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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh rozvoje internacionalizační strategie strategie podniku / Proposal of Development of Internationalisation Strategy of Company

Nguyen, Anh Khoa January 2015 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřená na návrh nejvhodnější podnikové strategie pro vstup Jolly na Český trh chytrých zařízení. Rozbor teorie internacionalizace a internacionalizačních podnikových strategií je důležitým podkladem pro analýzu procesu vstupu Jolly. Na konci se zaměření přesune na návrh přijatelné strategie pro vstup a činnost na trhu.

Univerzální mobilní databázový konektor v prostředí Windows Mobile / Universal Windows Mobile Database Connector

Pohořelský, Roman Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this thesis is communication process between a mobile device and a server. The work is concerned with development of application in Windows Mobile in the light of technical limitation. The thesis also deals with the development of application for universal mobile database connector which then enables transparent working with information, obtained from database placed on server, on the mobile device.

Proměny konzumace internetového obsahu podle typu zařízení / Changes in online content conspumtion by the type of device

Libecajtová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the changes in the pattern of Internet content consumption caused by the new types of device, such as smart phones and tablets. In the second Chapter following the introduction, these devices are introduced, as well as their users. The third and crucial chapter first discusses how changed the activities that we have performed on a PC or laptop. The next section presents a completely new activities that occurred up with smart phones such as geolocation games and mobile tagging. The fourth chapter focuses on the mobile internet in the Czech Republic. Part of this charter is a private research / comparison of 100 most visited websites, when the endpoint was to determine how the authors of these sites are prepared for mobile visitors. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Präsenzbewertung im Kommunikationsraum Telefonie

Gommlich, Frank 16 January 2020 (has links)
Präsenzbewertung im Kommunikationsraum der Telefonie ist ein zunehmend wichtiges Gebiet der Forschung. Ziel der Dissertation ist es, sich dem natürlichen Kommunikationsraum der verbalen und nonverbalen Kommunikation anzunähern. Im Kommunikationsraum Telefonie existieren noch keine Verfahren, die unterschiedliche Dringlichkeiten von Anrufen wiedergeben. Momentan ist die Signalart ausschließlich davon abhängig, wie der Angerufene sein Mobiltelefon eingestellt hat. In der Arbeit wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, das unmittelbar vor der Signalisierung eines Anrufes die Signalart abhängig vom Kontext des Angerufenen individuell ermittelt und automatisch einstellt. Dabei werden Algorithmen aus dem Bereich der KI verwendet. Mit Hilfe von Lernalgorithmen werden die Ergebnisse der Präsenzbewertung kontinuierlich verbessert. Im Rahmen eines Experimentes konnten Präzisionen bei sechs verschiedenen Signalarten von bis zu 73 % erreicht werden. Dieses Verfahren ermöglicht eine deutliche Annäherung an den natürlichen Kommunikationsraum.

Open Innovation by Opening Embedded Systems

Söldner, Constantin, Danzinger, Frank, Roth, Angela, Möslein, Kathrin January 2012 (has links)
1 INTRODUCTION With the increasing capabilities of today’s smart phones, the demand of consumers for new applications has risen dramatically. By opening up these smart phones and providing third parties the opportunity to develop “apps” for their systems, producers like Apple and platform owners like Google can offer much more value to their customers. As smart phones are one kind of embedded systems (ES), the question arises if similar development can also take place in other kinds of embedded systems. ES, consisting of hardware and software, are embedded in a device to realize a specific function, in contrast to personal computers, which serve multiple purposes [4,30]. The notion of incorporating external actors in the innovation process has been coined open innovation which has become increasingly popular in research and practice since Chesbrough introduced the term in 2003 [12]. By opening up their innovation processes for external actors, firms could benefit from internal as well as from external ideas. In this paper, the notion of open innovation will be explored in the context of ES. The case of ES is particularly interesting, as it requires not only the opening of innovation processes, but also the opening of the embedded system itself. Some of these platforms are opened only to a small degree like Apple’s iPhone, in order to enable others to create new applications for it. Similar developments also take place for example in the automotive software domain, especially concerning infotainment systems. However, most kinds of ES have been spared out by this development until now. As more than 98% of all chips manufactured are used for ES [10] and high-performing computer chips are getting cheaper [38], opening considerations could also prove valuable for a large number of other application domains. However, opening up innovation processes in the context of ES is challenging from both an organizational and technical perspective. First of all, embedded systems are subject to a variety of constraints in contrast to multi-purpose computing devices, like realtime and security constraints or costs and resource constraints. Second, ES are quite diverse both in their composition and in terms on their requirements. In this paper, we want to explore, how the different properties of embedded systems influence possible open innovation processes. This will be done by drawing on to the characteristics of firms implementing the three core open innovation processes suggested by Gassmann and Enkel (2004) [15] and conceptually explaining how the characteristics of ES enable or hinder open innovation processes. As a result, a classification of the OI processes in terms of ES characteristics is provided.

Effects of a Mobile Phone-based Mindfulness Intervention for Teachers, and how Mindfulness Trait Correlates with Stress, Wellbeing, Burnout, and Compassion / Effekter av en Mobil-baserad Mindfulness Intervention för Lärare och hur Dispositionell Mindfulness Korrelerar med Stress, Välmående, Utbrändhet och Medkänsla

Andersson, Robin January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Objectives The aim of the study was to examine effects of mindfulness on stress, wellbeing, compassion and burnout, conducting a brief mobile phone-based mindfulness intervention on teachers. Methods Fifty-five teachers from private and public schools, including pre-school, elementary school, middleschool, secondary- and upper secondary school and adult education school was recruited. 25 teachers completed pre- and post-test (mindfulness, N=20, relaxation, N=5). High dropouts in control led to exclusion of this group in pre- to posttest analysis. The mindfulness treatment comprised of ten minutes of mindfulness meditation for ten sessions at a time and place convenient to the teacher. Results Findings showed that the mindfulness group significantly improved mindfulness trait, and wellbeing, a trend of increased compassion was also found. Overall stress, and teacher-specific stress decreased significantly in the mindfulness group. Burnout showed no significant differences. Correlation tests including all teachers at pre-test showed that high mindfulness trait was associated with higher compassion, wellbeing, and lower levels of stress and burnout. At post-test, high mindfulness trait was associated with higher compassion, wellbeing, and lower levels of burnout and stress, however, not teacher-specific stress. Increases in mindfulness trait from pre- to posttest was related to improvements in all five health outcomes. Conclusions This mobile phone-based mindfulness intervention showed significant improvements on several health outcomes on teachers. Findings indicate that mindfulness trait may explain the change in health outcomes. The current study argues for the need of considering teacher-specific context in digital interventions to improve adherence and preventing dropouts. / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka effekterna av mindfulness på stress, välmående, medkänsla och utbrändhet, genom en mobil-baserad mindfulness intervention på lärare. Metod: 55 lärare från privat och statligt ägda skolor rekryterades, från förskola, grundskola, gymnasieskola, samt vuxenutbildning. 25 lärare genomförde före- och eftertest (mindfulness, N = 20, relaxation, N = 5). Då bortfallet i kontrollgruppen skapade för lågt antal deltagare, analyserades enbart mindfulnessgruppen. Interventionen innefattade tio sessioner av tio minuter guidad mindfulness meditation vid en tid och plats mest passande för läraren. Resultat: Resultatet visade att mindfulnessgruppen signifikant förbättrade mindfulness och välmående. Stress och arbetsrelaterad stress minskade signifikant i mindfulnessgruppen. En trend upptäcktes även i ökad medkänsla. Utbrändhet visade inga signifikanta skillnader mellan före- och eftertestet. Hög dispositionell mindfulness korrelerade positivt med medkänsla och välmående, varav negativt med stress och utbrändhet. Slutsatser: Denna mobilbaserade mindfulness intervention, visade signifikanta effekter på ett flertal hälsoutfall på lärare. Fynden i denna studie indikerar att dispositionell mindfulness kan förklara förbättringarna i hälsa. I linje med vad tidigare studier föreslår, argumenterar denna studie för behovet av att adressera den lärarspecifika kontexten för att förbättra efterlevnad och förebygga bortfall vid digitala interventioner som denna.

Energy-Efficient Vertical Handovers

Rodríguez Castillo, José María January 2013 (has links)
Recent studies have shown that there are currently more than 1.08 billion of Smartphones in the world, with around 89% of them used throughout the day. On average each of these users transfers more than 450 Mbytes per month via either a cellular network or a Wi-Fi network. So far it has been up to the user to decide which one of these two networks to use at each particular moment. In this master’s thesis, the potential energy savings that could be achieved by means of automating the choice of network interface are explored. This way, the user equipment itself would be able to initiate handovers from one radio access technology to another depending on each particular service and on the environmental conditions, and hence it could extend its battery life. The work has focused in energy efficient vertical handovers (VHOs) between Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and Wi-Fi networks. The rapid growth and increasing interest in LTE networks have been the main reasons why these networks have been chosen over Third Generation Mobile Networks. Nevertheless this work can be easily extended to other radio access technologies such as WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) or UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System). During the thesis project, the potential energy savings via VHOs depending on the type of service have been studied, as well as the different processes involved in a handover decision process. In order to do so, an energy consumption profile of each interface has been built, the different services have been modeled, and a heterogeneous scenario with Wi-Fi and LTE networks has been simulated. The thesis presents how these savings change within each service and with the environmental conditions (network load, interferences). The results show that large energy savings can be achieved. Nevertheless, the potential savings for each different user device can significantly differ. The VHO decision process includes two main aspects that need further study: investigating energy efficient ways of discovering accessible Wi-Fi access points and measuring the available throughput in each network at the moment of the decision. In addition, within LTE-Advanced and HetNets (Heterogeneous Networks), a lot of research regarding how LTE operators can offload traffic to smaller networks is being performed. These smaller networks consist basically of LTE micro cells and Wi-Fi. Both the energy savings and the potential energy expenses of offloading different kinds of traffic to a Wi-Fi network were also studied in this master’s thesis project, using the same approach described in the previous two paragraphs. / Enligt beräkningar så finns det nu mer än 1.08 miljarder smarta telefoner i världen, och ungefär 89% av dem används varje dag. Varje användare överför mer än 450 megabyte per månad i genomsnitt, antingen via cellulära mobilnät eller Wi-Fi. För närvarande är det användaren som avgör vilket av dessa interface som ska användas vid varje tidpunkt. I detta examensarbete utvärderas vilka energibesparingar som kan uppnås genom att automatisera valet av nätverksinterface. På detta vis skulle den mobila enheten själv utföra handover från en radioaccessteknik till en annan beroende på aktiva tjänster och på radioomgivningen, och därmed utöka batteriets livstid. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på vertikal handover mellan LTE och Wi-Fi nätverk. Den snabba tillväxten och det ökande intresset för LTE är den främsta anledningen till att LTE har valts istället för 3G. Det är dock möjligt att med små förändringar generalisera arbetet till andra radioaccesstekniker, till exempel WiMAX eller UMTS. De potentiella energibesparingarna genom vertikala handovers för olika typer av tjänster har studerats, liksom de olika stegen i handover-beslutsprocessen. För detta syfte har en energikonsumtionsprofil skapats för varje interface, de olika tjänsterna har modellerats och ett scenario med Wi-Fi- och LTE-nätverk har simulerats. Denna rapport beskriver hur dessa energibesparingar ändras för varje tjänstetyp och med ändringar av omgivningen (nätverkslast och interferens). Resultaten har visat att stora energibesparingar kan uppnås, även om dessa besparingar kan variera mycket för olika UEs. Beslutet om vertikal handover inkluderar två huvudsakliga aspekter som kräver fortsatta studier: energieffektiva metoder för att upptäcka tillgängliga WiFi-accesspunkter som går att ansluta sig till och mätning av den upplevda datahastigheten i varje nätverk före beslutet om vertikal handover tas. Parallelt med detta examensarbete pågår omfattande studier om hur mobiloperatörer kan avlasta datatrafik till basstationer med kortare räckvidd. Dessa småskaliga nätverk förväntas bestå av LTE mikro/pico celler och/eller Wi-Fi nätverk. Detta examensarbete inkluderar även studier av de potentiella energibesparingar eller energikostnader för att avlasta olika slags trafik till Wi-Fi nätverk.

El vídeo espontáneo: herramienta de comunicación, de cambio social y de control ciudadano en la era digital

Fernández Martínez, Ricardo Guillermo 24 September 2018 (has links)
En pocos segundos, sin planificación previa por parte del realizador, se puede crear un vídeo espontáneo gracias a que transportamos habitualmente una cámara insertada en el teléfono móvil, que permite capturar rápidamente cualquier acontecimiento, en todo momento y lugar. Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de plantar las bases del concepto de vídeo espontáneo y describir sus diferentes aplicaciones, como herramienta de comunicación, de cambio social y de control ciudadano, y cómo la espontaneidad de la realización audiovisual ha transformado nuestra sociedad.

Isolerad och ledsen, hur mHealth kan designas för psykisk ohälsa relaterad till isolering : Hur design kan ge fler möjligheter att få hjälp / Isolated and sad, how an mHealth application can be designed to help with mental health related issues during isolation : How design can offer more possibilities to get help

Bratt, Ellen, Broman, Elvira January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur man med hjälp av digital design kan stödja den psykiska hälsan hos individer i USA under Covid-19 pandemin. Covid-19 är den första pandemin som utspelar sig i ett utvecklat digitalt samhälle där både mHealth/telehealth-design är välstuderat. Studien undersöker specifikt hur designelement för en mHealth-applikation kanen mHealth-applikation kan stödja en stor grupp användare under en global pandemi. Uppsatsen undersöker hur design kan öka användandet av mHealth för att söka hjälp mot psykisk ohälsa, som uppstått på grund av isolering till följd av den amerikanska statens riktlinjer under Covid-19 pandemin. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning gällande designriktlinjer för mHealth-applikationer, inkluderande design och element att tänka på när man designar applikationer för psykisk ohälsa, framtogs en prototyp av en mHealth-applikation. Denna prototyp testades därefter av sex respondenter som alla lider av depression till följd av isolering. Efter think aloud-observation under testandet av prototypen genomfördes en kvalitativ intervju för att undersöka respondenternas upplevelse av applikationen. Resultatet av studien påpekar vikten av användarens integritet, inkluderande design och element som efterfrågats i tidigare studier av mHealth-applikationer. Dessa resultat stödjer också de åtaganden tidigare forskninglagt fram och i sin tur visar denna studie att en mobilapplikation kan designas föratt stödja människor med deras psykiska ohälsa i relation till Covid-19 isoleringen. / The goal of this thesis was to investigate how the use of digital design could help people with their mental health during the covid-19 pandemic. Covid-19 is the first and only pandemic where both mHealth and telehealth design has been well developed. Our thesis explores how design elements can increase the will of users to use mHealth applications, especially for users whose mental health has been impacted by covid-19 restrictions in the United States. Based on the scientific articles regarding mHealth design, a prototype was made. This includes inclusive design and design elements focused on people with mental health struggles. The prototype was tested by six users who all reported feeling down because of isolation during covid-19. During the study, users were asked to test the prototype and ‘think aloud’, followed by a qualitative interview to better understand the user’s experience, feelings, and thoughts on the prototype. The results show the importance of a patient's integrity, the importance of inclusive design, and the appreciation of certain design elements. The results are in line with results from previous research and offer evidence on how to design a mHealth application to support people with their mental health during a pandemic.

Integration of food stock management applications into everyday food practices : Tackling the food waste problem in households by supporting everyday food practices

Steingrube, Anna Pauline January 2021 (has links)
Household food waste levels pose a considerable problem in terms of sustainability. Food stock management applications for smartphones are interventions that support people in planning and keeping an overview of their food stock in order to reduce food waste. So far mainly their usability and effectiveness for reduction of food waste have been researched in HCI. This study aimed at investigating how these applications are being integrated into people’s food practices, and how their features contributed to the integration. In a three-week long field study seven participants used one of two applications in their daily lives. Through interviews and diary entries it was observed that some people integrated the applications into their food practices to replace other actions like checking one’s food stock. New connections to the food practices were created through expiration reminders and providing means to check the food stock from a distance. Reminders were seen as helpful even if not always necessary and can be seen as an opportunity to further support the integration process. The main issues for the integration were the high-effort adding processes and remembering to update the inventory after consumption.

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