the social network site Facebook: Galo Queer (formed by fans of Clube Atlético Mineiro), Bambi Tricolor (that unites supporters of the São Paulo Futebol Clube), Palmeiras Livre (a collective of fans from the Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras) and Movimento Toda Poderosa Corinthiana (a collective of female supporters from Sport Club Corinthians Paulista)

Les enjeux identitaires et subjectifs d'une profession genrée, les éducatrices de jeunes enfants : l'accueil de la petite enfance entre naturalisation et professionnalisation / The identity and subjective issues in a gendered profession, early childhood educators : infant childcare between naturalization and professionalization

Hilbold, Mej 10 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le secteur des crèches et de l’accueil de la petite enfance, la dimension identitaire au travail pèse sur les relations et sur le vécu des professionnelles. Cette thèse est centrée sur le groupe professionnel des éducatrices de jeunes enfants (EJE) dont les mutations récentes sont analyseurs de changements profonds du secteur qui abandonne progressivement la logique historique sanitaire pour une approche psychopédagogique. Ce travail propose une lecture critique des théories sociologiques de l’« identité professionnelle » et de la professionnalisation au prisme des études de genre et de la psychanalyse, et il rend compte des résultats d’une recherche empirique menée selon une approche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique. L’identité est ici conçue comme un discours performatif, selon les repères donnés par les théories queer. L’investigation empirique repose sur des entretiens avec des professionnelles et sur des observations de longue durée de crèches municipales et parentale. Le recrutement toujours massivement « féminin » des éducatrices, ainsi que les formes de souffrance au travail que cette thèse expose de manière inédite, témoignent des limites de la logique de l’« identité professionnelle », celle-ci produisant des divisions et des systèmes d’opposition catégorielle - le « professionnel », opposé au « maternel », au « féminin », à la « parentalité » et à l’« enfance » -, qui acculent les éducatrices dans des impasses et provoquent des rigidités relationnelles. L’imprégnation des éducatrices par les savoirs psychopédagogiques renforce le couple d’opposition mère-professionnelle du fait de l’importance donnée à la relation mère-enfant, toujours naturalisée, et cela malgré la prégnance des discours sur la parentalité. / In the sector of nurseries and day care centers, the identity dimension at work weighs on relationships and professional activities. This thesis is centered on the professional group of early childhood educators: the recent changes in this profession are analyzers for the profound changes in this activity area which gradually abandons the historic health approach for a psychological and pedagogical approach. This work offers a critical reading of sociological theories of "professional identity" and professionalization through the prism of gender studies and psychoanalysis. It also reports the results of an empirical research conducted through a psychoanalytically orientated clinical approach. Identity is here conceived as a performative speech, according to the landmarks given by the queer theories. The empirical investigation is based on interviews with professional and on long-term observations of municipal and parental day care centers. The still overwhelmingly 'female' recruitment of the educators, as well as forms of suffering at work that this thesis presents in a new way, reflect the logical limits of "professional identity", the latter producing divisions and systems of categorical oppositions - the "professional" opposed to the "mother", the "female", "parenting” and to “chilhood” - that drive educators into dead ends and cause relational rigidities. The impregnation of educators by psychological knowledge strengthens the mother-professional binary opposition because of the importance given to the still naturalized mother-child relationship, despite the significance of discourse on parenthood.

Transinkludering i praktiken : En undersökande intervjustudie hur verksamheter inom socialt arbete bemöter transpersoner

Lundgren, Linnéa, Nordberg, Ann-Sofie January 2018 (has links)
The aim for this study was to investigate how social workers perceive that they are responding to clients who define themselves as transgender. The study has a qualitative basis with six semistructured interviews based on an elaborated vignette method. The selection of interviewees was social workers, three in the field of public authority and three workers at various excutive agencies. The material have been analyzed based on Queer theory and Honneths Recognition Theory. The findings indicate that social work organizations are lacking in knowlege of transgender people and their experiences. There is also a lack of evidence-based procedures, action plans and policies to respond to transgender people within the organizations. The findings also implies that social workers can respond to transgender people and address them more empathically, with greater acceptance as well as recognition through a professional self-reflection and a humble attitude. / Denna studies syfte har varit att undersöka hur verksamma inom socialt arbete uppfattar att de själva tillika verksamheten i stort bemöter transpersoner. Studien har en kvalitativ grund och baserar sig på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med vinjettmetod. Urvalet av intervjupersoner är verksamma inom socialt arbete, tre inom myndighetsutövning och tre arbetande på olika utförarinstanser. Materialet har analyserats utifrån Queerteori och Honneths erkännadeteori. Resultatet visar bland annat att verksamheter inom socialt arbete brister i sin kunskap kring transpersoner och deras upplevelser samt saknar evidensbaserade rutiner, handlingsplaner och policys för att bemöta transpersoner inom organisationen. Resultatet visar även att yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete kan bemöta transpersoner mer inkännande, med större acceptans och med en erkännande karaktär genom en självreflekterande och ödmjuk attityd.

Aesthetics of Defiance : Queer Subjectivity in the Films of Xavier Dolan

Malmquist, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis is an investigation into Xavier Dolan's depictions of queer and non-normative characters. Through close analyses of the director's first five films, this study identifies Dolan's recurring stylistics and narrative techniques, and how they relate to his cinematic representation of individuals who do not conform to society's norms. The question of how queer subjectivity is presented to the spectator of the films guides the study, which outlines different kinds of subjective images and ways of expressing the inner worlds of the protagonists. As one of the first extensive academic studies of Dolan in English, the thesis carries out a dialogue with the few existing scholarly sources on the filmmaker, while also employing theories put forward by Deleuze, Pasolini, Bonitzer and Foucault, among others. Whereas previous writings on Dolan have focused almost entirely on national aspects of his work – interpreting the films as typically Québécois – this study considers the filmmaker from an international perspective. Although being an auteur study, the thesis highlights current issues of queer self-representation and the voices of the marginalized, proposing that Dolan's work offers non-normative alternatives to heteronormative narrative structures, patriarchal storytelling conventions and traditional family constellations.

In the shadow of the night : the gendered subtext of Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles

Hoosain, Shakira 08 December 2011 (has links)
Anne Rice writes popular fiction. She is best known for her iconic Vampire Chronicles series. This thesis focuses on the first three volumes of this series: Interview with the Vampire (1976), The Vampire Lestat (1985), and The Queen of the Damned (1988). The main objective of this thesis is to show that whilst Rice's novels often seem very liberal, an examination of her subtext reveals a conservative message. This message helps entrench socio-cultural and political hegemonies because it does not challenge the status quo. In order to see how these conservative leanings are entrenched by Rice, this thesis examines archetypes of the female and the Feminine. Louis is male, but can be viewed as a Feminine character because of his meek subservience to Lestat (the protagonist of the series). Claudia is their daughter, but she is also a woman trapped in a child's body. Claudia seems to have great intellectual freedom, but she is trapped within her body and cannot mature. Gabrielle is Lestat‟s mother. When Gabrielle becomes a vampire, Rice tries to empower Gabrielle by androgynizing her character. However, we find that this androgyny is not empowering because Gabrielle returns to her role as a mother. Akasha is the ancient queen and source of vampirism. She wants to bring about a radical, gynocentric world by killing most men. But subtextually, Akasha‟s defeat represents the defeat of feminism in favour of patriarchy. Despite the seemingly liberal nature of the texts, subtextually there is a trend towards negating the power these characters carry in the text. To explore the flux between the text and the subtext, an array of post-modern reading tools and theoretical approaches have been used. The primary reading strategies include a close reading of the novels, informed by Feminist perspectives, together with other reading strategies such as, Queer Theory, Marxism, deconstruction and the role of the Fantastic. Little academic study has been devoted to Rice‟s work. Her work shows deep philosophical and artistic integrity which lends an elegance and beauty to her texts, but this is undermined by the conservative undertones of her work. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / English / unrestricted

Doloresvariationer : Queeranalytiska perspektiv på sexuella relationer med stora åldersskillnader inom svensk prosa / Variations of Dolores : Queer Perspectives on Sexual Relationships with Significant Age Differences in Swedish Prose

Almqvist, Louise January 2017 (has links)
Tanken med uppsatsen är alltså att belysa kön och ålders betydelse för hur man skildrar och betraktar sexuella relationer. Jag har därför valt att analysera fyra skönlitterära verk, där kvinnan respektive mannen är den äldre parten i relationen, och den skildras ur kvinnan respektive mannens perspektiv. På grund av fokuseringen på könsskillnader är det alltså främst heterosexuella relationer som behandlas, men även överträdelser från detta inom verken är av stor vikt. Jag kommer även analysera hur verken mottagits, vilka diskussioner som kommits att föras om dem inom kritiken. För att rättvisare kunna jämföra verken och mottagandet har jag valt att fokusera på enbart svenska verk och mottagandet i Sverige. Verken är tidsmässigt utspridda över 35 år, då jag även velat undersöka om man kan se någon förändring i attityden till dessa frågor över tid. En av romanerna som kommer att behandlas är Larssons ovan nämnda Autisterna, där det alltså rör sig om en äldre man och en flicka, ur mannens perspektiv. Detta kommer att sättas i relation till en roman som enligt Witt-Brattströms premisser ”ger flickan en röst”: Darling River (2010) av Sara Stridsberg (f.1972). Här får man bland annat följa den 13- till 30-åriga Lo, som frivilligt har sex med ett flertal betydligt äldre män. Vad gäller relationer där kvinnan är äldre kommer jag använda mig av Liknelseboken (2013) av Per-Olov Enquist (f.1934), där den 15 åriga Per-Olov har frivilligt sex med den 51-åriga Ellen, och Jag minns alla mina älskare och hur de brukade ta på mig (2000) av Kerstin Thorvall (1925–2010), där den 40- till 50-åriga Kerstin har samlag med ett flertal villiga män i 20-års åldern. Uppsatsen kommer alltså att behandla sexuella relationer med betydande åldersskillnader i bred bemärkelse, inte enbart vad som vanligtvis skulle diskuteras i samband med pedofili. Detta för att kunna problematisera vad kring vad kön och ålder har för betydelse för uppfattningarna om sexuella relationer: vem som ses som ett barn, vem som uppfattas som ett subjekt, och vad som anses vara sjukligt eller ett övergrepp. I alla verk är det dock minst 20 år mellan parterna, och den yngre parten beskrivs upprepade gånger som ett barn.

Inkluderad och osynlig : En kvalitativ analys om hur transpersoner förhåller sig till representationen av trans i nyhetsartiklar

Fanny, Selemark Södergren January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur representationen av transpersoner uppfattas i nyhetsmedia genom en jämförelse mellan transpersoners egna upplevelser av att vara trans med representationen av trans i nyhetsartiklar och därmed urskilja om normativa och stereotypa föreställningar om trans existerar i framställandet. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med fem stycken transpersoner. Dessa intervjuer har därefter analyserats med hjälp av ”The constant comparative method” och satts i relation till följande teoretiska ramverk: “annangörande”, performativtetsteori, queerteori, transstudier och genus i media. Empirin har även kopplats till tidigare forskning som berör binära könsnormen och mönster i journalisters källanvändning. I resultatet går det att urskilja att respondenternas egna upplevelser av att vara trans, inte överensstämmer med hur trans framställs i artiklarna. Det första huvudtemat i analysen - den binära könsnormen - visar att respondenterna har ett godtyckligt förhållningssätt till användandet av pronomen. Trots detta är samtliga respondenter eniga i sin kritik av hur transpersoner framställs i nyhetsartiklarna utifrån diskussionen kring kroppen och könsuttryck. I den andra huvudtemat - problematiken med tolkningsföreträde - påpekar respondenterna att representationen i artiklarna kan vara ett resultat av både journalistens och intervjuobjektets okunskap. Detta medför att intervjuobjektet ges tolkningsföreträde att tala för alla transpersoner i generella termer. Detta medför att artiklarna generaliserar transbefolkningen och att transcommunityt reduceras till vissa könsidentiteter där andra identiteter osynliggörs. Respondenterna påpekar även att intervjuobjekten och journalisterna anammar CIS-normativa föreställningar om kön och att detta kan vara en förklaring till varför respondenterna och intervjuobjekten har olika uppfattningar om vad det innebär att vara trans. Resultatet av studien visar att när transpersoner framställs inom den binära könsnormen för att få en ”plats” i förhållande till CIS – personer (alla personer som inte är trans), utesluts vissa köns- och transidentiteter. Transbefolkningens könsidentiteter underkänns därmed i ett försök att vara inkluderande och synliggörandet resulterar därmed i ett osynliggörande.

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