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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公債與租稅之效率面分析-兼論其穩定條件的差異 / On the Efficiency Effects of Public Debt and Taxation

吳佩凌, Wu, Pei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
租稅和公債是政府籌措財源最主要的兩種方式。然而不同的財源籌措方式將產生不同的影響效果,因此評價並比較各種融通工具的相對優勢,是政府選擇融通方式時,所必須考慮的一個基本且重要的問題。如何籌措財源以舒緩財政窘迫的壓力,是當前政府最急切的關鍵和挑戰。因此本文探討由效率面以租稅或公債融通政府暫時性與永久性支出增加的相對優勢,提供若干理論研究,作為面臨融通工具選擇時的考量因素。   關於融通政府暫時性支出增加的分析,M.Feldstein(1985)認為只有利率等於時間折現率的條件下,公債優於租稅:若時間折現率低於利率時,公債未必優於租稅。本文修正M.Feldstein(1985)模型,進一步考慮公債的債息融通方式及還本期限等問題,計算公債融通的負擔並與租稅負擔相較。   關於融通政府永久性增加的分析,S.J.Turnovsky(1992)比較分別以定額稅、工資稅和資本稅融通對即時效用和福利的影響,認為以短期而言,較佔優勢的融通工具,就長期觀點來看未必如此。其亦注意各融通工具間就穩定性的不同。本文以Turnovsky(1992)模型為分析基礎,加入公債融通的考慮,著重於對公債與定額稅穩定條件差異的強調。

資產負債管理中模式整合問題之探討 / Model integration for asset liability management

陳政裕, Chen, Cheng Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的資產負債管理(Asset-Liability Management,ALM)研究大多強調數量分析方法,並未考慮資料來源的問題。然而在銀行實務上,資產負債管理人員卻必須根據現有內外部資料來釐定資產負債組合的整体政策。在決策支援系統中,模式整合的功能包含模式之組合及連結等,可用以整合數量分析模式與相關資料。本研究運用人工智慧技術來探討資產負債管理中模式整合之問題。藉此可以明瞭ALM的分析流程,以作為銀行人員訓練之參考。另一方面由於應用黑板架構發展系統,也可以提供一個有彈性的整合環境,以反應使用者需求及資料異動狀況,亦可彈性新增、刪除及修改模式整合過程中的資料結構與知識內涵,以為未來連接理論技巧與實務環境之參考。 / The computer support for Asset Liability Management (ALM) in the literature emphasizes on the mathematical analysis and does not address the data source problems. In the practical banking environment, however, ALM decisions are made based on the dynamic internal and external data changes. Therefore, an ideal ALM decision support system has to consider the integration of data sources and mathematical analysis. Traditional Decision Support Systems (DSS) rely on the expert's assistance to understand the problem and formulate or integrate appropriate models. There is a growing recognition that incorporates Artificial Intelligence techniques (Al) into the DSS can enhance the acceptance of these decision aids by management.   This paper intends to develop an Intelligent Decision Support System (TDSS) and addresses the model integration concept for the ALM. In the paper, model integration is defined as a series of processes from which important decision making information is inferred through automatic data model mapping and mathematical model conversion. The investigation of model integration concept helps the ALM analysis process understanding which can be useful for baaldng personnel training. On the other hand, the IDSS provides a flexible integration environment in which the system can flexibly response to the user's analysis request with the updated data situations. Since the blackboard architecture used for the system development supports the modularization structure, its inherent maintainability aLows a flexible update of the domain knowledge and data structure, and can therefore serve as a testbed to evaluate the potential integration approaches of various ALM data and mathematical models.

離散型動態回復率模型之建構與應用 / Discrete dynamic recovery rate modeling and its application

邵惠敏, Shao, Hui Min Unknown Date (has links)

投資模型之建構以因應退休基金之投資避險策略 / A Study of Model Building in Investment Hedging Strategy of Pension Fund

黃彥富 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是針對退休金的長期負債以資產負債管理的方式提出有效的投資避險策略建議。在過去,傳統精算的資產負債管理大多採用確定投資模型(Deterministic Model),即以過去的經驗設立「精算假設」,但是這樣的假設無法精確的呈現未來的趨勢,所以本文的第一部份,便是根據過去的台灣總體經濟資料,建構一個退休基金的隨機投資模型(Stochastic Investment Model)。首先,我們以ECM(Error Correlation Model)模式建構出第一個投資模型,之後在精簡參數的考量下,建構第二個以因果關係為基礎的Causality投資模型,再以模型配適能力與預測能力比較兩模型,結果顯示Causality投資模型優於ECM投資模型。   有了投資模型,我們設定不同的退休金負債形式,如固定成長型負債MF、隨通貨膨脹成長M<sup>R</sup>負債及隨max{固定成長比例,通貨膨脹}而成長的退休金負債M<sup>L</sup>,以靜態避險的方式去求得各資產的最適配適比例。從模擬的結果中發現隨著到期日的增長,投資在風險性高報酬率佳的投資標的物上的比例也越來越高。另外,隨著負債固定成長比例f的增加,其M<sup>L</sup>負債之期初資產配置額便越接近M<sup>F</sup>負債之期初資產配置額。整體而言,我們由模擬中可得出,使用投資組合的投資方式優於單一資產投資的結論。 / In this study, we investigate the hedging strategies for pension liabilities by using Asset-Liability Management method. In the past, the traditional actuarial valuation usually does not take account of market value for both assets and liabilities. Most of the traditional actuarial valuation adopted the Deterministic Model, that is, setting the assumptions based on the experiences. However, it can not exactly show the trend in the future. In part one of this study, we build a stochastic investment model for the pension funds based on Taiwan Market data. First, we apply the first model : ECM( Error Correlation Model ). And then, we apply the second model : Causality Model under considering parsimonious parameterization. Finally, we compare the results of ECM with Causality Model on fitting and forecasting efficiency, and we find that Causality Model is better than ECM. With the investment model, we set some formulas of pension liabilities calculated to obtain the best fit proportion of each valuation by the static hedging. This involves finding optimal static hedging strategies to minimize riskiness of the investment portfolio relative to the liability. Overall, from the simulation results, for static hedging in these kinds of liabilities, investing in all three assets is a better strategy than investing in a single asset class. This confirms that the more assets we use, the more effectively we can hedge.

建立單一金融消費爭議處理機制之法制研究 / A legal study of a consistent scheme of financial dispute resolution

楊麗萍, Yang, Li Ping Unknown Date (has links)
2008年9月發生美國雷曼兄弟控股公司破產事件,我國一般散戶投資人以特定金錢信託或受託買賣方式購買由該公司所保證、其荷蘭子公司所發行之連動債券,其金額約新臺幣433.83億元,投資人人數高達5萬餘人,損失相當慘重。投資固然有其風險,但若金融消費者損失係金融服務業銷售過程違失所致,則金融服務業應依法對金融消費者負損害賠償責任。然而,金融服務業所提供之金融商品及服務型態日趨複雜,金融消費者與金融服務業在財力、資訊及專業面實質不對等,一旦發生糾紛,循司法途徑救濟往往曠日費時,所耗費之成本不符經濟效益。而現行各種訴訟外可處理金融消費爭議之機制,或不具金融專業,或欠缺法律依據,且缺乏單一專責機構處理,無法滿足金融消費者需求。鑒於我國現行針對特定型態之爭議事件,已有制定專法設置訴訟外替代性紛爭解決機制之體例。因此,有必要提供訴訟外之金融消費紛爭處理機制,並予法制化,以迅速有效處理金融消費爭議。 本文參考英國金融公評人(Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd.簡稱FOS)、新加坡金融業爭議調解中心(Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd.簡稱FIDReC)之運作規範及國內相關體例,提出我國未來制定專法建立訴訟外金融消費爭議處機制之法制建議。本文研究結論建議如下: 一、本機制宜定位為與其他法定紛爭解決機制並存之任意性訴訟外紛爭解決途徑,不剝奪當事人使用其他法定爭議處理途徑之權利。 二、設立財團法人組織型態之爭議處理機構,統合處理金融消費者與金融服務業間所生各種領域及型態之金融消費爭議。 三、本機制適用對象宜限於弱勢之金融消費者,排除具一定財力或專業能力之人。 四、爭議處理程序為金融消費者先向爭議所涉之金融服務業申訴,金融消費者不接受金融服務業處理結果或金融服務業逾期不為處理者,金融消費者得於一定期限內向爭議處理機構申請評議,爭議處理機構並得於受理後先試行調處。 五、保障當事人使用本機制之程序選擇權及接受處理結果之處分權。調處依雙方當事人協商合意而成立,評議則由評議委員會審酌一切情狀依公平合理原則作成評議決定後,經雙方當事人表明接受而成立。但為適度合理平衡金融消費者與金融服務業間之實質不對等,金融服務業於事前同意使用本爭議處理機制者,對於給付金額或財產價值在一定額度以下之評議決定,應予接受。 六、當事人不接受爭議處理結果者仍保有司法救濟權。當事人接受爭議理結果者則賦予爭議處理結果一定之法律上效力,並保留司法對爭議處理結果之最終審查權,包括經法院核可後始與民事確定判決有同一效力,及調處或評議決定有瑕疵時得提起撤銷之訴。

台灣上市上櫃公司發行可轉換債券之存活分析研究 / Survival analysis for convertible bonds of listed companies in Taiwan

戴誠蔚 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉換公司債為複合式證券,除了具有債券性質外,並給予持有者於債券流通期間內行使轉換為股票之權利。以存活分析方法探討可轉債之研究尚屬少見,本論文乃以台灣上市櫃公司發行之5年期可轉債為研究資料,先整理出與公司經營有關的變數,再分別以Cox模式與再發事件之兩種邊際模型(marginal model):A-G (Anderson-Gill) 模式、PWP-TT (Prentice-Williams-Petersen)模式為研究分析方法,探討可轉債之流通時間及大量交易時間的問題。本論文並將可轉債分類為債券類型、混合類型和權益類型,且由於不同類型可轉債之流通時間有所差異,因此以其為分層條件加入模式中進行分析。研究結果發現,資產總額、總負債率、TCRI評等及董監持股率等變數,具有顯著解釋可轉債流通時間的能力,可見公司財務負債狀況與穩定性與流通期間有關;而最高差價(當月最高股價與轉換價之相對差價)、長期負債率、總負債率及股價報酬率等變數,則可顯著解釋大量交易的發生時間,表示公司財務負債狀況與股價利潤差與大量交易發生之快慢有關,其中資產總額、最高差價、TCRI評等及股價報酬率之係數均顯著為正,長期負債率、總負債率及董監持股率之係數則顯著為負。由於平均表現之存活曲線與經驗存活曲線相當接近,以Kolmogorov-Smirnov檢定多無顯著差異,顯示這些模式有不錯的配適能力;至於對個別公司估計出之存活曲線,則或有與經驗存活曲線相差較多的現象,顯示所建立的模式可對個別公司提供可轉債即將結束流通或發生大量交易之預警。 / Convertible bonds are hybrid securities that possess the properties of bonds and the right to convert bonds into shocks. Few articles employed survival analysis to analyze the characteristics of convertible bonds. To investigate the effects of the issuer’s financial information to the duration of circulation and the timing of the massive trading about convertible bonds, Taiwan’s 5-year convertible bonds were collected, and three methods of survival analysis were employed:Cox model、A-G (Anderson-Gill) model and PWP-TT(Prentice-Williams-Petersen) model. We classified convertible bonds as debt-like, equity-like, and hedge-like, and then make the classification as a stratification condition later. In summary, total Assets, total debt ratio, TCRI, and the proportion of holding share in supervisors and directors are significant variables on circulation period of convertible bonds. Apparently, the extent of debt and financial stability of issuers have significant effects on circulation period; the difference between stock price and conversion price, long-term debt ratio, total debt ratio and stock return rate contribute significantly on the timing of massive trading of convertible bonds. While the extent of debt and the return of stock hasten the hazard of the timing of massive trading. Furthermore, there are no significant differences between the survival curves evaluated at the average performance levels and the corresponding empirical survival curves, according to the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. However, the differences between individual survival probabilities and overall empirical survival probabilities might be large, which indicates that the models incorporate companies’ performance overtime may provide a warning message for the termination of circulation or the timing of massive trading for a particular convertible bond.

國際化程度與企業營運風險及借貸能力 / Corporate internationalization vs. business risk and leverage

姜邦杰, Chiang, Pang Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
自由貿易風潮席捲全球,在國外競爭對手紛紛進入台灣市場、或是與我國貿易夥伴結盟的壓力下,台灣的企業不得不進軍國際市場,進行國際化擴張來確保企業永續發展。傳統理論主張,國際化享有分散市場風險的好處,也幫助企業可借到更充裕的銀行資金,有助企業經營發展。然而,從管理層面來看,國際化也會使得管理風險上升,並且讓銀行不易監控,代理成本問題惡化,導致拉高資金借貸成本,以致造成企業營運危機。因此,本研究要探討企業進行國際化是有利還是不利公司營運穩定以及公司借得資金。 本研究參考相關的文獻,從公司國際化的程度以及涉入國家類型兩個層面,來探討國際化對營運風險以及對借貸能力的影響,並提出三個假設:首先,先看國際化程度跟公司營運風險是否有U型的關係曲線,是否有一個最適的國際化程度使營運風險為最低。再來看國際化程度跟公司借貸能力是否有倒U型的關係曲線,是否有一個最適的國際化程度使借貸能力為最強。最後換個角度,看企業國際化涉入國家的金融發展程度,是否也會造成國際化程度相同的企業營運穩定跟資金借貸有不同表現。 本研究以台灣製造業規模較大的廠商為樣本來進行實證研究,應用事件研究法,取各廠商2004年到2009年間的平均值為研究資料,樣本數為208家。採迴歸方法分析資料,以資產報酬率的變異、長期債務相對股東權益的比例,分別作為衡量風險及借貸能力的依變項,自變項則有代表國際化程度的海外銷售比例或國外資產比例、代表市場金融發展程度的銀行放款佔GDP比率之加權平均。控制變數則有獲利能力、公司規模、研發支出、成長潛力、及產業別虛擬變數等等。 研究結果顯示國際化程度跟營運風險有U型關係,跟借貸能力有倒U型關係,國際化程度高於或低於某最適水準(國外資產比率45%,外銷比率55%),都會使營運風險上升、借貸能力下降。企業國際化活動涉入國家金融深化程度對借貸沒有顯著的影響,但是卻會增加營運風險。

政府支出之生產與最適公債比例 / Government expenditure in production and the optimal debt ratio

莊仲霖, Chuang, Chung Lin Unknown Date (has links)
2011年,美國政府在經歷次級房貸和高軍事支出的雙重壓力下,爆發高度財政赤字的問題,造成歐巴馬政府面臨調高債務比例與債務上限的壓力。然而,在眾多的輿論聲中,美國民主黨與共和黨在八月底達成下列協議,減少政府支出、提高債務比例以及增加債務上限等;但是,是否這些方式將改善美國經濟?本篇文章在動態隨機一般均衡(DSGE)架構下,建立一個封閉經濟體系,並將政府支出加入私人廠商部門,透過公共投資,幫助私人廠商增加產出;並且在政府僅採行公債和徵稅融通下,找出一個最適的債務持有比例,使國內福利為最高。而本文發現政府進入生產部門時,將影響最適債務持有比例。即是,隨著政府支出生產彈性越大,最適債務持有比例也會上升,而在基準參數下,我們將會得到最適債務持有比例為百分之十的結論。 / In 2011, under the pressure of subprime mortgage and high military expenditure, the U.S. government accumulated high fiscal deficit, and the Obama government faced the pressure of raising debt ratio and raising debt ceiling. However, among the huge debates, the Republican Party and Democratic Party reached the deal in August which included cut-down government expenditure, raise debt ratio, raise debt ceiling, and so on. But, will these ways improve the U.S. economy? This paper follows the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework to construct a closed economy, which the government helps private firm to production through public investment. Besides, given that government only undertakes debt financing and tax financing, we try to find an optimal debt ratio which makes the highest domestic welfare. In our finding, if the government enters private production sector, the optimal debt ratio will be influenced. That is, the optimal debt ratio will increase with the production elasticity of government expenditure. Under the benchmark parameter, the optimal debt ratio is 10 percent.

我國反資本弱化相關法條實施後對跨國公司稅負影響之研究 / Anti-Thin capitalization and its possible impact on multinational corporations

陳意涵, Chen, I Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國最新建立之反資本弱化稅制對跨國集團整體稅負之影響,並欲指出跨國公司在未來租稅規劃上應注意之事項。透過對國內外資本弱化相關案例,以及其他實務上可能產生稀釋資本議題之操作模式做個案研究,希望能夠發現在此稅制之下可能存在之問題與風險。 本文共分為五章,概述如下: 第一章:說明本研究之研究動機、欲探討之問題、擬採用之研究方法以及本研究架構。 第二章:分別針對資本弱化之理論架構、相關稅收議題,以及各國反資本弱化稅制之國內外文獻進行回顧及探討。 第三章:介紹並整理我國反資本弱化稅制中之各類法條、辦法及函令。 第四章:案例研究,以虛擬案例及實務上產生爭議之個案為研究對象,俾對我國未來稅捐稽徵機關在稽徵實務上及納稅義務人在租稅規劃上提出建議。 第五章:就前述討論內容做出結論,並嘗試對我國反資本弱化稅制提出具體之建議,以期做為未來研究者之參考。 / This essay focused on the newly enacted anti-thin capitalization regulation in Taiwan and its possible impact on multinational corporations in tax aspect. By studying on cases related to thin capitalization and other possible issues, this essay would like to discover the potential drawbacks and risks in the anti-thin capitalization regulation. This essay comprises five chapters. Summarizes as follows: Chapter 1: To explain motives, structure and methodologies of this research. Chapter 2: First, to introduce the definition of thin-capitalization made by OECD, and to explain the Modigliani-Miller Theory, which was the rationale of Thin Capitalization. Secondly, to collect and analyze the possible tax issues of thin capitalization, and to introduce the legislative conditions of anti-thin capitalization in regulations in main countries. Chapter 3: To briefly introduce the newly enacted anti-thin capitalization regulation. Also, this essay would like to debate on main issues and potential drawbacks in this regulation. Chapter 4: To study on an assumed example and other cases that show the common model of thin-capitalization and possible impacts result from anti-thin capitalization regulation on multinational corporations. In this part, the essay would like to give some suggestions to tax authority and tax payers. Chapter 5: To summarize the main contents from the forenamed chapters, in addition, to cite the potential risks and shortcomings of the anti-thin capitalization regulation.

考慮信用風險及Lévy過程之可轉換公司債評價 / Valuation of Convertible Bond under Lévy process with Default Risk 指導教授:廖四郎 博士 研究生:李嘉晃 撰 中華

李嘉晃, Chia-Huang Li Unknown Date (has links)
由於違約事件不斷發生以及在財務實證上顯示證券的報酬率有厚尾與高狹峰的現象,本文使用縮減式模型與Lévy過程來評價有信用風險下的可轉換公司債。在Lévy過程中,本研究假設股價服從NIG及VG模型,發現此兩種模型比傳統的GBM模型更符合厚尾現象。此外,在Lévy過程參數估計方面,本文使用最大概似法估計參數,在評價可轉換公司債方面,本研究採用最小平方蒙地卡羅法。本文之實證結果顯示,Lévy模型的績效比傳統GBM模型佳。 / Due to the reason that the default events occurred constantly and still continue taking place, empirical log return distributions exhibit fat tail and excess kurtosis, this paper evaluates convertible bonds under Lévy process with default risk using the reduced-form approach. Under the Lévy process, the underlying stock prices are set to be normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) and variance Gamma (VG) model to capture the jump components. In the empirical analysis, we use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters of Lévy distributions, and apply the least squares Monte Carlo Simulation to price convertible bonds. Five examples are shown in pricing convertible bonds using the traditional model and Lévy model. The empirical results show that the performance of Lévy model is better than the traditional one.

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