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台灣汽車電子產業價值創新與競爭策略以A車電公司為例 / Innovation and competition strategy of Taiwan's automotive electronics industry : a case study of A technology corporation吳憲忠, Wu, Hsien Chung Unknown Date (has links)
汽車產業是僅次於房地產最大產業,去年(2016)全球小型車輛(Light Duty)新車銷售量已突破九千萬輛,來到九千零四十萬輛。汽車的發明使得人與人之間的距離縮短到極致。長期以來,汽車一直只是單純的交通工具,頂多就是將冷氣和音響裝到汽車上,讓駕駛較為舒適、不致無聊。然而,隨著資訊電子技術發展一日千里,資訊電子已快速取代以傳統機械為主的汽車零配件成為汽車提升性能、效率、安全,以及娛樂功能的最重要推動力,也使汽車愈來愈高科技化。如今,汽車各類電子已經廣泛應用在汽車上,這些電子晶片不只用來偵測車體行進時的狀態與傾角、引擎轉速與溫度調節、燃料噴射、自動變速、輪胎壓力等各項基本參數,其他像是讓倒車更安全的倒車雷達、不須要鑰匙就能開車門的指紋辨識防盜系統、即使在高速公路上奔馳也能上網的行動無線寬頻網路、以及車內多媒體影音娛樂系統、GPS衛星導航等等,都是靠電子零組件才能運作。
汽車電子化被認為是汽車技術發展進程中的一次革命,汽車電子化的程度被看作是現代汽車水平的重要標誌,是用來開發新車型,改進汽車性能最重要的技術措施。汽車業者增加汽車電子設備的數量、促進汽車電子化是奪取未來汽車市場的重要的有效手段。汽車電子產品市場將在汽車產業發展的保障下穩步發展,各類汽車電子產品在汽車中的普及率將持續提高,隨著未來汽車市場的快速發展和汽車電子的價值含量迅速提高,汽車電子產業將形成巨大的經濟規模效應,且汽車電子產品占汽車的成本亦將進一步提高。汽車電子會成為全球資訊業者矚目的焦點,在於電子零配件佔汽車生產成本比例日益升高以及全球汽車電子產業的高度成長。根據工研院IEK統計,2013年全球汽車電子產品市場約1,670億美元,預估到了2019年將倍增達3,011億美元。全球汽車電子產業持續加溫,再加上法規對節能、安全的日益要求、消費者對舒適、對信息娛樂的需求、電動車、無人駕駛等的崛起將大大地刺激對汽車電子未來的成長。這些數據顯示,隨著傳統 3C電子產業的成長逐漸趨緩之際,汽車已成為對電子零組件需求增加最快的一個產業。
長年以來,政府政策以及台灣廠商主要以3C電子代工市場為定位,享受經濟規模的好處,但產業發展已進入成熟期。高科技產業在高競爭壓力及低毛利的挑戰下,普遍壓縮了獲利的成長空間,電子代工業者紛紛陷入削價競爭的紅海,再加上中國政府對當地電子企業的支持,在資金、資源甚至法令上對當地企業有無比的助益,形成優勢,使得台灣電子產業在內外環境夾擊下更難擴展。汽車電子在台灣琢磨不多,乃是由於汽車電子經濟規模小,對技術、品質要求較一般電子高出甚多且進入門檻高,需要很冗長的開發與投資,是昔日造成台灣企業不願進入的主因。因此,台灣汽車電子產業在國際間是較為陌生的,大部份的技術都被國際大廠或原車廠所掌握。近年來台灣企業以及政府已慢慢了解到全球車輛電子化所帶來的商機,並可為台灣的電子產業於全球汽車電子產業上占有一席之地。車輛電子產業則為台灣3C 產業(Computer, Communication, Consumer Electronics)帶來了創造高利潤空間之曙光,成為另一令人矚目之第4C 產業(Car)。但是因車輛產業有其特殊的供應鏈生態,以及高安全可靠度要求,因此要如何跨足車輛電子,是台灣科技產業中最熱門的話題之一。
本論文著重在車輛電子零組件、模組產品並以台灣上櫃廠商A公司為例,如何進如嚴苛的汽車電子市場及其進入OE(Original Equipment)之策略,避免紅色供應鏈創造藍海市場及價值。A公司成立於1998年,從事車用電子二極體製造,全球市占率超過51%,第二、三、四名依次為德國BOSCH,日本日立(Hitachi), 日本Sanken電氣。此四家已佔全球新車市場95%以上用量,形成寡占市場生態體系。在A公司未進入此市場前,車用二極體之霸主為德國BOSCH。然而,A公司創立不過十餘年,對汽車產業來說只是初生之苗,如何在短短十年內於嚴苛的車電市場中取得領先地位以贏擊國際大廠,其競爭優勢、戰略戰術策略、經營方向是本論文研究重點之一。再者,A公司近年著手於研發節能環保之新世代電子產品,以期更有效能的電子產品被開發出來。在未來新汽車電子市場中,A公司如何能再創新優勢,其是否能延續既有的競爭策略或有不同戰略作法與國際大廠一較天下,確實值得深入討論。藉由A公司經驗,以國際汽車環境、法規要求、技術、安全性、未來產品發展趨勢、環保節能等各個面向所採取的宏觀策略來提供或建議台灣廠商現有或新進入者如何能切入此汽車電子的利基市場,提出未來台灣汽車電子零組件產業發展方向、影響關鍵零組件主要因素之變化、產業可能面臨問題與解決對策等,以及其所要面對的問題與挑戰提供建議與策略,藉以提供政府相關單位或民間企業在做未來長期計劃政策訂定或商業決策時的參考,並期望能促進台灣廠商在汽車電子產業形成強而有力的供應鏈生態網。 / The automotive industry is becoming the second largest industry in the world. The new car sales of global small vehicles have exceeded 90 million, arriving to 90.4 million in year 2016. The invention of the automobile shortens the distance between people. The automobile has always been just a simple transport for a long time, and it just installs the air-conditioner and audio to the car to make driving more comfortable, not be boring. However, with the rapid development of electronics technology, it has been not only replaced the traditional mechanical-based auto parts but also become the most important driving force to enhance automobiles’ performance, efficiency, safety, and entertainment functions that is making more and more high-tech of automobile. Nowadays, all kinds of electronic vehicles have been widely used in the car, these electronic chips are not only used to detect the moving vehicle of its state and tilt, engine speed and temperature regulation, fuel injection, automatic transmission, tire pressure and other basic parameters. The other vehicle systems like reversing radar, fingerprint identification system, the Internet mobile wireless network on the highway, multimedia entertainment system, GPS satellite Navigation and so on are all relying on electronic components to operate it.
Automotive electronics is considered a revolution in the development of automotive technology, it is seen as an important indicator of modern vehicle level, using to develop new models, improve the performance of the most important vehicle technical measures. It is an important and effective measure to increase the number of automotive electronic equipment, promote the automotive electronics by automobile manufacturers in order to seize the automobile market in the future. The prevalence of all types of automotive electronics products will continue to increase based on the rapid development in the future of auto market and increase of automotive electronics’ value. Automotive electronics will become the focus in the global information industry due to the increasing proportion of electronic components in automobile production costs, and high growth of the global automotive electronics industry. The auto electronics parts is estimated to account for $ 3,705 in 2015,and increases more than 65% in the total cost of production of an automobile. As for the overall market value is even more astonishing. The global automotive electronics market in 2013 is about 1,670 billion US dollars, and it is estimated to 301.1 billion US dollars according to IEK statistics. The automotive electronics will greatly growth in the future because of the continuing development of the global automotive electronics industry, regulation for energy efficiency and safety, consumer demand for comfort and entertainment, electric cars and unmanned driving, etc. These data show that the automobile electronic components has become the fastest growing industry.
For many years, government policy and Taiwanese manufacturers is mainly to focus on 3C electronic foundry market, enjoying the benefits of economies scale, but this industry development has already entered a mature period. The electronic foundry industry has plunged into low-price Red Ocean competition because of the high pressure competition and low-margin challenges in high-tech industry, and with China government's support for local electronics companies. All of these factors make Taiwan electronics industry hard to expand it. Taiwan enterprises are unwilling to enter the field of automotive electronics due to the small size of the automotive electronics economy, technology and quality requirements are much higher than general electronic. In addition, it needs a long time to develop and invest because of high threshold entrance. Therefore, Taiwan's automotive electronics industry is relatively unfamiliar in the international market because most of the technologies are possessed by international automakers or the original equipment.
In recent years, Taiwan enterprises and the government have gradually understood the global automotive electronics will bring some business opportunities, and it would hold a portion of global automotive electronics for Taiwan's electronics industry. The automotive electronics industry not only creates another road for Taiwan’s 3C industry but also becomes the 4C industry (Car). However, the automobile industry has its special supply chain ecology as well as high security and reliability requirements, so how to cross the automotive electronics is one of the most popular topics in Taiwan's technology industry.
The emphasis of this research paper is on the automotive electronics components and modules, using A Technology Corporation, an OTC company as an example, explaining how to enter into the strict automotive electronics market and the strategies to enter the OE automotives, in order to prevent Red Oceans in supply chain and create values in Blue Oceans. A Technology Corporation was established in November, 1998. Its main product automotive diode stands more than 51% global market share, followed by Germany’s Bosch, Japan’s Hitachi, and Japan’s Sanken. These top 4 suppliers monopolize above 95% of all diodes globally in this oligopoly market. Germany’s Bosch had stood above 50% market share before A Technology Corporation entered the market. With merely 10 years in the auto industry, A Technology Corporation could still be considered as an infant. Another key of this research paper is to explain how A Technology Corporation obtained the leading position, winning over international well known manufacturers, achieving competitive advantage through effective strategy, methodology, tactics, and operations. Furthermore, over recent years A Technology Corporation has been focusing especially more on the development of advanced electronics applications for the new generation in environmental protection and new energy technology for better efficiency.
In the future of the new automotive electronics market, how A Technology Corporation can re-invent and re-innovate to create new advantages through current competitive strategy or different strategic approach to compete with other international manufacturers, is a topic worthy of discussion. With A Technology Corporation’s experience in automotive regulatory requirements, technology, security, product trends, environmental protection and energy conservation, A Technology Corporation can help offer recommendations to other Taiwan manufacturers or new entrant on how to enter this niche market. A Technology Corporation can also provide advice and strategic directions on future development of the automotive electronics to government agencies and private enterprises, including the impact of change on key components and the challenges this industry faces and potential solutions, for long-term policy planning or decision-making, in turn, promoting Taiwan manufacturers in the automotive electronics industry to form a strong supply chain and network.
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中共對港政策之研究:1997∼2000 / The Research of People of China's policy to Hong Kong: 1997-2000施逸銘, Yi-Ming Shih Unknown Date (has links)
一、 中共對港政策反映中共領導人對香港的政治考量。
二、 中共對港政策受國際、大陸本身、香港本地政經結構以及對台統戰考量等因素之影響。
三、 以「一國兩制」模式整合大陸與香港的政治、經濟、社會、文化面,至目前而言,大致順暢,惟有些許個案對未來整合的影響,有待觀察。
四、 國際對「一國兩制」香港模式,大致持正面評價,惟較擔憂司法獨立遭破壞。
五、 港人對「一國兩制」模式雖不滿意但無奈地接受。
六、 在中共對台統戰考量之下,台港關係易因政治議題受阻,經貿往來較易合作。
七、 多數國人對「一國兩制」模式適用在台灣仍持反對,惟台灣及大陸的經濟發展情況、大陸對香港及台灣的友善與否,影響台灣居民對「一國兩制」模式的支持與否。
第一章 序論………………………………………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究理論與研究機構…………………………………………………… 3
第三節 研究方法………………………………………………………………… 9
第二章 中共對港政策之歷史背景……………………………………………… 10
第一節 長期打算,充分利用時期:一九四九~一九七九…………………… 10
第二節 「一國兩制」理論形成時期:一九七九~一九八四………………… 13
第三節 組織推動時期:一九八四~…………………………………………… 17
第三章 中共對港決策過程與機制……………………………………………… 21
第一節 參與對港決策的黨組織系統…………………………………………… 21
第二節 參與決策的政府組織系統……………………………………………… 23
第三節 黨政組織的權力運作…………………………………………………… 45
第四章 影響中共對港政策之因素……………………………………………… 51
第一節 國際政經結構因素……………………………………………………… 51
第二節 中共政經結構因素……………………………………………………… 55
第三節 香港政經結構因素……………………………………………………… 62
第四節 對台統戰考量因素……………………………………………………… 68
第五章 「一國兩制」實施的評估………………………………………………… 72
第一節 政治社會面的整合……………………………………………………… 72
第二節 經濟文化面的整合……………………………………………………… 97
第三節 國際對香港移交後情勢之評估………………………………………… 107
第四節 港人對香港移交後之民意趨向………………………………………… 119
第六章 中華民國對「一國兩制」香港模式的反應:
對台統戰之評估………………………………………………………… 123
第一節 中共處理「九七」後香港涉台問題原則……………………………… 123
第二節 中共利用香港對台統戰之原則及管道………………………………… 126
第三節 我方對一國兩制之評估………………………………………………… 144
第七章 結論………………………………………………………………………… 146
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平台型開放式企業的形塑過程:i mode 與 blade.org 個案探討 / Formation of the open platform:case studies of i-mode and blade.org黃繼平, Huang, Ji Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在文獻探討的部分,把焦點放在三大議題上:開放式創新、平台企業、協作社群。吾人試圖尋找這些互異現象的整合架構,從學者的文獻中規納理論架構,找出形塑「開放平台」的重要面向,分別是「核化」與「拔尖」。接著以NTT DoCoMo從1990年代開始發展的i-mode平台,以及IBM在2005年成立的Blade.org社群作為分析個案,用以證實該理論架構的可行性。
最後,本論文歸納出以下結論:首先,企業建構平台時,須運用組織內部資源,但擺脫組織惰性;其次,當企業本身對平台控制程度高時,由企業來形塑平台的使命陳述。企業本身對平台的控制程度低時,平台需要有替代機制,為平台擬定發展方向;第三,發展平台須掌握最小限度的控制,最大程度的發揮;第四,尋求外部連結必須儘量跨越產業,讓平台有更多不同的應用,使平台擴大;第五,平台的形塑過程是個動態過程。 / Management scholars claim the business environment has been dramatically change since the end of 20th century. Enterprises have to respond the transformation of such environment in order to pursue the sustainable advantage and constant deveplopment. To adapt to the dynamic and using knowledge efficiently and effective, enterprise has changed from bureaucracy to networking and cross-boundary organization, which are the so-call platform or community type organization. In the meantime, enterprises gradually find out that they are unable to deal with all the ideas, human resources and corporate assets. Instead, they have to cross the boundary, seek assistance from outside innovators. New type of organization is going to emerge, especially in the knowledge-intensive or high technology industries. Taiwan is world-famous for its development of high technology industry. Also, networking connections among the high-tech companies are widely expanding all over the world. Therefore, it is expectable that the new type of organization will be formed in Taiwan in the near future, and it worthwhile for us to pay attention to the trend.
In the content of this paper, the literature review is primarily focused three major issues: open innovation, platform enterprises and collaborative communities. This paper has tried to put the three different kinds of system into an integrated framework, together with inclusion from the scholars' theories, to conclude that an open platform can be formed in two dimensions. These two dimensions are called "coring" and "tipping". To conduct a case study, the research also chose for purpose of analysis and attempted to prove the feasibility of the integrated framework. The cases were obtained from business operational phenomena of companies respectively: i-mode which is owned by NTT DoCoMo, and Blade.org, which is owned by IBM.
The research came to the conclusions in five aspects. First, while building the open platform, enterprise should manipulate the resource of the existing business and try to shed the inertia as well as the bureaucracy. Second, a platform leader has to mould the mission statement for the platform controlled by the leader in a great degree. If the platform is not close to the leader, the leader has to create a substitute institution to replace the function of the leader. Third, a manager has to maintain minimum control to facilitate the members of the platform to develop the function and performance heartily by their own. Fourth, a platform leader should try its best to connect with the outside innovation across the industries and develop various applications for easy access. Fifth, formation of the open platform is always a dynamic process.
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台灣與中國出國留學比較 / The comparison of studying abroad between Taiwan and China羅芳倩 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper sets out from Taiwan and China’s overseas students’ numbers, countries and majors, and is aimed at the return situation and the contribution of overseas return students for further study and comparison. The research is of the opinion that because the rise of China and the reformed opening-up, the Chinese Government even places more importance on studying abroad students. Similarly, those students are even more patriotic feeling and sense of missions for their motherland. So they hope in the future they are able to return home after graduation to contribute what they had studied. Because of this, the China studying abroad students and overseas return students are increasing every year.
In recent years, because Taiwan Institutes for enrollments have a substantial increase; thus, the number of Taiwan studying abroad students is far less than the number of China studying abroad students. Taking the international advanced technology, culture and management knowledge and experience back to their countries is the largest contribution to the study of education. Therefore, in the face of Taiwan students to choose to stay at home study, in fact, it will have a negative impact on Taiwan’s international competitiveness in the future. The research shows that if the number of Taiwanese studying abroad remains in the doldrums, then, the cultivation of international talents of Taiwan might occurred the fault.
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選擇權賣方跨式與勒式交易策略之探討--以台指選擇權為例 / A study of straddle and strangle strategies: evidence from TAIEX options王祈凱, Wang, Chi Kai Unknown Date (has links)
Straddles and strangles are common trading strategies introduced in a lot of textbooks and are widely used for option market participants. However, to our knowledge, we might not know how these trades should be designed, which trades are preferable, and how they are constructed in practice. Thus, we want to apply and discuss straddles and strangles as our trading strategies to the practical market. In our research paper, focusing on the time value and finding some profitable strategies are the two important concepts of our straddles and strangles. Being a sell side to earn the time value is our main goal. Although we may take higher risk, time value decay is helpful for us. The research focuses on straddles and strangles by using historical data of TAIEX futures and options. We use the closing price and settlement price as our trading price from data period January 2005 to December 2010. We also compare two different situations, holding positions to maturity and early offset condition, to our straddles and strangles.
The findings show that the straddle strategies have positive earnings by holding positions to maturity, and 3 out of 4 strangle strategies have the same results. We can indeed earn the time value as a seller because time value decays quickly for the last seven days of the options contracts. After considering the early offset condition, the profitability of the ATM straddle and strangles become worse. We might easily fall into a trap in which the index futures price fluctuates greatly for a few days and comes back to the normal level on the settlement date. Therefore, we encounter loss due to selling low and buying high so that the trading performance is poor compared with the positions held to the end.
Key words: Straddle Strategy, Strangle Strategy, Time Value, Settlement, Early Offset, TAIEX Options, TAIEX Futures
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台灣大學生社會背景、個人才情和專業選擇的關係 / Social origins, personal profiles, and college majors;"台灣大學生社會背景個人才情和專業選擇的關係"吳黃旭 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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糖尿病併發症的醫療成本估算 : 以台灣醫療給付改善方案的大血管及腎臟併發症為例 / Estimation of medical costs of diabetes-associated complications : a case of macrovascular and kidney diseases based on pay-for-performance programme in Taiwan勞春煥 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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金融合併之績效分析~以台北銀行與富邦銀行為例劉芬蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣原住民族的民族自覺脈絡研究—以原住民族文學為素材分析(1980、90年代)童信智 Unknown Date (has links)
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日據時期檢閱制度下的台灣左翼文學徐千邦 Unknown Date (has links)
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