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Traduttore, traditore? När The Waste Land blev Det öde landet : En studie av Karin Boye och Erik Mestertons översättning av T.S. Eliots The Waste Land / Traduttore, traditore? When The Waste Land became Det öde landet : A study in Karin Boye and Erik Mesterton's Swedish translation of T.S. Eliot's The Waste LandLindqvist, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
After the publication of T.S. Eliotʾs famous modernistic poem The Waste Land in 1922 it took about nine years until two Swedish literature theoreticians decided to translate it into Swedish. The translation was made for a publication in a modernistic journal, Spektrum, for which they both were co ̶ founders and editors. The two Swedes were Karin Boye, a famous modernistic poet, writer and literature critic, and Erik Mesterton, also a literature critic with a deep interest in English poetry generally and T.S. Eliot particularly. This essay aims to compare the translation of The Waste Land that Boye and Mesterton made during the winter of 1931 ̶ 1932, with Eliots original poem, with the ambition to determine what kind of translation Boye and Mestertonʾs work resulted in. Starting from Schleiermacher, modern translation theories are examined and finally the translation named Det öde landet from 1932 is analyzed from a model by Mats Malm from his 1996 book Minervas äpple. By using the distinctions of mimetic, analogue, organic and external forms in the area of the poem's metre and style, and the distinctions of metaphrase, paraphrase and imitation in the area of the poemʾs content, the essay examines what has been the translatorʾs priorities during the process of translation, how Boyeʾs modernistic style shines through in the translation and how Mestertonʾs knowledge about Eliotʾs style in poetry shows in the finished work. The analysis shows that the translation leans toward a mimetic form, and is to be considered a paraphrase when it comes to the content. This shows that Boye and Mesterton had an intention to reproduce both Eliotʾs meaning and poetic style to the swedish readers, but also that the translators are capable of being dynamic both when it comes to meaning and form.
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”Google Translate är ju som det är” : En intervjustudie om lärares problematisering kring användandet av digitala översättningsverktyg. / ”Google Translate is what it is” : A study about teachers’ views on the uses of tools for digital translation.Sandgren, Lina January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to explore the ways in which digital dictionaries andmachine translation are being used to help students learning Swedish as a secondlanguage (L2). The study focuses on teacher’s reasoning for the use of these tools andthe problems they face in trying to implement the guidelines specified around the useof such tools in the Swedish curriculum. Through interviews with teachers of Swedishas a second language, and phenomenographic analysis, the study shows that mostteachers use these tools as a lexical aid rather than a steppingstone to implementingstrategies which facilitate the symbiotic uses of both the students first and secondlanguages in their linguistic development. This due to the controversial issue of usingmachine translation as a pedagogical tool in second language acquisition. Many of theteachers mentioned the shortcomings of both the tools and their own ability to usethem as a problem in implementing these tools. The teachers also had difficultiesdeciding which resources would be best in helping their students develop theirlanguage skills in the target language. Possible solutions for this problem would befurther training for teachers in the uses of machine translation and in which strategiesto teach their students to make didactic use of translation tools like Google Translate.
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„Mit gespitzten Ohren stand er da und lauschte“ : Zur Informationsstruktur von Aussagesätzen in deutschen und schwedischen Bilderbüchern und deren ÜbersetzungenWerner, Tove January 2021 (has links)
In this study the information structure in children´s picture books for the age range 3-6 is analyzed. The information structure is primarily visible in the word order and is largely language specific, which means that it plays a central role when a text is translated into a new language. In this study the translations of children´s picture books between Swedish and German and their originals are analyzed. The purpose is to find what constituents are put in the initial position (Vorfeld). The initial position is important in terms of cohesion and thematic development and is generally where the topic is placed. German is overall believed to have a bigger variation in the initial position, with more initial adverbials, whereas Swedish is more prone to place a subject in initial position. The languages are also believed to have different levels of markedness in terms of an object or a cleft-construction in the initial position. The results show that while the German books and translations do have a bigger variation and the Swedish books and translations have a higher subject frequency, the differences are not striking. This is partly attributed to the fact that an age range of three years is quite large and two of the three German books are written for younger children, while the Swedish books seem to have an older target group, which also means a higher rate of linguistic complexity. The marked structures object and cleft-construction in initial position do however follow strong language specific tendencies.
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Den svarthuvade snigelns (Krynickillus melanocephalus) substratpreferens vid äggläggning / Krynickillus melanocephalus substrate preference during ovipositionBrodén, Geir January 2023 (has links)
Krynickillus melanocephalus was first seen in Sweden 2015. It is now labeled as an invasive species and it potentially poses a threat to the ecosystem, but the slug has not yet shown to have great negative impact in gardens and agricultural fields. There is limited ecological knowledge about the species. This study aims to increase the knowledge about habitat preference of the species during oviposition. Fifty slugs were placed in experimental arenas containing four compartments, each containing a different substrate: birch leaves, gravel, potting soil and sphagnum moss. The position of the slugs were recorded daily for three consecutive days. Further, position of laid eggs were recorded at two different times. Slugs showed a preference for leaves at oviposition, and 88 % of the eggs were laid in this substrate, and the fewest eggs were laid in moss (0,6 %). The slugs were found the most in contact with the leaves. The result has expanded our knowledge about the species, which is important to develop ways to hinder and slow down its invasion. Future research about substrate preference in this species should focus on how humidity and temperature may affect the substrate preference, as well as on movement behaviour during oviposition, perhaps by means of PIT telemetry. The study provides practical advice regarding how to deal with garden waste in areas that are inhabited by the species, where, in particular birch leaf compost should not be moved around. / Den svarthuvade snigeln upptäcktes i Sverige först 2015. Nu är den klassad som eninvasiv art och blir ännu ett hot mot våra ekosystem. Den kan även utgöra ett hot motträdgårdsägare, men än så länge har snigeln inte observerats ha åstadkommit störreskada. Arten är relativt okänd och därav är litteraturen väldigt begränsad. Min studiesyftar därför till att öka den ekologiska kunskapen om arten. Preferens föräggläggningssubstrat undersöktes samt föredraget habitat underäggläggningsperioden. Femtio sniglar användes i studien och dessa placerades iexperimentarenor innehållande mindre plastkorgar med fyra olika substrat; björklöv,grus, blomjord och vitmossa. Sniglarnas position observerades vid tre tillfällen undertre dagar och i vilket substrat äggen placerats noterades vid två tillfällen. Sniglarvisade en tydlig preferens för löv som äggläggningssubstrat där proportionen lagdaägg var 0,88. Minst antal ägg fanns i mossan (0,6%). Sniglarna befann sig ocksåoftare i kontakt med lövsubstratet än de andra substraten. Resultatet har berikat vårkunskap om arten, kunskap som är viktig för att utveckla metoder för att bekämpadess spridning. Framtida viktiga studier om artens äggläggning kan inkluderabeskrivning av dess rörelsebeteende med hjälp PIT-telemetri, samt undersökningarom hur olika temperaturer och fukthalter påverkar substratpreferens. Min studie hargett insikt i praktiska implikationer om hur trädgårdsavfall bör hanteras i områdendär arten existerar, specifikt att komposter med björklöv inte bör flyttas runt.
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'Blood of a Woman' : A Critical Reevaluation of the Traditional Views on Menstrual Impurity in Akkadian TerminologyLindholm, Disa January 2022 (has links)
Assyriology as a field of study has long been dominated by the ideas and values of the white, Western men who, during the 19th century, were responsible for the development and growth of all scientific research. This has resulted in a resilient androcentric bias in the discipline, which to this day continues to influence scholarly perceptions of Ancient Mesopotamian society - and particularly of Mesopotamian women. Amongst many other things this includes the application of modern, misogynistic prejudice regarding the female body onto Akkadian women; one such modern concept which, despite recent criticism, is still widely accepted as true, is the notion of ‘menstrual impurity’. By the implementation of standpoint theory - an epistemology which emphasises the influence of a scholar’s own experiences on their perception and interpretation of their field of study - this paper examines the translations of three Akkadian terms which have been used to support the alleged existence of the concept of menstrual impurity in Mesopotamia. The terms are reexamined through an analysis of their etymological and contextual semantics, the results of which are then used comparatively in order to determine the validity of their current translations. The results of this analysis reveal a thoroughly biassed and unscientific interpretation process, which perpetuates the androcentric perspective within the discipline and contributes to the spread of a false image of Ancient Mesopotamian women and their lives. Not only is it highly unlikely that any of the analysed terms actually signify menstruation, but the very notion of ‘impurity’, which is indeed a significant part of the words’ meaning, is interpreted in a modern, stereotypically negative sense that most certainly is not reflective of the Mesopotamian perception of the concept.
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Beetlejuice – En översättning. En översättning. En översättning. : Om musikalöversättning enligt femkampsprincipenÖsterlund, Linda January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats utforskar jag det komplexa i musikalöversättning, med min egen översättning av ett urval av sånger från Beetlejuice: The Musical. The Musical. The Musical. (2019) som underlag. I min översättningskommentar presenterar och utvärderar jag fyra olika strategier som jag har använt för att översätta rim i källtexten. Jag använder mig av Peter Lows skoposbaserade femkampsprincip (The Pentathlon principle) för att analysera mina översättningsval i förhållande till principens fem kriterier sångbarhet, innebörd, naturlighet, rytm och rim, med ett särskilt fokus på hur rim interagerar med de andra fyra kriterierna. / In this essay I explore the complexities of musical theatre song translation, using my own translations of a selection of songs from Beetlejuice: The Musical. The Musical. The Musical. (2019) as a case study. In my commentary I present and evaluate four different strategies I have used to translate rhymes in the source text. I use Peter Low's skopos-based Pentathlon principle to analyse my translation choices in regard to the five criteria of the principle, namely singability, sense, naturalness, rhythm and rhyme, with special focus on how rhymes interact with the other four criteria.
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Transcreation in Translation : A study of the use and importance of transcreation in the Swedish translations of English marketing slogans / Transkreation i översättning : En studie av användande och relevans av transkreation vid översättandet av reklamslogans från engelska till svenskaNyberg, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the importance of transcreation in the translation of marketing slogans and how experience is pivotal when translating. The overall aim is to offer an insight into how professional and non-professional translators tackle translation problems in the form of rhetorical devices common to marketing language. The thesis analyses translation strategies and text functions in translations collected from participants with varying backgrounds in translation and show that participants with more experience and/or education in translation take more creative freedom in transferring the source slogans’ messages and functions. The study furthermore conducted a questionnaire with a small test group to gauge the target audience response to the collected translations. The result indicates a preference for transcreated translations over literal translations, highlighting the importance of audience awareness when translating slogans. Overall, the thesis provides insight into transcreative translation’s relevance and highlights the complexity of translation. / Denna uppsats undersöker vikten av transkreation i översättningen av reklamslogans, samt hur erfarenhet är avgörande vid översättning. Det övergripande målet är att ge en inblick i hur professionella och icke-professionella översättare hanterar översättningsproblem i form av retoriska medel som är vanligt förekommande i marknadsföringsspråk. Uppsatsen analyserar översättningsstrategier och textfunktion i översättningar som har samlats in från deltagare med olika bakgrund inom översättning och visar att deltagarna med mer erfarenhet och/eller utbildning inom översättning tar sig större kreativ frihet när de överför källsloganernas budskap och funktioner. I studien genomfördes dessutom en enkät med en liten testgrupp för att mäta målpublikens reaktion på de insamlade översättningarna. Resultatet visar att de föredrar transkreativa översättningar framför direktöversättningar, vilket understryker vikten av att vara medveten om målgruppen när man översätter slogans. Sammantaget ger avhandlingen en inblick i den transkreativa översättningens relevans samtidigt som den belyser verksamhetens komplexitet.
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Enhetlig lokaliseringsstrategi för plattformsöverskridande apputveckling : En studie av tekniska förutsättningar och utmaningar / Unified localization strategy for cross-platform app development : A study of technical prerequisites and challengesEriksson, Isak, Hersinger, Petter January 2024 (has links)
In this study, we investigate the cross-platform localization practices, emphasizing the synergy of Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation (GILT) within a multilingual context. Our methodology intertwines a literature review and interviews with localization professionals from diverse companies tackling crossplatform localizations. Our findings indicate a reliance on a range of digital tools yet highlight a need for further research. The study culminates in a classification of different types of challenges, and strategic recommendations to refine localization efforts across platforms.Key challenges include technical maturity differences between small and large companies, the necessity for standardization, and the complexity of managing multilingual content. Smaller firms often struggle with resource limitations and manual processes, prone to errors and inconsistencies. In contrast, larger organizations generally utilize sophisticated systems enabling efficient and scalable localizations.Recommendations emphasize early internationalization to ease future language additions, centralization to ensure consistency, and automation by integrating localization platforms with existing codebases. Continuous education is also crucial for all involved to enhance their understanding and capabilities.
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Hur översätts naturen? : En kritisk diskursanalys av de svenska miljömålen / How is nature translated? : A critical discourse analysis of the Swedish environmental quality goalsBjörkman, Elvira January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has overseen the implementation, evaluation and development of the environmental political decisions in Sweden since 1967. In 1999 one “generation goal” (the general direction of the environmental politics) and fifteen “environmental quality goals” was installed to guide their work, in 2005 a sixteenth goal was instated. These goals (except for one) are supposed to be met in 2020. This is a study from a communication perspective of these goals and The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s role based on the theoretical concepts issue arena, stakeholder thinking, network, translation and mass communication. The method used is critical discourse analysis which focuses on how we understand, relate to and value different aspects of reality. The way political goals about the environment are written has implications on our relationship with nature and how we choose to govern it. The analysis shows, in line with previous studies on environmental policy documents, that the economical and human-centred discourses dominate. Ecological metaphors and expressions are mostly allowed within the discourse ecological modernisation. What differs from previous studies is that the growth discourse and the neo-liberal discourse are somewhat challenged and that the economical and human-centred discourses are questioned in some cases. The main conclusions are that more ecological discourse should be implemented in the translations of the political goals to gradually change the way we value and relate to nature and thereby create solutions that are sustainable long term. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency also should not back away from expressing the ethical responsibilities we have to restore and protect nature.
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Inertia and practice change related to greenhouse gas reduction : Essays on institutional entrepreneurship and translation in Swedish agri-foodStål, Herman January 2014 (has links)
To avoid dangerous climate change a massive reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is required in a relative short time span. However, as development is moving in the wrong direction, there appears to be great inertia in changing activities. This dissertation’s overarching purpose is, from an institutional perspective, to advance the understanding of greenhouse gas-related inertia, as well as change, in industrial agri-activities. This purpose is addressed in four individual but related papers and an introductory chapter. A case study methodology is utilized to advance knowledge regarding greenhouse gas-related inertia and change. Two change initiatives involving the Swedish Board ofAgriculture, the designated expert authority on agricultural matters, were chosen and explored with qualitative methods. The first case consisted of a project to create at an Action Plan, a policy suggestion regarding strategies to reduce emissions from agriculture. The second case focused on the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s co-owned agricultural extension service, Greppa Näringen. More specifically, the case consisted of the provision of climate advice to farmers. The analyses of the initiatives focused on assessing, discussing and explaining the types of change advanced within them. The papers show how and why convergent rather than divergent change was pursued, describing different mechanisms generating this inertia. / För att undvika farliga klimatförändringar krävs massiva minskningar av växthusgasutsläpp på relativt kort tid. Detta kan inte uppnås utan omfattande förändringar av utsläppsintensiva aktiviteter. Det förefaller dock finnas en stor tröghet avseende detta, eftersom utvecklingen går i fel riktning. Såväl tröghet som förändring kan analyseras på olika nivåer, och den industriella nivån är speciellt relevant eftersom industriella aktiviteter bidrar med stora utsläpp. I detta sammanhang är primärproduktion av livsmedel av relativ betydelse, både med anledning av utsläppens storlek och produktionens betydelse för mänsklighetens överlevnad. För att förstå de ofta värdeladdade och idédrivna beteendena involverade i miljörelaterade förändringsprocesser använder jag mig av institutionell teori, en icke-reduktionistisk organisationsteori innehållande ett antal, i sammanhanget passande begrepp. Jag kombinerar institutionell teori med en positionering i det ”starka” hållbarhetsparadigmet, vilket ger ett analytiskt ramverk som betonar betydelsen av divergent, snarare än konvergent, förändring av industriell praktik. Följaktligen är denna avhandlings syfte att, ur ett institutionellt perspektiv, öka förståelsen av tröghet och förändring, relaterat till växthusgasutsläpp och industriella jordbruksaktiviteter. Syftet adresseras i fyra individuella men relaterade papper och en inledande kappa. Kappan presenterar det teoretiska ramverket, metoden, en översikt över artiklarna och en avslutande diskussion av artiklarnas sammanlagda bidrag i relation till litteraturen och avhandlingens syfte. Avhandlingen använder en fallstudie metodologi för att öka förståelsen av tröghet och förändring relaterat till växthusgasutsläpp. Två förändringsinitiativ relaterade till Statens jordbruksverk, expertmyndigheten på jordbruksområdet, valdes ut och utforskades med kvalitativa metoder. Bägge dessa initiativ riktade sig specifikt emot primärproduktion, där de största utsläppen sker. Det första fallet utgjordes av ett projekt för att skapa en handlingsplan: ett förslag på strategier för att reducera utsläpp från jordbruket. Det andra fallet fokuserade på Jordbruksverkets rådgivningsorganisation, Greppa Näringen, och utgjordes av klimatrådgivning riktat mot lantbrukare. Analysen av fallen sökte bedöma, diskutera och förklara den typ av förändring som eftersträvades. Resultaten har beskrivits i de fyra artiklarna, där de två första koncentrerade sig på studiet av handlingsplanen och de två senare på klimatrådgivningen. Artiklarna visar hur och varför som konvergent, snarare än divergent, förändring eftersträvades, genom att beskriva olika mekanismer som skapar denna tröghet. Konvergent förändring inbegriper ett fokus på effektivitet eller rådande politiska mål snarare än att minska förekomsten av utsläppsintensiva aktiviteter. I diskussionen av artiklarnas sammanlagda resultat föreslås att förändringsinitiativen bidrar till tröghet inom industrin genom att påverka öppenheten och motivationen gentemot divergent förändring hos andra aktörer. Avhandlingen bidrar till hållbarhetsfältet genom att ge en institutionell analys av tröghet och förändring på industriell nivå, vilket visar på hur begreppen konvergent/divergent förändring kan användas för att utforska hållbarhetsfrågor. Genom detta exempel kan förändringsprocesser i andra industrier inbegripande andra hållbarhetsfrågor förstås bättre. Utöver detta bidrar avhandlingen till institutionell teori, mer specifikt till diskussionen rörande hållbart entreprenörskap och institutionella logiker. Det förstnämnda bidraget inkluderar förbättrad förståelse av möjliggörande såväl som institutionellt entreprenörskap i fält karakteriserade av institutionell komplexitet, medan det sistnämnda utgörs av konceptualiseringen av konkurrerande institutionella logiker och deras inflytande på översättning.
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