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國民中學教師工作壓力、學校組織健康與學校效能關係之研究 / A study of relationships among teachers’ working stress, school organizational health , and school efficacy in junior high school盧維禎 Unknown Date (has links)
五、營造良好工作氣氛 / Abstract
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among teachers’ working stress, school organizational health , and school efficacy in junior high school . The study methods included literature analysis, questionnaires survey. The questionnaires were distributed to 500 teachers in Taipei city and New Taipei city junior high schools, and 395 vaild questionnaires were retrieved, with 79% of availability. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-tset, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
The main conclusions obtained were as follows:
1. There was a significant difference in teachers' perceptions of working stress due to the differences in the participants' age and school size.
2. There was a significant difference in teachers' perceptions of school organizational health due to the differences in the participants' age, position of service, and school size.
3. There was a significant difference in teachers' perceptions of school efficacy due to the differences in the participants' age and school size.
4. Both teachers’ work stress and school organizational health serve a predictive function on the school efficacy.
According to the research results, this study offers several suggestions providing the education authorities, schools, and future researches to review.
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產險公司銷售健康險之經營策略與風險管理 / The marketing strategies and risk management of the health insurance for non-life insurance company.徐輝哲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文透過產險及壽險的比較,探討產險業者經營的優點及可能面臨的相關問題,不僅積極業務發展,並了解潛在的風險,做到足夠風險防範的管理;接著再透過個案公司的健康險發展做法,在不同的金融控股公司性質及通路特性,做為其它業者在健康險發展的觀摩和可能的借鏡。最後,經本文研究後,提出個人的建議,希望在產險業者、主管機關的共同努力之下,除了讓產險業界正面的發展,更提供消費者多一個風險轉移的管道。 / Since Taiwan’s Non-life Rate Deregulation Plan has put into practice effectively from April 1, 2002 with three phases, there is a descending tendency in total premiums. In 1997, property insurance industry was approved by competent authority to provide personal accident insurance services. Instead of decreasing, the accumulated premium in Personal Accident Insurance had increased gradually. In 1998, the premium income had reached 10.5 billion, about 10.4% of total premium income in non-life insurance industry. The result quite inspired us to expect well performance in providing health insurance, the potential insurance in the future, by non-life insurance companies.
The major insurance period of health insurance provided by non-life insurance companies is one year or less than one year, differing from the health insurance sold in life insurance companies. There is substantial growth of health insurance in life insurance in recent years. In 2009, there was nearly 29.7% increase with good average loss ratio. It was the important issues of non-life insurance companies to improve skills of underwriting and claiming, select niche in health insurance marketing etc, so we select it as the main research topic of this paper.
The purpose of this study was to find out the advantages and possible risks in non-life insurance companies when they are running health insurance. Not only to develop business vigorously but also to understand potential risks and manage it well. Then, the paper takes the health insurance development progress of the corporation in the case to offer new perspective to ponder over some potential problems when other non-life insurance companies are developing health insurance. Last but not least, this paper proposed some personal opinions, hoping that non-life insurance companies, competent authority could make joint efforts, in addition to making non-life insurance industry progress positively, this research also providing another risk transfer method to consumers.
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台灣地區中老年人健康狀況與醫療資源利用之探討林于斐 Unknown Date (has links)
研究資料取自衛生署家庭計畫中心於1999年所進行的「台灣地區老人保健與生活問題長期追蹤調查」。本研究之研究對象為50歲以上之中老年人,故有效樣本為2,021人。在分析方法上,先利用序列機率模型(ordered probit model)估計中老年人自評健康狀況;接著以probit模型討論影響中老年人醫療資源利用之要素為何,其中將醫療資源限縮為住院、西醫門診、中醫門診三個面向;最後則是採用multinominal logit模型來探討中老年人如何選擇使用中、西醫門診資源。
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由健保資料庫探討台灣 常住人口與醫療利用 / An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s De Jure Population and Medical Usage based on National Health Insurance Database李昇龍, Lee, Sheng Lung Unknown Date (has links)
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代謝症候群之健康管理模式研究-以H健檢中心為例 / A Study of the Health Management Model on Metabolic Syndrome -Health Examination Center李逸雯 Unknown Date (has links)
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記者面對新興傳染病的報導經驗─以SARS新聞為例李玉梅 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣地區老年人健康與住宅所有權之關係張雅婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用1999年,行政院衛生署家庭計畫研究所之「臺灣地區老人保健與生活問題長期追蹤調查系列研究調查資料」探討台灣地區老年人健康與住宅所有權之關係。實證方法採用binary logistic regression來探討模型一與模型二。模型一以三個健康指標來衡量老人健康狀態,第一個指標為主觀健康,即老年人認為本身是否健康,第二個指標為日常生活活動之限制 (ADLs),第三個指標為日常生活工具性活動 (IADLs)。得出結果若健康指標為IADLs和 ADLs則住宅所有權屬於自己和配偶的會比較健康。但是若以主觀健康衡量之,則住宅所有權對健康沒有顯著影響。模型二將住宅所有權分為二類,第一類為廣義自有屋,第二類為狹義自有屋。若是住宅所有權為廣義自有屋,則健康狀況對住宅所有權並沒有顯著影響。住宅所有權為狹義自有屋時,ADLs和IADLs方面越健康者,則越可能持有狹義自有屋。
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校長分布式領導對組織健康影響之研究 / A study of the impact of distributed leadership on school organizational health陳麗捐 Unknown Date (has links)
為達上述目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以桃園縣245所國中小學教師為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣,共計抽取52所國中小,寄發問卷656份,回收比例86%。扣除填答不全的無效問卷後,可用問卷501份,可用率為88%。本研究使用SPSS 17.0 for windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析,獲致以下結論:
一、 桃園縣國民中小學教師知覺校長分布式領導及學校組織健康情形為中高程度。
二、 教師知覺分布式領導以「學校文化」感受程度最高,其次為「分享責任」。教師知覺組織健康則以「倡導與關懷」、「教師凝聚力」的感受程度最高。
三、 男性教師知覺校長分布式領導與學校組織健康之程度均高於女性教師。
四、 資深教師在知覺校長分布式領導與學校組織健康之程度均高於年輕或年資少之教師。
五、 兼任行政職務之教師知覺校長分布式領導與學校組織健康之程度均高於導師或專任教師。
六、 不同教育程度之教師在知覺校長分布式領導與學校組織健康之程度無顯著差異。
七、 學校規模為小型(24班以下)之教師,在知覺校長分布式領導與學校組織健康之程度均高於中、大型學校教師。
八、 小學教師在知覺校長分布式領導與學校組織健康之程度均高於國中教師。
九、 校長分布式領導對學校組織健康具有正向且顯著之影響。
關鍵詞:分布式領導、組織健康 / This research explores the current state of distributed leadership and school organizational health in elementary and junior high schools across Taoyuan County, analyzing how factors including various personal backgrounds and school environments affect the results of this research. In addition, the degree of awareness displayed by teachers concerning distributed leadership as well as the effect of distributed leadership on school organizational health is explored.
In order to achieve the above, this research utilizes survey methodology with the teachers of the 245 elementary and junior high schools in Taoyuan County as the entire population under study. With random, stratified sampling, 656 questionnaires were sent to teachers across 52 schools with an 86% reply rate. Out of the returned questionnaires, 88% were valid, a total of 501 questionnaires. The results were tabulated and analyzed using the SPSS 17.0 for Windows program and the following conclusions were obtained:
1. The level of awareness of the teachers of Taoyuan County’s elementary and junior high schools of distributed leadership and school organizational health is moderately high.
2. Teachers are most aware of the “school culture” and secondly the “shared responsibility” aspects of distributed leadership. Teachers are most aware of the “initiating structure and consideration” and secondly the “teacher affiliation” aspects of school organizational health.
3. Overall, male teachers possess a higher level of awareness of distributed leadership and school organizational health than do female teachers.
4. Senior, more experienced teachers are more aware of distributed leadership and school organizational health than are junior, less experienced teachers.
5. Teachers who also perform administrative duties demonstrate a higher degree of awareness of distributed leadership and school organizational health than do counselors or teachers who do not perform administrative duties.
6. Teachers with varying levels of education do not display significant difference regarding awareness of distributed leadership and school organizational health.
7. Teachers of smaller schools (with less than 24 classes) are generally more aware of distributed leadership and school organizational health than are teachers are larger schools.
8. Elementary school teachers possess a higher level of awareness of distributed leadership and school organizational health than do junior high school teachers.
9. Distributed leadership has a positive correlation and significant effect on school organizational health.
Based on the conclusions listed above, I have made practical suggestions that educational administrative institutions, school institutions and research institutions could use as reference.
Terms: Distributed leadership, school organizational health
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台灣保健食品的行銷模式探討 / The marketing model study of nutrition supplement in Taiwan楊聯忠 Unknown Date (has links)
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精準健康促進推薦系統之研究 / Research on accurate health promotion recommendation system黃健予 Unknown Date (has links)
WHO的一項全球性調查顯示,全世界真正健康的人佔5%,經診斷有疾病的人佔20%,處於亞健康的人佔75%,伴隨著慢性病所造成的死亡率也跟著增加,生活的品質已成為大眾們所關注的焦點,因此國人已有如何自主管理健康取代經常性的藥物治療,以增進健康的生活品質之意識。隨著國人對於自我健康管理的認知,如何滿足有效的管理健康需求的增加,已是大家探討的熱門議題。針對此一議題,本研究以健康促進處方為核心,整合個人化的生理健康數據如血壓、血糖、膽固醇、生活習慣、工作型態等進行健康風險評估,進而推薦適合的個人化健康促進處方,搭配運動器材、行動應用程式(Mobile Application)、雲端運算平台、體適能中心之運動生理監控,未來可適用於企業自行發展出的一套「雲端個人化健康管理平台」,有效支持個人運動安全並培養定期的運動習慣,達到健康促進的目標。
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