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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’influence du vieillissement normal et pathologique sur le traitement des expressions faciales et du jugement de confiance

Éthier-Majcher, Catherine 04 1900 (has links)
Déterminer si quelqu’un est digne de confiance constitue, tout au long de notre vie, une décision à la base de nos interactions sociales quotidiennes. Des études récentes chez les jeunes adultes ont proposé que le jugement de confiance basé sur un visage constituerait une extension des processus de reconnaissance des expressions faciales, particulièrement de la colère et de la joie (Todorov, 2008). Bien que le jugement de confiance soit d’une grande importance tout au long de notre vie, à notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a tenté d’explorer l’évolution de ce processus au cours du vieillissement. Pourtant, sachant que les personnes âgées saines sont moins efficaces que les jeunes adultes pour reconnaître les expressions faciales émotionnelles (Ruffman et al., 2008; Calder et al., 2003), des différences pourraient exister dans les capacités de ces deux groupes d’âge à poser un jugement de confiance. Le présent travail a permis d’explorer, pour une première fois, les processus perceptifs sous-jacents au jugement de confiance chez une population âgée saine ainsi que chez une population présentant une démence fronto-temporale. Les résultats démontrent que les représentations de colère, de joie et de confiance sont similaires chez les jeunes et les âgés sains et suggèrent qu’il existe bel et bien un lien entre le jugement de confiance et les jugements de joie et de colère. De plus, ils révèlent que ce lien persiste au cours vieillissement, mais que les adultes âgés sains se fient davantage à leur représentation de la colère que les jeunes adultes pour déterminer si un visage est digne de confiance ou non. Enfin, les patients présentant une démence fronto-temporale possèdent des représentations différentes des âgés sains en ce qui concerne la colère, la joie et la confiance, et ils semblent se fier davantage à leur représentation de la joie que les âgés sains pour déterminer le niveau de confiance d’un visage. / To determine whether someone looks trustworthy or not is, throughout our lives, a basic decision in our social interactions. Recent studies have suggested that this type of judgment may be an extension of facial expression judgments, more specifically of anger and happiness judgments (Todorov, 2008). Even though trustworthiness judgments play a great role in our social interactions throughout our lives, little is known about the evolution of this process through aging. However, knowing that older adults are less efficient than younger adults in identifying facial expressions (Ruffman et al., 2008; Calder et al., 2003), one could expect to find differences between young and older adults in the way they judge trustworthiness. This work aimed to explore, for the first time, perceptual processes underlying trustworthiness judgments in a healthy older adult population as well as in a population of fronto-temporal dementia (FTD) patients. Results show that anger, happiness and trustworthiness representations are similar between young and older adults, and they suggest that a relationship does exist between emotional judgments and trustworthiness judgments. Moreover, results show that this relationship persists throughout aging, but that older adults rely more on their representation of anger than younger in adults while judging trustworthiness. Finally, patients with fronto-temporal dementia show different representations of anger, happiness and trustworthiness than that of the controls. Also, for trustworthiness judgments, they rely more on their representation of happiness than controls.

Les relations entre le fonctionnement exécutif, la cognition sociale et l’adaptation sociale dans le développement typique et atypique

Vera Estay, Evelyn Christy 08 1900 (has links)
Il est reconnu que le développement social des enfants et des adolescents est soutenu par l’évolution des capacités cognitives et sociocognitives en interaction avec les expériences relationnelles quotidiennes. Ce développement offrirait une compréhension de plus en plus vaste du monde social et culturel, permettant aux individus de s’intégrer à la société en tant que citoyen autonome et responsable au début de l’âge adulte. Malgré la validité de ce portrait global, il reste beaucoup à comprendre sur l’influence entre les capacités cognitives (ex. : fonctions exécutives) et sociocognitives (ex. : raisonnement moral (RM), théorie de l’esprit (TdE), reconnaissance des émotions) durant le développement, ainsi que sur leur impact individuel et additif sur le comportement social. Encore moins d’informations existent sur ces interactions dans le cadre du développement atypique, comme celui des jeunes présentant des troubles neurodéveloppementaux. L’objectif général de cette thèse est donc d’explorer les interrelations entre les différentes composantes du fonctionnement exécutif (FE) et de la cognition sociale chez les jeunes et leur contribution à l’adaptation sociale. Le but des travaux est aussi d’observer les effets potentiels d’un développement déficitaire de ces fonctions dans le contexte d’un trouble neurodéveloppemental, le Syndrome de Gilles de la Tourette (SGT). Cette thèse est composée de trois articles empiriques concernant trois études qui abordent ces objectifs généraux. Les deux premières études explorent le FE, la cognition sociale et les tendances d’interaction sociale chez des enfants neurotypiques de 6 à 12 ans. La première étude, centrée sur les interrelations entre les capacités cognitives et sociocognitives, montre que la maturité du RM est associée positivement au FE, à la reconnaissance des émotions et à la TdE. Le FE et la cognition sociale contribueraient de manière significative à la maturité du RM et joueraient un rôle médiateur dans la relation entre l’âge et le RM. La deuxième étude, plus centrée sur les tendances comportementales dans la vie quotidienne, montre que le FE quotidien joue un rôle médiateur qui expliquerait partiellement le lien entre l’empathie et les tendances prosociales des enfants et complètement le lien avec leurs tendances agressives. La troisième étude montre pour la première fois l’existence d’un fonctionnement plus pauvre de la TdE chez les jeunes ayant le SGT. Ces jeunes présentent également un moins bon FE quotidien et plus de difficultés et comportementales, notamment au niveau des aspects sociaux. Cette étude révèle des liens entre le RM des jeunes atteints du SGT et leur flexibilité cognitive, fluence verbale et FE quotidien, de même qu’avec la sévérité de leurs tics et leurs difficultés sociales. Les difficultés de comportement sont expliquées en grande partie par la sévérité des tics, le FE et la cognition sociale. Ensemble, les données des études présentées dans cette thèse contribuent à établir un portrait plus détaillé des relations réciproques entre le FE, la cognition sociale et l’adaptation sociale, lors du développement typique et atypique. Les résultats offrent de nouvelles pistes pour la compréhension clinique des difficultés d’adaptation sociale précoce et suggère un fondement empirique pour l’élaboration de programmes d’intervention sur les compétences sociales. / It is recognized that the social development of children and youth is supported by improvements in their cognitive and social cognitive abilities, which are driven by everyday interpersonal experiences. This development provides a broader understanding of the social and cultural world, allowing individuals to become integrated members of society and autonomous and responsible citizens in early adulthood. Despite the validity of this overall picture, there is still much to be learned about the mutual influence between cognitive (e.g.,executive functions) and socio-cognitive abilities (e.g., theory of mind, moral reasoning, emotion recognition) during development, as well as their individual and additive impact on social behavior. Even less is known about these interactions in the context of atypical development, such as in youth with neurodevelopmental disorders. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the reciprocal associations between different components of executive functioning (EF) and social cognition in youth and their contribution to social adaptation. We also aimed to observe the potential effects of impaired development of these functions in a neurodevelopmental disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome (TS). This thesis is composed of three empirical articles pertaining to three studies that address these main objectives. The first two studies explore EF, social cognition and social interaction patterns among neurotypical children aged 6 to 12 years. The first study focuses on the interrelations between cognitive and social cognitive abilities, showing that moral reasoning (MR) maturity is positively associated with EF, emotion recognition and theory of mind. EF and social cognition contribute significantly to the MR maturity and play a mediating role in the relationship between age and MR. The second study, which focuses more on behavioral patterns in everyday life, shows that everyday EF plays a mediating role that partly explains the link between empathy and prosocial tendencies in children and completely explains the link with their aggressive tendencies. The third study shows for the first time that theory of mind skills are poorer among youth with TS, and they have reduced everyday EF and more emotional and behavioral difficulties, particularly in the social domain. This study also reveals links between the MR skills of youth with TS and their cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency, everyday EF, tic severity and social difficulties. Social difficulties in this group are largely explained by tic severity, EFand social cognition. Overall, the results of the studies presented in this thesis contribute to building a more comprehensive picture of the interrelationship between EF, social cognition and social adaptation during typical and atypical development. The findings offer new avenues for improving our clinical understanding of early social adjustment difficulties and provide an empirical basis for the development of social skills intervention programs.

A secular mind : towards a cognitive anthropology of atheism

Lanman, Jonathan Andrew January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents descriptive and explanatory accounts of both non-theism, the lack of belief in the existence of supernatural agents, and strong atheism, the moral opposition to such beliefs on the grounds that they are both harmful and signs of weak character. Based on my fieldwork with non-theist groups and individuals in the United States, United Kingdom, and Denmark, an online survey of over 3,000 non-theists from over 50 countries, and theories from both the social and cognitive sciences, I offer a new account of why nations with low economic and normative threats produce high levels of non-theism. This account is offered in place of the common explanation that religious beliefs provide comfort in threatening circumstances, which I show to be both anthropologically and psychologically problematic. My account centres on the role of threats, both existential and normative, in increasing commitment to ingroup ideologies, many of which are religious, and the important role of witnessing displays of commitment to religious beliefs in producing such beliefs in each new generation. In environments with low levels of personal and normative threat, commitment to religious ideologies decreases, extrinsic reasons for religious participation decrease, and superstitious actions decrease. Given the human tendency to believe the communications of others to the extent that they are backed up by action, such a decrease in displays of commitment to religious beliefs leads to increased non-theism in the span of a generation. In relation to strong atheism, I document a correlation, both geographical and chronological, between strong atheism and the presence of religious beliefs and demands in the public sphere. I then offer an explanation of this correlation based on the effects of threats against a modern normative order characterized by philosopher Charles Taylor as a system of mutual benefit and individual liberty.

Cognition sociale et traitement du contexte dans la schizophrénie : effets des stéréotypes

Charest, Anick 12 1900 (has links)
Un déficit de la cognition sociale incluant l’attribution d’états mentaux, la perception sociale et la perception des émotions est l’une des caractéristiques les plus handicapantes de la schizophrénie. Les résultats d’une étude par Hardy-Baylé et al. (2003) suggèrent que les difficultés des schizophrènes (SZ) à attribuer des intentions aux autres seraient dues à l’incapacité à utiliser l’information contextuelle. Certaines études (Ivanko & Pexman, 2003; Pexman & Olineck, 2002b) démontrent que des facteurs comme le degré d’incongruité entre le contexte et l’énoncé, l’intonation de la voix et les caractéristiques des personnages peuvent influencer la compréhension de l’intention ironique chez les sujets sains (CT). L’objectif de cette étude est de manipuler des informations contextuelles afin de déterminer si le type de métier du locuteur est un indice social facilitant la compréhension de l’intention du locuteur (théorie de l’esprit ; TdE) et de la perception sociale chez les patients SZ. Trente participants SZ appariés avec trente participants CT ont été recrutés. Ils ont été évalués sur la compréhension de l’ironie et sur la mémoire de travail. Les histoires étaient développées selon deux conditions de métier: un métier favorisant la compréhension de l’ironie (e.g. comédien) et un métier ne favorisant pas la compréhension de l’ironie (e.g. prêtre). Les résultats montrent que les patients SZ ont un trouble de TdE et ils ne semblent pas sensibles aux stéréotypes contrairement aux participants CT. Toutefois, les résultats indiquent que les participants SZ n’ont pas de déficit concernant la perception sociale. / Individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) have a deficit in social cognition including mental state attribution, social perception and emotional perception. The results of a study by Hardy-Baylé et al. (2003) suggest that their inability to infer intentions and beliefs to others may result from their inability to use contextual information. Studies (Ivanko & Pexman, 2003; Pexman & Olineck, 2002b) showed that several factors such as level of incongruity between context and speaker’s utterance, vocal inflections and character’s features can influence the comprehension of an ironic intent among healthy (HT) subjects. The aim of this study is to manipulate contextual information to determine if stereotypes (type of speaker’s occupation) are social factors that cue comprehension of speaker’s intention (theory of mind; ToM) and social perception in schizophrenia. Thirty SZ patients and thirty HT participants were recruited for this study. Participants were tested on working memory and irony comprehension. Each story had been manipulated with two conditions of speaker’s occupation: occupation that cues ironic intent (e.g. actor), and occupation that does not cue ironic intent (e.g. priest). The results showed that SZ patients have an impaired ToM and are not sensitive to stereotypes as CT participants. However, the results revealed that SZ participants do not have a deficit in social perception.

Fonctionnement émotionnel et social des adolescents dépressifs, de leur fratrie et d’un groupe témoin : étude transversale

Bossé-Chartier, Gabrielle 03 1900 (has links)
Réalisé sous la co-direction de Linda Booij, Catherine Herba et Patricia Garel / Contexte : la présence d’un biais cognitif négatif chez les individus qui souffrent de dépression majeure (DM) et ceux qui y sont à haut risque (e.g. enfants de mères qui souffrent de DM) est maintenant établie. Aucune étude portant sur la vulnérabilité cognitive (VC) des membres de la fratrie n’est rapportée. Objectifs : la présente étude a pour but de vérifier si la fratrie des adolescents qui souffrent de DM présentent une VC qui les prédisposent à la DM. Méthode : cette étude porte sur 49 adolescents (18 participants traités pour une DM, 16 membres de la fratrie et 15 participants témoin), âgés entre 12 et 20 ans. La VC de chaque participant est quantifiée via un questionnaire qui mesure la réactivité cognitive (RC), soit le LEIDS-R, et une tâche de reconnaissance des expressions faciale (REF). La cognition sociale des participants est mesurée par le MASC, un outil qui évalue la cognition sociale par médium vidéo et que notre équipe a traduit de l’allemand au français. Résultats : les résultats préliminaires de la présente étude indiquent qu’une différence de réactivité cognitive est présente entre les adolescents traités pour une DM et les participants du groupe témoin (p < 0,001). L’analyse préliminaire tend à indiquer qu’une différence est présente entre la fratrie et le groupe contrôle. Conclusion : plusieurs de nos résultats tendent en faveur de la présence d’une VC prédisposant à la DM chez la fratrie des adolescents souffrant de DM. Ces résultats préliminaires doivent être confirmés par des études longitudinales. / Background: a negative cognitive bias is present among individuals who suffers from major depression. This bias is also reported among individuals at high risk of major depression (e.g. child of depressed mother). No study to date aimed to evaluate cognitive vulnerability of siblings of depressed individuals. Objectives: the present study aim to verify if siblings of depressed adolescents present a cognitive vulnerability that would predispose them to develop a major depression. Method: This study evaluates 49 adolescents (18 participants treated for depression, 16 siblings and 15 controls), aged between 12 and 20 years old. The cognitive vulnerability of every participant has been assessed using an auto-report questionnaire of symptoms (LEIDS-R) that evaluates cognitive reactivity and a task of facial recognition. Social cognition of participants is measured using the Movie for Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC) that we translated from german to french. Results: the preliminary analyses of this study concludes that a significant difference of cognitive reactivity is present between adolescents treated for depression and controls (p < 0.001). Conclusion: some of our results tend to confirm the presence of a cognitive vulnerability to depression among siblings of depressed adolescents. Those results are still preliminary and need to be confirmed by longitudinal studies.

”Nu tog jag hans barn, vad ska han göra med mina?” : En kvalitativ studie om hot och våld mot socialsekreterare inom Barn och familj.

Andersson, Emma, Sjölin, Torbjörn January 2017 (has links)
Title:” Now I took his child, what will he do with mine?” A qualitative study on threat and violence aimed at social workers within child protective service. Authors:  Emma Andersson and Torbjörn Sjölin. Supervisor:  Peter Hultgren. Assessor: Barzoo Eliassi. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how social workers within child protective service understand and experience threat and violence aimed at them in their profession and how these understandings and experiences affects their well-being. The study will provide an understanding of the subject at hand and can also lead way for new research areas of how to improve the well-being of social workers within this field.   Method: A qualitative approach based on semistructured interviews has been used as method in this study. To collect empirical material seven currently working social workers from three different municipalities in the same region were interviewed. Theory: The theoretical points of this thesis has been Berger and Luckmanns theories about social construction, theory of social cognition and a model produced in the writing of how interaction between experience and understanding affects the well-being. The different theories and approaches has been a valuable tool to analyze the empirical material gathered in the study. Results: The result of this study is divided in different themes based on the purpose of the study. Our results indicate that social worker within child protective service consider threat and violence as occurring within their profession and that this perception has a negative impact on their well-being. Even though social workers consider threat and violence as not acceptable at work and perceive threat as a part of their job they continue to fulfill their obligations at work. The main explanation, found in this study, is that they consider the well-being of children as higher valued than their own.

The role of the medial prefrontal cortex in mediating social event knowledge

Krüger, Frank 30 March 2011 (has links)
Zunehmend mehr Beweise aus der sozialen Neurowissenschaft deuten darauf hin, dass der mediale präfrontale Cortex (mPFC) eine entscheidende neurale Komponente in der Verarbeitung von sozialem Ereigniswissen ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine integrative Theorie der kognitiven und neuronalen Grundlagen von sozialem Ereigniswissen vor. Die „Structural and Temporal Representation Binding“ (STRing) Theorie postuliert, dass der mPFC abstrakte dynamische summarische Repräsentationen in Form von Ereignissimulatoren speichert, die Wissen über soziale Abläufe mittles Einbinding von Regionen im posterioren Cortex und limbischen System generieren. Neurowissenschaftliche Befunde für die Differenzierung von Simulatorenfunktionen entlang der dorso-ventralen Achse des mPFC werden diskutiert und die Spezifität der Simuatoren für die Entwicklung von Ereignis-, Personen, und Selbst-Schemata dargestellt. / Accumulating evidence from social neuroscience research demonstrates that the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is a crucial neural component in the processing of social event knowledge. This work proposes an integrative theory of the cognitive and neural bases of social event knowledge. The structural and temporal representation binding (STRing) theory assumes that the mPFC represents abstract dynamic summary representations in the form of event simulators, which give rise to social event knowledge via binding with regions in the posterior cerebral cortex and limbic system. Neuroscience findings for the segregation of simulator functions along the dorso-ventral mPFC axis will be discussed and the specificity of simulators for the development of event, person, and self schemata will be demonstrated.

A associação entre traumas na infância, funcionamento cognitivo e morfologia cerebral em pacientes com transtorno bipolar tipo I / The association between childhood traumas, cognitive functioning and cerebral morphology in patients with type I bipolar disorder

Bio, Danielle Soares 15 February 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O transtorno bipolar (TB) é um problema crônico, de evolução cíclica, altamente prevalente na população geral e está associado a importante incapacitação dos pacientes e a déficits cognitivos e funcionais, constituindo, assim, um importante problema de saúde pública. A etiologia do TB parece ser multifatorial, resultante da interação entre fatores genéticos e ambientais; estudos apontam que a predisposição para manifestação de episódios pode advir da exposição a maus-tratos na infância (MTI), que comprometem o desenvolvimento emocional, cerebral e cognitivo das crianças e estão presentes em 30% a 60% dos portadores de TB. No TB, os MTI vem sendo associados com idade de início mais precoce, pior evolução clínica, maior incidência de comorbidades, apesar da literatura ser escassa e não conclusiva, tem sido associado também a alterações do funcionamento cognitivo e da morfologia cerebral. Objetivo: Investigar se o perfil cognitivo e a morfometria cerebral de portadores de TBI eutímicos diferencia-se com a exposição ou não a maus-tratos sofridos na infância. Método: 75 portadores de TBI eutímicos, com idades entre 18 e 45 anos, atendidos no ambulatório do Programa de Transtornos Afetivos (GRUDA) IPq-HC-FMUSP, sendo 32 sem história de MTI e 43 com história de MTI, de acordo com o ponto de corte do Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) e 46 voluntários sadios do ponto de vista físico e mental, com idades entre 18 e 45 anos, sem história de MTI de acordo com o CTQ e sem parentes de primeiro grau com transtornos psiquiátricos foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos que avaliou as funções atencionais, mnêmicas, executivas e cognição social e a um estudo de imagem por ressonância magnética. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram para uma diferença de desempenho cognitivo entre os grupos em uma das medidas de flexibilidade mental (p=0,04), em uma de raciocínio matricial (p=0,035) e na capacidade de reconhecimento de emoções faciais de tristeza (REF, p=0,022). Em relação à morfometria cerebral, pôde-se observar que o volume do Núcleo Caudado apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os três grupos, tanto no hemisfério direito (p=0,002) como no esquerdo (0,008). No hemisfério esquerdo, a área do Órbito Frontal Medial (p=0,0466), a área do Pré-cuneo (p=0,0193) e a área do Parietal Superior (p=0,0063) apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. No hemisfério direito, a área do Órbito Frontal Medial (p=0,0200), a área do Pré-cuneo (p=0,0337), a área do Parietal Superior (p=0,0007), a espessura da Parte Triangular do Córtex Frontal (p=0,0013), a espessura do Pré-central (p=0,0307) e a espessura do Frontal Superior (p=0,0425) apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Por fim, a partir de uma análise exploratória, pôde-se observar que no grupo de portadores de TB com MTI os resultados apontam para possíveis associações entre regiões cerebrais e desempenhos cognitivos, sendo elas: volume do Hipocampo Direito e o TMT-B (pinteração= 0,002, r = -0,40, pr=0,013), área do Giro Superior Frontal Direito e o SCWT-I (pinteração= 0,0008, r = -0,36, pr=0,0185), área do Órbito Frontal Medial Esquerdo e o FCR-cópia (pinteração= 0,004, r = 0,49, pr=0,014), espessura do Órbito Frontal Medial Direito e COWAT-total (pinteração= 0,004, r = 0,46, pr=0,003), espessura do Frontal Medial Rostral Esquerdo e WCST-erros (pinteração= 0,007, r = -0,42, pr=0,007). Conclusões: Apesar da limitação do tamanho amostral e do número de comparações estatísticas realizadas, este é o primeiro estudo a avaliar a associação entre MTI, funcionamento cognitivo e morfometria cerebral. Os resultados foram sugestivos de que a magnitude das correlações entre as características morfométricas e cognitivas podem ser moduladas pela exposição a MTI e pelo status de caso (portador de TB) / Introduction: Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic, cyclically-evolving problem that is highly prevalent in the general population and is associated with significant disability of the patients and cognitive and functional deficits, thus constituting an important public health problem. The etiology of BD seems to be multifactorial, resulting from the interaction between genetic and environmental factors, and studies show that the predisposition to the manifestation of episodes of BD may result from exposure to childhood maltreatment (CM), which compromises the emotional, cerebral and cognitive development and seems to be present in between 30 and 60% of BD patients. In BD, CM have been associated with earlier onset age, worse clinical course, higher incidence of comorbidities and, although the literature is scarce and not conclusive, it has also been associated with changes in cognitive function and brain morphology. Objective: To investigate whether the cognitive profile and the brain morphometry of patients with euthymic BD differ between those exposed or non-exposed to CM. Method: 75 euthymic BD patients, aged between 18 and 45 years, attended at the ambulatory of the Affective Disorders Program (GRUDA) IPq-HC-FMUSP, 32 of which had no history of CM and 43 with a positive history of CM according to the cut-off of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and 46 physically and mentally healthy volunteers, aged 18-45 years, with no history of CM according to the CTQ and no first-degree relatives with psychiatric disorders were submitted to a battery of neuropsychological tests that evaluated attentional, mnemonic, executive, and social cognition functions and a study of magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The results point to a difference in cognitive performance between groups in one of the measures of mental flexibility (p = 0.04), in one of matrix reasoning (p = 0.035) and in the ability to recognize facial emotions of sadness FER, p = 0.022). Regarding cerebral morphometry, it can be observed that the volume of the Caudate Nucleus showed a statistically significant difference between the three groups, both in the right hemisphere (p = 0.002) and in the left hemisphere (0.008). In the left hemisphere, the area of Medial Orbital Frontal (p = 0.0466), the area of Precuneus (p = 0.0193) and the area of Superior Parietal (p = 0.0063) presented statistically significant differences. In the right temisphere, the area of Medial Orbital Frontal (p = 0.0200), the area of Precuneus (p = 0.0337), the area of Superior Parietal (p = 0.0007), the thickness of Pars Triangularis (p = 0.0013), the thickness of Precentral (p = 0.0307) and the thickness of Superior Frontal (p = 0.0425) presented statistically significant differences. Finally, from this exploratory analysis, it is possible to observe that in the group of BD with CM the results point to possible associations between brain regions and cognitive performance, specifically: Right Hippocampus Volume and TMT-B (pinteraction = 0,002, r = -0,40, pr=0,013), Right Superior Frontal Area and SCWT-I (pinteraction = 0.0008, r = -0.36, pr = 0.0185), Left Medial Orbital Frontal area and FCR-copy (pinteraction= 0,004, r = 0,49, pr=0,014), Right Medial Orbital Frontal Thickness and COWAT-total (pinteraction = 0.004, r = 0.46, pr= 0.003), Left Rostral Medial Frontal Thickness and WCST-errors (pinteraction = 0.007, r = -0.42, pr = 0.007). Conclusions: Despite the limitation of the sample size and the number of statistical comparisons performed, this is the first study to evaluate the association between CM, cognitive functioning and brain morphometry. The results are suggestive of the magnitude of the correlations between the characteristics morphometric and cognitive variables can be modulated by exposure to CM and by case status (BD patients)

Estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais: abordagens filosóficas da psicologia do senso comum / Mental states and propositional attitudes: philosophical approaches to folk psychology

Oliveira, Guilherme Sanches de 23 May 2014 (has links)
A literatura filosófica sobre a Psicologia do Senso Comum se estende desde a década de 1970, e abrange diversas questões sobre nosso entendimento interpessoal cotidiano, nossa capacidade de interação e coordenação de atividades, o arcabouço conceitual intuitivo que relaciona estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais a comportamentos, e os mecanismos cognitivos de leitura mental que nos permitem atribuir estados mentais a outras pessoas. Nesta dissertação eu examino o desenvolvimento histórico desta literatura, identificando dois debates distintos, o primeiro (principalmente entre Paul Churchland e Jerry Fodor dos anos 70 aos anos 90) tendo como foco a relação entre a teoria da Psicologia do Senso Comum e teorias científicas (da neurociência e das ciências cognitivas), e o segundo (o debate contemporâneo) tendo como foco os mecanismos cognitivos de leitura mental e o papel das atribuições de estados mentais e atitudes proposicionais nas teorias da cognição corporificada, situada e estendida. Além do exame histórico do que argumento serem dois debates distintos e da transição conceitual entre ambos, também apresento aqui minha crítica à abordagem eliminativista contemporânea de Matthew Ratcliffe e, como alternativa, articulo os princípios de uma abordagem pluralista que combina leitura mental e interpretação contextual situada como fundamentais para a cognição social / The philosophical literature on Folk Psychology began in the 1970s, and encompasses various questions about our everyday interpersonal understanding, our ability to interact and coordinate activities, the intuitive conceptual framework that relates mental states and propositional attitudes to behaviors, and the cognitive mechanisms of mindreading that allow us to attribute mental states to other people. In this thesis I examine the historical development of this literature, identifying two distinct debates, the first (mainly between Paul Churchland and Jerry Fodor from the 70s to the 90s) focusing on the relationship between the theory of Folk Psychology and scientific theories (in neuroscience and cognitive science), and the second (the contemporary debate) focusing on the cognitive mechanisms of mindreading and the role played by attributions of mental states and propositional attitudes in theories of embodied, situated and extended cognition. In addition to the historical examination of what I argue are two distinct debates as well as of the conceptual transition between them, here I present my criticism of Matthew Ratcliffe\'s contemporary eliminativist approach and, as an alternative to it, I articulate the principles of a pluralistic approach that combines both mindreading and situated contextual interpretation as fundamental for social cognition

The Coming Past: A social psychological approach of the uses of historical analogies and their effects in political contexts

Ghilani, Djouaria 20 February 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour but d’examiner comment les individus utilisent des comparaisons entre des situations actuelles et des situations passées dans des contextes politiques. L’utilisation de telles analogies historiques a longtemps été documentée, en particulier au sein des sciences politiques, en histoire et dans les champs concernés par l’argumentation. Ces littératures ont mis en évidence la fréquence avec laquelle les responsables politiques et autres personnages publics utilisent les analogies dans des buts de délibération et de persuasion. Malgré leur omniprésence supposée, peu d’études en psychologie sociale se sont penchées sur ce processus. Les trois volets de cette thèse ont tenté de combler cette lacune en recourant à diverses méthodologies. Plusieurs études expérimentales nous ont d’abord permis d’investiguer si l’exposition à des analogies historiques influence les prédictions que posent les participants concernant des situations réelles incertaines. Les résultats montrent que l’effet, bien que de faible taille, tend à devenir plus fort à mesure que diminuent les connaissances actuelles des individus. Dans un second volet, au lieu de sélectionner a priori les analogies historiques, nous avons donné la possibilité aux répondant.e.s de générer leurs propres analogies et d’expliquer leurs choix dans des questionnaires récoltés en France, en Belgique et en Allemagne à la suite des deux attaques de 2015 en France. L’analyse des réponses ouvertes montre non seulement une grande diversité dans les manières de mettre en correspondance le présent et le passé – même lorsqu’il s’agit d’analogies avec le « même » événement (e.g. l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001) ;mais les participant.e.s utilisent de plus ces analogies pour formuler des arguments, plus ou moins implicites, par rapport à des débats actuels. Cette dimension argumentative dans l’usage des analogies historiques a été explorée plus avant dans un 3e volet. En analysant les articles du mois de mars 2014 relatifs à la crise de Crimée au sein de quatre journaux belges, nous avons relevé comment les individus s’y prennent pour établir des liens entre le passé et le présent, et comment ils procèdent pour les contester. Ensemble, les trois volets de cette thèse suggèrent que les personnes ordinaires, tout comme leurs homologues plus « experts », ne sont pas passives en utilisant les analogies historiques, mais participent activement, par leur biais, au processus éminemment politique de construction et de contestation des passé(s), présent(s) et futur(s). / Doctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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