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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of restructuring business units on organisational climate

Wilson, Anine 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether organisational restructuring of business units within a South African Fast Moving Consumer Goods company had any effect on the organisational climate of the organisation. An organisational climate survey was used before and after the restructuring over a two-year period. Five manufacturing plants formed part of the study; with four plants undergoing the restructuring (experimental group) and one plant being the control group, where no organisational restructuring took place within the two-year period under review. The total population consisted of 3700 employees. The samples for 2010 and 2011 were drawn from the population of the five manufacturing plants’. The sample of employees that took part in the survey from the five manufacturing plants was, in 2010, 778 versus a headcount of 1802, yielding a response rate of 21.02%, and in 2011, 904 versus a headcount of 1736, yielding a response rate of 24.43%. The research results show that organisational restructuring did have a significant impact on organisational climate; with a drop in the organisational climate from 2010 prior to the organisational restructuring, to 2011 after the organisational restructuring at four of the manufacturing plants (experimental group). Interestingly, the control group (the 5th manufacturing plant) also showed a significant drop in its organisational climate scores from 2010 to 2011; without organisational restructuring taking place. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Increasing Effectiveness of U.S. Counterintelligence: Domestic and International Micro-Restructuring Initiatives to Mitigate

Ferguson, Cody J. 20 August 2012
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. / Cyberespionage is a prolific threat that undermines the power projection capacity of the United States through reduced economic prowess and a narrowing of the technical advantage employed by the American military. International attempts to limit hostile cyber activity through the development of institutions, normative patterns of behavior, or assimilation of existing laws do not provide the American national security decision maker with a timely or effective solution to address these threats. Unfortunately, the stove-piped, redundant and inefficient nature of the U.S. counterintelligence community does not deliver a viable alternative to mitigating cyberespionage in an effective manner. Instituting a domestic and international micro-restructuring approach within the Department of Defense (DoD) addresses the need for increased effectiveness within an environment of fiscal responsibility. Domestic restructuring places emphasis on developing a forcing mechanism that compels the DoD counterintelligence services to develop joint approaches for combating cyberespionage by directly addressing the needs of the Combatant Commands. International restructuring places an emphasis on expanding cybersecurity cooperation to like-minded nations and specifically explores the opportunity and challenges for increased cyber cooperation with Taiwan. This approach recognizes that Taiwan and the United States are both negatively affected from hostile cyber activity derived from within the People’s Republic of China.

Opportunities and Challenges of Citywide Main Street Programs: Examining the Urban Environment, Coordinating Structures and Political Realities in the Application of the Four Point Approach

Rinn, Ryan 03 May 2012 (has links)
The Main Street Four Point Approach to commercial revitalization has been applied successfully in thousands of communities across the U.S. Starting in 1995, citywide coordinated programs began applying the balanced points of organization, design, economic restructuring and promotion to urban environments. This thesis focuses on the opportunities and challenges present in five citywide Main Street programs in Boston, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Orlando and Portland through quantitative inquiry and interviews with program administrators. This thesis discusses density, capacity, volunteerism, vernacular culture, and politics as emergent themes of the urban application of the Main Street Approach and recommends expanding the breadth of definition and flexibility of each of the Four Points as to be more applicable and successful in the citywide context.

Les stratégies syndicales face aux restructurations d’entreprises : une étude comparative des contre-pouvoirs syndicaux dans le secteur des équipementiers automobiles en France et au Canada

Dupuis, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse tente de comprendre l’impact des restructurations des entreprises multinationales sur les stratégies syndicales. Les acteurs syndicaux locaux sont-ils déterminés par l’appartenance à des régimes nationaux et à des contingences organisationnelles ou peuvent-ils influencer des décisions objectives comme les restructurations ? Cette recherche s’insère dans une problématique large qui fait la jonction entre la mondialisation économique sur une base continentale, la réorganisation productive des entreprises multinationales et l’action syndicale. Au plan théorique, nous confrontons trois grandes approches analytiques, à savoir : le néo-institutionnalisme et les structures d’opportunités ; l’économie politique critique et la question du pouvoir syndical ; la géographie économique critique mettant de l’avant les contingences, l’encastrement et l’espace concurrentiel. Sur la base de ces trois familles, nous présentons un modèle d’analyse multidisciplinaire. Au plan méthodologique, cette thèse est structurée autour de quatre études de cas locales qui ont subi des menaces de restructurations. Cette collecte a été effectuée dans deux pays (la France et le Canada) et dans un secteur particulier (les équipementiers automobiles). Trois sources qualitatives forment le cœur empirique de cette thèse : des statistiques descriptives, des documents de sources secondaires et des entretiens semi-dirigés (44), principalement avec des acteurs syndicaux. L’analyse intra et inter régime national éclaire plusieurs aspects de la question des stratégies syndicales en contexte de restructurations. Les principales contributions de cette thèse touchent : 1. l’impact des facteurs relationnels et des ressources de pouvoir développées par les syndicats locaux sur les structures d’opportunités institutionnelles; 2. l’importance des aspects « cognitifs » et d’envisager le pouvoir de manière multi-niveaux; 3. l’importance de l’encastrement social et des dynamiques relationnelles entre syndicats et patronats; 4. l’influence de la concurrence internationale/nationale/régionale/locale dans le secteur des équipementiers automobiles; et 5. l’importance des arbitrages et des relations entre les acteurs de l’entreprise par rapport à la théorie de la contingence pour comprendre les marges structurelles des syndicats locaux. Notre recherche invite les acteurs sociaux à repenser leur action dans le cadre des restructurations. En particulier, les syndicats locaux se doivent d’explorer de nouveaux répertoires stratégiques pour répondre aux nombreux défis que posent le changement économique et les restructurations. / This thesis examines the impacts of the restructuring of multinational enterprises on trade union strategies. Are local union strategies an outcome of national institutional embeddedness and organizational contingencies, or can unions in fact influence core elements of corporate decision-making vis-à-vis restructuring? This research speaks to major scholarly debates concerning economic globalization, corporate restructuring, and union organization. In terms of theory, this thesis addresses three large analytical approaches, these being: neo-institutionalism and opportunity structures; critical political economy and the question of union power; and critical economic geography in relation to contingencies, embeddedness, and competition across borders. Drawing from these three theories, this research proposes a new multidisciplinary model of analysis for research on union strategies. In terms of methodology, this thesis is structured around four case studies of local unions in two countries (Canada and France) and a specific sector (automobile equipment manufacturers). Three qualitative sources are at the heart of this thesis: descriptive statistics, documentation from secondary sources, and semi-structured interviews (44), primarily focused union actors. This thesis analyzes union strategies within and across jurisdictions to elucidate their ramifications for firms and workers, particularly in the context of restructuring. The principal contributions of this thesis touch on: 1. the impacts of power resources developed by local unions on institutional opportunity structures; 2. the importance of cognitive aspects of strategy and its implications for power in a multi-level context; and 3. the importance of social embeddedness and social relations between unions and employers; 4. the omnipresence of international/national/regional/local competition in the automobile equipment manufacturing sector; and 5. the importance of trade-offs and relationships between business players from the vantage point of contingency theory to understand the structural facets of local union action. This research invites social actors to rethink their strategies concerning corporate restructuring. In particular, local unions should explore new strategic repertoires of action for responding the new challenges pertaining to economic change and restructuring.

Actions traçantes, structure du capital et choix stratégique de restructuration / Tracking stock, capital structure and strategic choice of restructuring

Msolli, Badreddine 17 January 2013 (has links)
La variété des situations auxquelles sont confrontés les acteurs de la vie des affaires, et l’importance des sommes en jeu, constituent un aiguillon particulièrement stimulant pour la réflexion des spécialistes dans le domaine financier et juridique. Un engouement s’enracine également dans la tendance des marchés financiers à exiger une plus grande transparence dans la gestion des groupes diversifiés, dont la lisibilité financière est souvent réduite. Une telle exigence de lisibilité est au cœur de la définition des actions traçantes. Apparues outre-Atlantique au début des années 80, elles ont bénéficié, avec l’avènement de la nouvelle économie, d’un regain d’intérêt notable et d’un volume d’émission élevé sur le marché financier américain depuis les années 90. L’émission d’actions traçantes, mis à part leur nature hybride, constitue une mesure de restructuration assez particulière qui vient compléter la base d’études déjà constituée sur le thème de la restructuration de capitaux. Cette recherche a pour ambition de montrer comment introduire les actions traçantes sur le marché financier français et plus particulièrement, elle permettra d’élargir le choix des formes de restructuration qui seront présentés pour des entreprises souhaitant chercher de nouvelles sources de financement, se procurer de nouveaux moyens d’acquisition et atteindre l’objectif fondamental qui est celui de la création de valeur. De ce fait, l’émission d’actions traçantes se trouvera en concurrence avec d’autres formes de restructuration (scission et apport partiel d’actif). Par conséquent, on présentera les facteurs dont les entreprises devront tenir compte dans le choix des restructurations envisagées. / The variety of situations faced by actors of the business concerning their field, and the importance of the amount of money involved, is considered as a mind moving element particularly for specialists in financial and legal matters. Enthusiasm is also rooted in the financial markets which tend to require greater transparency from groups, including financial visibility that is often reduced. Such a requirement is highly recommended in the definition of tracking stock. Emerged across the Atlantic in the early 80s, they have benefited, with the advent of the new economy, a noticeable income of interest and have increased since the early '90s until now through a large number of issuances on the U.S. financial market. The issuance of tracking stock, apart from its hybrid nature, contains a certain measure of restructuring rather special that completes the basis of studies already made on the subject of capital restructuring. This research also aims to show how to introduce tracking stock on the French financial market, and more particularly to expand the choice of forms of restructuring that will be presented to companies in hope to seek new funding sources, to obtain new ways of acquisition and achieve a fundamental objective which is the creation of value. Therefore, the issuing of tracking stock will have to compete with other forms of restructuring (spin-off, equity carve-out). Thus, we present the factors that companies should deem when choosing the restructuring proposed.

Développement durable et mutations de l'Administration territoriale / Sustainable development and territorial administration’s transformations

Breteau, Lucien 21 June 2018 (has links)
Notion faisant l’objet de nombreuses occurrences dans les textes des différents ordres juridiques, le développement durable est difficilement saisissable en droit. Son sens même est hétérogène. D’une part, ce terme peut se référer à la recherche d’une finalité de solidarité mettant l’accent sur les droits des générations futures, et par conséquent, sur la protection de l’environnement en tant que patrimoine commun. D’autre part, le développement durable est aussi défini comme un objectif de conciliation dans le cadre duquel l’exigence environnementale doit s’articuler avec d’autres piliers relatifs au développement économique et au progrès social. Le droit résultant de l’organisation institutionnelle territoriale n’échappe pas au problème de l’appréhension et de la définition de cette notion à contenu variable, qu’il s’agisse de l’encadrement l’action administrative, ou de la réforme des collectivités et de leurs groupements.Pour autant, le développement durable est incontestablement en voie de consolidation juridique, tant sur le plan de sa finalité que sur le plan de la méthode pour y parvenir. À ce propos, on peut relever le renforcement du principe de responsabilité environnementale ou l’émergence d’un principe de non-régression de la protection de l’environnement.Les différents principes relatifs au développement durable ont une influence certaine sur le fonctionnement même des collectivités territoriales. La démocratie environnementale est significative d’une certaine autonomisation juridique de la démocratie par rapport au concept classique de la représentation. Réciproquement, les mutations relatives à la recompositionterritoriale posent la question de leurs influences sur les politiques publiques promouvant cette notion-clé de la Charte de l’environnement. / Despite its numerous uses in many juridical orders : sustainable development has differents meanings. On one hand, it means that the environment needs to be protected in order to guarantee rights of future generations. On the other hand, sustainable development is equally defined as the conciliation between environmental policies, economical development and social progress. Territorial restructuring drafts are confronted at this polysemous concept.In spite of this difficulty, sustainable development is consolidated by french public law in his finality as far as its means. About that, standstill principle and environmental responsability enhance this theory.Other principles contibute to sustainable development realization. Environmental democracy takes an independence compared to the classical reprensentative democracy’s concept. In reciprocity, territorial restructuring keeps an influence on public policies about this constitutionnalized notion since the 2005’s Environnemental Carta.

La sécurité de l'emploi dans l'entreprise / Job security in the enterprise

Takafo-Kenfack, Didier 21 November 2014 (has links)
Socle des revenus et de la stabilité politique, l'emploi est l'instrument par lequel l'Homme s'épanouit et acquiert une place en société. Il fait l'objet de constantes interventions législatives en vue de permettre au salarié de faire pleinement carrière dans l'entreprise. On a vu ces dernières décennies diverses actions assurant non seulement au salarié la permanence du rapport contractuel, mais également, celles visant à le protéger contre la perte de l'emploi. Il en est ainsi dans la majorité des systèmes juridiques, notamment en France et dans les pays de l'espace OHADA tels que le Cameroun où les pouvoirs publics s'efforcent de conduire des reformes visant à pérenniser le rapport contractuel. Ces mesures prennent de l'importance à la naissance même de la relation de travail. Durant celle-ci, interviennent la suspension, la formation professionnelle et la règle du maintien des contrats en cas de restructuration, en vue de parvenir à l'impératif de stabilité des emplois. Il en est également des diverses dispositions visant à protéger l'emploi contre les risques de perte pouvant provenir de l'employeur. Cette étude a pour objet l'analyse des techniques de protection du rapport contractuel. Elle retrace l'ensemble des mesures préconisées pour garantir la conservation de l'emploi dans l'entreprise, fait ressortir des insuffisances et propose quelques solutions. / Basis of income and political stability, employment is the gateway through which man gets his roots and acquires a place in society. It is the object of constant legislative intervention in order to assist the worker to fully exercise his career in the enterprise. We have seen these last decades diverse actions geared towards not only assuring to the worker the stability of contractual relations, but equally actions to guarantee him against loss of employment. It is thus the case in a majority of legal systems, notably France and within the OHADA sphere such as Cameroon where the State authorities are striving to drive reforms aimed at preserving contractual relationship. These measures gain importance during the establishment of the employment contract. During the execution of the relationship, involved the suspension, professional training and maintaining the rule of contracts in the event of restructuring in order to achieve the imperative of job stability. It is equally same for various dispositions aimed at protecting employment against the risk of loss which could result from the employer. This study aims to analyze the different techniques of protection of contractual relationship. It relates the recommended possible ways to secure jobs in the enterprise. However, it also displays the insufficiencies and proposes some solutions.

State aid and competition policy

Glowicka, Elzbieta 18 July 2008 (has links)
Die Regierungen in der Europäischen Union retten Unternehmen in Schwierigkeiten durch staatliche Rettungs- und Umstrukturierungsbeihilfen. Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Kapiteln, die solche Beihilfen analysieren. Im ersten Kapitel nutze ich Daten von 86 Fällen aus den Jahren 1995-2003 um zu prüfen, wie wirksam die Beihilfen bei der Konkursprävention sind. Es gibt drei Ergebnisse. Erstens steigt die geschätzte diskrete hazard rate in den ersten vier Jahren nach der Subvention und sinkt danach, was nahelegt, dass einige Sanierungen den Konkurs eher verzögern als verhindern. Zweitens, Regierungen favorisieren staatliche Unternehmen bei Beihilfeentscheidungen, obwohl diese keine besseren Überlebenschancen haben. Drittens, die Wahl, ob Rettungs- oder Umstrukturierungsbeihilfe gewärt wird, ist eine endogene Variable in der Analyse. Wenn man sie als exogen betrachtet, unterschätzt man die Auswirkungen auf die Konkurswahrscheinlichkeit. Das zweite Kapitel ist eine Studie über die Auswirkungen von Bailouts auf Marktstruktur und Wohlfahrt in einem internationalen, asymmetrischen Cournot -- Duopol. Es wird gezeigt, dass die optimale Beihilfe positiv ist, auch wenn der Marktaustritt einer Firma nicht verhindert werden kann. Der Grund hierfür ist ein strategischer Effekt, der die effizientere Firma zu einer zusätzlichen kostenreduzierenden Maßnahme veranlasst. Wird der Marktaustritt verhindert, ist Effizienz geringer. Das dritte Kapitel enthält empirische Belege der politischen, institutionellen und wirtschaftlichen Determinanten der Sanierungsubventionspolitik. Ich nutze einen neuen Datensatz über Entscheidungen über Rettungs- und Umstrukturierungsbeihilfen während der Jahre 1995-2003 zusammen mit Informationen über Wahlergebnisse in den Europäischen Ländern. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass die Beihilfen in Ländern mit Mehrheitswahlsystem wahrscheinlicher sind, insbesondere während der Jahre vor Wahlen. / Governments in the European Union bail out firms in distress by granting Rescue and Restructuring Subsidies. This thesis consists of three chapters analyzing European bailouts. In the first chapter, I use data from 86 cases during the years 1995-2003 to examine the effectiveness of bailouts in preventing bankruptcy. The results are threefold. First, the estimated discrete-time hazard rate increases during the first four years after the subsidy and drops after that, suggesting that some bailouts only delayed exit instead of preventing it. Second, governments'' bailout decisions favored state-owned firms, even though state-owned firms did not outperform private ones in the survival chances. Third, subsidy choice is an endogenous variable and treating it as exogenous underestimates its impact on the bankruptcy probability. Policy implications are discussed in the chapter. The second chapter is a study of the effects of bailouts on market structure and welfare in an international asymmetric Cournot duopoly. I show that the subsidy is positive also when it fails to prevent the exit. The reason is a strategic effect, which forces the more efficient firm to make additional cost-reducing effort. When the exit is prevented, allocative and productive efficiencies are lower than in case of exit. The third chapter provides evidence of political, institutional and economic determinants of bailout policies. I use a new data set based on rescue and restructuring aid decisions during the years 1995-2003 merged with information about electoral outcomes in European countries. The main finding is that in countries with majoritarian democratic institutions bailouts are more likely, in particular during years preceding elections. Since bailouts are a targeted fiscal policy, the evidence supports the theory of Persson and Tabellini (2000) predicting that electoral systems shape incentives for fiscal policy choices.

La privatisation des entreprises industrielles en Algérie : analyse, histoire et développement. / The privatization of industrial enterprises in Algeria analysis, history and development : Analysis, history and development

Saadoun, Ratiba 20 April 2012 (has links)
La privatisation des entreprises industrielles en Algérie a été initiée en 1995 par le PAS (Programme d’Ajustement Structurel) appliqué à une économie qui était en cessation de paiement. La privatisation des entreprises sous l’égide du FMI et de la Banque Mondiale avait donc pour principal objectif d’alléger les dépenses de l’Etat pour rétablir l’équilibre budgétaire et l’équilibre des comptes extérieurs dans le contexte d’une économie en voie de libéralisation progressive. Les mesures du PAS dont la privatisation ne sont pas intégrées dans une politique industrielle. En 2001, une ordonnance stipule que toutes les entreprises sont privatisables. Un tournant a cependant été observé dés 2007 puisque la privatisation des entreprises est intégrée dans une politique industrielle. Elle doit désormais contribuer à freiner la désindustrialisation amorcée durant la décennie 1980 et aggravée par le PAS et à améliorer la compétitivité de l’économie algérienne. Après un échec, le bilan de la privatisation des entreprises s’améliore d’un point de vue quantitatif (dés 2005) et qualitatif (IDE hors-hydrocarbures) particulièrement en 2007, comme le montre notre bilan qui est global et qui traite aussi dans le détail de cas d’entreprises privatisées. Cependant, depuis 2008, le « climat des affaires » marqué par une instabilité juridique, l’interventionnisme, la crise économique mondiale semble peu propice à une privatisation qui pourrait permettre à l’industrie algérienne de sortir de sa dépendance vis-à-vis des hydrocarbures. Nous concluons que malgré quelques rares succès, la privatisation des entreprises en Algérie a échoué parce que ces dernières n’ont pas bénéficié, au préalable de restructuration stratégique. De plus, la privatisation n’a pas été encadrée par des institutions et une politique industrielle efficaces. / The privatization of industrial enterprises in Algeria was initiated in 1995 by the SAP (Structural Adjustment Program) applied to an economy that was insolvent. The privatization of companies under the aegis of the IMF and the World Bank had therefore the main objective to reduce government expenditure in order to restore the balance of both state budget and external accounts in the context of an economy in the process of gradual liberalization. The SAP measures including privatization are not integrated into an industrial policy. In 2001 an ordinance stipulates that all companies can be privatized. A turning point was however observed in 2007 because privatization is integrated into an industrial policy. Privatization must now help to stop the deindustrialization that began during the 1980s and exacerbated by the SAP and to improve the competitiveness of the Algerian economy. After a failure, the privatization results improves by a quantitative point of view (from 2005) and qualitative (non-hydrocarbon FDI), especially in 2007, as shown in our assessment that is global, and dealing also in details of cases of privatized enterprises. However, since 2008, the "business climate" marked by legal instability, interventionism, the global economic crisis does not seem conducive to a privatization that could help the Algerian industry to go out of its dependence on hydrocarbons. We conclude that despite a few successes, the privatization of enterprises in Algeria failed because these last ones have not benefited from prior strategic restructuring. In addition, privatization has not been supervised by effective institutions and industrial policy.

Garantia fiduciária de direitos de crédito na recuperação judicial do fiduciante

Ferreira, Bruno Valladão Guimarães 03 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Valladao Guimaraes Ferreira.pdf: 1578157 bytes, checksum: 9f0c2395454f5a2caebd72dc0fd1c3bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research is the based on the effectiveness of the private law and the civil freedom, which does not exist if there does not exist economic freedom. In fact, this work considers the idea of the judicial protection to the private investment as it is dedicated to the legal treatment of the credits, which has fiduciary guarantees, before the judicial restructuring proceeding of the debtor, considering that credit comes from saving, and saving is investment. The work presents issues which has been definitely decided by some courts, but which has not by some other courts. In addition, it brings other matters about which the doctrine and the courts has not issued much opinions and decisions yet. In addition, it presents the reason why the interest increases due the Brazilian insolvency law, bringing the opinion of some bank´s credit area heads. Finally, it concludes arguing that there is still legal insecurity from that legal treatment of those guarantees, which makes the interest higher, due to the increasing of part of the bank interest spread related to the cost of defaults / A linha de pesquisa deste trabalho é a efetividade do direito privado e liberdades civis, que não existem se não houver liberdade econômica. Com efeito, este trabalho tem em vista a proteção jurídica ao investimento privado, ao dedicar-se ao tratamento, na recuperação judicial, aos créditos garantidos pela propriedade fiduciária sobre direitos de crédito lembrando que o crédito advém da poupança e poupança é investimento. O trabalho apresenta temas pacificados em alguns tribunais, mas, aberto em outros; bem como hipóteses sobre as quais há escassa doutrina e jurisprudência. Além disso, expõe os fundamentos pelos quais os juros aos tomadores aumentam em decorrência da regulação em comento, com destaque para opinião dos próprios banqueiros sobre o tema. Por fim, conclui no sentido de que ainda há insegurança jurídica a respeito do tratamento, na recuperação judicial, àqueles créditos, insegurança essa que tem por consequência o aumento dos juros ao tomador, que, por sua vez, decorre da parcela do spread bancário correspondente ao custo com inadimplência

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