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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中共「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略之研究 / Studies on the PRC’s“ Anti-Access and Area-Denial” Strategy

慎炳倫, Shen, Pin Luen Unknown Date (has links)
中共一直沒有放棄以武力作為解決「臺灣問題」的選項,「統一臺灣」是中共建軍備戰主要目標之一,而國軍自然是共軍的主要假想敵。但是在1996年美國派遣兩支航母戰鬥群干預臺海軍事危機後,使中共體認美軍才是解決「臺灣問題」的最強大對手,開始深入思考如何阻止擁有高科技優勢的美軍介入臺海軍事衝突。防止美軍在中國大陸周邊地區進行作戰行動,是目前中共軍事現代化的主要發展方向,美國官學界將其稱為「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略,一時之間已成為研究中共軍事發展者之主要觀察指標。 中共「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略的主要著眼,在於建構能防止美國運用軍力涉入中國大陸周邊事務的能力,中共相信即使強大如美軍也不可能擁有全方位的優勢,其「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略主要依據地理環境、地緣戰略、美軍作戰特性及弱點等要素,並憑藉共軍數量與質量俱增的現代化武器,希望在西太平洋地區可能的軍事衝突中壓制美軍的作戰行動,或迫使美軍由較遠的基地發起軍事行動,並且阻止美軍後續的兵力增援,這可能使美軍在西太平洋作戰中遭到中共擊敗,或是迫使美國付出其不願意承擔的重大代價,此將導致中共可以達成其軍事和政治目標,同時也阻止美國全部或部分的軍事和政治目標。 中共軍力在「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略的帶動下快速成長,使美軍在西太平洋地區面臨重大挑戰和風險,並使美國區域盟邦有遭受侵略或被迫接受強制手段之虞,美軍為因應中共的挑戰,已確立「空海一體戰」的新型作戰概念,並著手發展相關能力。「空海一體戰」係以美軍現有軍力優勢為基礎,再經由西太平洋軍力部署的重組、海空作戰力量的整合、新型武器裝備的研發,並且加強與盟邦的軍事合作,希望建構一個多層次立體作戰體系,俾遏制中共的軍事擴張。在中、美兩強「反介入與區域拒止」和「空海一體戰」軍事戰略的競逐下,臺灣的自處之道和所應扮演的角色,亦為吾人應予深思的課題。 / The People’s Republic of China has never given up the use of military force as an option to solve the “Taiwan issue”, and the “unification with Taiwan” has also been one of the PLA’s objectives in its military buildup, which naturally makes the ROC military as the PLA’s hypothetical enemy. However, after the US sending two of its aircraft carrier battle groups to intervene a military crisis across the Taiwan Strait in 1996, the PRC started to realize that US military is its strongest opponent in solving the Taiwan issue and began to think how to deny the high-tech US military force from stepping into a military confrontation across the Taiwan strait. The prevention of US military operation in surrounding areas of China has been leading the modernization of China’s military, and officials and academia in the US have been calling this phenomenon “anti-access and area-denial” strategy which all of a sudden becomes an observation index when studying the PRC’s military development. The main focus of China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy is to develop the capability of preventing the US military from intervening affairs taking place in surrounding areas of China. China believes that no matter how powerful the US military is, it is unable to gain a comprehensive advantage in this region. By the PLA’s increasing modernized weapons, the anti-access and area-denial strategy, based on the geographic environment, geostrategy, and characteristics and weakness of the US military, aims to suppress US military activities in possible military conflicts in the western Pacific region, or to compel the US military to launch its force from bases further away and to stop its reinforcement. The success of this strategy will make the US military be defeated by the PLA or force the US to pay a price that it is unwilling to afford, and then China is able to achieve its military and political objectives and at the same time stops the US, entirely or partially, from achieving its military and political objectives. The anti-access and area-denial strategy has led to a rapid military development in China, which poses a great challenge and risk to the US military in the western Pacific region and makes allies of the US in this region in the fear of being invaded or coerced. In responding to China’s challenges, the US military has developed a new operational concept -- “AirSea Battle” and begins the development relating to this new concept. The “AirSea Battle” concept, building on current US military supremacy and the integration of air-sea combat powers as well as the reorganization of US force in the western Pacific region and the development of new weapons, looks to enhance the military cooperation between the US and its allies to establish a multilevel operation system which is able to contain Chinese military expansion. Amid the competition between China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy and US “AirSea Battle” concept, Taiwan’s responses and the role that Taiwan should play is a subject that we must deliberate thoroughly.

我國房地分離相關爭議問題之研究-兼論立法改革芻議 / The Study on the Disputes of Separatin Disposition of Building and Land in Taiwan: Preliminary Trial for Legislative Reforms

許凱翔 Unknown Date (has links)
在我國仍採行房地得為分離並得為分別交易之基本規制下,尋求我國民法中所有與控管房地分離有關之條文規範,加以統整並藉此歸納出該等規範之共同核心與立法意旨,乃勢在必行,如此始能覷見立法者現今之改革方向與立法理念,對於實務既有問題爭議之處理上方有一棲身之地,俾利吾人提出合理之解決模式。 條文規範中大體包括有事前手段與事後手段兩種規制,所稱事前手段,乃土地與其上建築物之一體化處分規範,以事先禁止土地與其上建築物分別為交易來防止後續產生房地分離之結果;所稱事後手段,乃指一旦土地與其上建築物為分別交易後,透過一些權利賦予之方式,例如優先購買權或土地利用權,來達到建築物仍得繼續存續於土地上,不致令建築物之附著於土地失其權源。而此二種規制,究其目的不外乎「房屋所有權與基地利用權一體化之體現」,惟此理念是否全然反映在我國之立法上,又是否有再加強之空間,即為本文所欲著墨之處,亦期能對我國關於房地之立法提供若干貢獻。 其次,我國實務上發生眾多「基地借貸」之案件,關於此一議題我國學說與實務難得聚焦而同為討論,相關文獻資料繁多,為解決此類案件提供相當多元之思考面向,本文亦參酌各家學說,於細細比較分析之後亦有若干研究心得之提出,希冀能提供我國法院於處理此類案件時有更多之觀點。


呂政倚, Lu,Cheng-I Unknown Date (has links)


張建隆 Unknown Date (has links)
反壟斷法(我國為公平交易法)上的效率抗辯,是指經營者通過證明結合的效率效果足以抵消或超過反競爭效果而取得反壟斷法豁免。“減損競爭”和“促進效率”這兩大因素的權衡是企業結合反壟斷控制的核心內容。 第一章為引言部分,提出本文的研究動機,並對研究方法、研究限制及論文大綱進行簡要介紹。在第二章介紹效率抗辯定義,及反壟斷法視野下普遍被接受的主要效率類型。第三章對效率抗辯制度在歐美國家的發展作了回顧。第四章則是利用經濟分析方法,計算反競爭效果,再比較分析實質性減少競爭標準和嚴重妨礙有效競爭標準之差異。第五章分三部份,第5.1章提及普遍被採納的效率抗辯模式,主要係一體分析模式、抵消分析模式和混合分析模式三種。並建議基於我國國情和《公平交易法》的相關規定,我國宜採用混合分析模式。第5. 2章就效率抗辯制度的適用標準而言,主要有價格標準、消費者剩餘標準、總剩餘標準和權重平衡標準。第5. 3章建議確立效率抗辯制度的證明標準、證明方法。尤其,就效率抗辯制度的適用條件而言,主要有效率為集中所特有、效率的及時性、效率的可證實性、在壟斷或接近壟斷的集中案件不應適用等要件。第六章建議我國明確建立安全港標準,凡屬於安全港範圍的結合不再作進一步審查。第七章綜合上述的結論,試著對我國效率抗辯制度建立提供建議 。 關鍵字:效率抗辯、事業結合、實質性減少競爭標準、嚴重妨礙有效競爭標準、抵消分析、一體分析、混合分析、價格標準、消費者福利標準、總剩餘標準、權重平衡標準 / The efficiency plea on the antitrust law refers that the intensified efficiency effect proved by the operator is sufficient to set off or stronger than the anti-competition effect so as to be exempted by the antitrust law. Competition impairment and efficiency promotion are two factors need to be traded off during the anti-monopoly control on concentration for business operators. Chapter One presents the motive , approach, framework, scope and limitations of the paper. Chapter Two introduces the definition of efficiency and the main types of efficiency which includes production efficiency, allocative efficiency, dynamic efficiency and other efficiencies. Chapter Three provides a brief history of efficiency plea practices in Europe and the United States . Chapter 4 tries to compare the Substantial Lessening of Competition test (SLC) with Significantly Impedes Effective Competition test (SIEC ) standards and try to prove the SIEC is suitable for our country. Chapter 4 also attempts to analyze anti-competitive effects of mergers by using economic analysis methods. Chapter Five is divided into three sections. Section one analyzes the main types of efficiency defense system models, including the integrated analysis model, offset analysis model and mixed analysis model. Considering the actual situation in our country and in accordance with regulations by the Antitrust Law of Taiwan, a mixed analysis mode is suggested for application. Section two focuses on the welfare standards of price standard, consumer welfare standard, the total surplus standard and the balancing weights standard. Section three recommends that standard of proof and method of proof and types of application conditions shall be established. Especially, the main types of application conditions are efficiency specific to concentration, the timeliness of the efficiency, the verifiability of the efficiency and whether the efficiency defense system is applied in the situation of near monopoly. Chapter Six defines the relevant market and suggest Critical loss analysis should be introduced for the relevant market definition. Chapter Six also suggests to adopt the " strong safe harbor" standard which means that once undertakings belong to the safe harbor range,they will no longer be subject to further review. The final chapter tries to offer some suggestions on the establishment of efficiency defense in Taiwan . Key words: efficiency plea, concentration of undertakings, the Substantial Lessening of integrated analysis model, offset analysis model, mixed analysis model, price standard, consumer welfare standard, the total surplus standard, the balancing weights standard

論西歐婚姻法法制化起源—以第1至12世紀之世俗婚姻法(Secular Marriage Law)與教會婚姻法(The Marriage of Canon Law)之沿革及相互影響為探討中心 / The research of the origin of the West European marriage legislation—emphasized on the development and the interaction of the Secular Marriage Law and The Marriage of Canon Law

葉光洲, Chou, Yeh-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本文係為探討婚姻法學研究對西歐於文藝復興、宗教改革以及婚姻還俗運動前之婚姻法沿空白所撰。並以「世俗」及「教會」兩個角度切入,依照「羅馬帝國」(西元1-476年)、「初代教會」(1-500年)、「中世紀初期」(500-1000年)、復興改革時期(1000-1200年)之歷史沿革,探討今日婚姻法中諸如婚姻之本質、婚姻之成立、婚姻障礙、婚姻成立後之權利義務及婚姻之解消等制度之由來與發展。 首先,在羅馬帝國方面。按此時期之羅馬婚姻法對「嫁妝」著墨最多,似可顯示羅馬婚姻之重點乃在婚姻締結後對男方家族財產之重新分配,而非單純身分關係之新設、連結與延伸。在此同時,亦可察見自西元一世紀起,源自聖經之教會婚姻觀,強調婚姻之本質係「丈夫與妻子連合,兩人成為一體」之「兩人一體」關係,婚姻之成立係儀式婚,成立後,丈夫與妻子需秉持「愛與順服」彼此相待,且因婚姻為「神所結合,所以人不能分開」而衍生出婚姻不可解消之基本信念。 進入中世紀初期,「神本」之婚姻觀雖藉由散落各地之教會而廣為傳播,然而,對上層王公貴族,即使有如法蘭西之卡洛琳王朝般,與教會關係良好之政權,但一般上層階級,為維護其家族利益,繼承財產與個人私慾,對「兩人一體」之婚姻觀與「婚姻不解消」主義,仍是敬謝不敏,至多於犯罪後前住教會懺悔認罪,或在晚年進入修道院度此餘生。故中世紀初期之聖俗婚姻觀影響結果,係呈現「下聖上俗」之光景。 經歷過千禧年後,整個西歐來說似可稱為進入一個「復興改革時期」。在婚姻規範方面,或因教會改革奏效,民心歸向,且部分國王亦完全服膺教會婚姻規範,故上層階級之婚姻亦逐漸展現「由俗入聖」之趨。在婚姻法制方面,則在1140年左右由格拉濟亞,藉由教會法制史首見之科學分析方式,交出名為「不和諧教會法之調合」(Concordia discordantium canonum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons)之法令集(Decretum),其內之婚姻法案例堪稱教會婚姻法一千多年來之結晶,堪稱為西歐婚姻法制化之源頭。 綜上,本研究發現今日婚姻法之法制起源,並非僅源自於十六世紀之法國民法,而係早在十二世紀之教會婚姻法中便可窺見其萌芽之蹤影,而今日婚姻法中受教會婚姻法影響者,亦非如一般教科書所稱僅「婚姻不解消」一端,而係包括「意思婚」、「一夫一妻制」及「異性婚」,並且禁止「重婚」、「內婚」均直接或間接受十二世紀教會婚姻法之影響。 / Abstract The study was to explore the vacant development of marriage legal history before Renaissance, Religious Reformation and marriage returned to secular(movement de la sécularization du marriage) in Western Europe. Based on the four periods of history including “Roman Empire”(A.D1~A.D476),“the early church” (A.D1~A.D500), “Middle Age(A.D500~A.D1000)”, “the period of renew and reform (A.D1000~A.D1200)”, the study explored the origin and the development of today’s marriage law such as the essence, establishment, obstacle of the marriage, the right and obligation after getting marriage, and the dissolution of marriage, etc. At first, the law of marriage in Roman Empire was established on “Dos’’(dowry) a lot. It showed that the main focus of Roman marriage was on re-allotting the properties of the male’s family instead of simply reconstituting connecting and extending two persons’ relationship after getting marriage. Meanwhile from the first century, the law of marriage in the Church derived from Holy Bible emphasized the essence of marriage on the relationship of “two will became one flesh” in “A man will be united to his wife and they will become on flesh”. And through a ceremony, the marriage was established. After the ceremony, husband and wife should treat each other with love and obedience. Moreover ,the basic conviction of no dissolution after of the marriage was derived from that the marriage was established on the belief “what God has joined together ,let man not separate”. During Middle Age (A.D 500~ A.D 1000), although the churches which spread over everyplace disseminated extensively the concept of “marriage rooted in God”, the upper class of society still didn’t approve the marriage concept of “two will become one flesh” and the conviction of no dissolution of the marriage, since they wanted to safeguard their family benefits, inherit properties, and satisfy their personal desire. Even like Carolingain dynasty in France which maintained good relationship with the Church was also in the same position. The upper class most went to the church and confessed their sin after committing crime, or spent the rest of their elder life in the abbey. As a result , the marriage of the lower class was holy and the upper class was secular showed during Middle Age. To Western Europe, after millennium seemed to be called the period of renew and reformation. (A.D 1000~ A.D 1200). Since reformation in the Church showed results , the public attitude was for the Church, and some kings completely obeyed the marriage regulations of the Church, the marriage in the upper class also gradually displayed from secular to holy tendency. On the marriage legal system, Gratian composed a Decretum named “Concordia discordantium canonnum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons” in A.D.1140 . The Causae of Decretum was recognized as the excellent piece of Church one thousand years age and the origin of marriage legal system in Western Europe. The study found that the origin of today’s marriage legal system was not only derived from French Civil Law in the sixteenth century, but from marriage law in the Church in the twelfth century, And marriage law of the church in the twelfth century impacted today’s marriage law in many aspects. The influence was not only limited on the conviction of no dissolution action of the marriage as the common textbooks declared so, but directly or indirectly on the conviction of “ consensual marriage” ,“monogamy”, and on forbidding “ plural bigamy marriage” and “consanguine marriage.


劉藝文 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統分期付款,原係由出賣人提供買受人之信用交易,後來因銀行等機構介入,使分期付款交易之兩造關係演變成出賣人、買受人及金融機構之三方法律關係。社會經濟活動不斷創新,交易類型早已脫逸出民事法律原本預期規制事項之外,實務上遂本於契約自由原則,而以交易雙方締結之契約作為決定當事人間權利義務之主要依據。 然而以定型化契約進行之信用卡或融資型分期付款交易,因為交易流程較為複雜,我國法律又欠缺詳細之具體規範,致使業者常利用其擬定不利於消費者之定型化約款而為交易。尤其是作為出賣人之企業經營者,以合作之金融業者所提供之信用貸款內容作為分期付款交易之條件,令消費者於交易時,同時簽下銀行信用貸款申請書,並由金融業者將交易對價總額一次撥付給出賣人,消費者則對於該金融業者分期償還。若交易標的為遞延型商品(服務),因可歸責於出賣人之事由致無法繼續履行給付義務,消費者卻因為銀行已經一次撥款,而無法行使同時履行抗辯等權利;此類交易複數契約間之關聯性與抗辯延伸之問題,頗值檢討研究。 本文擬以近年發生之信用卡或融資型分期付款交易等重大消費爭議,例如山基電信、亞力山大健身俱樂部等事件為主要研究對象,整理德、日兩國分期付款法制之沿革與重要規範,比較檢討我國法制之不足,並藉由釐清交易過程,探討對於此類交易之消費糾紛,應如何正確認定事實、適用法律,以避免經濟優勢地位者濫用契約自由。期能縮小分期付款交易相關當事人間權利義務與消費資訊之落差,以達成消費者保護法促進國民消費生活安全、提昇國民消費生活品質之目的。

我國獨立機關之組織定位與權責分工之研究——以通訊傳播管制為中心 / A Study on the Role and Functions of the Independent Agencies in Taiwan

林欣佑, Lin, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
傳統行政機關受限於「行政一體」之限制,必須服從上級機關之指揮監督,未必總是能夠確保行政權之行使係在專業性、公正性與中立性的考量下完成。這樣的國家組織運作,若遇上特定領域或產業,認為有進一步加以管制必要時,容易因無法及時地制定相對應的政策方針,而形成與世界潮流相悖的國家決策,甚至導致抑制國家社會進步的可能,故設置超然獨立的行政組織以確保決策公正、公平與專業即有其必要。 透過本文之研究觀察發現,通訊傳播領域常常因全球化之變遷、科技整合的趨勢與需求而有較大的浮動。對於此種變化,國家行政組織時常面臨著政策、法律上彈性回應之挑戰,由於有這樣的需求,故在組織改造之下,順勢推動了有別於傳統的行政組織,也是本文關注的主題—「獨立機關」。獨立機關在世界上之發展,儘管已經運轉將近一世紀,但不論學術界或實務界,迄今仍在努力透析獨立機關之概念、型態、組織地位與範圍之界定,與一般行政機關間之抗衡關係。本文擬以此方向探討我國獨立機關之組織定位與權責分工等問題,藉以理解獨立機關之設置與管制權限,是否的確為因應某項經濟或社會事務特殊需求,基於專業及去政治化目的考量而設置,且具有最重要的特徵—「獨立性」。另外,本文亦透過組織法上之討論,以表格化之研究模式,探析我國獨立機關之間被賦予之權限及任務為何,並援引美國與德國之法制架構,討論我國近年來引發許多法律上爭議之通訊傳播管制權責劃分疑慮。期能作為我國未來於通訊傳播管制之相關法令修正及實務運作之參考。

消費信用保護 / Consumer Credit Protection

潘玥竹 Unknown Date (has links)

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