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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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由評價誤差與成長機會比較可轉債與現金增資發行動機、宣告效果及資金運用 / The Issuance Motivation, Announcement Effect and Use of Funds of Convertible Bond and SEO: Evidence from the Perspective of Mispricing and Growth Opportunity

顧哲維, Ku, Che Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣上市櫃公司發行可轉債及現金增資的決策議題。從發行公司的角度來看,利用錯誤評價及成長機會,同時輔以一些公司特徵變數以了解發行動機。後續並追蹤發行公司發行後資金運用情形,以了解發行公司發行動機及目的是否一致。另一方面,從投資人角度來看,觀察可轉債及現金增資公司宣告效果,並由後續資金配置驗證宣告效果之可靠性。 本研究採用Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson and Viswanathan(2005)提出的方法,將市值帳面比(M/B)拆解成錯誤評價與成長機會。以2001年至2011年台灣上市上櫃公司發行可轉債或現金增資為研究對象,發現無論是可轉債或現金增資,發行公司發行前錯誤評價及成長機會皆顯著較未發行公司高。接著,利用logit模型,發現可轉債發行公司之成長機會及代理問題為其主要發行動機,而現金增資公司則利用資訊不對稱擇時與調整資本結構為發行考量。本文進一步檢視發行後資金配置情況,發現成長機會越高之可轉債,後續資金用途顯著投資於資本支出與研發費用上,符合實質投資理論之觀點。另一方面,錯誤評價越高之現金增資,在前兩年有累積現金之現象,但不用於償還長期負債,且顯著運用於資本支出與研發費用上,僅部分符合行為理論之解釋。因此,本研究歸納現金增資公司發行動機除擇時外,亦有投資需求。最後,在宣告效果上,可轉債與現金增資均呈現負向宣告效果,且投資人給予現金增資較為負向的宣告效果,本文認為此乃投資人意識到公司利用資訊不對稱擇時,且後續資金配置不完全符合行為理論的預期造成的結果。 / This study examines the issuance of convertible bonds (CBs) and seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) for listed companies in TSE and OTC market in Taiwan. From the aspects of issuers, we use mispricing and growth opportunities along with other firm characteristics to understand the motivation of the issuance. We also track the use of post-issue proceeds and relate to the motivations of issuers. From the aspects of investors, we look at the announcement effects to examine appropriateness. We decompose market-to-book ratios into mispricing and growth option components through a methodology proposed by Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson and Viswanathan (2005). By using the samples of CB and SEO issuance between 2001 and 2011, we find that issuing firms of both types are overvalued and have greater growth opportunities relative to non-issuers. Next, we find that CB issuers show greater pre-issue growth opportunities and agency problems, while SEO issuers have greater pre-issue mispricing and tend to adjust capital structure implied by logit model. Furthermore, we examine the post-issue use of proceeds. For CB, firms with greater growth opportunities invest more in capital expenditures and R&D, consistent with real investment explanations. On the other hand, for SEO, firms with greater mispricing stockpile cash in the first two years but don’t pay down long-term debt. They also invest in capital expenditures and R&D. Thus, we conclude that the motivation of SEO firms might be timing and investment needs, partly consistent with behavioral explanations. Finally, the announcement effect of SEO is more negative than CB. Judging from the evidence above, it seems that investors know something.

從巴塞爾資本協定三之觀點探討銀行資產配置與結構調整 / A Study of Bank Asset Allocation and Structure Adjustment under Basel III

施佳妤 Unknown Date (has links)
巴塞爾銀行監督委員會(Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, BCBS) 於2010年發布巴塞爾資本協定三。為強化銀行流動性風險管理,新增兩項流動性風險量化衡量指標:流動性覆蓋比率(Liquidity Coverage Ratio, LCR)以及淨穩定資金比率(Net Stable Funding Ratio, NSFR)。我國於2015年開始將流動性覆蓋比率納入監管要求,亦將於2018年開始導入淨穩定資金比率。然而在提高銀行風險控管及標準的同時,銀行需考量其股東權益報酬。新規範的實施使銀行需要進行調整以符合法規,過往鮮少有研究針對本國銀行探討其資產配置調整與結構調整。本研究除探討個案銀行如何在巴塞爾資本協定三框架下調整其資產負債配置與結構,更進一步探討其各項調整對銀行之獲利能力以及各項法定比率之影響,希望能幫助銀行在未來調整結構之前能更了解其決策所帶來之影響。 本研究發現,在不提高資產負債表規模的情況下,可以透過銀行結構調整達到巴塞爾資本協定三於2019年之標準,同時提高銀行獲利能力;在適度提高資產負債表規模的情況之下,其獲利能力高於不提高資產負債表規模之情況。此外,本研究針對不同情境探討銀行應如何調整資產負債配置與銀行結構。風險趨避情境相較於風險偏好下,應在存放款方面,吸收更多長天期之存款、降低長期放款占比;資產配置方面則應增加政府公債占比。由於巴塞爾資本協定三採階段性實施,本研究針對個案銀行2015到2019 年之資產負債配置與銀行結構做研究,發現個案銀行隨著法規越趨嚴格,應提高公司債占比並同時降低權益類等相對風險較高之資產占比;另一方面為達到淨穩定資金比率要求,銀行應提高其長期存款占比。最後,本研究針對各項結構與資產負債配置調整做更深入的分析,探討其對於各項指標之敏感度,以實際的量化數字表示每項變動的影響,以利銀行在做決策時更了解其決策之利與弊。 / Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) released Basel III in 2010. In order to ensure the maintenance and stability of funding and liquidity profiles of banks’ balance sheets, two liquidity standards, Liquidity Coverage Ratio(LCR) and Net Stable Funding Ratio(NSFR), were introduced in Basel III. To in line with international norm, Taiwan government plans to implement LCR and NSFR in 2015 and 2018 respectively. However, there is a trade-off between return and risk. With the implement of new law, how to adjust banks’ asset allocation becomes a critical issue. In this study, we focus on business structure and ways to adjust A bank’s asset allocation. We found that A bank can meet government’s requirements and increase it’s return on equity without increasing balance sheet size by adjusting business structure; In the situation where balance sheet size is increased, A bank can meet the requirements with higher return on equity than where the balance sheet size isn’t increased. In three different scenarios: risk seeking, risk neutral and risk aversion, we found that A bank should increase more long-term deposits and decrease long-term loans in risk aversion scenario than in risk seeking scenario. In risk aversion scenario, A bank should also hold more government bonds than in risk seeking scenario. From 2015 to 2019, the requirements become stricter and stricter, A bank should hold more corporate bonds and less securities. At the same time, A bank should increase more long-term deposits to meet the NSFR requirement. The research also shows how business structure and asset allocation changes can affect A bank’s related required ratio and return on equity. Our findings can help A bank makes more precise decision by knowing actual quantitative influence before they implement the new policies.


林純如 Unknown Date (has links)
我國所得稅法對於夫妻所得計算、申報方式,原係採強制合併計算、申報,然強制合併計算、申報,導致夫妻因累進稅率而較單身時負擔較高的稅負,對於婚姻家庭帶來嚴重侵擾,而有懲罰婚姻之感,立法者爰修正新增夫妻薪資所得可分開計算之方式,以期緩和「婚姻懲罰」之流弊,惟司法院於2012年1月20日以釋字第696號解釋,揭示有關夫妻非薪資所得強制合併計算,較之單獨計算稅額,增加其稅負部分,違反憲法第7條平等原則,宣告系爭規定限期失效,嗣所得稅法第15條於2015年1月21日修正公布,除原本各類所得合併計算稅額及薪資所得分開計算稅額二種計算方式外,另新增各所得分開計算稅額之計算方式。   顯然地,我國就夫妻或家戶成員之所得,仍係以家庭為單位,縱使新增各類所得分開計算稅額之方式,仍難避免在家庭單位制下,關於合併申報程序之設計所產生之問題:我國綜合所得稅係以家庭為申報單位,並由其中一人擔任形式納稅義務人,負申報繳納之義務,然而被選定為形式納稅義務人與所得人(配偶)間所負責任之性質為何?是否成立連帶租稅債務?對於形式納稅義務人涉短漏報配偶之所得,稅捐稽徵機關一律以形式納稅義務人為裁罰主體,有無違反行政罰責任原則?形式納稅義務人之責任樣態,應如何判斷?再者,如配偶業因逃漏稅捐遭處刑事罰,其同一行為亦將使綜合所得稅產生短漏報之結果,惟綜合所得稅之形式納稅義務人並非所得人(即配偶),則能否以配偶已遭處刑事罰,爰認定稅捐罰鍰得因一行為不二罰原則,免予處罰?本文冀能藉由實務及學說見解之整理,梳理脈絡,找尋妥適之說理及作法,並對現行稅捐法規及實務提出建議。


吳玉珍, Wu, Yu Jen Unknown Date (has links)

在台發行交易所交易債券之可行性分析 / Feasibility analysis of exchange-traded note issuance in Taiwan

余佳禹 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣發行交易所交易債券之可行性。台灣近年交易所交易基金發展蓬勃,無論掛牌檔數、資產規模、交易金額皆向上成長,惟根據中華民國證券商業同業公會的統計,台灣證券商受託買賣外國集中市場有價證券之規模亦逐年增加,顯示目前台灣金融交易市場所提供之金融商品並不足以滿足市場需求,仍有發展空間。2016年1月,台灣金融監督管理委員會開放國內證券商接受投資人委託買賣外國交易所交易債券,本文透過闡述交易所交易債券之產品特性及分析各國交易所交易債券之發行及上市規範和稅制,進一步為台灣發行交易所交易債券之相關政策給出具體建議。 / This study aims to make practical suggestions on exchange-traded note issuance in Taiwan. Data from Taiwan Securities Association shows that the trading value of securities firms accepting orders to trade foreign securities keeps growing these years, suggesting that the financial product line in Taiwan is not diversified enough to satisfy the market needs. Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission has announced that securities firms are opened to accept orders to trade foreign exchange-traded notes since January 2016. Before opening domestic exchange-traded note market, related regulations have to be built. Exchange-traded note, the product itself, as well as the issuance and listing rules and taxation in different countries are therefore analyzed in this paper to make further suggestions on exchange-traded note issuance in Taiwan.

台灣壽險業國外投資與營運風險、經營績效之關係探討—以海外債券為例 / The relations among foreign investments, operational risk and business performance of life insurers in Taiwan: Evidence from overseas bonds

許淵宏, Hsu, Yuan Hong Unknown Date (has links)
台灣壽險業近年來面對利差損、國內低利環境,與國內長天期投資工具不足的窘境,因而保險法第146-4條修正後,壽險業者擴大持有國外投資部位。本研究以海外債券投資作為國外投資代理變數,探討海外債券投資與壽險公司之營運風險、經營績效的關係。採用2008年至2016年,共25家壽險公司不平衡追蹤資料,以OLS、Panel Data兩種統計方法作實證分析,再以金融海嘯到歐債危機的時間點,劃分成前期(2008年-2011年)、後期(2012年-2016年)作比較分析。 根據全期資料之分析:以線性模型來看,海外債券投資與營運風險為顯著負相關;和經營績效則是顯著正相關。若是非線性模型,海外債券投資與營運風險為U型相關,臨界點在18.83%。分期資料之分析則顯示:前期資料結果與全期資料一致。但後期資料的研究結果出現反轉,在線性模型下,海外債券投資與營運風險呈現顯著正相關,和經營績效則呈現顯著負相關;而非線性模型下,海外債券和營運風險的U型相關,臨界點下降至13.56%。 / In recent years, life insurers in Taiwan face the spread loss of interest rate, low interest rate environment and shortage of long-term instruments. Life insurers started to expand their foreign investments after the amendment of Article 146-4 of Insurance Act in 1992. This study aims to investigate the relations among overseas bonds investment, operational risk and business performance of life insurers. Data is composed of 25 life insurers from 2008 to 2016. With consideration of the global financial crisis and European debt crisis, this study then divides the data into two subsets (before and after the crises). The results shows that under the linear model there is a significant negative relation between overseas bonds and operational risk, but a significant positive relation between overseas bonds and business performance. Under non-linear model there is a significant U-shaped relationship between overseas bonds and operational risk, with the critical point at 18.83%. The results for the subset data before the crises (2008-2011) is consistent with the based on the whole data (2008-2016). However, the analysis for the subset data after the crises (2012-2016) display different result. Under the linear model, the relation between overseas bonds and operational risk is positive, but it is negative between overseas bonds and business performance. Additionally, the critical point of that U-shaped relationship between overseas bonds and operational risk under the non-linear model drops to 13.56%.


田尾, 真一 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第18758号 / 経博第509号 / 新制||経||272(附属図書館) / 31709 / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 植田 和弘, 教授 諸富 徹, 教授 黒澤 隆文 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM

相殺の担保的機能に関する比較研究 -日本と中国、そして韓国を中心に-

李, 春 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第19455号 / 法博第189号 / 新制||法||154(附属図書館) / 32491 / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 潮見 佳男, 教授 山本 豊, 教授 松岡 久和 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM


佐藤, 史帆 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第21510号 / 法博第227号 / 新制||法||165(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 山本 敬三, 教授 吉政 知広, 教授 橋本 佳幸 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM


中筋, 智規 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第24367号 / 法博第290号 / 新制||法||178(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 北村 雅史, 教授 齊藤 真紀, 教授 白井 正和 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

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