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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李魁翊 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討在近幾年來,企業對營運思維與策略有了重大的變革,企業本身不在單單只以公司價值極大化來當作最終目標,同時間亦需考慮到企業對於社會面與環境面的衝擊,也就是說企業必須以企業社會責任(簡稱CSR)來當作公司營運的首要目標。 國際間已有越來越多的資金是以投資是否符合CSR的企業作為投資的標的,此種投資行為稱作社會責任投資(簡稱SRI),透過此種投資方式,不但能促使企業去執行CSR,並且研究發現以SRI來作為投資策略其報酬率比一般投資行為有較高的報酬率。 世界各地之企業已以CSR作為企業營運的最高指導原則下,許多組織也有訂定了許多條文成為企業在執行CSR之規範,在這股CSR狂潮席捲全球下,台灣卻置身於事外,故此篇以台灣少數具有CSR之企業—中華電信股份有限公司作為研究之公司。 在透過此研究下,將利用道瓊永續性指數(簡稱DJSI)之衡量標準來發掘中華電信一系列CSR之行為,並且加以說明有何需要改進之處,來讓中華電信成為DJSI之成分股,並讓台灣其他有意加入世界級SRI成分股的企業,成為一個參考之對象。


許玉青 Unknown Date (has links)
政府將民國九十年定為金融改革年,積極整頓問題基層金融機構。民國九十一年八月二十二日,財政部通令各縣市政府實施農漁會信用部分級管理措施,未料引發了基層農漁會與農漁民強烈抗議。為平抑農漁民團體抗爭的情緒,政府最後終於在十一月十七日當晚,宣布暫緩實施農漁會信用部分級管理措施,改革政策出現大逆轉,乃為本文的研究動機。 本研究主要目的在探討台灣農漁會信用部體制改革之政策,參考美、日、荷等先進國家之農業金融改革經驗,並以彰化縣農漁會信用部作為個案分析對象,以倡議聯盟架構(Advocacy coalition framework)途徑分析台灣農漁會信用部體制改革政策,運用德菲法(Delphi technique)進行問卷調查,期望藉助專家學者的共識獲得「解決問題」(problem-solving)的「最適方案」。 本研究以倡議聯盟架構分析農漁會信用部改革政策,發現目前尚無「政策仲裁者」之存在。其原因在於農漁會信用部改革政策當中,只有一個農業聯盟,因此並未有居間協調不同倡議聯盟與政府決策者之「政策仲裁者」出現。此外,在檢視美、日、荷等三國之農業金融體制改革經驗後,透過「德菲法」問卷調查尋求專家學者及政策利害關係人之意見,發現日本的農業金融改革較適合作為我國之借鏡。本研究並依據問卷調查結果,統整兩回合之問卷中專家學者及政策利害關係人的意見,分別從法規面、制度面及發展面等三方向,提出政府改革農漁會信用部體制之政策建議。 在法規面,除了確立主管機關一元化原則外,尚應修改農會法以符時宜。在制度面,則建議由合作金庫轉型或改制成立全國農業(金庫)銀行;建立全國農業(金庫)銀行、農漁會信用部之二級制農業金融體系;最後,建議應考慮恢復農會股金制之設計,然恢復股金制之過程繁複耗時,仍需進行深入研究方可實行。在發展面上,則鼓勵農會信用部按縣市或地區進行合併,並且強化全國農業(金庫)銀行與農漁會信用部之關係。

跨國倡議網絡對國際組織政策之影響研究-以「農民權」之推動為例 / The Transnational Advocacy Network of International Policy:A Case Study of the Advocacy of the Rights of Peasants

黃琳筠, Huang, Lin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
自20世紀末期以來,一連串跨國社會運動興起,公民運動團體逐漸成為跨國行為者的重要行為者之一,世界各地處於相同處境之公民運動團體開始進行跨國串連,於此同時,許多原本專注於發展議題的倡議團體,開始將更多目光放於人權議題的倡議上,改以爭取「新人權」作為倡議目標,並試圖影響重要的國際組織如聯合國人權理事會(United Nations Human Rights Council, UNHRC)或聯合國糧農組織(Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations)等,試圖改變國際組織在全球性的議題設定,本論文以學界目前對非政府組織對國際環境談判政治的影響為分析架構,並選擇主要由全球性的農民運動團體「農民之路」(La Via Campesina)在聯合國人權理事會所倡議的新人權「農民權」為分析個案,以探討跨國倡議團體對影響國際組織政策產出的成效。

東亞金融穩定機制的倡議與安排 / Initiatives and arrangements of the financial stability mechanism in East Asia

蕭倩琳, Hsiao, Chien Lin Unknown Date (has links)
1997年亞洲發生金融風暴以來,東亞各國雖然接受了IMF的援助,但是卻因為IMF援助無法即時性以及限制條件過多,引發了各國的反彈,ASEAN+3希望在未來不再是依賴國際組織的援助,而是靠區域自身的力量提供短期流動性資金互助,因此東亞各國往區域整合的路徑邁進。 從1997年「馬尼拉架構」、日本提出的「新宮澤倡議」到2000年的「清邁倡議」、2010年的「多邊清邁協議」等,ASEAN+3各國正一步步的建立提供短期流動性資金的區域金融穩定機制。除了流動性資金之外,ASEAN+3也希望區域內的金融市場能夠穩定發展,保留住豐沛的外匯儲備,因此也設立了「亞洲債券基金」。 東亞金融穩定機制持續且穩定的發展中,但這些機制無法完全獨立仍和IMF連結,不僅如此,這些機制沒有一個獨立的監督機制,更沒有將機制統籌,降低了其功能性。雖然2010年正式生效的「多邊清邁協議」被視為ASEAN+3金融穩定機制的一個里程碑,但是包含運用超過20%的資金需要IMF同義、仍未設立獨立監督機制等問題都需要解決。另外,東亞在1997年之後未曾再發生金融危機,因此這些機制實際的作用仍然需要時間考驗。

利益團體遊說策略模式--台灣經驗研究 / Lobbying Strategy Models for Taiwan Interest Groups

蔣念祖, Chiang,Nien-Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
一國之國會運作可謂民主進步的原動力,其運作之良善更有賴社會大眾有力之監督,利益團體在遊說時出現盲點,甚至抓不到遊說程序的重點,就會陷入「事倍功半」的窘境,很難期待行政官員或立法委員能夠支持,甚至願意挺身而出為政策執行或立法盡一份心力。 本研究自文獻參考中整理出一「台灣利益團體遊說」研究模型,然後自1993年-2005年十三年間,從中挑選了二十個案例,以具體交叉分析該等利益團體在遊說過程時所須注意或引用之各項因素,透過質化分析,探討利益團體其策略運作情形及優缺點;並且套用策略管理學上所常用的SWOT分析模式,試圖找出利益團體遊說之台灣經驗模式。 研究發現,遊說不管是公益性組織或私利性組織,清楚知道本身的遊說目的、遊說的方法固然重要,亦必須考慮遊說的外在環境以及遊說主體本身的性質問題,若太過偏重於遊說行動策略的單向思考,而忽視外在環境的現實問題以及操作主體實力的優劣勢分析,易於產生僵化式的遊說策略模式。 所以有心進行遊說之組織均應洞悉和操作方式,但操作之前亦必須先充分掌握遊說之外在環境和操作主體的優劣勢後,再視輕重緩急、量力而為,並適時做調整,以達到截長補短、前景預測的最佳狀態,以利遊說目的圓滿成功。 關鍵詞:利益團體、遊說、倡議、國會運作、策略、SWOT / The Congress operation functions as the driving force for a country to progress towards democracy. The operational performance of the Congress depends upon powerful supervision by the general public. Sometimes the interest groups may fall into the “fruitlessness” dilemma in the event that they run into a blind spot, or even when they fail to hit the nail on the head. In turn, they can hardly win support from government officers or congressmen. They will come forward to defend the executive or legislative performance. Through literature review, this research designs a model and applies it to analyze the performance of 20 interest groups in Taiwan selected between 1993 and 2005. In particular, this model analyzes the pros and cons of different strategies employed by these interest groups. In addition, this model also uses the SWOT analysis developed from strategic management to generalize the behavior patterns of selected interest groups. This research finds out that the external environment and the nature of issues are also important factors affecting the lobbying results. If an interest group focuses only on the lobbying strategies but ignores the external environment or relative strength between the subject and others, it may generalize rigid lobbying strategies. Therefore, the success of lobbying depends on an interest group’s assessment of external environment and relative strength before operation, as well as the lobbying strategies and adjustments during operation. Key words: Interest groups, Lobby, Advocacy, Congressional operation, strategies, SWOT

中華民國(臺灣)參與APEC政策倡議研究(2000-2016) / Policy Initiatives of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in the APEC (2000-2016)

洪欣隆 Unknown Date (has links)

國際企業社會責任發展對我國跨國企業的衝擊與契機 ─以手機代工業為例 / Impact and Opportunity of International Corporate Social Responsibility on Taiwan Multinational Enterprises—Citing the Handset ODM/OEM Industry as an Example

朱竹元 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的企業在過去數十年有驚人的進步與發展,無數的企業甚至於從家庭工廠或小型公司開始,憑藉台灣人辛勤苦幹與創業家精神戮力經營,逐漸地成長茁壯,進而提升及蛻變,終能在國際上嶄露頭角,甚至成了勝出於國際同業之間的跨國性企業,但是面對企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility,簡稱CSR)由2005年的邊緣性的議題,轉變為2006年全世界談論的焦點之際,台灣企業卻對CSR仍然陌生,倘若不及早規劃因應,恐將遭受極大的衝擊與損失,鑑於公司治理係屬CSR所涵蓋財務面、環境面及社會面等三個面向當中的財務面向,因此允宜在國內過去推動公司治理的經驗與基礎之上,持續推動落實公司治理,並擴大至整體企業社會責任的推動與建制,本研究即秉持這樣的基調,希冀經由探討及瞭解CSR的意涵、沿革、現況與未來發展,透過產業案例之研究,分析檢討台灣在CSR的履行與因應上的問題與缺乏,並試圖提出改善與強化的建議,進而作為未來資本市場本身暨其針對上市上櫃公司及其他市場參與者,宣導、推動及落實CSR的起點與參考。 本文的研究架構共分為五章,「第一章」為緒論,係就研究的背景、動機、目的、範圍與研究的架構與歷程,逐一加以闡述與說明。在研究背景方面,主要列舉近年來,尤其是2006年,全世界所發生關乎企業治理議題、環境議題、社會議題等CSR各面向的新案例,暨CSR新的標準或倡議,以顯示CSR的蓬勃發展;研究動機則導因於總部設在荷蘭的國際機構SOMO所發表一篇對手機品牌大廠有關CSR的報告,鑑於未來將直間接衝擊台灣的供應商與代工業,因此頗有進一步探討研究之必要;研究目的則意欲探究CSR對台灣企業的可能衝擊,促使業者及國內各相關機關、機構及早因應及規劃;研究範圍方面,則為使研究符合具體化且具實務性價值,因此以公司治理相對較有基礎的上市櫃公司且將更以上開SOMO的研究報告相關聯的手機代工業產業為探討檢視的對象;研究的架構與歷程乃以文獻的蒐集參考,加上個案案例研究暨問卷調查分析等方法進行。 「第二章」為CSR的探討,首先係針對CSR的文獻探討部分,分別就CSR的意涵、演進、主要面向、具體內涵及其目標使命加以說明探究;次就CSR的歷來重要的國際倡議與標準,並介紹近年來國際上有關CSR的發展情形、具體作為及重要案例;最後則臚述台灣CSR的現況與問題。 「第三章」為全球與台灣手機市場現況,主要是就本研究所選定手機業的產業狀況分析,包括手機業有關全球與台灣的產業概況、國內產業供應鏈概況暨國內手機業者在全球產業鏈中所佔地位,著重其對上下游廠商的優劣勢,尤其導引出面對品牌大廠的劣勢,因而更有來自大廠的CSR壓力與危機。 「第四章」為台灣手機代工業所面臨CSR之挑戰,先就SOMO組織所發表該篇報告中,針對手機品牌大廠CSR的批判事項以及其中所透露的警訊,另分析探討該等大廠對其代工廠或供應商可能提出的要求或採取的作為,並分析對台灣業者的相關衝擊;另為了具體瞭解及掌握國內手機代工業者的CSR執行現況,乃參考ICT針對供應商CSR自評問卷內容設計簡式問卷,對國內上市手機代工業者進行問卷調查,並分析其缺失問題,也提出其可以強化的做法。 「第五章」為建議與結語,乃針對我國整體與企業面對CSR潮流與挑戰,暨或可規劃努力的策略、方向與層面提出建言;在宣導、推動與機制建立方面,建議「從公司治理到企業社會責任」,以近年來推動公司治理的經驗為本,參照既往的方式與軌跡,朝更多的面向與層面努力以赴,期能克竟其功,並期許台灣企業或可以公司治理與CSR均佳的台積電公司為典範,落實建立與履行CSR,俾能造就更多台灣產出的世界級企業。 / Over decades, some very small family business and manufacturers have grown and developed significantly to large enterprises in Taiwan. Nowadays they are becoming prosperous, developing multinational business, and some are even globally recognized brand names. However, when facing the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which has become an essential issue in 2006, these prosperous enterprises are not familiar with and yet to be well-prepared. Given that corporate governance involves only the financial aspect of CSR, which entails economic, social, environmental, and ecological aspects of firms’ operations and activities, it may well be appropriate to promote overall CSR concept and infrastructure based on corporate governance. This concept serves as the purpose of this dissertation: to analyze and investigate into problems facing enterprises obliged to take CSR, by studying the meaning, background, current circumstances and future developments of CSR, and through case study of mobile phone industry. Hopefully more conclusion and suggestions can be drawn from this dissertation to provide TSE and GTSM listed companies and other market participants with more reference to promote and implement CSR. This dissertation is divided into 5 parts: Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter includes research background, motive, purpose, research scope, structur and process. New cases, especially in 2006, of corporate governance, environmental impact, and social issues are presented in the section of research background to demonstrate new trends of CSR. The motive of conducting this research is based on a report from an international organization named SOMO based in the Netherlands. This report addresses CSR topics regarding worldwide handset manufacturers. CSR issues mentioned in this report will directly affect handset suppliers and ODM/OEM enterprises. With further research and investigation, hopefully handset manufacturers and related enterprises can be more aware of CSR and can better cope with these issues and take proactive measures to prevent CSR related problems, which serves as the purpose of this dissertation. Research scope encompasses listed companies in the handset ODM/OEM enterprises. Research process includes literature review, case study, and questionnaire analysis. Chapter 2: Literature review of CSR This chapter first looks at the definition, evolution, various aspects, practical meaning, and purposes of CSR. Afterwards the international standards of CSR and international practices and development of CSR cases would be elaborated. Finally Taiwan CSR status quo and challenges would be discussed. Chapter 3: Taiwan and global handset manufacturing market status In this chapter, mobile phone industry analysis is conducted, including domestic and global mobile phone market status, Taiwan handset manufacturing supply chain. It also looks at Taiwan handset makers’ market position in the global industrial environment. This chapter stresses the threats of domestic enterprises when facing global main handset players, which makes them face more stress and problems as a result of CSR. Chapter 4: CSR challenges facing Taiwan handset ODM/OEM firms In the beginning we will look at the criticism and warning to handset global brand names from the aforementioned report of SOMO. In addition we analyze potential requests and conducts required by these global players to their ODM/OEM firms in the face of CSR. These requests and conducts can subsequently impact Taiwan mobile phone manufacturing industry. In a bid to look at the current circumstances of domestic handset makers’ CSR operation, we use ICT’s CSR questionnaire as a reference to design a simplified version, and distribute to TSE and GTSM listed handset ODM/OEM enterprises. According to the questionnaire result, we find some current drawbacks and propose solutions. Chapter 5: Suggestion and conclusion In this chapter we are looking at trends and overall CSR challenges facing domestic enterprises in Taiwan. Practical strategies and directions are proposed. In terms of promotion, implementation, and establishing CSR mechanism, this dissertation proposes that firms start from Corporate Governance to CSR, and develop in more CSR aspects based on their previous Corporate Governance experience. This article also cites TSMC as a role model for CG and CSR, hoping that firms to follow suit and for this island to create more globally renowned enterprises. Key words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Multinational Enterprise, Handset ODM/OEM, CSR Initiatives, CSR International Standard, Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainable Development, Supply Chain, Supplier

當非營利組織遇上Web 2.0-以倡議型非營利組織為例 / When Non-profit Organizations Meet Web 2.0–The Case of the Advocacy Non-profit Organizations

黃筠容, Huang, Yun Jung Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0低技術門檻、雙向溝通等特性是非營利組織電子化的立基,然而,相關的實證研究顯示,大部分的非營利組織皆無法有效利用網路作為互動溝通的工具。因此,本研究針對倡議型非營利組織的網站,以滾雪球抽樣法進行線上檢閱,並挑選合適個案進行深度訪談,藉此瞭解倡議型非營利組織應用Web 2.0的實務情況,欲檢視Web 2.0對於倡議型非營利組織的優勢何在以及應如何運用,以此作為其他類型的非營利組織運用Web 2.0時的參考。由於非營利組織與政府同樣具有政策倡議的本質,因此,本研究也將提出對政府機關在應用Web 2.0時的建議。 研究結果顯示,本研究所觀察的非營利組織明顯將Web 2.0網站作為傳播組織相關資訊的工具,藉此與潛在支持者建立關係,部分組織一開始並非有系統且規劃地運用,但是在實務的運用經驗中,也逐漸發掘出各類平台的優勢與特點,發展出不同的網站應用策略,並達成這些平台當初使用的目的:與他人開啟對話空間並進而建立關係。另外,根據研究結果亦可發現,臉書逐漸取代部落格在訊息傳播的功能,而部落格則因其具備優秀的資料儲存與整理能力,而被作為議題的資料庫。最後,雖然根據相關研究顯示,多數非營利組織無法善用臉書與潛在支持者溝通,但本研究發現,倡議型非營利組織利用臉書與潛在支持者開啟對話,而有利於倡議。 根據以上研究發現,本研究可以針對不同對象提出實務建議。就非營利組織而言,本研究建議其可以善用網頁分析工具、發展完善的整合策略、發揮網頁募款的潛能以及積極發揮Web 2.0的對話潛能。就政府機關而言,本研究建議其可利用Web 2.0概念增加政府網頁的創新性與便利性,以及利用社群網站增加政府資訊的流通性。 / The characteristics of Web 2.0 promote effective communication and require low skill. These characteristics are niche for nonprofit organizations (NPOs). According to the relevant studies, however, most NPOs can’t effectively communicate with potential supporters by making the best use of the Internet. Hence, the study aims to explore whether and how advocacy NPOs utilize Web 2.0 and the efficacy. The study samples advocacy NPOs and their websites. By snowball sampling, content analysis and in-depth interviews, the results show that these NPOs have been apparently utilizing Web 2.0 technologies as one of their tools to disseminate information and connect potential supporters. At first, most observed NPOs didn’t adopt Web 2.0 systematically, but they have found strengths of Web 2.0 from their practice, developed many strategies and succeeded in building relationship with their potential supporters. Additional findings indicate that the NPOs which use their websites to disseminate information gradually replace blogs with Facebook. Blogs, however, remain useful for the NPOs due to its advantage on information storage and information arrangement. Finally, although relevant research shows that most NPOs can’t utilize Facebook to communicate, our findings support that advocacy NPOs utilize Facebook to communicate and advocate. The research findings contribute to suggestions on NPOs and governments in practice. NPOs should improve their website’s content, develop integrated strategy to coordinate online and offline activities, enable their websites for fundraising and communication. In addition, government should increase convenience and creativity of their websites by applying Web 2.0 technology and disseminate information by social networking sites.

單打獨鬥或合縱連橫? 國內外環境與人權組織倡議路徑的選擇

李偲瑋, Li, Sih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為釐清國內與國際非政府組織在臺灣發展關係,從環境與人權倡議議題為範圍討論,從臺灣目前進行環境與人權倡議工作的非政府組織中收集相關訊息,瞭解現今組織之間工作遇到的問題及困難,探討其發生的可能和原因,最後試圖提出研究建議與解決辦法。 奠基非政府組織在臺灣發展出的特殊性,伴隨著民主人權的發展,同時,臺灣環境議題倡議發展相較於其他亞洲國家也成熟許多,在現在全球化時代下的發展,國與國之間的界線也越來越模糊,網路科技的發明,使得交流不再如過去般受到諸多限制,因此也將各區域中相關的非政府組織連結,形成具有槓桿力量的跨國倡議網絡,企圖進而影響國家內部,促使政府能有所作為。 透過文獻分析及深度訪談瞭解組織倡議及發展,深入體會國際非政府組織在臺灣倡議遇到的困難,以及國內非政府組織面對這些問題的兩難,本研究結論,以跨國倡議網絡策略為主軸予以建議,非政府組織之間必須要有溝通的管道,避免資訊不對稱以及產生誤解,減少延誤倡議工作進行的最佳時機點,政府對於外國團體在臺灣人民團體法適應的問題及限制以及外國人在台工作的法規也應該有所彈性或裁量空間,才能開啟更多讓世界看見臺灣的可能性。 / The purpose of this thesis is to explore the relationship between local and international nongovernment organizations on human rights and environmental advocacy issues. To understand these problems and difficulties, research involved conducting in-depth interviews with workers of local and international nongovernment organizations. The purpose of the research is to find out the reasons to explain the problems of the relationship and know how to solve. The thesis concludes with suggestions about how to best develop the transnational advocacy network strategies of Taiwan in the future. As a nation without global recognition of its national status, Taiwan faces with the difficulty of participating international affairs. Through transnational advocacy network including the strategies of symbolic, information, leverage, accountability politics, these NGOs compel the government to make changes. As a result, Taiwan has a greater opportunity to be a contributor in global public affairs. The result of the research is to clarify the relationship, strengths, and weaknesses between local and international nongovernment organizations to cope with the challenges they experience with each other. In conclusion, there are four main suggestions below: 1) Make sure information is communicated across international and local advocacy. 2) Do the things right at the right time. 3) Make a big difference with leverage politics. 4) Focus on the importance of accountability and self-discipline when nongovernmental organizations face international affairs.

中共「21世紀海上絲綢之路」倡議之研究 / The study of the initiative of the PRC.'s 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

蕭時光 Unknown Date (has links)
“21世紀海上絲綢之路”倡議與絲綢之路經濟帶的傳輸紐帶關係,發展成為“一帶一路”倡議,為中共在2013年所提出的戰略構想。 就美國而言,由於其經濟實力受金融危機影響減弱,透過積極干涉南海爭端,可協助其順利推進亞太戰略轉向,強化本國在東亞地區的權力基礎,並制約中國勢力擴張。相對於中共來說,應有效應對美國實施重返亞太戰略可能產生的各種不利影響。 本文探討對於共同建設的“21世紀海上絲綢之路”倡議,需要沿線各國與經濟體共同努力,願景需要由政治互信不斷增強,未來發展建置議程,共同促進聯合行動方案的互聯互通。 / The initiative of “One belt, one Road” means the economic belt of Land route of Silk Road connecting Mainland China with the countries of Central Asia and the transport ties of the Maritime Silk Road connecting Mainland China with the countries of ASEAN, which has been making a strategic formulation put forward by the People's Republic of China since 2013. The impact of islands disputes between China and Philippines on the security of South China Sea, as far as the United States is concerned, with its economic strength weakened by the financial crisis, by proactively interfering with that, it helps successfully reorient its regional strategy, strengthen the U.S. power base in East Asia, and prevent China from expanding further. On the other side, to the PRC., effective strategies should be put forward to all kinds of disadvantageous influences of America's returning to the Asia-Pacific region. This article argues that jointly building the initiative of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is required all parties to work together, the vision needs to be built for future development by increasing political mutual trust as well as development agenda so as to jointly promote inter connectivity.

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