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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

垂直分工,內生性切割技術及政府政策 / Vertical specialization, endogenous fragmentation and government policy

黃士真 Unknown Date (has links)


李政德, Lee, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包括三篇有關「國防經濟」相關議題之研究。此三篇研究建立隨機的內生性成長模型,進行國防經濟的成長與福利分析,整個論文的主軸及行文順序如下: 第一篇文章為「國防支出、隨機成長與福利」,本文主要係延伸Barro (1990)、Turnovsky (1999) 與Gong and Zou (2003) 所提政府支出具生產力的概念,建構一個隨機的內生性成長模型,探討國防支出對於長期經濟成長率與福利水準的影響。我們發現國防支出與長期經濟成長率的關係是非線性的,並且得到使得長期經濟成長率最大時的最適國防支出比例。此外,我們也證明國防支出會透過兩種管道影響福利水準:第一種管道為國家安全效果,第二種管道為經濟成長效果。最後,本文首先提出國防支出波動程度對長期經濟成長率以及福利水準的衝擊會受到生產與國防支出干擾項的共變數以及代表性個人的風險偏好程度所影響。 第二篇文章為「軍事威脅、隨機成長與福利」,本文係延伸第一篇文章的架構,加入軍事威脅的隨機過程,並建構一個隨機的內生性成長模型,除了得到第一篇文章的結論外,更得到外國軍事支出的成長與本國長期內生成長率成反比以及外國軍事支出的波動程度與本國長期內生成長率成正比的結果。此外,本文亦首先證明外國軍事支出的成長與波動程度對於福利水準與長期經濟成長率的影響是相同的。換言之,若外國軍事支出的成長與波動程度導致長期經濟成長率增加,則福利水準也會增加;反之亦然。 第三篇文章為「軍事威脅、成長與福利:小型開放隨機成長模型」,本文建構一個小型開放的隨機內生性成長模型,探討外國軍事威脅對於本國長期經濟成長率與福利水準的影響。本文首先證明外國軍事威脅未預期的干擾對於本國長期經濟成長率的影響與本國是否為債權國或債務國有關。我們也首先證明外國軍事威脅的波動程度對於經濟成長率隨機過程變異數的衝擊會與本國是否為債權國或債務國以及消費的跨期替代彈性有關,即我們證明如果本國為淨債權國且消費的跨期替代彈性大於1或者如果本國為淨債務國且消費的跨期替代彈性小於1,此時若外國軍事威脅的波動程度愈大,則本國經濟成長率的隨機調整路徑愈平穩。

通貨膨脹與資本累積 -- 兩部門成長模型 / Inflation and Capital Accumulation --- A Two-Sector Growth Model

張曉峰, Hsiao Feng Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是應用一內生性成長模型, 以先持有現金(Cash-in-Advance)限 制引入貨幣, 討論長期經濟成長率與貨幣成長率間的關係.

考慮內生性與樣本選擇之生產邊界估計方法—關聯結構法與共同邊界法之應用 / An estimation of production frontiers taking account of endogeneity and selection under the framework of copula methods and metafrontier models

謝子雄, Xie, Zixiong Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試解決在文獻上估計生產函數時所產生內生性及樣本選擇的問題。在模型設定上,我允許生產函數存在未觀察到的生產力,並引入技術無效率。在隨機邊際模型架構下,我利用 Olley and Pakes (1996) 及 Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) 所提之演算法先行解決內生性的問題。之後再利用關聯結構法 (copula method) 將樣本選擇問題考慮至生產函數中。如此,既可解決生產函數時所產生內生性及樣本選擇的問題,又可在此基礎上估計技術效率值。另外,根據本文所提之估計方法基礎下,我們透過共同邊界分析法 (metafrontier analysis) 比較留下 (stayer) 與離開 (exit) 市場廠商的技術效率與技術差距比率 (technology gap ratio, TGR)。 / Plants in Taiwan’s manufacturing are characterized as small- and medium-size with frequent exit and entry and the scale of survivors varies considerably with business cycles. Plants' choices on whether to exit or to stay and continuing plants' options on input quantities count on both technical efficiency and productivity. This entails a selection and a simultaneity problems in the estimation of production frontiers. This dissertation proposes a new approach to solve both issues under the framework of the stochastic frontier approach. More specific, we extend Olley and Pakes' (1996) and Levinsohn and Petrin's (2003) approaches to a stochastic production frontier and use copula methods to deal with simultaneity and selection at the same time. Based on the proposed method, we further conduct a metafrontier analysis to compare the technical efficiency and technology gap ratio between exit and continuing firms, which are operating under different technologies and subject to simultaneity and selection. The data of Taiwan’s electronic and food products industries are arbitrarily chosen to illustrate our empirics. Some results are obtained in this dissertation: first, the proposed model solves the problems of simultaneity and selectivity in the production function that exists in ordinary least square estimation; second, there is a serious downward bias in technical efficiency when the conventional stochastic frontier approach ignores simultaneity or sample selection problem; third, the results of metafrontier analysis find that, there is little difference in technology gap ratio between exit and continuing firms. The primary determinant on whether a firm can keep operating in the industry is its managerial ability, rather than its adoption of technology.

晉升解釋模型的內生性侷限?: 中共幹部非正式關係對政績表現的影響 / Limitation of Promotion Model: the Relation between Cadre's Faction and Performance

姚伊蕙, Yao, I Hui Unknown Date (has links)

開放性、犧牲比率與通貨膨脹:工具變數分量迴歸模型之應用 / Openness, sacrifice ratio, and inflation: application of instrumental variable quantile regression

侯俊宇, Hou, Jun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
開放性與通貨膨脹之間的關係一直是總體經濟學中重要的議題。Romer (1993) 使用 Kydland and Prescott (1977) 和 Barro and Gordan (1983) 的模型進行分析,發現開放性增加會使的降低背離法則的誘因。本篇論文使用 Galvao (2008), Galvao and Montes-Rojas (2009), 和 Harding and Lamarche (2009) 的追蹤資料工具變數分量回歸模型進行分析,同時也以實證分析開放性和犧牲比率之間的關係。在考慮的開放性的內生性之後,我們發現在通膨越高的國家其開放性的影響越大,動態不一致性也越嚴重。 / The relationship between openness and inflation is an important issue in macroeconomics. Romer (1993) uses the models of Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordan (1983) to argue that greater openness will reduce the policymakers' incentive to deviate from the rule. Cukierman, Webb, and Neyapti (1992) and Romer (1993) have an idea that countries with less political stability have a higher probability to violate the pre-committed monetary policies. In addition, as proposed by Romer (1993), the openness may be endogenous when analyzing the relationship between openness and inflation. Thus, we apply instrumental variable quantile regression for panel data proposed by Galvao (2008), Galvao and Montes-Rojas (2009), and Harding and Lamarche (2009) to test whether or not the negative effects of openness is stronger when inflation is higher. We also do the empirical work between openness and the sacrifice ratio to test the mechanism that openness affects inflation established by Romer (1993). After dealing with the potential endogeneity of openness, we find that when the inflation is higher the negative effect of openness is stronger. As the argument of Romer (1993), our empirical results show that the time inconsistency problem is more serious in countries with higher inflation. But our empirical results show that the effect of openness on the sacrifice ratio is positive which is different from the mechanism established by Romer (1993).

市場風險值管理之應用分析以某金融控股公司為例 / The analysis of Market Risk VaR management :the case of financial holding company

周士偉, Chou, Jacky Unknown Date (has links)
2008年次貸風暴橫掃全球金融市場,Basel II制度歷經多年的實施,卻無法有效防阻金融風暴的發生。觀察2008已採用內部模型法之主要國際金融機構之年報,亦發現採用蒙地卡羅模擬法之代表銀行『德意志銀行』於該年度竟發生了35次穿透,市場風險管理到底出了什麼問題?這是被極度關心的現象,產官學界也對此現象提出了許多議題。2012年的現在,次貸的風暴尚未遠去,新的歐債危機也正在蔓延,若金融風暴再次來臨,市場風險管理是否能克服次貸風暴後所凸顯的缺失,市場風險管理的價值除被動管理外,是否還可以進階到主動預警,以作為經營決策的重要參考資訊?這些都是國內金融機構需積極面對的急迫的市場風險管理議題。 個案金控的市場風險管理機制致力於解決次貸以來所凸顯的市場風險管理議題、提升市場風險衡量的精準度、擴大市場風險管理之應用範圍,並將市場風險管理的價值由被動管理角色進階到主動預警角色,以期作為經營決策的重要參考。經過多年的淬煉,其發展理念與經驗應具相當參考價值,故本論文以個案金融控股公司(以下簡稱個案金控)之實務經驗進行個案研究,除分析個案金控市場風險管理機制的基礎架構外,也將研究重心放在個案金控如何在此基礎架構下,開發多種進階市場風險量化管理功能。 本論文除研究個案金控如何完善市場風險值量化機制外,也對各量化功能的實施結果進行分析,以期研究成果可更客觀的作為其他金融控股公司未來發展進階市場風險衡量機制之參考。

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