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美國法上標售公司義務(Revlon Duty)之內涵─兼論在我國法下適用之可能 / Analyzing the Concept of Revlon Duty吳亞儒 Unknown Date (has links)
德拉瓦州法院在1980年代提出一項標準,當目標公司董事決定要出售公司或控制權時,董事有義務要為股東爭取最好的價格,又稱為「露華濃義務(Revlon Duty)」或「標售公司義務」,有兩個重點值得關注:第一,目標公司董事同意何種併購交易會觸發露華濃義務?此即露華濃適用範圍的討論;第二,目標公司董事一旦觸發露華濃義務,董事應該要採取何種具體措施以符合要求?此即露華濃義務內涵的討論。對應到我國現況,應不應該在特定的併購交易中限縮董事的裁量空間?或提出可供法院參考之指標?
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新移民子女的雙語教育權 / The Children of New Immigrants' Right to Bilingual Education張立亭 Unknown Date (has links)
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電子書閱讀器借閱服務之使用研究:以交通大學圖書館為例 / Examining the Use of E-book Reader Lending Service in National Chiao Tung University Library張淑娟, Chang, Shu Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
2.讀者使用電子書閱讀器借閱服務之主要動機為體驗使用iPad 2;
7.讀者對iPad 2閱讀電子書的整體經驗多數感到滿意;
8.讀者未借用iPad 2的最主要原因是不知有電子書閱讀器借閱服務,再者是iPad 2數量不足;
本研究針對上述結果加以討論,並提出相關建議,提供圖書館推行該服務,以及未來研究之參考。 / In recent years people's reading habits have begun to change, and the population of digital reading device users has been growing gradually. Face with the coming era of digital reading, libraries provide e-book reader lending services one after another in order to promote digital reading. Since the library services in Taiwan are still at the initial stage, it is necessary to examine the use of e-book reader lending service.
Therefore this study was based on UTAUT(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology). The purpose of this study was to investigate reader's behavior, intention and determinants toward e-book reader lending service, and examine moderators of the relationships between determinants and intention, including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience.
In this research, students at National Chiao Tung University were chosen as the testing participants. The instruments used in the study was the National Chiao Tung University Library E-book Reader Lending Service Use Survey. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression. The findings of the study were as follows:
1.Most readers know about e-book reader lending service by peer sharing;
2.The motivation of most readers using e-book reader lending service is to try iPad 2;
3.Majority of readers use e-book reader lending service for reading e-books;
4.Most readers read e-books that are from internet and for free;
5.Majority of readers find e-books on Google or other search engines;
6.Most readers have difficulty with reading e-books because of eyestrain and lack of content;
7.Most readers feel satisfied with the e-book reading experience on the iPad 2;
8.Majority of readers have not borrowed the iPad 2 because of not knowing the service and lack of iPad 2;
9.Most readers willing to use e-book reader lending service and use the service continuously. They also willing to recommend others to use the service;
10.The determinants of intention to use e-book reader lending service among students at National Chiao Tung University include performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence. The predictive power of social influence is highest among all determinants.
11.Personal characteristics of the readers including gender, education, academy, digital reading device experience and e-book experience don't moderate the relationships between determinants and intention.
According to the findings above, this study provided some suggestions for libraries to promote the service, and future research suggestions.
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容積移轉接受基地居住環境品質改變認知與政策滿意度之研究-以新北市中和地區為例 / A Study of Cognitive and Policy Satisfaction of the Residential Environment Quality Changes in the Transfer Development Right Receiving Area - A Case Study of Zhong He District in New Taipei City高筱菁, Kao, Hsiao Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以容積移轉接受基地興建前後對居住環境品質之問卷調查,以新北市中和地區之接受基地周邊住民作為受訪對象,以因素分析、結構方程模式為分析方法,以五大變數-接受基地興建前既有環境滿意度、接受基地興建後正面環境改善、接受基地興建後負面改變影響、容積移轉政策修正建議及其政策滿意度進行模式驗證;研究結果發現既有環境滿意度對負面改變影響、政策修正建議呈正向影響,對正面環境改善、政策滿意度呈負向影響,另負面改變影響、政策修正建議則具有著之中介效果,該研究可作為未來推動容積移轉制度辦理之修正建議。 / In the urban development environment, living environment quality depends on how residents feel. It can be divided into internal and external spatial structure environments. The internal environment refers to living areas where the residents themselves reside; the external spatial structures are mostly the proximity, accessibility and distaste factors of public facilities. The World Health Organization’s 1961 World Health Report proposed the basic concept of the ideal living environment for safety, health, convenience, comfort, etc. They compiled an analysis of the environmental community to explain the measure of the quality of living through exploratory, confirmatory factors. The analysis compiled an explanation of the way community residents measure environmental quality. The focal point lies in the three aspects of modernization: physical properties, community service and management. Therefore residents' susceptibility echoes the former four basic philosophies.
In regards to the quality of living environment and community satisfaction, after disscussing relevant literature, we found that the quality of living environment correlate with community satisfaction interaction. This shows that during the construction of life quality models, domain clustering should first take place, then go through the analysis of objective factors, perceived factors, evaluated factors before presenting various domains of satisfaction.
However, to address topics on land reserved for the public infrastructure, topics on historical building preservation and public open space topics, Taiwan began to implement transferable development rights control. The main goal of this system was to pursue environmental quality, improve substantive construction, maintain the flexibility of legislative rules and promote public participation. However, the main concern of this study is whether or not the environmental living quality of nearby residents' was affected after the development rights of the receiving area received incremental development rights and built high-rise buildings. This study mainly dicusses ways to implement the so far accepted transferable development rights case after construction is complete, and the effects brought on by the surrounding land.
This study looks at environmental quality before and after transferable development rights acceptance and construction. A questionnaire was designed for this study and was administered to local residents of the Zhong-he, New Taipei City development rights receiving area as target respondents. This study was conducted by way of factor analysis and structural equation modeling analysis. Five variables were proposed, which are variables of nearby residents of the development rights receiving area regarding environmental satisfaction before construction; variables of nearby residents having positive evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents having negative evaluation after construction; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy amendment; variables of nearby residents regarding transferable development rights policy satisfaction, to conduct a model confirmatory.
The results show that environmental satisfaction variables have a positive impact on negative evaluation variables and policy amendment variables, but have a negative impact on positive evaluation variables and policy satisfaction. In addition, negative evaluation variables have indirect effects on policy amendments. This study can be used as a reference for the implementation of the transferable development rights system in handling amendments in the future.
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政治受難者之受害地志工參與歷程—國家人權博物館個案研究 / The transformation and transcendence of the traumatic memories of White Terror as the surviving victims returned to the sites of terror to work as volunteer narrators. - the National Human Rights Museum for Case Study.王逸群, Wang, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現,轉型正義必須從人開始,積極實踐的基礎則是,賦予社會生活中的每個人應重視人權教育,與點燃其探詢歷史真相的熱忱,及擁有維護社會公平正義的態度。除了前述實踐基礎發現外,受難者與人權館又促成另者改變,個體轉化後對群體社會狀態的正面影響,即參觀過該館的年輕人開始關注阻止身邊不正義的現象,與挺身制止違反公共道德的主動行為。此等個體與群體行為的改變,更強化受難者更積極投身人權館,促成該館公共性價值的形成,此價值是民主制度構成之關鍵核心原點,即是公民參與由下而上的集體動能。此動能再促使該館運作更符合社會各界期待,令它在台灣實踐轉型正義失落中,扮演還原歷史真相、教育思想傳遞的關鍵角色。 / This research was aimed to live through and to record the transformation and transcendence of the 65-year-old bitter, traumatic memories of White Terror as the surviving victims returned to the sites of terror, namely Green Island and Jingmei, now both divisions of Taiwanese National Human Rights Museum, to work as volunteer narrators. The records of this sublimation process started with the victims’ memories of sufferings, and as they began to voluntarily tell their own stories, they turned their personal traumas into eager expectations for the National Human Rights Museum to trigger the practice of transitional justice in the entire Taiwanese society. To explore every piece of individual as well as collective memory, both sites of terror, where gloomy silence used to haunt with heart-breaking stories untold, were repeatedly visited so that the painful history could be relived.
For the rest of their lives, many victims of White Terror could only live in total silence, never to bring themselves back to the place of sufferings again, let alone lighting up the dark corners inside their hearts and passing on the torch of human rights. However, this study was motivated by the observation that several dozens of White Terror victims did come back to where they had been tortured to tell people their sad stories. In the Museum, every little trace on the walls of the preserved prison cells brings back these victims’ traumatic memories. As these victims relive their painful years in prison and share their stories, the Museum becomes a place where history is passed on and life is lifted up to a higher level.
The subjects of this research were ten volunteers, each with a different ideology, who had been prisoned for political reasons during the 1950~1970 period. Through more than two years’ close observation as well as intensive depth interviews that spanned more than two months, the researcher was able to depict these storytellers’ deepest emotions and form a time-bound traumatic memory construction model after analyzing the similarities and differences of the interviewees’ traumatic memories.
By applying the model developed, the researcher was able to detect several complicated emotions hidden behind intertwined individual/collective memories as well as some conflicting interactions between those dark emotions and certain positive energy inside. Meanwhile, the historical context could also be revealed by studying those traumatic stories, and so could the relation between the social status perceived by the individuals and the historical context at that time. Notably, this study also discovered that a certain group of White Terror victims actually bear in mind some alternative memories of fear that are off the mainstream and are distinct from the so-called cases of injustice. Dynamic relationships have always existed between human beings and space. In the past, fears towards the dark prison cells were planted deeply in the victims’ hearts. Yet, as the very site of persecution has been turned into a window for history display, the memories that used to connect the fear and the prison cells have now become stories that are passed on and on for the sake of human rights enhancement. The storytellers’ lives have thus sublimed, for the repeated actions of storytelling have been decomposing and healing the traumas inside their hearts, and having positive influence to the visitors of the Museum and to the whole Taiwanese society as well.
This study has confirmed that transitional justice has to start with people. To actively put transitional justice in practice, every individual in the society has to be well educated to cultivate a good sense of human rights, a positive attitude towards social justice, and enthusiasm for the exploration of historical truths. In the Human Rights Museum, the volunteer narrators have not only transformed their lives from miserable victims into determined social justice promoters but have also influenced and encouraged young visitors to start paying attention to incidences of injustice happening around them and to take actions against them. The positive influences form a cycle and reinforce one another, helping to shape a collective, bottom-up value system that is the very core of democracy.
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簽訂自由貿易協定對產業衝擊之因應策略:以韓國對美國簽訂FTA為例 / The Countermeasures to the Affected Industries when Signing FTAs: A Case Study of KORUS FTA劉偉辰, Liu, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自由貿易有利有弊,一方面為國內經濟的出口優勢產業開拓新市場,另一方面伴隨著撤除各種貿易壁壘措施,將會使國內弱勢、內需產業遭到衝擊,無法避免國外進口不斷增加帶來的傷害。因此在自由貿易過程中,政府如何制訂對進口競爭引起衝擊的相關救濟問題與貿易調整協助措施,或是補償措施逐漸受到重視,例如美國自1962年開始採取的貿易援助法案(Trade Adjustment Assistance, TAA),後改為貿易調整協助方案,旨在透過協助方式協助貿易自由化下容易受到衝擊的產業與勞工,而韓國也因簽訂美韓 FTA 而制定相似的救濟政策。
本文以韓美FTA作為個案討論,研究發現以韓國角度來看,韓美FTA簽訂快速的原因包含政府及人民的大多數支持、韓國政府對受衝擊產業制定各項因應措施等因素。而這些因應措施無論是在談判階段或是協議簽訂後,都不斷在修正與制定,以達到符合協助受衝擊產業之目的。 / Free trade is accompanied by advantages and disadvantages, it could expand new markets for the export advantageous industries; on the other hand, it could affect the disadvantageous minority industries while removing trade barriers. Thus, it is important how the government sets up the countermeasures or the indemnify measures to ease the harm that foreign import products bring. For instance, the United States have adopted Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) since 1962, it is meant to assist industries and workers that are affected by free trade. South Korea has established similar countermeasures since KORUS FTA was concluded.
This study is a case study of KORUS FTA . It shows that from South Korea’s perspective, it has support among government and people, Korean government has established countermeasures for the affected industries, and all these factors made KOURS FTA took less time to sign than South Korea’s most FTAs. These countermeasures were being amended during the negotiation process and after the FTA was concluded, in order to achieve the goal of assisting affected industries.
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控制權溢價之研究—從凱雷收購東森媒體科技一案出發 / Discussion on control premium – the carlyle group cash-out the Eastern Media international corporation case report陳盈良 Unknown Date (has links)
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慢性疼痛或壓力情境對於類鴉片delta受體的調節與其抗憂鬱功能的改變 / Effects of chronic pain or stress on the modulation of delta opioid receptor and its mediated antidepressant-like effect陳昶名 Unknown Date (has links)
憂鬱症是盛行的精神疾病之一。慢性疼痛或是處在長期壓力情境的患者常與憂鬱症產生共病。在動物研究中,類鴉片delta受體制效劑能產生抗憂鬱效果,並且在發炎性疼痛的研究也指出類鴉片delta受體制效劑能展現抗痛覺過敏的效果。本研究主要利用大白鼠腦室內給予類鴉片delta受體制效劑SNC80以及三環抗憂鬱劑amitriptyline,來探討並比較其所產生的抗憂鬱效果在發炎性疼痛或長期壓力情境下與正常情境下的異同。大白鼠強迫游泳試驗被用來比較測試藥物的抗憂鬱效果;佛氏完全佐劑經由皮下注射至大白鼠右後腳掌底板來產生發炎性疼痛;腎上腺皮質酮經由皮下注射且持續21天來產生長期性壓力;西方墨點法用來檢驗在發炎性疼痛或長期壓力下,類鴉片delta受體蛋白質在大白鼠海馬迴的細胞膜上的改變。另外,拮抗劑實驗則用來確認類鴉片delta受體所產生的抗憂鬱效果。實驗結果顯示,大白鼠在正常情境下,SNC80及amitriptyline皆能產生抗憂鬱效果;然而在發炎性疼痛下,SNC80所產生的抗憂鬱效果有提高的表現,並且類鴉片delta受體蛋白質的數量在海馬迴的細胞膜上也隨著疼痛的時間增長而增加,amitriptyline則跟正常情境下的效果相似。另外,大白鼠在長期性壓力下,SNC80的抗憂鬱效果則沒有提高的表現,並且類鴉片delta受體蛋白質的數量在海馬迴的細胞膜上也未受到改變。本研究透過行為實驗提出類鴉片delta受體制效劑的藥理特性,並用分子生物學的方法來對應行為實驗的結果。本研究可做為未來類鴉片delta受體制效劑在治療慢性疼痛的憂鬱症患者上,可能發展為抗憂鬱藥的一個證據。 / Depression is one of the most prevalent mental illnesses all over the world. Patients with chronic pain or stress often have depression. Previous studies have shown that delta opioid receptor (DOR) agonists produced antidepressant-like effects in animal models and that antihyperalgesic effects of DOR agonists can be enhanced in rats under inflammatory pain. The aim of the study was to investigate and compare the antidepressant-like effects of a DOR agonist, SNC80, and a tricyclic antidepressant, amitriptyline, following intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration in rats under different states. The forced swim test was used to determine the antidepressant-like effects of test compounds. Complete Freund’s adjuvant was injected subcutaneously into the right hind paw of rats to elicit inflammatory pain. Corticosterone was injected subcutaneously once per day for 21 days to induce chronic stress. The western blot was used to quantify the levels of DOR protein on plasma membrane in the hippocampus of rats under inflammatory pain or chronic stress. In addition, antagonist experiment was conducted to verify the receptor mechanism underlying the antidepressant-like effects of DOR agonist. Results indicated that i.c.v. SNC80 and amitriptyline dose-dependently produced antidepressant-like effects in rats under normal state. More importantly, the potency of SNC80-induced antidepressant-like effects, but not amitriptyline, was enhanced in rats under inflammatory pain. In addition, up-regulation of supraspinal DORs was time-dependently associated with enhanced antidepressant-like effects of SNC80 in rats under inflammatory pain. On the other hand, SNC80 did not produce enhanced antidepressant-like effects, and DOR density was not changed in rats under chronic stress. This study provides evidence of the DOR agonist’s state-dependent effects and suggests that DOR agonists may be more effective as potential antidepressants for patients with depression comorbid with chronic pain.
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市地重劃效益與負擔之研究謝靜琪 Unknown Date (has links)
市地重劃運用使用者付費之觀念,將開發利益以公共設施用地及建設經費的內容,轉換成抵費地之方式回饋社會,目前依法令規定此回饋比例不得超過市地重劃總面積之百分之四十五。然而如何適當地評估開發利益(即市地重劃效益),並依此獲利負擔回饋(即市地重劃負擔)是本研究所欲了解的。本研究藉由地價理論,確定市地重劃效益主要是因為公共設施投資建設所產生之寧適性與可建性,資本化為每宗土地之土地價值一部分而得;其次依分配價值理論與使用者付費方法,確定市地重劃負擔具有類似稅捐性質,其意為每宗土地支付重劃負擔所繳納之土地比例。由此觀點,本研究藉由市地重劃地價函數之建立,依特徵價格法( Hedonic Price Method)建構實證模型,並且選定臺中市第七期及第八期重劃區為實證地區,以討論公共設施投資建設對市地重劃後土地價值的景響程度,2重劃負擔法定比例的經濟意義及土地所有權人對重劃負擔的真實負擔能力,以及3以個體經濟之觀點,衡量土地所有權人對重劃之利益與負擔,願意支付之價格。最後再進一步檢討1現行市地重劃分配計算方式之缺失,2以抵費地支付重負擔之問題,以及3重劃估價方式之間題,並提出改進方向。
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大學生網際網路使用行為、性別、社會焦慮與網路諮商意願、生活適應問題接受網路諮商意願之研究王郁文 Unknown Date (has links)
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