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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

労働契約における兼職法制・競業避止義務・守秘義務に関する研究 : ドイツ法・日本法の比較法的考察 / ロウドウ ケイヤク ニオケル ケンショク ホウセイ・キョウギョウ ヒシ ギム・シュヒ ギム ニカンスル ケンキュウ : ドイツ ホウ・ニホン ホウ ノ ヒカクホウテキ コウサツ / 労働契約における兼職法制競業避止義務守秘義務に関する研究 : ドイツ法日本法の比較法的考察 / ロウドウ ケイヤク ニ オケル ケンショク ホウセイ キョウギョウ ヒシ ギム シュヒ ギム ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ドイツホウ ニホンホウ ノ ヒカク ホウテキ コウサツ

河野 尚子, Naoko Kono 20 March 2015 (has links)
本論文は、労働契約における兼職法制及び兼職避止義務と密接に関わる競業避止義務・守秘義務における我が国の法律問題のあり方について、ドイツ法との比較法的研究を行ったものである。兼職法制との関係では、労働時間の通算制、契約上の兼職避止義務、複数就業者の労災保険給付、パートタイム複数就業者の不利益取扱いに関する法律問題について、また、兼職避止義務と関連する問題として、在職中の競業避止義務、守秘義務の関係性について、どのような視点で法規範が形成されているのか、ドイツ法の議論を踏まえた上で、分析を行っている。 / 博士(法学) / Doctor of Laws / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


黃敏榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討高級中學行政兼職教師個人背景變項、角色壓力、社會支持與工作滿意的關係,以了解學校行政兼職教師工作滿意的情形,及其所覺知的角色壓力與社會支持,並探討其中之重要影響因素,進而提供意見協助行政人員克服困境以加強其留職之意願。 本研究以北部各縣市公立高級中等學校各處室行政兼職教師為研究對象。配合研究編製「高級中學行政兼職教師工作滿意度狀況調查表」,問卷內容分為角色壓力問卷、社會支持問卷、工作滿意問卷三部分,共寄發460份,回收427份,有效問卷為414份,回收率為92.83%。 研究方法則採取文獻分析、問卷調查並以SPSS統計軟體進行單因子變異數分析,若達顯著水準則用Scheffe法或Tukey法進行事後比較。並以多元迴歸分析高級中學行政兼職教師背景變項、角色壓力、社會支持對工作滿意感受各層面之預測力。 本研究獲致以下結論: (一)個人背景變項的不同,在角色壓力上、工作滿意上皆有顯著的差異,而在社會支持上,僅部分獲得支持。 (二)角色壓力、社會支持對工作滿意各層面有顯著性的影響。 (三)角色壓力、社會支持對工作滿意之交互作用不顯著。 (四)角色壓力各層面和整體工作滿意度呈現顯著的負相關,社會支持各層面與整體工作滿意呈現顯著的正相關。 (五)不同背景變項、角色壓力、社會支持,對工作滿意具有預測力。 依據本研究所獲致之結論對教育主管行政機關、學校之建議如下: 1.調整提高兼任行政工作教師之行政職務加給。 2.學校規模不宜太大。 3.實施教師分級制。 4.增加進修機會並鼓勵進修,以提昇行政兼職教師的專業知能。 5.校長應採高關懷、高倡導領導模式,以提高工作滿意度。 6.有計畫培養行政領導人才。 7.學校領導可採參與管理。 / The present study aims to investigate the relationships among background, role stress, social support and job satisfaction of senior high school administrative teachers. The correlations are further analyzed with a view to providing advice on overcoming difficulties and increasing willingness of participation in school administration. Questionnaire investigation is employed in this study with subjects drawn from administrative teachers serving in public senior high schools in northern Taiwan. The questionnaire consists of three parts; namely, role stress, social support and job satisfaction. 470 copies were distributed and 427 feedbacks collected. With 414 effective samples, the feedback rate is 92.83%. The data were analyzed with Frequency Distribution, F-test, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Scheffe and Multi-regression methods. The findings are as follows: (1) Personal background influences role stress, job satisfaction, and social support. (2) Role stress and social support influence job satisfaction. (3) There is no interaction between role stress and social support. (4) The higher role stress, the lower job satisfaction; the higher social support, the higher job satisfaction. (5) Personal backgrounds, role stress, and social supports can predict job satisfaction. Based on the present study, suggestions for the educational authorities, principal, and superior in schools are: 1. Increasing the extra payments to teachers who take part in administration. 2. School size may not be too large. 3. Implementing teachers’ ranking system. 4. Providing more in-career education and encouraging teachers’ taking part to upgrade their professional skills. 5. Sincere care and full support are to be provided by principals, which increase job satisfaction significantly. 6. Cultivation administration leaders with plans. 7. Taking-part administration strategy is a feasible way for school management.


劉奕宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的,在於探討臺北縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長激勵策略、工作壓力與組織承諾之間的關係,首先,蒐集有關激勵策略、工作壓力及組織承諾的相關文獻,加以探討及分析。其次,提出研究架構、進行問卷之編製並建構專家效度,據此發展本研究的研究工具-「臺北縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長激勵策略、工作壓力與組織承諾關係之研究問卷」,然後以臺北縣立59所國民中學之兼職行政教師為研究母群,以分層隨機抽樣抽取47所學校,680位教師為研究樣本,實施問卷調查,問卷回收561份,有效問卷546份,回收率為82.5%,,可用率80.3%。問卷回收後,復以描述性統計、t-考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法進行資料分析,再就研究結果分別加以討論。 本研究得到下列幾項結論: 壹、國中兼職行政教師知覺校長激勵策略為中上程度,其中以「改善福利措施」層面的知覺程度略低。 貳、國中兼職行政教師的工作壓力為中等程度,其中以「工作負荷」層面的知覺程度最高。 參、國中兼職行政教師的組織承諾為中上程度,其中以「留職傾向」層面的知覺程度略低。 肆、男性、41-50歲、已婚、育有子女、擔任主任、學校在都市地區及校長年齡在45歲以下或56歲以上之國中兼職行政教師對校長激勵策略的知覺程度較高。 伍、女性、40歲以下、未婚、尚無子女、行政年資1-4年、擔任組長、學校在都市地區、於教務處或輔導處服務及校長為女性之國中兼職行政教師的工作壓力知覺程度較高。 陸、男性、41歲以上、已婚、育有子女、碩士以上學歷、行政年資8年以上、擔任主任及學校在都市地區之國中兼職行政教師的組織承諾知覺程度較高。 柒、國中兼職行政教師知覺校長激勵策略與組織承諾具有顯著正相關,對校長激勵策略知覺程度越高者,其組織承諾知覺程度越高。 捌、國中兼職行政教師工作壓力與組織承諾具有顯著負相關,工作壓力越大者,其組織承諾知覺程度越低。 玖、校長激勵策略對國中兼職行政教師組織承諾具有預測作用,其中以「健全組織環境」為最佳預測變項。 拾、國中兼職行政教師工作壓力對組織承諾具有預測作用,其中以「上級要求」為最佳預測變項。 根據以上結論,本研究提出以下建議: 壹、對國中校長及教育行政機關的建議 一、瞭解成員興趣需求,給予適當福利待遇 二、營造健全組織環境,形塑優質校園文化 三、規劃獎勵升遷管道,提昇行政成就動機 四、減輕行政工作負荷,提供適當紓壓方法 伍、減少上級不當要求,強化兼職留任意願 六、鼓勵教師在職進修,建立行政專業形象 貳、對未來研究者的建議 一、擴大不同研究對象 二、兼採多元研究變項 三、兼顧質量並重的研究方法 四、設計適切的研究工具 關鍵字:兼職行政教師、激勵策略、工作壓力、組織承諾


莊登山, Chuang, Teng Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於: 一、了解不同背景變項之教師兼職行政人員在心理契約各構面差異情形 二、探討不同背景變項之教師兼職行政人員在情緒勞務各構面差異情形 三、探討不同背景變項之教師兼職行政人員在辭卸兼職傾向之差異分析 四、探討教師兼職行政人員心理契約、情緒勞務與辭卸兼職傾向三者間 的關係 最後根據研究結果分析、討論、提出建議,最為主管機關、學校領導者、教師兼職行政人員及後續研究者之參考。 依研究需要,本研究使「心理契約實踐量表」、「情緒勞務負擔量表」、「辭卸兼職傾向量表」等三種研究工具。以大台北區公立國民中學教師兼職行政人員為問卷調查對象。共抽取57所公立國民中學818名教師兼職行政人員為施測樣本,自99年11月18日發出問卷818份,至99年12月3日止,共回收612份,可用問卷596份,問卷回收率為74.8%,可用率為72.9%。正式問卷回收後,以描述統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關、及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法分析資料。 經研究結果發現: 一、教師兼職行政人員的「心理契約」在擔任職務方面有顯著的差異。 二、教師兼職行政人員的「情緒勞務」在擔任職務及學歷方面有顯著的差異。三、教師兼職行政人員的「辭卸兼職傾向」在不同行政年資上有顯著差異。四、心理契約對辭卸兼職傾向無直接影響力 五、心理契約透過情緒勞務,可預測辭卸兼職傾向 六、情緒勞務對辭卸兼職傾向之預測力主要來自表層的情緒控制 關鍵詞:心理契約、情緒勞務、辭卸兼職傾向 / The main purposes of the research are: 1.To understand the differences of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently with various background factors in psychological contract. 2.To investigate the differences of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently with various background factors in emotional labor. 3.To explore the differences of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently with various background factors in turnover intention. 4.To probe into the relationship among psychological contract, emotional labor and turnover intention of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently. Finally, the analysis and the discussion will be given as suggestions to the controlling organization, school leaders, administrators and the future researchers. Based on the need of the research, three kinds of research tools are established: psychological contract fulfillment questionnaire, emotional labor questionnaire and turnover intention questionnaire. The survey focuses on Taipei junior high school teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently. Among the teachers, 818 teachers were sampled from 57 schools. On November 18, 2010, 818 questionnaires were issued and 612 questionnaires were collected on December 3. There were 596 available questionnaires. The questionnaire returns-ratio is 74.8% and the availability is 72.9%. The data is statistically analyzed by descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson product-moment Correlations, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis. The findings of this research are as follows: 1.Psychological contract of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently is positively correlated with their positions. 2.Emotional labor of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently is positively correlated with their positions and academic degrees. 3.Turnover intention of the teachers that serve the administrative work concurrently is positively correlated with administrative seniority. 4.Psychological contract has vaguely direct influence on turnover intention. 5.Turnover intention can be predictable by psychological contract via emotional labor. 6.The prediction of turnover intention via emotional labor is attributed to surface emotional control. Keywords: psychological contract;emotional labor; turnover intention


江巨材 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討激勵保健因素與公立高職兼職行政教師組織承諾之關係。採用文獻分析與問卷調查方式進行。 在文獻分析方面,首先針對激勵保健因素及組織承諾相關文獻進行蒐集、探討與分析。進而建立研究架構。 再以教育部94年度所公佈之92所公立高職兼職行政工作教師為研究對象,以激勵保健因素與公立高職兼任行政教師組織承諾關係之研究問卷為工具。以抽樣方式進行調查。 發出問卷644份,回收問卷635份,有效問卷609份,問卷可用率為94.6%。問卷回收後,使用描述性統計分析、單因子變異分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸等方式進行資料分析,茲就研究結果加以討論。 本研究得到以下結論: 一、 公立高職兼職行政教師激勵保健因素呈現中等感受度。 二、 公立高職兼職行政教師激勵因素以「工作本身」感受度較高,「學習成長」感受度較低。 三、 公立高職兼職行政教師保健因素以「工作環境」感受度較高,「行政考核」感受度較低。 四、 公立高職兼職行政教師呈現良好組織承諾。 五、 公立高職兼職行政教師在組織承諾上以「努力意願」感受度較高,「續任兼職傾向」感受度較低。 六、 二十年以上服務年資兼職行政工作教師有較高的整體激勵保健因素知覺。 七、 擔任「主任」之兼職行政工作教師有較高激勵保健因素知覺。 八、 50歲以上兼職行政工作教師有較高的組織承諾。 九、 男性、已婚、高年齡、高職務、高服務年資、非商工或工商職校者,有較高的續任兼職傾向與組織承諾。 十、 擔任主任之兼職行政工作教師有較高「組織承諾」。 十一、 兼職行政工作教師對激勵保健因素之知覺愈高則會有愈高的組織承諾。 十二、 激勵保健因素能有效預測兼職行政工作教師之組織承諾,其中又以「保健因素」最具預測力。 十三、激勵保健理論使用於公立高職兼職行政工作教師,部分符合。 依據以上結論,本研究提出下列建議 一、 對學校單位建議 (一)增加進修管道,培養行政人才 (二)建立健全考核制度,拔擢優秀兼職行政工作教師 (三)簡化行政程序,增加工作人力,均衡工作之質量 (四)建立優質工作環境,提升兼職行政工作教師組織承諾 (五)確立學校發展方向,提升兼職行政工作教師組織承諾 (六)積極培訓資淺兼職行政工作教師,強化行政工作發展 (七)重視年長及資深兼職行政工作教師,建立行政工作傳承 二、 對兼職行政工作教師建議 (一) 積極參與學習,追求個人與組織成長 (二) 適時表達意見,協助學校建立完善之行政考核制度 (三) 針對重視之激勵因素分層面,持續續探索工作之樂趣 (四) 適時自我調適,持續服務之熱忱 / The purpose of the paper was mainly to investigate into the relationship between the motivation-hygiene factor and the organizational commitment of part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school. We adopt the literature analyses and the questionnaire ways. The first step of this study was to collect the relevant backgrounds with regard to the motivation-hygiene factors and the organizational commitments. The relevant literatures were proceeded the investigation, the discussion and the analysis and then these data were established the framework. Secondly, the Ministry of Education in 2005 year investigates the part-time administrative teachers of public vocational high school, and the questionnaire of the motivation-hygiene factor and the organizational commitment become the research instrument and they were used. The questionnaire uses the sampling module in Taiwan. We issue the 644 questionnaires, and we retrieve 635 copies. However, the 609 copies are valid questionnaires among the 635 copies. Therefore, the data validation rate was 94.6﹪. Finally, we use the statistics methods, including descriptive analysis, one-way Anova, Parsons product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regressions to analyze the collected data. The study obtains the conclusions as follows. (a) The part-time administrative teachers in public vocational high school possessed the perception of the middle degree in the motivation-hygiene factor. (b) Among three motivation factors, the part-time administrative teachers in public vocational high school possessed higher perception in “work” and they possessed lower perception in “growth and learning”. (c) Among three hygiene factors, the part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school possessed higher perception in “work environment” and they possessed lower perception in “administration and personnel examination”. (d) The part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school reached higher than mid-level perception in organizational commitment. (e) Among the three factors of the organizational commitment, the part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school possessed higher perception about the willingness and the effort, and they possessed lower perception about remaining position. (f) If the part-time administrative teachers in the public vocational high school exceed 20 years, they possessed higher perception in the motivation-hygiene factor. (g) Teacher who is serving as managers possessed higher perception in the motivation factors. (h) The part-time administrative teachers over 50 years old possessed higher perception about the organizational commitment. (i) A man, the married, high years, high position, high seniority, commercial & industrial vocational high school and industrial & commercial vocational high school possessed lower the remaining position about the organizational commitment. (j) The managers of the part-time administrative teachers possessed higher perception about the organizational commitment. (k) Supposing the perception of the motivation-hygiene factor is more and more high, the part-time administrative teachers also possessed higher the organizational commitment. (l) The motivation-hygiene factor efficaciously predicted the organizational commitment of the part-time administrative teachers. For instance, the hygiene factor possessed higher prediction. (m) The motivation-hygiene theory conformed to the part-time administrative teachers in public vocational high school. According to the above-mentioned conclusion, this study proposes the following results: To the school: (a) It should increase the way of the further education and cultivate the administrative personnel (b) It constructs better testing system and the school take care of the excellent part-time administrative teachers. (c) It simplifies the administration systems and enhances human resources thus balancing its quality and quantity. (d)It constructs better working environment to enhance the organizational commitment of the part-time administrative teachers. (e) It establishes developing direction to enhance the organizational commitment of the part-time administrative teachers. (f) It actively cultivates the young part-time administrative teachers to strengthen working development. (g) It should pay attention to the senior part-time administrative teachers to construct the administrative continuance. To the part-time administrative teachers: (a) They should actively participate in learning and to chase the growth from the individual to the organization. (b) They suitably express the opinion, thus they help the school to establish the administrative testing system. (c) They aim at the motivating factors highlighted to explore working funs. (d) They are suitably the self- adjustment, and to continue the enthusiastic service.

董事競業禁止 / No-competition duty of directors

許家偉 Unknown Date (has links)
法規範應力求具體明確並且能達到實效,我國屬於成文法國家對於法條用字更應該精確,緊扣立法目的為之。而我國公司法第二零九條定位曖昧,有認為屬於競業禁止,亦有認為屬於公司機會原則;在文字解釋亦有所分歧,從規範主體-董事,受到公司法二十七條的影響,以及舊的規範目的強調營業祕密保護的不當延續,造成規範範圍無遠弗屆;規範的行為從營業範圍本身的解釋即有其模糊之處,也因為此一用詞造成認為本條屬於公司機會原則之誤解;行為的用詞也牽連說明義務的難以進行;必須要經過股東會特別決議來決定每一個行為的準否,更造成本條實用上的困難;而兼職究否屬於本條所列之行為也在爭論之中。在實務判決上更有各式不同的解釋方式,更進一步造成本條的混亂,是本條規範有其不足之處顯見。   本文乃透過美國法的觀察,進一步與我國比較之後,將我國公司法第二零九條明確為競業禁止之規範,而非屬於公司機會原則,並且以此為出發,將我國法重行定位,並提出修法之建議。 從美國法上所參考者,從忠實義務開始,將規範對象聚焦於應對公司負忠實義務之人,不應使其他參與者因為某些不當行為而對公司負有忠實義務,而應該透過其他法規來規範之;又既然本條之規範目的在於防止與公司競爭,即應將競爭文字明於法條文字之中;即便在美國法上的規範,也不使兼職本身被認為一個競業的行為;而參考美國法部分成文規範與學說,而認為此一同意權應該交由董事會特別決議而非由股東會特別決議,已達成專業判斷並且有求償之可能。   自美國法觀察中所得者,並非單純文字概念,更有價值觀的選擇,尤其在美國經典判決的敘述中,得到當公司與受任人之間不再只有單一的忠實義務,而加入了經濟學上對於競爭利益的思考,以及個人工作自由選擇權的考量,對於與公司競爭的概念有不同的切入點,有價值觀的角力。雖本文最終的價值選擇仍然偏向對於公司應盡忠實義務,而不應使得董事在同一時間內有相悖的忠實義務,但在此中也對我國現行法做一調整,當董事行為對於公司影響極小或者能為公司帶來更大的利益時,無不允許之道理。 而在公司機會原則的部分,在美國法上或許是更被重視的一塊,惟我國並無此規範,但基於法條規範的明確性,實不應該將本條之性質轉換之,而應該另以明文規範之,並且在忠實義務的責任上,應該加入利益償還,方不致使因為只有公司法第二零九條有此利益償還規範,而為了達到使忠實義務得以貫徹,反而轉換公司法第二零九條規範之範圍,造成更大的適用不當。   本文乃建議將公司法第二零九條第一項改為:「董事為自己或他人而與公司競爭者,應對董事會說明重要內容並取得其許可。但對公司利益影響微小或可預見帶來之利益大於損害者不在此限。」增列第二項:「在與公司有競爭關係之事業兼任董事者,推定有競業行為。其兼任經股東會同意者不在此限。」第二項至第五項改列第三至第六項。第三項及第四項刪除,第五項改列第三項。


溫建勳 Unknown Date (has links)
2005年爆發台灣首宗財經記者勾結金管會高層的股市禿鷹案,記者涉嫌非法以職務之便報導股市消息,從中牟利千萬元,不但震撼記者圈,也讓媒體機構驚覺從此必須要加以記者規範利益迴避;隔年又發生財經記者涉嫌勒索台灣首富事件,突顯專職報導上市櫃企業動態與企業主的財經記者,所面臨的利益衝突問題。 本研究深度訪談14名不同媒體與年資的記者,發現記者的利益衝突可區分為餽贈、兼職、買賣股票、轉職壓力、及媒體機構與大股東的商業與政治利益等五種。不同的利益衝突帶來不同對新聞報導的影響,但普遍而言,利益衝突影響新聞方向的程度,依序為媒體利益(包含置入性行銷)、買賣股票、轉職壓力、餽贈、兼職。 研究發現,台灣的新聞採訪「送禮」的陋習由來已久,利益衝突是財經記者在實務上不能避免的問題,恪遵利益迴避原則可能影響記者的新聞表現。本研究也發現,媒體機構訂定具體明確的規範,記者越不能刻意利用職務去謀取私利。 訪談發現,「企業出錢、記者請假、媒體刊登」成為企業招待記者出訪,以圖撰寫報導的固定模式;不少受訪者被迫以記者之名撰寫置入行銷稿,而感到無奈與憤怒。記者待遇不佳、成為貪圖業外收益的主因。 證交法2005年修法之後,把記者納入內線交易的規範範圍,最重可處三年以上十年以下有期徒刑的重罪,一半以上受訪者仍然不清楚其採訪工作可能帶來觸法的風險,勾勒出台灣財經記者缺乏法制觀念的現象。

宜蘭縣國民中學校長正向領導、兼職行政教師工作壓力與幸福感之研究 / A Study on Relationship among Principal’s Positive Leadership, Work Stress and Sense of Well-being of Administrative Teachers in Yilan County Junior High Schools

林政儒, Lin, Cheng Ru Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解宜蘭縣國民中學校長正向領導、兼職行政教師工作壓力與幸福感之關係,並分析不同個人背景變項在校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感上的差異情形,進而探討校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感的相關性及校長正向領導、工作壓力對幸福感的預測力。透過問卷調查法,以宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師為對象,共發出329份問卷,問卷內容包括背景變項、校長正向領導問卷、工作壓力問卷與幸福感問卷。回收有效問卷325份,可用率為100%。資料統計分析上使用描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等方法。 本研究結論如下: 一、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師在校長正向領導整體之感受為中上。 二、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師在工作壓力整體之感受為中等。 三、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師在幸福感整體之感受為中上。 四、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師背景變項在校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感各層面感受有所差異。 五、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長正向領導、工作壓力與幸福感相關有所差異。 六、 宜蘭縣國民中學兼職行政教師知覺校長正向領導、兼職行政教師工作壓力對幸福感具有預測力。 最後,本研究根據以上結論,分別針對主管教育行政機關、學校單位及未來研究者提出建議。 關鍵詞:正向領導、兼職行政教師、工作壓力、幸福感 / The purpose of the study is to understand the relationship among principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being of administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools, to analyze the difference among principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being of varied personal backgrounds, and to further examine the relativity among principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being and how significantly sense of well-being can be predicted via principal’s positive leadership and work stress. Questionnaire survey is adopted and personal background questionnaire, principal’s positive leadership questionnaire, work stress questionnaire and sense of well-being questionnaire are included. The questionnaires were distributed to 329 administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools, and 325 valid questionnaires were retrieved, with 100% of availability. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The overall degree of principal’s positive leadership among administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools was above the average. 2. The overall degree of work stress among administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools was at the average level. 3. The overall degree of sense of well-being among administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools was above the average. 4. The variables of personal background of administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools do influence the degree of their feeling of principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being. 5. There are differences among administrative teachers’ awareness of principal’s positive leadership, work stress and sense of well-being. 6. Principal’s positive leadership and work stress perceived by administrative teachers in Yilan County junior high schools are predictive of perceived sense of well-being. Finally, based on the results, the study provided related suggestions to the educational and school authorities, school administrative teachers, and future researchers. Keywords: positive leadership, school administrative teachers, work stress, sense of well-being

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