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漢語連動句研究 / Aspects of Serial Verb Constructions in Mandarin周奎宜, Chou, Kuei Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究漢語的連動結構。首先我們先將連動結構的定義做一個清楚的界定,之後再從動詞間的語意面著手,對連動結構中動詞間的語意關係,提出詳盡的說明與解釋。除此之外,根據連動句中詞彙的受限性以及動詞間的語意關聯性這兩個原則,我們再進一步將漢語的連動結構區分為四個類型。最後,我們從句法的層面切入來探討漢語的連動結構。我們認為不同的語意解讀是由於不同的句法結構所導致。 / This thesis investigates serial verb constructions (SVCs) in Mandarin Chinese. The serial verb constructions are often confused with other superficially similar structures; thus, the first objective of this study is to explicitly delimitate the definition of SVCs and to differentiate them from other structures. In addition, we will further explore the semantic relationship between the serial verbs and classify SVCs into several types according to the V1-V2 correlations, the independence between sub-events, and the lexical restrictiveness of the verbs. We will then analyze the syntactic relationship of the verbs. Finally, we also propose that there are two possible structures for SVCs in Mandarin.
Chapter 1 is a brief introduction of the term “serial verb construction.” We will first go over its definitions, the functions it can convey, and the geographical distribution of languages with SVC. In Chapter 2, we will present the distinguishing characteristics of SVC and distinguish it from other similar structures. In Chapter 3, we will present different semantic correlations between the VPs. In Chapter 4, we will classify Mandarin SVCs into different subtypes based on the lexical and semantic criteria. Chapter 5 presents the tentative syntactic analyses of Mandarin SVCs. Chapter 6 concludes this paper.
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從金門後浦堂會議事錄看教會懲戒—一個教會史料的探究 / Church Discipline in the Registers of the Consistory of Au-Po, Quemoy - An Approach of Church History陳子仁, Chen, Tzu-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
我在論文研究過程中發現,後浦堂會議事錄裡的教會懲戒記錄最頻繁的施行高峰,恰恰是後浦堂會本身所處閩南大會的教勢發展大脈絡的最優進期(1903 至1912 年)。這一方面證明教會懲戒的正確施行,必當在教會處於信仰深深內化且質素高、內部彼此愛的關係豐厚與處理問題能力強的情態,另一方面也印證後浦教會在創立早期的確在上述各個方面有早熟而令人印象深刻的展現。自1866 年以降新教的金門島域福音工作,亟待方家更細緻綿密的史料整理與刻畫,更希望教會界願意開放議事錄等資料供學界進行嚴謹之學術研究與保存,以裨益地區教會史之建構。 / There are two specific approaches in the research of church history. One is the approach of the Givers / Preachers, focusing on 5 Ws (Who When Where What How) issues of the evangelization process, dealing with historical figures and events, and analyzing interactive relations in between these two factors mainly caused by or related to the side of the Gospel Conveyers. The other is the approach of the
Receivers / Converts, an approach that the researchers will also use the 5Ws, concentrate on the converts instead of focusing on the conveyers. This approach is more and more common these days especially for the Chinese scholars.
This thesis is not only an examination from the receivers’ point of view of how new Christian converts carried out the missionaries’ message by proceeding the actual practices of church discipline toward local converts in their cultural-religious context, but also an attempt of tracing the history of the Quemoy / Kinmen Churches.
First of all, in the doctrinal-traditional aspect I have surveyed the biblical context (the Hebrew Scriptures or the Old Testament, and the New Testament) , related
non-biblical sources, with the Church Laws like the Canon Law (the Roman Catholic Church), the Book of Church Order (the Reformed Church in America), the Book of
Forms (The Presbyterian Church in Canada) , Bylaws (the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan) about church discipline and other cultural sources dealing with the secular treatments to these subjects. Secondly in the practical aspect, I have abstracted related Minutes of church discipline from the consistorial records of Au-Po congregation (between 1900 and 2000 C.E.), and found the period that church discipline being processed most frequently, was the time during 1903-1912: the most fruitful and powerful period of Christian Churches in China.
However, the impressive manner shown in these records could be an illustration of the depth of the internalized messages for Protestant believers in Quemoy.
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低價小筆記型電腦市場區隔研究-以華碩Eee PC為例 / The research of market segmentation for low-price laptop--taking ASUS Eee PC for example蔡桂賓, Tsai, Kuei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
Eee PC的低價小筆記型電腦的銷售成功,小筆記型電腦衍然己被筆記型電腦廠商視為下一個藍海市場,以產品生命週期來看,Eee PC由萌芽期進入成長期,而早期辨出消費者中的創新使用者及早期採用者,在新產品發展階段有策略上的重要意義,本研究目的在進一步辨識出消費者及其使用習慣,讓市場行銷人員能選定目標市場及制定適當的行銷策略。
本研究以消費者決策歷程(Consumer Decision Process, CDP)為基礎,在配合科技接受理論TAM (Technology Acceptable Model)當中的有用知覺(Perceived Usefuless, PU) 及易用知覺 (Perceived Eas of Use, PEOU) 發展成本研究的研究架構,並以線上問卷便利取樣己購買Eee PC的消費者,以AIO生活型態做為Eee PC消費者使用者行為的市場區隔基礎,以市場區隔理論(Segmentation)及創新擴散理論將消費者予以區隔,利用因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定及區別分析等統計方法做為分析方法的工具,試圖分辨出購買Eee PC的使用者並了解Eee PC購買者的使用習慣。
(1)Eee PC消費者具有創新者與早期使用者的特性
(2)依Eee PC消費者之購買行為資料分析,消費者最重視的產品屬性
(3)Eee PC消費者資訊搜尋對象以網站為主,但購買仍以實體通路為
(4)Eee PC消費者購買用途以休閒娛樂及工作課業需要為主,不同族
(6)依知覺程度來看,各族群在知覺程度上有所不同。 / The success of selling of ASUS’s Eee PC, the low-priced laptop, led Eee PC be taken as the next blue ocean for notebook manufactures. In the product life cycle of Eee PC, it has been changed from the introduction stage to growth stage. Early identification of the innovators and early adoptors is a strategical important meaning for new product development. The research is to identify the the consumers and their consuming habits, so that the marketing departments can select an ideal market segment and to employ effective marketing tactics.
The research is based on the conceptual framework for the consumer decision process proposed by Kolter & Keller (2007) and combines the perspective from the Technology Acceptance Model proposed by Davis(1989) to identify the consumer of Eee PC and explores their satisfacation and how they use Eee PC. Finally, the research uses the traditional stastics tool to differentiate Eee PC buyers based on Psychology variables from AIO theory proposed by Plummer(1974) and segmentation theory proposed by Wind(1978).
The research obtains the following findings:
(1) Eee PC buyers can be distinguished as innovator and rearly adoptor.
(2) According to the data analysis from Eee PC, the features that consumers highly concerned are easy and light for hand-carry instead of cheap price.
(3) Eee PC buyers use internet to search information, but they buy Eee PC via the physical channel or stores
(4) Eee PC buyers use Eee PC for entertainment and academic or job
(5) As the point of view in demographic, two clusters are significance different.
(6) As the point of view in perspective, two clusters are significance different.
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台灣華語母音的聲學研究 / An acoustic study on Taiwan Mandarin vowels張恆毅, Zhang, Heng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的受試者為六名生長在台灣台北市的男性華語母語使用者。本研究使用的測試字為70個包含所有韻母型態的單音節字。語音資料是利用KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics)來錄製及分析。本研究所採用的資料為獨立發音且無聲母的測試字。
根據共振峰頻率資料本研究得到以下有關台灣華語母音音質的發現。首先研究的部分為音標所隱含的語音對比。在齒槽(alveolar)及後齒槽(post-alveolar)組的舌尖母音(apical vowels)間並沒有發現音質上的顯著差別,但統計及其它證據支持低母音裡的前後對比及中母音裡的半開(open-mid)及半閉(closed-mid)對比的存在。
其次,研究的結果也包括語音環境中的音段對於母音音質的影響。結果發現韻母中的元素,包含母音前介音、母音後介音、及韻尾鼻音,都對母音有不同的語音制約(conditioning)。另外,本研究發現順同化(progressive assimilation)比逆同化(regressive assimilation)對於低母音音質有較大的影響。
最後,本研究以共振峰頻率的形式描述及紀錄了當代台灣華語表層母音的音質。希望這些資料能對台灣華語母音的研究有所貢獻。 / This thesis is an acoustic study that investigates the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin vowels with formant frequency data.
The subjects of this study included six male native Mandarin speakers born and raised in Taipei city, Taiwan. Testing items used in this study were 70 syllables that involve all combinations of segment in the syllable final. The speech data were recorded and analyzed with KAY CSL 4100 (KAY Electronics). The data discussed in this study were testing items produced in citation form without initial consonant. The vowel qualities of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel were measured and analyzed.
Several results concerning the vowel quality of Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were reported based on the formant frequency data. Firstly, the distinction between vowel phones implied by their transcription was examined. The difference in vowel quality was not observed in the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels, while the front-back distinction in low vowels and the open-mid and closed-mid distinction in mid vowels were found with statistic and other evidence.
Secondly, the conditioning of segments in the neighboring environments on the vowel quality was investigated. It is found that elements in the syllable final, including pre-nuclear, post-nuclear glide and coda nasals, generally have different types of conditioning on the vowel. In addition, the progressive assimilation was found have greater influence on the vowel quality of low vowel phones than the regressive assimilation.
Thirdly, the change in vowel quality was discussed through the comparison with results in previous acoustic studies. The difference in vowel backness between the alveolar and post-alveolar groups of apical vowels were found to be decreasing and eventually disappeared. Besides, the relative vowel height and backness of closed-mid and open-mid vowel were found to be in reverse compared with that in the literature. Comparison in formant frequencies showed that this reverse lay in the change of vowel quality in the close-mid [e]. However, further investigations were needed to offer reasonable explanations for the change.
Finally, the vowel qualities of present Taiwan Mandarin surface vowel phones were described and recorded as the formant frequency data presented in this study. Hopefully, the data could contribute to the study of vowels in Taiwan Mandarin.
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大學教師不受歡迎行為之調查研究 / The unpopular behaviors of college teachers perceived by students吳佳蓉, Wu, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:高等教育、師生關係、學生知覺、教師不受歡迎行為 / To probe into college teachers’ unpopular behaviors, students’ perception, and the causes of students’ reactions, this research conducted a two-phase survey of 1105 college students and its following analyses, instead of focusing on present teaching evaluation system.
The first study was designed to elicit inductively student reports of the unpopular behaviors of college teachers. Responds to an open-ended questionnaire indicated 75 different items subdivided into seven categories of unpopular teacher behaviors, and 24 different items subdivided into four categories of reasons why student don’t respond their feelings.
The second study was to quantify the unpopular teacher behaviors experienced by students, and compared student background as school, domain specific, gender, and grades. The main results were:
1. There are two dimensions of the most frequently selected teachers’ unpopular behaviors perceived by students:
(1) Unprepared / Disorganized: result in boring lectures, failing to provide full explanations or practical examples, jumping from one subject to another, and giving confusing / inconsistent instructions.
(2) Lack of communication: result in assuming students has a based knowledge for the course, and talking too fast or rushing through the materials.
2. Over 70% of students would not respond their feelings, and the most frequently selected reasons were communication apprehension and considering others would make the move. Other reasons included rationalization of teachers’ unpopular behaviors, and did not have ideas of one’s own.
3. After compared the frequencies of college students perceived their teachers’ unpopular behaviors, and the percentage of non-responding, and the statistics of reasons why student don’t respond, the results revealed that there were significant differences within students’ background.
According the results of the survey, this research also provided several specific suggestions about future teaching behaviors and related researches.
Keywords: Higher Education, Teacher-student Relationship, Student Perception, Unpopular Teacher Behavior
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行動即時通訊軟體行銷策略之研究 ─以LINE為例 / The Marketing Strategy for Mobile Instant Message Software- An Empirical Case of LINE程柏元, Cheng, Po Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
根據創市際市場研究顧問2013年的調查報告,從台灣使用智慧型手機應用程式的到達率來看,國人最常用的APP前十名中,即時通訊類佔了四位,第一名是LINE、第四名是WhatsApp、第八名是Facebook Messenger與第十名的WeChat。資策會(2012)調查「台灣民眾行動裝置應用程式使用習慣行為與偏好調查」顯示,在使用智慧型手機的民眾當中,有50.8%較常下載的APP類型是即時通訊/傳訊服務,僅次於遊戲類55.4%,顯示台灣民眾即時通訊的需求。LINE在台灣的註冊用戶已經超過1,700萬人次,普及率相當高。
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投資於巴拉圭新創企業之信託基金 / Trust to invest in early stage businesses in paraguay何凱平, Cañete, Hector Unknown Date (has links)
The “Trust to Invest in Early Stage Businesses” is a government project based in a public bank of Paraguay. This “Trust” aims to become the first and the best landmark of “Angel Investor” to foster entrepreneurial culture and help in the development of the stock market and the economy of the country.
There is no similar fund in the market, therefore there is no regulation about this type of investment; as a consequence, the “Trust” will start to work with the institutions in charge to establish the basis for this new industry.
The special purpose of the “Trust” is to target the most vulnerable of the businesses, the seed and the start-up stages. Those segments are not covered by the banks or any other financial institution.
This project is an opportunity for the government to foster the “Inclusive Economic Growth” that is one of the pillars of the “National Development Plan 2014-2030” because start-ups maybe are small companies but they can play a significant role in the economic growth.
I believe that the “Trust” will receive back his investment with profit, so, there will be more money to invest in early stage businesses and the cycle will continue.
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O2O消費的使用與滿足和科技接受整合模式——以線上買票,線下觀影為例 / A Model of O2O Consumer Motivation, Combination of Uses & Gratifications and Technology Acceptance Model: A Study on Movie Ticking區谷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以電影O2O為例,希望探討消費者在線上購買電影票再到線下電影院觀影的消費行為背後的心理需求動機,以及在使用線上介面時前置因素如何影響其使用行為,以建構結合使用與滿足理論及科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)的O2O消費行為模型。
本研究收集到460份有效問卷,研究結果發現消費者使用O2O的動機包括娛樂性、便利經濟性、社交性,其中娛樂性、社交性動機對促成使用行為有正向影響;而線上使用介面的知覺有用易用性對消費者的線上使用行為有正向影響。 / As e-commerce has been flourished for years, people getting more and more used to shopping online, on the other hand, popularization of mobile device leads to a new trendy of O2O service, which broke the wall between online and offline. For example, movie ticketing O2O is experiencing a great development in China.
This study focus on movie ticketing O2O and try to clarify its user motivations, besides how actual uses were influenced by the factors of online interface. Altogether it is tempt to build up an O2O user model which combine with Uses and Gratifications Theory and Technology Acceptance Model.
Collected 460 web questionnaires, the findings of this study show that entertainment, convenience and economy, sociality are all motivations of using O2O ticketing, entertainment and sociality indicate significance influence to actual using. For the part of online interface, perceived usefulness and ease of use are combined together to affect the online using positively.
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改制後我國監察制度與瑞典國會監察使制度之比較研究郝思麗 Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 緒論----------------1
第一節 前言----------------- 1
第二節 研究動機與目的------------ 6
第三節 研究範圍與研究方法---------- 8
第四節 研究架構---------------10
第二章 監察理論--------------12
第一節 監察之定義--------------12
第二節 中國監察理論-------------14
第三節 西方監察理論-------------21
第四節 瑞典國會監察使制度之界定-------26
第三章 當前監察院之職能分析--------32
第一節 改制後監察院之組織結構--------32
第二節 改制後監察院之職權分析--------38
第三節 監察權的功能分析-----------48
第四章 瑞典國會監察使制度---------61
第一節 瑞典國會監察使制度的源起與發展-----61
第二節 瑞典國會監察使制度的組織結構------67
第三節 瑞典國會監察使制度的職權分析------72
第四節 瑞典國會監察使職權行使功能-------79
第五節 國會監察使與國會的關係---------82
第六節 國會監察使與新聞界的關係--------83
第五章 中華民國監察院制度與瑞典國會監察使制度之比較---------------85
第一節 組織建制之比較-------------85
第二節 職權之比較---------------93
第三節 小結------------------101
第六章 結論----------------104
第一節 修憲後監察院的改進方向---------104
第二節 改進方案之建議-------------121
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信用狀統一慣例第五次修訂內容之研究 / The Study of the Fifth Revision of the UCP卓佳慶, Jwo,Jia Chinq Unknown Date (has links)
用狀交易之信用狀統一慣例(ICC Uniform Customs and Practice
for Documentary Credits,簡稱UCP),實為從事國際貿易者不可或
些事項?均為不可忽視之重點。 本論文旨在探討第五次修訂內容對信
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