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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林晏伃 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從業界對學校廣告教育的質疑中展開。過去研究指出,大部分的廣告從業人員皆肯定廣告教育的價值,但信心卻不是建立在學校教育上(陳文玲,1999)。另有學者認為,學校是發展創意表現的重要環境,但是不同領域的人都認為學校是抑制創造力的地方(吳靜吉等,2000)。學校教育環境究竟能否激起創意的火花? 過去文獻多採業界觀點探討廣告創意教育。本研究由學界觀點切入,以深度訪談法針對在大學廣告系教授廣告創意課程的八位老師,進行一趟發現之旅。研究目的在瞭解(1)目前國內大學廣告創意課的現況;(2)一堂理想的廣告創意課背後的教學理念、教什麼與怎麼教;(3)大學廣告系究竟能不能教創意。 研究結果發現,創意確實有部分是教不來的,像天才、竅門或靈感。創意教學的成效也非立竿見影。但在能夠教授的範圍內,老師教學生認識廣告本質、教思考方法、教策略、教跨越從策略進入創意的靈感黑洞、教概念的一致性、教如何欣賞與評估作品以及教執行力。教學方式包括:接近廣告作品、與實務界建教合作、從廣告之外尋找創意、多元教材交互運用、創造互動的上課氣氛、模擬正式提案情境並以教學評量掌握學生學習成效等等。此外,在養成未來廣告創意人的態度上,老師也教學生自我配備,進一步發現自己、尋找自己,並且創造開放的環境以建立對事物的觀點。 由此鋪一條通往理想廣告創意課程的路徑。一個具示範性與感染力的老師、一群用回饋為創意課程守門的學生、一個鼓勵創造的整合學習環境,是構成創意互動的三大要素。或許理想的創意課不在教室內,也沒有下課鈴,大學四年就是一堂很大、很久的廣告創意課,學生在不同場合都能與創造力相遇。 長久以來學、業界因缺乏瞭解,造成彼此不信任與焦慮。本研究提供看見學校廣告創意教育面貌的機會,希望能藉此拉近學業界距離,展開更多對話;更期望能夠以此延伸廣告創意研究的軌跡。


鄭仲興, Cheng, Chung-hsing Unknown Date (has links)
創意商品的開發一般而言不但要兼顧新奇、效率而且還要面對較高的不確定性、較短的開發期。像工業設計,是一種需要不斷產生產品變異的同時,又要維持一定開發速度與產品風格的開發方式。由於創意商品的生產具有不確定性特徵,即投入產出之間的關係不再是簡單的線性關係,而是非常複雜的多元關係。 過去的產品開發研究,大都未考慮到不確定性問題,某些研究雖考慮到不確定性問題,但是卻沒有兼顧新奇問題的探討,更有一些研究強調過去經驗的重要性,但是進一步將過去經驗納入管理機制中的研究也不多見。由於創意商品開發的特性,有別於過去生產線式的產品開發,若以一般的管理型態並無法完全掌握這些特殊性,且在工業設計對企業的重要性和密切關係與日俱增之下,設計活動似乎有必要加以有效的管理。 基於上述原因,本研究主要是以演化觀點為理論基礎,透過演化因素的探討,並藉由創意產生機制(變異)、評價機制(選擇)與共同知識的結構及存量(保留),以說明創意產業中知識或創意的變異、選擇與保留之管理,以及這些因素對於創意商品開發績效的影響。簡單地說,整個創意商品的開發過程,可以視為是一個創意元素受演化因素影響,達到改變其商品效果與開發速度的過程。而組織中經理人的角色便在於藉由操控演化影響因素,有意識地管理創意活動過程,進而提高組織生存與發展的機率。 本研究針對國內設計服務業為研究對象,進行問卷調查研究。從結果中發現,首先,在創意產生機制中的平行專案(水平變異)和團隊交換(垂直變異)的目的,前者是藉由加入複數之個人將創意之池擴大;後者是透過團隊交換的方式增加創意碰撞的機會,以擴大創意之池。而由統計分析可知,兩者在一定程度上都有助於擴大創意之池,進而提高產出符合品質要求的設計成果之機率。 其次,在評價機制部分,藉由設計過程中頻繁地查核及多重評價準則的篩選,有助於符合條件的設計創意加速脫穎而出,但是其彼此間的關係並不是單純的線性關係,而是先升後降的倒U型關係。再者,共同知識的精細化程度越高,越能促進創意產生機制中創意發想的開展,而知識存量越高,越能促進評價機制對於開發速度的正向影響。本研究的貢獻,在於補充了產品開發研究中,缺乏處理模糊前端的問題、對於創新與創造力研究,補足缺乏有效管理機制的問題、對於組織內層次演化觀點之研究,提供了可操作性的量化研究、對於設計產業的創意管理提供了初步的解答。 / Generally speaking the development of the creative products should not only give consideration to the novelty, efficiency and face higher uncertainty, shorter life cycle. Like the industry design, it is one kind of development way, while needing to produce the products and make a variation constantly, and also it is need to keep develop speed and products style. Because the production of the creative products has uncertain characteristics, that relation between the input and output is no longer simple linear relations, but very complicated multiple relations. Products developmental research in the past, not mostly considering the uncertain problem, some studies may consider the uncertain problem, but there is not discussion which gives consideration to the novel request, some studies may puts emphasis on the importance of experience even more, but they seldom put the previous experience into the mechanism of management. Because the development characteristic of the creative products, is different from the product development of the production line type, if with the general management type will be unable to completely keep the particularity, and under the circumstances that the industry design, more and more to the importance of enterprises, it need to manage effectively in design activity. As stated above, this research is mainly to regard the evolutionary view as the theoretical foundation, through the discussion of the evolutionary factors, and the mechanism of creative generation (variation), the mechanism of evaluation (selection), and the structure and stock of common knowledge (retention), in order to explain the creative management of variation, selection and retention in creative industry, and the influence of the performance on the creative products in these factors. To put it shortly, Development process of the creative products, it is a creative element that is influenced by the factor of evolution, and change the outcome of the product effect and developing speed. And the manager's role is to enhance the probability that evolutionary process will generate organizational survival and prosperity. This research carries on the questionnaire and makes investigations to design company as the research object at Taiwan. Find from the result, at first, the purpose of the parallel project (horizontal variation) and the team exchange (vertical variation) in the mechanism of creative management, the former expands the pool of idea by joining the plural individual; The latter offers more opportunities that the idea collides by way of team exchange, in order to expand the pool of idea. And can know by statistical analysis, the two both contribute to expanding the pool of idea, and then improve the probability of design achievement that the output accords with the quality request. Secondly, in the evaluation mechanism, the screening of frequently checking and multiple evaluation criterion in the design process, that promote the suitable creative to appear with higher speed, but its relation between each other is not the simple linear relations, but the inverted-U relation. Moreover, when the categorical degree of common knowledge is higher, can promote the expansion of the idea in the mechanism of creative generation, and knowledge is the higher in stock, can promote the influence of the mechanism of evaluation on developing speed. The Contribution of this research, is supplement to study on new product development, which lack the problem of dealing with fuzzy front, study with creativity and innovation, fill the gap which lacks the effective mechanism of management under study creativity and innovation, to the research that the intra-organization evolutionary perspectives, have offered effective quantity studied, offered the preliminary answer to the creative management in design industries.

創意城鄉發展的文創人才及文創城鄉基盤之KPI編製 / Factors influencing the development of urban and suburban cultural creativity in the framework of KPI

李欣倫, Lee, Hsin Lun Unknown Date (has links)
一個地方能否創造競爭優勢,從商業科技業發展來看已經不是現在的趨勢,如何讓一個地方具有當地特色、屬於自己的文化創意,才是現今為大家所重視的部分,尤其要端看它吸引人力資本的能力或人才的能力,有人才的地方就更有優勢發展文化創意。在找出文創人才KPI之前,知道哪些地方能夠吸引創意人才和了解地方品質在創意經濟所扮演之角色會更有幫助。 我們先將之前各個國家(香港、歐洲以及亞太文創產業協會)和台灣曾做過的創意城市指標進行比較,並參考Richard Florida的4T以及聯合國的5C,並分析與調查各地文創人才、文創城鄉基盤的需求與實態。「文創人才指標」的構面包括:文創人才基盤、文創人才資本;「文創城鄉基盤指標」的構面包括:文創建設、文創傳承、文創精神、文創政策和文創經費,再藉由專家訪談、德爾菲法調查法發展出最適台灣的「文創人才KPI」和「文創城鄉基盤KPI」,評量各城鄉文創人才、文創城鄉基盤之實力與潛能,以及規劃人才、城鄉基盤育成。


楊芝霞 Unknown Date (has links)
如何激發團隊創新的能力,是台灣目前的產業發展方向,而一直以來,許多的研究都認為團隊創意的產生過程是雜亂無章的,本研究試圖經由對於個案訪談與觀察,來了解並釐清團隊的創新與創造過程,並進一步研究分析,在組織與個人的層面上,有利於團隊創新的因素為何,以期對於未來的創新團隊有所貢獻。 台灣目前的產業走向強調內容(Content)之重要性,在娛樂經濟大未來終究有提到,娛樂產業是未來唯一可以有高成長的產業,在台灣邁向已開發國家的階段時,對於內容產業的發展與重視也將不斷的升高,可望成為下一波的產業發展趨勢;因此,本研究以目前的台灣所提倡的文化創意產業為例,研究表演藝術產業的戲劇團體之創新與創意發展過程,以期瞭解在過程中組織、領導者與團隊成員所扮演的角色,進一步並研究如何管理與激發組織與創意,以有效的讓團隊成員貢獻期能力,以達到團隊創新的多元性與綜效。 本研究主要以Leonard(1999)的創意過程理論以及Mintzberg(2000)的組織理論,來分析創新團隊的創造過程,以國內六個知名現代劇團為例,透過個案訪談的方式來深入分析團隊的創新過程。 根據本研究的觀察與分析,發現團隊創新有以下的特質,在過程中,領導者與組織文化也會對於創新的方向造成影響。經過本研究的分析與觀察,來自於團隊創新過程與組織中的啟發如下: 1.創新型組織的團隊中,較容易產生多元價值,有助於團隊的創新產生,且更容易在變動的環境下生存。 2.厚基的領域知識是團隊創新的基礎。而團隊多元價值的發揮有賴於團隊中信任與熟悉度的建立。 3.具有多種領域專長的A型領導人,有助於團隊創新的產生與溝通,較容易領導出結合兩種領域的開創性作品。 4.創意產生過程中,知識權與決策權的結合有助於創意的產生。 5.時間壓力不利於創新準備期,卻有利於創新的開展與整合階段。 本研究是以一個團隊管理的角度來研究創意的產生,以管理的觀點來研究創意的產生,使管理學界對於創意的產生能有更多的認識,進而發展更有效的激發團隊創意的要素,以期對於目前的創新團隊能夠有所貢獻。 / Group creativity and innovation are the great topic of management. How to manage the group and lead more ideas? It’s a challenge for manager. This study tries to figure out the process of innovation and creativity. Because of the focus of content industry in Taiwan, this study picks six famous performance groups to do the research. Also want to figure out the process of innovation in the performance group and find the effect way to manage the group innovation. This research is based on two major theories: the creativity process theory of Leonard(1999) and the organization theory of Mintzberg(2000). Based on these two theories and the case study, the conclusion comes out as following: 1.Innovation organization will lead to variety value and ideas inside the group and make organization stand out during the keen competence environment. 2.Strong field knowledge is the base of group innovation. Trust between the group members will create variety value and ideas within the organization. 3.The group with variety skills leader makes revolution and innovation easier inside the organization. 4.During the creativity process, combination of decision power and knowledge power makes group member contributing their knowledge to organization. 5.Time pressure makes development and integration step of innovation more efficient, but hurt the creativity process during the idea prepared step.


吳佩芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於瞭解台灣創意市集2004至2008年前半近三年來此新興平台的發展演變,主要以不同主辦單位的角度切入,探討各創意市集之經營模式以及主辦單位運作與整合過程,並討論創意市集該平台的存在所創造的價值。 本研究以七位活動主辦者、三位參與市集擺攤的創作者與一位參與民眾,作為研究對象,採用質性研究方法,運用深度訪談與觀察法進行資料收集。全文論述依次橫斷面介紹創意市集該平台內容,再以時間軸說明各市集籌辦先後關係,並介紹至今仍持續營運的主要創意市集活動,包含CAMPO生活藝術狂歡節、吵年獸立春音樂季、來尬創意市集、愛+玩市集、小紅豆創意市集與天母在地市集。 綜合文獻與資料分析結果本研究發現: 一、創意市集對於加入其中的創作者效益主要為一個草創發跡的舞台,並與其他通路管道(如:格子店、寄賣點、百貨設櫃與自有店面等)存在互補與替代關係。 二、主辦單位整合過程與發現 A.在市集籌辦整合過程中,參與其中的成員單位組成複雜,整合過程中主辦單位則必須考量多方的目標、限制條件與成果分配等才能順利整合各方,然而整合過程中對於考量不同成員立場的先後順序與重要性則依主辦單位(整合者)核心目的與目標而異。 B.主辦單位在有形資源有限與草創情況下,多以無形資源著手,仰賴過去所建立非正式關係的成員作為首先整合對象。 C.主辦單位於過去籌辦所累積的信譽與口碑,將成為後續新的資源,後續攤位募集時,更容易吸引創作者加入,並且與活動籌辦所累積的經驗、與創作者、與其他合作對象所建立的合作關係,皆為後續活動整合的有利因素。 D.穩健經營的主辦單位逐漸成為創意市集之窗口,成為創意市集的整合者,當其他層級合作單位考量相關活動,市集主辦者將直接被納入另一個整合機制下。並且主辦單位會基於資源的投注而必須尋求其他合作單位,公部門往往為主辦者一個重要必須進行整合的合作機構,不論是在場地取得、法規限制、資金資源注入等問題之克服,有重要的支援。是故可以發現許多民間團體主辦者與公部門之合作。主辦單位尋求結合其他合作單位籌辦市集活動,但當資源提供者之參與涉入影響原整合者之目的,將形成新的限制前提。 三、創意市集所具備之開放特質,為市集的價值但也是威脅,以經濟學角度台灣創意市集不論是對主辦單位或創作者進入障礙低,提供該平台無限可能性與發展空間。 關鍵字:創意市集、整合平台

國中英語教學創意團隊之個案研究 / the Case Study on the Creative Team of English Teaching

王淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃以台北市一所國中的英語團隊為研究對象,藉由訪談與觀察,就團隊的英語創意教學、英語創意團隊的特質、英語創意團隊的發展歷程及影響英語創意團隊發展內外相關因素四個面向進行分析,並得到以下的結論: 一、英語創意教學 (一)營造優質英語學習環境,從校園中雙語環境的建構開始,讓學生能自然 而然學習英文。 (二)每日一句與闖關活動,透過提供學生每天一個英文句子的構想,逐漸累積學生的英語學習基礎。 (三)推展英語閱讀風氣,由老師規劃選定英文書籍,提供學生進行選讀。 (四)建置線上測驗題庫,擴展學生更寬廣的學習空間。 (五)舉辦各項英語競賽,提供學生一個表現與揮灑的舞台。 (六)有效的英語教學策略,堅持符合學生個別差異,發展適合的教學方式。 (七)彙編英語學習護照,將學校推展的各項英語課程設計與活動進行統整。 二、英語創意團隊的特質 (一)團隊成員間充分合作精神,無論在創意活動的討論、或工作分配都是完全配合。 (二)對於工作的認真投入與付出,已是成員間的一種共識。 (三)沉重工作量所造成的負擔,並未使成員們卻步,反而讓老師們基於對教育專業的堅持,更加努力與投入。 三、英語創意團隊的發展歷程 (一)團隊成員的生態重組,正好資深教師退休,英語團隊成員彼此年齡接近且想法接近。 (二)由於對新的九年一貫教育政策不了解,英語團隊成員轉而依賴領域會議的討論與彼此的支持。 (三)召集人兼具規劃與帶領的角色,引導著團隊創意教學的研發。 (四)領域工作量劇增所帶來的疲備感,團隊成員會私下抱怨並相互打氣,只是這樣的聲音卻不曾影響到團隊的運作。 (五)隨著團隊人員數量的變動,例如缺乏實習教師的編制,召集人亦針對英語領域的創意活動進行調整,以適度減輕成員的工作負荷。 四、影響英語創意團隊發展內外相關因素 (一)教師專業進修的充實,奠定英語團隊的基礎資訊能力,。 (二)行政全力的配合與協助,以及公開場合對英語團隊公開讚賞與支持,給予團隊成員莫大的鼓勵。 (三)學生在學習態度上積極認真,且整體聽說讀寫能力亦大有進步。 (四)校內其他領域教師未對英語領域給與過多的關注與壓力,讓英語團隊有著更寬闊的空間。 (五)領域召集人對教育的堅持及領導風格,是帶動團隊發展的一個關鍵。 (六)教育政策上的頒布,提供老師一個進修及合作的機會點。 (七)隨著創意教學的落實,學生在英語表現漸有成果與進步時,家長的支持力量也展現出來。 根據研究發現與結論,本研究從以下三方面提出建議: 一、學校行政人員:學校領導者應統整學校本位課程課程,行政處室主動提供協助並促進各領域交流及對話。 二、學校領域團隊:應慎於團隊領導人的選定,且其角色功能應重於領導與協調;而團隊其他成員,則可從其教育熱忱的強化著手。 三、後續研究:對於未來相關研究的建議,首先在研究向度可加入學校教師文化的探討,另可將創意團隊與創意個人的表現作一比較。 / The research focuses on a junior high school in Taipei. Analyzing the presentation of English creative teaching, the characters of the creative team, the development of the creative team and the factors that affects the development of the team. And the researcher gets the conclusions as the following, A.The presentation of English creative teaching includes providing a good environment of English learning with bilingual signs and posters, inventing activities like “one English sentence every day” to let students accumulate their English sentences, promoting the students’ ability of English extracurricular readers, redacting the English tests on line to afford the students wide space of learning, holding various kinds of English contests, making the effective strategies of English learning according to the difference between students, and compiling an “ English Passport” to integrate all of the curriculum and activities. B.The characteristics of the English creative team consist of complete cooperation, earnest work and the insistence of educational profession. C.the Development of the Creative Team At first, some English teachers retired, and the members left in the team are similar in ages and thought. Second, the teachers got the need of forming a team because of the new educational policy, like “the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum.” The leader of the team plays the role of the guidance and coordination. The members keep the enthusiasm and they encourage one another even feeling tired. At last, the team comes to modification based on the comprehensive opinions. D. The factors of creative team development are divided into the ones of the inner and outer school. The inner factors are the support and assistance of the administration, the students’ progress, the attitude of the other teachers in the school, the leadership of the team chief and the teamwork of the whole members. Besides, the outer factors are the educational policy and the alimentation of students’ parents. According to the exploration and conclusion, the researcher addresses the advice, A.A principal should be the leader of the curriculum in order that he can conduct the teachers to develop the school-based curriculum. And the administrative staffs have to give the most assistance to all the teachers. B.The leader of the team is a very important role, especially his leadership style. And about the members, we need to cultivate their enthusiasm. C.They can be added into the further research like the exploration of teachers’ culture and the discrepancy of creativity between individuals and teams.

百年老店企業存續的關鍵原因 —以湯波半、祿記包子為例 / The key issues of survival with the hundred-years-old store

黃致維 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來文化創意產業已經變成新顯學,對於地區的整體經濟與國家發展均 漸有舉足輕重的影響力,文化創意產業已成為現代都市發展的重心。相較於進 行創意、創新的產業,許多具有傳統技藝與文化的行業卻較無法維持其生計, 甚至走上「關門大吉」。本研究係藉由研究在文化古都日本京都與台灣台南的 老店經營來探討在外在環境的改變中,老店企業歷經百年而不衰的關鍵因素, 以及找出關鍵因素間互動的情形。 / In resent years, the industry of culture had became a big issue. The economic development of local area and National Development, the culture industry plays an important role, and also becomes a Indispensable part for the development of modern society. Compared to some industry which focused on innovation and creativity, Industry focused on traditional skill and culture are not earning a living so easily. In this paper, the author tried to find out the key factors why hundred-years old stores can earn their living in the changing environment with a deeply interview of two old store: 湯波半in Kyoto, Japan and 祿記包子in Tainan, Taiwan . After the deeply interview and research, spirit level and special social institution named “Jia-Yuan”is the key reason that accumulates and transfers implicit knowledge continuously. Also the spirit of inheritance and dynamic, organic Organization of flexibility was been maintained. Those stores are not only manufacturer and sell the physical goods, but also provide deeply culture and historical experience.

果匠創意行銷有限公司創業企劃書 / Business plan of fruit master company

陳冠宏, Chen, Kuan Hong Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

建構美食的創意城鄉之探討─以宜蘭為例 / An exploration of the construction of a creative city of gastronomy : A case of Yilan

韋文豐, Wei, Wen Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是要瞭解一般人對宜蘭成為美食之都的可行性認知。為了完成這個目的,首先進行量表的編制與測試,量表的編制是以 UNESCO的文獻為基礎,翻譯其列舉的8項指標,作為「UNESCO美食之都指標量表」的題目。然後再從至2013年6月為止,獲選的四個城市的申請資料中,找出每個城市獲選的其它特色,在UNESCO官方網站的資料中,發現四個城市當中共有6個特殊的獲選項目,作為「UNESCO四個美食之都的特色條件量表」的題目。 UNESCO的所有相關資料中,也都會將有機、慢活等因素列入參考或評選,本研究也特別根據慢城憲章的評分表,選出18個項目,作為「慢城量表」的題目。既然聯合國所推動的是創意城市,而以美食等7個主題作為其創意城市的特色,以美食為例,美食不可能單獨存在,他必須有其創意城市的脈絡,所以本研究也利用Florida 的4T概念,確認衡量創意城市的條件,共設計8個項目,作為「創意城鄉量表」的題目。 根據這些文獻分析的結果,本研究編製了衡量美食創意城鄉的所有量表,共計40題,透過網路媒介蒐集資料,最後共蒐集有效樣本364份(宜蘭人141人,非宜蘭人223人),各項個人背景變項之性別部分,男性共173人(47.5%),女性共191人(42.5%);年齡部分,16-24歲共180人(49.5%),25-29歲共99人(27.2%),30-34歲共43人(11.8%),35歲以上共42人(11.5%);教育程度部分,大學人數最高共218人(60.0%),碩士含碩士以上次之共107人(29.4%)。本研究將衡量美食創意城鄉的所有量表作因素分析,並且列出各個因素的Cronbach's α值。 「UNESCO美食之都指標量表」的因素分析結果,跑出一個因素(α值=.801)。「UNESCO四個美食之都的特色條件量表」,因素分析的結果,跑出一個因素(α=.763)。原來的「UNESCO美食之都指標量表」(8題),再加上「UNESCO四個美食之都的特色條件量表」(6題),共14個題目,一起進行因素分析,共萃取「傳統美食特色」(α=.729)、「多元食材與文化特色」(α=.750)、「美食推廣」(α=.746)三個因素。 「慢城量表」的18個題目,經因素分析結果,共萃取2個因素,第一個因素為「有機生活文化傳承」(α值=.886),第二個因素為「經營管理旅遊觀光」(α值=.861)。 根據Florida 4T理論編制的「創意城鄉量表」之8個題目,經因素分析結果,共萃取2個因素,第一個因素為「人才、環境、包容」(α值=.812),第二個因素為「科技應用」(α值=.876)。 從各因素構面的平均值來判斷,在李克氏五點量表中都是在普通之上,一般人的可行性認知接近同意程度,從最高至最低依序為(1)「傳統美食特色」(4.09);(2)「UNESCO 美食之都指標」(3.96);(3)「美食推廣」(3.91);(4)「UNESCO 4個美食之都的特色條件」(3.86);(5)「人才、環境、包容」(3.32);(6)「多元食材與文化特色」(3.78);(7)「有機生活文化傳承」(3.74);(8)「經營管理旅遊觀光」(3.6);(9)「科技應用」(3.32)。 本研究也分析宜蘭人/非宜蘭人和性別在各項因素上的表現和差異性,在「UNESCO 4個美食之都的特色條件」、「傳統美食特色」、「多元食材與文化特色」、「美食推廣」、「有機生活文化傳承」和「人才、環境、包容」共6個因素構面上,宜蘭人的可行性認知顯著大於非宜蘭人。另外一個交互影響是男性宜蘭人在「有機生活文化傳承」方面的可行性認知顯著大於女性宜蘭人。 從單一的題目角度來看,更能顯示研究對象的具體看法,本研究的問卷總共40個題目,這40題目在李克氏五點量表中,3為普通,4為同意,5為非常同意,在4.0以上的題目包括(1)「擁有豐盛的小吃(在地小吃、夜市小吃、特色小吃)」(4.26);(2)「在傳統的烹飪中會使用在地食材」(4.22);(3)「擁有豐富的生物多樣性及自然資源」(4.17);(4)「推動環保有效,維護好山好水」(4.16);(5)「促進並保護當地的文化活動」(4.12);(6)「擁有傳統的市場和傳統的食品產業」(4.09);(7)「可以發展美食作為其特色」(4.07);(8)「尊重環境並推動當地產品的永續性」(4.04);(9)「有計畫提高歷史、傳統工藝與文化的價值」(4.04)。這些被受試者認可的項目,相當能夠反映宜蘭的特色,一般來說宜蘭人的評分是比較高的,以「擁有豐盛的小吃(在地小吃、夜市小吃、特色小吃)」為例,宜蘭人的平均是4.44,而非宜蘭人的平均數則為4.15。 本研究顯示,一般人針對宜蘭建構成為美食創意城鄉的可行性認知相當高,不僅宜蘭人認為可行性高,連非宜蘭人也認為是可行的。最後,本研究根據研究結果,對宜蘭的未來發展方向及建構美食創意城鄉,提供建議以供參考。 / The primary goal of this research is to understand the feasibility of Yilan becoming a “city of gastronomy.” To this end, the UNESCO City of Gastronomy Indicator Scale was constructed and tested based on Chinese translations of 8 indicators from UNESCO literature. Further, the UNESCO Four Cities of Gastronomy Features Conditions Scale was constructed by analyzing features of the four UNESCO cities (as of June 2013) selected as cities of gastronomy. These qualities were aggregated into 6 items. As relevant UNESCO literature all incorporates organic or Slow Living factors into their consideration, this research constructed a Slow City Scale composed of 18 items based on the Slow City Charter indicators. Finally, while gastronomy is one of the 7 themes listed by the United Nations as qualities of a creative city, gastronomy alone is not enough to make a creative city; a complete creative city context is necessary. Thus, a Creative City Scale was constructed of 8 items derived from Florida’s 4T’s concept in order to measure conditions for a creative city. Based on the results of the literature analysis, the scales constructed in this research to measure qualities of a city of gastronomy included a total of 40 items. A total of 364 effective samples (141 from Yilan and 223 from outside Yilan) were collected online. Factor analysis was completed for all of the items in the scales, and Cronbach’s α obtained for each factor. Results of the factor analysis for the UNESCO City of Gastronomy Indicator Scale produced a single factor (α=.801 ),and results of the factor analysis for the UNESCO Four Cities of Gastronomy Features Conditions Scale also produced a single factor (α=.763). A combined scale factor analysis was completed using the combined 14 items from the UNESCO City of Gastronomy Indicator Scale (8 items) and the UNESCO Four Cities of Gastronomy Features Conditions Scale (6 items), and three factors were extracted: traditional gastronomy features (α=.729 ); diverse in-gredients and cultural characteristics (α=.750 ); and gastronomy promotion (α=.746 ). A factor analysis of the 18 items in Slow City Scale extracted 2 factors: organic living and cultural heritage (α=.886 ); and tourism management (α=.861 ). A factor analysis of the 8 items in the Creative City Scale constructed from Florida’s 4T’s concept extracted 2 factors: talent, territory, and tolerance (α=.812 ); and technology applications (α=.876 ). Means for all of the factors, were above 3 on a 5-point Likert scale, indicating that in general, respondents agreed it was feasible for Yilan to become a city of gastronomy. From highest to lowest, mean scores were as follows: 1)traditional gastronomy features(4.09); 2)UNESCO city of gastronomy indicator(3.96); 3)gastronomy promotion(3.91); 4)UNESCO four cities of gastronomy features conditions(3.86); 5)talent, territory, and tolerance(3.32); 6)diverse living and cultural characteristics(3.78); 7)organic living and cultural heritage(3.74); 8) tourism management(3.6); and 9)technology applications(3.32). This research also analyzed differences in responses between respondents from Yilan and from outside of Yilan, and of different genders. For six factors (UNESCO four cities of gastronomy features conditions; tra-ditional gastronomy features; diverse living and cultural character-istics; gastronomy promotion; organic living and cultural heritage; and talent, territory, and tolerance), perceived feasibility was higher for those from Yilan and than those from outside of Yilan. Further, there was an interaction effect regarding “organic living and cultural heritage,” as males from Yilan had higher perceived feasibility than females from Yilan. When viewed individually, items offer a more comprehensive understanding of respondents’ perspectives. The questionnaire consisted of 40 items, and using Likert scale, 3 is “average” and, 4 is “agree”and,5 is “very agree”. Item with mean scores above 4.0 includes the following: 1) have abundant local cuisine (e.g., local, night market, specialty) (4.26); 2) use of local ingredients in traditional cooking (4.22); 3) have abundant biodiversity and natural resources(4.17); 4) promote ecofriendly practices, and protect the environment (4.16); 5) develop and protect local cultural activities (4.12); 6) have traditional market and food industries (4.09); 7) can develop gastronomy as its characteristic features (4.07); 8) respect the environment and promote sustainability of local product’s(4.04);9) have plans to improve the value of history, traditional craft art, and culture (4.04). The qualities recognized by the respondents can be used to reflect the dominant features of Yilan,. Naturally, local Yilan residents provided higher scores , for example, Yilan locals averaged 4.44 (from outside of Yilan 4.15)for the item “have abundant local cuisine.” This research indicates, respondents’ perceived feasibility of Yilan becoming a creative city of gastronomy is rather high. This was true of not just Yilan locals, but also of people from outside of Yilan. Based on these results, suggestions are provided for the construction of Yilan as a creative city of gastronomy.


郭蒨樺, Kuo,Chian-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以質性研究的方法,深入了解新竹縣雲雲國民小學(化名)學校本位課程創意教學實際呈現的樣貌、發展的歷程以及影響機制,藉由個別訪談、焦點團體座談之內容及資料蒐集與分析,瞭解學校實施學校本位課程創意教學之現況。本研究內容共分為三大項: 一、學校本位課程創意教學實際樣貌 (一)觀念創新 (二)環境創新 (三)技術創新 (四)流程創新 (五)社區、民間團體交流創新 (六)產品創新 (七)活動創新 (八)特色創新。 二、學校本位課程創意教學發展歷程 (一)發展背景的SWOT分析 (二)發展的契機 學校發展需求、教師要自我成長、培養學生認識家鄉、校長辦學理念、 時代潮流趨勢以及社區家長期盼。 (三)教學團隊的發展階段 形成期、溝通期、調整期、表現期以及轉換期。 三、學校本位課程創意教學影響機制 (一)助力因素 學生方面、教師方面、學校行政方面、校園環境方面、家庭方面、 教育行政機關方面以及外界資源提供方面。 (二)阻力因素 學生方面、教師方面以及學校行政方面。 根據研究內容之論證,可知,雲雲國小學校本位課程創意教學是「新奇的」並且「有價值的」。

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