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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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劉怡 Unknown Date (has links)
為了解南韓金大中政府自1998年起對北韓所採取的「陽光政策」,在國際、國內政治環境變遷後可能的發展與衝擊,本論文分別就「陽光政策」施行前後,分析兩韓關係在政治、經濟、軍事關係上實質的改變。除此之外,並同時探討美國在南北韓關係上可能造成的影響,及「陽光政策」對於美國與南韓之間關係的重要性。 透過靜態的比較與動態的分析,筆者認為,「陽光政策」的施行確實對南北韓關係、美國與南韓關係造成影響,且隨國內、國際環境的變遷,此一政策的發展將因美國、南韓在政治、經濟、軍事等的不同考量下,有更多的分歧與不協調的可能。然而,可以確定的是,2002年底南韓新任總統盧武鉉的就任,使「陽光政策」將持續施行,但美國與南韓之間,勢必需要有更多的磨合與折衝,才有可能獲得理想中的平衡,並能有效的改善與維持南北韓的關係。

中國在六方會談中的角色與展望 / China in Six-Party Talks: Role and Prospects

倪智琳, Kitty Noel Ngai Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,朝鮮半島依舊是東北亞區域勢力的交會點,區內相關國家始終沒有放棄在該區的利益。在2002年北韓核武危機嚴重影響東北亞的和平與穩定。中國從中協調舉辦了「三方會談」及六輪「六方會談」,與東北亞相關國家尋求和平解決對安全的憂慮,令北韓放棄核武計劃。在會談中,中國所扮演的關鍵角色令人關注。 本論文透過回顧中國在六方會談與北韓核武危機中扮演的角色,探討中國的戰略和分析其他參與國對中國的評估。隨著中國國力的相對崛起,中國在北韓核武危機與六方會談中發揮了至關重要的影響力。中國的東北亞政策採用現實主義的路線,維護北韓政權的存續,亦同時保障中國的安全利益﹔藉由主導六方會談去穩固區域現狀,以強化區域領導者角色,符合其最大的國家利益。 / After the Cold War, the conflicts on the Korean Peninsula still remain unsolvable over half century, the related countries have not given up its interests in the Northeast Asia region. In 2002, North Korea nuclear crisis has brought up the serious security concern to the Northeast Asia. China has organized "Trilateral Talks" and "Six-Party Talks", hoping to find a peaceful solution through mediation. China had played a key role in the Talks. This paper aims to explore and analyze the role and strategies of China in Six-Party Talks. China, as host of the Six-Party alks, played a vital role and had been engaged in more active diplomacy to defuse this crisis, leading its growing influence in the Northeast Asia. China has the potential both to guarantee North Korea's security, and to impose and enforce a denuclearization agreement. The role of China in the Six-Party Talk is to eliminate the North Korea nuclear capability, stable the status quo in the Korean Peninsula and strengthen its influence in the Northeast Asia region.

美國對北韓政策之研究(2001-2011年):以行動戰略理論分析 / U.S. Policy toward North Korea(2001-2011): Analysis of Andre Beaufre's Strategy of Action

黃柏愷, Huang, Bo Kai Unknown Date (has links)
北韓問題是二十世紀延續至今卻始終未能解決的複雜議題,這是因為牽涉的因素眾多:南北韓、周邊國家以及國際的考量使「維持現狀」與「模糊」政策成為處理北韓問題可以接受的模式。但事實上,吾人必須認知到在此議題上,最重要的主角仍是北韓與美國,但顯然雙方各有盤算而不能或不願直接解決。因此本文旨在探討2001至2011年美國對北韓之政策,且嘗試在現今相關領域的多數美國立場中,盡可能尋求以相對公允、同理心的角度分析問題,而非美國觀點的一言堂。本文以法國戰略學家薄富爾(André Beaufre)之「行動戰略」(Strategy of Action) 理論作為研究途徑,輔以大量相關數據資料及專著,用意在於平衡地討論美國戰略並批判其中好壞。 本文認為,小布希與歐巴馬政府對北韓政策目標一致,但戰略有所不同。受制於北韓核報復攻擊、中東戰事、經濟與他國因素,美國難以動武直取北韓,因此必須從軍事外的選項著手。筆者從軍事、政治、經濟與外交面向,以政治診斷(political diagnosis)及戰略診斷(strategic diagnosis)探討兩屆政府對北韓之行動方案。小布希和歐巴馬政府在戰略應用上符合薄富爾的觀點,但在架構面上卻有缺失,最終由於無法促使中國相助,以及自身立場的謬誤,導致兩屆政府北韓政策之失誤。 / The North Korea issue remains unresolved, and the only acceptable options for the neighbor countries are the status quo policy and the policy of deliberate ambiguity. However, it has to be acknowledged that the most important roles are North Korea and the U.S., and it is obvious they have different plans in their minds. The main idea of this thesis is to study the U.S. Policy toward North Korea (2001-2011), and present unbiased points of view instead of only the U.S. aspect. This thesis uses the Strategy of Action of André Beaufre, a French Strategist, as the research method, to analyze data and studies to fairly find out the pros and cons of the U.S. Policy toward North Korea. This thesis shows that the George W. Bush administration and the Obama administration share the same goals but different strategies toward North Korea. The U.S. have difficulty in using military action since it tries to avoid North Korea taking nuclear retaliation, and the war in the middle east and the sinking economy also limit the ability of the U.S. government. This thesis analyzes the U.S. policy toward North Korea from the aspects of military power, politics, economy and diplomacy, and it uses political diagnosis and strategic diagnosis as the approaches to examine the action plans of both Bush and Obama administrations. The research shows that the actions plans match the point of view of André Beaufre strategically, but the flaws of the plan structure, the failure to have China take a stance against North Korea and the illogicalness of the government position finally led the U.S. policy toward North Korea to a frustrated end.


盧敬銘 Unknown Date (has links)
中共自一九七八年戮力實施「經濟改革」以來,其在軍事、經濟等各方面的綜合國力已有大幅提昇之勢,並獲得了世界各國的極度重視與憂慮,致使近期有關「中國威脅論」或「中國即將崩潰」等各式論點已充斥於國際社會之間。而且在東亞地區存有「台海衝突」、「北韓核武危機」和「南沙群島主權爭議」等三個危機引爆點,都與中共有著密不可分的直接關係。其中北韓在後冷戰時期所引發的核武議題,已成為區域威脅的主要來源,近年來北韓飛彈的試射更使得威脅的影響遍及全球。在東亞地區的危機中首推北韓核武問題最難掌握,且危險程度也最高。因此北韓發展核武對東北亞地區的和平與安全無疑是一大挑戰,其目的就是要迫使美國進行雙邊會談,意圖藉此取得國際援助,以解決國內日益緊張的政治與經濟問題,並與美國簽訂《互不侵犯條約》,以解除因被稱為「邪惡軸心」而產生的潛在威脅。 現階段中共在對外關係上仍是標榜「獨立自主」的和平外交政策,並以靈活的外交策略,追求成為世界強權為目標。中共外交政策的基本目標就是要維護國家的獨立和主權,努力為改革開放和現代化建設創造一個長期的、良好的國際環境,以維護世界和平、促進共同發展。因此為經濟發展創造有利的國際環境,仍然是中共目前國際戰略的中心目標,而且經濟發展也是中共現階段的主要任務。中共建政以來的外交政策兼具了持續性與變革性,特別強調「主權獨立」與「領土完整」的基本原則。 北韓核武危機是當前亞太地區安全局勢中的重點。在相關強權和國際社會皆主張透過談判解決之努力下,局勢將得到緩和。台灣應支持朝鮮半島非核化,支持和平對話解決。尤其在中共積極從事北韓核武危機協商工作之際,台灣應慎防中共藉機將兩岸問題納入協商範疇,以作為對美國或國際間談判的交換籌碼,而損及台灣應有的利益。兩岸協商已中斷多年,緊張情勢已日益嚴峻。當我們身處危機的熱點中,如果仍不以安全與穩定為施政之最終考量,展現外交工作的彈性與靈活,則將斷送數十年來勤奮建設的經貿成果。


米榮順, MI, RONG-SHUN Unknown Date (has links)
本文討討之重點為在「中」蘇衝突與對抗中,北韓採取何種外交政策以資因應,北韓 為求本身的生存與發展,必須在「中」蘇兩共之間保持均衡。因而本文擬北韓國家目 標來分析其等距外交政策。所述主旨分別如下: 第一章論述研究目的和動機,研究方法與範圍,第二章論述「中」蘇紛爭的背景,及 其理論的爭執與對外政策;第三章:敘述北韓對「中」蘇決策的一般因素,即其意識 形態。國家目標、外交結構、個人因素、以及與南韓對抗的情況;第四章:分析北韓 傾向中共時期的政策,就國際環境、「中」蘇兩共對北韓的壓力及支持、當時國家目 標。及政策的運用與效果;第五章:以與第四章相同的方式來分析北韓親蘇疏「中」 的政策;第六章:分析北韓「自主路線」,特別論究其理論的基礎、目標及展開過程 ;第七章:評估北韓等距外交政策及發展,並檢討其可能產生的變數而藉以推定其未 來之展望。

現階段中國對韓半島政策:以地緣經濟學觀點分析 / Contemporary Chian's Policy toward Korean Peninsula: A Geoeconomic Perspective

河凡植, Ha, Bum Sig Unknown Date (has links)
進入21世紀以來,隨著經濟全球化和地區經濟一體化的深化,中國推動韓半島政策,對外戰略而言含有諸多作為:第一、謀求擴大經濟利益;第二、作為地緣經濟戰略夥伴;第三、作為主導東北亞地區地緣經濟合作的管道。 為此,中國著眼於中、韓、朝三方的國家發展需求和地緣經濟互補性,謀求加強與南北韓政治經濟合作的發展,同時,以三方之間地緣經濟合作優勢確保其在韓半島的影響力,在此基礎上,中國謀求消除韓半島安全不確定性,牽制美國影響力和日本勢力。從此觀點來看,中國對韓半島政策就是中國對外戰略的出發點。 從地緣經濟戰略觀點而言,中國與韓半島關係不僅與中國營造發展經濟良好周邊環境有關,而且中國在中韓、中朝關係上具有政治經濟合作利益空間,因而中國加強與南韓政治領域合作交流,透過以經濟條件拋棄北韓邊緣政策,謀求維持韓半島和平與穩定。另外,中國利用與韓半島地緣經濟所長,加強與南北韓經貿合作,深化南北韓對中國經濟依存度,進而通過中國對南北韓的經濟優勢,主導中韓、中朝的地緣經濟合作,確保對韓半島的戰略優勢與影響力。 中國對韓半島政策的目標,將韓半島作為中國發展經濟戰略的管道,謀求地緣經濟利益最大化,透過提升在韓半島的影響力,使得韓半島走向中立化。中國對韓半島實施地緣經濟政策以來,中國與南北韓關係日益密切,在某種領域上,中國已經超越周邊大國的影響力。 在政治與安全領域,中國與南北韓透過領導人和高層人士進行頻繁互訪、建立相互對話機制或設立熱線管道,提高相互信任,加強雙方關係、謀求地區安全和發展。在經濟上,中國引進為自身經濟建設所需要的資金、高技術及礦物資源,而提供為南北韓經濟成長所需的巨大出口市場,尤其是中國也提供北韓經濟所需的原油和工業產品。由此,最近幾年來,中國成為南北韓對外貿易最大夥伴,與此同時,引起南北韓經濟對中國依存度的深化,因而,中國對韓半島的影響力正在擴大。 / Since the start of the 21st century, with constant intensification of the process of economic globalization and regional economic integration, China has pursued much-evolved Korean Peninsula policy for its own strategic goals as following: First, to strengthen its own economic interest; Second, to make the geoeconomic partnership with the two Koreas; Third, to make the partnership as the leverage for regional strategy. For the sake of securing economic common interest and geoeconomic complementarities with the two Koreas, China seeks to develop the cooperative relationship with North and South Korea. At the same time, China seeks to ensure its influence on the Korean Peninsula by using its geoeconomic advantage on the Korean Peninsula. Based on the relations, China hopes to remove the destabilizing factors in the security on the Korean Peninsula, and seeks to restrain American influence and Japan’s power. From this viewpoint, China’s Korea Policy is the starting point of China's foreign policy. From the perspective of geoeconomic strategy, the relationship between China and the two Koreas are much important with regard to building favorable environment for economic development. At the same time, the relations of China-South Korea and China-North Korea have economically and politically beneficial space. Therefore, on the one hand, China has been strengthening political cooperation with South Korea, and China has been forcing the North Korea to abandon the brinkmanship diplomacy by using economic inducements through cooperation with South Korea. As a result, it was designed for maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, by utilizing the geoeconomic advantage with the two Koreas, China has strengthened the economic cooperation with the two Koreas; it has deepened the two Koreas’ economic dependency on China; As a result, it has been taking the lead in geoeconomic cooperation with the two Koreas; and it has been securing its strategic advantage and influence over the Peninsula. The objective of China’s Korea policy is to make the Peninsula be the ditch of China’s economic development; to maximize its geoeconomic interest; besides, to make the Koreas become neutralizing by taking advantage of geoeconomic influence. Since the implementation of China’s geoeconomic policy on the Peninsula, its relations with the two Koreas have become much closer. In some realms, China surpassed neighboring big powers’ influence. In the realm of politics and security, China has pursued the mutual confidence building by the means such as reciprocal visits, mutual dialogue mechanism and hot-line setting with the leadership of the two Koreas for the sake of strengthening of the bilateral relationship and securing of the regional security. And, in the realm of economy, while China brought in investment and high technology from the South side and the mineral resources from the North side, it provided the huge export market for the Peninsula, especially the crude oil and industrial products for the North. Recently, China has become one of the two Korea’s biggest trade partner. Consequently, the two Koreas’ economic dependency on China has been deepening and China’s influence on the Peninsula has been expanding.

北韓核武發展對中共國家安全影響之研究 / The study of North Korea`s nuclear weapons development`s influence on the National Security of PRC

林彥廷, Lin, Yen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
北韓研發核武與彈道飛彈對東北亞區域安全造成嚴重衝擊,自1994年以來的北韓核武危機至今仍未獲得解決。在2002年北韓承認持續發展核武後,中共在核武危機中擔任調解人的角色,分別舉行了「三方會談」以及六輪「六方會談」。中共希望透過多邊主義中的談判方式,和平地解決北韓核武發展問題,並提高自身在朝鮮半島議題上以及國際社會中的影響力。但北韓至今仍未放棄核武發展,且從2006年以來一連串的核子試爆、長程火箭與飛彈試射使東北亞安全情勢極度惡化。 平心而論,中共目前是世界上對北韓影響力最大的國家。除了因為韓戰所建立的傳統「血盟關係」,以及在1961年兩國之間所締結之「中朝友好合作互助條約」之外,近年來,中共也提供北韓大量的經濟援助,包括糧食、重油與其他的戰略性物資。但北韓自2006年以來的彈道飛彈試射與地下核武試爆,確實已經對中共的國家安全造成嚴重威脅。北韓研發核武的問題若不解決,將會動搖現行「核不擴散」機制的權威與可信度,甚至造成東北亞區域各國,例如日本、韓國,甚至台灣競相研發核武的可能性,進而引發區域軍備競賽與核武擴散,對中共的國家安全造成損害。其次為北韓研發核武若引起美國的軍事先制攻擊,其難民問題對中共東北邊境所造成的威脅。最後則是北韓的核武研發與常規軍力對中共所造成的直接威脅。此外,北韓研發核武也對中共在於1996年出台之「新安全觀」造成衝擊,尤其中共官方在未來評估東北亞區域安全問題時,勢必將對「新安全觀」作一定程度的修正。在中共的綜合國力以及在亞太地區影響力不斷提升的前提下,中共將藉由北韓這根國際政治權力槓桿,與美國共同形塑未來朝鮮半島的全新權力格局。本研究即欲探討做為北韓傳統支持者與核武危機調停者的中共,如何處理北韓研發核武對其國家安全所造成之威脅。 關鍵詞:中共、朝鮮半島、北韓核武危機、新安全觀、彈道飛彈、軍備競賽 / North Korea developed nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles pose a serious impact on Northeast Asia, since 1994 the North Korean nuclear crisis has yet to be resolved. North Korea admitted in 2002, continued to develop nuclear weapons, PRC in the nuclear crisis as a mediator, were held “tripartite talks” and “six-party talks.”PRC hopes of multilateralism in the negotiation and peaceful resolution of North Korea's nuclear issue and improve their own issues on the Korean peninsula and the international community's influence. But North Korea has yet to give up nuclear weapons development and since 2006 a series of nuclear tests, long-range rocket and ballistic missile launch to worsen the security situation in Northeast Asia. In all fairness, the PRC is currently the world's greatest influence on North Korea's state. Apart from the tradition established by the Korean War "clan relations", as well as between the two countries in 1961, concluded the “Sino-Korean friendship and cooperation treaty”, the recent years, and that China provides North Korea substantial economic aid, including food, heavy oil and other strategic materials. But North Korea since 2006 ballistic missile and nuclear test pose a serious threat to national security of PRC. This study anticipates exploring the trend and change of the Korean Peninsula Policy and New Security Concept of PRC. The main research goal: to discuss North Korea`s traditional supporter and mediator, PRC, and how to handle North Korea's development of nuclear weapons posed to their own national security threats. Keyword: PRC, Korean Peninsula, North Korea Nuclear Crisis, New Security Concept, Ballistic Missiles, the Arms Race.

21世紀美國對東北亞安全政策之研究 / The U.S. policy toward northeast asia in 21st century

劉宴慈 Unknown Date (has links)
從現實主義的觀點而言,對國際行為最有影響力的因素是安全、軍事能力、國家之間的政治聯合,及實力追求和實力平衡。美國面對東北亞安全問題,其所採取的政策反應與對區域產生的影響,是美國能否維持政策穩定的主要因素。邁入21世紀,美國面對國際情勢及東北亞局勢的變化,其所採行的東北亞安全政策是本文所欲探索的重點。 從冷戰後迄今,美國國家戰略發展的核心,以維護其自身安全、促進其經濟發展、推行民主的普世價值、維護世界與區域穩定為目標,以確保美國的霸權地位。美國實現戰略的手段乃藉全球秩序的維持,進一步實現其對全球重大資源與關鍵地帶的掌握,使美國得以取得最大的經濟發展利基,確保美國國力遙遙領先世界各國。因此,美國視海外駐軍與盟友為戰力的延伸,以作為美國外交政策運用的籌碼,進而建立一個美國所期待的世界。 本研究觀察小布希政府與歐巴馬政府,面對東北亞情勢變化,如中共崛起的壓力、北韓核武問題、遏制區域內領土等爭端時,美國以不同姿態引領各國屈從其領導,企圖形塑一個美國軍事前沿存在的藉口。美國維持在東北亞的軍事存在,其目的為抑制中共崛起,掌控朝鮮情勢變化,藉區域內聯盟國家的政治聯合,確保美國安全與經濟發展。 因此,從現實主義對權力的本質來看,美國身為全球唯一霸權,其仍將奉行現實主義學派的「強權政治」,爭取區域內各國的合作,進而掌控整個東北亞戰略利益。展望未來,美國在東北亞強化美日同盟與美韓同盟的力度將更顯突出。

中共「新安全觀」下的朝鮮半島外交政策:以「六方會談」為例 / China's "New Security Concept" and Foreign Policy in Korean Peninsula: The Case of Six-Party Talks

楊名豪, Yang, Ming Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在2002年朝核危機引發後,中共居中折衝尊俎,舉辦「三方會談」及數輪「六方會談」,使朝核危機相關諸國得以齊聚北京協商處理朝核問題,揭開朝鮮半島歷史之新頁。中共雖非當事國,然涉入與影響之程度均較前次危機為深,其政策及角色皆有研究之必要。「新安全觀」提出迄今已近十年,做為中共國際關係的「理論」,直接指導其外交政策,其意涵著重於與冷戰思維的差異,以「互信、互利、平等、協作」及對「非傳統安全」的關照為其理論核心,在實踐上則以多邊安全合作為最要,而近歲於朝鮮半島發展之多邊安全合作正為「六方會談」。是故,本論文冀望能從「新安全觀」意涵在「六方會談」的實踐與挑戰,探析中共朝鮮半島政策之走向。主要的研究目的包括:(一)詮釋中共「新安全觀」的動機與意涵;(二)具體呈現中共與各國在朝核問題的立場及互動作為;(三)評估「新安全觀」在「六方會談」中的實踐與挑戰,並分析其朝鮮半島政策取向。 / 「新安全觀」在「六方會談」中體現於以下幾項作為:(一)穿梭籌辦歷輪會談;(二)戮力於會談制度化;(三)保障參與各方權益。然而,「新安全觀」同時也面臨許多挑戰,最值得關切者有冷戰時期所遺留下來的軍事同盟、朝核危機當事兩國的立場分歧、「中國威脅論」的陰影等。大體上,中共對於朝核問題的政策立場有三:(一)朝鮮半島非核化;(二)區域的和平與穩定;(三)以外交談判解決。此外,還強調在解決朝核問題的同時,必須照顧到北韓的生存利益,而為因應諸多挑戰,中共的朝鮮半島政策可能將朝以下方向發展:(一)擴大多邊安全合作;(二)鞏固大國共同利益;(三)強化南韓合作關係;(四)引導北韓經濟改革。因此,就現階段政策取向而言,中共應會並用多邊與雙邊外交途徑,在朝鮮半島持續勸和促談,扮演多重建設性角色,而「新安全觀」若要被徹底落實,將取決於中共的國家利益能否持續與「新安全觀」所訴諸的理念相結合。 / This study anticipates exploring the trend of the Korean Peninsula Policy of China by understanding the implementation and challenge of New Security Concept (NSC) in the Six-Party Talks. The main research goal includes: to interpret the motivation and meaning of NSC, to present China’s position and behavior with other nations in terms of 2002 North Korea nuclear issue, and to evaluate the practice and challenge of NSC in Six-Party Talks. In the past rounds, NSC has been embodied in holding meetings, endeavoring to institutionalize, and ensuring the right and interest of all participants. Even so, NSC has been confronted some challenge in the meantime; embracing the military alliances remained from the cold war era, the gap between North Korea and United States, and so-called “China Threat.” / Briefly speaking, China has three positions in 2002 North Korea Nuclear Crisis: Denuclearization, peace and stability, and solutions through the negotiation in Korean Peninsula. China also emphasizes that every decision dealing with the crisis should be given consideration to North Korea’s interest. It is highly likely to blossom into what follows for the sake of replying these challenges: To extend multilateral corporation, to consolidate the common interest with other powers, to strengthen the relation with South Korea, and to guide North Korea to reform its economy. Therefore, China might use multilateral and bilateral approach simultaneously; continue to mediate and to play a multiple role in the constructive way. The further implementation of NSC depends on the extent of combining with China’s national interest and the ideal of NSC.

陽光政策及其對日本與兩韓關係的影響 / Sunshine Policy and its Implications for Japan’s Relations with Two Koreans

洪瑩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
南韓金大中總統在1998年2月上台時,提出一套與北韓達成和平、和解與合作為基礎的對北韓新政策-陽光政策。陽光政策係以善意、真誠化解北韓的敵意與戒心,使北韓願意與南韓對話與交流,協助北韓走出經濟困境與國際孤立,降低朝鮮半島緊張情勢,進而開放門戶,進行經改。 因此,金大中政府的對日政策,作為陽光政策的一環,不但呼籲南韓與日本走出歷史仇恨,大力推動與日本合作援助北韓糧食物資,還積極幫助日本與北韓關係正常化。讓原本存於日本與北韓交涉障礙中的「南韓因素」轉為正面的推力。此外,金大中政府的對日政策,亦積極主動地改善南韓與日本兩國關係。為因應1997年的金融危機,金大中拋出與北韓和解的陽光政策,在朝鮮半島上製造和平穩定的投資環境,俾利南韓經濟復甦,並力圖引進日本的資金與經援,助南韓早日走出經濟困境。 雖然日本極為擔憂南北韓有可能隨著南韓政府北韓交往政策的持續推動下,在歷史問題、領土紛爭,以及日本軍事能力發展上,達成共同反日陣線。但是,在日本的朝鮮半島政策之中,被民族主義所蒙蔽的小泉政府無法看清局勢,未能好好把握南韓金大中政府,這個前所未見的親日政權,加深與南韓緊密合作的關係,消除或淡化兩國間的歷史議題。同時,在陽光政策下推行經改急需建設資金的北韓,小泉政府也未能把握金正日國防委員長在政治及安全議題上讓步的機會,解決兩國間的懸案,一舉達成兩國建交,再利用經濟合作的機會,降低北韓的反日情緒。小泉政府卻不斷的做出讓周邊國家反感的舉動,像是每年參拜象徵日本軍國主義的靖國神社,大力提升日本自衛隊軍事能力,試圖打破和平憲法的框架等,反而加深與鄰國之間的隔閡。

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