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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Faktorer bakom adoption av styrmodeller : Tio svenska stora företag med olika strukturella attribut

Bodin Kristiansen, Malin, Johnson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att beskriva och kartlägga hur adoptionen av styrmodeller kan se ut i stora företag och utifrån detta identifiera vilken betydelse olika faktorer karaktäriserade av individuella-, organisationella- och omvärldsaspekter som påverkar adoptionen. Detta för att öka kunskapen om vilka faktorer som kan ligga bakom adoptionen av styrmodeller och hur dessa påverkar. Vidare är syftet att explorativt finna mönster mellan påverkande faktorer och företags strukturella attribut för att se hur möjliga kopplingar till företagens strukturer kan se ut. Studien bidrar därmed iutvecklingen av ett mer holistiskt synsätt. För att uppnå syftet utgår studien från sju faktorer; rationella och effektiva, psykodynamiska, retoriska och mode, politiska, kulturella, tvingande samt härmande och trender som på olika sätt påverkar adoptionen inom företag. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tio stycken stora företag i Norrbotten med olika attribut inom ledartyp, ägarform och koncernförhållande. Företagens deltagare utgjordes av beslutsfattare med höga positioner inom företaget medinsikt i adoptionsprocessen som ingående kunde förklara händelser som påverkade adoptionen. Resultaten indikerar på att samtliga sju faktorer i olika grad påverkar företagens adoption av styrmodeller. Framförallt var de rationella och effektiva faktorerna klart framträdande som den faktor med högst påverkan inom samtliga företag eftersom att adoptionsbeslutet ofta grundade sig i någon form av problem eller kris. Resterande faktorer påverkade i olika utsträckning, där det fanns antydningar om mönster mellan faktorer och företagens strukturella attribut. Studien formulerade sex hypoteser kopplat till funna mönster mellan faktorer och företagens strukturella attribut. / The purpose of this thesis is to describe and map how the adoption of management practices works in large companies and to identify the importance of different factors characterized of individual, organizational and environmental aspects that can affect the adoption. This to increase knowledge about the underlying factors that might affect the adoption of management practices. Furthermore, the purpose is to exploratively find patterns between influencing factors and corporate structural attributes to identify how possible connections to corporate structures may exist. This study contributes to the development of a more holistic approach. To achieve the purpose, the study is based on seven different factors; Rational and effective, psychodynamic, rhetorical and fashion, political, cultural, forced-selection (coercive), and imitation (mimetic) and trends that affect business adoption in various ways. This study was conducted through qualitativeinterviews with ten large companies in Norrbotten with different attributes in the management type, ownership and corporate relationship. The companies’ participants consisted of high-level decision-makers within each company with insight into the adoption process, which could thus explain in detail the events that affected the adoption. The results indicate that all seven factors influence the companies’ adoption of management practices to a different extent. In particular, the rational and effective factors were clearly prominent as the factors with the highest impact within all companies, because the adoption decision was often based on some kind of problem or crisis. Remaining factors affected to varying degrees, where there were indications of patterns between factors and the company's structural attributes. The study formulated six hypotheses linked to found patterns between factors and the company's structural attributes.

Etableringen av familjecentraler i Jönköpings kommun 1998-2008. : Hur, varför och till vilket pris? / The establishment of family centers in Jönköping municipality, Sweden, 1998-2008. : How, why and at what cost?

Kalin, Torbjörn January 2011 (has links)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på den etableringsprocess som har skett i Jönköpings kommun vid införandet av familjecentraler. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur införandet av familjecentraler kan förstås och genom det skapa fördjupad kunskap om etableringsprocesser i socialt arbete. Studien har genomförts i form av en fallstudie. Empiri har samlats in genom intervjuer och genom offentliga allmänna handlingar. Materialet har analyserats genom ett adhoc-förfarande inspirerat av fallstudieanalys. Teorier som använts i analysen grundar sig i agenda-settingteori och i nyinstitutionell organisationsteori. Resultatet visar att familjecentraler som idé är omtolkningsbart vilket resulterat i en omfattande översättningsprocess. I den processen har socialtjänstens roll varit decimerad, vilket avspeglas i det utrymme som socialtjänsten ges på familjecentralerna där deras roll definieras av andra professioner än de själva. Det som gör att familjecentralerna kommer att etableras är en kritik mot och från barnhälsovården rörande relationen med socialtjänsten. Detta ackompanjeras av en ökad oro för föräldraskapet samt ökade krav på billigare och bättre verksamheter inom den offentliga sektorn. Dock får familjecentralsetableringen ett abrupt avbrott i och med att studier lyfts fram som indikerar att det finns bristande kunskaper rörande familjecentralernas effekt, vilket skapar hinder för nyetableringar. Detta medför inte att befintliga familjecentraler läggs ner vilket kan förstås i att familjecentralspolicyn visar en hög grad av institutionalisering, en stark förgivettagen tro på familjecentralerna, där dessa upphör att behöva legitimeras i form av problemadressering och resultat. / This bachelor thesis focuses on the establishment process of family centers in Jönköping municipality, Sweden. The purpose of this case-study is to examine on which terms the establishment of family centers can be understood aiming for the creation of in-depth knowledge about establishment processes in social work. Data has been collected via semi-structured interviews and via open records. The data has been analyzed via ad-hoc analyses inspired by cases study analyses. Theoretical framework used in the study is Kingdon’s agenda setting theory and neo-institutional organization theory. The study presents that family centre policy is highly interpretable and therefore has been a case of policy translation, which has resulted in a decimated part for the social services in the family centers, highly defined by other professions. The establishment of family centers is a result of a critique aimed against and from the child health care services, accompanied with an increased worry for parenthood and demands for more economically efficient function within the public sector. The process is interrupted by studies that indicate insufficient knowledge about the efficiency of the family centers. However this doesn’t result in closure of family centers because the function has reached a high degree of institutionalization, where it is legitimized by presumptions and beliefs rather than results and problem addressing.

Jämförelse mellan Theory of Mind-förmåga och pragmatisk förmåga hos svenska barn i 4 och 5 års ålder

Karlsson, Elinor, Östling, Linnéa January 2012 (has links)
Theory of mind involves the ability to take another person’s perspective in thought, emotions and intentions.  There is today a lack of instruments to assess children’s development of Theory of Mind (ToM) in Swedish. ToM is considered by many scientists to be the basis for development of pragmatic competence. The relationship between these two abilities is complex and not fully resolved. Both abilities are important components for the development of social skills.     The purpose of this study was to compare 4 and 5-year olds ToM-ability measured with a Swedish version of Wellman and Liu’s ToM-scale, Sally Anne and Social Emotional Test with estimated pragmatic competence measured with the Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC). To make this possible the study also aims to translate and evaluate a Swedish version of Wellman and Liu’s ToM-scale. In the study 39 children in the age of 4 and 5 years old participated (20 4-year olds and 19 5-year olds).     The present study can point to the relationship between the ToM1 ability false belief and pragmatic abilities, as well as different abilities related to pragmatics (conversational rapport, use of discourse context and prosody). Correlation between prosody and other measures of ToM1 abilities was also observed. The result can be linked to previous research on the relationship between pragmatics and ToM. ToM and pragmatic are two abilities that are linked to each other. But as the result is not entirely conclusive, they may also shed more light to the complexity of these abilities and their relationship.      The result of the evaluation of Wellman and Liu’s ToM-scale shows that most of the children got a result pattern that agreed with the hypothesis of a gradual acquisition of ToM-abilties. However, Swedish 4 year olds did to a greater extent passed questions in a pattern that was not compatible with the gradual acquisition claim than American children did in a previous study. One reason for this result may be cultural differences. More research is needed on a larger selection of subjects and a wider range of age groups before any conclusions can be drawn. However, the translated scale can be used in a qualitative way, to examine which aspects of a ToM a child comprehends.

Linguistic interference in translated academic texts: : A case study of Portuguese interference in abstracts translated into English

Galvao, Gabriela January 2009 (has links)
<p>AbstractThis study deals with linguistic interference in abstracts of scientific papers translated fromPortuguese into English collected from the online scientific database SciELO. The aim of thisstudy is to analyze linguistic interference phenomena in 50 abstracts from the field ofhumanities, history, social sciences, technology and natural sciences. The types ofinterference discussed are syntactic/grammatical, lexical/semantic and pragmatic interference.This study is mainly qualitative. Therefore, the qualitative method was used, in order to findout what kinds of interference phenomena occur in the abstracts, analyze the possible reasonsfor their occurrence and present some suggestions to avoid the problems discussed. Besides, aquantitative analysis was carried out to interpret the results (figures and percentages) of thestudy. The analysis is aimed at providing some guidance for future translations. This studyconcluded that translations from a Romance language (in this case Portuguese) into aGermanic language (English) tend to be more objective and/or sometimes lose originalmeanings attributed in the source text. Another important finding was that abstracts from thehumanities, history and social sciences present more cases of interference phenomena than theones belonging to technology and natural sciences. These findings imply that many abstractswithin these areas have high probability to be subject to the phenomena discussed and,consequently, have parts of their original meaning lost or misinterpreted in the target texts.Keywords: abstracts, bilingualism, cross-linguistic influence, linguistic interference, linguistictransfer, non-native speakers of English, Portuguese-English interference, source text, targettext, translation.</p> / Study on linguistic interference

Omställning – Tillväxt – Effektivisering : Energifrågor vid renovering av flerbostadshus

Thoresson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Flerbostadshus anses viktiga för att minska energianvändningen i byggnader, och potentialen att energieffektivisera i samband med renovering är stor. Denna studie behandlar hur arbete med energifrågor genomförs i renovering av flerbostadshus byggda under miljonprogrammet i stadsdelen Östra Sätra i Gävle. Avhandlingens analytiska verktyg baseras på perspektiv utvecklade inom teknik och vetenskapsstudier (STS) och aktörsnätverksteori (ANT) samt urbana studier. I studien utvecklas och tillämpas verktyget energisammansättningar. Genom en symmetrisk ansats studeras energifrågors definition och innehåll i renoveringen genom att spåra kedjor av översättningar. Det empiriska underlaget är kvalitativa intervjuer, mål- och strategidokument, beslutsprotokoll och observationer. Avhandlingen visar att energiarbetets innehåll flätades samman med exempelvis kommunal planering och energipolitik, med bostadsbolagets befintliga arbetssätt för renoveringar och dess relationer till sina kunder, samt med lagen för allmännyttiga bostadsbolag. Studien identifierar också att spänningar uppstod i energiarbetet inom flera områden. Dessa rör hur de ekonomiska vinsterna och kostnaderna för energiarbete ska beräknas och fördelas, översättningar av energimål, var och hur energiarbete ska prioriteras i den bebyggda miljön, i vilken takt energiarbetet ska ske och hur de boende ska delta i energiarbete. Studien visar att energieffektiviserande åtgärder prioriterades i renoveringen så länge som de beräknades vara ekonomiskt affärsmässiga och en del av det allmännyttiga arbetet, men även hur förändringar var svåra att genomföra om de utmanade eller förändrade befintliga relationer och arbetssätt. Det gällde särskilt i relationen till de boende i området och till ekonomiska kostnader för renoveringen. / Transforming the energy used in apartment buildings have become increasingly important issues. This study examines how energy issues were designed in a refurbishment project for apartment buildings built during the “Million Programme” era in Sweden in the district of Östra Sätra in Gävle. The analytical approach and tools used are based on science and technology studies (STS), actor–network theory (ANT), and urban studies. Specifically, the study applies the concept of assemblages, which in this study are called energy assemblages. Energy issues are examined as they translated and negotiated in practice by actors and how they are incorporated into the refurbishment design. The empirical data are based on qualitative interviews, analyses of documents, and observations. The analyses demonstrate that work on energy issues was intertwined with the city’s work on planning and energy issues, the housing company’s working practices, as well as the laws governing public housing companies. The study also demonstrates that sometimes tensions arose in situations in which different energy assemblage processes collided. The study identifies several areas of tension. First, tensions arose in situations of diverse translations of energy goals. Second, in negotiations about calculations of the financial costs of energy transition. Third, tensions also arose when determining where energy transition should be located. Fourth, about resident participation in energy issues. Fifth, the energy transition timeframe. The study demonstrates that energy efficiency measures were prioritized in the refurbishment as long as they were treated as financially beneficial and did not challenge or change existing relationships, work practices, and customer relations.

Mainstreaming av integration : Om översättning av policy och nätverksstyrning med förhinder inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, 1998 – 2007 / Mainstreaming integration policy : On translation of policy and network governance with a hindrance in Swedish regional development policy,1998-2007

Andersson, Ragnar January 2011 (has links)
Det här är en fallstudie av hur integrationspolitiska mål översätts tvärsektoriellt inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken: i en rad olika sammanhang på nationell, regional och kommunal nivå. I studien beskrivs och analyseras hur idén om integration genom mainstreaming översätts till den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, för att fortsätta med en fördjupad analys av det regionala tillväxtpartnerskapet i Östergötland samt olika lokala kommunala tillväxtpartnerskap. Avslutningsvis jämförs resultaten från Östergötland med utvecklingen i landets övriga 20 regionala tillväxtpartnerskap. I avhandlingen visas att det fanns höga ambitioner om att genomföra en mainstreaming, bland annat med hjälp av nätverksstyrning. Så skedde också i olika målsättningstexter och beslut. Men när dessa målsättningar och beslut skulle omvandlas till aktiviteter, fullföljdes inte mainstreamingen. Man avstod helt från att göra något inriktat mot invandrare eller så genomfördes olika former av säråtgärder för invandrare. Avhandlingen visar dock på stora skillnader mellan olika aktörer och sammanhang. I vissa fall var man nära på att uppfylla kraven på en mainstreaming, i andra valde man att inte försöka. I avhandlingen visas också att hinder för genomförandet varit föreställningar om invandrare och invandrarfrågor som ej bidragande i ekonomiska tillväxtsammanhang, brist på styrningskompetens och resurser samt ett bristande kunnande om hur man skulle mainstreama integration. / This is a case study of how the Swedish migrant policy is cross-sectorally translated into the regional development policy area: at national, regional and municipal levels. The study describes and analyzes first how the idea of integration through mainstreaming is translated into the regional development policy. Secondly it conducts an in-depth analysis of the Regional Growth Partnership in the region of Östergötland as well as various municipality based growth partnerships. Finally, the results are compared with the development of other Regional Growth Partnerships (21 in total) in Sweden. The thesis shows that there were high ambitions for implementing the idea of mainstreaming integration, including the use of network governance. This also was reflected in other objectives and decisions. But when these goals and decisions were to be transformed into activities, the mainstreaming they were not completed. All actors refrained from implementing the proposed mainstreaming model; but some did implement various forms of side-stream measures for migrants. The thesis reveals large differences between different actors and contexts. In some cases, they were close to meeting the requirements of mainstreaming, in others they chose not to try at all. The thesis also shows that hindrances to translations were negatively related to the categorizations of immigrants, lack of management skills and resources and a lack of knowledge about how to mainstream integration of immigrants.

Måltext i Midgård : Ohlmarks Härskarringen och översättandets normer

Dahlander, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
This study considers Härskarringen (1959–61), a Swedish translation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings (1954–55), within the framework of translation studies and the description of norms within different fields of translation. As the work’s position as a translation has been questioned by a number of critics, the aim of the study is to identify features of the text which can be associated with this critique. The methodology employed by the study aims to separate departures in the target text from the source text within fields such as semantics and style. The departures are then ordered on the basis of linguistic form. The study suggests that the translation contains a number of features, and proposes possible explanations for these, based on the result of the study in relation to these points of departure as well as the circumstances in the context of the creation of the translation. The method used is partly based on a model developed by Rune Ingo (1991), and the results are analyzed by means of key concepts from Yvonne Lindqvist (2002). The study concludes that Härskarringen should be considered a work done mainly in accordance with an acceptable translation strategy, and thereby has characteristics of a low prestige translation. The study further considers that the critics of the translation hold, seemingly, that The Lord of the Rings should be translated as high prestige literature, and that they have reacted against the translation consequently. The study suggests that the reason for the questioning of Härskarringen’s position as a translation seems to be that the work has not been translated in accordance with the norms of the literary field to where it is today attributed. The critique can partly be viewed as a result of a raised status of The Lord of the Rings and J. R. R. Tolkien, and thus of the mobility of a work within the literary system. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker Härskarringen (1959–61), en översättning av J. R. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings (1954–55), med en översättningsvetenskaplig deskriptiv metodik. Uppsatsen försöker utröna vilka egenskaper hos den svenska tolkningen som gjort att dess ställning som översättning, till helheten eller enskilda delar, har ifrågasatts av en rad kritiker. Undersökningen utförs genom att tillämpa en metod för utverkande av avvikelser mellan översättningen och originaltexten inom för uppsatsen ändamålsenliga kategorier, såsom betydelsemässiga avvikelser mellan översättning och original. De framkomna avvikande textställena sorteras sedan efter deras språkform, och utifrån resultatet samt förhållanden i översättningens tillblivelse karakteriseras sedan den undersökta aspekten av översättningen genom ett antal egenskapsdrag samt möjliga anledningar till dessa. Slutsatsen efter genomförd undersökning är att Härskarringen, huvudsakligen genom att på olika sätt förhålla sig fritt till originalet, bär många gemensamma drag med översättningar inom lågprestigelitteraturen, och att kritikerna – då dessa förefaller anse att Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings tillhör högprestigelitteraturfältet och bör översättas enligt dess normer – därför har reagerat mot översättningens utformning. Härskarringens ställning som översättning har ifrågasatts på grund av att verket inte har översatts i enlighet med normerna på det litterära fält där det i dag anses befinna sig. Företeelsen får delvis ses som en följd av The Lord of the Rings och J. R. R. Tolkiens ökade anseende, och är därmed ett exempel på återverkningar av ett verks rörlighet inom det litterära systemet.

Goggle-Eyes : en främmandegörande barnboksöversättning utifrån Bermans negativa analysverktyg / Goggle-Eyes : A foreignizing translation of a children's book based on Berman's negative analytics

Ådin, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Denna magisteruppsats är baserad på översättningen av de två första kapitlen i ungdomsboken Goggle-Eyes (1989) av den brittiska författaren Anne Fine. Uppsatsen undersöker effekterna av en främmandegörande översättningsstrategi med utgångspunkt i Antoine Bermans negativa analysverktyg och med avseende på undvikandet av förlust av ikoniska och klangfulla ord och förlust av uttryck och idiom inklusive namn. Analysen visar att det i många fall är möjligt att bevara ikoniska och klangfulla ord vid översättningen, utan att effekten på måltexten blir främmandegörande, medan bevarandet av uttryck och namn i flera fall kräver förtydliganden för att måltexten ska bli begriplig för målgruppen. / The present study is based on the translation of the first two chapters of Goggle-Eyes, a novel for young teenagers by the british author Anne Fine. The study examines the effects of a foreignizing translation strategy based on Antoine Berman’s negative analytics, concerning avoidance of the loss of sonorous and iconic terms and expressions and idioms. The analysis suggests that in many cases it is possible to keep sonorous and iconic terms in translation without creating a foreignizing effect that could make reading difficult for young readers. However, the keeping of expressions and idioms in many cases calls for clarification in order to create a target text that is understandable for the target group.

Music for Travel : A translation study focusing on cultural aspects and the use of adjectives in a text about music and tourism

Mattsson, Lisa January 2011 (has links)
This study deals with the translation from English into Swedish of a text about music and tourism. The special areas of interest were, on the one hand, how to translate references to cultural phenomena and, on the other hand, adjectives of graphic character. The source text is Music and Tourism: on the Road Again by Chris Gibson and John Connell from which all but a few pages from the introductory chapter were translated. The reader of the text would be a person interested in music, tourism and the history of the niche music tourism. With tourism and music come different cultural references, which can pose a problem for a translator. In turn, the cultural references are often phrased in a graphic language in the text, consisting mainly in specific adjectives that need to be as graphic in the target text. To solve the problem of translating a text like this, theories on translation, such as those presented by Vinay &amp; Darbelnet (1995), Nida (2001), Newmark (1988) and Ingo (2007) were consulted. The procedures by Vinay and Darbelnet in particular were proven to be beneficial while translating. When dealing with the references to cultural aspects, Vinay and Darbelnet‟s procedure borrowing in combination with Ingo‟s addition were the ones most useful to the translation. In terms of translating the adjectives, Vinay and Darbelnet‟s transposition was mostly used.

The 'dark continent' : A translation study focusing on lexical gaps and style and tone in a text about the South African bush

Pellén, Angelica January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was twofold. On the one hand, the aim was to discuss how lexical gaps can be solved or dealt with when a text about wildlife and nature different from that of the target culture is translated. On the other hand, the aim was also to discuss how the style and tone of such a text can be preserved and transferred into the target text. The study was qualitative and based on a translation into Swedish of short chapters of the book Spirit of the Bush by Peter Borchert, describing the South African wildlife and nature. The intended target reader of the translation is anyone with an interest in nature, wildlife and animals, as well as anyone with an interest in the history and culture of South Africa. Despite the fact that the terminology used in both the source text and the target text may require some previous knowledge on behalf of the reader, both texts could, nevertheless, very well be appreciated by a complete “wildlife-novice”. In order to create a theoretical base and a framework for the analysis, relevant research made in translation theory and stylistics was presented and discussed. Regarding lexical gaps, all the different strategies, apart from omission, proved to be of great help when the source text was translated into Swedish. Several examples of metaphors were discussed, such as how the wilderness is described as a stage, the animals as actors, and the visitors as making a pilgrimage. The metaphors in combination with the similes and the personifications in the source text, such as bold clouds and confident rivulets, fire the readers’ imagination and create a very vivid and capturing text. This is also something that supports the claim made that Spirit of the Bush is more than an ordinary informative text.   Keywords: translation, lexical gaps, style, tone, stylistics, wildlife, bush.

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