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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da existência de máxima fase estável de lactato nos exercícios resistidos leg press 45º e supino reto / Analysis of the existance of a maximal lactate steady state on resistance exercises leg press 45° and bench press

Rodrigo Ferro Magosso 26 July 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se existe máxima fase estável de lactato (MFEL) nos exercícios LP e SR e analisar o comportamento de variáveis ventilatórias ventilação (Ve) e consumo de oxigênio (VO2), bem como lactacidemia, freqüência cardíaca (FC) e percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) na intensidade da MFEL e comparar as respostas entre os exercícios. Foram avaliados 12 homens jovens (20-33 anos) saudáveis e com experiência mínima de 6 meses em treinamento resistido, que passaram por teste de 1 repetição máxima (1RM), teste crescente para determinação do limiar anaeróbio (AT) e mais três sessões para a determinação da MFEL. Todas as sessões foram realizadas no mesmo horário do dia, separadas por 48 a 72 horas de intervalo. O valor de 1RM no LP foi de 298,0 ± 36,6 kg enquanto que no SR foi 93,7 ± 21,8 kg. A intensidade máxima atingida no teste crescente no LP foi 70,00 ± 12,25% de 1RM e no SR 50,00 ± 8,16% de 1RM, sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significativa (p0,05). A lactacidemia final também foi significativamente maior (p0,05) no LP comparada ao SR (8,36 ± 2,34 vs. 5,43 ± 1,12 mmol/L, respectivamente). O AT, expresso em percentual de 1RM, no LP foi de 27,9 ± 3,7% e no SR de 24,1 ± 4,4% de 1RM, porém esta diferença não foi estatisticamente significante. A lactacidemia no momento do teste crescente em que o AT era atingido também não apresentou diferença significativa, sendo 2,29 ± 0,58 mmol/L no LP e 2,52 ± 0,65 no SR. A intensidade da MFEL, no LP foi de 29,17 ± 7,02% de 1RM, enquanto que no SR a intensidade da MFEL foi de 21,67 ± 4,44% de 1RM, sendo esta diferença estatisticamente significativa (p0,05). No LP não houve diferença significativa entre as intensidades do AT e da MFEL (27,9 ± 3,7% e 29,2 ± 7,0% de 1RM, respectivamente). No SR intensidade do AT foi significativamente maior (p0,05) que a intensidade da MFEL (24,1 ± 3,4% e 21,7 ± 4,4% de 1RM, respectivamente). Durante a realização de exercício na MFEL, a ocorreu aumento de Ve, VO2, FC e PSE seguidos de estabilização, sem diferenças entre os exercícios. Estes resultados demonstram que é possível verificar MFEL nos exercícios LP e SR, e que no LP a intensidade é maior. As diferenças encontradas no teste crescente e na intensidade da MFEL são provavelmente causadas pelas características dos exercícios. / The purpose of the study was to verify if there is a maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) for the Leg Press (LP) and Bench Press (BP) exercises and to analyse ventilatory responses ventilation (Ve) and oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentration (BLC) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) to those exercises performed on MLSS intensity and to compare those responses for the exercises. 12 young healthy men with a minimal experience of 6 months of resistance training volunteered for the study. Volunteers underwent a 1 repetition maximum test (1RM), na incremental test to determine anaerobic threshold (AT) and three more sessions to determine MLSS. Session were performed on the same time of Day and separeted by a 48-72h interval. 1RM values for LP and BP were 298,0 ± 36,6kg and 93,7 ± 21,8 kg, respectively. The maximal intensity in the incremental test was 70 ± 12,25% of 1RM for LP and 50,00 ± 8,16% of 1RM for BP, which was a significant difference (p0,05). Post-test blood lactate concentration (BLS) was also significantly higher for LP (8,36 ± 2,34 vs. 5,43 ± 1,12 mmol/L, respectively) (p0,05). AT intensity and was not significantly different for LP and BP (27,9 ± 3,7% vs. 24,1 ± 3,6, respectively). BLC on AT was not significantly different for LP (2,29 ± 0,58 mmol/L) and BP (2,52 ± 0,65). MLSS intensity on LP (29,17 ± 7,02% of 1RM) was significantly higher (p0,05) compared to MFEL on BP (21,67 ± 4,44% of 1RM). When compared to AT, MLSS intensity for LP was not significantly different, but for BP it was significantly lower. During exercise on MLSS, oxygen uptake and ventilation, HR and RPE rose significantly compares to rest and then stabilized. There were no differences between exercises. These results show that it is possible to identify a MLSS on the LP and BP exercises, and that for LP this intensity is higher. The differences found between exercises can be atributted to the intrinsic caractheristics of each exercise.

Efeitos de diferentes volumes de treinamento resistido sobre as forças muscular e respiratória de idosa / The effects of different volumes of resistance training on muscle strength and respiratory muscle strength in elderly women

Abrahin, Odilon Salim Costa 02 June 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Introduction: The neuromuscular and respiratory systems are significantly affected during the sedentary aging, but these modifications can be minimized/attenuated by practice of resistance training Purpose: Compare the effects of different volumes of resistance training on the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), functional performance, and muscle strength in elderly women. Methods: Nineteen elderly women were randomly assigned to a group performing either single sets (1-SET) or three sets (3-SET) of exercises. The sit-to-stand test, MIP, MEP, and muscle strength were assessed before and after 24 training sessions. Progressive resistance training was performed two times per week for a total of 8 12 repetitions, using the main muscle groups of the upper and lower limbs. Results: The main results showed that the participants significantly increased their MEP (p<0,05; 1-SET: 34,6%; 3-SET: 35,8%) and MIP (p<0,05; 1-SET: 13,7%; 3- SET: 11,2%). Both groups also improved in the sit-to-stand test (p<0,05; 1-SET: 10,6%; 3-SET: 17,1%). After 24 training sessions, muscle strength also significantly increased (p<0,0001; 40 80%) in both groups. An intergroup comparison did not show any statistically significant differences between the groups in any of the parameters analyzed. Conclusion: Single- and multiple-set resistance training programs increased MIP, MEP, muscle strength, and sit-to-stand test performance in elderly women after 24 sessions of training. In conclusion, our results suggested that elderly women who are not in the habit of physical activity may start with single-set resistance training programs as a short-term strategy for the maintenance of health. / Introdução: Os sistemas neuromuscular e respiratório são significativamente afetados durante o envelhecimento sedentário, contudo estas modificações podem ser minimizadas/atenuadas pela prática do treinamento resistido. Objetivo: Comparar os efeitos de diferentes volumes de treinamento resistido sobre a pressão muscular inspiratória (Pimax), pressão muscular expiratória (Pemax), desempenho funcional e força muscular de idosas. Métodos: Dezenove mulheres idosas foram divididas randomicamente em dois grupos, série simples (1-SET) ou três séries (3 SET) de exercícios resistidos. O teste de sentar e levantar, Pemax, Pimax e força muscular foram avaliados antes e após 24 sessões de treinamento. O treinamento resistido progressivo foi realizado durante 12 semanas com frequência de duas vezes por semana, entre 8-12 repetições, utilizando-se os principais grupos musculares dos membros superiores e inferiores. Resultados: Os principais resultados demonstram que ocorreram aumentos significativos na Pemax (p<0,05; 1-SET: 34,6%; 3-SET: 35,8%) e Pimax (p<0,05; 1-SET: 13,7%; 3-SET: 11,2%). Ambos os grupos também melhoraram no teste de sentar e levantar (p<0,05; 1-SET: 10.6%; 3-SET: 17.1%). Após 24 sessões de treinamento resistido, a força muscular aumentou significativamente (p<0,001; 40-80%) nos grupos. A comparação intergrupo não revelou diferença significativa em nenhum parâmetro analisado. Conclusão: Séries simples e múltiplas de treinamento resistido melhoram a Pemax, Pimax, força muscular e o desempenho funcional no teste de sentar e levantar após 24 sessões de treinamento. Estes resultados sugerem que mulheres idosas que não possuem o hábito de praticar atividade física podem iniciar programas de séries simples de treinamento resistido, como estratégia de curto tempo para a manutenção da saúde.

Respostas cardiovasculares associadas ao intervalo interséries de exercício resistido em mulheres hipertensas sob controle farmacológico / Cardiovascular responses associated with rest interval in the resistance exercise in hypertensive women treated pharmacological

Pereira, Gilene de Jesus 29 January 2016 (has links)
Resistance exercise (RE) is indicated as a complement to aerobic exercise program to control high blood pressure. However, it is known that during RE may occur peak pressure and increased risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive individuals. It is known that the exercise intensity, exercise volume and muscle fatigue potentiate these effects. The effects of blood pressure control and the rest time between sets have not yet been investigated. The objective of this study was to verify, in hypertensive women undergoing resistance exercise, the effects of blood pressure control and the rest time between sets (30s, 60s and 90s) the responses of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic (DBP), heart rate (HR) and double product (DP). The study included nineteen hypertensive women, mean age 58.5 ± 5.2 years and BMI 29.4 ± 4.9 kg / m2, were divided into groups: controlled (n=6), decompensated (n=8) and untreated (n=5). The subjects were submitted to the 1RM test in the leg extension and held three training sessions resistance (3x12 to 60% of 1RM knee extension). Each session was performed with different rest interval (30, 60 and 90 seconds). It used 2-way ANOVA for repeated measures with post test Tukey, establishing a significance level of p<0.05. In the control group, there was no significant difference between exercise and rest to PAD, FC and DP in any of the intervals (p>0.05), while SBP was higher than the rest, when the rest interval was 30 seconds (p=0,0204). In uncontrolled and untreated groups, there was an increase in all the variables, compared to the rest (p<0.05) independent of the rest interval. Pressure peaks reached during the exercise, in the controlled group (SBP: 171.3 ± 14 and DBP: 99.5 ± 11mmHg) were similar as compare to uncontrolled groups (216.1 ± 11 and DBP: 132.5 ± 16 mmHg) and untreated (216.8 ± 21 and DBP: 133.6 ± 13mmHg). Thus, if the hypertensive framework is not controlled, the cardiovascular stress significantly increases during the RE and the pharmacological control is shown to be effective in reducing the effort during the practice of RE. Therefore, the control condition of the hypertensive frame is more important than the rest interval for influencing the cardiovascular responses during the RE. Thus, we can suggest that effective control of the PA, through pharmacological treatment can reduce the risk of pressure peak during the practice of resistance exercise. / O exercício resistido (ER) é indicado como complemento aos programas de exercícios aeróbios para controle da hipertensão arterial. Porém, sabe-se que durante o ER pode ocorrer pico pressórico e risco aumentado de evento cardiovascular em indivíduos hipertensos. Sabe-se que a intensidade de esforço, volume de exercício e fadiga muscular potencializam tais efeitos. Os efeitos do controle da pressão arterial e do tempo de descanso interséries ainda não foram investigados. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi verificar, em mulheres hipertensas submetidas ao exercício resistido, os efeitos do controle da pressão arterial e do tempo de descanso interséries (30s, 60s e 90s) nas respostas de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), frequência cardíaca (FC) e duplo produto (DP). Participaram do estudo dezenove mulheres hipertensas, com idade média de 58,5±5,2 anos e IMC, 29,4±4,9 Kg/m2. Foram divididas em grupos: controlado (n=6), descompensado (n=8) e não tratado (n=5). Os sujeitos foram submetidos a um teste de uma repetição máxima (1RM), na cadeira extensora e realizaram três sessões de exercício resistido (3x12 a 60% de 1RM de extensão de joelhos). Cada sessão foi realizada com um intervalo interséries diferente (30, 60 e 90 segundos). Foi utilizado ANOVA de 2 vias para medidas repetidas, com pós teste de Tukey, estabelecendo nível de significância de p<0,05. No grupo controlado, não houve diferença significativa entre exercício e repouso de PAD, FC e DP em nenhum dos intervalos (p>0,05), enquanto a PAS foi maior que o repouso, quando o intervalo interséries foi de 30s (p= 0,0204). Nos grupos descompensado e não tratado, houve elevação de todas as variáveis, comparadas ao repouso (p<0,05) independente do tempo de descanso. Picos pressóricos atingidos durante o exercício, no grupo controlado (PAS: 171,3±14 e PAD: 99,5± 11mmHg) foram semelhantes aos picos atingidos pelos grupos descompensado (216,1±11 e PAD: 132,5±16mmHg) e não tratado (216,8±21 e PAD: 133,6±13 mmHg). Dessa forma, é possível afirmar que se o quadro hipertensivo não está controlado, o esforço cardiovascular aumenta significativamente durante o ER e o controle farmacológico mostra-se efetivo para diminuir esse esforço durante a prática do ER. Portanto, a condição de controle do quadro hipertensivo é mais importante do que o intervalo interséries para influenciar as respostas cardiovasculares ao ER. Assim, podemos sugerir que o efetivo controle da PA, através do tratamento farmacológico pode diminuir o risco de pico pressórico durante a prática do exercício resistido.

Efeitos dos treinamentos funcional e tradicional sobre a aptidão física e qualidade de movimento de idosas sedentárias

Resende Neto, Antonio Gomes de 23 February 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Introduction: Traditional strength training protocols, despite its proven morphological and neuromuscular benefits, have been questioned about its effects on performance improvement for daily life activities in the elderly, and functional training (TF) may be a better strategy for this purpose. However, there is a lack of research comparing and integrating TF with traditional training methods to better observe the real effects on multisystem adaptive responses. Objective: Analyze comparatively the effects of 12 weeks of functional training and traditional training in physical fitness and quality of movement in sedentary elderly women. Metodology: This is a random clinic essay with the participation of 25 old women divided in two distinct groups: Functional Training (TF: n=13; 64,8 ± 4,6 years; 29,6 ± 5,2 kg/m-²) and Traditional Training (TT: n=12; 66,0 ± 5,5 years; 28,5 ± 5,6 kg/m-²). Senior Fitness Test was used to stablish physical fitness and a dinamometric lumbar complementary test to determine maximal isometric strenght. To evaluate quality of movement it was used the Functional Movement Screen (FMS). Datas were analyzed through ANOVA 2x3 and Sidak post-hoc. Results: Past to 8 weeks, when compared to TT, TF group has promoted statistic and significant improvements in: balance/agility (p=0,03; +7%), lower limb strenght (p=0,03; +18%), upper limb strenght (p = 0,02; +15%), cardiorespiratory capacity (p = 0,02; +8%) and isometric strenght (p = 0,04; +16%). In 12 weeks, TF has presented significative diferences in: balance/agility (p = 0,00; +9%), lower limbs strenght (p = 0,03; +18%), cardiorespiratory capacity (p = 0,01; +7%) and quality of movement (p = 0,02; +16%), when compared to TT. However, flexibility test has not shown differences between groups. And the two groups improved significantly in all variables (p≤0,05) in relation to the initial values. Conclusion: Although both training protocols prove to be efficient in improving physical fitness and movement quality in sedentary elderly women, applied functional training is more effective than traditional training. / Introdução: Protocolos tradicionais de treinamento de força apesar de seus benefícios morfológicos e neuromusculares comprovados, nota-se questionamentos sobre seus efeitos na melhora da performance para as atividades da vida diária no idoso, podendo o treinamento funcional (TF) ser uma melhor estratégia para essa finalidade. Porém, observa-se uma carência de investigações comparando e integrando o TF com métodos de treinamento tradicionais para melhor observação dos reais efeitos em respostas adaptativas multissistêmicas. Objetivo: Analisar comparativamente os efeitos de oito e doze semanas de treinamento funcional com um treinamento de força tradicional na aptidão física e qualidade do movimento de idosas sedentárias. Metodologia: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado, no qual participaram da intervenção 25 idosas divididas em dois grupos distintos: Treinamento Funcional (TF: n=13; 64,8 ± 4,6 anos; 29,6 ± 5,2 kg/m-²) e Treinamento Tradicional (TT: n=12; 66,0 ± 5,5 anos; 28,5 ± 5,6 kg/m-²). Para a verificar a aptidão física foi utilizado a bateria Senior Fitness Test e um teste complementar de força isométrica máxima. E para qualidade de movimento foi utilizado o Functional Movement Screen. Os dados foram analisados a partir de uma ANOVA 2x3 com post hoc test de Sidak. Resultados: Ao final das 8 semanas, quando comparado com o TT, o TF promoveu melhoras estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis: equilíbrio/agilidade (p = 0,03; +7%), força de membros inferiores (p = 0,03; +18%), força de membros superiores (p = 0,02; +15%), capacidade cardiorrespiratória (p=0,02; +8%), e força isométrica (p = 0,04; +16%). Em 12 semanas o TF apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa nas variáveis: equilíbrio/agilidade (p = 0,00; +9%), força de membros inferiores (p = 0,03; +18%), capacidade cardiorrespiratória (p = 0,01; +7%) e na qualidade do movimento (p = 0,02; +16%), quando comparado ao TT. Entretanto, em relação aos testes de flexibilidade não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos. E os dois grupos melhoraram significativamente em todas as variáveis (p˂0,05) com relação aos valores iniciais. Conclusão: Apesar de ambos os protocolos de treinamento demostrarem-se eficientes na melhora da aptidão física e qualidade de movimento em idosas sedentárias, o treinamento funcional aplicado demonstra-se mais eficaz que o treinamento tradicional.

健常な高齢者における有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動による複合トレーニングの順序性に関する研究 / ケンジョウナ コウレイシャ ニオケル ユウサンソ ウンドウ ト レジスタンス ウンドウ ニヨル フクゴウ トレーニング ノ ジュンジョセイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

塩津 陽子, Yoko Shiotsu 13 September 2018 (has links)
高齢者の健康づくり運動には,有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動の複合トレーニングが重要であり,この異なる運動をどのように組み合わせるのが安全で効果的かを検討する必要がある.本研究は,健常な高齢者を対象に,有酸素運動とレジスタンス運動の複合トレーニングにおける順序性が,体力や形態,動脈スティフネスに及ぼす影響について検討した.その結果,動脈スティフネスにおいて運動の順序性を考慮する必要があることが示唆された. / The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of exercise order of combined aerobic and resistance training into the same session on body composition, physical fitness, and arterial stiffness in the elderly. Based on our results, aerobic exercise after resistance training reduced arterial stiffness and a difference of exercise order was observed. We suggest that the exercise order may favorably affect arterial stiffness when combined aerobic exercise and resistance training is performed into the same session. Our findings support combined training for health promotion and have important health implications for the elderly. / 博士(スポーツ健康科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sports Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

The Effects Of Phosphatidylserine On Reaction Time And Cognitive Function Following An Exercise Stress

Wells, Adam John 01 January 2012 (has links)
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an endogenously occurring phospholipid that has been shown to have cognition and mood enhancing properties in humans, possibly through its role as an enzyme co-factor in cellular signal transduction. Specifically, PS has been identified as activator of classical isoforms of protein kinase C, an enzyme known to be involved in the growth and differentiation of neural cells, and is therefore thought to play a role in the protection of neurons. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of supplementation with PS and caffeine on measures of cognition, reaction time and mood prior to and following an exercise stress. Twenty, healthy, resistance trained males (17) and females (3) (mean ± SD; age: 22.75 ± 3.27 yrs; height: 177.03 ± 8.44cm; weight: 78.98 ± 11.24kg; body fat%: 14.28 ± 6.6), volunteered to participate in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants were assigned to a PS group (400mg/day PS; 100mg/day caffeine, N=9) or PL (16g/day Carbs, N=11) delivered in the form of 4 candy chews identical in size, shape and color. Subjects performed an acute bout of full body resistance exercise, prior to (T1) and following 14 days of supplementation (T2). Measures of reaction time (Dynavision® D2 Visuomotor Training Device), cognition (Serial Subtraction Test, SST), and mood (Profile of Mood States, POMS) were assessed immediately before and following resistance exercise in both T1 and T2. Data was analyzed using two-way ANCOVA and repeated measures ANOVA. Supplementation with 400mg PS and 100mg caffeine did not have a significant impact upon measures of reaction time or cognition between groups at baseline or following acute resistance exercise. However, there was a non-significant trend to the attenuation of fatigue iv between groups, following acute resistance exercise (p = 0.071). Interestingly, our data suggests that acute resistance exercise alone may improve cognitive function. Although more research is necessary regarding optimal dosage and supplementation duration, the current findings suggest that supplementation 400mg/day PS with 100mg/day caffeine may attenuate fatigue following acute resistance exercise. It is possible that the lack of significance may be the result of both an inhibition of the PS activated pathway and a withdrawal effect from caffeine.

The Acute Metabolic Response of Intermittent Hypoxic Resistance Exercise : A Cross-Over RCT

Falgin Hultgren, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Aim The aim for this present study was to investigate the acute metabolic response from intermittent resistance exercise during hypoxia, with the following research questions: (1) Are blood levels of lactate and glucose different between hypoxia and normoxia? (2) Does hypoxia induce higher lactate accumulation and pH reduction in the human skeletal muscle? (3) Is there a relationship between plasma-, blood- and muscle lactate? Method Eight healthy males (30 ± 2 years) performed 6 sets of unilateral leg extension on each leg (75% of 1RM) with randomized normoxic (20,9% inspired 𝑂2) and normobaric hypoxic (12% inspired 𝑂2) conditions. A total of 5 muscle biopsies was extracted from m. Vastus Lateralis (pre-, post exercise, 90-, 180min and 24h post exercise) during both normoxia and hypoxia trials, separated by one week for all participants. Blood samples were repeatedly taken with 20 min intervals. Heart Rate (HR) and saturation (𝑆𝑝𝑂2) were measured by a pulsoximeter during resistance exercise. Results No significant main effect was observed for blood lactate and glucose levels as well as the muscle lactate accumulation and pH between normoxia and hypoxia. However, pH in muscle showed a trend between the conditions post exercise where hypoxia reached lower levels in total (P=0.08). Significant correlations were observed for blood- and plasma lactate, where hypoxia showed a stronger relationship than normoxia (r=0.98 compared to r=0.87). Equal findings for the correlation of muscle- and plasma lactate showed an even greater coefficient value for hypoxia compared to normoxia (r=0.860 compared to r=0.59). Conclusion Summarized data indicated that no significant difference between hypoxia and normoxia was evident. Nonetheless, tendencies illustrate that hypoxia may alter the metabolic response slightly. However, further research is needed to draw a conclusion between the conditions. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kroppens akuta metabola svar från intermittent styrketräning under hypoxi, med följande frågeställningar: (1) Skiljer sig nivåerna av laktat och glukos i blodet mellan hypoxi och normoxi? (2) Skapar hypoxi större laktatansamling och pH reduktion i människoskelettmuskeln? (3) Finns det en relation mellan plasma-, blod- och muskellaktat? Metod Åtta friska män (30 ± 2 år) deltog där deltagarna utförde 6 set unilateral benextension för varje ben (75% 1RM). Intermittent styrketräning randomiserades med hypoxi som utfördes med 12% syrgas och normoxi som bibehöll normal syrgasnivå (20,9% syrgas). Under två testdagar togs 5 muskelbiopsier från m. Vastus Lateralis (före-, efter träning, 90-, 180min och 24h efter träning) på vartannat ben per testdag. Hjärtfrekvensen och 𝑆𝑝𝑂2 mättes via pulsoximeter under träningen. Resultat Ingen signifikant huvudeffekt påvisades mellan hypoxi och normoxi för blodlaktat samt glukos, såväl som laktatackumulationen och pH värdet i muskeln. Muskel pH visade en trend där hypoxi efter styrketräning nådde lägre totalnivå än normoxi (P=0,08). Vidare observerades hypoxi att ha starka relationer mellan blod- och plasmalaktat jämfört med normoxi (r=0,98 vs. r=0,87). Större skillnad framgick för korrelationen mellan muskel- och plasmalaktat där hypoxi-försöket utgav starkare koefficient jämfört med normoxi (r=0,86 vs. r=0,59). Konklusion Sammanfattad data visar att hypoxi inte skapar större metabolisk respons vid intermittent styrketräning. Trots detta framkom tendenser som illustrerar att hypoxi kan påverka den metabola stressen under styrketräning. Däremot krävs vidare forskning för att kunna säkerställa effekten av hypoxi på kroppens metabola svar. / Ingår i Marcus Mobergs projekt: ”Resistance exercise under hypoxia and the acute molecular effects in human skeletal muscle

Physiological characteristics of sodium lactate infusion during resistance exercise / Fysiologisk karakteristika av natriumlaktat infusion under styrketräning

Danielsson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Previous studies that utilized sodium lactate infusion did not use resistance exercise protocol or analyzed muscle biopsies, or performed sex specific analysis. Aim: We initiated a project where resistance exercise was performed with low and high levels of lactate, acquired by venous lactate infusion where the specific aim of this study was to investigate and chart the physiological characteristics of sodium lactate infusion during a bout of resistance exercise on whole group level and sexes separated Method: A randomized, placebo controlled, cross-over design was implemented where male (n = 8) and female (n = 8) subjects accustomed to resistance exercise visited the laboratory three times for preliminary testing and training familiarization. In the following two experimental trials subjects arrived in an overnight fasted state. A resting state muscle biopsy was extracted from m. vastus lateralis and repeated blood samples were initiated which followed by 20 minute of baseline infusion of either infusate in resting state at 0.05 mmol/kg/min infusion rate with additional bolus doses during subsequent exercise. Following a brief warm up, unilateral knee-extensions (6 x 8-10 reps at 75% of 1-RM) were performered with or without venous infusion of sodium lactate, with volume matched saline as control. Exercise load and volume were matched between trials. Four additional biopsies were extracted at post-exercise, recovery period, and 24-hour post-exercise. Results: Sodium lactate infusion vs saline infusion respectively during resistance exercise yielded significantly higher blood lactate with sodium lactate (6.78 ± 0.33 mmol/l vs 2.99 ± 0.17 mmol/l), plasma lactate (8.86 ± 0.39 mmol/l vs 4.39 ± 0.22 mmol/l), blood sodium (143 ± 0.4 mmol/l vs 142 ± 0.3 mmol/l), blood pH (7.42 ± 0.01 vs 7.34 ± 0.01), but lower blood potassium (3.9 ± 0.1 mmol/l vs 4.2 ±  0.1 mmol/l), all  immediately following exercise. Sodium lactate infusion elicited main effect of trials and muscle lactate increased from baseline (8.5 ± 0.9 mmol·kg-1 dw vs 7.0 ± 0.6 mmol·kg-1 dw) to post-exercise (31.5 ± 2.8 mmol·kg-1 dw vs 26.9 ± 3.2 mmol·kg-1 dw) with sodium lactate and saline infusion respectively. Blood glucose, hemoglobin and muscle pH was not affected by sodium lactate infusion. Conclusions: Utilization of the sodium lactate infusion method during a bout of resistance exercise may be used as tool to effectively increase blood/plasma lactate and, to lesser extent, muscle content of lactate. However, a concomitant slightly alkalizing effect of blood likely will occur. / Tidigare studier som använt natriumlaktat infusion använde inte styrketräningsprotokoll, eller analyserade muskelbiopsier eller utförde könsspecifika analyser. Syfte och frågeställningar: Vi initierade ett projekt där styrketräning utfördes med låga eller höga nivåer av laktat som erhölls genom venös natriumlaktat infusion med det specifika syftet att undersöka och kartlägga fysiologisk karakteristiska av naturiumlaktat infusion under styrketräningsövning på helgrupps- och könsseparerad nivå. Följande frågeställningar inrättades; hur påverkar natriumlaktat infusion under styrketräning helblod- och plasma laktat, glukos, natrium, kalium, plasma volym genom hemoglobin och hematokrit, blod pH, muskellaktat- och muskel pH samt om skillnader i respons finns efter att könsspecifika analyser utförts på dessa variabler. Metod: En randomiserad, placebokontrollerad cross-over design implementerades där styrketräningsvana män (n = 8) och kvinnor (n = 8) besökte laboratoriet tre gånger för preliminäraför tester och träningsfamiliarisering. I efterföljande två experimentella försök anlände försökspersonerna i ett över nattligt fastande tillstånd. En baslinje biopsi extraherades från m. vastus lateralis och repeterade blodprover initierades med efterföljande 20 minuter av baslinje infusion av endera infusat i vilotillstånd med 0.05 mmol/kg/min infusionshastighet med ytterligare bolusdoser under efterföljande träning. Efter en kort uppvärmning utfördes unilaterala knäextensioner (6 x 8-10 reps vid 75% av 1-RM) med eller utan venös infusion av natrium laktat, med volymmatchande saltlösning som kontroll. Träningsbelastning och volym matchades mellan försök. Ytterligare fyra biopsier extraherades vid efter-träning, återhämtningsperiod, och efter 24 timmar. Resultat: Natriumlaktat respektive saltlösnings infusion under styrketräning gav signifikant högre blodlaktat med natriumlaktat infusion (6.78 ± 0.33 mmol/l mot 2.99 ± 0.17 mmol/l), plasmalaktat (8.86 ± 0.39 mmol/l mot 4.39 ± 0.22 mmol/l), blodnatrium (143 ± 0.4 mmol/l mot 142 ± 0.3 mmol/l), blod pH (7.42 ± 0.01 mot 7.34 ± 0.01), men lägre blod kalium (3.9 ± 0.1 mmol/l mot 4.2 ± 0.1 mmol/l), alla direkt efter träning. Natriumlaktat infusion framkallade huvudeffekt av försök och muskellaktat ökade från baslinje (8.5 ± 0.9 mmol·kg-1 dw mot 7.0 ± 0.6 mmol·kg-1 dw) till efter-träning (31.5 ± 2.8 mmol·kg-1 dw mot 26.9 ± 3.2 mmol·kg-1 dw) med natriumlaktat respektive saltlösnings infusion. Blodglukos, hemoglobin och muskel pH påverkades inte av natriumlaktat infusion. Slutsats: Användande av natriumlaktat infusion som metod under styrketräning kan effektivt användas som verktyg för att höja blod/plasma laktat, och i mindre utsträckning, muskellaktat. Emellertid är samtidig alkalisering av blod en sannolik följd. / Potential sex differences in the molecular response to resistance exercise with lactate infusion

Muscle Strength, Acute Resistance Exercise, and the Mechanisms Involved in Facilitating Executive Function and Memory

Nicholas W Baumgartner (17343454) 06 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Past research has extensively explored the benefits of acute aerobic exercise (AE) on memory and executive functions. Additionally, the cross-sectional relationship between muscle strength – a direct outcome of RE – and cognition is unknown, despite the simultaneous onset of muscle and cognitive decline in one’s thirties. However, the effects of acute resistance exercise (RE) on cognition remain understudied, despite the growing popularity of RE and evidence that RE may have distinct effects on cognition.. Therefore, the present study aimed to broaden our understanding of the connection between muscle strength and hippocampal-dependent memory and to investigate the influence of RE on memory and executive function.</p><p dir="ltr">A sample of 125 healthy young adults (18-50 years old) completed this study. On the first day of testing, subjects completed a cognitive battery testing aspects of hippocampal dependent memory, spatial abilities, and working memory, a maximal muscle strength testing session including handgrip strength and one-rep-max testing, and maximal aerobic capacity testing. Subjects completed a bioelectrical impedance assessment (BIA) body scan to measure body composition on Day 2. Day 3 consisted of a randomized controlled trial (RCT), where subjects completed either 42 minute moderate intensity RE (n = 62) or a seated rest (n = 61). Cognitive testing including a memory recognition task, an inhibitory control task, and a working memory task were performed both before and after the intervention. Subjects also completed lactate, blood pressure, and blood draw (only a subset of subjects (n = 59)) before and after intervention.</p><p dir="ltr">The results first revealed that after controlling for known covariates, those with greater handgrip strength performed better on mental rotation tasks (t = 2.14, p = 0.04, Δr2= 0.04), while those with higher upper-body relative strength did better on recognition (t = 2.78, p = 0.01, Δr2 = 0.06) and pattern separation (t = 2.03, p = 0.04, Δr2= 0.04) tasks. Further, while there was no acute effect of RE on memory performance, response times during measures of inhibitory control (t = 4.15, p < 0.01, d = 0.40) and working memory decreased after exercise (t = 7.01, p < 0.01, d = 0.46), along with decreases in P3 latency during the inhibitory control task (t =-5.99, p < 0.01, d = 0.58). Additionally, blood lactate (t =-17.18, p < 0.01, d = 2.06), serum brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) (t = -4.17, p < 0.01, d = 0.66), and systolic blood pressure (t = -10.58, p < 0.01, d = 0.99) all increased following RE, while diastolic blood pressure (t = 4.90, p < 0.01,d = 0.50) decreased. Notably, the change in systolic blood pressure (t = -2.83, p = 0.01, Δr2 = 0.06) was associated with improvements in behavioral measures of inhibitory control, changes in lactate (t = -2.26, p = 0.03, Δr2 = 0.04) and systolic blood pressure (t = -3.30, p < 0.01, Δr2 = 0.08) were also related to improved behavioral changes in working memory, and changes in lactate (t = -3.31, p < 0.01, Δr2= 0.08) and BDNF (t = -2.12, p = 0.04, Δr2= 0.08) related to faster P3 latency during inhibitory control. Importantly, these associations between physiological and cognitive changes were consistent across both exercise and rest groups, suggesting that physiological changes were linked to improved cognitive performance regardless of group assignment.</p><p dir="ltr">In conclusion, this study highlights the positive relationships between cross-sectional muscle strength and aspects of memory and spatial abilities, with distinct contributions from handgrip and upper body strength. Furthermore, acute RE was shown to enhance executive functions, particularly in terms of processing speed during inhibitory control (response time and P3 latency) and working memory (response time). This study suggests that RE can be a valid way to garner exercise-induced benefits on executive functions potentially through its influence on lactate, BDNF, and blood pressure, however, since these effects were evident regardless of intervention, more work is needed to determine if RE-induced changes have the same mechanisms. Overall, these findings underscore the potential benefits of muscle strength and RE on enhancing executive function in young and middle-aged adults.</p>


DORIVAL FAGUNDES COTRIM JUNIOR 05 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho dissertativo aborda o Movimento Sanitário Brasileiro (MSB), cujo um dos frutos foi a constitucionalização do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), como um autêntico e singular exercício de Resistência na ótica de Baruch de Spinoza, a partir de uma análise histórico-filosófica, ao longo das décadas de 1970 e 1980. Inicialmente tratou-se da gênese do MSB, a partir dos Departamentos de Medicina Preventiva (DMP) e da Medicina Comunitária; da abertura política e das lutas de resistência por democratização, juntamente com a ampliação dos espaços institucionais, oportunidade abraçada pelos sanitaristas da época, que passaram a atuar nestas instâncias e com a formulação do II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento (PND); terminando por brevemente pontuar aspectos do Sistema Nacional de Saúde, então vigente, e das propostas do MSB. Quanto à segunda parte, a qual se deu ênfase, foi intitulada As lutas institucionais do Movimento, quando se investigou as Conferências Nacionais de Saúde (CNS), especialmente a Oitava Conferência, cuja substância serviu de base às ações constituintes na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), não sem antes atravessar a Comissão Nacional da Reforma Sanitária (CNRS) e a Plenária Nacional da Saúde, alcançando a constitucionalização na Carta Cidadã de 1988, que não absorveu todas as proposições do MSB, mas possibilitou a emergência do SUS, expressão-mor da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira (RSB). / [en] The argumentative work addresses the Brazilian Sanitary Movement (MSB), whose one of the fruits was the constitutionalisation of the Unified Health System (SUS), as an authentic and unique resistance exercise on optics of Baruch de Spinoza, from a historical and philosophical analysis, over the decades of 1970 and 1980. Initially this was the Genesis of MSB, from the Departments of Preventive Medicine (DMP) and of community medicine; the opening policy and the struggles of resistance for democracy, along with the expansion of institutional spaces, opportunity embraced by health professionals of the era, which passed the Act in these instances and with the formulation of the Second National Development Plan (PND); ending by briefly score aspects of the National Health System, then in force, and the proposals of the MSB. As for the second part, which emphasized, was entitled Institutional Struggles of the Movement, when it investigated the national health Conferences (CNS), especially the eighth Conference, whose substance constituent shares was based on the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), but not before going through the National Commission of Health Reform (CNRS) and the National Plenary of Health, reaching the constitutionalisation in Letter a citizen of 1988. that is not absorbed all the propositions of the MSB, but made possible the emergence of the SUS, Chief expression of Brazilian health reform (RSB).

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