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日本型市場経済システムの変容に関する研究王, 凌 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第23970号 / 人博第1022号 / 新制||人||241(附属図書館) / 2022||人博||1022(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 大黒 弘慈, 准教授 柴山 桂太, 教授 小畑 史子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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日本經濟復甦對銀行業影響之探討郭夢慈 Unknown Date (has links)
日本經濟自1990年起,由「日本第一」落入「流動性陷阱」,而陷入長達10多年的不景氣,主因是日本股市及不動產市場重挫,企業向銀行貸款所提供之擔保品價值下滑,卻因在低利率時代已過度借貸,又經營不善面臨虧損,發生償債困難,一旦財務有所改善,只想提前償還貸款,而無增加貸款意願,故稱為「資產負債表的衰退」(Balance Sheet Recession)。整體經濟景氣蕭條,國內需求不振,亦使振興經濟之寬鬆貨幣政策無法達到預期效果。
日本資產泡沫的破滅使銀行體系的逾放問題日益嚴重。日本政府為了加強銀行體系的健全性,實施金融改革(Big Bang)。使原本以傳統存、放款業務為主的銀行,在面臨國際化浪潮時,也能同時經營證券、保險業務,並將新金融商品引進日本。並由隸屬於內閣府的金融廳(Financial Services Agency)來監督日本銀行及證券業務,負責金融檢查及金融法規企劃業務,落實金融與財政分離之原則。但日本金融業務日益多元化,及衍生性金融商品日趨複雜,對金融監理機關之專業能力,形成新的挑戰。以上所述為日本國內的經濟與金融問題。
至於日圓對外幣的匯率方面,由於日圓利率偏低,套利交易(carry trade) 盛行。投資人趁著日本央行維持低利率之際,借入低成本的日圓資金,然後換成利率較高的外幣轉戰國際市場,追逐收益較高的資產,同時賺取利差、匯率及資產升值的價差,使日圓匯率的走勢疲弱,也造成全球金融市場的波動。
六、根據台灣以及日本最近的發展對金融監理單位及銀行業提出應有的改革與建議。 / The Japanese economy fell into a “liquidity trap” in 1990. Due to the stock market and real estate market plunge, the deep recession has lasted for over 10 years. The bursting of asset bubbles caused the balance sheets of enterprises to become weaker and weaker. All companies hoped to reduce their debt to banks if they were profitable. They had no intention to reinvest any more. So it was called - Balance Sheet Recession.
Even though the Bank of Japan adopted an easy monetary policy, the financial system remained vulnerable. With the bad debt of commercial banks increasing, the NPL (non-performing loan) problem has been a major concern for city banks and regional banks.
Japan's "Big Bang" reforms radically altered its financial marketplace. The barriers separating banks, securities, and insurance companies were lowered. The Financial Services Agency replaced Ministry of Finance to oversee banking, securities and exchange and insurance in order to ensure the stability of the financial system. As for financial business diversified and derivative products complicated, there were many great challenges facing the financial regulatory authorities.
During the past decade, the yen carry trade has become a target for many investors or speculators. Traders using this strategy attempt to capture the difference between the interest rates of two currencies. Taking USD/Yen for example, they borrowed the cheaper yen and invested in U.S. Treasuries yielding a higher interest rate. It causes the depreciation of Japanese Yen and increases the volatility of financial markets.
This essay describes Japanese financial crisis, Japanese monetary policy, stock market, and real estate market. Besides, I analyze the profitability, capital adequacy, and non-performing problems of Japanese banks. Finally, I give my personal opinions on Taiwan and Japan’s banking industry.
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結構型債券不當銷售爭議與投資人保護之法律問題 / The improper-selling of structured notes and the legal issues for structured notes investors protection.謝巧君, Hsieh, Chiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
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跳躍擴散模型下固定比例債務債券評價,風險構面及避險分析 / The Pricing, Credit Risk Decomposition and Hedging Analysis of CPDO Under The Jump Diffusion Model王聖元, Wang , Sheng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
信用衍生性商品在市場上交易漸趨熱絡,創新速度更是一日千里,市場上琳琅滿目的信用衍生性商品,投資人要如何審慎客觀評估風險後再檢視自身能承擔的風險後投資,諸如此類的議題在近幾年備受關注。尤其在2007金融海嘯之後,所有信用衍生性產品也無一倖免,信用評等公司對信用衍生性產品的評價,也備受挑戰,因此,辨識風險以及驅避風險在後金融海嘯時期,已是一刻不容緩之待解決問題。固定比例債務債券(Constant Proportion Debt Obligations; CPDO)亦是金融海嘯前一年所發明的創新信用衍生性商品,由於其高收益特性以及強調極低投資風險,吸引了許多投資人爭相購買,但金融海嘯時期,也是付之一炬。為了使投資人更了解此商品的風險,本研究運用在跳躍擴散模型假設下,存在封閉解的雙出場障礙式選擇權複製此商品的風險因子,並且為了描述此商品具有動態調整槓桿的時間相依(Time Dependent)性質,加入了蒙地卡羅模擬法,捕捉任意時點上,投資人面臨的風險,將風險因子拆解選擇權後,也更能讓投資人能以投資選擇權的知識運用到此商品來操作。最後,為了使投資人趨避諸如金融海嘯時期的風險,本研究也用選擇權的Delta 避險策略,替商品虛擬一現貨市場,並模擬出其避險之績效。 / The increasing trading volumes and innovative structures of credit derivatives have attracted great academic attention in the quantification and analysis of their complex risk characteristics. The pricing and hedging issues of complex credit structuers after the 2009 financial crisis are especially vital, and they present great challegens to both the academic community and industry practitioners. Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CPDOs) are one of the new credit-innovations that claim to provide risk-adverse investors with fixed-income cash flows and minimal risk-bearing, yet the cash-outs events of such products during the crisis unfolded risk characteristics that had been unseen to investors. This research focuses on the pricing risk quantification, and dynamic hedging issues of CPDOs under a Levy jump diffusion setting. Based on decomposing the product's risk structure, we derive explicit closed-form solutions in the form of time-dependent double digital knock-out barrier options. This enables us to explore, in terms of the associated hedging greeks, the embeded risk characteristics of CPDOs and propose feasible delta-netral strategies that are feasible to hedge such products. Numerical simulations are subsequently performed to provide benchmark measures for the proposed hedging strategies.
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二次擔保債權憑證之評價及其風險衡量-條件機率獨立模型 / The Valuation and Risk Measure of CDO-Squared under Conditional Independence陳嘉祺 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主旨在評價二次擔保債權憑證。在條件獨立機率的假設下,我們使用factor copula的方法去刻劃違約事件間的相關係數,並提供了一個有效率的迴圈演算法去建構損失分配。本方法同時考慮違約數目及違約位置,同時亦可解決重疊性的問題。本文所建構的是Hull and White(2004)的延申模型。我們也對各參數作敏感度分析,以求得其對分券價差的影響。文中亦主張一些風險衝量指標,以量化重疊性的程度等風險議題。 / In this paper we address the pricing issues of CDO of CDOs. Underlying the conditional indepdence assumption we use the factor copula approach to characterize the correlation of defaults events. We provide an efficient recursive algorithm that constructs the loss distribution. Our algorithm accounts for the number of defaults, the location of defaults among inner CDOs, and in addition the degree of overlapping between inner CDOs. Our algorithm is a natural extension of the probability bucketing method of Hull and White (2004). We analyze the sensitivity of different parameters on the tranche spreads of a CDO-squared, and in order to characterize the risk-reward profiles of CDO-squared tranches, we introduces appropriate risk measures that quantify the degree of overlapping among the inner CDOs.
Hull and White (2004) presents a recursive scheme known as probability bucketing approach to construct conditional loss distribution of CDO. However, this approach is insufficient to capture the complexities of CDO².
In the case of the modeling of CDO, we are concerned for the probabilities of different number of defaults upon a time horizon t, e.g., the probabilities of 3 defaults happened within a year. With the mentioned probabilities, we can then calculate the expected loss within the time horizon, which enables us to figure out the spreads of CDO.
However, in the modeling of CDO², an appropriate valuation should be able to overcome two more difficulties: (1) the overlapping structure of the underlying CDOs, and (2) the location where defaults happened, in order to get the fair spreads of CDO².
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我國私募公司債之制度評析陳翌欣 Unknown Date (has links)
美國私募公司債之行為義務規範,除以1933年證券法為本外,證管會尚就私募之要件及轉售之限制頒布安全港規則。美國之轉售規定主要係依據Rule 144安全港規則。而在私募公司債管理制度方面,美國係採受託人制度。又為免信託契約之內容獨厚發行公司,以1939年信託契約法暨1990年修正案為標準,作為發行公司與受託人契約內容之依據,給予公司債債權人適當之保護。日本法就私募公司債之行為義務規範,主要係以公司法及金融商品交易法為本。而在公司債管理制度方面,日本法係兼採受託人制及公司債債權人會議。原則上均以公司法規範之,僅於私募有擔保之公司債時,由於附擔保公司債與無擔保公司債本質上之差異,須另受特別法-附擔保公司債信託法之規範。
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歐洲已開發市場之信用違約交換與信用價差動態關係與變化影響因子 / Dynamic relation of credit default swap and bond credit spread on developed European sovereign bonds黃嘉東, Whang, Jia Tung Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現信用違約交換有較明顯之價格發現功能,且信用違約交換與債券信用價差間之基準差與信用風險呈現正向關係。而歐洲主權債券因其性質特殊,其使用德國政府公債作無風險利率反而較歐元交換利率為佳。此外我們發現利率變化與股市皆為影響歐洲主權信用價差之因子,而波動率之影響不明顯,原因也可能是歐洲主權債券過去低風險而成為資金避險標的之特殊性質。 / The thesis examines the dynamic relation between CDS and bond spread on developed European sovereign bonds. We also investigate which variables will affect the changes of CDS and bond spreads.
We found that price discovery occurs on CDS more often, and the basis between CDS and bond spread has a positive relationship with credit risk. Due to the special characteristic of developed European sovereign bonds, the German sovereign bond yield is a better benchmark for risk-free rate than the Euro swap rate. Also we found that the change of rates and the return on stock market affect the European sovereign credit spread, but the effect of volatility on credit spread is limited. The reason should be the low-risk nature of these bonds in the past, which made them “safe” products for capitals to park.
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隨機波動下利率變動型人壽保險之違約風險分析 / Default AnalysisofInterestSensitiveLifeInsurance Policies underStochasticVolatility曾暐筑, Tseng, Wei Chu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據利率變動型壽險之現金流量建立公司之資產負債模型,預期建立Heston (1993)模型描述標的資產的隨機波動過程,相較於以往Black-Scholes (1973)模型更能反映真實的市場波動。本研究藉由資產與負債的變化,衡量保險公司違約風險,同時分析影響違約風險之各項因子,包含解約、死亡與資產配置策略之關聯性。本研究結果顯示,宣告利率、評價時間長度及資產配置策略等皆會影響保險公司之違約風險及其破產幅度。 / When systemic risk of capital markets exacerbates, the segment assets that held by interest sensitive life insurance policies will fluctuate widely and affect insurer's solvency. This paper considers the problem of valuating the default risk of the life insurers under systematic risk, by constructing a stochastic model of segment balance sheet.
In this paper, we establish insurer's asset-liability model on the basis of interest sensitive life insurance policies' cash flow.In particular, we use Heston(1993) model to simulate stochastic process of assets, which is better reflect market volatility than Black-Scholes(1973) model in reality. And moreover, by means of the variation on asset and liability, this study evaluating the default risk of life insurers and analyze the factors affect default risk, like the correlation between surrender, death and asset allocation. And using the result of sensitivity analysis to determine which factor is more important, like guaranteed rate, time period of valuation and so on.
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國際會計準則 IFRS 4 Phase II 對壽險業負債衡量影響之探討 / The Analysis of the effect from liability evaluation for Life Insurance Policies After Adopting IFRS 4 Phase II in Taiwan鍾昀珊, Chung, Yun Shan Unknown Date (has links)
人壽保險業為特許行業,各國基於不同監理目的而有不同會計處理規定,導致各國會計差異問題的浮現。台灣自 2011 年 1 月 1 日起正式 適用國際財務報導準則保險合約第一階段規範與國際接軌,其為過渡性準則,乃說明保險合約之定義、合約之認列與衡量及其揭露等,實施後影響不大。但實施後保險業仍存在對資產採公平價值評價,而對負債 (責任準備金) 採成本法評價之不一致現象。因此,為達資產負債 管理的一致性,將實施 IFRS 4 Phase II,對保險負債採公平價值評價並 規定保險負債須以無風險利率評價。本研究將在 IFRS 4 Phase II 對負債公平價值的規範架構下,以壽險 業商品的準備金為例,評估 IFRS 4 Phase II 實施後其準備金價值及公 司財報損益所會產生的差異。此外,探討 IFRS 4 Phase II 實施後對壽 險業的評價影響,諸如服務邊際、現金價值與風險調整,包含此財務揭露改變是否將對壽險業之商品類型造成影響。 / Life insurance corporation should be granted a franchise by the government in every countries. The purpose of supervision based on different countries have different accounting rules, leading to differences in national accounting problems. Taiwan has officially adopted the framework of International Financial Reporting Standards 4 Phase I since January 1, 2011. IFRS 4 Phase I is a transitional guidelines, which includes some definitions of insurance contracts. The principles of IFRS Phase I doesn’t cause serious effects for life insurance corporations. However, the problem of mismatching between the fair value of assets and the book value of liabilities still exists. Therefore, in order to achieve consistency management in asset and liability, the fair value valuation for liabilities is required under the frame work of IFRS 4 Phase II In our research, we would take a policy for example to evaluate the fair value of liabilities under the framework of IFRS 4 Phase II. Besides, we also analyze the the influences for life insurance companies after applying the IFRS 4 Phase II.
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量化寬鬆對信用風險的影響-以歐豬五國為例 / The impact of quantitative easing on credit risk in the Eurozone-take PIIGS for example林顥峰, Lin, Hao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件研究法的方式,研究歐洲央行宣布量化寬鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)對歐豬五國信用風險的影響,本研究以各國主權信用違約交換的超額報酬顯著性衡量量化寬鬆政策對信用風險的影響。
研究結果為多數的QE政策宣告對歐豬五國信用風險的影響在事件期中有正向有負向,且時常交錯分布,未有一固定的模式,故無法得到一個明確的結論。 / This paper examines the impact of the ECB’s (European Central Bank) quantitative easing program on the credit risk of PIIGS. In this case, we used each underlying countries’ excess return of their sovereign CDSs to identify if their credit risks are decreased significantly.
Our finding was that most QE announcements by the ECB had multiple impacts on the credit risk of PIIGS. They had both positive and negative impacts. Also, the patterns were not the same, so we do not have a clear conclusion on whether the QE policies are good or bad for the credit risk of PIIGS.
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